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0,0 → 1,319
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: New gTLDs
# (c) 2012-2014 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2014-10-30
# TODO: ":notice||Whois server unknown (2014-03-15)" in pattern_newgtld automatisch umwandeln in :whois| wenn etwas bei IANA vorliegt.
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/idna_convert.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
# ---
$iana_tld_data = null;
// Step 1:
// Check if in the meantime TLDs without an official whois server were updated to have one
// Attention/TODO: A change of the whois name still needs manual intervention!
$newgtld_cont_original = file_get_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE);
$newgtld_cont_new = preg_replace_callback(
'@# TODO: Entry generated automatically\. Needs manual check\.\n:notice\|\|Whois server unknown \((.*)\)\n\.(.*)\$\n@imU',
function ($treffer) {
$in_all = $treffer[0];
$in_ts = $treffer[1];
$in_tld = $treffer[2];
$days_passed = (time()-strtotime($treffer[1]))/(60*60*24);
return $in_all; // leave everything unchanged
$whois_serv = find_rootzone_whois_server($in_tld);
if (!$whois_serv) {
// Nothing found. Just update last check date.
return str_replace($in_ts, date('Y-m-d'), $in_all);
} else {
// Update the entry
return ":whois|$whois_serv\n.${in_tld}\$\n";
if ($newgtld_cont_original != $newgtld_cont_new) {
file_put_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE, $newgtld_cont_new);
// Step 2:
// Search for new gTLDs which are not in our pattern file
$newgtld_data = gwi_newgtld_get_all_delegated_strings();
foreach ($newgtld_data as $data) {
$date = $data[0];
$string = $data[1];
$tld = $data[2];
$tld_uc = $data[3];
$explanation = $data[4];
// Is it already in our pattern file?
if (does_exist($tld)) {
# echo "Info: $tld is already in pattern.\n";
// Only add the TLD to our pattern file if it has also been published by IANA.
// The reason is that the newGTLD page had temporary typos many times (e.g. calogne instead of cologne)
if (!isset($iana_tld_data)) $iana_tld_data = get_iana_tld_data();
if (!in_array(strtoupper($tld), $iana_tld_data)) {
echo "Info: Will not add $tld, since it is not yet added in IANA's registry.\n";
$to_append = "\n";
$to_append .= "# Delegated on $date\n";
if ($explanation) {
$to_append .= "# $explanation\n";
$whois_serv = find_rootzone_whois_server($tld);
if ($whois_serv) {
$to_append .= ":whois|$whois_serv\n";
} else {
$to_append .= "# TODO: Entry generated automatically. Needs manual check.\n";
$to_append .= ":notice||Whois server unknown (".date('Y-m-d').")\n";
$to_append .= "\\.$tld$\n";
file_put_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE, $to_append, FILE_APPEND);
// TODO:
// Step 3: Check if there are IANA TLDs which are not in our pattern files yet
if (!isset($iana_tld_data)) $iana_tld_data = get_iana_tld_data();
foreach ($iana_tld_data as $tld) {
if (does_exist($tld)) { # TODO: in allen pattern files schauen
# echo "Does not exist: $tld\n";
$newgtld_res = count_newgtld_applications($tld);
if ($newgtld_res === false) {
// TODO: ignore?
} else if ($newgtld_res > 0) {
// TODO: add to newgtld pattern file
} else {
// TODO: add to normal pattern file
# ------------------------------------------------------
function gwi_update_newgtld_patternfile() {
$now = date('Ymd');
$pcont_original = file_get_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE);
$pcont = $pcont_original;
$count = 0;
$pcont = preg_replace("@#: version (\\S+)@i", "#: version $now", $pcont, 1, $count);
if ($count == 0) {
// Add header
$pcont = "#: version $now\n".
"# New gTLD\n".
"# see:\n".
"# This file can be updated by ".__DIR__."/generate_newgtld (only additions of new \"New gTLDs\")\n".
"# --------------------------------------------------------------------\n".
if ($pcont != $pcont_original) {
file_put_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE, $pcont);
function find_rootzone_whois_server($tld) {
$whois_serv = iana_get_rootzone_whois_server($tld);
// Try to find "secret whois servers"
// TODO: also try out to use the URL of the homepage (in IANAs root DB)
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "whois.nic.$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "whois.$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
return $whois_serv;
function iana_get_rootzone_whois_server($tld) {
$tld = strtolower($tld);
$cont = QueryWhoisServer('', $tld);
if (!preg_match('@whois:\\s*(\\S+)@i', $cont, $m)) return false;
return $m[1];
function does_exist($tld) {
$cont = file_get_contents(NEWGTLD_PATTERN_FILE);
$tld = strtolower($tld);
$cont = strtolower($cont);
return (strpos($cont, "\n\\.$tld\$\n") !== false);
function gwi_newgtld_get_all_delegated_strings() {
$cont = file_get_contents('');
// Convert Unicode stuff
$cont = str_replace('xn'.unichr(0x2013), 'xn--', $cont);
$cont = str_replace('xn'.unichr(0x2015), 'xn--', $cont); // used in Samsung TLD
$cont = str_replace(unichr(0x2013), '-', $cont); // used in most explanations
$cont = str_replace(unichr(0x2015), '-', $cont);
$cont = str_replace(unichr(0x00fc), 'ue', $cont); // German umlaut ue (used in .koeln)
$cont = utf8_decode($cont);
// Do some minor corrections
$cont = str_replace('game (s)', 'game(s)', $cont);
$cont = explode('STRING</th>', $cont, 2);
$cont = $cont[1];
preg_match_all('@<tr>\s*<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>\s*<td[^>]*>(.*)</td>\s*</tr>@ismU', $cont, $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
$m = array_reverse($m);
$out = array();
foreach ($m as $data) {
$date = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($data[1]));
$string = html_entity_decode(strip_tags($data[2]));
$string = str_replace('(', ' (', $string);
while (strpos($string, ' ') !== false) $string = str_replace(' ', ' ', $string);
# Fixing some misplaced white spaces
$string = preg_replace('@\.\s+@m', '.', $string);
$string = preg_replace('@\(\s+@m', '(', $string);
$string = preg_replace('@\s+\)@m', ')', $string);
$ary = explode(' ', $string, 3);
if (count($ary) > 1) {
$tld_uc = trim($ary[0]); // Unicode TLD
$tld = trim($ary[1]); // Punycode TLD
$tld = substr($tld, 1, strlen($tld)-2);
$explanation = trim($ary[2]);
$explanation = substr($explanation, 1); // remove "-"
$explanation = trim($explanation);
} else {
$tld = trim(strtolower($string));
$tld_uc = $tld;
$explanation = '';
$out[] = array($date, $string, $tld, $tld_uc, $explanation);
return $out;
* Return unicode char by its code
* @param int $u
* @return char
* @source
function unichr($u) {
return mb_convert_encoding('&#' . intval($u) . ';', 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
function count_newgtld_applications($string) {
#global $punycoder;
#if (is_null($punycoder))
$punycoder = new idna_convert();
$ua = 'Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; rv:32.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/32.0';
if (($x = $punycoder->decode(strtolower($string))) !== false) $string = $x;
$out = array();
exec('curl -i -s -H "Host:" -H '.escapeshellarg('User-Agent: '.$ua), $out, $code);
if ($code != 0) return false;
$html = implode("\n", $out);
if (!preg_match('@JSESSIONID=(.+);@ismU', $html, $m)) return false;
$jsessionid = $m[1];
if (!preg_match('@<input value="([^"]+)" name="t:formdata"@ismU', $html, $m)) return false;
$formdata = $m[1];
$formdata = str_replace('+', '%2B', $formdata);
$formdata = str_replace('/', '%2F', $formdata);
$out = array();
exec('curl -s "" -H "Host:" -H '.escapeshellarg('User-Agent: '.$ua).' -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" -H "Accept-Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3" -H "Referer:" -H '.escapeshellarg('Cookie: JSESSIONID='.$jsessionid).' -H "Connection: keep-alive" --data '.escapeshellarg('t%3Aformdata='.$formdata.'&t%3Asubmit=%5B%22searchButton%22%2C%22searchButton%22%5D&searchField='.$string.'&searchButton=Search&status=&updates=&objections=&gacew=&similar=&pic='), $out, $code);
if ($code != 0) return false;
$out = array();
exec('curl -s "" -H "Host:" -H '.escapeshellarg('User-Agent: '.$ua).' -H "Accept: text/html,application/xhtml+xml,application/xml;q=0.9,*/*;q=0.8" -H "Accept-Language: de,en-US;q=0.7,en;q=0.3" -H "Referer:" -H '.escapeshellarg('Cookie: JSESSIONID='.$jsessionid).' -H "DNT: 1" -H "Connection: keep-alive"', $out, $code);
if ($code != 0) return false;
$html = implode("\n", $out);
preg_match_all('@href="/application-result/applicationstatus/viewstatus:viewapplicationdetails/(\d+)">'.preg_quote($string, '@').'</a>@ismU', $html, $m);
echo "$string = ".count($m[1])."\n";
# return (count($m[1]) > 0);
return count($m[1]);
#assert(count_newgtld_applications('shopping') == 2);
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,684
# IPv4 Functions for PHP
# (c) 2012 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2012-12-17
// TODO: oop
// Very small self-test:
function ipv4_selftest() {
$iv_b = ipv4_complete('1.2');
$iv_m = 20;
$r = ipv4_cidr2range($iv_b, $iv_m);
echo "$iv_b/$iv_m => $r[0] - $r[1]\n";
$rev = ipv4_range2cidr($r[0], $r[1]);
$rev = implode("\n", $rev);
echo "$r[0] - $r[1] => $rev [";
$ok = $rev == "$iv_b/$iv_m";
echo $ok ? 'OK' : 'Mismatch';
echo "]\n";
echo "In-CIDR-Test: ";
echo ipv4_in_cidr("$iv_b/$iv_m", "$iv_b/$iv_m") ? 'OK' : 'Fail';
echo "\n";
function ipv4_cidr2range($baseip_or_cidr, $subnet='') {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.1
# This function converts an CIDR notation <baseip>/<subnet> into an IPv4 address block array($low_ip, $high_ip)
if (strpos($baseip_or_cidr, '/') !== false) {
$tmp = explode('/', $baseip_or_cidr, 2);
$baseip_or_cidr = $tmp[0];
$subnet = $tmp[1];
if (($subnet < 0) || ($subnet > 32)) return false;
$maxint32 = 0xFFFFFFFF;
$netmask = $maxint32 << (32-$subnet);
$netmask = $netmask & $maxint32; // crop to 32 bits
$wildcard = $maxint32 ^ $netmask; // ~$netmask;
$x = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip_or_cidr) & $netmask;
$nums = $wildcard;
$low = long2ip($x);
$high = long2ip($x + $nums);
return array($low, $high);
function ipv4_range2cidr($baseip, $topip, $shortening=false) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
# This function converts an IPv4 address block into valid CIDR blocks (There may be multiple blocks!)
$out = array();
if (ipv4_cmp($baseip, $topip) > 0) return false;
while (ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip)-1 != ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($topip)) {
$i = -1;
do {
$range = ipv4_cidr2range($baseip, $i);
$l = $range[0];
$t = $range[1];
} while ((ipv4_cmp($l, $baseip) != 0) || (ipv4_cmp($t, $topip) > 0));
# Shortening: Stroke ".0" at the end
if ($shortening) $baseip = ipv4_shortening($baseip);
$out[] = "$baseip/$i";
$baseip = ipv4_add($t, 1);
return $out;
function ipv4_shortening($ip) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
return preg_replace("|(\\.0{1,3}){0,3}\$|ismU", '', $ip);
function ipv4_add($baseip, $num) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
return long2ip(ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip) + $num);
function ipv4_sub($baseip, $num) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
return long2ip(ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($baseip) - $num);
function ipv4_cmp($a, $b) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
$a = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($a);
$b = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($b);
if ($a == $b) return 0;
if ($a < $b) return -1;
if ($a > $b) return 1;
function ipv4_in_cidr($haystack, $needle) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.1
$x = explode('/', $haystack);
$ha = ipv4_cidr2range($x[0], $x[1]);
$x = explode('/', $needle);
if (!isset($x[1])) $x[1] = '32'; // single IP
$ne = ipv4_cidr2range($x[0], $x[1]);
$ha_low = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ha[0]);
$ha_hig = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ha[1]);
$ne_low = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ne[0]);
$ne_hig = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ne[1]);
# HA: low[ ]high
# NE: low[ ]high
return ($ne_low >= $ha_low) && ($ne_hig <= $ha_hig);
function ipv4_complete($short_form) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
$short_form = trim($short_form);
if ($short_form == '') return '';
$c = substr_count($short_form, '.');
if ($c > 3) return false;
if ($c == 3) return $short_form;
$c = substr_count($short_form, '.');
$short_form .= str_repeat('.0', 3-$c);
return $short_form;
function ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ip) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.1
# return ip2long(ipv4_complete($ip));
return ip2long(ipv4_normalize($ip));
function ipv4_merge_address_blocks($data, $debug = false, $shortening = false) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 2.1
if ($debug !== false) $STARTZEIT = time();
// 1. Convert IPs to numbers
$cmp_ary = array();
foreach ($data as $a => &$b) {
$a = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($a);
$b = ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($b);
$cmp_ary[$a] = $b;
// 2. Merge the blocks in an intelligent way (and remove redundant blocks)
# Merge overlapping blocks
# [ ]
# [ ] -> [ ]
# Merge neighbor blocks
# [ ][ ] -> [ ]
# Remove redundant blocks
# [ ] -> [ ]
# [ ]
$merge_count = 0;
$redundant_deleted_count = 0;
$round_count = 0;
do {
if ($debug !== false) {
echo $debug."Merging... $round_count rounds; merged $merge_count blocks; deleted $redundant_deleted_count redundant blocks; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\r";
$clean = true;
foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) {
foreach ($cmp_ary as $x => &$y) {
if ($x<=$a) continue;
if ($x>$b+1) continue; // <-- grenzfall!!! falsch!!!
// Merge
$clean = false;
if ($y>=$b) { // <-- y>b?
$b = $y;
unset($cmp_ary[$x]); // <!-- race condition?
break; // increases performance dramatically
} else {
unset($cmp_ary[$x]); // <-- race condition?
} while (!$clean);
if ($debug !== false) {
echo $debug."Merge completed. $round_count rounds; merged $merge_count blocks; deleted $redundant_deleted_count redundant blocks; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\n";
// 3. Sort
// IMPORTANT! $cmp_ary[x]=y MUST HAVE x<=y !
// To avoid two nested foreach() loops, we sort the array by source, so we can
// easily only scan an area using a for-loop.
if ($debug !== false) {
echo $debug."Merge - Step 1; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\n";
# =================================================
# Rule 1: Expand
# --- Minimum case:
# Before:
# [a b]
# [x y]
# After:
# [a b] (set b:=y)
# [x y] (obsolete, will be deleted in step 2)
# --- Maximum case:
# Before:
# [a b]
# [x y]
# After:
# [a b] (set b:=y)
# [x y] (obsolete, will be deleted in step 2)
# --- Rule:
# a<=x<=b+1 && y>b ==> Blocks a..b and x..y merge to single block a..y
# =================================================
$keys = array_keys($cmp_ary);
$idx_a = 0;
foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) {
// $x=$a not possible because it's the array key and is therefore unique!
for ($i=++$idx_a; isset($keys[$i]) && ($keys[$i]/*x*/<=$b+1); $i++) {
$b = $cmp_ary[$keys[$i]]; // $y
break; // test 2.3
for ($x=$a+1; $x<=$b+1; $x++) {
if (!isset($cmp_ary[$x])) continue;
// Merge! Set b:=y .
// Block [x..y] will be deleted in step 2
// because it is then a subset of [a..b=y]
$b = $cmp_ary[$x]; // $y
if ($debug !== false) {
echo $debug."Merge - Step 2; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\n";
# =================================================
# Step 2: Clean up
# --- Minimum case:
# Before:
# [a b]
# [x=y]
# After:
# [a b]
# --- Maximum case:
# Before:
# [a b]
# [x y]
# After:
# [a b]
# --- Rule:
# a<=x<=y<=b ==> Block x..y is not neccessary
# The expression y<=b is ALWAYS true, because Step 1 would
# have extended b=y if y>b would have been the case.
# So the formula is:
# a<=x<=b ==> Block x..y is not neccessary
# =================================================
$out_ary = array();
$prev = -1;
foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) {
if ($a <= $prev) continue;
$out_ary[$a] = $b;
$prev = $b;
$cmp_ary = $out_ary;
if ($debug !== false) {
echo $debug."Merge - Finished; time: $LAUFZEIT seconds\n";
// 4. Convert back to IPs
$out_ary = array();
foreach ($cmp_ary as $a => &$b) {
$a = long2ip($a);
$b = long2ip($b);
if ($shortening) {
$a = ipv4_shortening($a);
$b = ipv4_shortening($b);
$out_ary[$a] = $b;
return $out_ary;
function ipv4_merge_arrays($data_a, $data_b) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.2
$normalized_data_a = array();
foreach ($data_a as $from => &$to) {
$normalized_data_a[ipv4_normalize($from)] = ipv4_normalize($to);
$normalized_data_b = array();
foreach ($data_b as $from => &$to) {
$normalized_data_b[ipv4_normalize($from)] = ipv4_normalize($to);
$data = array();
foreach ($normalized_data_a as $from => &$to) {
if (isset($normalized_data_b[$from])) {
$data[$from] = ipv4_max($to, $normalized_data_b[$from]);
} else {
$data[$from] = $to;
foreach ($normalized_data_b as $from => &$to) {
if (!isset($normalized_data_a[$from])) {
$data[$from] = $to;
return $data;
function ipv4_valid($ip) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
# return ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($ip) !== false;
return ip2long($ip) !== false;
function ipv4_normalize($ip) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
# Example:
# ->
$ip = ipv4_complete($ip);
# ip2long buggy: wird nicht akzeptiert
$cry = explode('.', $ip);
$cry[0] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[0]); if ($cry[0] == '') $cry[0] = '0';
$cry[1] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[1]); if ($cry[1] == '') $cry[1] = '0';
$cry[2] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[2]); if ($cry[2] == '') $cry[2] = '0';
$cry[3] = preg_replace('@^0+@', '', $cry[3]); if ($cry[3] == '') $cry[3] = '0';
$ip = implode('.', $cry);
return $ip;
function ipv4_expand($ip) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
# Example:
# ->
$ip = ipv4_complete($ip);
$cry = explode('.', $ip);
$cry[0] = str_pad($cry[0], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$cry[1] = str_pad($cry[1], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$cry[2] = str_pad($cry[2], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$cry[3] = str_pad($cry[3], 3, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return implode('.', $cry);
function ipv4_min($ip_a, $ip_b) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
if (ipv4_cmp($ip_a, $ip_b) == -1) {
return $ip_a;
} else {
return $ip_b;
function ipv4_max($ip_a, $ip_b) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
if (ipv4_cmp($ip_a, $ip_b) == 1) {
return $ip_a;
} else {
return $ip_b;
function ipv4_ipcount($data) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
$cnt = 0;
foreach ($data as $from => &$to) {
$cnt += ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($to) - ipv4_incomplete_ip2long($from);
return $cnt;
function ipv4_read_file($file) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
$data = array();
$lines = file($file);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
$rng = ipv4_line2range($line);
$data[$rng[0]] = $rng[1];
return $data;
function ipv4_line2range($line) {
# (C) 2012 ViaThinkSoft
# Version 1.0
$line = trim($line);
if (strpos($line, '/') !== false) {
$rng = ipv4_cidr2range($line);
} else {
$rng = explode('-', $line);
$rng[0] = trim($rng[0]);
$rng[1] = trim($rng[1]);
$rng[0] = ipv4_normalize($rng[0]);
if (!isset($rng[1])) $rng[1] = $rng[0];
$rng[1] = ipv4_normalize($rng[1]);
return $rng;
# --- New 16,12,12
define('IPV4_BITS', 32);
function ipv4_distance($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm, $ipOrCIDR_Candidate) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm);
$ip = $ary[0];
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === false) {
return false;
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR_Candidate);
$ip = $ary[0];
$cidr_bits = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) === false) {
return false;
$x = ipv4_trackdown($ipOrCIDR_Searchterm);
if (ipv4_in_cidr($x[0], $ip.'/'.$cidr_bits)) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($x[0]);
$cidr_bits2 = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits2 > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
return $cidr_bits2-$cidr_bits;
$i = 0;
$max = false;
foreach ($x as &$y) {
if (ipv4_in_cidr($ip.'/'.$cidr_bits, $y)) {
$max = $i;
return $max;
function ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR) {
$ary = explode('/', $ipOrCIDR, 2);
$cidr_bits = isset($ary[1]) ? $ary[1] : IPV4_BITS;
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
$ip = $ary[0];
return array($ip, $cidr_bits);
function ipv4_equals($ipOrCIDRA, $ipOrCIDRB) {
return ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDRA) == ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDRB);
function ipv4_cidr_min_ip($ipOrCIDR) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR);
$ipOrCIDR = $ary[0];
$cidr_bits = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
$m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR);
$m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits);
return bin2ip($m);
function ipv4_cidr_max_ip($ipOrCIDR) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR);
$ipOrCIDR = $ary[0];
$cidr_bits = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
$m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR);
$m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('1', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits);
return bin2ip($m);
function ipv4_normalize_range($ipOrCIDR) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR);
$ipOrCIDR = $ary[0];
$cidr_bits = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
$m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR);
$m = substr($m, 0, $cidr_bits) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$cidr_bits);
return bin2ip($m) . '/' . $cidr_bits;
function ipv4_trackdown($ipOrCIDR) {
$ary = ipv4_cidr_split($ipOrCIDR);
$ipOrCIDR = $ary[0];
$cidr_bits = $ary[1];
if ($cidr_bits > IPV4_BITS) return false; // throw new Exception('CIDR bits > '.IPV4_BITS);
$out = array();
$m = ip2bin($ipOrCIDR);
for ($i=$cidr_bits; $i>=0; $i--) {
$m = substr($m, 0, $i) . str_repeat('0', IPV4_BITS-$i);
$out[] = bin2ip($m) . '/' . $i;
return $out;
# ---
if (!function_exists('ip2bin')) {
function ip2bin($ip) {
# Source:
# modified by VTS
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV4) !== false) {
return base_convert(ip2long($ip), 10, 2);
if (filter_var($ip, FILTER_VALIDATE_IP, FILTER_FLAG_IPV6) === false) {
return false;
if (($ip_n = inet_pton($ip)) === false) {
return false;
$bits = 15; // 16 x 8 bit = 128bit (ipv6)
$ipbin = ''; # added by vts to avoid warning
while ($bits >= 0) {
$bin = sprintf('%08b', (ord($ip_n[$bits])));
$ipbin = $bin.$ipbin;
return $ipbin;
if (!function_exists('bin2ip')) {
function bin2ip($bin) {
# Source:
# modified by VTS
if (strlen($bin) <= 32) { // 32bits (ipv4)
return long2ip(base_convert($bin, 2, 10));
if (strlen($bin) != 128) {
return false;
$pad = 128 - strlen($bin);
for ($i = 1; $i <= $pad; $i++) {
$bin = '0'.$bin;
$bits = 0;
$ipv6 = ''; # added by vts to avoid warning
while ($bits <= 7) {
$bin_part = substr($bin,($bits*16),16);
$ipv6 .= dechex(bindec($bin_part)) . ':';
return inet_ntop(inet_pton(substr($ipv6, 0, -1)));
# --- TEST
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == -2);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == -1);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 0);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 1);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') == 2);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false);
assert(ipv4_distance('', '') === false);
$test = '';
$x = ipv4_trackdown($test);
foreach ($x as &$cidr) {
$min = ipv4_cidr_min_ip($cidr);
$max = ipv4_cidr_max_ip($cidr);
echo "$cidr ($min - $max)\n";
0,0 → 1,16
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator configuration
# (c) 2012-2015 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2015-04-17
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
parse_config(__DIR__ . '/../config/gwhois-pattern-update.conf');
parse_config(__DIR__ . '/../config/urls.conf');
0,0 → 1,119
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: ASN
# (c) 2012 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2012-11-17
# TODO: also use extended stats of the RIRs, which may have avails / reserved?
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
define('IANA_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/iana');
echo "ASN Preparation: Get IANA delegation file\n";
$iana_asn_url = "";
$iana_asn_cache = IANA_CACHE_DIR . '/as-numbers.txt';
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($iana_asn_cache))) {
@mkdir(dirname($iana_asn_cache), 0777, true);
$iana_asn_data = file($iana_asn_cache, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
} else {
$iana_asn_data = file($iana_asn_url, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
echo "ASN: Parsing...\n";
$version = trim(str_replace('-', '', $iana_asn_data[3]));
$iana_asn_data = grep($iana_asn_data, 'whois');
$iana_asn_data = implode("\n", $iana_asn_data);
$iana_asn_data = str_replace('Assigned by RIPE NCC', '', $iana_asn_data);
$iana_asn_data = str_replace('Assigned by AFRINIC', '', $iana_asn_data); // do not change to 'AfriNIC' !
$iana_asn_data = str_replace('Assigned by LACNIC', '', $iana_asn_data);
$iana_asn_data = str_replace('Assigned by APNIC', '', $iana_asn_data);
$iana_asn_data = str_replace('Assigned by ARIN', '', $iana_asn_data);
while (strpos($iana_asn_data, ' ') !== false) {
$iana_asn_data = str_replace(' ', ' ', $iana_asn_data);
$out = '';
$ary = explode("\n", $iana_asn_data);
$res = array();
foreach ($ary as &$x) {
$x = trim($x);
if ($x == '') continue;
$bry = explode(" ", $x);
$asnums = $bry[0];
$whois = $bry[1];
if (strpos($asnums, '-') === false) {
# Single ASN
$res[$whois][$asnums] = $asnums;
} else {
# ASN range
$tmp = explode('-', $asnums, 2);
$res[$whois][$tmp[0]] = $tmp[1];
$out .= "#: version $version\n\n";
$out .= "# Autonomous System Numbers (ASN)\n";
$out .= "# Automatically generated by ".__DIR__."/gwhois-pattern-update\n";
$out .= "# Generation timestamp: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s \G\M\TO')."\n";
$out .= "# Source: ($version) $iana_asn_url\n";
$out .= "\n";
foreach ($res as $whois => &$x) {
$rir = array_search($whois, $rir_whois_server);
if ($asn_additional_params[$rir] != '') {
$whois .= '|prefix='.$asn_additional_params[$rir].'|';
$out .= "# ".strtoupper($rir)."\n";
$out .= ":whois|$whois\n";
foreach ($x as $begin => &$end) {
if ($begin == $end) {
# Single ASN
$out .= "*AS:$begin\n";
} else {
# ASN Range
$out .= "*AS:$begin-$end\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "# Last resort: ARIN\n";
$out .= ":whois||prefix=a |\n";
$out .= "^as(.*)$\n";
echo "ASN: Write to output file\n";
$h = fopen(PATTERN_DIR.'/asn', 'w') or die('Error opening file '.PATTERN_DIR.'/asn');
fwrite($h, $out) or die('Could not write to output file');
echo "ASN Finished\n";
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,161
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: TLDs
# (c) 2012-2015 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2015-07-13
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
$iana_tld_data = null;
// Step 1:
// Check if in the meantime TLDs without an official whois server were updated to have one
// Attention/TODO: A change of the whois name still needs manual intervention!
$domains_cont_original = file_get_contents(DOMAINS_PATTERN_FILE);
$domains_cont_new = preg_replace_callback(
'@# TODO: Entry generated automatically\. Needs manual check\.\n:notice\|\|Whois server unknown \((.*)\)\n\\\.(.*)\$\n@imU',
function ($treffer) {
$in_all = $treffer[0];
$in_ts = $treffer[1];
$in_tld = $treffer[2];
$days_passed = (time()-strtotime($treffer[1]))/(60*60*24);
return $in_all; // leave everything unchanged
$whois_serv = find_rootzone_whois_server($in_tld);
if (!$whois_serv) {
// Nothing found. Just update last check date.
return str_replace($in_ts, date('Y-m-d'), $in_all);
} else {
// Update the entry
return ":whois|$whois_serv\n.${in_tld}\$\n";
if ($domains_cont_original != $domains_cont_new) {
file_put_contents(DOMAINS_PATTERN_FILE, $domains_cont_new);
// Step 2:
// Search for new TLDs which are not in our pattern file
if (!isset($iana_tld_data)) $iana_tld_data = get_iana_tld_data();
foreach ($iana_tld_data as $tld) {
if ($tld[0] == '#') continue;
$tld = strtolower($tld);
if (!does_exist($tld)) {
$whois_serv = find_rootzone_whois_server($tld);
$to_append = "\n";
if ($whois_serv) {
$to_append .= ":whois|$whois_serv\n";
} else {
$to_append .= "# TODO: Entry generated automatically. Needs manual check.\n";
$to_append .= ":notice||Whois server unknown (".date('Y-m-d').")\n";
$to_append .= "\\.$tld$\n";
file_put_contents(DOMAINS_PATTERN_FILE, $to_append, FILE_APPEND);
echo "Added: $tld\n";
# ------------------------------------------------------
function does_exist($tld) {
$cont = get_united_pattern();
$cont = preg_replace('@#[^\n]*\n@ismU', '', $cont);
$tld = strtolower($tld);
$cont = strtolower($cont);
$cont = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $cont);
return (strpos($cont, "\\.$tld\$\n") !== false);
function gwi_update_domains_patternfile() {
$now = date('Ymd');
$pcont_original = file_get_contents(DOMAINS_PATTERN_FILE);
$pcont = $pcont_original;
$count = 0;
$pcont = preg_replace("@#: version (\\S+)@i", "#: version $now", $pcont, 1, $count);
if ($count == 0) {
// Add header
$pcont = "#: version $now\n".
"# Domains\n".
"# This file can be updated by ".__DIR__."/generate_domains (only additions of new entries)\n".
"# --------------------------------------------------------------------\n".
if ($pcont != $pcont_original) {
file_put_contents(DOMAINS_PATTERN_FILE, $pcont);
function find_rootzone_whois_server($tld) {
$whois_serv = iana_get_rootzone_whois_server($tld);
// Try to find undocumented whois servers
// TODO: also try out to use the URL of the homepage (in IANAs root DB)
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "whois.nic.$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "whois.$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
if (!$whois_serv) {
$check_server = "$tld";
if (gwitc_is_port_open($check_server, 43)) {
$whois_serv = $check_server;
return $whois_serv;
function iana_get_rootzone_whois_server($tld) {
$tld = strtolower($tld);
$cont = QueryWhoisServer('', $tld);
if (!preg_match('@whois:\\s*(\\S+)@i', $cont, $m)) return false;
return $m[1];
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,190
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: IPv4
# (c) 2012-2013 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2013-03-08
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('IANA_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/iana');
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
define('RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/rirstats');
echo "IPv4 Preparation: Get IANA delegation file\n";
$iana_root_url = '';
$iana_root_cache = IANA_CACHE_DIR . '/ipv4-address-space.txt';
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($iana_root_cache))) {
@mkdir(dirname($iana_root_cache), 0777, true);
$iana_root_data = file($iana_root_cache, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
} else {
$iana_root_data = file($iana_root_url, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$iana_root_ver = trim(str_replace('-', '', $iana_root_data[3]));
$iana_root_data = grep($iana_root_data, 'whois.');
foreach ($rirs as &$rir) {
$step = 0;
$out = '';
$loc_rir_whois_server = $rir_whois_server[$rir];
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Get RIR statistics file\n";
$rirstat_url = $rirstat_urls[$rir];
$rirstat_cache = RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR . "/$rir";
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($rirstat_cache))) {
@mkdir(dirname($rirstat_cache), 0777, true);
$rirstat_file = file($rirstat_cache);
} else {
$rirstat_file = file($rirstat_url);
$rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, '#');
$tmp = explode('|', $rirstat_file[0]);
$rirstat_ver = $tmp[5]; // enddate
# $rirstat_ver = substr($rirstat_ver, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 6, 2);
$out .= "#: version $rirstat_ver\n\n";
} else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
$out .= "#: version $iana_root_ver\n\n";
} else {
fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");
$out .= "# ".strtoupper($rir)." IPv4\n";
$out .= "# Automatically generated by ".__DIR__."/gwhois-pattern-update\n";
$out .= "# Generation timestamp: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s \G\M\TO')."\n";
if (USE_IANA_DATA) $out .= "# Source: ($iana_root_ver) $iana_root_url\n";
if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) $out .= "# Source: ($rirstat_ver) $rirstat_url\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= ":whois|$loc_rir_whois_server";
if ($ipv4_additional_params[$rir] != '') {
$out .= '|prefix='.$ipv4_additional_params[$rir].'|';
$out .= "\n";
$iana_blocks = array();
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Parse IANA root blocks\n";
$loc_roots = grep($iana_root_data, $loc_rir_whois_server);
$iana_ary = array();
foreach ($loc_roots as &$lr) {
$lr = trim($lr);
$tmp = explode(' ', $lr, 2);
$lr = $tmp[0];
$lr = preg_replace('|^0*|s', '', $lr);
// Break up the CIDR
$ary = explode('/', $lr, 2);
$bry = ipv4_cidr2range($ary[0], $ary[1]);
$iana_blocks[$bry[0]] = $bry[1];
$rir_blocks = array();
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Parse RIR blocks\n";
# $rirstat_file = grep($rirstat_file, 'ipv4');
# $rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, 'summary');
## array_shift($rirstat_file); // header line
foreach ($rirstat_file as &$x) {
$x = trim($x);
if ($x == '') continue;
$ary = explode('|', $x);
# arin|* |asn|* |22244|summary
# ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5
if ($ary[5] == 'summary') continue;
# Example:
# afrinic|ZM|ipv4||8192|20031024|allocated
# ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6
# 2.1AP resp 2.3 (= extended) are compatible with 2.0
$type = $ary[2];
if ($type != 'ipv4') continue;
$baseip = $ary[3];
$nums = $ary[4];
# $state = $ary[6];
$topip = ipv4_add($baseip, $nums-1);
$rir_blocks[$baseip] = $topip;
# Use both
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Merging RIR and IANA stats\n";
$blocks_merged = ipv4_merge_arrays($rir_blocks, $iana_blocks);
} else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
# Use only IANA
$blocks_merged = $iana_blocks;
} else if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) {
# Use only RIR data
$blocks_merged = $rir_blocks;
} else {
fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");
$blocks_merged = ipv4_merge_address_blocks($blocks_merged, "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - ");
// --- CIDR finden und ausgeben ---
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Analyze address ranges and write CIDR blocks\n";
foreach ($blocks_merged as $baseip => &$topip) {
if (INCLUDE_BLOCK_RANGE_COMMENTS) $out .= "# $baseip - $topip\n";
$cidrs = ipv4_range2cidr($baseip, $topip, IPV4_SHORT_FORM);
foreach ($cidrs as &$cidr) {
$out .= "=$cidr\n";
# --- Write to file ---
echo "IPv4 $rir: Step $step - Write to output file\n";
$h = fopen(PATTERN_DIR."/ipv4_$rir", 'w') or die("Error opening file ".PATTERN_DIR."/ipv4_$rir");
fwrite($h, $out) or die('Could not write to output file');
echo "IPv4 Finished!\n";
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,191
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: IPv6
# (c) 2012-2013 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2013-03-08
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('IANA_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/iana');
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
define('RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/rirstats');
echo "IPv6 Preparation: Get IANA delegation file\n";
$iana_root_url = '';
$iana_root_cache = IANA_CACHE_DIR . '/ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.txt';
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($iana_root_cache))) {
@mkdir(dirname($iana_root_cache), 0777, true);
$iana_root_data = file($iana_root_cache, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
} else {
$iana_root_data = file($iana_root_url, FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES);
$iana_root_ver = trim(str_replace('-', '', $iana_root_data[3]));
$iana_root_data = grep($iana_root_data, 'whois.');
foreach ($rirs as &$rir) {
$step = 0;
$out = '';
$loc_rir_whois_server = $rir_whois_server[$rir];
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Get RIR statistics file\n";
$rirstat_url = $rirstat_urls[$rir];
$rirstat_cache = RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR . "/$rir";
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists($rirstat_cache))) {
@mkdir(dirname($rirstat_cache), 0777, true);
$rirstat_file = file($rirstat_cache);
} else {
$rirstat_file = file($rirstat_url);
$rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, '#');
$tmp = explode('|', $rirstat_file[0]);
$rirstat_ver = $tmp[5]; // enddate
# $rirstat_ver = substr($rirstat_ver, 0, 4) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 4, 2) . '-' . substr($rirstat_ver, 6, 2);
$out .= "#: version $rirstat_ver\n\n";
} else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
$out .= "#: version $iana_root_ver\n\n";
} else {
fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");
$out .= "# ".strtoupper($rir)." IPv6\n";
$out .= "# Automatically generated by ".__DIR__."/gwhois-pattern-update\n";
$out .= "# Generation timestamp: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s \G\M\TO')."\n";
if (USE_IANA_DATA) $out .= "# Source: ($iana_root_ver) $iana_root_url\n";
if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) $out .= "# Source: ($rirstat_ver) $rirstat_url\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= ":whois|$loc_rir_whois_server";
if ($ipv6_additional_params[$rir] != '') {
$out .= '|prefix='.$ipv6_additional_params[$rir].'|';
$out .= "\n";
$iana_blocks = array();
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Parse IANA root blocks\n";
$loc_roots = grep($iana_root_data, $loc_rir_whois_server);
$iana_ary = array();
foreach ($loc_roots as &$lr) {
$lr = trim($lr);
$tmp = explode(' ', $lr, 2);
$lr = $tmp[0];
$lr = preg_replace('|^0*|s', '', $lr);
// Break up the CIDR
$ary = explode('/', $lr, 2);
$bry = ipv6_cidr2range($ary[0], $ary[1]);
$iana_blocks[$bry[0]] = $bry[1];
$rir_blocks = array();
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Parse RIR blocks\n";
# $rirstat_file = grep($rirstat_file, 'ipv6');
# $rirstat_file = antigrep($rirstat_file, 'summary');
## array_shift($rirstat_file); // header line
foreach ($rirstat_file as &$x) {
$x = trim($x);
if ($x == '') continue;
$ary = explode('|', $x);
# arin|* |asn|* |22244|summary
# ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5
if ($ary[5] == 'summary') continue;
# Example:
# afrinic|KE|ipv6|2c0f:fe88::|32|20100728|allocated
# ^0 ^1 ^2 ^3 ^4 ^5 ^6
# 2.1AP resp 2.3 (= extended) are compatible with 2.0
$type = $ary[2];
if ($type != 'ipv6') continue;
$baseip = $ary[3];
$cidr = $ary[4];
# $state = $ary[6];
$range = ipv6_cidr2range($baseip, $cidr);
$topip = $range[1];
$rir_blocks[$baseip] = $topip;
# Use both
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Merging RIR and IANA stats\n";
$blocks_merged = ipv6_merge_arrays($rir_blocks, $iana_blocks);
} else if (USE_IANA_DATA) {
# Use only IANA
$blocks_merged = $iana_blocks;
} else if (USE_RIR_STAT_DATA) {
# Use only RIR data
$blocks_merged = $rir_blocks;
} else {
fwrite(STDERR, "Configuration error: USE_RIR_STAT_DATA and USE_IANA_DATA cannot be both false.\n");
$blocks_merged = ipv6_merge_address_blocks($blocks_merged, "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - ");
// --- CIDR finden und ausgeben ---
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Analyze address ranges and write CIDR blocks\n";
foreach ($blocks_merged as $baseip => &$topip) {
if (INCLUDE_BLOCK_RANGE_COMMENTS) $out .= "# $baseip - $topip\n";
$cidrs = ipv6_range2cidr($baseip, $topip);
foreach ($cidrs as &$cidr) {
$out .= "=$cidr\n";
# --- Write to file ---
echo "IPv6 $rir: Step $step - Write to output file\n";
$h = fopen(PATTERN_DIR."/ipv6_$rir", 'w') or die("Error opening file ".PATTERN_DIR."/ipv6_$rir");
fwrite($h, $out) or die('Could not write to output file');
echo "IPv6 Finished!\n";
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,116
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: TLD
# (c) 2012-2015 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2015-05-07
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../shared/php_includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('PATTERN_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../../main/pattern');
define('CACHE_FILE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/cache');
$out = '';
$out .= "# TLDs\n";
$out .= "# Automatically generated by ".__DIR__."/gwhois-pattern-update\n";
$out .= "# Generation timestamp: ".date('Y-m-d H:i:s \G\M\TO')."\n";
$out .= "\n";
$max_version = 0;
# ---
echo "Deleted TLD: Get deleted TLD list (".DELETED_TLD_LIST.")\n";
$iana_tld_data = cached_file(DELETED_TLD_LIST, CACHE_FILE_DIR);
$iana_tld_data = str_replace("\r", '', $iana_tld_data);
$iana_tld_data = trim($iana_tld_data);
$iana_tld_data = explode("\n", $iana_tld_data);
echo "Deleted TLD: Parsing...\n";
if (preg_match('@# Latest update detected on (.*)@', $iana_tld_data[0], $m)) {
$version = $m[1];
$version = substr($version, 0, 10);
$version = str_replace('-', '', $version);
if ($version > $max_version) $max_version = $version;
$tlds = implode('|', $iana_tld_data);
$iana_tld_data = implode("\n", $iana_tld_data);
$out .= "# Source: ($version) ".DELETED_TLD_LIST."\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= ":notice||Disallocated by IANA";
if ($tld_additional_params['iana'] != '') {
$out .= '|prefix='.$tld_additional_params['iana'].'|';
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "^(tld\\s){0,1}($tlds)\$\n";
$out .= "\n";
# ---
echo "TLD: Get IANA delegation file (".IANA_TLD_REGISTRY.")\n";
$iana_tld_data = get_iana_tld_data();
echo "TLD: Parsing...\n";
if (preg_match('@# Version (\d+), Last Updated (.*)@', $iana_tld_data[0], $m)) {
$version = $m[1];
$version = substr($version, 0, 8);
if ($version > $max_version) $max_version = $version;
$tlds = implode('|', $iana_tld_data);
$iana_tld_data = implode("\n", $iana_tld_data);
$out .= "# Source: ($version) ".IANA_TLD_REGISTRY."\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= ":whois|".$rir_whois_server['iana'];
if ($tld_additional_params['iana'] != '') {
$out .= '|prefix='.$tld_additional_params['iana'].'|';
$out .= "\n";
$out .= "^($tlds)\$\n";
$out .= "\n";
$out .= ":whois|".$rir_whois_server['iana']."|strip=tld ";
if ($tld_additional_params['iana'] != '') {
$out .= '|prefix='.$tld_additional_params['iana'];
$out .= "|\n";
$out .= "^tld\\s\\S+\$\n";
$out .= "\n";
# ---
$out = "#: version $max_version\n\n".$out;
echo "TLD-Generator: Write to output file\n";
$h = fopen(PATTERN_DIR.'/tld', 'w') or die('Error opening file '.PATTERN_DIR.'/tld');
fwrite($h, $out) or die('Could not write to output file');
echo "TLD-Generator: Finished\n";
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,104
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator Master-Script
# (c) 2012-2015 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2015-04-15
# TODO: "force" option will enforce generate even when web download was not http 200
DIR=$( dirname "$0" );
. "$DIR"/../config/gwhois-pattern-update.conf
. "$DIR"/../config/urls.conf
function download() {
# in: <url> <outputfile>
# out: 0 = success
# 1 = error
# 2 = success, but nothing updated
# output file will not be touched when nothing needs to be updated
# Thanks to for this wonderful tutorial
if [ -f "$2" ]; then
HTTPCODE=$( curl -o "$2" -z "$2" -fsSL --write-out %{http_code} -- "$1" )
HTTPCODE=$( curl -o "$2" -fsSL --write-out %{http_code} -- "$1" )
if [ $RES -eq 0 ]; then
touch "$2.success"
if [[ "$HTTPCODE" == "200" ]]; then
return 0
return 2
touch "$"
return 1
if [ $? -ne 0 ]
echo "Error when reading configuration value IANA_CACHE_DIR" > /dev/stderr
exit 1
echo "=================== GWHOIS PATTERN UPDATE ==================="
echo "This script downloads the latest RIR statistics"
echo "and renews the pattern files of GWhoIs to provide"
echo "up-to-date informations of IPv4, IPv6 and ASN resources."
echo "ATTENTION: The parsing of the downloaded files will take"
echo "approximately 15-20 minutes!!!"
echo "============================================================="
# RIR stats are necessary for generate_ipv4 and generate_ipv6
echo "RIR stats Synchronization ...";
mkdir -p "$IANA_CACHE_DIR"/
echo "IPv4 Synchronization ...";
download "$IANA_IPV4_ASSIGNMENTS" "$IANA_CACHE_DIR"/ipv4-address-space.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "IPv4 Generating ..."
echo "IPv6 Synchronization ...";
download "$IANA_IPV6_ASSIGNMENTS" "$IANA_CACHE_DIR"/ipv6-unicast-address-assignments.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "IPv6 Generating ..."
echo "ASN Synchronization ...";
download "$IANA_AS_NUMBERS" "$IANA_CACHE_DIR"/as-numbers.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "ASN Generating ..."
echo "TLD Synchronization ...";
download "$IANA_TLD_REGISTRY" "$IANA_CACHE_DIR"/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
echo "TLD Generating ..."
echo "Domains Generating ..."
echo "Everything finished!"
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,26
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator: TLD
# (c) 2012 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2014-04-31
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('IANA_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/iana');
define('IANA_TLD_CACHE', IANA_CACHE_DIR . '/tlds-alpha-by-domain.txt');
function get_iana_tld_data() {
if ((USE_CACHE) && (file_exists(IANA_TLD_CACHE))) {
@mkdir(dirname(IANA_TLD_CACHE), 0777, true);
} else {
0,0 → 1,8
This tool updates the GWhoIs pattern files which include the following patterns:
- IPv4 blocks
- IPv6 blocks
- ASNs
- TLDs
- new gTLDs
You can run it as cronjob
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/x-info
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,104
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator RIR file
# (c) 2012-2013 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2013-03-07
$rirs = array('afrinic', 'apnic', 'arin', 'lacnic', 'ripencc');
# IANA is not a "real" RIR - to enable, please add "iana" manually:
# $rirs[] = 'iana';
// Extended format also has "reserved" and "available" resources!
// I have contacted the NRO EC in Apr 2012 to suggest that the other RIRs also use that extended format,
// so that the statistics can also show available and reserved blocks
// APNIC supports extended RIR statistics exchange format since 2008-02-14 .
// RIPE NCC supports extended RIR statistics exchange format since 2012-05-23 .
// LACNIC supports extended RIR statistics exchange format since 2012-06-28 .
// AfriNIC supports extended RIR statistics exchange format since 2012-10-02 .
// ARIN supports extended RIR statistics exchange format since 2013-03-05 . (First publication 2013-02-16 , revoked due to problems )
$supports_extended_rirstat = array();
$supports_extended_rirstat['afrinic'] = true;
$supports_extended_rirstat['apnic'] = true;
$supports_extended_rirstat['arin'] = true; // must always be true, since they discontinued the old stats
$supports_extended_rirstat['lacnic'] = true;
$supports_extended_rirstat['ripencc'] = true;
$supports_extended_rirstat['iana'] = false;
$rir_whois_server = array();
$rir_whois_server['afrinic'] = '';
$rir_whois_server['apnic'] = '';
$rir_whois_server['arin'] = '';
$rir_whois_server['lacnic'] = '';
$rir_whois_server['ripencc'] = '';
$rir_whois_server['iana'] = '';
$rir_domain = array();
$rir_domain['afrinic'] = '';
$rir_domain['apnic'] = '';
$rir_domain['arin'] = '';
$rir_domain['lacnic'] = '';
$rir_domain['ripencc'] = '';
$rir_domain['iana'] = '';
// If the RIR offers and extended format, use it instead!
// Alternative address:
$rirstat_urls = array();
$rirstat_urls['afrinic'] = '';
$rirstat_urls['apnic'] = '';
$rirstat_urls['arin'] = '';
$rirstat_urls['lacnic'] = '';
$rirstat_urls['ripencc'] = '';
$rirstat_urls['iana'] = ''; # This is a service by . IANA is not running a public service, NRO EC resolution needed
$ipv4_additional_params = array();
$ipv4_additional_params['afrinic'] = '';
$ipv4_additional_params['apnic'] = '';
$ipv4_additional_params['arin'] = 'n ';
$ipv4_additional_params['lacnic'] = '';
$ipv4_additional_params['ripencc'] = '';
$ipv4_additional_params['iana'] = '';
$ipv6_additional_params = array();
$ipv6_additional_params['afrinic'] = '';
$ipv6_additional_params['apnic'] = '';
$ipv6_additional_params['arin'] = 'n ';
$ipv6_additional_params['lacnic'] = '';
$ipv6_additional_params['ripencc'] = '';
$ipv6_additional_params['iana'] = '';
$asn_additional_params = array();
$asn_additional_params['afrinic'] = '';
$asn_additional_params['apnic'] = '';
$asn_additional_params['arin'] = 'a ';
$asn_additional_params['lacnic'] = '';
$asn_additional_params['ripencc'] = '';
$asn_additional_params['iana'] = '';
$tld_additional_params = array();
$tld_additional_params['afrinic'] = '';
$tld_additional_params['apnic'] = '';
$tld_additional_params['arin'] = 'z '; # ???
$tld_additional_params['lacnic'] = '';
$tld_additional_params['ripencc'] = '';
$tld_additional_params['iana'] = '';
// Output unfiltered results for ARIN
$ipv6_additional_params['arin'] .= '+ ';
$ipv4_additional_params['arin'] .= '+ ';
$asn_additional_params['arin'] .= '+ ';
// Output unfiltered results for RIPE
$ipv6_additional_params['ripencc'] .= '-B ';
$ipv4_additional_params['ripencc'] .= '-B ';
$asn_additional_params['ripencc'] .= '-B ';
0,0 → 1,97
# generic Whois - Automatic Pattern Generator RIR-Statistics-Synchronisation-Tool
# (c) 2012-2015 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft []
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# Version 2015-04-14
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR', __DIR__ . '/../.cache/pattern-generator/rirstats');
function rir_get_md5_sum($url) {
// MD5 (/var/opt/ftp/pub/apnic/stats/apnic/delegated-apnic-extended-latest) = 82c291bb5d4363a3db254853c1602777
// MD5 (delegated-lacnic-extended-latest) = 2815f0b5837d5658acf1659dff98bb52
// MD5 (delegated-ripencc-extended-latest) = d4caddde59952c44b584cacf720ef836
// MD5 (delegated-arin-latest) = 3137d635d5e647481af972ddc87e5570
// MD5 (delegated-afrinic-latest) = 9c1cd55e8894402062282e3ebdcf53c8 <-- WRONG FILE NAME SHOWN FOR delegated-afrinic-extended-latest.md5!
$md5_cont = file_get_contents($url.'.md5');
if (substr($md5_cont, 0, 5) != 'MD5 (') {
// Some older *.md5 files of AfriNIC have following formats:
// 73d5e32afd43eac0beb4635b6a9056c4 delegated-afrinic-latest
// since 2012-06-25 AfriNIC uses the "normal" format
// MD5 (delegated-afrinic-latest) = 9c1cd55e8894402062282e3ebdcf53c8
// however, the filename is wrong (delegated-afrinic-latest instead of delegated-afrinic-extended-latest)
return substr($md5_cont, 0, 32);
} else {
// Die anderen RIRs
$tmp = explode(' = ', $md5_cont);
return trim($tmp[1]);
function rir_download_report($url, $outfile, $do_md5_check = true) {
if (($do_md5_check) && (file_exists($outfile))) {
$md5_ist = md5_file($outfile);
$md5_soll = rir_get_md5_sum($url);
if ($md5_soll == $md5_ist) {
return true;
$cont = file_get_contents($url);
if (!$cont) {
return false;
if ($do_md5_check) {
$md5_ist = md5($cont);
if (!isset($md5_soll)) $md5_soll = rir_get_md5_sum($url);
if ($md5_soll != $md5_ist) {
return false;
$h = fopen($outfile, 'w');
if (!$h) return false;
if (!fwrite($h, $cont)) {
return false;
return true;
$rirs[] = 'iana';
@mkdir(RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR.'/', 0777, true);
foreach ($rirs as $rir) {
$url = $rirstat_urls[$rir];
$failcounter = 0;
while (!rir_download_report($url, RIRSTATS_CACHE_DIR."/$rir", $rir != 'iana')) {
echo "Retry downloading $rir stats ($failcounter)...\n";
if ($failcounter > 100) break;
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property