Subversion Repositories oidinfo_new_design


Rev 2 | View as "text/php" | Blame | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed


// This script re-generates the static pages by
// taking the template and inserting following data:
// - Replace %%CONTENT%% with content
// - Replace %%TITLE%% with the title

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// You don't need to run this PHP script using the web browser.
// You can run it as shell script in the SSH terminal!
// Feel free to translate this script to OCaml :-)

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

//          "Input file"       "Output file"  "Title"

echo '<pre>';

_regenerate('density.raw.htm',         'density.htm',         'OID repository - Most populated OID arcs');
_regenerate('advanced-search.raw.htm', 'advanced-search.htm', 'OID repository - Advanced Search');
_regenerate('basic-search.raw.htm',    'basic-search.htm',    'OID repository - Search');
_regenerate('faq.raw.htm',             'faq.htm',             'OID repository - FAQ');
_regenerate('disclaimer.raw.htm',      'disclaimer.htm',      'OID repository - Terms of use');
_regenerate('display-example.raw.htm', 'display-example.htm', 'OID repository - Display example');
_regenerate('getting-an-oid-in-xml.raw.htm', 'getting-an-oid-in-xml.htm', 'OID repository - Getting an OID description in XML for JSON');
_regenerate('index.raw.htm',           'index.htm',           'OID repository - Home');
_regenerate('introduction.raw.htm',    'introduction.htm',    'OID repository - Introduction');
_regenerate('name-forms.raw.htm',      'name-forms.htm',      'OID repository - Standardized NameForms');
_regenerate('regexp.raw.htm',          'regexp.htm',          'OID repository - Search - Regexp');
_regenerate('registrant-account-charter.raw.htm', 'registrant-account-charter.htm', 'OID repository - Registrant account charter');
_regenerate('standards.raw.htm',       'standards.htm',       'OID repository - International standards on OIDs');
_regenerate('submit.raw.htm',          'submit.htm',          'OID repository - Submit');
_regenerate('country_codes.raw.htm',   'country_codes.htm',   'OID repository - Correspondence table between country codes and OIDs');
_regenerate('country_oids.raw.htm',    'country_oids.htm',    'OID repository - Country OIDs');
_regenerate('captured-standards.raw.htm',    'captured-standards.htm',    'OID repository - Captured Standards');

// Attention! HTML files which are not in the base directory need following
//            <head> becomes <head><base href="../">
_regenerate('doc/index.raw.htm',       'doc/index.htm',       'OID repository - Informative documents');
_regenerate('errors/200.raw.htm',      'errors/200.htm',      'OID repository - Error 200');
_regenerate('errors/302.raw.htm',      'errors/302.htm',      'OID repository - Error 302');
_regenerate('errors/304.raw.htm',      'errors/304.htm',      'OID repository - Error 304');
_regenerate('errors/400.raw.htm',      'errors/400.htm',      'OID repository - Server error');
_regenerate('errors/401.raw.htm',      'errors/401.htm',      'OID repository - Error 401');
_regenerate('errors/403-404.raw.htm',  'errors/403-404.htm',  'OID repository - Not found');
_regenerate('errors/500.raw.htm',      'errors/500.htm',      'OID repository - Internal server error');
_regenerate('errors/501.raw.htm',      'errors/501.htm',      'OID repository - Error 501');
_regenerate('errors/502.raw.htm',      'errors/502.htm',      'OID repository - Error 502');
_regenerate('errors/503.raw.htm',      'errors/503.htm',      'OID repository - Error 503');

// Attention! Additionally, management files need:
//            <div class="wrapper"> becomes <div class="wrapper_in_management">
_regenerate('gestion/index.raw.htm',   'gestion/index.htm',   'OID repository - Management');
_regenerate('gestion/replace.raw.htm', 'gestion/replace.htm', 'OID repository - Search and replace');

echo "Done!\n";
echo '</pre>';

// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

function _regenerate($input_file, $output_file, $title) {

        $is_outside_basedir = strpos($input_file, '/') !== false;

        // Change relative path to absolute path
        $input_file = __DIR__ . '/../' . $input_file;
        $output_file = __DIR__ . '/../' . $output_file;

        // Security checks
        if (!file_exists($input_file))
                die("File does not exist: $input_file\n");
        if (file_exists($output_file) && (filemtime($output_file) > filemtime($input_file)))
                die("Output file is newer than input file! $output_file\n");

        // Trim <a> etc.
        trim_tag_contents($input_file, 'a');
        trim_tag_contents($input_file, 'strong');
        trim_tag_contents($input_file, 'b');
        trim_tag_contents($input_file, 'code');
        trim_tag_contents($input_file, 'i');

        // Load template
        $cont = file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../__template_begin.htm')."\n".
                file_get_contents(__DIR__ . '/../__template_end.htm');

        // Replace template strings
        $cont = str_replace('%%CONTENT%%', file_get_contents($input_file), $cont);
        $cont = str_replace('%%TITLE%%', $title, $cont);
        if ($output_file == __DIR__ . '/../' . 'index.htm') {
                $cont = str_replace('%%FOOTER_TEXT%%', '&nbsp;'/*'This site is sponsored by <a href="">Orange S.A.</a>'*/, $cont);
        } else {
                $cont = str_replace('%%FOOTER_TEXT%%', '', $cont);

        // Files outside the base directory
        if ($is_outside_basedir) {
                $cont = str_replace('<head>', '<head><base href="../">', $cont);
                $cont = str_replace('<div class="wrapper">', '<div class="wrapper_in_management">', $cont);

        if (!file_exists($output_file) || (file_get_contents($output_file) != $cont)) {
                file_put_contents($output_file, $cont);
                echo "Generated $output_file\n";

        touch($output_file, filemtime($input_file));

function trim_tag_contents($input_file, $tag) {
        $xxx = file_get_contents($input_file);
        $xxx_orig = $xxx;
        while (preg_match('@(<'.$tag.'[^>]*>)\s@ismU', $xxx)) {
                $xxx = preg_replace('@(<'.$tag.'[^>]*>)\s@ismU', '\\1', $xxx);
        while (preg_match('@\s(</'.$tag.'>)@ismU', $xxx)) {
                $xxx = preg_replace('@\s(</'.$tag.'>)@ismU', '\\1', $xxx);
        if ($xxx_orig != $xxx) {
                file_put_contents($input_file, $xxx);