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#  generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: IPv4
#  (c) 2012-2013 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
#  Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
#  Version 2013-03-08

error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);

require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';

define('IANA_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/iana');
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
define('RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/rirstats');

        echo "IPv4 Preparation: Get IANA delegation file\n";

        $iana_root_url   = '';
        $iana_root_cache = IANA_CACHE_DIR . '/ipv4-address-space.txt';
        if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($iana_root_cache))) {
                @mkdir(dirname($iana_root_cache), 0777, true);
                $iana_root_data = file($iana_root_cache, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
        } else {
                $iana_root_data = file($iana_root_url, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
        $iana_root_ver  = trim(str_replace('-', '', $iana_root_data[3]));
        $iana_root_data = grep($iana_root_data, 'whois.');

foreach ($rirs as &$rir) {
        $step = 0;
        $out = '';

        $loc_rir_whois_server = $rir_whois_server[$rir];

        if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) {
                echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Get RIR statistics file\n";

                $rirstat_url   = $rirstat_urls[$rir];
                $rirstat_cache = RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR . "/$rir";
                if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($rirstat_cache))) {
                        @mkdir(dirname($rirstat_cache), 0777, true);
                        $rirstat_file = file($rirstat_cache);
                } else {
                        $rirstat_file = file($rirstat_url);

                $rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, '#');

                $tmp = explode('|', $rirstat_file[0]);
                $rirstat_ver = $tmp[5]; // enddate
                # $rirstat_ver = substr($rirstat_ver, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 6, 2);

                $out .= "#: version $rirstat_ver\n\n";
        } else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
                $out .= "#: version $iana_root_ver\n\n";
        } else {
                fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");

        $out .= "# ".strtoupper($rir)." IPv4\n";
        $out .= "# Automatically generated by ".__DIR__."/gwhois-pattern-update\n";
        $out .= "# Generation timestamp: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s \G\M\TO')."\n";
        if (USE_IANA_DATA)     $out .= "# Source: ($iana_root_ver) $iana_root_url\n";
        if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) $out .= "# Source: ($rirstat_ver) $rirstat_url\n";
        $out .= "\n";

        $out .= ":whois|$loc_rir_whois_server";
        if ($ipv4_additional_params[$rir] != '') {
                $out .= '|prefix='.$ipv4_additional_params[$rir].'|';
        $out .= "\n";

        $iana_blocks = array();
        if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
                echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Parse IANA root blocks\n";

                $loc_roots = grep($iana_root_data, $loc_rir_whois_server);

                $iana_ary = array();
                foreach ($loc_roots as &$lr) {
                        $lr = trim($lr);
                        $tmp = explode(' ', $lr, 2);
                        $lr = $tmp[0];
                        $lr = preg_replace('|^0*|s', '', $lr);

                        // Break up the CIDR
                        $ary = explode('/', $lr, 2);
                        $bry = ipv4_cidr2range($ary[0], $ary[1]);
                        $iana_blocks[$bry[0]] = $bry[1];

        $rir_blocks = array();
        if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) {
                echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Parse RIR blocks\n";

#               $rirstat_file = grep($rirstat_file, 'ipv4');
#               $rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, 'summary');
##              array_shift($rirstat_file); // header line

                foreach ($rirstat_file as &$x) {
                        $x = trim($x);
                        if ($x == '') continue;

                        $ary = explode('|', $x);

                        # arin|* |asn|* |22244|summary
                        # ^0   ^1 ^2  ^3 ^4    ^5
                        if ($ary[5] == 'summary') continue;

                        # Example:
                        # afrinic|ZM|ipv4||8192|20031024|allocated
                        # ^0      ^1 ^2   ^3           ^4   ^5       ^6

                        # 2.1AP resp 2.3 (= extended) are compatible with 2.0

                        $type = $ary[2];
                        if ($type != 'ipv4') continue;

                        $baseip = $ary[3];
                        $nums = $ary[4];
                        # $state = $ary[6];

                        $topip = ipv4_add($baseip, $nums-1);

                        $rir_blocks[$baseip] = $topip;

                # Use both
                echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Merging RIR and IANA stats\n";
                $blocks_merged = ipv4_merge_arrays($rir_blocks, $iana_blocks);
        } else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
                # Use only IANA
                $blocks_merged = $iana_blocks;
        } else if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) {
                # Use only RIR data
                $blocks_merged = $rir_blocks;
        } else {
                fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");

        $blocks_merged = ipv4_merge_address_blocks($blocks_merged, "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - ");

        // --- CIDR finden und ausgeben ---

        echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Analyze address ranges and write CIDR blocks\n";

        foreach ($blocks_merged as $baseip => &$topip) {
                if (INCLUDE_BLOCK_RANGE_COMMENTS) $out .= "# $baseip - $topip\n";

                $cidrs = ipv4_range2cidr($baseip, $topip, IPV4_SHORT_FORM);
                foreach ($cidrs as &$cidr) {
                        $out .= "=$cidr\n";

        # --- Write to file ---

        echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Write to output file\n";

        $h = fopen(PATTERN_DIR."/ipv4_$rir", 'w') or die("Error opening file ".PATTERN_DIR."/ipv4_$rir");
        fwrite($h, $out) or die('Could not write to output file');

echo "IPv4 Finished!\n";