Subversion Repositories vnag


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Rev 81 Rev 83
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#!/usr/bin/env php
#!/usr/bin/env php
<?php @ob_end_clean(); ?><?php
$web = 'index.php';
$web = 'index.php';
if (in_array('phar', stream_get_wrappers()) && class_exists('Phar', 0)) {
if (in_array('phar', stream_get_wrappers()) && class_exists('Phar', 0)) {
Line 289... Line 289...
k‚a:1:{s:23:"";s:340:"sha256||framework/|460b109d1c578e9b6af41612e0312c9f36fd8beb51f7aa92f1b7bd49614568e8||plugins/websvn_version/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php|f6e00b3851592ae806ba3946fe6fdbb609322e147fe19eafb1d8f1464944b56f||plugins/websvn_version/check_websvn_version.phps|0e814d8a39419e4cd309d91390caf813bd9ced111504b8de56dcac23fc3a42a9||";} framework/Ù˜*eLُ4p”¤3plugins/websvn_version/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php.˜*e.¤Gn$¤0plugins/websvn_version/check_websvn_version.phpsΘ*e· ¤<?php  ?>
k‚a:1:{s:23:"";s:340:"sha256||framework/|460b109d1c578e9b6af41612e0312c9f36fd8beb51f7aa92f1b7bd49614568e8||plugins/websvn_version/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php|f6e00b3851592ae806ba3946fe6fdbb609322e147fe19eafb1d8f1464944b56f||plugins/websvn_version/check_websvn_version.phps|0e814d8a39419e4cd309d91390caf813bd9ced111504b8de56dcac23fc3a42a9||";} framework/Ùzï*eLُ4p”¤3plugins/websvn_version/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php.zï*e.¤Gn$¤0plugins/websvn_version/check_websvn_version.phpsÎzï*e· ¤<?php  ?>
 if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) error_reporting(E_ALL); declare(ticks=1); set_time_limit(0); define('VNAG_JSONDATA_V1', 'oid:'); $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS = null; function _empty($x) { return is_null($x) || (trim($x) == ''); } abstract class VNag { const VNAG_VERSION = '2023-10-13'; const STATUS_OK = 0; const STATUS_WARNING = 1; const STATUS_CRITICAL = 2; const STATUS_UNKNOWN = 3; const STATUS_ERROR = 4; const STATUS_UP = 0; const STATUS_DOWN = 1; const STATUS_MAINTAIN = 2; const VERBOSITY_SUMMARY = 0; const VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION = 1; const VERBOSITY_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG = 2; const VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG = 3; const MAX_VERBOSITY = self::VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG; const STATUSMODEL_SERVICE = 0; const STATUSMODEL_HOST = 1; private $initialized = false; private $status = null; private $messages = array(); private $verbose_info = ''; private $warningRanges = array(); private $criticalRanges = array(); private $performanceDataObjects = array(); private static $exitcode = 0; private $helpObj = null; private $argHandler = null; const OUTPUT_NEVER = 0; const OUTPUT_SPECIAL = 1; const OUTPUT_NORMAL = 2; const OUTPUT_EXCEPTION = 4; const OUTPUT_ALWAYS = 7; public $http_visual_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; public $http_invisible_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; protected $html_before = ''; protected $html_after = ''; protected $statusmodel = self::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE; protected $show_status_in_headline = true; protected $default_status = self::STATUS_UNKNOWN; protected $default_warning_range = null; protected $default_critical_range = null; protected $argWarning; protected $argCritical; protected $argVersion; protected $argVerbosity; protected $argTimeout; protected $argHelp; protected $argUsage; public $id = null; protected static $http_serial_number = 0; public $privkey = null; public $privkey_password = null; public $sign_algo = null; public $pubkey = null; protected $warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); protected $criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT = 0; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD = 1; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD = 2; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD = 3; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD = 4; public $password_out = null; public $password_in = null; public static function is_http_mode() { return php_sapi_name() !== 'cli'; } public function getHelpManager() { return $this->helpObj; } public function getArgumentHandler() { return $this->argHandler; } public function outputHTML($text, $after_visual_output=true) { if ($this->is_http_mode()) { if ($this->initialized) { if ($after_visual_output) { $this->html_after .= $text; } else { $this->html_before .= $text; } } else { echo $text; } } } protected function resetArguments() { $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; $this->argVersion = null; $this->argVerbosity = null; $this->argTimeout = null; $this->argHelp = null; $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; } public function registerExpectedStandardArguments($args) { $this->resetArguments(); for ($i=0; $i<strlen($args); $i++) { switch ($args[$i]) { case 'w': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argWarning = new VNagArgument('w', 'warning', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$warning_range)); break; case 'c': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argCritical = new VNagArgument('c', 'critical', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$critical_range)); break; case 'V': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVersion = new VNagArgument('V', 'version', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_version)); break; case 'v': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVerbosity = new VNagArgument('v', 'verbose', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$verbosity_helptext)); break; case 't': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argTimeout = new VNagArgument('t', 'timeout', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_seconds, VNagLang::$timeout_helptext)); break; case 'h': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argHelp = new VNagArgument('h', 'help', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$help_helptext)); break; default: $letter = $args[$i]; throw new VNagInvalidStandardArgument(sprintf(VNagLang::$no_standard_arguments_with_letter, $letter)); } } } public function addExpectedArgument($argObj) { $helpObjAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->helpObj, '_addOption'); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->helpObj, $argObj); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->argHandler, '_addExpectedArgument'); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->argHandler, $argObj); } protected function createArgumentHandler() { $this->argHandler = new VNagArgumentHandler(); } protected function createHelpObject() { $this->helpObj = new VNagHelp(); } protected function checkInitialized() { if (!$this->initialized) throw new VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession(); } protected function getVerbosityLevel() { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->argVerbosity)) { return self::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY; } else { $level = $this->argVerbosity->count(); if ($level > self::MAX_VERBOSITY) $level = self::MAX_VERBOSITY; return $level; } } public function getWarningRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argWarning)) { $warning = $this->argWarning->getValue(); if (!is_null($warning)) { $vals = explode(',',$warning); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { if (_empty($val)) { $this->warningRanges[$number] = null; } else { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->warningRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } } else { $this->warningRanges[0] = $this->default_warning_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function getCriticalRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argCritical)) { $critical = $this->argCritical->getValue(); if (!is_null($critical)) { $vals = explode(',',$critical); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->criticalRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } else { $this->criticalRanges[0] = $this->default_critical_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function checkAgainstWarningRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('w')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-w'); } $wr = $this->getWarningRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($wr)) { if ($wr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_warning_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-w'); } } } } public function checkAgainstCriticalRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('c')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-c'); } $cr = $this->getCriticalRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($cr)) { if ($cr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_critical_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-c'); } } } } protected static function getBaddestExitcode($code1, $code2) { return max($code1, $code2); } public static function _shutdownHandler() { if (!self::is_http_mode()) { exit((int)self::$exitcode); } } protected function _exit($code) { self::$exitcode = $this->getBaddestExitcode($code, self::$exitcode); } private $constructed = false; function __construct() { $this->createHelpObject(); $this->createArgumentHandler(); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argUsage = new VNagArgument('?', '', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_usage)); $this->constructed = true; } function __destruct() { if (Timeouter::started()) { Timeouter::end(); } } public function run() { global $inside_vnag_run; $inside_vnag_run = true; try { if (!$this->constructed) { throw new VNagNotConstructed(VNagLang::$notConstructed); } try { $this->initialized = true; $this->html_before = ''; $this->html_after = ''; $this->setStatus(null, true); $this->messages = array(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, '_shutdownHandler')); if ($this->argHandler->illegalUsage()) { $content = $this->helpObj->printUsagePage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argVersion) && ($this->argVersion->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printVersionPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argHelp) && ($this->argHelp->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printHelpPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } $this->getWarningRange(); $this->getCriticalRange(); if (!is_null($this->argTimeout)) { $timeout = $this->argTimeout->getValue(); if (!is_null($timeout)) { Timeouter::start($timeout); } } ob_start(); $init_ob_level = ob_get_level(); try { $this->cbRun(); if (ob_get_level() < $init_ob_level) throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(VNagLang::$output_level_lowered); } finally { while (ob_get_level() > $init_ob_level) @ob_end_clean(); } if (is_null($this->status)) $this->setStatus($this->default_status,true); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_NORMAL; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_EXCEPTION; } if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_invisible_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML(); } if ($this->http_visual_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeVisualHTML(); } echo $this->html_after; } else { echo $this->getNagiosConsoleText(); return $this->_exit($this->status); } Timeouter::end(); } finally { $inside_vnag_run = false; } } private function getNagiosConsoleText() { $ary_perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); $performancedata_first = array_shift($ary_perfdata); $performancedata_rest = implode(' ', $ary_perfdata); $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content = $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content = $status_text.': '.$this->getHeadline(); } else { $content = $this->getHeadline(); } } if (!_empty($performancedata_first)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_first); $content .= "\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= trim($this->verbose_info); } if (!_empty($performancedata_rest)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_rest); $content .= "\n"; return trim($content)."\n"; } abstract protected function cbRun(); public function addPerformanceData($prefDataObj, $move_to_font=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) return false; if ($move_to_font) { array_unshift($this->performanceDataObjects, $prefDataObj); } else { $this->performanceDataObjects[] = $prefDataObj; } return true; } public function getPerformanceData() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->performanceDataObjects; } public function removePerformanceData($prefDataObj) { if (($key = array_search($prefDataObj, $this->performanceDataObjects, true)) !== false) { unset($this->performanceDataObjects[$key]); return true; } else { return false; } } public function clearPerformanceData() { $this->performanceDataObjects = array(); } public function getVerboseInfo() { return $this->verbose_info; } public function clearVerboseInfo() { $this->verbose_info = ''; } private function writeVisualHTML($special_content=null) { if (!_empty($special_content)) { $content = $special_content; } else { $content = strtoupper(VNagLang::$status.': '.VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel))."\n\n"; $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$message).":\n"; $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content .= $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content .= $status_text.': '.trim($this->getHeadline()); } else { $content .= trim($this->getHeadline()); } } $content .= "\n\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$verbose_info).":\n".trim($this->verbose_info)."\n\n"; } $perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); if (count($perfdata) > 0) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$performance_data).":\n"; foreach ($perfdata as $pd) { $content .= trim($pd)."\n"; } $content .= "\n"; } } $colorinfo = ''; $status = $this->getStatus(); if ($status == VNag::STATUS_OK) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:green;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_WARNING) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:yellow;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_ERROR) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:purple;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:lightgray;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; $html_content = trim($content); $html_content = htmlentities($html_content); $html_content = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $html_content); $html_content = nl2br($html_content); return '<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="width:100%" class="vnag_table">'. '<tr'.$colorinfo.' class="vnag_title_row">'. '<td>'.VNagLang::$nagios_output.'</td>'. '</tr>'. '<tr class="vnag_message_row">'. '<td><code>'. $html_content. '</code></td>'. '</tr>'. '</table>'; } protected function readInvisibleHTML($html) { $this->checkInitialized(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('script'); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $type = $tag->getAttribute('type'); if ($type !== 'application/json') continue; $json = $tag->nodeValue; if (!$json) continue; $data = @json_decode($json,true); if (!is_array($data)) continue; if (!isset($data['type'])) continue; if ($data['type'] === VNAG_JSONDATA_V1) { if (!isset($data['datasets'])) throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_missing); foreach ($data['datasets'] as $dataset) { $payload = base64_decode($dataset['payload']); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_base64); } if (isset($dataset['encryption'])) { $cryptInfo = $dataset['encryption']; if (!is_array($cryptInfo)) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_encryption_no_array); } $password = is_null($this->password_in) ? '' : $this->password_in; $salt = base64_decode($cryptInfo['salt']); if ($cryptInfo['hash'] != hash('sha256',$salt.$password)) { if ($password == '') { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$require_password); } else { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$wrong_password); } } if (!function_exists('openssl_decrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $payload = openssl_decrypt($payload, $cryptInfo['method'], $password, 0, $cryptInfo['iv']); } if (!is_null($this->pubkey) && ($this->pubkey !== '')) { if (substr($this->pubkey,0,3) === '---') { $public_key = $this->pubkey; } else { if (!file_exists($this->pubkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_found, $this->pubkey)); } $public_key = @file_get_contents($this->pubkey); if (!$public_key) { throw new VNagPublicKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_readable, $this->pubkey)); } } if (!isset($dataset['signature'])) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_missing); } $signature = base64_decode($dataset['signature']); if (!$signature) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_not_bas64); } if (!function_exists('openssl_verify')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (!openssl_verify($payload, $signature, $public_key, $sign_algo)) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_invalid); } } $payload = @json_decode($payload,true); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_json); } if ($payload['id'] == $this->id) { return $payload; } } } } return null; } private function getNextMonitorID($peek=false) { $result = is_null($this->id) ? self::$http_serial_number : $this->id; if (!$peek) { $this->id = null; self::$http_serial_number++; } return $result; } private function writeInvisibleHTML($special_content=null) { $payload['id'] = $this->getNextMonitorID(); $payload['status'] = $this->getStatus(); if (!_empty($special_content)) { $payload['text'] = $special_content; } else { $payload['headline'] = $this->getHeadline(); $payload['verbose_info'] = $this->verbose_info; $payload['performance_data'] = array(); foreach ($this->performanceDataObjects as $perfdata) { $payload['performance_data'][] = (string)$perfdata; } } $payload = json_encode($payload); $dataset = array(); if (!is_null($this->privkey) && ($this->privkey !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_private') || !function_exists('openssl_sign')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } if (substr($this->privkey,0,3) === '---') { $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private($this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_not_readable)); } } else { if (!file_exists($this->privkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_found, $this->privkey)); } $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private('file://'.$this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_readable, $this->privkey)); } } $signature = ''; $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (@openssl_sign($payload, $signature, $pkeyid, $sign_algo)) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0') < 0) { openssl_free_key($pkeyid); } $dataset['signature'] = base64_encode($signature); } else { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$signature_failed)); } } if (!is_null($this->password_out) && ($this->password_out !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $password = $this->password_out; $method = 'aes-256-ofb'; $iv = substr(hash('sha256', openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)), 0, 16); $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $cryptInfo = array(); $cryptInfo['method'] = $method; $cryptInfo['iv'] = $iv; $cryptInfo['salt'] = base64_encode($salt); $cryptInfo['hash'] = hash('sha256', $salt.$password); $payload = openssl_encrypt($payload, $method, $password, 0, $iv); $dataset['encryption'] = $cryptInfo; } $dataset['payload'] = base64_encode($payload); $json = array(); $json['type'] = VNAG_JSONDATA_V1; $json['datasets'] = array($dataset); return '<script type="application/json">'. json_encode($json). '</script>'; } protected function appendHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) return false; $this->messages[] = $msg; return true; } protected function changeHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) { $this->messages = array(); } else { $this->messages = array($msg); } return true; } public function setHeadline($msg, $append=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) $msg = ''; if ($append) { return $this->appendHeadline($msg); } else { return $this->changeHeadline($msg); } } public function getHeadline() { $this->checkInitialized(); return implode(', ', $this->messages); } public function addVerboseMessage($msg, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() >= $verbosityLevel) { $this->verbose_info .= $msg."\n"; } } public function setStatus($status, $force=false) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (($force) || is_null($this->status) || ($status > $this->status)) { $this->status = $status; } } public function getStatus() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->status; } protected static function exceptionText($exception) { $class = get_class($exception); $msg = $exception->getMessage(); if (!_empty($msg)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$exception_x, $msg, $class); } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$unhandled_exception_without_msg, $class); } } protected function handleException($exception) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) { while (ob_get_level() > 0) @ob_end_clean(); } $this->clearVerboseInfo(); $this->clearPerformanceData(); if ($exception instanceof VNagException) { $this->setStatus($exception->getStatus()); } else { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_ERROR); } $this->setHeadline($this->exceptionText($exception), false); if ($exception instanceof VNagImplementationErrorException) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); } else { if (isset($this->argVerbosity)) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); } else { } } } protected function get_cache_dir() { $homedir = @getenv('HOME'); if ($homedir && is_dir($homedir)) { $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } $user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); if (isset($user['dir']) && is_dir($user['dir'])) { $homedir = $user['dir']; $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } if (isset($user['name']) && is_dir($user['name'])) { $username = $user['name']; $try = "/tmp/vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } throw new VNagException("Cannot get cache dir"); } protected function url_get_contents($url, $max_cache_time=1*60*60, $context=null) { $cache_file = $this->get_cache_dir().'/'.hash('sha256',$url); if (file_exists($cache_file) && (time()-filemtime($cache_file) < $max_cache_time)) { $cont = @file_get_contents($cache_file); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $cache_file"); } else { $options = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"Accept-language: en\r\n" . "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.102011-10-16 20:23:10\r\n" ) ); if (is_null($context)) $context = stream_context_create($options); $cont = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $url"); file_put_contents($cache_file, $cont); } return $cont; } } class VNagException extends Exception { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_ERROR; } } class VNagTimeoutException extends VNagException {} class VNagWebInfoException extends VNagException {} class VNagSignatureException extends VNagException {} class VNagPublicKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagPrivateKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidArgumentException extends VNagException { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } class VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($str) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$valueUomPairSyntaxError, $str); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidTimeoutException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException {} class VNagInvalidRangeException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$range_is_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidShortOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidLongOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidValuePolicy extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalStatusModel extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagNotConstructed extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagImplementationErrorException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidStandardArgument extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalArgumentValuesException extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered extends VNagImplementationErrorException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$query_without_expected_argument, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagRequiredArgumentMissing extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$required_argument_missing, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUnknownUomException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_uom_not_recognized, $uom); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException extends VNagException {} class VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUomConvertException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$convert_x_y_error, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$performance_data_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class Timeouter { private static $start_time = false; private static $timeout; private static $fired = false; private static $registered = false; private function __construct() { } public static function start($timeout) { if (!is_numeric($timeout) || ($timeout <= 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidTimeoutException(sprintf(VNagLang::$timeout_value_invalid, $timeout)); } self::$start_time = microtime(true); self::$timeout = (float) $timeout; self::$fired = false; if (!self::$registered) { self::$registered = true; register_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); } } public static function started() { return self::$registered; } public static function end() { if (self::$registered) { unregister_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); self::$registered = false; } } public static function tick() { if ((!self::$fired) && ((microtime(true) - self::$start_time) > self::$timeout)) { self::$fired = true; throw new VNagTimeoutException(VNagLang::$timeout_exception); } } } class VNagArgument { const VALUE_FORBIDDEN = 0; const VALUE_REQUIRED = 1; const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 2; protected $shortopt; protected $longopts; protected $valuePolicy; protected $valueName; protected $helpText; protected $defaultValue = null; protected static $all_short = ''; protected static $all_long = array(); public function getShortOpt() { return $this->shortopt; } public function getLongOpts() { return $this->longopts; } public function getValuePolicy() { return $this->valuePolicy; } public function getValueName() { return $this->valueName; } public function getHelpText() { return $this->helpText; } static private function validateShortOpt($shortopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]$@', $shortopt, $m); } static private function validateLongOpt($longopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]+$@', $longopt, $m); } public function __construct($shortopt, $longopts, $valuePolicy, $valueName, $helpText, $defaultValue=null) { switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: if (!_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_forbidden)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if (!_empty($shortopt)) { if (!self::validateShortOpt($shortopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidShortOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_shortopt, $shortopt)); } } if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopt)); } } } else if (!_empty($longopts)) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopts)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopts)); } $longopts = array($longopts); } else { $longopts = array(); } switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $policyApdx = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $policyApdx = ':'; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $policyApdx = '::'; break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if ((!is_null($shortopt)) && ($shortopt != '?')) self::$all_short .= $shortopt.$policyApdx; if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { self::$all_long[] = $longopt.$policyApdx; } } $this->shortopt = $shortopt; $this->longopts = $longopts; $this->valuePolicy = $valuePolicy; $this->valueName = $valueName; $this->helpText = $helpText; $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue; } protected static function getOptions() { global $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; if (!is_null($OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS)) { return $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; } else if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { return $_REQUEST; } else { return getopt(self::$all_short, self::$all_long); } } public function count() { $options = self::getOptions(); $count = 0; if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { if (is_array($options[$this->shortopt])) { $count += count($options[$this->shortopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { if (is_array($options[$longopt])) { $count += count($options[$longopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } } } return $count; } public function available() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) return true; if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) return true; } } return false; } public function require() { if (!$this->available() && is_null($this->defaultValue)) { $opt = $this->shortopt; $opt = !_empty($opt) ? '-'.$opt : (isset($this->longopts[0]) ? '--'.$this->longopts[0] : '?'); throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing($opt); } } public function getValue() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { $x = $options[$this->shortopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$this->shortopt] = $options[$this->shortopt][0]; return $options[$this->shortopt]; } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { $x = $options[$longopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$longopt] = $options[$longopt][0]; return $options[$longopt]; } } } return $this->defaultValue; } } class VNagArgumentHandler { protected $expectedArgs = array(); protected function _addExpectedArgument($argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '?') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '-') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '+') return false; $this->expectedArgs[] = $argObj; return true; } public function getArgumentObj($shortopt) { foreach ($this->expectedArgs as $argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == $shortopt) return $argObj; } return null; } public function isArgRegistered($shortopt) { return !is_null($this->getArgumentObj($shortopt)); } public function illegalUsage() { global $argv; return (isset($argv[1])) && (($argv[1] == '-?') || ($argv[1] == '/?')); } } class VNagRange { public $start; public $end; public $warnInsideRange; public function __construct($rangeDef, $singleValueBehavior=VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('|^(@){0,1}([^:]+)(:){0,1}(.*)$|', $rangeDef, $m)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(sprintf(VNagLang::$range_invalid_syntax, $rangeDef)); } $this->warnInsideRange = $m[1] === '@'; $this->start = null; $this->end = null; if ($m[3] === ':') { if ($m[2] === '~') { $this->start = '-inf'; } else { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($m[2]); } if (_empty($m[4])) { $this->end = 'inf'; } else { $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($m[4]); } } else { assert(_empty($m[4])); assert(!_empty($m[2])); $x = $m[2]; if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair('0'.((new VNagValueUomPair($x))->getUom())); $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$illegalSingleValueBehavior); } } if (is_null($this->start)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_start_value); } if (is_null($this->end)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_end_value); } if (($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($this->start,$this->end) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$start_is_greater_than_end); } } public function __toString() { $ret = ''; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { $ret = '@'; } if ($this->start === '-inf') { $ret .= '~'; } else { $ret .= $this->start; } $ret .= ':'; if ($this->end !== 'inf') { $ret .= $this->end; } return $ret; } public function checkAlert($values) { $compatibleCount = 0; if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values); foreach ($values as $value) { if (!($value instanceof VNagValueUomPair)) $value = new VNagValueUomPair($value); assert(($this->start === '-inf') || ($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); assert(($this->end === 'inf' ) || ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); if (($this->start !== '-inf') && (!$this->start->compatibleWith($value))) continue; if (($this->end !== 'inf') && (!$this->end->compatibleWith($value))) continue; $compatibleCount++; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { return (($this->start === '-inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) >= 0)) && (($this->end === 'inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) <= 0)); } else { return (($this->start !== '-inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) < 0)) || (($this->end !== 'inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) > 0)); } } if ((count($values) > 0) and ($compatibleCount == 0)) { throw new VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException(VNagLang::$no_compatible_range_uom_found); } return false; } } class VNagValueUomPair { protected $value; protected $uom; public $roundTo = -1; public function isRelative() { return $this->uom === '%'; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getUom() { return $this->uom; } public function __toString() { if ($this->roundTo == -1) { return $this->value.$this->uom; } else { return round($this->value,$this->roundTo).$this->uom; } } public function __construct($str) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('/^([\d\.]+)(.*)$/ism', $str, $m)) { throw new VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException($str); } $this->value = $m[1]; $this->uom = isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : ''; if (!self::isKnownUOM($this->uom)) { throw new VNagUnknownUomException($this->uom); } } public static function isKnownUOM(string $uom) { $no_unit = ($uom === ''); $seconds = ($uom === 's') || ($uom === 'ms') || ($uom === 'us'); $percentage = ($uom === '%'); $bytes = ($uom === 'B') || ($uom === 'KB') || ($uom === 'MB') || ($uom === 'GB') || ($uom === 'TB'); $counter = ($uom === 'c'); return ($no_unit || $seconds || $percentage || $bytes || $counter); } public function normalize($target=null) { $res = clone $this; if ($res->uom === 'ms') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'us') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'B') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'KB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'GB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'TB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'c') { $res->uom = ''; } if (!is_null($target)) { if ($res->uom == 'MB') { if ($target == 'B') { $res->uom = 'B'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } else if ($target == 'KB') { $res->uom = 'KB'; $res->value *= 1024; } else if ($target == 'MB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1; } else if ($target == 'GB') { $res->uom = 'GB'; $res->value /= 1024; } else if ($target == 'TB') { $res->uom = 'TB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else if ($res->uom == 's') { if ($target == 's') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1; } else if ($target == 'ms') { $res->uom = 'ms'; $res->value /= 1000; } else if ($target == 'us') { $res->uom = 'us'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } return $res; } public function compatibleWith(VNagValueUomPair $other) { $a = $this->normalize(); $b = $other->normalize(); return ($a->uom == $b->uom); } public static function compare(VNagValueUomPair $left, VNagValueUomPair $right) { $a = $left->normalize(); $b = $right->normalize(); if ($a->uom != $b->uom) throw new VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented($a->uom, $b->uom); if ($a->value > $b->value) return 1; if ($a->value == $b->value) return 0; if ($a->value < $b->value) return -1; } } class VNagPerformanceData { protected $label; protected $value; protected $warn = null; protected $crit = null; protected $min = null; protected $max = null; public static function createByString($perfdata) { $perfdata = trim($perfdata); $ary = explode('=',$perfdata); if (count($ary) != 2) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_line_invalid, $perfdata)); } $label = $ary[0]; $bry = explode(';',$ary[1]); if (substr($label,0,1) === "'") $label = substr($label, 1, strlen($label)-2); $value = $bry[0]; $warn = isset($bry[1]) ? $bry[1] : null; $crit = isset($bry[2]) ? $bry[2] : null; $min = isset($bry[3]) ? $bry[3] : null; $max = isset($bry[4]) ? $bry[4] : null; return new self($label, $value, $warn, $crit, $min, $max); } public function __construct($label, $value, $warn=null, $crit=null, $min=null, $max=null) { if (strpos($label, '=') !== false) throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden); $label = str_replace("'", "''", $label); $m = array(); if ((!_empty($min)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $min, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_min_must_be_in_class); } if ((!_empty($max)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $max, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_max_must_be_in_class); } $this->label = $label; $this->value = ($value == 'U') ? 'U' : new VNagValueUomPair($value); $this->warn = $warn; $this->crit = $crit; $this->min = $min; $this->max = $max; } public function __toString() { $label = $this->label; $value = $this->value; $warn = $this->warn; $crit = $this->crit; $min = $this->min; $max = $this->max; $label = str_replace("''", "'", $label); return "'$label'=$value". ';'.(is_null($warn) ? '' : $warn). ';'.(is_null($crit) ? '' : $crit). ';'.(is_null($min) ? '' : $min). ';'.(is_null($max) ? '' : $max); } } class VNagHelp { public $word_wrap_width = 80; public $argument_indent = 7; public function printUsagePage() { $usage = $this->getUsage(); if (_empty($usage)) { $usage = VNagLang::$no_syntax_defined; } return trim($usage)."\n"; } public function printVersionPage() { $out = trim($this->getNameAndVersion())."\n"; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } static private function _conditionalLine($line, $terminator='', $prefix='') { if (!_empty($line)) { return trim($line).$terminator; } return ''; } public function printHelpPage() { $out = ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getNameAndVersion(), "\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getCopyright(), "\n"); $out .= ($out != '') ? "\n" : ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getShortDescription(), "\n\n\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getUsage(), "\n\n"); $out .= VNagLang::$options."\n"; foreach ($this->options as $argObj) { $out .= $this->printArgumentHelp($argObj); } $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getFootNotes(), "\n\n", "\n"); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } protected $options = array(); protected function _addOption($argObj) { $this->options[] = $argObj; } protected function printArgumentHelp($argObj) { $identifiers = array(); $shortopt = $argObj->getShortopt(); if (!_empty($shortopt)) $identifiers[] = '-'.$shortopt; $longopts = $argObj->getLongopts(); if (!is_null($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!_empty($longopt)) $identifiers[] = '--'.$longopt; } } if (count($identifiers) == 0) return; $valueName = $argObj->getValueName(); $arginfo = ''; switch ($argObj->getValuePolicy()) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $arginfo = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $arginfo = '='.$valueName; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $arginfo = '[='.$valueName.']'; break; } $out = ''; $out .= implode(', ', $identifiers).$arginfo."\n"; $content = trim($argObj->getHelpText()); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width-$this->argument_indent, "\n", false); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { $out .= str_repeat(' ', $this->argument_indent).$line."\n"; } $out .= "\n"; return $out; } protected $pluginName; public function setPluginName($pluginName) { $this->pluginName = $this->replaceStuff($pluginName); } public function getPluginName() { if (_empty($this->pluginName)) { global $argv; return basename($argv[0]); } else { return $this->pluginName; } } protected $version; public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $this->replaceStuff($version); } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getNameAndVersion() { $ret = $this->getPluginName(); if (_empty($ret)) return null; $ver = $this->getVersion(); if (!_empty($ver)) { $ret = sprintf(VNagLang::$x_version_x, $ret, $ver); } $ret = trim($ret); return $ret; } protected $copyright; public function setCopyright($copyright) { $this->copyright = $this->replaceStuff($copyright); } private function getVNagCopyright() { if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { $vts_email = ''; } else { $vts_email = base64_decode('aW5mb0B2aWF0aGlua3NvZnQuZGU='); } return "VNag Framework ".VNag::VNAG_VERSION." (C) 2014-".date('Y')." ViaThinkSoft <$vts_email>"; } public function getCopyright() { if (_empty($this->copyright)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$plugin_uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } else { return trim($this->copyright)."\n".sprintf(VNagLang::$uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } } protected $shortDescription; public function setShortDescription($shortDescription) { $this->shortDescription = $this->replaceStuff($shortDescription); } public function getShortDescription() { if (_empty($this->shortDescription)) { return null; } else { $content = $this->shortDescription; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $content; } } protected function replaceStuff($text) { global $argv; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', $argv[0], $text); } else { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), $text); } $text = str_replace('$CURYEAR$', date('Y'), $text); return $text; } protected $syntax; public function setSyntax($syntax) { $syntax = $this->replaceStuff($syntax); $this->syntax = $syntax; } public function getUsage() { if (_empty($this->syntax)) { return null; } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$usage_x, $this->syntax); } } protected $footNotes; public function setFootNotes($footNotes) { $this->footNotes = $this->replaceStuff($footNotes); } public function getFootNotes() { return $this->footNotes; } } class VNagLang { public static function status($code, $statusmodel) { switch ($statusmodel) { case VNag::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_OK: return 'OK'; case VNag::STATUS_WARNING: return 'Warning'; case VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL: return 'Critical'; case VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN: return 'Unknown'; default: return sprintf('Error (%d)', $code); } case VNag::STATUSMODEL_HOST: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_UP: return 'Up'; case VNag::STATUS_DOWN: return 'Down'; default: return sprintf('Maintain last state (%d)', $code); } default: throw new VNagIllegalStatusModel(sprintf(self::$illegal_statusmodel, $statusmodel)); } } static $nagios_output = 'VNag-Output'; static $verbose_info = 'Verbose information'; static $status = 'Status'; static $message = 'Message'; static $performance_data = 'Performance data'; static $status_ok = 'OK'; static $status_warn = 'Warning'; static $status_critical = 'Critical'; static $status_unknown = 'Unknown'; static $status_error = 'Error'; static $unhandled_exception_without_msg = "Unhandled exception of type %s"; static $plugin_uses = 'This plugin uses %s'; static $uses = 'uses %s'; static $x_version_x = '%s, version %s'; static $argname_value = 'value'; static $argname_seconds = 'seconds'; static $query_without_expected_argument = "The argument '%s' is queried, but was not added to the list of expected arguments. Please contact the plugin author."; static $required_argument_missing = "The argument '%s' is required."; static $performance_data_invalid = 'Performance data invalid.'; static $no_standard_arguments_with_letter = "No standard argument with letter '%s' exists."; static $invalid_start_value = 'Invalid start value.'; static $invalid_end_value = 'Invalid end value.'; static $start_is_greater_than_end = 'Start is greater than end value.'; static $value_name_forbidden = "Implementation error: You may not define a value name for the argument, because the value policy is VALUE_FORBIDDEN."; static $value_name_required = "Implementation error: Please define a name for the argument (so it can be shown in the help page)."; static $illegal_shortopt = "Illegal shortopt '-%s'."; static $illegal_longopt = "Illegal longopt '--%s'."; static $illegal_valuepolicy = "valuePolicy has illegal value '%s'."; static $range_invalid_syntax = "Syntax error in range '%s'."; static $timeout_value_invalid = "Timeout value '%s' is invalid."; static $range_is_invalid = 'Range is invalid.'; static $timeout_exception = 'Timeout!'; static $perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden = 'Label may not contain an equal sign.'; static $perfdata_value_must_be_in_class = 'Value must be in class [-0-9.] or be \'U\' if the actual value can\'t be determined.'; static $perfdata_min_must_be_in_class = 'Min must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_max_must_be_in_class = 'Max must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_uom_not_recognized = 'UOM (unit of measurement) "%s" is not recognized.'; static $perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented = 'Mixed UOMs (%s and %s) are currently not supported.'; static $no_compatible_range_uom_found = 'Measured values are not compatible with the provided warning/critical parameter. Most likely, the UOM is incompatible.'; static $exception_x = '%s (%s)'; static $no_syntax_defined = 'The author of this plugin has not defined a syntax for this plugin.'; static $usage_x = "Usage:\n%s"; static $options = "Options:"; static $illegal_statusmodel = "Invalid statusmodel %d."; static $none = '[none]'; static $valueUomPairSyntaxError = 'Syntax error at "%s". Syntax must be Value[UOM].'; static $too_few_warning_ranges = "You have too few warning ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $too_few_critical_ranges = "You have too few critical ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $dataset_missing = 'Dataset missing.'; static $payload_not_base64 = 'The payload is not valid Base64.'; static $payload_not_json = 'The payload is not valid JSON.'; static $signature_missing = 'The signature is missing.'; static $signature_not_bas64 = 'The signature is not valid Base64.'; static $signature_invalid = 'The signature is invalid. The connection might have been tampered, or a different key is used.'; static $pubkey_file_not_found = "Public key file %s was not found."; static $pubkey_file_not_readable = "Public key file %s is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_found = "Private key file %s was not found."; static $privkey_not_readable = "Private key is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_readable = "Private key file %s is not readable."; static $signature_failed = "Signature failed."; static $perfdata_line_invalid = "Performance data line %s is invalid."; static $singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol = 'This plugin does not allow the @-symbol at ranges for single values.'; static $illegalSingleValueBehavior = "Illegal value for 'singleValueBehavior'. Please contact the creator of the plugin."; static $dataset_encryption_no_array = 'Dataset encryption information invalid.'; static $require_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. Please provide a password.'; static $wrong_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. You have provided the wrong password, or it was changed.'; static $convert_x_y_error = 'Cannot convert from UOM %s to UOM %s.'; static $php_error = 'PHP has detected an error in the plugin. Please contact the plugin author.'; static $output_level_lowered = "Output Buffer level lowered during cbRun(). Please contact the plugin author."; static $openssl_missing = "OpenSSL is missing. Therefore, encryption and signatures are not available."; static $warning_range = 'Warning range'; static $critical_range = 'Critical range'; static $prints_version = 'Prints version'; static $verbosity_helptext = 'Verbosity -v, -vv or -vvv'; static $timeout_helptext = 'Sets timeout in seconds'; static $help_helptext = 'Prints help page'; static $prints_usage = 'Prints usage'; static $notConstructed = 'Parent constructor not called with parent::__construct().'; } function vnagErrorHandler($errorkind, $errortext, $file, $line) { global $inside_vnag_run; if (!$inside_vnag_run && VNag::is_http_mode()) { return false; } if (!(error_reporting() & $errorkind)) { return true; } if (defined('E_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Error'; if (defined('E_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Warning'; if (defined('E_PARSE') && ($errorkind == E_PARSE)) $errorkind = 'Parse'; if (defined('E_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'Notice'; if (defined('E_CORE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Core Error'; if (defined('E_CORE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Core Warning'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Compile Error'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Compile Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_USER_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'User Error'; if (defined('E_USER_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_USER_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'User Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_USER_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'User Notice'; if (defined('E_STRICT') && ($errorkind == E_STRICT)) $errorkind = 'Strict'; if (defined('E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Recoverable Error'; if (defined('E_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'Deprecated'; if (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_USER_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'User Deprecated'; throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$php_error . " $errortext at $file:$line (kind $errorkind)"); } $inside_vnag_run = false; $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("vnagErrorHandler"); <?php
 if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) error_reporting(E_ALL); declare(ticks=1); set_time_limit(0); define('VNAG_JSONDATA_V1', 'oid:'); $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS = null; function _empty($x) { return is_null($x) || (trim($x) == ''); } abstract class VNag { const VNAG_VERSION = '2023-10-13'; const STATUS_OK = 0; const STATUS_WARNING = 1; const STATUS_CRITICAL = 2; const STATUS_UNKNOWN = 3; const STATUS_ERROR = 4; const STATUS_UP = 0; const STATUS_DOWN = 1; const STATUS_MAINTAIN = 2; const VERBOSITY_SUMMARY = 0; const VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION = 1; const VERBOSITY_CONFIGURATION_DEBUG = 2; const VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG = 3; const MAX_VERBOSITY = self::VERBOSITY_PLUGIN_DEBUG; const STATUSMODEL_SERVICE = 0; const STATUSMODEL_HOST = 1; private $initialized = false; private $status = null; private $messages = array(); private $verbose_info = ''; private $warningRanges = array(); private $criticalRanges = array(); private $performanceDataObjects = array(); private static $exitcode = 0; private $helpObj = null; private $argHandler = null; const OUTPUT_NEVER = 0; const OUTPUT_SPECIAL = 1; const OUTPUT_NORMAL = 2; const OUTPUT_EXCEPTION = 4; const OUTPUT_ALWAYS = 7; public $http_visual_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; public $http_invisible_output = self::OUTPUT_ALWAYS; protected $html_before = ''; protected $html_after = ''; protected $statusmodel = self::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE; protected $show_status_in_headline = true; protected $default_status = self::STATUS_UNKNOWN; protected $default_warning_range = null; protected $default_critical_range = null; protected $argWarning; protected $argCritical; protected $argVersion; protected $argVerbosity; protected $argTimeout; protected $argHelp; protected $argUsage; public $id = null; protected static $http_serial_number = 0; public $privkey = null; public $privkey_password = null; public $sign_algo = null; public $pubkey = null; protected $warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); protected $criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors = array(self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT); const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT = 0; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD = 1; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD = 2; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD = 3; const SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD = 4; public $password_out = null; public $password_in = null; public static function is_http_mode() { return php_sapi_name() !== 'cli'; } public function getHelpManager() { return $this->helpObj; } public function getArgumentHandler() { return $this->argHandler; } public function outputHTML($text, $after_visual_output=true) { if ($this->is_http_mode()) { if ($this->initialized) { if ($after_visual_output) { $this->html_after .= $text; } else { $this->html_before .= $text; } } else { echo $text; } } } protected function resetArguments() { $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; $this->argVersion = null; $this->argVerbosity = null; $this->argTimeout = null; $this->argHelp = null; $this->argWarning = null; $this->argCritical = null; } public function registerExpectedStandardArguments($args) { $this->resetArguments(); for ($i=0; $i<strlen($args); $i++) { switch ($args[$i]) { case 'w': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argWarning = new VNagArgument('w', 'warning', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$warning_range)); break; case 'c': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argCritical = new VNagArgument('c', 'critical', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_value, VNagLang::$critical_range)); break; case 'V': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVersion = new VNagArgument('V', 'version', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_version)); break; case 'v': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argVerbosity = new VNagArgument('v', 'verbose', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$verbosity_helptext)); break; case 't': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argTimeout = new VNagArgument('t', 'timeout', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, VNagLang::$argname_seconds, VNagLang::$timeout_helptext)); break; case 'h': $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argHelp = new VNagArgument('h', 'help', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$help_helptext)); break; default: $letter = $args[$i]; throw new VNagInvalidStandardArgument(sprintf(VNagLang::$no_standard_arguments_with_letter, $letter)); } } } public function addExpectedArgument($argObj) { $helpObjAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->helpObj, '_addOption'); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $helpObjAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->helpObj, $argObj); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod = new ReflectionMethod($this->argHandler, '_addExpectedArgument'); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->setAccessible(true); $argHandlerAddEntryMethod->invoke($this->argHandler, $argObj); } protected function createArgumentHandler() { $this->argHandler = new VNagArgumentHandler(); } protected function createHelpObject() { $this->helpObj = new VNagHelp(); } protected function checkInitialized() { if (!$this->initialized) throw new VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession(); } protected function getVerbosityLevel() { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->argVerbosity)) { return self::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY; } else { $level = $this->argVerbosity->count(); if ($level > self::MAX_VERBOSITY) $level = self::MAX_VERBOSITY; return $level; } } public function getWarningRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argWarning)) { $warning = $this->argWarning->getValue(); if (!is_null($warning)) { $vals = explode(',',$warning); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { if (_empty($val)) { $this->warningRanges[$number] = null; } else { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->warningRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } } else { $this->warningRanges[0] = $this->default_warning_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->warningRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function getCriticalRange($argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { if (!is_null($this->argCritical)) { $critical = $this->argCritical->getValue(); if (!is_null($critical)) { $vals = explode(',',$critical); foreach ($vals as $number => $val) { $singleValueBehavior = isset($this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number]) ? $this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[$number] : VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT; $this->criticalRanges[$number] = new VNagRange($val, $singleValueBehavior); } } else { $this->criticalRanges[0] = $this->default_critical_range; } } else { return null; } } if (isset($this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber])) { return $this->criticalRanges[$argumentNumber]; } else { return null; } } public function checkAgainstWarningRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('w')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-w'); } $wr = $this->getWarningRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($wr)) { if ($wr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_warning_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-w'); } } } } public function checkAgainstCriticalRange($values, $force=true, $autostatus=true, $argumentNumber=0) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!$this->getArgumentHandler()->isArgRegistered('c')) { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-c'); } $cr = $this->getCriticalRange($argumentNumber); if (isset($cr)) { if ($cr->checkAlert($values)) { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL); return true; } else { if ($autostatus) $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); return false; } } else { if ($force) { if (($argumentNumber > 0) && (count($this->warningRanges) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$too_few_critical_ranges, $argumentNumber+1)); } else { throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing('-c'); } } } } protected static function getBaddestExitcode($code1, $code2) { return max($code1, $code2); } public static function _shutdownHandler() { if (!self::is_http_mode()) { exit((int)self::$exitcode); } } protected function _exit($code) { self::$exitcode = $this->getBaddestExitcode($code, self::$exitcode); } private $constructed = false; function __construct() { $this->createHelpObject(); $this->createArgumentHandler(); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argUsage = new VNagArgument('?', '', VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN, null, VNagLang::$prints_usage)); $this->constructed = true; } function __destruct() { if (Timeouter::started()) { Timeouter::end(); } } public function run() { global $inside_vnag_run; $inside_vnag_run = true; try { if (!$this->constructed) { throw new VNagNotConstructed(VNagLang::$notConstructed); } try { $this->initialized = true; $this->html_before = ''; $this->html_after = ''; $this->setStatus(null, true); $this->messages = array(); register_shutdown_function(array($this, '_shutdownHandler')); if ($this->argHandler->illegalUsage()) { $content = $this->helpObj->printUsagePage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argVersion) && ($this->argVersion->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printVersionPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } if (!is_null($this->argHelp) && ($this->argHelp->available())) { $content = $this->helpObj->printHelpPage(); $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN); if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_visual_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeVisualHTML($content); if ($this->http_invisible_output & VNag::OUTPUT_SPECIAL) echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML($content); echo $this->html_after; return; } else { echo $content; return $this->_exit($this->status); } } $this->getWarningRange(); $this->getCriticalRange(); if (!is_null($this->argTimeout)) { $timeout = $this->argTimeout->getValue(); if (!is_null($timeout)) { Timeouter::start($timeout); } } ob_start(); $init_ob_level = ob_get_level(); try { $this->cbRun(); if (ob_get_level() < $init_ob_level) throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(VNagLang::$output_level_lowered); } finally { while (ob_get_level() > $init_ob_level) @ob_end_clean(); } if (is_null($this->status)) $this->setStatus($this->default_status,true); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_NORMAL; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->handleException($e); $outputType = VNag::OUTPUT_EXCEPTION; } if ($this->is_http_mode()) { echo $this->html_before; if ($this->http_invisible_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeInvisibleHTML(); } if ($this->http_visual_output & $outputType) { echo $this->writeVisualHTML(); } echo $this->html_after; } else { echo $this->getNagiosConsoleText(); return $this->_exit($this->status); } Timeouter::end(); } finally { $inside_vnag_run = false; } } private function getNagiosConsoleText() { $ary_perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); $performancedata_first = array_shift($ary_perfdata); $performancedata_rest = implode(' ', $ary_perfdata); $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content = $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content = $status_text.': '.$this->getHeadline(); } else { $content = $this->getHeadline(); } } if (!_empty($performancedata_first)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_first); $content .= "\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= trim($this->verbose_info); } if (!_empty($performancedata_rest)) $content .= '|'.trim($performancedata_rest); $content .= "\n"; return trim($content)."\n"; } abstract protected function cbRun(); public function addPerformanceData($prefDataObj, $move_to_font=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) return false; if ($move_to_font) { array_unshift($this->performanceDataObjects, $prefDataObj); } else { $this->performanceDataObjects[] = $prefDataObj; } return true; } public function getPerformanceData() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->performanceDataObjects; } public function removePerformanceData($prefDataObj) { if (($key = array_search($prefDataObj, $this->performanceDataObjects, true)) !== false) { unset($this->performanceDataObjects[$key]); return true; } else { return false; } } public function clearPerformanceData() { $this->performanceDataObjects = array(); } public function getVerboseInfo() { return $this->verbose_info; } public function clearVerboseInfo() { $this->verbose_info = ''; } private function writeVisualHTML($special_content=null) { if (!_empty($special_content)) { $content = $special_content; } else { $content = strtoupper(VNagLang::$status.': '.VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel))."\n\n"; $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$message).":\n"; $status_text = VNagLang::status($this->status, $this->statusmodel); if (_empty($this->getHeadline())) { $content .= $status_text; } else { if ($this->show_status_in_headline) { $content .= $status_text.': '.trim($this->getHeadline()); } else { $content .= trim($this->getHeadline()); } } $content .= "\n\n"; if (!_empty($this->verbose_info)) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$verbose_info).":\n".trim($this->verbose_info)."\n\n"; } $perfdata = $this->getPerformanceData(); if (count($perfdata) > 0) { $content .= strtoupper(VNagLang::$performance_data).":\n"; foreach ($perfdata as $pd) { $content .= trim($pd)."\n"; } $content .= "\n"; } } $colorinfo = ''; $status = $this->getStatus(); if ($status == VNag::STATUS_OK) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:green;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_WARNING) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:yellow;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:red;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else if ($status == VNag::STATUS_ERROR) $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:purple;color:white;font-weight:bold"'; else $colorinfo = ' style="background-color:lightgray;color:black;font-weight:bold"'; $html_content = trim($content); $html_content = htmlentities($html_content); $html_content = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', $html_content); $html_content = nl2br($html_content); return '<table border="1" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="2" style="width:100%" class="vnag_table">'. '<tr'.$colorinfo.' class="vnag_title_row">'. '<td>'.VNagLang::$nagios_output.'</td>'. '</tr>'. '<tr class="vnag_message_row">'. '<td><code>'. $html_content. '</code></td>'. '</tr>'. '</table>'; } protected function readInvisibleHTML($html) { $this->checkInitialized(); $doc = new DOMDocument(); @$doc->loadHTML($html); $tags = $doc->getElementsByTagName('script'); foreach ($tags as $tag) { $type = $tag->getAttribute('type'); if ($type !== 'application/json') continue; $json = $tag->nodeValue; if (!$json) continue; $data = @json_decode($json,true); if (!is_array($data)) continue; if (!isset($data['type'])) continue; if ($data['type'] === VNAG_JSONDATA_V1) { if (!isset($data['datasets'])) throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_missing); foreach ($data['datasets'] as $dataset) { $payload = base64_decode($dataset['payload']); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_base64); } if (isset($dataset['encryption'])) { $cryptInfo = $dataset['encryption']; if (!is_array($cryptInfo)) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$dataset_encryption_no_array); } $password = is_null($this->password_in) ? '' : $this->password_in; $salt = base64_decode($cryptInfo['salt']); if ($cryptInfo['hash'] != hash('sha256',$salt.$password)) { if ($password == '') { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$require_password); } else { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$wrong_password); } } if (!function_exists('openssl_decrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $payload = openssl_decrypt($payload, $cryptInfo['method'], $password, 0, $cryptInfo['iv']); } if (!is_null($this->pubkey) && ($this->pubkey !== '')) { if (substr($this->pubkey,0,3) === '---') { $public_key = $this->pubkey; } else { if (!file_exists($this->pubkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_found, $this->pubkey)); } $public_key = @file_get_contents($this->pubkey); if (!$public_key) { throw new VNagPublicKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$pubkey_file_not_readable, $this->pubkey)); } } if (!isset($dataset['signature'])) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_missing); } $signature = base64_decode($dataset['signature']); if (!$signature) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_not_bas64); } if (!function_exists('openssl_verify')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (!openssl_verify($payload, $signature, $public_key, $sign_algo)) { throw new VNagSignatureException(VNagLang::$signature_invalid); } } $payload = @json_decode($payload,true); if (!$payload) { throw new VNagWebInfoException(VNagLang::$payload_not_json); } if ($payload['id'] == $this->id) { return $payload; } } } } return null; } private function getNextMonitorID($peek=false) { $result = is_null($this->id) ? self::$http_serial_number : $this->id; if (!$peek) { $this->id = null; self::$http_serial_number++; } return $result; } private function writeInvisibleHTML($special_content=null) { $payload['id'] = $this->getNextMonitorID(); $payload['status'] = $this->getStatus(); if (!_empty($special_content)) { $payload['text'] = $special_content; } else { $payload['headline'] = $this->getHeadline(); $payload['verbose_info'] = $this->verbose_info; $payload['performance_data'] = array(); foreach ($this->performanceDataObjects as $perfdata) { $payload['performance_data'][] = (string)$perfdata; } } $payload = json_encode($payload); $dataset = array(); if (!is_null($this->privkey) && ($this->privkey !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_pkey_get_private') || !function_exists('openssl_sign')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } if (substr($this->privkey,0,3) === '---') { $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private($this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_not_readable)); } } else { if (!file_exists($this->privkey)) { throw new VNagInvalidArgumentException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_found, $this->privkey)); } $pkeyid = @openssl_pkey_get_private('file://'.$this->privkey, $this->privkey_password); if (!$pkeyid) { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$privkey_file_not_readable, $this->privkey)); } } $signature = ''; $sign_algo = is_null($this->sign_algo) ? OPENSSL_ALGO_SHA256 : $this->sign_algo; if (@openssl_sign($payload, $signature, $pkeyid, $sign_algo)) { if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '8.0.0') < 0) { openssl_free_key($pkeyid); } $dataset['signature'] = base64_encode($signature); } else { throw new VNagPrivateKeyException(sprintf(VNagLang::$signature_failed)); } } if (!is_null($this->password_out) && ($this->password_out !== '')) { if (!function_exists('openssl_encrypt')) { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$openssl_missing); } $password = $this->password_out; $method = 'aes-256-ofb'; $iv = substr(hash('sha256', openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)), 0, 16); $salt = openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32); $cryptInfo = array(); $cryptInfo['method'] = $method; $cryptInfo['iv'] = $iv; $cryptInfo['salt'] = base64_encode($salt); $cryptInfo['hash'] = hash('sha256', $salt.$password); $payload = openssl_encrypt($payload, $method, $password, 0, $iv); $dataset['encryption'] = $cryptInfo; } $dataset['payload'] = base64_encode($payload); $json = array(); $json['type'] = VNAG_JSONDATA_V1; $json['datasets'] = array($dataset); return '<script type="application/json">'. json_encode($json). '</script>'; } protected function appendHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) return false; $this->messages[] = $msg; return true; } protected function changeHeadline($msg) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (_empty($msg)) { $this->messages = array(); } else { $this->messages = array($msg); } return true; } public function setHeadline($msg, $append=false, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if ((!isset($this->argVerbosity)) && ($verbosityLevel > VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY)) throw new VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered('-v'); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() < $verbosityLevel) $msg = ''; if ($append) { return $this->appendHeadline($msg); } else { return $this->changeHeadline($msg); } } public function getHeadline() { $this->checkInitialized(); return implode(', ', $this->messages); } public function addVerboseMessage($msg, $verbosityLevel=VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (self::getVerbosityLevel() >= $verbosityLevel) { $this->verbose_info .= $msg."\n"; } } public function setStatus($status, $force=false) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (($force) || is_null($this->status) || ($status > $this->status)) { $this->status = $status; } } public function getStatus() { $this->checkInitialized(); return $this->status; } protected static function exceptionText($exception) { $class = get_class($exception); $msg = $exception->getMessage(); if (!_empty($msg)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$exception_x, $msg, $class); } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$unhandled_exception_without_msg, $class); } } protected function handleException($exception) { $this->checkInitialized(); if (!VNag::is_http_mode()) { while (ob_get_level() > 0) @ob_end_clean(); } $this->clearVerboseInfo(); $this->clearPerformanceData(); if ($exception instanceof VNagException) { $this->setStatus($exception->getStatus()); } else { $this->setStatus(self::STATUS_ERROR); } $this->setHeadline($this->exceptionText($exception), false); if ($exception instanceof VNagImplementationErrorException) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_SUMMARY); } else { if (isset($this->argVerbosity)) { $this->addVerboseMessage($exception->getTraceAsString(), VNag::VERBOSITY_ADDITIONAL_INFORMATION); } else { } } } protected function get_cache_dir() { $homedir = @getenv('HOME'); if ($homedir && is_dir($homedir)) { $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } $user = posix_getpwuid(posix_geteuid()); if (isset($user['dir']) && is_dir($user['dir'])) { $homedir = $user['dir']; $try = "$homedir/.vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } if (isset($user['name']) && is_dir($user['name'])) { $username = $user['name']; $try = "/tmp/vnag/cache"; if (is_dir($try)) return $try; if (@mkdir($try,0777,true)) return $try; } throw new VNagException("Cannot get cache dir"); } protected function url_get_contents($url, $max_cache_time=1*60*60, $context=null) { $cache_file = $this->get_cache_dir().'/'.hash('sha256',$url); if (file_exists($cache_file) && (time()-filemtime($cache_file) < $max_cache_time)) { $cont = @file_get_contents($cache_file); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $cache_file"); } else { $options = array( 'http'=>array( 'method'=>"GET", 'header'=>"Accept-language: en\r\n" . "User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (iPad; U; CPU OS 3_2 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/531.21.10 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0.4 Mobile/7B334b Safari/531.21.102011-10-16 20:23:10\r\n" ) ); if (is_null($context)) $context = stream_context_create($options); $cont = @file_get_contents($url, false, $context); if ($cont === false) throw new Exception("Failed to get contents from $url"); file_put_contents($cache_file, $cont); } return $cont; } } class VNagException extends Exception { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_ERROR; } } class VNagTimeoutException extends VNagException {} class VNagWebInfoException extends VNagException {} class VNagSignatureException extends VNagException {} class VNagPublicKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagPrivateKeyException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidArgumentException extends VNagException { public function getStatus() { return VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN; } } class VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($str) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$valueUomPairSyntaxError, $str); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidTimeoutException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException {} class VNagInvalidRangeException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$range_is_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidShortOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidLongOpt extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagInvalidValuePolicy extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalStatusModel extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagNotConstructed extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagImplementationErrorException extends VNagException {} class VNagInvalidStandardArgument extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagFunctionCallOutsideSession extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagIllegalArgumentValuesException extends VNagImplementationErrorException {} class VNagRequiredArgumentNotRegistered extends VNagImplementationErrorException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$query_without_expected_argument, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagRequiredArgumentMissing extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($required_argument) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$required_argument_missing, $required_argument); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUnknownUomException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom) { $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_uom_not_recognized, $uom); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException extends VNagException {} class VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagUomConvertException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($uom1, $uom2) { if (_empty($uom1)) $uom1 = VNagLang::$none; if (_empty($uom2)) $uom2 = VNagLang::$none; $e_msg = sprintf(VNagLang::$convert_x_y_error, $uom1, $uom2); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException extends VNagInvalidArgumentException { public function __construct($msg) { $e_msg = VNagLang::$performance_data_invalid; if (!_empty($msg)) $e_msg .= ': '.trim($msg); parent::__construct($e_msg); } } class Timeouter { private static $start_time = false; private static $timeout; private static $fired = false; private static $registered = false; private function __construct() { } public static function start($timeout) { if (!is_numeric($timeout) || ($timeout <= 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidTimeoutException(sprintf(VNagLang::$timeout_value_invalid, $timeout)); } self::$start_time = microtime(true); self::$timeout = (float) $timeout; self::$fired = false; if (!self::$registered) { self::$registered = true; register_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); } } public static function started() { return self::$registered; } public static function end() { if (self::$registered) { unregister_tick_function(array('Timeouter', 'tick')); self::$registered = false; } } public static function tick() { if ((!self::$fired) && ((microtime(true) - self::$start_time) > self::$timeout)) { self::$fired = true; throw new VNagTimeoutException(VNagLang::$timeout_exception); } } } class VNagArgument { const VALUE_FORBIDDEN = 0; const VALUE_REQUIRED = 1; const VALUE_OPTIONAL = 2; protected $shortopt; protected $longopts; protected $valuePolicy; protected $valueName; protected $helpText; protected $defaultValue = null; protected static $all_short = ''; protected static $all_long = array(); public function getShortOpt() { return $this->shortopt; } public function getLongOpts() { return $this->longopts; } public function getValuePolicy() { return $this->valuePolicy; } public function getValueName() { return $this->valueName; } public function getHelpText() { return $this->helpText; } static private function validateShortOpt($shortopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]$@', $shortopt, $m); } static private function validateLongOpt($longopt) { $m = array(); return preg_match('@^[a-zA-Z0-9\\+\\-\\?]+$@', $longopt, $m); } public function __construct($shortopt, $longopts, $valuePolicy, $valueName, $helpText, $defaultValue=null) { switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: if (!_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_forbidden)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: if (_empty($valueName)) { throw new VNagImplementationErrorException(sprintf(VNagLang::$value_name_required)); } break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if (!_empty($shortopt)) { if (!self::validateShortOpt($shortopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidShortOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_shortopt, $shortopt)); } } if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopt)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopt)); } } } else if (!_empty($longopts)) { if (!self::validateLongOpt($longopts)) { throw new VNagInvalidLongOpt(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_longopt, $longopts)); } $longopts = array($longopts); } else { $longopts = array(); } switch ($valuePolicy) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $policyApdx = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $policyApdx = ':'; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $policyApdx = '::'; break; default: throw new VNagInvalidValuePolicy(sprintf(VNagLang::$illegal_valuepolicy, $valuePolicy)); } if ((!is_null($shortopt)) && ($shortopt != '?')) self::$all_short .= $shortopt.$policyApdx; if (is_array($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { self::$all_long[] = $longopt.$policyApdx; } } $this->shortopt = $shortopt; $this->longopts = $longopts; $this->valuePolicy = $valuePolicy; $this->valueName = $valueName; $this->helpText = $helpText; $this->defaultValue = $defaultValue; } protected static function getOptions() { global $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; if (!is_null($OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS)) { return $OVERWRITE_ARGUMENTS; } else if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { return $_REQUEST; } else { return getopt(self::$all_short, self::$all_long); } } public function count() { $options = self::getOptions(); $count = 0; if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { if (is_array($options[$this->shortopt])) { $count += count($options[$this->shortopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { if (is_array($options[$longopt])) { $count += count($options[$longopt]); } else { $count += 1; } } } } return $count; } public function available() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) return true; if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) return true; } } return false; } public function require() { if (!$this->available() && is_null($this->defaultValue)) { $opt = $this->shortopt; $opt = !_empty($opt) ? '-'.$opt : (isset($this->longopts[0]) ? '--'.$this->longopts[0] : '?'); throw new VNagRequiredArgumentMissing($opt); } } public function getValue() { $options = self::getOptions(); if (isset($options[$this->shortopt])) { $x = $options[$this->shortopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$this->shortopt] = $options[$this->shortopt][0]; return $options[$this->shortopt]; } if (!is_null($this->longopts)) { foreach ($this->longopts as $longopt) { if (isset($options[$longopt])) { $x = $options[$longopt]; if (is_array($x) && (count($x) <= 1)) $options[$longopt] = $options[$longopt][0]; return $options[$longopt]; } } } return $this->defaultValue; } } class VNagArgumentHandler { protected $expectedArgs = array(); protected function _addExpectedArgument($argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '?') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '-') return false; if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == '+') return false; $this->expectedArgs[] = $argObj; return true; } public function getArgumentObj($shortopt) { foreach ($this->expectedArgs as $argObj) { if ($argObj->getShortOpt() == $shortopt) return $argObj; } return null; } public function isArgRegistered($shortopt) { return !is_null($this->getArgumentObj($shortopt)); } public function illegalUsage() { global $argv; return (isset($argv[1])) && (($argv[1] == '-?') || ($argv[1] == '/?')); } } class VNagRange { public $start; public $end; public $warnInsideRange; public function __construct($rangeDef, $singleValueBehavior=VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('|^(@){0,1}([^:]+)(:){0,1}(.*)$|', $rangeDef, $m)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(sprintf(VNagLang::$range_invalid_syntax, $rangeDef)); } $this->warnInsideRange = $m[1] === '@'; $this->start = null; $this->end = null; if ($m[3] === ':') { if ($m[2] === '~') { $this->start = '-inf'; } else { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($m[2]); } if (_empty($m[4])) { $this->end = 'inf'; } else { $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($m[4]); } } else { assert(_empty($m[4])); assert(!_empty($m[2])); $x = $m[2]; if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_DEFAULT) { $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair('0'.((new VNagValueUomPair($x))->getUom())); $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LT_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 0; $this->start = new VNagValueUomPair($x); $this->end = 'inf'; } else if ($singleValueBehavior == VNag::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_LE_X_BAD) { if ($this->warnInsideRange) throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol); $this->warnInsideRange = 1; $this->start = '-inf'; $this->end = new VNagValueUomPair($x); } else { throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$illegalSingleValueBehavior); } } if (is_null($this->start)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_start_value); } if (is_null($this->end)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$invalid_end_value); } if (($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair) && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($this->start,$this->end) > 0)) { throw new VNagInvalidRangeException(VNagLang::$start_is_greater_than_end); } } public function __toString() { $ret = ''; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { $ret = '@'; } if ($this->start === '-inf') { $ret .= '~'; } else { $ret .= $this->start; } $ret .= ':'; if ($this->end !== 'inf') { $ret .= $this->end; } return $ret; } public function checkAlert($values) { $compatibleCount = 0; if (!is_array($values)) $values = array($values); foreach ($values as $value) { if (!($value instanceof VNagValueUomPair)) $value = new VNagValueUomPair($value); assert(($this->start === '-inf') || ($this->start instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); assert(($this->end === 'inf' ) || ($this->end instanceof VNagValueUomPair)); if (($this->start !== '-inf') && (!$this->start->compatibleWith($value))) continue; if (($this->end !== 'inf') && (!$this->end->compatibleWith($value))) continue; $compatibleCount++; if ($this->warnInsideRange) { return (($this->start === '-inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) >= 0)) && (($this->end === 'inf') || (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) <= 0)); } else { return (($this->start !== '-inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->start) < 0)) || (($this->end !== 'inf') && (VNagValueUomPair::compare($value,$this->end) > 0)); } } if ((count($values) > 0) and ($compatibleCount == 0)) { throw new VNagNoCompatibleRangeUomFoundException(VNagLang::$no_compatible_range_uom_found); } return false; } } class VNagValueUomPair { protected $value; protected $uom; public $roundTo = -1; public function isRelative() { return $this->uom === '%'; } public function getValue() { return $this->value; } public function getUom() { return $this->uom; } public function __toString() { if ($this->roundTo == -1) { return $this->value.$this->uom; } else { return round($this->value,$this->roundTo).$this->uom; } } public function __construct($str) { $m = array(); if (!preg_match('/^([\d\.]+)(.*)$/ism', $str, $m)) { throw new VNagValueUomPairSyntaxException($str); } $this->value = $m[1]; $this->uom = isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : ''; if (!self::isKnownUOM($this->uom)) { throw new VNagUnknownUomException($this->uom); } } public static function isKnownUOM(string $uom) { $no_unit = ($uom === ''); $seconds = ($uom === 's') || ($uom === 'ms') || ($uom === 'us'); $percentage = ($uom === '%'); $bytes = ($uom === 'B') || ($uom === 'KB') || ($uom === 'MB') || ($uom === 'GB') || ($uom === 'TB'); $counter = ($uom === 'c'); return ($no_unit || $seconds || $percentage || $bytes || $counter); } public function normalize($target=null) { $res = clone $this; if ($res->uom === 'ms') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'us') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } if ($res->uom === 'B') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'KB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value /= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'GB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'TB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } if ($res->uom === 'c') { $res->uom = ''; } if (!is_null($target)) { if ($res->uom == 'MB') { if ($target == 'B') { $res->uom = 'B'; $res->value *= 1024 * 1024; } else if ($target == 'KB') { $res->uom = 'KB'; $res->value *= 1024; } else if ($target == 'MB') { $res->uom = 'MB'; $res->value *= 1; } else if ($target == 'GB') { $res->uom = 'GB'; $res->value /= 1024; } else if ($target == 'TB') { $res->uom = 'TB'; $res->value /= 1024 * 1024; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else if ($res->uom == 's') { if ($target == 's') { $res->uom = 's'; $res->value /= 1; } else if ($target == 'ms') { $res->uom = 'ms'; $res->value /= 1000; } else if ($target == 'us') { $res->uom = 'us'; $res->value /= 1000 * 1000; } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } else { throw new VNagUomConvertException($res->uom, $target); } } return $res; } public function compatibleWith(VNagValueUomPair $other) { $a = $this->normalize(); $b = $other->normalize(); return ($a->uom == $b->uom); } public static function compare(VNagValueUomPair $left, VNagValueUomPair $right) { $a = $left->normalize(); $b = $right->normalize(); if ($a->uom != $b->uom) throw new VNagMixedUomsNotImplemented($a->uom, $b->uom); if ($a->value > $b->value) return 1; if ($a->value == $b->value) return 0; if ($a->value < $b->value) return -1; } } class VNagPerformanceData { protected $label; protected $value; protected $warn = null; protected $crit = null; protected $min = null; protected $max = null; public static function createByString($perfdata) { $perfdata = trim($perfdata); $ary = explode('=',$perfdata); if (count($ary) != 2) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(sprintf(VNagLang::$perfdata_line_invalid, $perfdata)); } $label = $ary[0]; $bry = explode(';',$ary[1]); if (substr($label,0,1) === "'") $label = substr($label, 1, strlen($label)-2); $value = $bry[0]; $warn = isset($bry[1]) ? $bry[1] : null; $crit = isset($bry[2]) ? $bry[2] : null; $min = isset($bry[3]) ? $bry[3] : null; $max = isset($bry[4]) ? $bry[4] : null; return new self($label, $value, $warn, $crit, $min, $max); } public function __construct($label, $value, $warn=null, $crit=null, $min=null, $max=null) { if (strpos($label, '=') !== false) throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden); $label = str_replace("'", "''", $label); $m = array(); if ((!_empty($min)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $min, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_min_must_be_in_class); } if ((!_empty($max)) && (!preg_match('|^[-0-9\\.]+$|', $max, $m))) { throw new VNagInvalidPerformanceDataException(VNagLang::$perfdata_max_must_be_in_class); } $this->label = $label; $this->value = ($value == 'U') ? 'U' : new VNagValueUomPair($value); $this->warn = $warn; $this->crit = $crit; $this->min = $min; $this->max = $max; } public function __toString() { $label = $this->label; $value = $this->value; $warn = $this->warn; $crit = $this->crit; $min = $this->min; $max = $this->max; $label = str_replace("''", "'", $label); return "'$label'=$value". ';'.(is_null($warn) ? '' : $warn). ';'.(is_null($crit) ? '' : $crit). ';'.(is_null($min) ? '' : $min). ';'.(is_null($max) ? '' : $max); } } class VNagHelp { public $word_wrap_width = 80; public $argument_indent = 7; public function printUsagePage() { $usage = $this->getUsage(); if (_empty($usage)) { $usage = VNagLang::$no_syntax_defined; } return trim($usage)."\n"; } public function printVersionPage() { $out = trim($this->getNameAndVersion())."\n"; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } static private function _conditionalLine($line, $terminator='', $prefix='') { if (!_empty($line)) { return trim($line).$terminator; } return ''; } public function printHelpPage() { $out = ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getNameAndVersion(), "\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getCopyright(), "\n"); $out .= ($out != '') ? "\n" : ''; $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getShortDescription(), "\n\n\n"); $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getUsage(), "\n\n"); $out .= VNagLang::$options."\n"; foreach ($this->options as $argObj) { $out .= $this->printArgumentHelp($argObj); } $out .= self::_conditionalLine($this->getFootNotes(), "\n\n", "\n"); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $out = wordwrap($out, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $out; } protected $options = array(); protected function _addOption($argObj) { $this->options[] = $argObj; } protected function printArgumentHelp($argObj) { $identifiers = array(); $shortopt = $argObj->getShortopt(); if (!_empty($shortopt)) $identifiers[] = '-'.$shortopt; $longopts = $argObj->getLongopts(); if (!is_null($longopts)) { foreach ($longopts as $longopt) { if (!_empty($longopt)) $identifiers[] = '--'.$longopt; } } if (count($identifiers) == 0) return; $valueName = $argObj->getValueName(); $arginfo = ''; switch ($argObj->getValuePolicy()) { case VNagArgument::VALUE_FORBIDDEN: $arginfo = ''; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED: $arginfo = '='.$valueName; break; case VNagArgument::VALUE_OPTIONAL: $arginfo = '[='.$valueName.']'; break; } $out = ''; $out .= implode(', ', $identifiers).$arginfo."\n"; $content = trim($argObj->getHelpText()); if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width-$this->argument_indent, "\n", false); $lines = explode("\n", $content); foreach ($lines as $line) { $out .= str_repeat(' ', $this->argument_indent).$line."\n"; } $out .= "\n"; return $out; } protected $pluginName; public function setPluginName($pluginName) { $this->pluginName = $this->replaceStuff($pluginName); } public function getPluginName() { if (_empty($this->pluginName)) { global $argv; return basename($argv[0]); } else { return $this->pluginName; } } protected $version; public function setVersion($version) { $this->version = $this->replaceStuff($version); } public function getVersion() { return $this->version; } public function getNameAndVersion() { $ret = $this->getPluginName(); if (_empty($ret)) return null; $ver = $this->getVersion(); if (!_empty($ver)) { $ret = sprintf(VNagLang::$x_version_x, $ret, $ver); } $ret = trim($ret); return $ret; } protected $copyright; public function setCopyright($copyright) { $this->copyright = $this->replaceStuff($copyright); } private function getVNagCopyright() { if (VNag::is_http_mode()) { $vts_email = ''; } else { $vts_email = base64_decode('aW5mb0B2aWF0aGlua3NvZnQuZGU='); } return "VNag Framework ".VNag::VNAG_VERSION." (C) 2014-".date('Y')." ViaThinkSoft <$vts_email>"; } public function getCopyright() { if (_empty($this->copyright)) { return sprintf(VNagLang::$plugin_uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } else { return trim($this->copyright)."\n".sprintf(VNagLang::$uses, $this->getVNagCopyright()); } } protected $shortDescription; public function setShortDescription($shortDescription) { $this->shortDescription = $this->replaceStuff($shortDescription); } public function getShortDescription() { if (_empty($this->shortDescription)) { return null; } else { $content = $this->shortDescription; if ($this->word_wrap_width > 0) $content = wordwrap($content, $this->word_wrap_width, "\n", false); return $content; } } protected function replaceStuff($text) { global $argv; if (php_sapi_name() == 'cli') { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', $argv[0], $text); } else { $text = str_replace('$SCRIPTNAME$', basename($_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']), $text); } $text = str_replace('$CURYEAR$', date('Y'), $text); return $text; } protected $syntax; public function setSyntax($syntax) { $syntax = $this->replaceStuff($syntax); $this->syntax = $syntax; } public function getUsage() { if (_empty($this->syntax)) { return null; } else { return sprintf(VNagLang::$usage_x, $this->syntax); } } protected $footNotes; public function setFootNotes($footNotes) { $this->footNotes = $this->replaceStuff($footNotes); } public function getFootNotes() { return $this->footNotes; } } class VNagLang { public static function status($code, $statusmodel) { switch ($statusmodel) { case VNag::STATUSMODEL_SERVICE: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_OK: return 'OK'; case VNag::STATUS_WARNING: return 'Warning'; case VNag::STATUS_CRITICAL: return 'Critical'; case VNag::STATUS_UNKNOWN: return 'Unknown'; default: return sprintf('Error (%d)', $code); } case VNag::STATUSMODEL_HOST: switch ($code) { case VNag::STATUS_UP: return 'Up'; case VNag::STATUS_DOWN: return 'Down'; default: return sprintf('Maintain last state (%d)', $code); } default: throw new VNagIllegalStatusModel(sprintf(self::$illegal_statusmodel, $statusmodel)); } } static $nagios_output = 'VNag-Output'; static $verbose_info = 'Verbose information'; static $status = 'Status'; static $message = 'Message'; static $performance_data = 'Performance data'; static $status_ok = 'OK'; static $status_warn = 'Warning'; static $status_critical = 'Critical'; static $status_unknown = 'Unknown'; static $status_error = 'Error'; static $unhandled_exception_without_msg = "Unhandled exception of type %s"; static $plugin_uses = 'This plugin uses %s'; static $uses = 'uses %s'; static $x_version_x = '%s, version %s'; static $argname_value = 'value'; static $argname_seconds = 'seconds'; static $query_without_expected_argument = "The argument '%s' is queried, but was not added to the list of expected arguments. Please contact the plugin author."; static $required_argument_missing = "The argument '%s' is required."; static $performance_data_invalid = 'Performance data invalid.'; static $no_standard_arguments_with_letter = "No standard argument with letter '%s' exists."; static $invalid_start_value = 'Invalid start value.'; static $invalid_end_value = 'Invalid end value.'; static $start_is_greater_than_end = 'Start is greater than end value.'; static $value_name_forbidden = "Implementation error: You may not define a value name for the argument, because the value policy is VALUE_FORBIDDEN."; static $value_name_required = "Implementation error: Please define a name for the argument (so it can be shown in the help page)."; static $illegal_shortopt = "Illegal shortopt '-%s'."; static $illegal_longopt = "Illegal longopt '--%s'."; static $illegal_valuepolicy = "valuePolicy has illegal value '%s'."; static $range_invalid_syntax = "Syntax error in range '%s'."; static $timeout_value_invalid = "Timeout value '%s' is invalid."; static $range_is_invalid = 'Range is invalid.'; static $timeout_exception = 'Timeout!'; static $perfdata_label_equal_sign_forbidden = 'Label may not contain an equal sign.'; static $perfdata_value_must_be_in_class = 'Value must be in class [-0-9.] or be \'U\' if the actual value can\'t be determined.'; static $perfdata_min_must_be_in_class = 'Min must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_max_must_be_in_class = 'Max must be in class [-0-9.] or empty.'; static $perfdata_uom_not_recognized = 'UOM (unit of measurement) "%s" is not recognized.'; static $perfdata_mixed_uom_not_implemented = 'Mixed UOMs (%s and %s) are currently not supported.'; static $no_compatible_range_uom_found = 'Measured values are not compatible with the provided warning/critical parameter. Most likely, the UOM is incompatible.'; static $exception_x = '%s (%s)'; static $no_syntax_defined = 'The author of this plugin has not defined a syntax for this plugin.'; static $usage_x = "Usage:\n%s"; static $options = "Options:"; static $illegal_statusmodel = "Invalid statusmodel %d."; static $none = '[none]'; static $valueUomPairSyntaxError = 'Syntax error at "%s". Syntax must be Value[UOM].'; static $too_few_warning_ranges = "You have too few warning ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $too_few_critical_ranges = "You have too few critical ranges (currently trying to get element %d)."; static $dataset_missing = 'Dataset missing.'; static $payload_not_base64 = 'The payload is not valid Base64.'; static $payload_not_json = 'The payload is not valid JSON.'; static $signature_missing = 'The signature is missing.'; static $signature_not_bas64 = 'The signature is not valid Base64.'; static $signature_invalid = 'The signature is invalid. The connection might have been tampered, or a different key is used.'; static $pubkey_file_not_found = "Public key file %s was not found."; static $pubkey_file_not_readable = "Public key file %s is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_found = "Private key file %s was not found."; static $privkey_not_readable = "Private key is not readable."; static $privkey_file_not_readable = "Private key file %s is not readable."; static $signature_failed = "Signature failed."; static $perfdata_line_invalid = "Performance data line %s is invalid."; static $singlevalue_unexpected_at_symbol = 'This plugin does not allow the @-symbol at ranges for single values.'; static $illegalSingleValueBehavior = "Illegal value for 'singleValueBehavior'. Please contact the creator of the plugin."; static $dataset_encryption_no_array = 'Dataset encryption information invalid.'; static $require_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. Please provide a password.'; static $wrong_password = 'This resource is protected with a password. You have provided the wrong password, or it was changed.'; static $convert_x_y_error = 'Cannot convert from UOM %s to UOM %s.'; static $php_error = 'PHP has detected an error in the plugin. Please contact the plugin author.'; static $output_level_lowered = "Output Buffer level lowered during cbRun(). Please contact the plugin author."; static $openssl_missing = "OpenSSL is missing. Therefore, encryption and signatures are not available."; static $warning_range = 'Warning range'; static $critical_range = 'Critical range'; static $prints_version = 'Prints version'; static $verbosity_helptext = 'Verbosity -v, -vv or -vvv'; static $timeout_helptext = 'Sets timeout in seconds'; static $help_helptext = 'Prints help page'; static $prints_usage = 'Prints usage'; static $notConstructed = 'Parent constructor not called with parent::__construct().'; } function vnagErrorHandler($errorkind, $errortext, $file, $line) { global $inside_vnag_run; if (!$inside_vnag_run && VNag::is_http_mode()) { return false; } if (!(error_reporting() & $errorkind)) { return true; } if (defined('E_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Error'; if (defined('E_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Warning'; if (defined('E_PARSE') && ($errorkind == E_PARSE)) $errorkind = 'Parse'; if (defined('E_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'Notice'; if (defined('E_CORE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Core Error'; if (defined('E_CORE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_CORE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Core Warning'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Compile Error'; if (defined('E_COMPILE_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_COMPILE_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'Compile Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_USER_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'User Error'; if (defined('E_USER_WARNING') && ($errorkind == E_USER_WARNING)) $errorkind = 'User Warning'; if (defined('E_USER_NOTICE') && ($errorkind == E_USER_NOTICE)) $errorkind = 'User Notice'; if (defined('E_STRICT') && ($errorkind == E_STRICT)) $errorkind = 'Strict'; if (defined('E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR') && ($errorkind == E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR)) $errorkind = 'Recoverable Error'; if (defined('E_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'Deprecated'; if (defined('E_USER_DEPRECATED') && ($errorkind == E_USER_DEPRECATED)) $errorkind = 'User Deprecated'; throw new VNagException(VNagLang::$php_error . " $errortext at $file:$line (kind $errorkind)"); } $inside_vnag_run = false; $old_error_handler = set_error_handler("vnagErrorHandler"); <?php
 declare(ticks=1); class WebSvnVersionCheck extends VNag { protected $argSystemDir = null; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->registerExpectedStandardArguments('Vht'); $this->getHelpManager()->setPluginName('check_websvn_version'); $this->getHelpManager()->setVersion('2023-10-13'); $this->getHelpManager()->setShortDescription('This plugin checks if a local WebSVN system has the latest version installed.'); $this->getHelpManager()->setCopyright('Copyright (C) 2011-$CURYEAR$ Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft.'); $this->getHelpManager()->setSyntax('$SCRIPTNAME$ [-d <directory>]'); $this->getHelpManager()->setFootNotes('If you encounter bugs, please contact ViaThinkSoft at'); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argSystemDir = new VNagArgument('d', 'directory', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'websvnPath', 'The local directory where your WebSVN installation is located.')); } protected function get_local_version($path) { $path = realpath($path) === false ? $path : realpath($path); if (!file_exists("$path/include/version.php")) { throw new VNagException("Cannot find WebSVN settings file at $path"); } $cont = @file_get_contents("$path/include/version.php"); if ($cont === false) { throw new VNagException("Cannot determine version for system $path (cannot read version.php)"); } if (!preg_match('@\\$version = \'(.+)\';@ismU', $cont, $m)) { throw new VNagException("Cannot determine version for system $path (cannot find version string)"); } return $m[1]; } protected function get_latest_version() { $cont = $this->url_get_contents(''); if ($cont === false) { throw new VNagException('Cannot parse version from GitHub API. The plugin probably needs to be updated. (Cannot access'); } $data = @json_decode($cont, true); if ($data === false) { throw new VNagException('Cannot parse version from GitHub API. The plugin probably needs to be updated. (Invalid JSON data downloaded from'); } return $data['tag_name']; } protected function cbRun($optional_args=array()) { $system_dir = $this->argSystemDir->getValue(); if (empty($system_dir)) { throw new VNagException("Please specify the directory of the WebSVN installation."); } $system_dir = realpath($system_dir) === false ? $system_dir : realpath($system_dir); if (!is_dir($system_dir)) { throw new VNagException('Directory "'.$system_dir.'" not found.'); } $local_version = $this->get_local_version($system_dir); $latest_stable = $this->get_latest_version(); if (version_compare($local_version,$latest_stable,'>')) { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version (Latest stable version $latest_stable) at $system_dir", true); } else if (version_compare($local_version,$latest_stable,'=')) { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version (Latest stable version) at $system_dir", true); } else { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version is outdated (Latest version is $latest_stable) at $system_dir", true); } } } <?php
 declare(ticks=1); class WebSvnVersionCheck extends VNag { protected $argSystemDir = null; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); $this->registerExpectedStandardArguments('Vht'); $this->getHelpManager()->setPluginName('check_websvn_version'); $this->getHelpManager()->setVersion('2023-10-13'); $this->getHelpManager()->setShortDescription('This plugin checks if a local WebSVN system has the latest version installed.'); $this->getHelpManager()->setCopyright('Copyright (C) 2011-$CURYEAR$ Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft.'); $this->getHelpManager()->setSyntax('$SCRIPTNAME$ [-d <directory>]'); $this->getHelpManager()->setFootNotes('If you encounter bugs, please contact ViaThinkSoft at'); $this->addExpectedArgument($this->argSystemDir = new VNagArgument('d', 'directory', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'websvnPath', 'The local directory where your WebSVN installation is located.')); } protected function get_local_version($path) { $path = realpath($path) === false ? $path : realpath($path); if (!file_exists("$path/include/version.php")) { throw new VNagException("Cannot find WebSVN settings file at $path"); } $cont = @file_get_contents("$path/include/version.php"); if ($cont === false) { throw new VNagException("Cannot determine version for system $path (cannot read version.php)"); } if (!preg_match('@\\$version = \'(.+)\';@ismU', $cont, $m)) { throw new VNagException("Cannot determine version for system $path (cannot find version string)"); } return $m[1]; } protected function get_latest_version() { $cont = $this->url_get_contents(''); if ($cont === false) { throw new VNagException('Cannot parse version from GitHub API. The plugin probably needs to be updated. (Cannot access'); } $data = @json_decode($cont, true); if ($data === false) { throw new VNagException('Cannot parse version from GitHub API. The plugin probably needs to be updated. (Invalid JSON data downloaded from'); } return $data['tag_name']; } protected function cbRun($optional_args=array()) { $system_dir = $this->argSystemDir->getValue(); if (empty($system_dir)) { throw new VNagException("Please specify the directory of the WebSVN installation."); } $system_dir = realpath($system_dir) === false ? $system_dir : realpath($system_dir); if (!is_dir($system_dir)) { throw new VNagException('Directory "'.$system_dir.'" not found.'); } $local_version = $this->get_local_version($system_dir); $latest_stable = $this->get_latest_version(); if (version_compare($local_version,$latest_stable,'>')) { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version (Latest stable version $latest_stable) at $system_dir", true); } else if (version_compare($local_version,$latest_stable,'=')) { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_OK); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version (Latest stable version) at $system_dir", true); } else { $this->setStatus(VNag::STATUS_WARNING); $this->setHeadline("Version $local_version is outdated (Latest version is $latest_stable) at $system_dir", true); } } } <?php
 declare(ticks=1); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../framework/'; require_once __DIR__ . '/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php'; $job = new WebSvnVersionCheck(); $job->run(); unset($job); wÝ+>m°êpÙôòTl„¾-Ê+ÐǞVy} q…OÔJ"Ö|cÑú”ñð"Ð9ä­SŽoÃppGBMB
 declare(ticks=1); require_once __DIR__ . '/../../framework/'; require_once __DIR__ . '/WebSvnVersionCheck.class.php'; $job = new WebSvnVersionCheck(); $job->run(); unset($job); ®Ô6e*’ÎqÞÄÂ4³ÿªž|Ey-!R‡xlcM’-ÀãÅGx‚¢ÓDÌ¡5éÜ}ÔD60ÛʉäU˜'¥°GBMB