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  83. <H2>
  84. Package com.sun.mail.pop3
  85. </H2>
  86. A POP3 protocol provider for the JavaMail API
  87. that provides access to a POP3 message store.
  88. <P>
  89. <B>See:</B>
  90. <BR>
  91. &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;<A HREF="#package_description"><B>Description</B></A>
  92. <P>
  95. <TR BGCOLOR="#CCCCFF" CLASS="TableHeadingColor">
  96. <TH ALIGN="left" COLSPAN="2"><FONT SIZE="+2">
  97. <B>Class Summary</B></FONT></TH>
  98. </TR>
  99. <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">
  100. <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/pop3/POP3Folder.html" title="class in com.sun.mail.pop3">POP3Folder</A></B></TD>
  101. <TD>A POP3 Folder (can only be "INBOX").</TD>
  102. </TR>
  103. <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">
  104. <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/pop3/POP3Message.html" title="class in com.sun.mail.pop3">POP3Message</A></B></TD>
  105. <TD>A POP3 Message.</TD>
  106. </TR>
  107. <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">
  108. <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/pop3/POP3SSLStore.html" title="class in com.sun.mail.pop3">POP3SSLStore</A></B></TD>
  109. <TD>A POP3 Message Store using SSL.</TD>
  110. </TR>
  111. <TR BGCOLOR="white" CLASS="TableRowColor">
  112. <TD WIDTH="15%"><B><A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/pop3/POP3Store.html" title="class in com.sun.mail.pop3">POP3Store</A></B></TD>
  113. <TD>A POP3 Message Store.</TD>
  114. </TR>
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  116. &nbsp;
  118. <P>
  119. <A NAME="package_description"><!-- --></A><H2>
  120. Package com.sun.mail.pop3 Description
  121. </H2>
  123. <P>
  124. A POP3 protocol provider for the JavaMail API
  125. that provides access to a POP3 message store.
  126. Refer to <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
  127. RFC 1939</A>
  128. for more information.
  129. <P>
  130. The POP3 provider provides a Store object that contains a single Folder
  131. named "INBOX". Due to the limitations of the POP3 protocol, many of
  132. the JavaMail API capabilities like event notification, folder management,
  133. flag management, etc. are not allowed.  The corresponding methods throw
  134. the MethodNotSupportedException exception; see below for details.
  135. <P>
  136. Note that JavaMail does <strong>not</strong> include a local store into
  137. which messages can be downloaded and stored.  See our
  138. <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">
  139. Third Party Products</A>
  140. web page for availability of "mbox" and "MH" local store providers.
  141. <P>
  142. The POP3 provider is accessed through the JavaMail APIs by using the protocol
  143. name "pop3" or a URL of the form "pop3://user:password@host:port/INBOX".
  144. <P>
  145. POP3 supports only a single folder named "INBOX".
  146. <P>
  147. POP3 supports <strong>no</strong> permanent flags (see
  148. <A HREF="../../../../javax/mail/Folder.html#getPermanentFlags()"><CODE>Folder.getPermanentFlags()</CODE></A>).
  149. In particular, the <code>Flags.Flag.RECENT</code> flag will never be set
  150. for POP3
  151. messages.  It's up to the application to determine which messages in a
  152. POP3 mailbox are "new".  There are several strategies to accomplish
  153. this, depending on the needs of the application and the environment:
  154. <P>
  155. <UL>
  156. <LI>
  157. A simple approach would be to keep track of the newest
  158. message seen by the application.
  159. </LI>
  160. <LI>
  161. An alternative would be to keep track of the UIDs (see below)
  162. of all messages that have been seen.
  163. </LI>
  164. <LI>
  165. Another approach is to download <strong>all</strong> messages into a local
  166. mailbox, so that all messages in the POP3 mailbox are, by
  167. definition, new.
  168. </LI>
  169. </UL>
  170. <P>
  171. All approaches will require some permanent storage associated with the client.
  172. <P>
  173. POP3 does not support the <code>Folder.expunge()</code> method.  To delete and
  174. expunge messages, set the <code>Flags.Flag.DELETED</code> flag on the messages
  175. and close the folder using the <code>Folder.close(true)</code> method.  You
  176. cannot expunge without closing the folder.
  177. <P>
  178. POP3 does not provide a "received date", so the <code>getReceivedDate</code>
  179. method will return null.
  180. It may be possible to examine other message headers (e.g., the
  181. "Received" headers) to estimate the received date, but these techniques
  182. are error-prone at best.
  183. <P>
  184. The POP3 provider supports the POP3 UIDL command, see
  185. <A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/pop3/POP3Folder.html#getUID(javax.mail.Message)"><CODE>POP3Folder.getUID()</CODE></A>.
  186. You can use it as follows:
  187. <P>
  189. if (folder instanceof com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Folder) {
  190.    com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Folder pf =
  191.        (com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Folder)folder;
  192.    String uid = pf.getUID(msg);
  193.    if (uid != null)
  194.        ... // use it
  195. }
  196. </PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
  197. <P>
  198. You can also pre-fetch all the UIDs for all messages like this:
  199. <P>
  201. FetchProfile fp = new FetchProfile();
  202. fp.add(UIDFolder.FetchProfileItem.UID);
  203. folder.fetch(folder.getMessages(), fp);
  204. </PRE></BLOCKQUOTE>
  205. <P>
  206. Then use the technique above to get the UID for each message.  This is
  207. similar to the technique used with the UIDFolder interface supported by
  208. IMAP, but note that POP3 UIDs are strings, not integers like IMAP
  209. UIDs.  See the POP3 spec for details.
  210. <P>
  211. The POP3 protocol provider supports the following properties,
  212. which may be set in the JavaMail <code>Session</code> object.
  213. The properties are always set as strings; the Type column describes
  214. how the string is interpreted.  For example, use
  215. <PRE>
  216.        props.put("mail.pop3.port", "888");
  217. </PRE>
  218. to set the <CODE>mail.pop3.port</CODE> property, which is of type int.
  219. <P>
  220. Note that if you're using the "pop3s" protocol to access POP3 over SSL,
  221. all the properties would be named "mail.pop3s.*".
  222. <P>
  224. <TR>
  225. <TH>Name</TH>
  226. <TH>Type</TH>
  227. <TH>Description</TH>
  228. </TR>
  230. <TR>
  231. <TD>mail.pop3.user</TD>
  232. <TD>String</TD>
  233. <TD>Default user name for POP3.</TD>
  234. </TR>
  236. <TR>
  237. <TD></TD>
  238. <TD>String</TD>
  239. <TD>The POP3 server to connect to.</TD>
  240. </TR>
  242. <TR>
  243. <TD>mail.pop3.port</TD>
  244. <TD>int</TD>
  245. <TD>The POP3 server port to connect to, if the connect() method doesn't
  246. explicitly specify one. Defaults to 110.</TD>
  247. </TR>
  249. <TR>
  250. <TD>mail.pop3.connectiontimeout</TD>
  251. <TD>int</TD>
  252. <TD>Socket connection timeout value in milliseconds.
  253. Default is infinite timeout.</TD>
  254. </TR>
  256. <TR>
  257. <TD>mail.pop3.timeout</TD>
  258. <TD>int</TD>
  259. <TD>Socket I/O timeout value in milliseconds.  Default is infinite timeout.</TD>
  260. </TR>
  262. <TR>
  263. <TD>mail.pop3.rsetbeforequit</TD>
  264. <TD>boolean</TD>
  265. <TD>
  266. Send a POP3 RSET command when closing the folder, before sending the
  267. QUIT command.  Useful with POP3 servers that implicitly mark all
  268. messages that are read as "deleted"; this will prevent such messages
  269. from being deleted and expunged unless the client requests so.  Default
  270. is false.
  271. </TD>
  272. </TR>
  274. <TR>
  275. <TD>mail.pop3.message.class</TD>
  276. <TD>String</TD>
  277. <TD>
  278. Class name of a subclass of <code>com.sun.mail.pop3.POP3Message</code>.
  279. The subclass can be used to handle (for example) non-standard
  280. Content-Type headers.  The subclass must have a public constructor
  281. of the form <code>MyPOP3Message(Folder f, int msgno)
  282. throws MessagingException</code>.
  283. </TD>
  284. </TR>
  286. <TR>
  287. <TD>mail.pop3.localaddress</TD>
  288. <TD>String</TD>
  289. <TD>
  290. Local address (host name) to bind to when creating the POP3 socket.
  291. Defaults to the address picked by the Socket class.
  292. Should not normally need to be set, but useful with multi-homed hosts
  293. where it's important to pick a particular local address to bind to.
  294. </TD>
  295. </TR>
  297. <TR>
  298. <TD>mail.pop3.localport</TD>
  299. <TD>int</TD>
  300. <TD>
  301. Local port number to bind to when creating the POP3 socket.
  302. Defaults to the port number picked by the Socket class.
  303. </TD>
  304. </TR>
  306. <TR>
  307. <TD>mail.pop3.apop.enable</TD>
  308. <TD>boolean</TD>
  309. <TD>
  310. If set to true, use APOP instead of USER/PASS to login to the
  311. POP3 server, if the POP3 server supports APOP.  APOP sends a
  312. digest of the password rather than the clear text password.
  313. Defaults to false.
  314. </TD>
  315. </TR>
  317. <TR>
  318. <TD>mail.pop3.socketFactory</TD>
  319. <TD>SocketFactory</TD>
  320. <TD>
  321. If set to a class that implements the
  322. <code></code> interface, this class
  323. will be used to create POP3 sockets.  Note that this is an
  324. instance of a class, not a name, and must be set using the
  325. <code>put</code> method, not the <code>setProperty</code> method.
  326. </TD>
  327. </TR>
  329. <TR>
  330. <TD>mail.pop3.socketFactory.class</TD>
  331. <TD>String</TD>
  332. <TD>
  333. If set, specifies the name of a class that implements the
  334. <code></code> interface.  This class
  335. will be used to create POP3 sockets.
  336. </TD>
  337. </TR>
  339. <TR>
  340. <TD>mail.pop3.socketFactory.fallback</TD>
  341. <TD>boolean</TD>
  342. <TD>
  343. If set to true, failure to create a socket using the specified
  344. socket factory class will cause the socket to be created using
  345. the <code></code> class.
  346. Defaults to true.
  347. </TD>
  348. </TR>
  350. <TR>
  351. <TD>mail.pop3.socketFactory.port</TD>
  352. <TD>int</TD>
  353. <TD>
  354. Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
  355. factory.
  356. If not set, the default port will be used.
  357. </TD>
  358. </TR>
  360. <TR>
  361. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.enable</TD>
  362. <TD>boolean</TD>
  363. <TD>
  364. If set to true, use SSL to connect and use the SSL port by default.
  365. Defaults to false for the "pop3" protocol and true for the "pop3s" protocol.
  366. </TD>
  367. </TR>
  369. <TR>
  370. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.checkserveridentity</TD>
  371. <TD>boolean</TD>
  372. <TD>
  373. If set to true, check the server identity as specified by
  374. <A HREF="" TARGET="_top">RFC 2595</A>.
  375. These additional checks based on the content of the server's certificate
  376. are intended to prevent man-in-the-middle attacks.
  377. Defaults to false.
  378. </TD>
  379. </TR>
  381. <TR>
  382. <TD></TD>
  383. <TD>String</TD>
  384. <TD>
  385. If set, and a socket factory hasn't been specified, enables use of a
  386. <A HREF="../../../../com/sun/mail/util/MailSSLSocketFactory.html" title="class in com.sun.mail.util"><CODE>MailSSLSocketFactory</CODE></A>.
  387. If set to "*", all hosts are trusted.
  388. If set to a whitespace separated list of hosts, those hosts are trusted.
  389. Otherwise, trust depends on the certificate the server presents.
  390. </TD>
  391. </TR>
  393. <TR>
  394. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.socketFactory</TD>
  395. <TD>SSLSocketFactory</TD>
  396. <TD>
  397. If set to a class that extends the
  398. <code></code> class, this class
  399. will be used to create POP3 SSL sockets.  Note that this is an
  400. instance of a class, not a name, and must be set using the
  401. <code>put</code> method, not the <code>setProperty</code> method.
  402. </TD>
  403. </TR>
  405. <TR>
  406. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.socketFactory.class</TD>
  407. <TD>String</TD>
  408. <TD>
  409. If set, specifies the name of a class that extends the
  410. <code></code> class.  This class
  411. will be used to create POP3 SSL sockets.
  412. </TD>
  413. </TR>
  415. <TR>
  416. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.socketFactory.port</TD>
  417. <TD>int</TD>
  418. <TD>
  419. Specifies the port to connect to when using the specified socket
  420. factory.
  421. If not set, the default port will be used.
  422. </TD>
  423. </TR>
  425. <TR>
  426. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.protocols</TD>
  427. <TD>string</TD>
  428. <TD>
  429. Specifies the SSL protocols that will be enabled for SSL connections.
  430. The property value is a whitespace separated list of tokens acceptable
  431. to the <code></code> method.
  432. </TD>
  433. </TR>
  435. <TR>
  436. <TD>mail.pop3.ssl.ciphersuites</TD>
  437. <TD>string</TD>
  438. <TD>
  439. Specifies the SSL cipher suites that will be enabled for SSL connections.
  440. The property value is a whitespace separated list of tokens acceptable
  441. to the <code></code> method.
  442. </TD>
  443. </TR>
  445. <TR>
  446. <TD>mail.pop3.starttls.enable</TD>
  447. <TD>boolean</TD>
  448. <TD>
  449. If true, enables the use of the <code>STLS</code> command (if
  450. supported by the server) to switch the connection to a TLS-protected
  451. connection before issuing any login commands.  Note that an appropriate
  452. trust store must configured so that the client will trust the server's
  453. certificate.
  454. Defaults to false.
  455. </TD>
  456. </TR>
  458. <TR>
  459. <TD>mail.pop3.starttls.required</TD>
  460. <TD>boolean</TD>
  461. <TD>
  462. If true, requires the use of the <code>STLS</code> command.
  463. If the server doesn't support the STLS command, or the command
  464. fails, the connect method will fail.
  465. Defaults to false.
  466. </TD>
  467. </TR>
  470. <TR>
  471. <TD>mail.pop3.disabletop</TD>
  472. <TD>boolean</TD>
  473. <TD>
  474. If set to true, the POP3 TOP command will not be used to fetch
  475. message headers.  This is useful for POP3 servers that don't
  476. properly implement the TOP command, or that provide incorrect
  477. information in the TOP command results.
  478. Defaults to false.
  479. </TD>
  480. </TR>
  482. <TR>
  483. <TD>mail.pop3.forgettopheaders</TD>
  484. <TD>boolean</TD>
  485. <TD>
  486. If set to true, the headers that might have been retrieved using
  487. the POP3 TOP command will be forgotten and replaced by headers
  488. retrieved as part of the POP3 RETR command.  Some servers, such
  489. as some versions of Microsft Exchange and IBM Lotus Notes,
  490. will return slightly different
  491. headers each time the TOP or RETR command is used.  To allow the
  492. POP3 provider to properly parse the message content returned from
  493. the RETR command, the headers also returned by the RETR command
  494. must be used.  Setting this property to true will cause these
  495. headers to be used, even if they differ from the headers returned
  496. previously as a result of using the TOP command.
  497. Defaults to false.
  498. </TD>
  499. </TR>
  501. </TABLE>
  502. <P>
  503. In general, applications should not need to use the classes in this
  504. package directly.  Instead, they should use the APIs defined by
  505. <code>javax.mail</code> package (and subpackages).  Applications should
  506. never construct instances of <code>POP3Store</code> or
  507. <code>POP3Folder</code> directly.  Instead, they should use the
  508. <code>Session</code> method <code>getStore</code> to acquire an
  509. appropriate <code>Store</code> object, and from that acquire
  510. <code>Folder</code> objects.
  511. <P>
  512. <strong>WARNING:</strong> The APIs unique to this package should be
  513. considered <strong>EXPERIMENTAL</strong>.  They may be changed in the
  514. future in ways that are incompatible with applications using the
  515. current APIs.
  516. <P>
  518. <P>
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