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# generic Whois
# (c) 1998-2010 by Juliane Holzt <>
# Some early parts by Lutz Donnerhacke <>
# Modifications (c) 2010-2019 by Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft <>
# Distribution, usage etc. pp. regulated by the current version of GPL.
# todo
# * print whois parameters at "querying..."
# * lynx injection sicherheitslücke? => quotemeta()
# * regularly check
# TODO: "%" am Anfang jeder Meldung ausgeben
# TODO: lynx wird manchmal auch ausgeführt ohne -L ...
# TODO: Alle "!!" entfernen
# TODO: print -> $result .= ?
use warnings;
use strict;
use FindBin;
use lib "$FindBin::Bin/lib/";
use GWhoIs::Core;
use GWhoIs::Utils;
use GWhoIs::IPv4;
use GWhoIs::IPv6;
use GWhoIs::OID;
# install with "cpan Net::IP" or "aptitude install libnet-ip-perl"
use Net::IP;
use Net::LibIDN;
use Encode;
# use Encode::Detect::Detector; # requires Debian package libencode-detect-perl
#use encoding ':locale';
#use utf8;
# Examples for output of the different hosts:
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Host Example Output BOM
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# oid:2.999 UTF-8 if required (existing BOMs will be removed)
# UTF-8 no
# UTF-8 no
# UTF-8 no
# ISO-8859-1 no
# (obsolete) EUC-KR no
# UTF-8 no
# (GWHOIS from ViaThinkSoft) UTF-8 yes (existing BOMs will be removed?)
# (old GWHOIS) (like server) (like server)
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# TODO: for this diagram: check if existing BOMs will be removed, e.g. by LWP.
# TODO: how to stop LWP's auto-detect magic?
# TODO: only output bom if required? doesn't work, otherwise we would need to buffer stderr and stdout, and then their order is wrong again.
$ENV{'HOME'}='/var/home/whois' unless defined $ENV{'HOME'};
# Nicht nach GWhoIs::Core auslagern
# TODO: die $version auch von den .pm Modulen anzeigen?
my $version = '20100728+viathinksoft20190429';
my $fixwhoishost;
my $rawoutput = 0;
$| = 1; # buffer flushing = autoflush
#if ( -f "/etc/default/gwhois" ) {
# require "/etc/default/gwhois";
while ($ARGV[0]) {
if ($ARGV[0] eq '--help' || $ARGV[0] eq '-?') {
print "gwhois - generic whois\n",
"Version $version\n\n",
"Usage: gwhois {options} [query]\n",
" Try find information about the query (might be multiple words).\n",
" If no query is given, use the first line from stdin\n\n",
" Options:\n",
" -C dir Setting an alternate configuration directory\n",
" default: $GWhoIs::Core::confdir\n",
" -h host Selecting a fixed whois server for this query\n",
" -m method:host mirror Defining a mirror for a given method and host.\n",
" -L Use lynx -source instead of LWP::Simple\n",
" -e Do not protect eMail addresses\n",
" -c Do not try to convert to UTF-8. Output server's stream.\n",
" -v Output version of pattern table(s)\n",
" -?, --help Printing this text\n\n";
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-C') {
$GWhoIs::Core::confdir = shift;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-c') {
$rawoutput = 1;
$GWhoIs::Core::useLWP = 0; # TODO: geht irgendwie nicht anders
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-h') {
$fixwhoishost = shift;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-L') {
$GWhoIs::Core::useLWP = 0;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-m') {
$_ = shift;
$GWhoIs::Core::mirror{$_} = shift;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-e') {
$GWhoIs::Core::antispam = 0;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '-v') {
print "gwhois - generic whois\n\n",
"program version: $version\n",
"pattern tables: ";
foreach my $patternfile (GWhoIs::Core::getpatternfiles()) {
if (!open(PATTERN,"<$patternfile")) {
warn "Cannot open $patternfile. STOP.\n";
exit 1;
my $line = <PATTERN>;
my $patternversion;
if (defined($line)) {
($patternversion) = $line =~ /#:\s+version\s+(\S+)/;
$patternversion = 'unknown' if !defined($patternversion);
} else {
$patternversion = 'unknown';
print "$patternversion\t($patternfile)\n ";
print "\n";
exit 0;
} elsif ($ARGV[0] eq '--') {
} else {
if ($rawoutput) {
binmode(STDOUT, ":bytes");
binmode(STDERR, ":bytes");
} else {
binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");
binmode(STDERR, ":utf8");
if (defined $ARGV[0]) {
$_ = join(' ', @ARGV);
} else {
# If no parameter is given, await an input from STDIN
$_ = <>;
print "\x{FEFF}" if !$rawoutput; # BOM
exit main($_);
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
sub main {
my $query = shift;
$query = '' if !defined $query;
if (GWhoIs::Utils::is_utf8($query)) {
$query = Encode::decode('utf8', $query);
$query = GWhoIs::Utils::trim($query);
if ($query eq '') {
warn "Query is empty.\n";
exit 2;
my ($method,$host,$additional);
my $query_utf8 = GWhoIs::Utils::enforce_utf8($query);
print "Process query: '$query_utf8'\n\n";
if ( $fixwhoishost ) {
# QUE: soll das immer gelten, oder nur, wenn ermittelt wurde, dass whois benötigt wird (nicht aber cgi, etc?)
($method,$host,$additional) = ('whois',$fixwhoishost,'');
} else {
# if ($query !~ /[^0-9\.]/) { # ipv4
if ($query =~ /^[0-9\.]*$/) {
my ($a, $b, $c, $d, $e) = $query =~ /(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)\.(\d+)(.*)/;
$a = 256 if !defined $a;
$b = 256 if !defined $b;
$c = 256 if !defined $c;
$d = 256 if !defined $d;
$e = '' if !defined $e;
if ($a > 255 || $b > 255 || $c > 255 || $d > 255 || $e ne '') {
warn "'$query' is no valid IP address, ASN, OID or domain name.\n";
exit 2;
print "Query recognized as IPv4.\n";
($method,$host,$additional) = GWhoIs::IPv4::getmethodv4($a,$b,$c,$d);
# } elsif ( lc($query) !~ /[^0-9a-f:]/i ) { # ipv6
# } elsif ( $query !~ /[0-9a-f:]*/ ) {
} elsif (($query =~ /:/ ) && ( Net::IP::ip_expand_address($query, 6) =~ /^[0-9a-f:]*:[0-9a-f:]*$/ )) { # at least one ":" so that e.g. "ac" is recognized as TLD and not as IPv6
# check and correct v6 address
if ( $query =~ /[0-9a-f]{5}/ || $query =~ /:::/ ) {
warn "'$query' is an invalid IPv6 address.\n";
exit 2;
my $orig_query = $query;
#$query =~ s/:?$/::/ if ( $query !~ /(.*:){7}/ && $query !~ /::/ );
$query = Net::IP::ip_expand_address($query, 6);
print "Query recognized as IPv6.\n";
print "Address expanded to '$query'.\n" if $orig_query ne $query;
($method,$host,$additional) = GWhoIs::IPv6::getmethodv6($query);
} elsif ($query =~ /^(urn:){0,1}oid:/i ) { # OID
print "Query recognized as OID.\n";
# preliminarily remove urn: and oid: from query
# we need a dot so that we can use "oid:." in our patternfile too
$query = GWhoIs::OID::normalize_oid($query);
my @arcs = split(/\./, $query); # TODO: warum geht split('.',$oid) nicht?
($method,$host,$additional) = GWhoIs::OID::getmethodoid(@arcs);
# Whois OID query syntax definition by ViaThinkSoft (TODO: Apply for RFC):
# - urn:oid:2.999 or oid:2.999
# - Case insensitive
# - Leading dot should be tolerated (urn:oid:.2.999)
# - Leading zeros should be tolerated (urn:oid:.002.00999)
# Idea: Should "oid:" be optional? Since 2.999 cannot be an IP ... But could be one ...
# There are many possibilities. We choose "oid:.2.999"
$query = 'oid:' . GWhoIs::OID::normalize_oid($query);
} else {
# Last resort: Query is probably a TLD, domain or handle, but we are not sure!
# print "Query recognized as domain.\n";
# Dot exists? Type? Punycode? Filtering?
# ------------------------------------------------
# Yes Domain Yes Yes
# No TLD Yes Yes
# No Handle No* Maybe
# ------------------------------------------------
# * = but it is unlikely that a handle contains non-latin characters
# Filtering
$query =~ y/[\x{00A0}-\x{FFFF}]a-zA-Z0-9:.,+_ -//cd;
$query =~ s/\.$//;
my $query_utf8_filtered = GWhoIs::Utils::enforce_utf8($query);
if ( $query_utf8 ne $query_utf8_filtered ) {
# QUE: warn or print?
warn "Attention: Query was filtered to '$query_utf8_filtered'.\n\n";
# Punycode decoding
# my $ascii_query = Net::LibIDN::idn_to_ascii($query, 'utf-8')
# We separate between spaces, so that "tld <unicode>" can be processed
my @query_split = split(' ', $query);
@query_split = map { Net::LibIDN::idn_to_ascii($_, 'utf-8') || '' } @query_split;
my $ascii_query = join(' ', @query_split);
# Query valid?
if (!$ascii_query) { # e.g. $query = ".x"
warn "'$query_utf8' is an invalid domain name.\n";
return 2;
# Just information for the user
if (index($query, ".") != -1) {
print "Query recognized as domain.\n\n"; # TODO: aber wenn kein IDN?
} else {
print "Query is probably a handle or TLD.\n\n";
($method,$host,$additional) = GWhoIs::Core::getmethodother($ascii_query);
if ($method eq '') {
warn "I don't know where to query that.\n";
warn "If this is a valid domainname or handle, please file a bug report.\n";
return 1;
# Wird in getmethod*() bereits ausgeführt.
# Grund: Dann kann auch bei redirectwhois() dementsprechend in jedem Zwischenschritt gehandelt werden.
# $host = $GWhoIs::Core::mirror{$method.$host} if defined $GWhoIs::Core::mirror{$method.$host};
my ($result, $exitcode) = GWhoIs::Core::doquery($query,$method,$host,$additional);
$result = '' if !defined $result; # should not happen!
my $antispam_replacements = 0;
if ($GWhoIs::Core::antispam) {
# Protect email addresses (to allow e.g. "RIPE -B" for public services)
# Note: eMail addresses have a much more complex structure, see
# But this Regex should still prevent spammers from filtering eMail addresses,
# even if e.g. the "wrong" (e.g. escaped) "@" is protected.
$antispam_replacements = $result =~ s/(\S+)@(\S+)\.([^.\s]+)/$1 (at) $2 (dot) $3/g;
# Alternative solution:
# $antispam_replacements = $result =~ s/(\S+)@(\S+)\.([^.\s]+)/$1&$2.$3/g;
# We try to get $result to wide-string. Functions like LWP::Simple automatically convert UTF-8 into Unicode
# (even without BOM sent through the whois gopher channel!), while subprograms and other methods are providing
# raw UTF-8 data.
$result = Encode::decode('utf8', GWhoIs::Utils::trim($result), Encode::FB_CROAK) if !$rawoutput && GWhoIs::Utils::is_utf8($result);
# Don't allow DOS format
$result =~ s/(\012|\015\012?)/\n/g;
# Output everything
print GWhoIs::Utils::trim($result), "\n\n";
if ($antispam_replacements > 0) {
print "Note: The output has been modified by GWhoIs.\n";
print "$antispam_replacements eMail addresses have been anti-spam protected.\n";
print "(Disable protection with \"gwhois -e\")\n";
print "\n";
# Footer
print "--\n To resolve one of the above handles:";
if ($method =~ /whois/) {
print "\n whois -h $host";
print ":$1" if ( $additional =~ /port=(\d+)/ );
print " -- HANDLE\n";
elsif ($method eq "cgipost") {
print "\n POST $host\n";
print " $additional\n";
elsif ($method eq "cgi") {
print "\n $host\n";
elsif ($method eq "program") {
print "\n $host HANDLE\n";
# elsif ($method eq "wwwgrep") {
else {
# todo: add cgipostcurl etc
print "\n hmm. not sure (method = $method).\n";
print " OTOH globally unique handles should be recognised directly by GWhoIs.\n";
print " Please report errors or misfits via the Debian bug tracking system.\n";
return $exitcode;
Property changes:
Added: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property