Subversion Repositories decoder


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Type:           Encrypted file
Contents:       Binary information
Used by:        ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 4.0
                ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 4.1 Beta
                ViaThinkSoft (De)Coder 5.0
Author:         Daniel Marschall
Last update:    May, 27th 2024


[1.0]   Sample file-format by Hagen Reddmann

[2.0]   DC4 Standard 1 used by (De)Coder 4.0

[3.0]   DC4 Standard 2 used by (De)Coder 4.1 Beta

[4.0]   DC4 Standard 3 used by (De)Coder 4.1 Final/Cancelled

[5.0]   DC4 Standard 3 used by (De)Coder 5.0

[APP A] Links to websites


This file format is NOT used by (De)Coder.
It is only the guideline of the DC4-Format.
Hagen Reddmann posted the demo-algorithm in this topic: (in German)

Offset  Type    Size            Content/Description
00h     Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Cipher idendity with identity-base 0x84485225, big endian
                                        0x01BD3D1A      TCipher_RC5 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x0402530B      TCipher_TEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x18A1F944      TCipher_3TDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 24, BufferSize: 24)
                                        0x2C4D11CF      TCipher_Square (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x3C212341      TCipher_IDEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x42DBD0CA      TCipher_Cast256 (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x43B28323      TCipher_Mars (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x47E376A6      TCipher_Sapphire (KeySize: 1024, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 32)
                                        0x48B8AEDB      TCipher_3DDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x51C323C2      TCipher_3Way (KeySize: 12, BlockSize: 12, BufferSize: 12)
                                        0x51F07042      TCipher_Blowfish (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x56555753      TCipher_Misty (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x5BF00A6F      TCipher_NewDES (KeySize: 15, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x6113DA7A      TCipher_1DES (KeySize: 8, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x6B431EA1      TCipher_TEAN (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x73A67594      TCipher_2DES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x75D8876B      TCipher_2DDES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x76BA0D8C      TCipher_RC4 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x8B78B805      TCipher_Shark (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8, faulty implementation)
                                        0x92D7CD5C      TCipher_SAFER (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x96954A47      TCipher_SCOP (KeySize: 48, BlockSize: 4, BufferSize: 32, faulty implementation?)
                                        0x98B46CA0      TCipher_RC6 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x9FD9A8B9      TCipher_RC2 (KeySize: 128, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xA1EEEAAF      TCipher_Gost (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xB211D023      TCipher_Q128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xB6936130      TCipher_Twofish (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xCB1A12F1      TCipher_3DES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xD731ED9F      TCipher_Skipjack (KeySize: 10, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xE864D553      TCipher_Cast128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xFDA1E273      TCipher_Rijndael (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16, default)
04h     Byte    1               DEC 5.1c Cipher mode
                                        0x00    CTSx    double CBC, with CFS8 padding of truncated final block (default, proprietary to DEC)
                                        0x01    CBCx    Cipher Block Chainung, with CFB8 padding of truncated final block
                                        0x02    CFB8    8bit Cipher Feedback mode
                                        0x03    CFBx    CFB on Blocksize of Cipher
                                        0x04    OFB8    8bit Output Feedback mode
                                        0x05    OFBx    OFB on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x06    CFS8    8Bit CFS, double CFB
                                        0x07    CFSx    CFS on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x08    ECBx    Electronic Code Book (CalcMAC not possible)
05h     Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Hash-Idendity with identity-base 0x84485225, big endian.
                                        0x0B148DEE      THash_Tiger (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x1F25A9C7      THash_Haval256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x284031A1      THash_RipeMD160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x3729E306      THash_Panama (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0x3FDA5AEC      THash_MD4 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x42F77C97      THash_RipeMD128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x48DD6A7A      THash_MD5 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x4C91953A      THash_Snefru256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0x4FA820CB      THash_RipeMD320 (DigestSize: 40, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x59D2CCC4      THash_Whirlpool (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x7E3889A5      THash_SHA1 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64, default)
                                        0x815B1495      THash_Sapphire (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 1)
                                        0x9BFE22E7      THash_SHA256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x9C721C33      THash_Square (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0xA07F7DB2      THash_Whirlpool1 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xA5B81E29      THash_SHA (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xB59AAC5E      THash_Haval128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xB6BB9C8B      THash_Haval192 (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xBE6A5E2C      THash_Haval224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xC19C57B1      THash_SHA384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xD6B9FFD9      THash_MD2 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0xDF2DE168      THash_Haval160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xE62E90A3      THash_Snefru128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 48)
                                        0xE848790E      THash_RipeMD256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xFDB0357F      THash_SHA512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 128)
09h     Byte    1               Size of seed (Default value: 16 Bytes)
0Ah     Binary  0-255           Seed (Random data)
        Int32BE 4               Size of source data, big endian
        Binary  var             DEC 5.1c encrypted data; Password = Hash->KDfx(User-Password, Seed); KDFx is proprietary to DEC
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Byte    1               Size of DEC CalcMAC
        Binary  0-255           DEC's "CalcMAC"; This is a C-MAC which is the encryption of the last block concatention feedback.


This file format is used by (De)Coder 4.0
The Idendity-Base of this file format is 0x59178954 (but identities are not used).

Offset  Type    Size            Content/Description
00h     Byte    1               Compress mode flag
                                        00h: Uncompressed file - Default in (De)Coder 4.0
                                        01h: Folder compressed with ZIP - Default in (De)Coder 4.0
01h     Byte    1               Version flag; Hardcoded value: 01h.
02h     String  var             Original file name, ANSI encoded
        Byte    1               Terminus Value: 1Fh ("?")
        Binary  16              Seed (Random data. Default size: 16 bytes = 0x10
        Binary  var             DEC 5.1c encrypted data (read until file end minus the size of the checksum)
                                        Password:       Hash->KDfx(User-Password, Seed); KDFx is proprietary to DEC
                                        Algorithm:      RIJNDAEL (AES)
                                        Mode:           CTSx (proprietary to DEC)
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Binary  var             Checksum of the data before encryption
                                Default hash configuration
                                Algorithm:      SHA 512
                                Size dependend on the hash algorithm (DigestSize).
                                The algorithms of DEC give out a hash with the length 16-64.


This file format is used by (De)Coder 4.1 Public Beta 1 through (De)Coder 4.1 Public Beta 4b.

Offset  Type    Size            Content/Description
00h     Byte    1               Compress mode flag
                                        00h: Uncompressed file
                                        01h: Folder compressed with ZIP
                                        02h: ZLib-compressed file - Default in (De)Coder 4.1
                                        03h: ZLib-compressed folder, packed ZIP - Default in (De)Coder 4.1
01h     Byte    1               Version flag; Hardcoded value: 02h
02h     Binary  var             Original file name, ANSI encoded, in BASE64 (binary)
        Byte    1               Terminus Value: 1Fh ("?")
        Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Idendity-Base, big endian; Default 0x84671842
                                        If DEC 6.x is used, then the following changes are done:
                                        - Use old DEC 5.1c algorithm to determine the identify.
                                        - TCipher_AES (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to TCipher_Rijndael (DEC 5.1)
                                        - THash_Whirlpool0 (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to THash_Whirlpool (DEC 5.1)
                                        - THash_SHA0 (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to THash_SHA (DEC 5.1)
        Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Cipher idendity, big endian. If the default identitiy base 0x84671842 is used, then the identities are:
                                        0x0ACBBBFA      TCipher_Gost (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x19348176      TCipher_Q128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x1DB63065      TCipher_Twofish (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x205DE950      TCipher_Shark (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8, faulty implementation)
                                        0x33913DF5      TCipher_RC6 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x34FCF9EC      TCipher_RC2 (KeySize: 128, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x39F29C09      TCipher_SAFER (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x3DB01B12      TCipher_SCOP (KeySize: 48, BlockSize: 4, BufferSize: 32, faulty implementation?)
                                        0x43418406      TCipher_Cast128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x5684B326      TCipher_Rijndael (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16, default)
                                        0x603F43A4      TCipher_3DES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x7C14BCCA      TCipher_Skipjack (KeySize: 10, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x8768409A      TCipher_Square (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x97047214      TCipher_IDEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xAA986C4F      TCipher_RC5 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xAF27025E      TCipher_TEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xB384A811      TCipher_3TDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 24, BufferSize: 24)
                                        0xC0664FF4      TCipher_TEAN (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xCA368B2F      TCipher_1DES (KeySize: 8, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xD88324C1      TCipher_2DES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xDD9F5CD9      TCipher_RC4 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xDEFDD63E      TCipher_2DDES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xE39DFF8E      TCipher_3DDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xE897D276      TCipher_Mars (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xE9FE819F      TCipher_Cast256 (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xECC627F3      TCipher_Sapphire(KeySize: 1024, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 32)
                                        0xF0D55B3A      TCipher_NewDES (KeySize: 15, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xFAD52117      TCipher_Blowfish (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xFAE67297      TCipher_3Way (KeySize: 12, BlockSize: 12, BufferSize: 12)
                                        0xFD700606      TCipher_Misty (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
        Byte    1               DEC 5.1c Cipher mode
                                        0x00    CTSx    double CBC, with CFS8 padding of truncated final block (default, proprietary to DEC)
                                        0x01    CBCx    Cipher Block Chainung, with CFB8 padding of truncated final block
                                        0x02    CFB8    8bit Cipher Feedback mode
                                        0x03    CFBx    CFB on Blocksize of Cipher
                                        0x04    OFB8    8bit Output Feedback mode
                                        0x05    OFBx    OFB on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x06    CFS8    8Bit CFS, double CFB
                                        0x07    CFSx    CFS on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x08    ECBx    Electronic Code Book (CalcMAC not possible)
        Int32   4               DEC 5.1c Hash idendity, big endian. If the default identitiy base 0x84671842 is used, then the identities are:
                                        0x0B5A2CE7      THash_Whirlpool1 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x0E9D4F7C      THash_SHA (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x154F0F79      THash_Haval224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x1D9ECDDE      THash_Haval192 (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x1EBFFD0B      THash_Haval128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x2A7E45C0      THash_Sapphire (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 1)
                                        0x30DB73B2      THash_SHA256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x37574D66      THash_Square (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0x436D285B      THash_RipeMD256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x4D0BC1F6      THash_Snefru128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 48)
                                        0x5695642A      THash_SHA512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 128, default)
                                        0x6AB906E4      THash_SHA384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x7408B03D      THash_Haval160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x7D9CAE8C      THash_MD2 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0x836560F4      THash_RipeMD160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x94FF0BB9      THash_MD4 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x9C0CB253      THash_Panama (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0xA031DCBB      THash_Tiger (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xB400F892      THash_Haval256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xD51DD8F0      THash_SHA1 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE3F83B2F      THash_MD5 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE48D719E      THash_RipeMD320 (DigestSize: 40, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE7B4C46F      THash_Snefru256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0xE9D22DC2      THash_RipeMD128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xF2F79D91      THash_Whirlpool (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
        Byte    1               Size of seed; Default value:    32 byte
        Binary  0-255           Seed (Random data)
        Binary  var             With DEC 5.1c encrypted data, encrypted with password (read until file end minus the size of the checksum and the file terminus)
                                        Password = Hash->KDfx(User-Password, Seed); KDFx is proprietary to DEC
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Binary  var             Secured checksum of the data before encryption
                                        = Hash(Hash(Original Data) & Seed & User-Password)
                                        Size dependend on the hash algorithm (DigestSize).
                                        The algorithms of DEC give out a hash with the length 16-64.
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Binary  16              DC4-Terminus; Hardcoded value: "RENURVJNSU5VUw==" (BASE64: "DCTERMINUS")


This file format was intended to be used by the final version of (De)Coder 4.1, which was never finished and never released.

Offset  Type    Size            Content/Description
00h     Byte    1               Compress mode flag
                                        00h: Uncompressed file
                                        01h: Folder compressed with ZIP
                                        02h: ZLib-compressed file - Default in (De)Coder 4.1
                                        03h: ZLib-compressed folder, packed ZIP - Default in (De)Coder 4.1
01h     Byte    1               Version flag; Hardcoded value: 03h
02h     Byte    1               Filename encrypted with User-Password?
                                        00h: No
                                        01h: Yes
03h     Int32BE 4               Size (in bytes) of the encrypted filename that follows, big endian
07h     Binary  var             Original file name, not null-terminated WideString (UTF-16)
                                Encrypted with DEC 5.1c (cipher/hash see below)
                                If offset 02h of this part has the value 00h:
                                        Encryption-Password = Hash->KDfx(5Eh D1h 6Bh 12h 7Dh B4h C4h 3Ch, Seed)
                                If offset 02h of this part has the value 01h:
                                        Encryption-Password = Hash->KDfx(User-Password, Seed)
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
                                KDFx is proprietary to DEC
        Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Idendity-Base, big endian; Default Idendity-Base: 0x19387612
                                        If DEC 6.x is used, then the following changes are done:
                                        - Use old DEC 5.1c algorithm to determine the identify.
                                        - TCipher_AES (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to TCipher_Rijndael (DEC 5.1)
                                        - THash_Whirlpool0 (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to THash_Whirlpool (DEC 5.1)
                                        - THash_SHA0 (DEC 6.5) will be renamed to THash_SHA (DEC 5.1)
        Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Cipher idendity, big endian. If the default identitiy base 0x84671842 is used, then the identities are:
                                        0x0BE40C0E      TCipher_Twofish (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x0F66BD1D      TCipher_Q128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x1C998791      TCipher_Gost (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x22AEC587      TCipher_RC2 (KeySize: 128, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x25C3019E      TCipher_RC6 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x2BE22779      TCipher_SCOP (KeySize: 48, BlockSize: 4, BufferSize: 32, faulty implementation?)
                                        0x2FA0A062      TCipher_SAFER (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x360FD53B      TCipher_Shark (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8, faulty implementation)
                                        0x40D68F4D      TCipher_Rijndael (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16, default)
                                        0x5513B86D      TCipher_Cast128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x6A4680A1      TCipher_Skipjack (KeySize: 10, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x766D7FCF      TCipher_3DES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x81564E7F      TCipher_IDEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x913A7CF1      TCipher_Square (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xA5D6947A      TCipher_3TDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 24, BufferSize: 24)
                                        0xB9753E35      TCipher_TEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xBCCA5024      TCipher_RC5 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xC8AFEA55      TCipher_2DDES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xCBCD60B2      TCipher_RC4 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xCED118AA      TCipher_2DES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xD634739F      TCipher_TEAN (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xDC64B744      TCipher_1DES (KeySize: 8, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xE6876751      TCipher_NewDES (KeySize: 15, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xEB223A6D      TCipher_Misty (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xEC871D7C      TCipher_Blowfish (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xECB44EFC      TCipher_3Way (KeySize: 12, BlockSize: 12, BufferSize: 12)
                                        0xF5CFC3E5      TCipher_3DDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xFA941B98      TCipher_Sapphire(KeySize: 1024, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 32)
                                        0xFEC5EE1D      TCipher_Mars (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xFFACBDF4      TCipher_Cast256 (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
        Byte    1               DEC 5.1c Cipher mode
                                        0x00    CTSx    double CBC, with CFS8 padding of truncated final block (default, proprietary to DEC)
                                        0x01    CBCx    Cipher Block Chainung, with CFB8 padding of truncated final block
                                        0x02    CFB8    8bit Cipher Feedback mode
                                        0x03    CFBx    CFB on Blocksize of Cipher
                                        0x04    OFB8    8bit Output Feedback mode
                                        0x05    OFBx    OFB on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x06    CFS8    8Bit CFS, double CFB
                                        0x07    CFSx    CFS on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x08    ECBx    Electronic Code Book (CalcMAC not possible)
        Int32BE 4               DEC 5.1c Hash idendity, big endian. If the default identitiy base 0x84671842 is used, then the identities are:
                                        0x031D3312      THash_Haval224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x08EDC160      THash_Haval128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x0BCCF1B5      THash_Haval192 (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x18CF7317      THash_SHA (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x1D08108C      THash_Whirlpool1 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x2105710D      THash_Square (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0x26894FD9      THash_SHA256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x3C2C79AB      THash_Sapphire (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 1)
                                        0x40C75841      THash_SHA512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 128, default)
                                        0x553F1430      THash_RipeMD256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x5B59FD9D      THash_Snefru128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 48)
                                        0x625A8C56      THash_Haval160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x6BCE92E7      THash_MD2 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0x7CEB3A8F      THash_SHA384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x82AD37D2      THash_MD4 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x8A5E8E38      THash_Panama (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0x95375C9F      THash_RipeMD160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xA252C4F9      THash_Haval256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xB663E0D0      THash_Tiger (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xC34FE49B      THash_SHA1 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE4A5A1FA      THash_Whirlpool (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xF1E6F804      THash_Snefru256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0xF2DF4DF5      THash_RipeMD320 (DigestSize: 40, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xF5AA0744      THash_MD5 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xFF8011A9      THash_RipeMD128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
        Byte    1               Size of seed (default: 32 byte = 0x20)
        Binary  0-255           Seed (Random data)
        Binary  var             With DEC 5.1c encrypted data (read until file end minus the size of the checksum and the file terminus)
                                        Encryption-Password = Hash->KDfx(User-Password, Seed); KDFx is proprietary to DEC
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Binary  var             Secured checksum of the data before encryption
                                        = Hash(Hash(Original Data) & Seed & Hash(Seed & Hash(Seed & User-Password)))
                                        Size dependend on the hash algorithm (DigestSize).
                                        The algorithms of DEC give out a hash with the length 16-64.
                                        Note that the password is treated as ANSI
        Binary  8               DC4-Terminus; Hardcoded value: 63 F3 DF 89 B7 27 20 EA


This file format is used by (De)Coder 5.0. The file-name extension can be dc4 or dc5.

Offset  Type    Size            Content/Description
00h     Binary  31              Magic Sequence; Hardcoded value: "[]" + CRLF
                                        This is the OID { iso(1) identified-organization(3) dod(6) internet(1) private(4) enterprise(1) 37476 products(2) decoder(2) fileformat(1) dc4(4) std4(4) }
1Fh     Byte    1               Flags
                                        Bit 0/LSB:  [Ver1+] Is 7zip-packed folder (1) or a regular file (0)?
                                        Bit 1:      [Ver2+] Additionally ZLib compressed (1) or not ZLib compressed (0)?
                                        Bit 2:      Reserved
                                        Bit 3:      Reserved
                                        Bit 4:      Reserved
                                        Bit 5:      Reserved
                                        Bit 6:      Reserved
                                        Bit 7/MSB:  Reserved
20h     Byte    1               Size of the filename that follows
21h     Binary  var             Original file name, UTF-8 Encoded; possible values:
                                        - Original name in its entirety (example "foobar.txt")
                                        - Just its extension (example "*.txt")
                                        - Redacted (empty string "", default)
        Int64LE 8               Original File Size in Bytes, little endian. -1 if redacted (default).
        Int64LE 8               Original File Date/Time, little endian. Unix Timestamp or -1 if redacted (default).
        Int32BE 4               DEC 6.5 Cipher idendity, big endian. Identify is calculated by DEC 6.5 with identity base 0x1259D82A:
                                        0x0005E9C6      TCipher_2DDES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x03676321      TCipher_RC4 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x067B1B39      TCipher_2DES (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x1282B983      TCipher_AES256 (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x14CEB4D7      TCipher_1DES (KeySize: 8, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x1E9E700C      TCipher_TEAN (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x238839FE      TCipher_Misty (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x241E4D6F      TCipher_3Way (KeySize: 12, BlockSize: 12, BufferSize: 12)
                                        0x242D1EEF      TCipher_Blowfish (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x2E2D64C2      TCipher_NewDES (KeySize: 15, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x323E180B      TCipher_Sapphire (KeySize: 1024, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 32)
                                        0x366FED8E      TCipher_Mars (KeySize: 56, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x3706BE67      TCipher_Cast256 (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x3D65C076      TCipher_3DDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x49FC4DEC      TCipher_IDEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x59907F62      TCipher_Square (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0x66BC7BE6      TCipher_Null (KeySize: 0, BlockSize: 1, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x6D7C97E9      TCipher_3TDES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 24, BufferSize: 24)
                                        0x71DF3DA6      TCipher_TEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x746053B7      TCipher_RC5 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0x988B2D75      TCipher_AES (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16, default)
                                        0x9DB9BBFE      TCipher_Cast128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xA2EC8332      TCipher_Skipjack (KeySize: 10, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xB83DBC1A      TCipher_AES128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xBB1C8CCF      TCipher_AES192 (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xBD7FDE66      TCipher_XTEA (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xBEC77C5C      TCipher_3DES (KeySize: 24, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xC34E0F9D      TCipher_Twofish (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xC7CCBE8E      TCipher_Q128 (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xD4338402      TCipher_Gost (KeySize: 32, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xE34824EA      TCipher_SCOP (KeySize: 48, BlockSize: 4, BufferSize: 32)
                                        0xE70AA3F1      TCipher_SAFER (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xEA04C614      TCipher_RC2 (KeySize: 128, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
                                        0xED69020D      TCipher_RC6 (KeySize: 256, BlockSize: 16, BufferSize: 16)
                                        0xFEA5D6A8      TCipher_Shark (KeySize: 16, BlockSize: 8, BufferSize: 8)
        Byte    1               DEC 6.5 Cipher mode
                                        0x00    CTSx    double CBC, with CFS8 padding of truncated final block (default, proprietary to DEC)
                                        0x01    CBCx    Cipher Block Chainung, with CFB8 padding of truncated final block
                                        0x02    CFB8    8bit Cipher Feedback mode
                                        0x03    CFBx    CFB on Blocksize of Cipher
                                        0x04    OFB8    8bit Output Feedback mode
                                        0x05    OFBx    OFB on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x06    CFS8    8Bit CFS, double CFB
                                        0x07    CFSx    CFS on Blocksize bytes
                                        0x08    ECBx    Electronic Code Book
                                        0x09    GCM     Galois Counter Mode
                                        0x0A    CTS3    double CBC, with less secure padding of truncated final block (deprecated)
        Int32BE 4               DEC 6.5 Hash idendity, big endian. Identify is calculated by DEC 6.5 with identity base 0x1259D82A:
                                        0x01DCD639      THash_SHA3_256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 136)
                                        0x0BE5E708      THash_SHA1 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x2F5EA7BA      THash_Keccak_224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 144)
                                        0x372A123A      THash_RipeMD128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x394CFB97      THash_Snefru256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0x3A754E66      THash_RipeMD320 (DigestSize: 40, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x3D0004D7      THash_MD5 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x42F48DAB      THash_Panama (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 32)
                                        0x4A073441      THash_MD4 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x4F6CBBA1      THash_SHA224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x5BBEA36F      THash_SHA3_384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 104)
                                        0x5D65CF55      THash_Shake128 (DigestSize: 0, BlockSize: 168)
                                        0x5D9D5F0C      THash_RipeMD160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x6792C1A1      THash_SHA3_512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 72, default)
                                        0x6AF8C76A      THash_Haval256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x7CE2D79E      THash_SHA0 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x7EC9E343      THash_Tiger (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0x886D5BD2      THash_SHA512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0x8E115051      THash_Keccak_256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 136)
                                        0x93F3FE0E      THash_Snefru128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 48)
                                        0x9D9517A3      THash_RipeMD256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xA09321D2      THash_SHA3_224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 144)
                                        0xA2A52389      THash_Whirlpool0 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xA3649174      THash_MD2 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0xAAF08FC5      THash_Haval160 (DigestSize: 20, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xB441391C      THash_SHA384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xC047C2F3      THash_Haval128 (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xC366F226      THash_Haval192 (DigestSize: 24, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xCBB73081      THash_Haval224 (DigestSize: 28, BlockSize: 128)
                                        0xD4732507      THash_Keccak_384 (DigestSize: 48, BlockSize: 104)
                                        0xD5A2131F      THash_Whirlpool1 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE85F47C9      THash_Keccak_512 (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 72)
                                        0xE87A86C8      THash_WhirlpoolT (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xE9AF729E      THash_Square (DigestSize: 16, BlockSize: 16)
                                        0xEC61EF43      THash_BCrypt (DigestSize: 23, BlockSize: 8)
                                        0xEE234C4A      THash_SHA256 (DigestSize: 32, BlockSize: 64)
                                        0xF4867A38      THash_Sapphire (DigestSize: 64, BlockSize: 1)
                                        0xF7DACACC      THash_Shake256 (DigestSize: 0, BlockSize: 136)
        Byte    1               IV Size (default: 16 = 0x10)
        Binary  var             IV (Random Data)
        Byte    1               IV filler byte (default: 0xFF)
        Byte    1               Blocking filling mode (default: 0x00), currently not used by DEC
                                        0x00    Byte filling mode
        Byte    1               Size of seed (default 32 = 0x20)
        Binary  0-255           Seed (Random data)
        Byte    1               KDF version
                                        0x01    KDF1
                                        0x02    KDF2
                                        0x03    KDF3
                                        0x04    KDFx (default, proprietary to DEC)
                                        0x05    PBKDF2
        Int32LE 0-4             PBKDF iterations (ONLY present if KDF Version = 0x05), little endian
        Byte    0-1             Size of GCM Auth Tag in bytes (only present if cipher mode is GCM)
                                Usual lengths are:
                                        0x04     32 bits (not recommended)
                                        0x08     64 bits (not recommended)
                                        0x0c     96 bits
                                        0x0d    104 bits
                                        0x0e    112 bits
                                        0x0f    120 bits
                                        0x10    128 bits (default)
        Binary  var             With DEC 6.5 encrypted data (read until file end minus the size of the checksum)
                                        Encryption-Password = Hash->KDf<Version>(User-Password, Seed)
                                        Note that the password is treated as UTF-8
        Binary  0-255           DEC's "CalcMAC"; This is a C-MAC which is the encryption of the last block concatention feedback.
                                NOT present if cipher mode is ECB. Size is one cipher block.
        Binary  0-255           GCM Auth Tag. Size as specified before.
                                ONLY present if cipher mode is GCM).
        Binary  var             HMAC checksum (Encrypt-then-HMAC)
                                        = HMAC(HMacKey, Whole encrypted file except HMAC part)
                                        with Key = Encryption-Password
                                        Size dependend on the hash algorithm (DigestSize).
                                        The algorithms of DEC give out a hash with the length 16-64.
                                        Note that the password is treated as UTF-8

== [APPENDIX A] Links to websites ==

  Latest version of this specification:

  Source code and program "(De)Coder" at GitHub:

  OID which describes this file format:

  Delphi Encryption Compendium (DEC) at GitHub: