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// Screen settings
sync on
sync rate 60
autocam off

#constant SPREAD1_MAX 10
#constant SPREAD2_MAX 15

gosub _setup_particles
// Main loop
   // Check when SPACE is pressed
   if spacekey() = 1 and keySP = 0
        gosub _splat_blood
   keySP = spacekey() 

   gosub _handle_blood

// ---------------------

    // Make 100 particle objects
    particleIndex = 0
    #constant PARTICLEMAX = 100
    dim particle(PARTICLEMAX) as particleType
    for i = 1 to PARTICLEMAX
       make object plain i, 2, 2
       color object i, rgb(128, 0, 0)
       exclude object on i
    next i

   // Update particles
   for i = 1 to PARTICLEMAX
   next i
   // Update screen

    yoff = rnd(SPREAD1_MAX*2)-SPREAD1_MAX;

      // Activate blood particles around box
      for i = 1 to PARTICLEMAX
          // The angle particles should fly
        yAng# = 90+rnd(SPREAD2_MAX*2)-SPREAD2_MAX+yoff

         // Calculate directions
         xSpeed# = cos(yAng#)
         zSpeed# = sin(yAng#)
         // Calculate speeds
         xSpeed# = xSpeed# * (rnd(20)/5.0)
         ySpeed# = ((rnd(20)-rnd(20))/10.0)
         zSpeed# = zSpeed# * (rnd(20)/5.0)
         // Activate particle
         x# = camera position x()
         y# = camera position y()
         z# = camera position z()
         particleIndex = ActivateParticle(particleIndex, 30+rnd(30), x#, y#, z#, xSpeed#, ySpeed#, zSpeed#)
      next i
// Activate the specified particle and give it an initial position/velocity
function ActivateParticle(i, life, x#, y#, z#, xSpeed#, ySpeed#, zSpeed#)
   // Cycle through the particle objects to use
   inc i
   if i > PARTICLEMAX then dec i, PARTICLEMAX
   // Set particle variables
   particle(i).life = life
   particle(i).x = x#
   particle(i).y = y#
   particle(i).z = z#
   particle(i).xSpeed = xSpeed#
   particle(i).ySpeed = ySpeed#
   particle(i).zSpeed = zSpeed#
   // Show particle object
   exclude object off i
endfunction i
// Update positioning for specified particle
function UpdateParticle(i)
      // Only update particles that are alive
      if particle(i).life > 0
         // Apply gravity
         dec particle(i).ySpeed, 0.098
         // Move the particle
         inc particle(i).x, particle(i).xSpeed
         inc particle(i).y, particle(i).ySpeed
         inc particle(i).z, particle(i).zSpeed
         // Position particle
         position object i, particle(i).x, particle(i).y, particle(i).z
         point object i, camera position x(), camera position y(), camera position z()
         // Lower particle's life
         dec particle(i).life
         // Hide particles when they die
         if particle(i).life <= 0 then exclude object on i
// Data type used by particles
type particleType
   life as integer      // Remaining life of particle (0=Dead)
   x as float           // Position
   y as float           // ...
   z as float           // ...
   xSpeed as float      // Velocity
   ySpeed as float      // ...
   zSpeed as float      // ...