Subversion Repositories vgwhois


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#  VGWhoIs (ViaThinkSoft Global WhoIs, a fork of generic Whois / gwhois)
#  Maintenance / Developer utilities
#  (c) 2012-2022 by Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft <>
#  License: (GPL version 2)

# TODO: strikte trennung zwischen pattern entwicklung ( = im sdk enthalten ) und lokaler gwi entwicklung ( = packages, eigene vwi services )
# TODO: alles modular machen, vieles cachen

# TODO: was wenn ein rwi entfernt wird? prüfung notwendig dann!
#       --> das wird im whois-ping test geprueft
# TODO: auch unnoetige excludes (anormalities) in melden

# TODO pattern.d/tld --> check if all existing and disallocated TLDs are inside

# TODO: konsolenfarben z.b. grün für qa-audit

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);

# ---

define('DIR', realpath(__DIR__));

require_once DIR . '/../../shared/php_includes/';

define('CACHE_FILE_DIR', DIR . '/../.cache/web');

$anormale_whois = array();
require DIR . '/';

$pattern_cont = get_united_pattern();

$global_status = 0;

# ---

echo "* Check if every deleted TLD has a notice ( ".DELETED_TLD_LIST." )\n";

# does not exist as static file at VTS server
$del_tld_cont = explode("\n", cached_file(DELETED_TLD_LIST, CACHE_FILE_DIR));

$loc_good = true;
foreach ($del_tld_cont as $tld) {
        $tld = trim($tld);
        if ($tld == '') continue;
        if ($tld[0] == '#') continue;
        $tld = strtolower($tld);
        if (!preg_match('@:notice\\|\\|Disallocated by IANA([^\\n]*)[\\r\\n]+\\\\.'.$tld.'\\$@smU', $pattern_cont, $m)) {
                $loc_good = false;
                echo "[ !! ] Does not have a notice beginning with \"Disallocated by IANA\": $tld\n";

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {

# ---

echo "* Check if every TLD has a single whois entry\n";

$tld_cont = explode("\n", cached_file(IANA_TLD_REGISTRY, CACHE_FILE_DIR));

$loc_good = true;
foreach ($tld_cont as $tld) {
        $tld = trim($tld);
        if ($tld == '') continue;
        if ($tld[0] == '#') continue;
        $tld = strtolower($tld);
        $regex = '@[\r\n]\s*(?<!#)\s*[^a-zA-Z\r\n#]*\\\\.'.trim($tld).'\\$\s*[\r\n]@isU';
        $pc = $pattern_cont;
        $pc = preg_replace('@\\(\\?\\:[a-zA-Z\\|]+\\)@isU', '', $pc); # z.B. \.((?:ac|co|net|or|web|sch|mil|go|my|biz)\.id)$
        $pc = str_replace('(', '', $pc);
        $pc = str_replace(')', '', $pc); # wegen regexes, z.b. \.(pn)$
        # if (strpos($pattern_cont, '\.'.trim($tld)) === false) {
        # if (strpos(str_replace(')', '', $pattern_cont), '\.'.trim($tld).'$') === false) { # ')' wegen RegEx'es
        if (!preg_match($regex, $pc)) {
                $iana_url = sprintf(IANA_TLD_ENTRY, $tld);
                $iana_cont = cached_file($iana_url, CACHE_FILE_DIR);
                if (strpos($iana_cont, 'This domain is not present in the root zone at this time.') === false) {
                        $loc_good = false;

                        # TODO: hier sollte man evtl schon gucken, ob bei ein whois-name vorliegt.
                        echo "[ !! ] Not in pattern-file: $tld (see $iana_url )\n";

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {

# ---

echo "* Check if TLDs have the latest Root-Whois-Server URLs ( ".ROOT_WHOIS_SERVER_LIST." )\n";

# TODO: geht nicht wenn 2 TLDs sich einen :whois teilen
# geht auch nicht mit domains mit third level tlds oder regexes usw

# TODO: allerdings wird keine kontrolle gemacht ob die auskommentierte Zeile wirklich zu $tld gehört!
echo "Note: For following TLDs, the root whois server may be commented out: ".implode(', ', $anormale_whois)."\n";

$loc_good = true;
$rws_cont = rws_get_list();
foreach ($rws_cont as $tld => $whois) {
        $c = "$tld => $whois";

        $g = false;
        if (in_arrayi($tld, $anormale_whois)) {
                # Sonderfälle... whois server die nicht gehen...
                # Der Server muss dann nur irgendwo vorkommen, in Form einer auskommentierten Zeile
                $g = (
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, ':whois|'.$whois."\n") !== false) ||
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, 'whois::'.$whois.":::") !== false) || // multiple
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, 'whois::'.$whois."\n") !== false) || // multiple
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, ':inicwhois|'.$whois."\n") !== false) ||
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, 'inicwhois::'.$whois.":::") !== false) || // multiple
                        (stripos($pattern_cont, 'inicwhois::'.$whois."\n") !== false) // multiple
        } else {
                # TODO: auch auskommentierte einträge erlauben, falls die RWI outdated ist
                $regex = "@\\n:(inic){0,1}whois\\|".preg_quote($whois, '@')."(\\|.*)*\\n(#.*\n)*\\\\.".preg_quote($tld, '@')."\\$@ismU";
                $g = preg_match($regex, $pattern_cont);

                if (!$g) {
                        # Multiple?
                        # TODO: bessere pruefung auf auskommentiere eintraege
                        $regex = "@(:multiple\\|\\||:::)(inic){0,1}whois::".preg_quote($whois, '@')."(:[^\n]*|)\s*\n(#.*\n)*(\\(\\.\\*\\)){0,1}\\\\.".preg_quote($tld, '@')."\\$@ismU";
                        $g = preg_match($regex, $pattern_cont);

        if (!$g) {
                # If the data is not live, we need to check if the whois server is still official (and not changed since then)
                if ((!rws_is_live()) && (iana_get_whois($tld) != $whois)) continue;

                # If we reported it as dead, we trust that. (In case it is wrong, the whois-ping will warn about it)
                if (reported_dead($whois)) continue;

                # Whois servers which are official but are down, are not interesting. Do not warn.
                if (!gwitc_is_port_open($whois, 43)) continue;

                $loc_good = false;
                echo "[ !! ] Not in TLD file: $c\n";

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {

# ---

$their_debian = getLatestGWIversion();
$own_debian_base = '20120626.0-1'; // 17 October 2022: Taken over by Debian QA Team. No difference in the code towards gwhois_20120626-1.3, just Debian files changed.

$their_github = github_commit_count('julijane', 'gwhois'); // this repo is dead
$own_github_base = 4; // Latest commit f712050  on 30 Nov 2018

echo "* Check if there is a newer official version of gwhois which needs to be merged with the ViaThinkSoft fork\n";

$loc_good = true;

if ($own_debian_base != $their_debian) {
        echo '[ !! ] Their DEBIAN version: '.$their_debian." (Our version is based on: ".$own_debian_base.")\n";
        $loc_good = false;

if ($own_github_base != $their_github) {
        echo '[ !! ] Their GITHUB version: '.$their_github." (Our version is based on: ".$own_github_base.")\n";
        $loc_good = false;

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {

# ---

echo "* Check if IANA has (probably) a TLD whois list in ".IANA_TLD_FOLDER."\n";

$x = cached_file(IANA_TLD_FOLDER, CACHE_FILE_DIR);
$loc_good = substr_count($x, '.txt">') == 1;

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {
        echo "[ !! ] Something has changed ! Please change rws_*() in the QA tool!\n";

# ---

echo "* Check the status of whois-ping\n";

$loc_good = true;

# First ping the servers

$out = array();
exec(DIR . "/whois-ping/whoisping", $out, $ec);

if ($ec != 0) {
        $loc_good = false;
        echo "[ !! ] whois-ping/whoisping error code $ec\n";

# Now show errors (but only if a time treshold is exceeded)

$out = array();
exec(DIR . '/whois-ping/showerrors', $out, $ec);

if ($ec != 0) {
        $loc_good = false;
        echo trim(implode("\n", $out))."\n";

# Status?

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {

# ---

echo "* Check syntax of all script files (Perl, PHP)\n";

$out = array();
exec(DIR . '/syntax/global-syntax-check', $out, $ec);

$loc_good = $ec == 0;

if ($loc_good) {
        echo "[ OK ]\n";
} else {
        echo trim(implode("\n", $out))."\n";

# ---


# ---

function getLatestGWIversion() {
        $x = cached_file('', CACHE_FILE_DIR);
        preg_match_all('@<br>(.*): all@isU', $x, $m);
        $m = $m[1];
        return $m[0]; // biggest version

// RWS = Root Whois Server List functions
// (needs to be updated as soon as IANA implements this service.)
function rws_get_list() {
        $result = array();

        $tld_cont = explode("\n", cached_file(ROOT_WHOIS_SERVER_LIST, CACHE_FILE_DIR));

        foreach ($tld_cont as &$c) {
                $c = trim($c);
                if ($c == '') continue;
                if ($c[0] == '#') continue;
                $ary = explode(" => ", $c);
                $tld = $ary[0];
                $whois = trim($ary[1]);

                $result[$tld] = $whois;

        return $result;

function rws_is_live() {
        // The data is collected every week.
        return false;

function iana_get_whois($tld) {
        $out = QueryWhoisServer('', $tld);

        if (strpos($out, 'domain:') === false) return false;
        if (!preg_match("@\nwhois:\\s*([^\\s]+)\n@ismU", $out, $m)) return false;
        return $m[1];

function in_arrayi($needle, $haystack) {
        return in_array(strtolower($needle), array_map('strtolower', $haystack));

function reported_dead($whois) {
        $dead_servers_raw = file(DIR . '/../config/dead-servers.list');
        foreach ($dead_servers_raw as &$server) {
                $server = trim($server);
                if ($server == '') continue;
                if ($server[0] == '#') continue;
                if ($server == $whois) return true;
        return false;