// ViaThinkSoft YouTube Downloader Functions 2.3
// Revision: 2022-12-19
// Author: Daniel Marschall <www.daniel-marschall.de>
// Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License
// Get API key: https://console.developers.google.com/apis/credentials
// Test API here: https://developers.google.com/apis-explorer/?hl=de#p/youtube/v3/youtube.playlistItems.list
$yt_apikey = null;
$yt_apikey_callback = null;
function yt_set_apikey($apikey) {
global $yt_apikey;
$yt_apikey = $apikey;
function yt_set_apikey_callback($apikey_callback) {
global $yt_apikey_callback;
$yt_apikey_callback = $apikey_callback;
function yt_get_apikey() {
global $yt_apikey, $yt_apikey_callback;
if (!empty($yt_apikey_callback)) {
if (!yt_check_apikey_syntax($apikey)) throw new Exception("Invalid API key '$apikey'");
} else if (!empty($yt_apikey)) {
$apikey = $yt_apikey;
if (!yt_check_apikey_syntax($apikey)) throw new Exception("Invalid API key '$apikey'");
} else {
throw new Exception("This function requires a YouTube API key.\n");
return $apikey;
function yt_playlist_items($playlist_id, $maxresults=-1) {
$next_page_token = '';
do {
$cont = @file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/playlistItems?part=snippet&playlistId='.urlencode($playlist_id).'&maxResults=50'.(($next_page_token!='') ?
'&pageToken='.urlencode($next_page_token) : '').'&key='.urlencode(yt_get_apikey
if (!$cont) return false; // e.g. if Playlist was deleted
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['snippet']['resourceId']['kind'] == 'youtube#video') {
$title = $item['snippet']['title'];
$video_id = $item['snippet']['resourceId']['videoId'];
$out[] = array($video_id, $title);
if (($maxresults != -1) && ($maxresults == count($out))) return $out;
$next_page_token = isset($obj['nextPageToken']) ?
$obj['nextPageToken'] : '';
} while ($next_page_token != '');
return $out;
function yt_get_channel_id($username) {
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['kind'] == 'youtube#channel') {
return $item['id'];
function yt_get_channel_id_and_stats($username) {
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['kind'] == 'youtube#channel') {
return array($item['id'], $item['statistics']);
function yt_get_channel_stats($channel_id) {
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false; //totalResults could be 0
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['kind'] == 'youtube#channel') {
return $item['statistics'];
function yt_get_playlist_stats($playlist_id) {
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['kind'] == 'youtube#playlist') {
if (!isset($item['contentDetails']) || is_null($item['contentDetails'])) return false; // can happen to deleted playlists
return $item['contentDetails'];
function yt_channel_items($channel_id, $searchterms='', $maxresults=-1) {
$next_page_token = '';
do {
$cont = @file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&channelId='.urlencode($channel_id).(($searchterms!='') ?
'&q='.urlencode($searchterms) : '').'&maxResults=50'.(($next_page_token!='') ?
'&pageToken='.urlencode($next_page_token) : '').'&key='.urlencode(yt_get_apikey
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#video') {
$title = $item['snippet']['title'];
$video_id = $item['id']['videoId'];
$out[] = array($video_id, $title);
if (($maxresults != -1) && ($maxresults == count($out))) return $out;
$next_page_token = isset($obj['nextPageToken']) ?
$obj['nextPageToken'] : '';
} while ($next_page_token != '');
return $out;
// Acceptable order values are: date, rating, relevance(default), title, videoCount, viewCount
function yt_search_items($searchterms, $order='', $maxresults=-1) {
$next_page_token = '';
do {
$cont = @file_get_contents('https://www.googleapis.com/youtube/v3/search?part=snippet&q='.urlencode($searchterms).(($order!='') ?
'&order='.urlencode($order) : '').'&maxResults=50'.(($next_page_token!='') ?
'&pageToken='.urlencode($next_page_token) : '').'&key='.urlencode(yt_get_apikey
if (!$cont) return false;
if (!$obj) return false;
if (!isset($obj['items'])) return false;
foreach ($obj['items'] as $item) {
if ($item['id']['kind'] == 'youtube#video') {
$title = $item['snippet']['title'];
$video_id = $item['id']['videoId'];
$out[] = array($video_id, $title);
if (($maxresults != -1) && ($maxresults == count($out))) return $out;
$next_page_token = isset($obj['nextPageToken']) ?
$obj['nextPageToken'] : '';
} while ($next_page_token != '');
return $out;
function getVideoIDFromURL($url) {
// Extract video ID from the URL
$vid = false;
$m = null;
# Usual format
if (($vid === false) && (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/watch(.*)(/|&|\\?)v=([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})@ismU", $url, $m))) {
$vid = $m[4];
# Short format
if (($vid === false) && (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtu\\.be/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})@ismU", $url, $m))) {
$vid = $m[2];
# YouTube "Shorts"
if (($vid === false) && (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/shorts/([a-zA-Z0-9_-]{11})@ismU", $url, $m))) {
$vid = $m[2];
return $vid;
function getPlaylistIDFromURL($url) {
$pid = false;
# Usual format
$m = null;
if (($pid === false) && (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/(.*)(/|&|\\?)list=(.+)&@ismU", $url.'&', $m))) {
$pid = $m[4];
return $pid;
function yt_check_apikey_syntax($apikey) {
return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9]{39}$@', $apikey);
function yt_check_video_id($video_id) {
return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{11}$@', $video_id);
function yt_get_channel_id_from_custom_url($custom_url) {
// TODO: is there any API possibility??? API only accepts username and id ?!
// https://www.youtube.com/c/SASASMR
// <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCp4LfMtDfoa29kTlLnqQ5Mg">
// https://www.youtube.com/impaulsive
// <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCGeBogGDZ9W3dsGx-mWQGJA">
// https://www.youtube.com/@KosmonautMusicSpecials
// <link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCayYOQ0DEIpcTgO9z_b-K1A">
if ($cont === false) {
throw new Exception("Cannot open $custom_url using file_get_contents.");
if (!preg_match('@<link rel="canonical" href="https://www.youtube.com/channel/([^"]+)">@ismU', $cont, $m)) {
return false;
return $m[1];
function yt_get_channel_id_from_url($channel_url) {
$m = null;
if (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/user/(.*)(/|&|\\?)@ismU", $channel_url.'&', $m)) {
// Username (deprecated feature. Not every channel has a username associated with it)
// https://www.youtube.com/user/USERNAME
$username = $m[2];
$channel_id = yt_get_channel_id($username);
return $channel_id;
} else if (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/channel/(.*)(/|&|\\?)@ismU", $channel_url.'&', $m)) {
// Real channel ID
// https://www.youtube.com/channel/ID
$channel_id = $m[2];
return $channel_id;
} else if (preg_match("@https{0,1}://(www\\.|)youtube\\.com/(c/){0,1}(.*)(/|&|\\?)@ismU", $channel_url.'&', $m)) {
// Channel custom URL
// https://www.youtube.com/NAME or https://www.youtube.com/c/NAME
return yt_get_channel_id_from_custom_url($channel_url);
} else {
return false;
// Examples:
//yt_set_apikey(trim(file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/.yt_api_key')));
//print_r(yt_channel_items('UCjPjcMEAN64opOoNQE9GykA', 'Knight'));
//print_r(yt_search_items('Wesley Willis', 'date', 10));