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<namespace>:<identifier> [<flags>]<attrib_name>[(<attrib_param[s]>)]:<value>

[]= optional


Comment lines start with #


[add]   Additive flag           -> The field will not overwrite same-named fields in the hierarchy; instead it will be added.
[co]    Confidential flag       -> The field will be redacted, unless a auth key matches a previous defined read-auth in the hierarchy tree
[xt]    Extend flag
        Value is a handle
[in]    Inherit flag            -> The value will be interhited to all future OIDs, as long as it isn't overwritten.
[del]   Delete flag             -> Delete all previously declared fields. Required if you want to remove an inherited element.

Namespaces (case insensitive)
        guid will be converted to oid
        other namespaces (e.g. doi) will be converted to a namebased uuid which will be converted to an oid

Special namespaces (case insensitive)
        *external       -> <identifier> is an URL which will be included

OID extending process:

- <SYSID> inside an OID will be replaced to the integer representation of
  system_unique_id (defined in db/local.conf, and will be automatically generated).
- <GENROOT> inside an OID will be replaced to the generation root, which is by default .2.25.<SYSID>

System fields

System fields always begin with '*' and are always invisible for everyone.

Currently supported system fields are:

*read-auth : Contains auth infos for [co] fields and invisible OIDs
*invisible : (0|1) <-- will be shown if read-auth is available for the current OID (not the OID which defined *invisible!)

Macro params

oid:.<oid> [xt]<attrib_name>(...):<macro name> <param 1> <param 2>
<macro name> == __0__
<param 1> == __1__
__...__ will be replaced in attrib_name, attrib_params and value .
Note: Unused place holders will not be removed, so parametrized marcos can use parametrized macros itself.
Note: Separator is any kind of whitespace. Multiple whitespaces are OK!

Fields with special meaning

identifier:     Is the ASN.1 identifier. It MUST have the correct syntax.
unicodelabel:   The unicode label. Syntax checking not yet implemented.