Subversion Repositories colormanager


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object MainForm: TMainForm
  Left = 240
  Top = 140
  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
  BorderStyle = bsSingle
  ClientHeight = 536
  ClientWidth = 736
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  Position = poDesktopCenter
  OnClose = FormClose
  OnCreate = FormCreate
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object TabControl: TTabControl
    Left = 0
    Top = 0
    Width = 736
    Height = 472
    Align = alClient
    TabOrder = 2
    Tabs.Strings = (
    TabIndex = 0
    OnChange = TabControlChange
    object Panel2: TPanel
      Left = 4
      Top = 24
      Width = 728
      Height = 444
      Align = alClient
      BevelOuter = bvNone
      TabOrder = 1
      Visible = False
      object ColorMixerBox: TGroupBox
        Left = 8
        Top = 4
        Width = 713
        Height = 117
        Caption = '#'
        TabOrder = 0
        object Color1Per: TLabel
          Left = 264
          Top = 32
          Width = 14
          Height = 16
          Caption = '%'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -13
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object Color2Per: TLabel
          Left = 264
          Top = 80
          Width = 14
          Height = 16
          Caption = '%'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -13
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object EqualLbl: TLabel
          Left = 376
          Top = 47
          Width = 21
          Height = 37
          Caption = '='
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -32
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object Color2: TPanel
          Left = 16
          Top = 72
          Width = 153
          Height = 33
          Cursor = crHandPoint
          Caption = '#'
          ParentBackground = False
          TabOrder = 3
          OnMouseUp = ColorClick
        object Color1: TPanel
          Left = 16
          Top = 24
          Width = 153
          Height = 33
          Cursor = crHandPoint
          Caption = '#'
          ParentBackground = False
          TabOrder = 0
          OnMouseUp = ColorClick
        object MixedColor: TPanel
          Left = 504
          Top = 24
          Width = 193
          Height = 81
          Cursor = crHandPoint
          Caption = '#'
          ParentBackground = False
          TabOrder = 6
          OnMouseUp = ColorClick
        object Color1Edt: TEdit
          Left = 176
          Top = 30
          Width = 65
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 1
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object Color1Upd: TUpDown
          Left = 241
          Top = 30
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          TabOrder = 2
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object Color2Edt: TEdit
          Left = 176
          Top = 78
          Width = 65
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 4
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object Color2Upd: TUpDown
          Left = 241
          Top = 78
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          TabOrder = 5
          OnClick = UpDownClick
      object ColorBox: TGroupBox
        Left = 8
        Top = 125
        Width = 713
        Height = 316
        Caption = '#'
        TabOrder = 1
        object DelphiBoxLbl: TLabel
          Left = 368
          Top = 24
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object WebcolorLbl: TLabel
          Left = 552
          Top = 24
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object PalLbl: TLabel
          Left = 232
          Top = 24
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object DelphiZutreffendLbl: TLabel
          Left = 368
          Top = 240
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object WebZutreffendLbl: TLabel
          Left = 552
          Top = 240
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = [fsBold]
          ParentFont = False
        object DelphiBox: TColorListBox
          Left = 368
          Top = 40
          Width = 177
          Height = 193
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
          Font.Color = clWindowText
          Font.Height = -11
          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
          Font.Style = []
          ItemHeight = 16
          ParentFont = False
          TabOrder = 0
          OnClick = DelphiBoxClick
        object WebcolorBox: TListBox
          Left = 552
          Top = 40
          Width = 145
          Height = 193
          ItemHeight = 13
          Items.Strings = (
          TabOrder = 1
          OnClick = WebcolorBoxClick
        object DelphiZutreffend: TListBox
          Left = 368
          Top = 256
          Width = 177
          Height = 49
          ItemHeight = 13
          TabOrder = 2
          OnClick = DelphiZutreffendClick
        object FavoPnl: TPanel
          Left = 224
          Top = 176
          Width = 137
          Height = 129
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          TabOrder = 3
          object FavoritenLbl: TLabel
            Left = 8
            Top = 8
            Width = 9
            Height = 13
            Caption = '#'
            Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            Font.Color = clWindowText
            Font.Height = -11
            Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
            Font.Style = [fsBold]
            ParentFont = False
          object favo14: TPanel
            Left = 80
            Top = 72
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 0
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo13: TPanel
            Left = 56
            Top = 72
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 1
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo12: TPanel
            Left = 32
            Top = 72
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 2
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo11: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 72
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 3
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo10: TPanel
            Left = 104
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 4
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo9: TPanel
            Left = 80
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 5
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo8: TPanel
            Left = 56
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 6
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo7: TPanel
            Left = 32
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 7
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo6: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 8
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo5: TPanel
            Left = 104
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 9
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo4: TPanel
            Left = 80
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 10
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo3: TPanel
            Left = 56
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 11
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo2: TPanel
            Left = 32
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 12
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo1: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 13
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo15: TPanel
            Left = 104
            Top = 72
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 14
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo16: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 96
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 15
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo17: TPanel
            Left = 32
            Top = 96
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 16
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo18: TPanel
            Left = 56
            Top = 96
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 17
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo19: TPanel
            Left = 80
            Top = 96
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 18
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
          object favo20: TPanel
            Left = 104
            Top = 96
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvLowered
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 19
            OnMouseUp = ColorClick
        object BasicPanel: TPanel
          Left = 8
          Top = 224
          Width = 217
          Height = 81
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          TabOrder = 4
          object QBLbl: TLabel
            Left = 8
            Top = 8
            Width = 9
            Height = 13
            Caption = '#'
            Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
            Font.Color = clWindowText
            Font.Height = -11
            Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
            Font.Style = [fsBold]
            ParentFont = False
          object cpa1: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '0'
            Color = clBlack
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 0
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa16: TPanel
            Left = 183
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '15'
            Color = clWhite
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 1
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa15: TPanel
            Left = 158
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '14'
            Color = clYellow
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 2
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa14: TPanel
            Left = 133
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '13'
            Color = clFuchsia
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 3
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa13: TPanel
            Left = 108
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '12'
            Color = clRed
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 4
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa12: TPanel
            Left = 83
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '11'
            Color = clAqua
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 5
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa11: TPanel
            Left = 58
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '10'
            Color = clLime
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 6
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa10: TPanel
            Left = 33
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '9'
            Color = clBlue
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 7
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa9: TPanel
            Left = 8
            Top = 48
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '8'
            Color = clGray
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 8
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa8: TPanel
            Left = 183
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '7'
            Color = clSilver
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 9
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa7: TPanel
            Left = 158
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '6'
            Color = clOlive
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 10
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa6: TPanel
            Left = 133
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '5'
            Color = clPurple
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 11
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa5: TPanel
            Left = 108
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '4'
            Color = clMaroon
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 12
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa4: TPanel
            Left = 83
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '3'
            Color = clTeal
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 13
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa3: TPanel
            Left = 58
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '2'
            Color = clGreen
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 14
            OnClick = DefColorClick
          object cpa2: TPanel
            Left = 33
            Top = 24
            Width = 25
            Height = 25
            Cursor = crHandPoint
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            Caption = '1'
            Color = clNavy
            ParentBackground = False
            TabOrder = 15
            OnClick = DefColorClick
        object PalPanel: TPanel
          Left = 8
          Top = 16
          Width = 217
          Height = 209
          BevelOuter = bvNone
          TabOrder = 5
          object JskPanel: TPanel
            Left = 0
            Top = 0
            Width = 217
            Height = 209
            Align = alClient
            BevelOuter = bvNone
            TabOrder = 1
            Visible = False
            object PaintshopProLbl: TLabel
              Left = 8
              Top = 8
              Width = 9
              Height = 13
              Caption = '#'
              Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
              Font.Color = clWindowText
              Font.Height = -11
              Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
              Font.Style = [fsBold]
              ParentFont = False
            object cpc47: TPanel
              Left = 158
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16761087
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 0
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc46: TPanel
              Left = 133
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16744703
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 1
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc45: TPanel
              Left = 108
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16728319
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 2
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc44: TPanel
              Left = 83
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 12583104
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 3
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc43: TPanel
              Left = 58
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clPurple
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 4
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc42: TPanel
              Left = 33
              Top = 149
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 4194368
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 5
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc39: TPanel
              Left = 158
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16761024
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 6
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc38: TPanel
              Left = 133
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16744576
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 7
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc37: TPanel
              Left = 108
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16728128
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 8
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc36: TPanel
              Left = 83
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 12582912
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 9
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc35: TPanel
              Left = 58
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clNavy
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 10
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc34: TPanel
              Left = 33
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 4194304
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 11
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc31: TPanel
              Left = 158
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16777152
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 12
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc30: TPanel
              Left = 133
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16777088
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 13
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc29: TPanel
              Left = 108
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16777024
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 14
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc28: TPanel
              Left = 83
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 12632064
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 15
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc27: TPanel
              Left = 58
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clTeal
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 16
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc26: TPanel
              Left = 33
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 4210688
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 17
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc23: TPanel
              Left = 158
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 12648384
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 18
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc22: TPanel
              Left = 133
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 8454016
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 19
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc21: TPanel
              Left = 108
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 4259648
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 20
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc20: TPanel
              Left = 83
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 49152
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 21
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc19: TPanel
              Left = 58
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clGreen
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 22
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc18: TPanel
              Left = 33
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 16384
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 23
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc40: TPanel
              Left = 183
              Top = 124
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clSilver
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 24
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc32: TPanel
              Left = 183
              Top = 99
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = clGray
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 25
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc24: TPanel
              Left = 183
              Top = 74
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 4210752
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 26
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc16: TPanel
              Left = 183
              Top = 49
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 2105376
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 27
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc15: TPanel
              Left = 158
              Top = 49
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 12648447
              ParentBackground = False
              TabOrder = 28
              OnClick = DefColorClick
            object cpc14: TPanel
              Left = 133
              Top = 49
              Width = 25
              Height = 25
              Cursor = crHandPoint
              BevelOuter = bvNone
              Color = 8454143
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              Left = 108
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              TabOrder = 30
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              Left = 83
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              Width = 25
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              Left = 58
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              Width = 25
              Height = 25
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              Left = 33
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              Width = 25
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              Left = 8
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              Left = 8
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          Caption = '#'
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          Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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        object RDecLbl: TLabel
          Left = 536
          Top = 20
          Width = 9
          Height = 13
          Caption = '#'
          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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          Left = 536
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          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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          Left = 592
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          Left = 648
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          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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          Left = 648
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          Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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          Left = 648
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          Left = 569
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 12
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object GDecC: TUpDown
          Left = 569
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 7
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object RDecC: TUpDown
          Left = 569
          Top = 36
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 2
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object RHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 36
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 4
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object GHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 9
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object BHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 14
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object RDec: TEdit
          Left = 536
          Top = 36
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 1
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object RHex: TEdit
          Left = 592
          Top = 36
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
          TabOrder = 3
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object GDec: TEdit
          Left = 536
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 6
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object GHex: TEdit
          Left = 592
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
          TabOrder = 8
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object BDec: TEdit
          Left = 536
          Top = 116
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 11
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object BHex: TEdit
          Left = 592
          Top = 116
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
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          Left = 24
          Top = 32
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 255
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          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
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          Left = 24
          Top = 72
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 5
          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
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          Left = 24
          Top = 112
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 255
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          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
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          Left = 30
          Top = 48
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 15
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            Tag = 1
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
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          Left = 30
          Top = 88
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 16
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            Tag = 2
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
        object PanelB: TPanel
          Left = 30
          Top = 128
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 17
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            Tag = 3
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
        object BPro: TEdit
          Left = 648
          Top = 116
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
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        object GPro: TEdit
          Left = 648
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 19
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          Left = 648
          Top = 36
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
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          TabOrder = 20
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        object RProC: TUpDown
          Left = 681
          Top = 36
          Width = 16
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          OnClick = UpDownClick
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          Left = 681
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Min = -1
          TabOrder = 22
          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object BProC: TUpDown
          Left = 681
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Min = -1
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          OnClick = UpDownClick
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        Left = 8
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          Left = 24
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          Caption = '#'
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          Top = 100
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          ParentFont = False
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          Left = 536
          Top = 36
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          TabOrder = 1
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object HDecC: TUpDown
          Left = 569
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          Width = 16
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          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object SDec: TEdit
          Left = 536
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 8
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object SDecC: TUpDown
          Left = 569
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
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          OnClick = UpDownClick
        object VDec: TEdit
          Left = 536
          Top = 116
          Width = 33
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          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object VDecC: TUpDown
          Left = 569
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 14
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          Left = 24
          Top = 32
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 359
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          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
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          Left = 24
          Top = 72
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 7
          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
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          Left = 24
          Top = 112
          Width = 497
          Height = 20
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 12
          ThumbLength = 15
          TickMarks = tmBoth
          TickStyle = tsNone
          OnChange = Change
        object HHex: TEdit
          Left = 592
          Top = 36
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
          TabOrder = 3
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object HHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 36
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 4
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        object SHex: TEdit
          Left = 592
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
          TabOrder = 10
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object SHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
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          Left = 592
          Top = 116
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 2
          TabOrder = 15
          OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
        object VHexC: TUpDown
          Left = 625
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          Max = 255
          TabOrder = 16
          OnClick = UpDownClick
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          Left = 30
          Top = 48
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 17
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            Tag = 4
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
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          Left = 30
          Top = 88
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 18
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            Tag = 5
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
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          Left = 30
          Top = 128
          Width = 485
          Height = 9
          BevelOuter = bvLowered
          Color = clBlack
          FullRepaint = False
          TabOrder = 19
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            Tag = 6
            Left = 1
            Top = 1
            Width = 483
            Height = 7
            Align = alClient
            OnPaint = OutboxPaint
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          Left = 648
          Top = 36
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 3
          TabOrder = 5
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          Left = 681
          Top = 36
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
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          Left = 648
          Top = 76
          Width = 33
          Height = 21
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          Left = 648
          Top = 116
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          Left = 681
          Top = 76
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
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        object VProC: TUpDown
          Left = 681
          Top = 116
          Width = 16
          Height = 21
          TabOrder = 23
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        Left = 8
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          Left = 16
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          Left = 114
          Top = 36
          Width = 90
          Height = 21
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          Left = 212
          Top = 36
          Width = 90
          Height = 21
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          TabOrder = 2
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        object VisualBasic: TEdit
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          Top = 36
          Width = 90
          Height = 21
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          Top = 36
          Width = 90
          Height = 21
          MaxLength = 8
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          Width = 90
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          Width = 90
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          TabOrder = 6
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        Top = 408
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        Height = 28
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        Caption = '#'
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        Left = 548
        Top = 408
        Width = 172
        Height = 28
        Cursor = crHandPoint
        Caption = '#'
        Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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        Width = 172
        Height = 28
        Cursor = crHandPoint
        Caption = '#'
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    Left = 0
    Top = 472
    Width = 736
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    Align = alBottom
    BevelOuter = bvNone
    ParentBackground = False
    TabOrder = 0
    object CurrentLbl: TLabel
      Left = 8
      Top = 8
      Width = 11
      Height = 20
      Caption = '#'
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      Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
      Font.Style = [fsBold]
      ParentFont = False
      Transparent = True
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      Left = 516
      Top = 0
      Width = 220
      Height = 40
      Cursor = crHandPoint
      Align = alRight
      BevelOuter = bvNone
      Caption = '#'
      ParentBackground = False
      ParentShowHint = False
      ShowHint = True
      TabOrder = 0
      OnClick = TakeClick
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    Left = 0
    Top = 512
    Width = 736
    Height = 24
    Cursor = crHandPoint
    Align = alBottom
    BevelOuter = bvNone
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    TabOrder = 1
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      Left = 8
      Top = 4
      Width = 9
      Height = 16
      Cursor = crHandPoint
      Caption = '#'
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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      Font.Style = [fsBold]
      ParentFont = False
      ParentShowHint = False
      ShowHint = False
      Transparent = True
      OnClick = WebsafeLblClick
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      Left = 516
      Top = 0
      Width = 220
      Height = 24
      Cursor = crHandPoint
      Align = alRight
      BevelOuter = bvNone
      Caption = '#'
      Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
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      Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
      Font.Style = []
      ParentBackground = False
      ParentFont = False
      ParentShowHint = False
      ShowHint = True
      TabOrder = 0
      OnClick = TakeClick
  object PickTimer: TTimer
    Interval = 50
    OnTimer = PickTimerTimer
    Left = 8
    Top = 504
  object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu
    Left = 40
    Top = 504
    object mGetColor: TMenuItem
      Caption = '#'
      object mAktuell: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = MenuClick
      object mKomplementaer: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = MenuClick
      object mWebsafe: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = MenuClick
      object mWebsafeInv: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = MenuClick
      object mMixColor: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = MenuClick
    object mPutColor: TMenuItem
      Caption = '#'
      object mAktuell2: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = Menu2Click
      object mKomplementaer2: TMenuItem
        Caption = '#'
        OnClick = Menu2Click
    object mUmkehren: TMenuItem
      Caption = '#'
      OnClick = MenuClick
  object WinColorDialog: TColorDialog
    Ctl3D = False
    Options = [cdFullOpen]
    Left = 72
    Top = 504
  object ColorTmr: TTimer
    Interval = 50
    OnTimer = ColorTmrTimer
    Left = 104
    Top = 504