Server requests using client challenges
What is it?
This PHP/JavaScript package can be used to add client challenges on top of your
AJAX requests to protect your scripts against brute-force or DoS attacks.
It can also protect your server against resource starvation attacks, for example,
if you have a login script that uses a complex hash algorithm like BCrypt.
Usage example
A usage example is located in the directory example/
System requirements
- PHP-compatible web server (tested with Apache 2, nginx, and Microsoft IIS)
- PHP 7.0 or higher (also tested with PHP 8.0)
- Independent of operating system (tested with Windows, Linux, and macOS X)
Program flow
1. Request from Client to Server (Get Challenge)
Request parameters:
The server will generate a secret random number between Min and Max.
The difference between Min and Max is the complexity constant.
- Current time ("Start time")
- Challenge =
Hash(StartTime + IP address + Random number)
- Challenge integrity =
Hash_HMAC(Challenge, ServerSecret)
Additionally, the server will create a "transaction file" (which prevents a replay attack). The filename is Hash_HMAC(IP+Random, ServerSecret)
The client will now brute-force all values to find the random value between Min and Max.
2. Request from Client to Server (Solve Challenge and request the resource)
Request parameters:
- StartTime (as received previously from the server)
- IP address of the client (as received previously from the server)
- Challenge (as received previously from server)
- Answer (the random number found)
- Challenge Integrity (as received previously from the server)
The server will do:
- Check if parameters exist and have the correct data type
- Verify that the IP address is the same, otherwise return the error "IP address changed"
- Verify StartTime is not older than "X" minutes*, otherwise return the error "Challenge expired"
- Verify that the challenge integrity fits the HMAC of the Challenge
- Check if the challenge was solved, i.e. Original Challenge matches
Hash(StartTime + IP + Answer)
- Check if the transaction file exists, otherwise return the error "Challenge submitted twice"
- If all is OK, delete the transaction file (to prevent the answer is sent again) and grant access to the resource
Note: Depending on when you solve the challenge, you should decide on a fitting timeout value, e.g.
- When the challenge is solved once the login/contact/... form is shown -> choose a timeout value of 10 minutes. The usage of a "transaction file" is important, because the same challenge can be submitted within 10 minutes.
- When the challenge is solved during the pressing of the "log in/send/..." button -> choose a timeout value of 10-30 seconds (depending on what your complexity constant is and how fast the client CPU is). Usage of "transaction file" is still recommended, but not as important.
Reporting a bug
You can file a bug report here:
If you have any questions or need help, please contact us: