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#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php @ob_end_clean(); ?><?php

$web = 'index.php';

if (in_array('phar', stream_get_wrappers()) && class_exists('Phar', 0)) {
set_include_path('phar://' . __FILE__ . PATH_SEPARATOR . get_include_path());
Phar::webPhar(null, $web);
include 'phar://' . __FILE__ . '/' . Extract_Phar::START;

$mimes = array(
'phps' => 2,
'c' => 'text/plain',
'cc' => 'text/plain',
'cpp' => 'text/plain',
'c++' => 'text/plain',
'dtd' => 'text/plain',
'h' => 'text/plain',
'log' => 'text/plain',
'rng' => 'text/plain',
'txt' => 'text/plain',
'xsd' => 'text/plain',
'php' => 1,
'inc' => 1,
'avi' => 'video/avi',
'bmp' => 'image/bmp',
'css' => 'text/css',
'gif' => 'image/gif',
'htm' => 'text/html',
'html' => 'text/html',
'htmls' => 'text/html',
'ico' => 'image/x-ico',
'jpe' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpg' => 'image/jpeg',
'jpeg' => 'image/jpeg',
'js' => 'application/x-javascript',
'midi' => 'audio/midi',
'mid' => 'audio/midi',
'mod' => 'audio/mod',
'mov' => 'movie/quicktime',
'mp3' => 'audio/mp3',
'mpg' => 'video/mpeg',
'mpeg' => 'video/mpeg',
'pdf' => 'application/pdf',
'png' => 'image/png',
'swf' => 'application/shockwave-flash',
'tif' => 'image/tiff',
'tiff' => 'image/tiff',
'wav' => 'audio/wav',
'xbm' => 'image/xbm',
'xml' => 'text/xml',

header("Cache-Control: no-cache, must-revalidate");
header("Pragma: no-cache");

$basename = basename(__FILE__);
if (!strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $basename)) {
include $web;
$pt = substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $basename) + strlen($basename));
if (!$pt || $pt == '/') {
$pt = $web;
header('HTTP/1.1 301 Moved Permanently');
header('Location: ' . $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . '/' . $pt);
$a = realpath(Extract_Phar::$temp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $pt);
if (!$a || strlen(dirname($a)) < strlen(Extract_Phar::$temp)) {
header('HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found');
echo "<html>\n <head>\n  <title>File Not Found<title>\n </head>\n <body>\n  <h1>404 - File Not Found</h1>\n </body>\n</html>";
$b = pathinfo($a);
if (!isset($b['extension'])) {
header('Content-Type: text/plain');
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($a));
if (isset($mimes[$b['extension']])) {
if ($mimes[$b['extension']] === 1) {
include $a;
if ($mimes[$b['extension']] === 2) {
header('Content-Type: ' .$mimes[$b['extension']]);
header('Content-Length: ' . filesize($a));

class Extract_Phar
static $temp;
static $origdir;
const GZ = 0x1000;
const BZ2 = 0x2000;
const MASK = 0x3000;
const START = 'plugins/openbugbounty/check_openbugbounty.phps';
const LEN = 6680;

static function go($return = false)
$fp = fopen(__FILE__, 'rb');
fseek($fp, self::LEN);
$L = unpack('V', $a = fread($fp, 4));
$m = '';

do {
$read = 8192;
if ($L[1] - strlen($m) < 8192) {
$read = $L[1] - strlen($m);
$last = fread($fp, $read);
$m .= $last;
} while (strlen($last) && strlen($m) < $L[1]);

if (strlen($m) < $L[1]) {
die('ERROR: manifest length read was "' .
strlen($m) .'" should be "' .
$L[1] . '"');

$info = self::_unpack($m);
$f = $info['c'];

if ($f & self::GZ) {
if (!function_exists('gzinflate')) {
die('Error: zlib extension is not enabled -' .
' gzinflate() function needed for zlib-compressed .phars');

if ($f & self::BZ2) {
if (!function_exists('bzdecompress')) {
die('Error: bzip2 extension is not enabled -' .
' bzdecompress() function needed for bz2-compressed .phars');

$temp = self::tmpdir();

if (!$temp || !is_writable($temp)) {
$sessionpath = session_save_path();
if (strpos ($sessionpath, ";") !== false)
$sessionpath = substr ($sessionpath, strpos ($sessionpath, ";")+1);
if (!file_exists($sessionpath) || !is_dir($sessionpath)) {
die('Could not locate temporary directory to extract phar');
$temp = $sessionpath;

$temp .= '/pharextract/'.basename(__FILE__, '.phar');
self::$temp = $temp;
self::$origdir = getcwd();
@mkdir($temp, 0777, true);
$temp = realpath($temp);

if (!file_exists($temp . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . md5_file(__FILE__))) {
self::_removeTmpFiles($temp, getcwd());
@mkdir($temp, 0777, true);
@file_put_contents($temp . '/' . md5_file(__FILE__), '');

foreach ($info['m'] as $path => $file) {
$a = !file_exists(dirname($temp . '/' . $path));
@mkdir(dirname($temp . '/' . $path), 0777, true);

if ($path[strlen($path) - 1] == '/') {
@mkdir($temp . '/' . $path, 0777);
} else {
file_put_contents($temp . '/' . $path, self::extractFile($path, $file, $fp));
@chmod($temp . '/' . $path, 0666);


if (!$return) {
include self::START;

static function tmpdir()
if (strpos(PHP_OS, 'WIN') !== false) {
if ($var = getenv('TMP') ? getenv('TMP') : getenv('TEMP')) {
return $var;
if (is_dir('/temp') || mkdir('/temp')) {
return realpath('/temp');
return false;
if ($var = getenv('TMPDIR')) {
return $var;
return realpath('/tmp');

static function _unpack($m)
$info = unpack('V', substr($m, 0, 4));
 $l = unpack('V', substr($m, 10, 4));
$m = substr($m, 14 + $l[1]);
$s = unpack('V', substr($m, 0, 4));
$o = 0;
$start = 4 + $s[1];
$ret['c'] = 0;

for ($i = 0; $i < $info[1]; $i++) {
 $len = unpack('V', substr($m, $start, 4));
$start += 4;
 $savepath = substr($m, $start, $len[1]);
$start += $len[1];
   $ret['m'][$savepath] = array_values(unpack('Va/Vb/Vc/Vd/Ve/Vf', substr($m, $start, 24)));
$ret['m'][$savepath][3] = sprintf('%u', $ret['m'][$savepath][3]
& 0xffffffff);
$ret['m'][$savepath][7] = $o;
$o += $ret['m'][$savepath][2];
$start += 24 + $ret['m'][$savepath][5];
$ret['c'] |= $ret['m'][$savepath][4] & self::MASK;
return $ret;

static function extractFile($path, $entry, $fp)
$data = '';
$c = $entry[2];

while ($c) {
if ($c < 8192) {
$data .= @fread($fp, $c);
$c = 0;
} else {
$c -= 8192;
$data .= @fread($fp, 8192);

if ($entry[4] & self::GZ) {
$data = gzinflate($data);
} elseif ($entry[4] & self::BZ2) {
$data = bzdecompress($data);

if (strlen($data) != $entry[0]) {
die("Invalid internal .phar file (size error " . strlen($data) . " != " .
$stat[7] . ")");

if ($entry[3] != sprintf("%u", crc32($data) & 0xffffffff)) {
die("Invalid internal .phar file (checksum error)");

return $data;

static function _removeTmpFiles($temp, $origdir)

foreach (glob('*') as $f) {
if (file_exists($f)) {
is_dir($f) ? @rmdir($f) : @unlink($f);
if (file_exists($f) && is_dir($f)) {
self::_removeTmpFiles($f, getcwd());


ea:1:{s:23:"";s:337:"sha256||framework/|460b109d1c578e9b6af41612e0312c9f36fd8beb51f7aa92f1b7bd49614568e8||plugins/openbugbounty/OpenBugBountyCheck.class.php|1e2515fb55e3bd734176d138c07da939555b1ff4879d05b9482ffdc9900c77dc||plugins/openbugbounty/check_openbugbounty.phps|f0d3c97a07949f0e8192ad167e8abcc461b895cd47fc3bc7a836968d2f92706e||";} framework/Ùzï*eLُ4p”¤2plugins/openbugbounty/OpenBugBountyCheck.class.php¸zï*e¸l[¸Ú¤.plugins/openbugbounty/check_openbugbounty.phpsÎzï*eÎÕ«¤<?php  ?>
 if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) error_reporting(E_ALL); declare(ticks=1); set_time_limit(0); define('VNAG_JSONDATA_V1', 'oid:'); $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS = null; function _empty($x) { return is_null($x) || (trim($x) == ''); } abstract class VNag { const VNAG_VERSION = '2023-10-13'; const STATUS_OK = 0; const STATUS_WARNING = 1; const STATUS_CRITICAL = 2; const STATUS_UNKNOWN = 3; const STATUS_ERROR = 4; const STATUS_UP = 0; const STATUS_DOWN = 1; const STATUS_MAINTAIN = 2; const VERBOSITY_SUMMARY = 0; const VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION = 1; const VERBOSITY_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG = 2; const VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG = 3; const MAX_VERBOSITY = self::VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG; const STATUSMODEL_SERVICE = 0; const STATUSMODEL_HOST = 1; private $initialized = false; private $status = null; private $messages = array(); private $verbose_info = ''; private $warningRanges = array(); private $criticalRanges = array(); private $performanceDataObjects = array(); private static $exitcode = 0; private $helpObj = null; private $argHandler = null; const OUTPUT_NEVER = 0; const OUTPUT_SPECIAL = 1; const OUTPUT_NORMAL = 2; const OUTPUT_EXCEPTION = 4; const OUTPUT_ALWAYS = 7; public $http_visual_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; public $http_invisible_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; protected $html_before = ''; protected $html_after = ''; protected $statusmodel = self::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE; protected $show_status_in_headline = true; protected $default_status = self::STATUS_UNKNOWN; protected $default_warning_range = null; protected $default_critical_range = null; protected $argWarning; protected $argCritical; protected $argVersion; protected $argVerbosity; protected $argTimeout; protected $argHelp; protected $argUsage; public $id = null; protected static $http_serial_number = 0; public $privkey = null; public $privkey_password = null; public $sign_algo = null; public $pubkey = null; protected $warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); protected $criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT = 0; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD = 1; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD = 2; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD = 3; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD = 4; public $password_out = null; public $password_in = null; public static function is_http_mode() { return php_sapi_name() !== 'cli'; } public function getHelpManager() { return $this->helpObj; } public function getArgumentHandler() { return $this->argHandler; } public function outputHTML($text, $after_visual_output=true) { if ($this->is_http_mode()) { if ($this->initialized) { if ($after_visual_output) { $this->html_after .= $text; } else { $this->html_before .= $text; } } else { echo $text; } } } protected function resetArguments() { $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; $this->argVersion = null; $this->argVerbosity = null; $this->argTimeout = null; $this->argHelp = null; $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; } public function registerExpectedStandardArguments($args) { $this->resetArguments(); for ($i=0; $i<strlen($args); $i++) { switch ($args[$i]) { case 'w': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argWarning = new VNagArgument('w', 'warning', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$warning_range)); break; case 'c': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argCritical = new VNagArgument('c', 'critical', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$critical_range)); break; case 'V': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVersion = new VNagArgument('V', 'version', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_version)); break; case 'v': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVerbosity = new VNagArgument('v', 'verbose', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$verbosity_helptext)); break; case 't': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argTimeout = new VNagArgument('t', 'timeout', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_seconds, VNagLang::$timeout_helptext)); break; case 'h': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argHelp = new VNagArgument('h', 'help', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$help_helptext)); break; default: $letter = $args[$i]; throw new VNagInvalidStandardArgument(sprintf(VNagLang::$no_standard_arguments_with_letter, $letter)); } } } public function addExpectedArgument($argObj) { $helpObjAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->helpObj, '_addOption'); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->helpObj, $argObj); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->argHandler, '_addExpectedArgument'); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->argHandler, $argObj); } protected function createArgumentHandler() { $this->argHandler = new VNagArgumentHandler(); } protected function createHelpObject() { $this->helpObj = new VNagHelp(); } protected function checkInitialized() { if (!$this->initialized) throw new VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession(); } protected function getVerbosityLevel() { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->argVerbosity)) { return self::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY; } else { $level = $this->argVerbosity->count(); if ($level > self::MAX_VERBOSITY) $level = self::MAX_VERBOSITY; return $level; } } public function getWarningRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argWarning)) { $warning = $this->argWarning->getValue(); if (!is_null($warning)) { $vals = explode(',',$warning); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { if (_empty($val)) { $this->warningRanges[$number] = null; } else { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->warningRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } } else { $this->warningRanges[0] = $this->default_warning_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function getCriticalRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argCritical)) { $critical = $this->argCritical->getValue(); if (!is_null($critical)) { $vals = explode(',',$critical); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->criticalRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } else { $this->criticalRanges[0] = $this->default_critical_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function checkAgainstWarningRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('w')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-w'); } $wr = $this->getWarningRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($wr)) { if ($wr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_warning_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-w'); } } } } public function checkAgainstCriticalRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('c')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-c'); } $cr = $this->getCriticalRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($cr)) { if ($cr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_critical_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-c'); } } } } protected static function getBaddestExitcode($code1, $code2) { return max($code1, $code2); } public static function _shutdownHandler() { if (!self::is_http_mode()) { exit((int)self::$exitcode); } } protected function _exit($code) { self::$exitcode = $this->getBaddestExitcode($code, self::$exitcode); } private $constructed = false; function __construct() { $this->createHelpObject(); $this->createArgumentHandler(); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argUsage = new VNagArgument('?', '', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_usage)); $this->constructed = true; } function __destruct() { if (Timeouter::started()) { Timeouter::end(); } } public function run() { global $inside_vnag_run; $inside_vnag_run = true; try { if (!$this->constructed) { throw new VNagNotConstructed(VNagLang::$notConstructed); } try { $this->initialized = true; $this->html_before = ''; $this->html_after = ''; $this->setStatus(null, true); $this->messages = array(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, '_shutdownHandler')); if ($this->argHandler->illegalUsage()) { $content = $this->helpObj->printUsagePage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argVersion) && ($this->argVersion->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printVersionPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argHelp) && ($this->argHelp->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printHelpPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } $this->getWarningRange(); $this->getCriticalRange(); if (!is_null($this->argTimeout)) { $timeout = $this->argTimeout->getValue(); if (!is_null($timeout)) { Timeouter::start($timeout); } } ob_start(); $init_ob_level = ob_get_level(); try { $this->cbRun(); if (ob_get_level() < $init_ob_level) throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(VNagLang::$output_level_lowered); } finally { while (ob_get_level() > $init_ob_level) @ob_end_clean(); } if (is_null($this->status)) $this->setStatus($this->default_status,true); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_NORMAL; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_EXCEPTION; } if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_invisible_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML(); } if ($this->http_visual_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeVisualHTML(); } echo $this->html_after; } else { echo $this->getNagiosConsoleText(); return $this->_exit($this->status); } Timeouter::end(); } finally { $inside_vnag_run = false; } } private function getNagiosConsoleText() { $ary_perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); $performancedata_first = array_shift($ary_perfdata); $performancedata_rest = implode(' ', $ary_perfdata); $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content = $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content = $status_text.': '.$this->getHeadline(); } else { $content = $this->getHeadline(); } } if (!_empty($performancedata_first)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_first); $content .= "\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= trim($this->verbose_info); } if (!_empty($performancedata_rest)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_rest); $content .= "\n"; return trim($content)."\n"; } abstract protected function cbRun(); public function addPerformanceData($prefDataObj, $move_to_font=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) return false; if ($move_to_font) { array_unshift($this->performanceDataObjects, $prefDataObj); } else { $this->performanceDataObjects[] = $prefDataObj; } return true; } public function getPerformanceData() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->performanceDataObjects; } public function removePerformanceData($prefDataObj) { if (($key = array_search($prefDataObj, $this->performanceDataObjects, true)) !== false) { unset($this->performanceDataObjects[$key]); return true; } else { return false; } } public function clearPerformanceData() { $this->performanceDataObjects = array(); } public function getVerboseInfo() { return $this->verbose_info; } public function clearVerboseInfo() { $this->verbose_info = ''; } private function writeVisualHTML($special_content=null) { if (!_empty($special_content)) { $content = $special_content; } else { $content = strtoupper(VNagLang::$status.': '.VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel))."\n\n"; $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$message).":\n"; $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content .= $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content .= $status_text.': '.trim($this->getHeadline()); } else { $content .= trim($this->getHeadline()); } } $content .= "\n\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$verbose_info).":\n".trim($this->verbose_info)."\n\n"; } $perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); if (count($perfdata) > 0) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$performance_data).":\n"; foreach ($perfdata as $pd) { $content .= trim($pd)."\n"; } $content .= "\n"; } } $colorinfo = ''; $status = $this->getStatus(); if ($status == VNag::STATUS_OK) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:green;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_WARNING) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:yellow;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_ERROR) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:purple;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:lightgray;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; $html_content = trim($content); $html_content = htmlentities($html_content); $html_content = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $html_content); $html_content = nl2br($html_content); return '<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="width:100%" class="vnag_table">'. '<tr'.$colorinfo.' class="vnag_title_row">'. '<td>'.VNagLang::$nagios_output.'</td>'. '</tr>'. '<tr class="vnag_message_row">'. '<td><code>'. $html_content. '</code></td>'. '</tr>'. '</table>'; } protected function readInvisibleHTML($html) { $this->checkInitialized(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('script'); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $type = $tag->getAttribute('type'); if ($type !== 'application/json') continue; $json = $tag->nodeValue; if (!$json) continue; $data = @json_decode($json,true); if (!is_array($data)) continue; if (!isset($data['type'])) continue; if ($data['type'] === VNAG_JSONDATA_V1) { if (!isset($data['datasets'])) throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_missing); foreach ($data['datasets'] as $dataset) { $payload = base64_decode($dataset['payload']); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_base64); } if (isset($dataset['encryption'])) { $cryptInfo = $dataset['encryption']; if (!is_array($cryptInfo)) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_encryption_no_array); } $password = is_null($this->password_in) ? '' : $this->password_in; $salt = base64_decode($cryptInfo['salt']); if ($cryptInfo['hash'] != hash('sha256',$salt.$password)) { if ($password == '') { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$require_password); } else { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$wrong_password); } } if (!function_exists('openssl_decrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $payload = openssl_decrypt($payload, $cryptInfo['method'], $password, 0, $cryptInfo['iv']); } if (!is_null($this->pubkey) && ($this->pubkey !== '')) { if (substr($this->pubkey,0,3) === '---') { $public_key = $this->pubkey; } else { if (!file_exists($this->pubkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_found, $this->pubkey)); } $public_key = @file_get_contents($this->pubkey); if (!$public_key) { throw new VNagPublicKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_readable, $this->pubkey)); } } if (!isset($dataset['signature'])) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_missing); } $signature = base64_decode($dataset['signature']); if (!$signature) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_not_bas64); } if (!function_exists('openssl_verify')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (!openssl_verify($payload, $signature, $public_key, $sign_algo)) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_invalid); } } $payload = @json_decode($payload,true); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_json); } if ($payload['id'] == $this->id) { return $payload; } } } } return null; } private function getNextMonitorID($peek=false) { $result = is_null($this->id) ? self::$http_serial_number : $this->id; if (!$peek) { $this->id = null; self::$http_serial_number++; } return $result; } private function writeInvisibleHTML($special_content=null) { $payload['id'] = $this->getNextMonitorID(); $payload['status'] = $this->getStatus(); if (!_empty($special_content)) { $payload['text'] = $special_content; } else { $payload['headline'] = $this->getHeadline(); $payload['verbose_info'] = $this->verbose_info; $payload['performance_data'] = array(); foreach ($this->performanceDataObjects as $perfdata) { $payload['performance_data'][] = (string)$perfdata; } } $payload = json_encode($payload); $dataset = array(); if (!is_null($this->privkey) && ($this->privkey !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_private') || !function_exists('openssl_sign')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } if (substr($this->privkey,0,3) === '---') { $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private($this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_not_readable)); } } else { if (!file_exists($this->privkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_found, $this->privkey)); } $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private('file://'.$this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_readable, $this->privkey)); } } $signature = ''; $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (@openssl_sign($payload, $signature, $pkeyid, $sign_algo)) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0') < 0) { openssl_free_key($pkeyid); } $dataset['signature'] = base64_encode($signature); } else { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$signature_failed)); } } if (!is_null($this->password_out) && ($this->password_out !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $password = $this->password_out; $method = 'aes-256-ofb'; $iv = substr(hash('sha256', openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)), 0, 16); $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $cryptInfo = array(); $cryptInfo['method'] = $method; $cryptInfo['iv'] = $iv; $cryptInfo['salt'] = base64_encode($salt); $cryptInfo['hash'] = hash('sha256', $salt.$password); $payload = openssl_encrypt($payload, $method, $password, 0, $iv); $dataset['encryption'] = $cryptInfo; } $dataset['payload'] = base64_encode($payload); $json = array(); $json['type'] = VNAG_JSONDATA_V1; $json['datasets'] = array($dataset); return '<script type="application/json">'. json_encode($json). '</script>'; } protected function appendHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) return false; $this->messages[] = $msg; return true; } protected function changeHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) { $this->messages = array(); } else { $this->messages = array($msg); } return true; } public function setHeadline($msg, $append=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) $msg = ''; if ($append) { return $this->appendHeadline($msg); } else { return $this->changeHeadline($msg); } } public function getHeadline() { $this->checkInitialized(); return implode(', ', $this->messages); } public function addVerboseMessage($msg, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() >= $verbosityLevel) { $this->verbose_info .= $msg."\n"; } } public function setStatus($status, $force=false) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (($force) || is_null($this->status) || ($status > $this->status)) { $this->status = $status; } } public function getStatus() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->status; } protected static function exceptionText($exception) { $class = get_class($exception); $msg = $exception->getMessage(); if (!_empty($msg)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$exception_x, $msg, $class); } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$unhandled_exception_without_msg, $class); } } protected function handleException($exception) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) { while (ob_get_level() > 0) @ob_end_clean(); } $this->clearVerboseInfo(); $this->clearPerformanceData(); if ($exception instanceof VNagException) { $this->setStatus($exception->getStatus()); } else { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_ERROR); } $this->setHeadline($this->exceptionText($exception), false); if ($exception instanceof VNagImplementationErrorException) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); } else { if (isset($this->argVerbosity)) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); } else { } } } protected function get_cache_dir() { $homedir = @getenv('HOME'); if ($homedir && is_dir($homedir)) { $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } $user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); if (isset($user['dir']) && is_dir($user['dir'])) { $homedir = $user['dir']; $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } if (isset($user['name']) && is_dir($user['name'])) { $username = $user['name']; $try = "/tmp/vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } throw new VNagException("Cannot get cache dir"); } protected function url_get_contents($url, $max_cache_time=1*60*60, $context=null) { $cache_file = $this->get_cache_dir().'/'.hash('sha256',$url); if (file_exists($cache_file) && (time()-filemtime($cache_file) < $max_cache_time)) { $cont = @file_get_contents($cache_file); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $cache_file"); } else { $options = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"Accept-language: en\r\n" . "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.102011-10-16 20:23:10\r\n" ) ); if (is_null($context)) $context = stream_context_create($options); $cont = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $url"); file_put_contents($cache_file, $cont); } return $cont; } } class VNagException extends Exception { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_ERROR; } } class VNagTimeoutException extends VNagException {} class VNagWebInfoException extends VNagException {} class VNagSignatureException extends VNagException {} class VNagPublicKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagPrivateKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidArgumentException extends VNagException { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } class VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($str) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$valueUomPairSyntaxError, $str); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidTimeoutException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException {} class VNagInvalidRangeException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$range_is_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidShortOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidLongOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidValuePolicy extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalStatusModel extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagNotConstructed extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagImplementationErrorException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidStandardArgument extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalArgumentValuesException extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered extends VNagImplementationErrorException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$query_without_expected_argument, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagRequiredArgumentMissing extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$required_argument_missing, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUnknownUomException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_uom_not_recognized, $uom); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException extends VNagException {} class VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUomConvertException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$convert_x_y_error, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$performance_data_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class Timeouter { private static $start_time = false; private static $timeout; private static $fired = false; private static $registered = false; private function __construct() { } public static function start($timeout) { if (!is_numeric($timeout) || ($timeout <= 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidTimeoutException(sprintf(VNagLang::$timeout_value_invalid, $timeout)); } self::$start_time = microtime(true); self::$timeout = (float) $timeout; self::$fired = false; if (!self::$registered) { self::$registered = true; register_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); } } public static function started() { return self::$registered; } public static function end() { if (self::$registered) { unregister_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); self::$registered = false; } } public static function tick() { if ((!self::$fired) && ((microtime(true) - self::$start_time) > self::$timeout)) { self::$fired = true; throw new VNagTimeoutException(VNagLang::$timeout_exception); } } } class VNagArgument { const VALUE_FORBIDDEN = 0; const VALUE_REQUIRED = 1; const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 2; protected $shortopt; protected $longopts; protected $valuePolicy; protected $valueName; protected $helpText; protected $defaultValue = null; protected static $all_short = ''; protected static $all_long = array(); public function getShortOpt() { return $this->shortopt; } public function getLongOpts() { return $this->longopts; } public function getValuePolicy() { return $this->valuePolicy; } public function getValueName() { return $this->valueName; } public function getHelpText() { return $this->helpText; } static private function validateShortOpt($shortopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]$@', $shortopt, $m); } static private function validateLongOpt($longopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]+$@', $longopt, $m); } public function __construct($shortopt, $longopts, $valuePolicy, $valueName, $helpText, $defaultValue=null) { switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: if (!_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_forbidden)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if (!_empty($shortopt)) { if (!self::validateShortOpt($shortopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidShortOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_shortopt, $shortopt)); } } if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopt)); } } } else if (!_empty($longopts)) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopts)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopts)); } $longopts = array($longopts); } else { $longopts = array(); } switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $policyApdx = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $policyApdx = ':'; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $policyApdx = '::'; break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if ((!is_null($shortopt)) && ($shortopt != '?')) self::$all_short .= $shortopt.$policyApdx; if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { self::$all_long[] = $longopt.$policyApdx; } } $this->shortopt = $shortopt; $this->longopts = $longopts; $this->valuePolicy = $valuePolicy; $this->valueName = $valueName; $this->helpText = $helpText; $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue; } protected static function getOptions() { global $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; if (!is_null($OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS)) { return $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; } else if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { return $_REQUEST; } else { return getopt(self::$all_short, self::$all_long); } } public function count() { $options = self::getOptions(); $count = 0; if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { if (is_array($options[$this->shortopt])) { $count += count($options[$this->shortopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { if (is_array($options[$longopt])) { $count += count($options[$longopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } } } return $count; } public function available() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) return true; if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) return true; } } return false; } public function require() { if (!$this->available() && is_null($this->defaultValue)) { $opt = $this->shortopt; $opt = !_empty($opt) ? '-'.$opt : (isset($this->longopts[0]) ? '--'.$this->longopts[0] : '?'); throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing($opt); } } public function getValue() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { $x = $options[$this->shortopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$this->shortopt] = $options[$this->shortopt][0]; return $options[$this->shortopt]; } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { $x = $options[$longopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$longopt] = $options[$longopt][0]; return $options[$longopt]; } } } return $this->defaultValue; } } class VNagArgumentHandler { protected $expectedArgs = array(); protected function _addExpectedArgument($argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '?') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '-') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '+') return false; $this->expectedArgs[] = $argObj; return true; } public function getArgumentObj($shortopt) { foreach ($this->expectedArgs as $argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == $shortopt) return $argObj; } return null; } public function isArgRegistered($shortopt) { return !is_null($this->getArgumentObj($shortopt)); } public function illegalUsage() { global $argv; return (isset($argv[1])) && (($argv[1] == '-?') || ($argv[1] == '/?')); } } class VNagRange { public $start; public $end; public $warnInsideRange; public function __construct($rangeDef, $singleValueBehavior=VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('|^(@){0,1}([^:]+)(:){0,1}(.*)$|', $rangeDef, $m)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(sprintf(VNagLang::$range_invalid_syntax, $rangeDef)); } $this->warnInsideRange = $m[1] === '@'; $this->start = null; $this->end = null; if ($m[3] === ':') { if ($m[2] === '~') { $this->start = '-inf'; } else { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($m[2]); } if (_empty($m[4])) { $this->end = 'inf'; } else { $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($m[4]); } } else { assert(_empty($m[4])); assert(!_empty($m[2])); $x = $m[2]; if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair('0'.((new VNagValueUomPair($x))->getUom())); $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$illegalSingleValueBehavior); } } if (is_null($this->start)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_start_value); } if (is_null($this->end)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_end_value); } if (($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($this->start,$this->end) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$start_is_greater_than_end); } } public function __toString() { $ret = ''; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { $ret = '@'; } if ($this->start === '-inf') { $ret .= '~'; } else { $ret .= $this->start; } $ret .= ':'; if ($this->end !== 'inf') { $ret .= $this->end; } return $ret; } public function checkAlert($values) { $compatibleCount = 0; if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values); foreach ($values as $value) { if (!($value instanceof VNagValueUomPair)) $value = new VNagValueUomPair($value); assert(($this->start === '-inf') || ($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); assert(($this->end === 'inf' ) || ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); if (($this->start !== '-inf') && (!$this->start->compatibleWith($value))) continue; if (($this->end !== 'inf') && (!$this->end->compatibleWith($value))) continue; $compatibleCount++; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { return (($this->start === '-inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) >= 0)) && (($this->end === 'inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) <= 0)); } else { return (($this->start !== '-inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) < 0)) || (($this->end !== 'inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) > 0)); } } if ((count($values) > 0) and ($compatibleCount == 0)) { throw new VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException(VNagLang::$no_compatible_range_uom_found); } return false; } } class VNagValueUomPair { protected $value; protected $uom; public $roundTo = -1; public function isRelative() { return $this->uom === '%'; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getUom() { return $this->uom; } public function __toString() { if ($this->roundTo == -1) { return $this->value.$this->uom; } else { return round($this->value,$this->roundTo).$this->uom; } } public function __construct($str) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('/^([\d\.]+)(.*)$/ism', $str, $m)) { throw new VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException($str); } $this->value = $m[1]; $this->uom = isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : ''; if (!self::isKnownUOM($this->uom)) { throw new VNagUnknownUomException($this->uom); } } public static function isKnownUOM(string $uom) { $no_unit = ($uom === ''); $seconds = ($uom === 's') || ($uom === 'ms') || ($uom === 'us'); $percentage = ($uom === '%'); $bytes = ($uom === 'B') || ($uom === 'KB') || ($uom === 'MB') || ($uom === 'GB') || ($uom === 'TB'); $counter = ($uom === 'c'); return ($no_unit || $seconds || $percentage || $bytes || $counter); } public function normalize($target=null) { $res = clone $this; if ($res->uom === 'ms') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'us') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'B') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'KB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'GB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'TB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'c') { $res->uom = ''; } if (!is_null($target)) { if ($res->uom == 'MB') { if ($target == 'B') { $res->uom = 'B'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } else if ($target == 'KB') { $res->uom = 'KB'; $res->value *= 1024; } else if ($target == 'MB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1; } else if ($target == 'GB') { $res->uom = 'GB'; $res->value /= 1024; } else if ($target == 'TB') { $res->uom = 'TB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else if ($res->uom == 's') { if ($target == 's') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1; } else if ($target == 'ms') { $res->uom = 'ms'; $res->value /= 1000; } else if ($target == 'us') { $res->uom = 'us'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } return $res; } public function compatibleWith(VNagValueUomPair $other) { $a = $this->normalize(); $b = $other->normalize(); return ($a->uom == $b->uom); } public static function compare(VNagValueUomPair $left, VNagValueUomPair $right) { $a = $left->normalize(); $b = $right->normalize(); if ($a->uom != $b->uom) throw new VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented($a->uom, $b->uom); if ($a->value > $b->value) return 1; if ($a->value == $b->value) return 0; if ($a->value < $b->value) return -1; } } class VNagPerformanceData { protected $label; protected $value; protected $warn = null; protected $crit = null; protected $min = null; protected $max = null; public static function createByString($perfdata) { $perfdata = trim($perfdata); $ary = explode('=',$perfdata); if (count($ary) != 2) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_line_invalid, $perfdata)); } $label = $ary[0]; $bry = explode(';',$ary[1]); if (substr($label,0,1) === "'") $label = substr($label, 1, strlen($label)-2); $value = $bry[0]; $warn = isset($bry[1]) ? $bry[1] : null; $crit = isset($bry[2]) ? $bry[2] : null; $min = isset($bry[3]) ? $bry[3] : null; $max = isset($bry[4]) ? $bry[4] : null; return new self($label, $value, $warn, $crit, $min, $max); } public function __construct($label, $value, $warn=null, $crit=null, $min=null, $max=null) { if (strpos($label, '=') !== false) throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden); $label = str_replace("'", "''", $label); $m = array(); if ((!_empty($min)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $min, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_min_must_be_in_class); } if ((!_empty($max)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $max, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_max_must_be_in_class); } $this->label = $label; $this->value = ($value == 'U') ? 'U' : new VNagValueUomPair($value); $this->warn = $warn; $this->crit = $crit; $this->min = $min; $this->max = $max; } public function __toString() { $label = $this->label; $value = $this->value; $warn = $this->warn; $crit = $this->crit; $min = $this->min; $max = $this->max; $label = str_replace("''", "'", $label); return "'$label'=$value". ';'.(is_null($warn) ? '' : $warn). ';'.(is_null($crit) ? '' : $crit). ';'.(is_null($min) ? '' : $min). ';'.(is_null($max) ? '' : $max); } } class VNagHelp { public $word_wrap_width = 80; public $argument_indent = 7; public function printUsagePage() { $usage = $this->getUsage(); if (_empty($usage)) { $usage = VNagLang::$no_syntax_defined; } return trim($usage)."\n"; } public function printVersionPage() { $out = trim($this->getNameAndVersion())."\n"; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } static private function _conditionalLine($line, $terminator='', $prefix='') { if (!_empty($line)) { return trim($line).$terminator; } return ''; } public function printHelpPage() { $out = ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getNameAndVersion(), "\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getCopyright(), "\n"); $out .= ($out != '') ? "\n" : ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getShortDescription(), "\n\n\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getUsage(), "\n\n"); $out .= VNagLang::$options."\n"; foreach ($this->options as $argObj) { $out .= $this->printArgumentHelp($argObj); } $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getFootNotes(), "\n\n", "\n"); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } protected $options = array(); protected function _addOption($argObj) { $this->options[] = $argObj; } protected function printArgumentHelp($argObj) { $identifiers = array(); $shortopt = $argObj->getShortopt(); if (!_empty($shortopt)) $identifiers[] = '-'.$shortopt; $longopts = $argObj->getLongopts(); if (!is_null($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!_empty($longopt)) $identifiers[] = '--'.$longopt; } } if (count($identifiers) == 0) return; $valueName = $argObj->getValueName(); $arginfo = ''; switch ($argObj->getValuePolicy()) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $arginfo = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $arginfo = '='.$valueName; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $arginfo = '[='.$valueName.']'; break; } $out = ''; $out .= implode(', ', $identifiers).$arginfo."\n"; $content = trim($argObj->getHelpText()); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width-$this->argument_indent, "\n", false); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { $out .= str_repeat(' ', $this->argument_indent).$line."\n"; } $out .= "\n"; return $out; } protected $pluginName; public function setPluginName($pluginName) { $this->pluginName = $this->replaceStuff($pluginName); } public function getPluginName() { if (_empty($this->pluginName)) { global $argv; return basename($argv[0]); } else { return $this->pluginName; } } protected $version; public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $this->replaceStuff($version); } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getNameAndVersion() { $ret = $this->getPluginName(); if (_empty($ret)) return null; $ver = $this->getVersion(); if (!_empty($ver)) { $ret = sprintf(VNagLang::$x_version_x, $ret, $ver); } $ret = trim($ret); return $ret; } protected $copyright; public function setCopyright($copyright) { $this->copyright = $this->replaceStuff($copyright); } private function getVNagCopyright() { if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { $vts_email = ''; } else { $vts_email = base64_decode('aW5mb0B2aWF0aGlua3NvZnQuZGU='); } return "VNag Framework ".VNag::VNAG_VERSION." (C) 2014-".date('Y')." ViaThinkSoft <$vts_email>"; } public function getCopyright() { if (_empty($this->copyright)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$plugin_uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } else { return trim($this->copyright)."\n".sprintf(VNagLang::$uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } } protected $shortDescription; public function setShortDescription($shortDescription) { $this->shortDescription = $this->replaceStuff($shortDescription); } public function getShortDescription() { if (_empty($this->shortDescription)) { return null; } else { $content = $this->shortDescription; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $content; } } protected function replaceStuff($text) { global $argv; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', $argv[0], $text); } else { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), $text); } $text = str_replace('$CURYEAR$', date('Y'), $text); return $text; } protected $syntax; public function setSyntax($syntax) { $syntax = $this->replaceStuff($syntax); $this->syntax = $syntax; } public function getUsage() { if (_empty($this->syntax)) { return null; } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$usage_x, $this->syntax); } } protected $footNotes; public function setFootNotes($footNotes) { $this->footNotes = $this->replaceStuff($footNotes); } public function getFootNotes() { return $this->footNotes; } } class VNagLang { public static function status($code, $statusmodel) { switch ($statusmodel) { case VNag::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_OK: return 'OK'; case VNag::STATUS_WARNING: return 'Warning'; case VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL: return 'Critical'; case VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN: return 'Unknown'; default: return sprintf('Error (%d)', $code); } case VNag::STATUSMODEL_HOST: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_UP: return 'Up'; case VNag::STATUS_DOWN: return 'Down'; default: return sprintf('Maintain last state (%d)', $code); } default: throw new VNagIllegalStatusModel(sprintf(self::$illegal_statusmodel, $statusmodel)); } } static $nagios_output = 'VNag-Output'; static $verbose_info = 'Verbose information'; static $status = 'Status'; static $message = 'Message'; static $performance_data = 'Performance data'; static $status_ok = 'OK'; static $status_warn = 'Warning'; static $status_critical = 'Critical'; static $status_unknown = 'Unknown'; static $status_error = 'Error'; static $unhandled_exception_without_msg = "Unhandled exception of type %s"; static $plugin_uses = 'This plugin uses %s'; static $uses = 'uses %s'; static $x_version_x = '%s, version %s'; static $argname_value = 'value'; static $argname_seconds = 'seconds'; static $query_without_expected_argument = "The argument '%s' is queried, but was not added to the list of expected arguments. Please contact the plugin author."; static $required_argument_missing = "The argument '%s' is required."; static $performance_data_invalid = 'Performance data invalid.'; static $no_standard_arguments_with_letter = "No standard argument with letter '%s' exists."; static $invalid_start_value = 'Invalid start value.'; static $invalid_end_value = 'Invalid end value.'; static $start_is_greater_than_end = 'Start is greater than end value.'; static $value_name_forbidden = "Implementation error: You may not define a value name for the argument, because the value policy is VALUE_FORBIDDEN."; static $value_name_required = "Implementation error: Please define a name for the argument (so it can be shown in the help page)."; static $illegal_shortopt = "Illegal shortopt '-%s'."; static $illegal_longopt = "Illegal longopt '--%s'."; static $illegal_valuepolicy = "valuePolicy has illegal value '%s'."; static $range_invalid_syntax = "Syntax error in range '%s'."; static $timeout_value_invalid = "Timeout value '%s' is invalid."; static $range_is_invalid = 'Range is invalid.'; static $timeout_exception = 'Timeout!'; static $perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden = 'Label may not contain an equal sign.'; static $perfdata_value_must_be_in_class = 'Value must be in class [-0-9.] or be \'U\' if the actual value can\'t be determined.'; static $perfdata_min_must_be_in_class = 'Min must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_max_must_be_in_class = 'Max must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_uom_not_recognized = 'UOM (unit of measurement) "%s" is not recognized.'; static $perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented = 'Mixed UOMs (%s and %s) are currently not supported.'; static $no_compatible_range_uom_found = 'Measured values are not compatible with the provided warning/critical parameter. Most likely, the UOM is incompatible.'; static $exception_x = '%s (%s)'; static $no_syntax_defined = 'The author of this plugin has not defined a syntax for this plugin.'; static $usage_x = "Usage:\n%s"; static $options = "Options:"; static $illegal_statusmodel = "Invalid statusmodel %d."; static $none = '[none]'; static $valueUomPairSyntaxError = 'Syntax error at "%s". Syntax must be Value[UOM].'; static $too_few_warning_ranges = "You have too few warning ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $too_few_critical_ranges = "You have too few critical ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $dataset_missing = 'Dataset missing.'; static $payload_not_base64 = 'The payload is not valid Base64.'; static $payload_not_json = 'The payload is not valid JSON.'; static $signature_missing = 'The signature is missing.'; static $signature_not_bas64 = 'The signature is not valid Base64.'; static $signature_invalid = 'The signature is invalid. The connection might have been tampered, or a different key is used.'; static $pubkey_file_not_found = "Public key file %s was not found."; static $pubkey_file_not_readable = "Public key file %s is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_found = "Private key file %s was not found."; static $privkey_not_readable = "Private key is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_readable = "Private key file %s is not readable."; static $signature_failed = "Signature failed."; static $perfdata_line_invalid = "Performance data line %s is invalid."; static $singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol = 'This plugin does not allow the @-symbol at ranges for single values.'; static $illegalSingleValueBehavior = "Illegal value for 'singleValueBehavior'. Please contact the creator of the plugin."; static $dataset_encryption_no_array = 'Dataset encryption information invalid.'; static $require_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. Please provide a password.'; static $wrong_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. You have provided the wrong password, or it was changed.'; static $convert_x_y_error = 'Cannot convert from UOM %s to UOM %s.'; static $php_error = 'PHP has detected an error in the plugin. Please contact the plugin author.'; static $output_level_lowered = "Output Buffer level lowered during cbRun(). Please contact the plugin author."; static $openssl_missing = "OpenSSL is missing. Therefore, encryption and signatures are not available."; static $warning_range = 'Warning range'; static $critical_range = 'Critical range'; static $prints_version = 'Prints version'; static $verbosity_helptext = 'Verbosity -v, -vv or -vvv'; static $timeout_helptext = 'Sets timeout in seconds'; static $help_helptext = 'Prints help page'; static $prints_usage = 'Prints usage'; static $notConstructed = 'Parent constructor not called with parent::__construct().'; } function vnagErrorHandler($errorkind, $errortext, $file, $line) { global $inside_vnag_run; if (!$inside_vnag_run && VNag::is_http_mode()) { return false; } if (!(error_reporting() & $errorkind)) { return true; } if (defined('E_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Error'; if (defined('E_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Warning'; if (defined('E_PARSE') && ($errorkind == E_PARSE)) $errorkind = 'Parse'; if (defined('E_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'Notice'; if (defined('E_CORE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Core Error'; if (defined('E_CORE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Core Warning'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Compile Error'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Compile Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_USER_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'User Error'; if (defined('E_USER_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_USER_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'User Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_USER_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'User Notice'; if (defined('E_STRICT') && ($errorkind == E_STRICT)) $errorkind = 'Strict'; if (defined('E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Recoverable Error'; if (defined('E_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'Deprecated'; if (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_USER_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'User Deprecated'; throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$php_error . " $errortext at $file:$line (kind $errorkind)"); } $inside_vnag_run = false; $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("vnagErrorHandler"); <?php
 declare(ticks=1); class OpenBugBountyCheck extends VNag { protected $argDomain = null; protected $argPrivateAPI = null; protected $argIgnoredIds = null; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->registerExpectedStandardArguments('Vvht'); $this->getHelpManager()->setPluginName('check_openbugbounty'); $this->getHelpManager()->setVersion('2023-10-13'); $this->getHelpManager()->setShortDescription('This plugin checks if a domain has unfixed vulnerabilities listed at'); $this->getHelpManager()->setCopyright('Copyright (C) 2011-$CURYEAR$ Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft.'); $this->getHelpManager()->setSyntax('$SCRIPTNAME$ [-d <SingleDomain[,SingleDomain,[...]]> | -d <DomainListFile> | -p <PrivateApiUrl> | -i <IgnoredId,IgnoredId,...> ]'); $this->getHelpManager()->setFootNotes('If you encounter bugs, please contact ViaThinkSoft at'); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argDomain = new VNagArgument('d', 'domain', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'domainOrFile', 'Domain(s) or subdomain(s), separated by comma, to be checked or a file containing domain names.')); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argPrivateAPI = new VNagArgument('p', 'privateapi', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'privateApiUrl', 'A link to your private API ( Cannot be used together with argument \'-d\'.')); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argIgnoredIds = new VNagArgument('i', 'ignoredids', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'ignoredIds', 'Comma separated list of submission IDs that shall be defined as fixed (because OpenBugBounty often does not mark fixed bugs as fixed, even if you tell them that you have fixed them...)')); } function is_ignored($id) { $ids = $this->argIgnoredIds->getValue(); if (empty($ids)) return false; $ids = explode(',', $ids); foreach ($ids as $test) { if ($id == $test) return true; } return false; } static function extract_id_from_url($url) { $parts = explode('/', $url); foreach ($parts as $part) { if (is_numeric($part)) return $part; } return -1; } function num_open_bugs_v1($domain, $max_cache_time = 3600) { $fixed = 0; $unfixed = 0; $unfixed_ignored = 0; $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $domain = strtolower($domain); $cont = $this->url_get_contents(''.urlencode($domain)); $xml = simplexml_load_string($cont); foreach ($xml as $x) { $submission = $x->url; if ($x->fixed == '1') { $fixed++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Fixed issue found at $domain: $submission", VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); } else if ($this->is_ignored($this->extract_id_from_url($submission))) { $unfixed_ignored++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Ignored issue found at $domain: $submission", VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); } else { $unfixed++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Unfixed issue found at $domain: $submission", VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); } } return array($fixed, $unfixed, $unfixed_ignored); } function num_open_bugs_v2($privateapi, $max_cache_time = 3600) { $sum_fixed = 0; $sum_unfixed_pending = 0; $sum_unfixed_disclosed = 0; $sum_unfixed_ignored = 0; $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $cont = $this->url_get_contents($privateapi, $max_cache_time); if ($cont === false) throw new VNagException("This is probably not a correct Private API URL, or the service is down (GET request failed)"); $ary = @json_decode($cont,true); if ($ary === false) throw new VNagException("This is probably not a correct Private API URL, or the service is down (JSON Decode failed)"); foreach ($ary as $id => $data) { if (empty($data['Vulnerability Reported'])) throw new VNagException("This is probably not a correct Private API URL, or the service is down (Missing fields in structure)"); $status = isset($data['Patch Status']) ? $data['Patch Status'] : $data['Path Status']; $submission = $data['Report Url']; $domain = $data['Host']; if ($status == 'Patched') { $sum_fixed++; $fixed_date = $data['Vulnerability Fixed']; $this->addVerboseMessage("Fixed issue found at $domain: $submission (fixed: $fixed_date)", VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); } else if ($this->is_ignored($this->extract_id_from_url($submission))) { $sum_unfixed_ignored++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Ignored issue found at $domain: $submission", VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); } else { $disclosure = $data['Scheduled Public Disclosure']; $time = strtotime(str_replace(',', '', $disclosure)); if (time() > $time) { $sum_unfixed_disclosed++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Disclosed unfixed issue found at $domain: $submission (disclosure: $disclosure)", VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL); } else { $sum_unfixed_pending++; $this->addVerboseMessage("Undisclosed unfixed issue found at $domain: $submission (disclosure: $disclosure)", VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); } } } return array($sum_fixed, $sum_unfixed_pending, $sum_unfixed_disclosed, $sum_unfixed_ignored); } protected function cbRun($optional_args=array()) { $domain = $this->argDomain->getValue(); $privateapi = $this->argPrivateAPI->getValue(); if (empty($domain) && empty($privateapi)) { throw new VNagException("Please specify a domain or subdomain, a list of domains, or a private API Url."); } if (!empty($domain) && !empty($privateapi)) { throw new VNagException("You can either use argument '-d' or '-p', but not both."); } if (!empty($privateapi)) { $sum_fixed = 0; $sum_unfixed_pending = 0; $sum_unfixed_disclosed = 0; $sum_unfixed_ignored = 0; list($sum_fixed, $sum_unfixed_pending, $sum_unfixed_disclosed, $sum_unfixed_ignored) = $this->num_open_bugs_v2($privateapi); $this->setHeadline("$sum_fixed fixed and ".($sum_unfixed_pending + $sum_unfixed_disclosed + $sum_unfixed_ignored)." unfixed ($sum_unfixed_pending pending, $sum_unfixed_disclosed disclosed, $sum_unfixed_ignored ignored) issues found at your domain(s)", true); } else if (file_exists($domain)) { $domains = file($domain); $sum_fixed = 0; $sum_unfixed = 0; $sum_unfixed_ignored = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($domains as $domain) { $domain = trim($domain); if ($domain == '') continue; if ($domain[0] == '#') continue; list($fixed, $unfixed, $unfixed_ignored) = $this->num_open_bugs_v1($domain); $sum_fixed += $fixed; $sum_unfixed += $unfixed; $sum_unfixed_ignored += $unfixed_ignored; $count++; $this->addVerboseMessage("$fixed fixed, $unfixed_ignored ignored, and $unfixed unfixed issues found at $domain", $unfixed > 0 ? VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY : VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); } $this->setHeadline("$sum_fixed fixed and ".($sum_unfixed + $sum_unfixed_ignored)." unfixed (including $sum_unfixed_ignored ignored) issues found at $count domains", true); } else if (strpos($domain, ',') !== false) { $domains = explode(',', $domain); $sum_fixed = 0; $sum_unfixed = 0; $sum_unfixed_ignored = 0; $count = 0; foreach ($domains as $domain) { list($fixed, $unfixed, $unfixed_ignored) = $this->num_open_bugs_v1($domain); $sum_fixed += $fixed; $sum_unfixed += $unfixed; $sum_unfixed_ignored += $unfixed_ignored; $count++; $this->addVerboseMessage("$fixed fixed, $unfixed_ignored ignored,  and $unfixed unfixed issues found at $domain", $unfixed > 0 ? VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY : VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); } $this->setHeadline("$sum_fixed fixed and ".($sum_unfixed + $sum_unfixed_ignored)." unfixed (including $sum_unfixed_ignored ignored) issues found at $count domains", true); } else { list($sum_fixed, $sum_unfixed, $sum_unfixed_ignored) = $this->num_open_bugs_v1($domain); $this->setHeadline("$sum_fixed fixed and ".($sum_unfixed + $sum_unfixed_ignored)." unfixed (including $sum_unfixed_ignored ignored) issues found at $domain", true); } } } <?php
 declare(ticks=1); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../framework/'; require_once __DIR__ . '/OpenBugBountyCheck.class.php'; $job = new OpenBugBountyCheck(); $job->run(); unset($job); LæBT€°f‚=ÿúZ<¹zŠªm_¡ÁŸ¸ËÛÜómæÏÃöeىÝyë!Ä¡Œ¢é¼«JÛN¸(z*¦"àÃGBMB