unit DXConsts;
SNone = '(None)';
SUnknownError = 'Unknown Error (%d)';
SDirectDraw = 'DirectDraw';
SDirect3DRM = 'Direct3D RetainedMode';
SDirectSound = 'DirectSound';
SDirectSoundCapture = 'DirectSoundCapture';
SDirectDrawClipper = 'Clipper';
SDirectDrawPalette = 'Palette';
SDirectDrawSurface = 'Surface';
SDirectDrawPrimarySurface = 'Primary Surface';
SDirectSoundBuffer = 'Sound Buffer';
SDirectSoundPrimaryBuffer = 'Primary Buffer';
SDirectSoundCaptureBuffer = 'Sound Capture Buffer';
STexture = 'Texture';
SDirectPlay = 'DirectPlay';
SSession = 'Session';
SNotMade = '%s not made';
SStreamNotOpend = 'Stream not opend';
SWaveStreamNotSet = 'WaveStream not set';
SCannotMade = '%s cannot be made';
SCannotInitialized = '%s cannot be initialized';
SCannotChanged = '%s cannot be changed';
SCannotLock = '%s cannot be locked';
SCannotOpened = '%s cannot be opened';
SDLLNotLoaded = '%s not loaded';
SImageNotFound = 'Image ''%s'' not found';
SWaveNotFound = 'Wave ''%s'' not found';
SEffectNotFound = 'Effect ''%s'' not found';
SListIndexError = 'Index of the list exceeds the range. (%d)';
SScanline = 'Index of the scanning line exceeded the range. (%d)';
SNoForm = 'Form not found';
SSinceDirectX5 = 'Necessary since DirectX 5';
SSinceDirectX6 = 'Necessary since DirectX 6';
SSinceDirectX7 = 'Necessary since DirectX 7';
S3DDeviceNotFound = '3D device not found';
SDisplayModeChange = 'Display mode cannot be changed (%dx%d %dbit)';
SDisplayModeCannotAcquired = 'A present display mode cannot be acquired';
SInvalidDIB = 'DIB is invalid';
SInvalidDIBBitCount = 'Bitcount in invalid (%d)';
SInvalidDIBPixelFormat = 'PixelFormat in invalid';
SInvalidWave = 'Wave is invalid';
SInvalidDisplayBitCount = 'It should be either of 8 or 16 or 24 or 32';
SInvalidWaveFormat = 'Format is invalid';
SNotSupported = '%s not supported';
SStreamOpend = 'Stream has already been opened';
SNecessaryDirectInputUseMouse = 'DirectInput is necessary to use the mouse';
{ DirectPlay }
SDXPlayNotConnectedNow = 'TDXPlay component is not connected now.';
SDXPlayProviderNotFound = 'Provider ''%s'' not found';
SDXPlayProviderSpecifiedGUIDNotFound = 'Provider of specified GUID is not found';
SDXPlayModemListCannotBeAcquired = 'Modem list cannot be acquired';
SDXPlaySessionListCannotBeAcquired = 'Session list cannot be acquired';
SDXPlaySessionNotFound = 'Session ''%s'' not found';
SDXPlaySessionCannotOpened = 'Session %s cannot be opened';
SDXPlayPlayerNotFound = 'The player of specified ID is not found';
SDXPlayMessageIllegal = 'The message form is illegal';
SDXPlayPlayerNameIsNotSpecified = 'Player name is not specified';
SDXPlaySessionNameIsNotSpecified = 'Session name is not specified';
DXPlayFormNext = 'Next >';
DXPlayFormComplete = 'Complete';
SNotSupportGraphicFile = 'This format graphic not suported';
SInvalidDXTFile = 'This DXT file is invalid';
SCannotLoadGraphic = 'Can''t Load this Graphic';
SOverlay = 'Not posible Overlay Surface';
SDIBSize = '(%dx%d)';
SDIBColor = '%d color';
SDIBBitSize = '%d bytes';
SDIBBitSize_K = '%d Kbytes';
SWaveLength = '%.4g sec';
SWaveFrequency = '%dHz';
SWaveBitCount = '%dbit';
SWaveMono = 'Mono';
SWaveStereo = 'Stereo';
SWaveSize = '%d bytes';
SKeyLeft = 'Left';
SKeyUp = 'Up';
SKeyRight = 'Right';
SKeyDown = 'Down';
SFFBEffectEditor = '%s Effect Editor';