Subversion Repositories yt_downloader

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Regard whitespace Rev 14 → Rev 15

1,7 → 1,7
// ViaThinkSoft YouTube Downloader Util 2.3
// Revision: 2022-02-06
// Revision: 2022-02-07
// Author: Daniel Marschall <>
// Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License
18,9 → 18,10
function cs_add_automatically($file, $type='sfv') {
$type = strtolower($type);
$cs_file = cs_get_checksumfilename($file, $type);
// echo "Checksum file: $cs_file\n";
if (strtolower($type) == 'sfv') {
if ($type == 'sfv') {
if (file_exists($cs_file)) {
$files = sfv_get_files($cs_file);
if (in_arrayi(basename($file), $files)) return true;
37,7 → 38,7
file_put_contents($cs_file, basename($file)." $crc32\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
return true;
else if (strtolower($type) == 'md5') {
else if ($type == 'md5') {
if (file_exists($cs_file)) {
$files = md5_get_files($cs_file);
if (in_arrayi(basename($file), $files)) return true;
54,7 → 55,7
file_put_contents($cs_file, "$md5 *".basename($file)."\r\n", FILE_APPEND);
return true;
else if (strtolower($type) == 'none') {
else if ($type == 'none') {
return true;
else {
2,7 → 2,7
// ViaThinkSoft YouTube Downloader Util 2.3
// Revision: 2022-02-06
// Revision: 2022-02-07
// Author: Daniel Marschall <>
// Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 License
491,6 → 491,26
function template_to_wildcard($template, $video_id) {
$x = $template;
$x = str_replace('%(id)s', $video_id, $x);
$x = preg_replace('@%\\(.+\\)s@ismU', '*', $x);
$x = preg_replace('@\\*+@', '*', $x);
return $x;
function ytdwn_get_downloaded_filename($outputTemplate, $video_id) {
if (strpos($outputTemplate, '%(id)s') === false) {
// TODO: There needs to be a better way to find out the written file name !!!
return false;
} else {
$wildcard = template_to_wildcard($outputTemplate, $video_id);
$test = glob($wildcard);
if (count($test) == 0) return false;
return $test[0];
function ytdwn_video_id($video_id) {
global $type;
global $verbose;
528,6 → 548,9
} else {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)), $out, $code);
$written_file = $code == 0 ? ytdwn_get_downloaded_filename($outputTemplate, $video_id) : false;
} else if (substr($type,0,2) == 'a:') {
$format = substr($type,2);
if (!empty($format)) {
535,11 → 558,26
} else {
exec(YTDL_EXE.' -o '.escapeshellarg($outputTemplate).' '.$extra_args.(empty($cookie_file) ? '' : ' --cookies '.$cookie_file).' '.escapeshellarg(vid_to_vurl($video_id)).' --extract-audio', $out, $code);
if (($mp3id_transfer) && ($format == 'mp3')) mp3_transfer_vid_to_id();
} else assert(false);
$written_file = $code == 0 ? ytdwn_get_downloaded_filename($outputTemplate, $video_id) : false;
if (($code == 0) && ($mp3id_transfer) && (strtolower($format) == 'mp3')) {
if ($written_file === false) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot include YouTube ID to MP3, because the default template does not contain '%(id)s', or the downloaded file could not be determined for another reason.\n");
} else {
mp3_transfer_vid_to_id($written_file, $video_id);
} else {
return false;
if ($code == 0) {
if ($verbose) fwrite(STDOUT, "Successfully downloaded video ID $video_id as ".hf_type($type)."\n");
if ($verbose) {
fwrite(STDOUT, "Successfully downloaded video ID $video_id as ".hf_type($type)."\n");
if ($written_file !== false) fwrite(STDOUT, "Output file name: $written_file\n");
if (!empty(_getAlreadyDownloaded())) {
try {
addto_alreadydownloaded_file($type, $video_id);
550,12 → 588,10
// Now do the checksums
foreach (explode(',',$checksumMode) as $mode) {
$test = glob(rtrim(_getOutputDir(), '/').'/*-'.$video_id.'.*');
if (count($test) == 0) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot determine output file name.\n");
$written_file = $test[0];
if (!cs_add_automatically($written_file, $mode)) {
if (strtolower($mode) === 'none') continue;
if ($written_file === false) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot add to the '$mode' checksum file, because the default template does not contain '%(id)s', or the downloaded file could not be determined for another reason.\n");
} else if (!cs_add_automatically($written_file, $mode)) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Could not write to '$mode' checksum file!\n");
582,48 → 618,48
return strrpos($Haystack, $Needle) === strlen($Haystack)-strlen($Needle);
function mp3_transfer_vid_to_id() {
function mp3_transfer_vid_to_id(&$written_file, $video_id) {
global $verbose;
global $default_template;
if (!command_exists('id3v2')) {
if ($verbose) echo "Note: Tool id3v2 is not installed. Will not transfer the YouTube ID into the MP3 ID Tag\n";
fwrite(STDERR, "Tool id3v2 is not installed. Will not transfer the YouTube ID into the MP3 ID Tag. Use paramter '-N' to stop trying the transfer.\n");
return false;
if (!EndsWith($default_template, '-%(id)s.%(ext)s')) {
if ($verbose) echo "Note: Cannot transfer video tag to MP3 because default template does not end with '-%(id)s.%(ext)s'.\n";
$orig_ts = filemtime($written_file);
$ec = -1;
system('id3v2 -c '.escapeshellarg($video_id).' '.escapeshellarg($written_file), $ec);
touch($written_file, $orig_ts);
if ($ec != 0) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot set ID tag for file $written_file\n");
return false;
$allok = true;
$files = glob(rtrim(_getOutputDir(), '/').'/*-???????????.mp3');
foreach ($files as $filename) {
$m = null;
if (!preg_match('@-([a-zA-Z0-9\-_]{11})\.mp3$@ismU', $filename, $m)) continue;
$yt_id = $m[1];
$target_filename = $written_file;
if (!yt_check_video_id($yt_id)) continue; // just to be sure
// Things like '<title>-<id>.mp3' become '<title>.mp3' (our default template)
// But templates like '<title> (<id>).mp3' could become '<title> ().mp3', which is not nice
// So, we try our best to find the most common template types...
$target_filename = str_replace('-'.$video_id, '', $target_filename);
$target_filename = str_replace('_'.$video_id, '', $target_filename);
$target_filename = str_replace(' '.$video_id, '', $target_filename);
$target_filename = str_replace('('.$video_id.')', '', $target_filename);
$target_filename = str_replace('['.$video_id.']', '', $target_filename);
$target_filename = str_replace($video_id, '', $target_filename); // must be the last!
if ($target_filename === $written_file) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Could not remove VideoID from filename '$written_file'\n"); // should not happen
return false;
$orig_ts = filemtime($filename);
$ec = -1;
system('id3v2 -c '.escapeshellarg($yt_id).' '.escapeshellarg($filename), $ec);
touch($filename, $orig_ts);
if ($ec != 0) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot set ID tag for file $filename\n");
$allok = false;
if (!intelligent_rename($written_file, $target_filename)) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Could not rename '$written_file' to '$target_filename'\n");
return false;
$target_filename = str_replace("-$yt_id.mp3", '.mp3', $filename);
if (!intelligent_rename($filename, $target_filename)) {
fwrite(STDERR, "Cannot move file $filename to $target_filename\n");
$allok = false;
$written_file = $target_filename; // was modified by intelligent_rename()
return true;
return $allok;
function curl_to_cid($channel_url) {
return yt_get_channel_id_from_url($channel_url);
879,7 → 915,7
function intelligent_rename($src, $dest) {
function intelligent_rename($src, &$dest) {
$pos = strrpos($dest, '.');
$ext = substr($dest, $pos);
$namewoext = substr($dest, 0, $pos);
889,7 → 925,9
$dest_neu = "$namewoext ($failcnt)$ext";
return rename($src, $dest_neu);
$res = rename($src, $dest_neu);
if ($res) $dest = $dest_neu;
return $res;
function get_latest_ytdl_md5sum() {