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<?php /* <ViaThinkSoftSignature>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</ViaThinkSoftSignature> */ ?>
* VNag - Nagios Framework for PHP
* Developed by Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft <>
* Licensed under the terms of the Apache 2.0 license
* Revision 2018-07-19
# The log files have to be named YYYY_MM_DD_HH.log and need to be cleared (zeroed) every hour and dumped at least every hour (every minute is also possible)
# Please see the file INSTALL
# ---
# TODO: trennen zwischen server (ip1, ip2) ermöglichen...
# TODO: prüfen lassen ob die config von ipfm korrekt ist (dumped every 1 hour)
# TODO: monat vor/zurückscrollen? (mon/year)
# TODO: anstelle "year .... overview" lieber "last 12 months"
# TODO: Some hosts might reset the traffic counter at any other day of the month. Should we also support this?
# ---
# Attention: This constant must be a valid Nagios UOM!
# TODO: Make it configurable via command line? Should we use the UOM from the w/c/l arguments?
define('OUTPUT_UOM', 'GB');
# ---
class IpFlowMonitorCheck extends VNag {
protected $argLogDir = null;
protected $argLimit = null;
public function __construct() {
$this->getHelpManager()->setShortDescription('This plugin checks the network traffic monitored by ipfm.');
$this->getHelpManager()->setCopyright('Copyright (C) 2011-$CURYEAR$ Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft.');
$this->getHelpManager()->setSyntax('$SCRIPTNAME$ [-w currentGB[,expectedGB]] [-c currentGB[,expectedGB]] [-l limitGB] [-L path]');
$this->getHelpManager()->setFootNotes('If you encounter bugs, please contact ViaThinkSoft at');
// This is the amount of traffic which is free. Every byte above this limit will cost additional money.
// You should therefore set your warning and critical limit below this limit.
// Don't set this argument if you have an unlimited connection.
// This value is only for visual output. It does not influence the OK/Warning/Critial result.
$this->addExpectedArgument($this->argLimit = new VNagArgument('l', 'limit', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'limit', '"Traffic inclusive" limit (e.g. 10TB)', null));
$this->addExpectedArgument($this->argLogDir = new VNagArgument('L', 'logdir', VNagArgument::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'path', 'Location of the ipfm log dir (Default: /var/log/ipfm)', '/var/log/ipfm'));
// When the user writes "-w 10GB" then he actually means "-w @10GB:~" or "-w ~:10GB", so these commands allow this notation:
$this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[0] = self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD;
$this->warningSingleValueRangeBehaviors[1] = self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD;
$this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[0] = self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD;
$this->criticalSingleValueRangeBehaviors[1] = self::SINGLEVALUE_RANGE_VAL_GT_X_BAD;
protected function interprete_ipfm_logfile($logfile) {
$res = array();
$ary = file($logfile);
foreach ($ary as $a) {
$a = trim($a);
if ($a == '') continue;
if (substr($a, 0, 1) == '#') continue;
$a = preg_replace("|\s+|ism", ' ', $a);
$bry = explode(' ', $a);
$res[$bry[0]] = array($bry[1], $bry[2], $bry[3]);
return $res;
protected function cbRun($optional_args=array()) {
if (!defined('USE_DYGRAPH')) define('USE_DYGRAPH', false);
$logDir = $this->argLogDir->getValue();
if (!is_dir($logDir)) throw new Exception("Log dir $logDir not found");
$monthLimit = $this->argLimit->getValue();
if (!is_null($monthLimit)) {
$p = (new VNagValueUomPair($monthLimit))->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM);
$monthLimitValue = $p->getValue();
$monthLimitUom = $p->getUom();
<script type="text/javascript">
google.load("visualization", "1", {packages:['imageareachart', 'corechart']});
function drawChart() {
var data = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data.addColumn('string', 'Year');
data.addColumn('number', 'Total');
data.addColumn('number', 'In');
$day = date('d');
$mon = date('m');
$year = date('Y');
$didata = '';
$logfiles = glob($logDir.'/*.log');
$monthtotal[$year][$mon] = 0;
$daystotal = array();
$max = 0;
$first = true;
foreach ($logfiles as $logfile) {
$stat = $this->interprete_ipfm_logfile($logfile);
$date = '';
if (preg_match('/^.*_00\.log$/', $logfile)) {
preg_match('@(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})@ismU', $logfile, $m);
$t_day = $m[3];
$t_mon = $m[2];
$t_year = $m[1];
// $date = "$t_day.$t_mon.$t_year";
$date = $t_day;
//} else if (preg_match('/^.*_(02|04|06|08|10|12|14|16|18|20|22)\.log$/', $logfile, $m)) {
// $date = $m[1].':00';
$in = $out = $total = 0;
foreach ($stat as $s) {
$in += $s[0];
$out += $s[1];
$total += $s[2];
$in = (new VNagValueUomPair($in.'B'))->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$out = (new VNagValueUomPair($out.'B'))->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$total = (new VNagValueUomPair($total.'B'))->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
if (preg_match('/^.*(\d{4})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})_(\d{2})\.log$/', $logfile, $m)) {
$t_year = $m[1];
$t_mon = $m[2];
$t_day = $m[3];
$t_hour = $m[4];
if (isset($monthtotal[$t_year][$t_mon])) {
$monthtotal[$t_year][$t_mon] += $total;
} else {
$monthtotal[$t_year][$t_mon] = $total;
if (($t_year == $year) && ($t_mon == $mon)) {
if (isset($daystotal[$t_day])) {
$daystotal[$t_day] += $total;
} else {
$daystotal[$t_day] = $total;
if (!$first) echo ","; else $first = false;
echo "['$date', ".round($total,2).", ".round($in,2)."]\n";
$didata .= '"'.$t_year.'-'.$t_mon.'-'.$t_day.' '.$t_hour.':00:00,'.round($in,2).','.round($out,2).','.round($total,2).'\n" +'."\n";
if ($total > $max) $max = $total;
$num_days_in_month = date('t', mktime(0, 0, 0, $mon, 1, $year));
$expected = $monthtotal[$year][$mon]/$day * $num_days_in_month;
var chart = new google.visualization.ImageAreaChart(document.getElementById('chart_div'));
<?php if (!USE_DYGRAPH) { ?>
chart.draw(data, {width: 800, height: 440, min: 0, max: <?php echo $max; ?>, title: 'Traffic in <?php echo $mon.'/'.$year; ?> [in <?php echo OUTPUT_UOM; ?>/h]'});
<?php } ?>
// ---
var data_month = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_month.addColumn('string', 'Day');
data_month.addColumn('number', 'Total');
$first = true;
foreach ($daystotal as $t_day => $traffic) {
if (!$first) echo ","; else $first = false;
echo "['$t_day.$mon.$year', ".round($traffic,2)."]\n";
var options_month = {
width: 800, height: 440,
vAxis: { viewWindow: { min: 0 } },
title: 'Month overview for <?php echo $mon.'/'.$year; ?> [GiB]'
var chart_month = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div3'));
chart_month.draw(data_month, options_month);
// ---
var data_year = new google.visualization.DataTable();
data_year.addColumn('string', 'Month/Year');
data_year.addColumn('number', 'Total');
ksort($monthtotal); // First sort by year
$first = true;
foreach ($monthtotal as $t_year => $x) {
ksort($x); // Then sort by month
foreach ($x as $t_mon => $traffic) {
if ($t_year != $year) continue; // Only this year
$date = "$t_mon/$t_year";
if (!$first) echo ","; else $first = false;
echo "['$date', ".round($traffic,2)."]\n";
echo ",['Expected in $mon/$year', $expected]\n";
var options_year = {
width: 800, height: 440,
vAxis: { viewWindow: { min: 0 } },
title: 'Year <?php echo $year; ?> overview [GiB]'
var chart_year = new google.visualization.ColumnChart(document.getElementById('chart_div2'));
chart_year.draw(data_year, options_year);
<?php if (USE_DYGRAPH) { ?>
<script type="text/javascript">
g = new Dygraph(
"Date,In,Out,Total\n" +
<?php echo $didata; ?>""
<?php } ?>
if (!is_null($monthLimit)) {
echo "<p>Constraint: Max ".$monthLimitValue.' '.OUTPUT_UOM."/Month</p>";
$current = $monthtotal[$year][$mon];
$fontcolor = 'green';
if ($this->checkAgainstCriticalRange($current.OUTPUT_UOM, false, true, 0)) $fontcolor = 'red';
if ($this->checkAgainstWarningRange($current.OUTPUT_UOM, false, true, 0)) $fontcolor = '#FF8000';
if (!is_null($monthLimit)) {
echo "<p>This month ($mon/$year): <font color=\"$fontcolor\">".round($current,0)." ".OUTPUT_UOM." (".round($current/$monthLimitValue*100,2)."%)</font></p>";
} else {
echo "<p>This month ($mon/$year): <font color=\"$fontcolor\">".round($current,0)." ".OUTPUT_UOM."</font></p>";
$fontcolor = 'green';
if ($this->checkAgainstCriticalRange($expected.OUTPUT_UOM, false, true, 1)) $fontcolor = 'red';
if ($this->checkAgainstWarningRange($expected.OUTPUT_UOM, false, true, 1)) $fontcolor = '#FF8000';
if (!is_null($monthLimit)) {
echo "<p>Expected for this month: <font color=\"$fontcolor\">".round($expected,0)." ".OUTPUT_UOM." (".round($expected/$monthLimitValue*100,2)."%)</font></p>";
} else {
echo "<p>Expected for this month: <font color=\"$fontcolor\">".round($expected,0)." ".OUTPUT_UOM."</font></p>";
<div id="chart_div"></div>
<div id="graphdiv"></div>
<div id="chart_div3"></div>
<div id="chart_div2"></div>
$html = ob_get_contents();
$this->outputHTML($html, true);
if (!is_null($monthLimit)) {
// TODO: should we put a percentage at "expected"? or if it exceeds, should we show how much it would exceed?
$this->setHeadline(round($current,0).' '.OUTPUT_UOM." / ".$monthLimitValue.' '.OUTPUT_UOM." (".round($current/$monthLimitValue*100,2)."%, expected ".round($expected,0).' '.OUTPUT_UOM.") traffic used this month ($mon/$year)", true);
} else {
$this->setHeadline(round($current,0).' '.OUTPUT_UOM." (expected ".round($expected,0).' '.OUTPUT_UOM.") traffic used this month ($mon/$year)", true);
$warn = is_null($this->getWarningRange(0)) ? null : $this->getWarningRange(0)->end->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$crit = is_null($this->getCriticalRange(0)) ? null : $this->getCriticalRange(0)->end->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$this->addPerformanceData(new VNagPerformanceData('Current', $current.OUTPUT_UOM, $warn, $crit, 0, is_null($monthLimit) ? null : $monthLimitValue));
$warn = is_null($this->getWarningRange(1)) ? null : $this->getWarningRange(1)->end->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$crit = is_null($this->getCriticalRange(1)) ? null : $this->getCriticalRange(1)->end->normalize(OUTPUT_UOM)->getValue();
$this->addPerformanceData(new VNagPerformanceData('Expected', $expected.OUTPUT_UOM, $warn, $crit, 0, is_null($monthLimit) ? null : $monthLimitValue));