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# Obfuscated filters

## Resource location

Obfuscated standalone filters:
- Windows resource: RCDATA\16001\0
- MacOS resource: 'DATA' 16001

Normal standalone filters:
- Windows resource: PARM\16000\0
- MacOS resource: 'PARM' 16000

## Implementation

Defined in **ff.h**, implemented in **obfusc.c**:

    // Implements Obfusc V5 on Windows and Obfusc V4 on MacOS.
    // Returns a seed that needs to be stored in the executable code.
    uint32_t obfusc(PARM_T* pparm);

    // In V1+V2: Seed is hardcoded
    // In V3:    Seed is in PARM (field "unknown2")
    // In V4+V5: Seed is in the program code and will me modified with a binary search+replace
    void deobfusc(PARM_T* pparm);

### Obfuscation "Version 5"

Introduced in **Filter Foundry**

Obfuscation version 5 is the same as version 4, but there is a constraint
that the seed must be equal to the CRC32b checksum of the deobfuscated PARM.
This is done to check the integrity of the deobfuscation.

Also, the xor-shifting is intentionally incompatible with version 4
(to avoid downgrade-attacks) by XORing the initial seed with 0xFFFFFFFF.

The DWORD value `0x00000005` will be stored at field `unknown2`
(byte 0x30..0x33; the field is not used in the `PARM` resource).

While generating and applying the random data stream, the bytes
0x30..0x33 (the location where the version info is stored) are skipped,
like in version 3.

### Obfuscation "Version 4"

Introduced in **Filter Foundry**

It is not compiler-dependant, but different between every standalone filter.

Windows version:
The binary code of the 8BF file will be manipulated during building
to store the seed into the `deobfusc()` function.
The placeholder value is `OBFUSC_V4_DEFAULT_SEED 0x52830517`
This allows that 32-bit and 64-bit filters are "cross built".

(Theoretical) Macintosh version:
Obfuscation and deobfuscation has the seed `0x52830517`, since the
manipulation of the binary code is not implemented.

Algorithm: XOR-Shift like in version 2, but the seed is individual for
each individual built standalone filter.

The DWORD value `0x00000004` will be stored at field `unknown2`
(byte 0x30..0x33; the field is not used in the `PARM` resource).

While generating and applying the random data stream, the bytes
0x30..0x33 (the location where the version info is stored) are skipped,
like in version 3.

### Obfuscation "Version 3"

Introduced in **Filter Foundry**

A random seed is chosen and written to field `unknown2` (byte 0x30..0x33).

Then, the `PARM` resource will be obfuscated by applying an XOR operation to a random data stream:

    unsigned char *p;
    *p++ ^= (int)(rand() * 1.0 / (RAND_MAX + 1) * 256);
Bytes 0x30..0x33 (the location where the seed is stored) are skipped.

The `rand()` operation is compiler-dependant, and therefore the resource cannot be exchanged between plugins.

32 bit plugin is built with OpenWatcom (for Win95 compatibility) which has following formula:

    int rand_openwatcom(unsigned int* seed) {
            *seed = *seed * 1103515245L + 12345L;
            return (*seed >> 16) & 0x7fff; /* Scale between 0 and RAND_MAX */

64 bit plugin is built with Visual C++ which has following formula:

    int rand_msvcc(unsigned int* seed) {
            *seed = *seed * 214013L + 2531011L;
            return (*seed >> 16) & 0x7fff; /* Scale between 0 and RAND_MAX */

### Obfuscation "Version 2"

Introduced in **Filter Foundry 1.7b1**

It is compiler-independent!

Algorithm: [XOR-Shift]( "XOR-Shift") with hardcoded seed `0x95d4a68f`.

    x32 = 0x95d4a68f;
    for(i = size, p = pparm; i--;) {
            x32 ^= x32 << 13;
            x32 ^= x32 >> 17;
            x32 ^= x32 << 5;
            *p++ ^= x32;

### Obfuscation "Version 1"

Introduced in **Filter Foundry 1.4b8,9,10**

It is compiler-dependant, and therefore the resource cannot be exchanged between plugins!

Algorithm: XOR with `rand()`-stream with hardcoded seed `0xdc43df3c`.

    for(i = size, p = pparm; i--;) {
            *p++ ^= rand();

The plugin is built with Visual C++ which has following formula:

    int rand_msvcc(unsigned int* seed) {
            *seed = *seed * 214013L + 2531011L;
            return (*seed >> 16) & 0x7fff; /* Scale between 0 and RAND_MAX */