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1,12 → 1,77
// ViaThinkSoft YouTube Downloader Util 2.2
// Revision: 2020-07-25
// ViaThinkSoft YouTube Downloader Util 2.1.1
// Revision: 2019-08-05
// Author: Daniel Marschall <>
// Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license
// For syntax and other documentation, please read the file README.
// Syntax:
// ./ytdwn [-t|--type v:[ext]|a:[ext]] (default v:)
// [-o|--outputDir <dir>] (default current working directory)
// [-a|--alreadyDownloaded <file>]
// [-f|--failList <file> <treshold>] (This file logs failures)
// [-F|--failTreshold <num>] (Don't download if failure (-f) treshold is reached. Default: 3)
// [-V|--version] (shows version)
// [-v|--verbose] (displays verbose information to STDOUT)
// [-h|--help] (shows help)
// [-N|--no-mp3-tagtransfer] (disables transfer of video ID to MP3 ID tag)
// (This feature requires the package "id3v2")
// [-T|--default-template <t>] (Sets default filename template.)
// (Default: '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s')
// [-X|--extra-args <args>] (Additional arguments passed through)
// (youtube-dl. Default "-ic")
// [-A|--api-key <file|key>] (specifies the API key, or a file containing the API key)
// (Default: ~/.yt_api_key)
// [-C|--resultcache <file>] (allows video results to be cached in this file)
// (only for playlists or channels)
// [-O|--create-outputdir] (allows creation of the output directories, recursively)
// [--]
// <resource> [<resource> ...]
// For all paths (outputDir, alreadyDownloaded, apikey, failList and resultcache), you can use the
// term '[listname]' which will be replaced by the basename of the current list file (without file extension).
// For example you can do following:
// ./ytdwn -o 'downloads/[listname]' -- list:*.list
// If no list file is processed, it will be replaced with nothing.
// The "alreadyDownloaded" argument contains a file which will be managed by ytdwn.
// It will contain all video IDs which have been downloaded. This allows you to
// move away the already downloaded files, and ytdwn will not download them again.
// Examples for type:
// v: best video quality
// a: best audio only
// a:mp3 audio only, mp3
// Valid audio formats according to "man youtube-dl":
// "best", "aac", "flac", "mp3", "m4a", "opus", "vorbis", or "wav"; "best" by default
// A <resource> can be one of the following:
// vid:<video ID>
// vurl:<youtube video URL>
// pid:<playlist ID>
// purl:<playlist URL>
// cid:<channel id>
// cname:<channel name>
// curl:<channel or username URL>
// list:<file with resource entries> (comments can be #)
// search:<searchterm>
// For channels (cid, cname, curl) you can also perform a search to filter the results.
// This can be done like this:
// cname:[search="Elvis Presley"]channel_1234
// For the search option, following parameters are possible:
// search:[order=date][maxresults=50]"Elvis Presley"
// Acceptable order values are: date, rating, relevance, title, videoCount, viewCount
// Default values are order=relevance and maxresults=10
// Use maxresults=-1 to download everything which matches the searchterm.
// Requirements:
// - PHP CLI
// - Package "youtube-dl" (ytdwn will try to download it automatically, if possible)
// - A YouTube API key (can be obtained here: )
// - If you want to extract audio, you need additionally: ffmpeg or avconv and ffprobe or avprobe.
// - Optional: package "id3v2" to allow the YouTube video id to be transferred to the MP3 ID tag
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
13,7 → 78,6
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
define('AUTO_API_KEY', '~/.yt_api_key');
define('AUTO_COOKIE_FILE', '~/.yt_cookies');
define('DEFAULT_SEARCH_ORDER', 'relevance');
51,7 → 115,6
'-i ' . // continue upon download errors
'-c '; // resume partially downloaded video files
$default_template = '%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s';
$cookie_file = AUTO_COOKIE_FILE;
// Parse arguments
// We do not use getopt() at the moment, because the important functionality "optind" is only available in PHP 7.1, which is not yet distributed with most of the stable Linux distros
94,10 → 157,6
if (count($rest_args) > 0) syntax_error("Invalid argument: ".$rest_args[0]);
$apikey = file_exists($m[3]) ? trim(file_get_contents($m[3])) : $m[3];
} else if (preg_match('@^(\-\-cookies)(\s+|=)(.*)$@s', $arg2, $m)) {
if (count($rest_args) > 0) syntax_error("Invalid argument: ".$rest_args[0]);
$cookie_file = file_exists($m[3]) ? trim(file_get_contents($m[3])) : $m[3];
} else if (preg_match('@^(/X|\-X|\-\-extra-args)(\s+|=)(.*)$@s', $arg2, $m)) {
if (count($rest_args) > 0) syntax_error("Invalid argument: ".$rest_args[0]);
142,9 → 201,6
if ($failTreshold <= 0) syntax_error("Fail treshold has invalid value. Must be >0.");
$cookie_file = expand_tilde($cookie_file);
if (!file_exists($cookie_file)) $cookie_file = '';
// Try to download/update youtube-dl into local directory
$newest_version_md5 = get_latest_ytdl_md5sum();
377,10 → 433,6
// Now download
if (!$out[$key]['results']) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot get result for channel with ID '$channel_id'\n");
foreach ($out[$key]['results'] as list($id, $title)) {
if ($verbose) echo "Downloading '$title' as ".hf_type($type)." ...\n";
431,10 → 483,6
// Now download
if (!$out[$key]['results']) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot get result for playlist with ID '$playlist_id'\n");
foreach ($out[$key]['results'] as list($id, $title)) {
if ($verbose) echo "Downloading '$title' as ".hf_type($type)." ...\n";
453,10 → 501,6
// Now download
if (!$results) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot get data for search '$search'\n");
foreach ($results as list($id, $title)) {
if ($verbose) echo "Downloading '$title' as ".hf_type($type)." ...\n";
470,7 → 514,6
global $extra_args;
global $default_template;
global $failTreshold;
global $cookie_file;
echo "SIMULATE download of video id $video_id as ".hf_type($type)." to "._getOutputDir()."\n";
495,16 → 538,16
if (substr($type,0,2) == 'v:') {
$format = substr($type,2);
if (!empty($format)) {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --format '.escapeshellarg($format), $out, $code);
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --format '.escapeshellarg($format), $out, $code);
} else {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)), $out, $code);
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)), $out, $code);
} else if (substr($type,0,2) == 'a:') {
$format = substr($type,2);
if (!empty($format)) {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --extract-audio --audio-format '.escapeshellarg($format), $out, $code);
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --extract-audio --audio-format '.escapeshellarg($format), $out, $code);
} else {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --extract-audio', $out, $code);
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --extract-audio', $out, $code);
if (($mp3id_transfer) && ($format == 'mp3')) mp3_transfer_vid_to_id();
} else assert(false);