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  1. ; (De)Coder Language File
  3. [Signature]
  4. Language=English
  5. Revision=April 1st, 2007
  6. Translator=Daniel Marschall, Victor Negoescu
  7. Version=4.1 Public Beta 4b
  9. [MainForm]
  10. error=Error
  11. information=Information
  12. warning=Warning
  13. openhint=Open file...
  14. folderhint=Open folder...
  15. confighint=Open configuration...
  16. helphint=Help
  17. dechint=Decrypt file...
  18. enchint=Encrypt file...
  19. equal=Equal
  20. notequal=Unequal
  21. opened=Opened:
  22. location=Location:
  23. nofile=No file
  24. hasherror=Filechecksum isn't equal to the internal value. Probably the###file was manipulated or the password is incorrect.
  25. foldermessageopen=Please select the folder, which is to be packed into a ZIP file, in order to be encoded.
  26. foldermessagesave=Where should the encoded folder being moved to?
  27. helpnotfound=The help file could not be found.
  28. passwordsdifferent=The passwords are different!
  29. mkdirerror=Could not create target directory!
  30. status=State:
  31. encrypted=Encrypted with %s
  32. unencrypted=Unencrypted
  33. originalname=Original name:
  34. cryptmode=Mode:
  35. filetype=Filetype:
  36. filesize=Data size:
  37. password=Password:
  38. repassword=Validation:
  39. errorreading=The file could not be read. Probably it is damaged or in a not compatible file version.
  40. broken=Broken
  41. archivecorrupt=The ZIP file is damaged.
  42. moveerror=The output file could not be created. Probably a non-existing folder was supplied.
  43. equalhint=Are the two passwords identical?
  44. entropy=Security of the password, calculated by entropy
  45. securedelete=Delete the sourcefile securily after the process.
  46. capswarning=Warning: Caps Lock is activated!
  47. capslock=Caps Lock!
  48. encodedata=Encrypting data...
  49. decodedata=Decrypting data...
  50. zip_folder=Pack folder as ZIP file
  51. unzip_folder=Unzip tempoary ZIP file
  52. filter_all=All files
  53. filter_encrypted=Encrypted files
  54. deletefile=Safe deletion of source files...
  55. notdeleted=Source files could be deleted only partially or not at all. They are probably provided with a writing protection or are under use.
  56. cleaningerror=The tempoary files could be deleted only partially or not at all. They are probably provided with a writing protection or are under use.
  57. cleaningok=The tempoary files were deleted successfully.
  58. erase=Destroy irrevocablly!
  59. erasewarning=Warning! You are in the process deleting the up-to-date opened file and/or the up-to-date opened file irrevocablly. Since the data are several times overwritten, no re-establishment is more possible. This is useful, if you liked to delete sensitive data of your non removable disk.######Are you surely that you would like to continue?
  60. erasesuccessful=The file and/or the file was successfully destroyed.
  61. drive=Drive
  62. closefile=Close file
  63. delok=The files were successfully deleted.
  64. delerror=The files could be not deleted completely.
  65. fileorfoldernotfound=File and/or folder does not exist.
  66. nothingtoclean=There are no not deleted temporary files at the moment.
  67. exit=Exit
  68. actions=Actions
  69. help=Help
  70. file=File
  71. about=About...
  72. direct=Open file directly
  73. x-file=%s-File
  74. x-byte-seed=%d Byte Seed
  75. compressed=Compressed
  76. update_error=An error arosed. Probably you are not connected to the internet, or the ViaThinkSoft server is temporarly offline.
  77. update_no=There are no updates available.
  78. update_yes=A new version of this software is available. Do you want to download it?
  79. updates=Check for updates...
  80. compress=Compress data
  81. dateiensammlung=File collection
  82. wait_internet=Checking for newer version...
  83. dateisammlung_folder_add_message=Btte select you the folder, which is to be added to the file collection.
  84. dateiensammlung_neu=Create new
  85. dateiensammlung_add_file=Add file(s)...
  86. dateiensammlung_add_folder=Add folder...
  87. dateiensammlung_show=Show objects...
  88. web_email=Contact project leader
  89. web_keytransmitter=Secure key transmission (in German)
  90. web_ressources=Web-Resources
  91. web_dm=Daniel Marschall's web portal (in German)
  92. web_vts=ViaThinkSoft (in German)
  93. web_project=(De)Coder project page (in German)
  94. web_infopages=
  95. web_forum=
  97. [ConfigForm]
  98. information=Information
  99. caption=Configuration
  100. operatingsystem=Integration into the operating system
  101. confinfo1=Here you can affect the integration of (De)Coder into the operating system.###For this you need administrator rights.
  102. confinfo2=Encoded files and folders get the file extension DC4.
  103. confinfo3=Files and folders get the context menu entry "Open with (De)Coder".
  104. confinfo4=Files and folders get the context menu entry "Destroy with (De)Coder".
  105. confinfo5=Integrate secure-move into the Windows-Shell.
  106. restartinfo=Please note that Windows notices made changes possibly late. You should###restart your computer after the changes, so that they become effective.
  107. close=Close
  108. dc4file=(De)Coder %s File
  109. keycapt=
  110. keyinfo=
  111. bytes=Bytes
  113. [Activator]
  114. error=Error
  115. failed=An error aroused. Probably you have no administrator rights or the installation is broken.
  117. [ShlExt]
  118. openwith=Open object with (De)Coder
  119. multiplefiles=You selected several files and/or folders. For each element a new window of (De)Coder will be opened. Would you really like to continue the operation?
  120. multiplecaption=Open multiple files
  121. codermissing=Could not find (De)Coder. A reinstallation should solve this problem.
  122. error=Error
  123. context=Open with (De)Coder
  125. [ShlErase]
  126. sicherheitsfrage=Destroy object with (De)Coder
  127. sicherheitsfragecaption=Would you like to destroy these objects really irrevocablly?
  128. codermissing=Safety inquiry
  129. error=Could not find (De)Coder. A reinstallation should solve this problem.
  130. context=Error
  131. information=Destroy with (De)Coder
  132. delok=Information
  133. delerror=The files were deleted successfully.
  134. =The files could be not deleted completely.
  136. [SecureMove]
  137. title=&Secure Move
  138. description=Shifts the file, without leaving data remaining on the data medium.
  139. error_del=Error! The source object "%s" could be not completely destroyed after copying.
  140. error_copy=Error! The directory "%s" could not be copied to the destination "%s". Windows returned the error code "%d"
  141. wait=Please wait...
  143. [AboutForm]
  144. about=About...
  145. installedlang=Installed language
  146. leader=Project leader: %s
  147. version=Version %s
  148. copyright=© Copyright %d - %d %s. All rights reserved!
  149. lang=Autor:
  150. translator=Translator:
  151. revision=Revision:
  152. ok=OK
  154. [WartenForm]
  155. wait=Please wait...
  156. exit=Exit
  158. [ElementeForm]
  159. close=Close
  160. remove=Remove
  161. caption=Elements of the file-collection
  162. add_file=Add file(s)...
  163. add_folder=Add a folder...