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How to install StackMan Terminal Edition

1. Create a new Linux user, for example

        sudo useradd stamuser
        sudo groupadd stamuser

2. Copy the stam program archive to the user's folder and unpack it

        su stamuser
        cd ~
        tar -xvf stackmanager_linux.tar.gz
        sudo chown -r stamuser:stamuser ~stamuser/stam

3. Optional: If you want to avoid direct shell access, you make stam the default shell. For example, the user's entry in /etc/passwd could look like this:

        stamuser:x:1002:1004:StackMan Terminal Edition,,,:/home/stamuser:/home/stamuser/stam/stam

4. Create a MySQL database (and users) and import the following SQL dump:


5. Copy the default configuration file to the home directory of the user and edit it (add the MySQL data).

        Method 1:

                su stamuser
                cp ~/stam/defaults/.stam_config ~
                nano ~/.stam_config

        Method 2:

                su stamuser

6. Copy the nanorc file (for syntax highlighting) and, if necessary correct the path to stam.nanorc to the absolute path of your user:

        su stamuser
        cp ~/stam/nanorc/.nanorc ~
        rnano ~/.nanorc

        You can test the syntax highlight with this command:

        nano ~/stam/nanorc/test.stam

7. Optional: If you want to create a live-backup on a external media (e.g. floppy disk or USB flash drive), you can create a symlink for the second history file 

        sudo mkdir /mnt/fdd
        sudo mount -o umask=0000,gid=1004,uid=1002 /dev/sda /mnt/fdd
        su stamuser
        touch /mnt/fdd/stam_history
        ln -s /mnt/fdd/stam_history ~/.stam_history_mir


Additional notes:

- If you want to run *.stam scripts, you have to correct the shebang to the correct location of the stam executable (#!/.../stam), and make the files executable (chmod +x test.stam)

- You can begin with running ~/stam/stam and enter "-help" to view all available commands.