18,24 → 18,39 |
TUD2Plugin = class(TObject) |
protected |
FDetectedIdentifications: TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>}; |
FOSNotSupportedEnforced: boolean; |
FPluginDLL: string; |
FPluginGUIDSet: boolean; |
FPluginName: WideString; |
FPluginVendor: WideString; |
FPluginVersion: WideString; |
FIdentificationMethodName: WideString; |
FAcceptsDynamicRequests: boolean; |
FIdentificationProcedureStatusCode: UD2_STATUS; |
FIdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed: WideString; |
FLoadingTime: Cardinal; |
public |
// This flag will be set if "AutoOSNotSupportedCompatibility" of the INI manifest had to be enforced/used |
OSNotSupportedEnforced: boolean; |
property OSNotSupportedEnforced: boolean read FOSNotSupportedEnforced; |
// TODO: this stuff should be read-only... |
PluginDLL: string; |
PluginGUID: TGUID; |
PluginName: WideString; |
PluginVendor: WideString; |
PluginVersion: WideString; |
IdentificationMethodName: WideString; |
AcceptsDynamicRequests: boolean; |
// Data read from the DLL |
property PluginDLL: string read FPluginDLL; |
property PluginGUIDSet: boolean read FPluginGUIDSet; |
property PluginGUID: TGUID read FPluginGUID; |
property PluginName: WideString read FPluginName; |
property PluginVendor: WideString read FPluginVendor; |
property PluginVersion: WideString read FPluginVersion; |
property IdentificationMethodName: WideString read FIdentificationMethodName; |
property AcceptsDynamicRequests: boolean read FAcceptsDynamicRequests; |
// ONLY contains the non-failure status code of IdentificationStringW |
IdentificationProcedureStatusCode: UD2_STATUS; |
IdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed: WideString; |
property IdentificationProcedureStatusCode: UD2_STATUS read FIdentificationProcedureStatusCode; |
property IdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed: WideString read FIdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed; |
Time: Cardinal; |
// How long did the plugin to load? |
property LoadingTime: Cardinal read FLoadingTime; |
function PluginGUIDString: string; |
property DetectedIdentifications: TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>} read FDetectedIdentifications; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
42,9 → 57,9 |
constructor Create; |
function AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString): TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
function InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string; var outIDs: TArrayOfString): boolean; overload; |
function InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string): boolean; overload; |
function GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: string): TArrayOfString; |
function InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: WideString; var outIDs: TArrayOfString): boolean; overload; |
function InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: WideString): boolean; overload; |
function GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: WideString): TArrayOfString; |
function EqualsMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodNameOrGUID: string): boolean; |
end; |
54,10 → 69,10 |
FIdentificationString: WideString; |
FPlugin: TUD2Plugin; |
FDynamicDataUsed: boolean; |
FDynamicData: string; |
FDynamicData: WideString; |
public |
property DynamicDataUsed: boolean read FDynamicDataUsed write FDynamicDataUsed; |
property DynamicData: string read FDynamicData write FDynamicData; |
property DynamicData: WideString read FDynamicData write FDynamicData; |
property IdentificationString: WideString read FIdentificationString; |
property Plugin: TUD2Plugin read FPlugin; |
procedure GetIdNames(sl: TStrings); |
114,7 → 129,7 |
procedure Execute; override; |
function HandleDLL: boolean; |
public |
pl: TUD2Plugin; // TODO: why do we need it?! can it be leaked if we use it for dynamic requests? |
pl: TUD2Plugin; |
Errors: TStringList; |
ResultIdentifiers: TArrayOfString; |
constructor Create(Suspended: boolean; DLL: string; alngid: LANGID; useDynamicData: boolean; dynamicData: WideString); |
174,7 → 189,10 |
function TUD2Plugin.PluginGUIDString: string; |
begin |
result := UpperCase(GUIDToString(PluginGUID)); |
if PluginGUIDSet then |
result := UpperCase(GUIDToString(PluginGUID)) |
else |
result := ''; |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString): TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
195,7 → 213,7 |
FDetectedIdentifications := TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>}.Create(true); |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string; var outIDs: TArrayOfString): boolean; |
function TUD2Plugin.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: WideString; var outIDs: TArrayOfString): boolean; |
var |
ude: TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
i: integer; |
234,7 → 252,7 |
end; |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: string): TArrayOfString; |
function TUD2Plugin.GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: WideString): TArrayOfString; |
var |
lngID: LANGID; |
pll: TUD2PluginLoader; |
245,6 → 263,7 |
try |
pll.WaitFor; |
result := pll.ResultIdentifiers; |
if Assigned(pll.pl) then FreeAndNil(pll.pl); |
finally |
pll.Free; |
end; |
256,7 → 275,7 |
SameText(GUIDToString(PluginGUID), idMethodNameOrGUID) |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string): boolean; |
function TUD2Plugin.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: WideString): boolean; |
var |
dummy: TArrayOfString; |
begin |
294,7 → 313,7 |
SR: TSearchRec; |
path: string; |
pluginLoader: TUD2PluginLoader; |
tob: TObjectList; |
tob: TObjectList{<TUD2PluginLoader>}; |
i: integer; |
sPluginID, prevDLL: string; |
303,7 → 322,7 |
resourcestring |
LNG_PLUGINS_SAME_GUID = 'Attention: The plugin "%s" and the plugin "%s" have the same identification GUID. The latter will not be loaded.'; |
begin |
tob := TObjectList.Create; |
tob := TObjectList{<TUD2PluginLoader>}.Create; |
try |
tob.OwnsObjects := false; |
335,10 → 354,10 |
pluginLoader := tob.items[i] as TUD2PluginLoader; |
pluginLoader.WaitFor; |
Errors.AddStrings(pluginLoader.Errors); |
if Assigned(pluginLoader.pl) then |
begin |
if not pluginLoader.pl.OSNotSupportedEnforced then |
if pluginLoader.pl.PluginGUIDSet then |
begin |
sPluginID := GUIDToString(pluginLoader.pl.PluginGUID); |
prevDLL := FGUIDLookup.Values[sPluginID]; |
352,9 → 371,15 |
FGUIDLookup.Values[sPluginID] := pluginLoader.pl.PluginDLL; |
LoadedPlugins.Add(pluginLoader.pl); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
LoadedPlugins.Add(pluginLoader.pl); |
end; |
{$ELSE} |
LoadedPlugins.Add(pluginLoader.pl); |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
{$ENDIF} |
pluginLoader.Free; |
end; |
finally |
414,14 → 439,12 |
result := FIniFile.SectionExists(ShortTaskName); |
end; |
function TUD2.ReadMetatagString(ShortTaskName, MetatagName: string; |
DefaultVal: string): string; |
function TUD2.ReadMetatagString(ShortTaskName, MetatagName: string; DefaultVal: string): string; |
begin |
result := IniFile.ReadString(ShortTaskName, MetatagName, DefaultVal); |
end; |
function TUD2.ReadMetatagBool(ShortTaskName, MetatagName: string; |
DefaultVal: string): boolean; |
function TUD2.ReadMetatagBool(ShortTaskName, MetatagName: string; DefaultVal: string): boolean; |
begin |
// DefaultVal is a string, because we want to allow an empty string, in case the |
// user wishes an Exception in case the string is not a valid boolean string |
675,7 → 698,8 |
sOverrideGUID := iniConfig.ReadString('Compatibility', 'OverrideGUID', ''); |
if sOverrideGUID <> '' then |
begin |
pl.PluginGUID := StringToGUID(sOverrideGUID); |
pl.FPluginGUIDSet := true; |
pl.FPluginGUID := StringToGUID(sOverrideGUID); |
result := true; |
end; |
finally |
705,17 → 729,11 |
procedure _OverwriteStatusToOSNotSupported; |
begin |
pl := TUD2Plugin.Create; |
pl.PluginDLL := dllFile; |
pl.FPluginDLL := dllFile; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCode := statusCode; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed := _ErrorLookup(statusCode); |
(* |
if not _ApplyCompatibilityGUID then |
begin |
CreateGUID(pl.PluginGUID); // to avoid the "double GUID" error |
end; |
*) |
pl.OSNotSupportedEnforced := true; // to avoid the "double GUID" error |
pl.FIdentificationProcedureStatusCode := statusCode; |
pl.FIdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed := _ErrorLookup(statusCode); |
pl.FOSNotSupportedEnforced := true; |
result := true; |
end; |
763,10 → 781,10 |
end; |
pl := TUD2Plugin.Create; |
pl.PluginDLL := dllFile; |
pl.FPluginDLL := dllFile; |
@fDynamicIdentificationStringW := GetProcAddress(dllHandle, mnDynamicIdentificationStringW); |
pl.AcceptsDynamicRequests := Assigned(fDynamicIdentificationStringW); |
pl.FAcceptsDynamicRequests := Assigned(fDynamicIdentificationStringW); |
fIdentificationStringW := nil; |
if useDynamicData then |
774,7 → 792,6 |
if not pl.AcceptsDynamicRequests then |
begin |
// TODO xxx: Darf hier ein fataler Fehler entstehen, obwohl dieses Szenario nur durch die INI file auftreten kann? |
// TODO (allgemein): In der Modulübersicht soll auch gezeigt werden, ob dieses Modul dynamischen Content erlaubt. |
// TODO (allgemein): doku |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, [mnDynamicIdentificationStringW, dllFile])); |
Exit; |
840,7 → 857,8 |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, [mnPluginIdentifier, dllFile])); |
Exit; |
end; |
pl.PluginGUID := fPluginIdentifier(); |
pl.FPluginGUIDSet := true; |
pl.FPluginGUID := fPluginIdentifier(); |
end; |
statusCode := fCheckLicense(nil); |
852,8 → 870,8 |
ZeroMemory(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
statusCode := fPluginNameW(@buf, cchBufferSize, lngID); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.PluginName := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.PluginName := '' |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.FPluginName := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.FPluginName := '' |
else |
begin |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_FAILURE, [_ErrorLookup(statusCode), mnPluginNameW, dllFile])); |
862,8 → 880,8 |
ZeroMemory(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
statusCode := fPluginVendorW(@buf, cchBufferSize, lngID); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.PluginVendor := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.PluginVendor := '' |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.FPluginVendor := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.FPluginVendor := '' |
else |
begin |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_FAILURE, [_ErrorLookup(statusCode), mnPluginVendorW, dllFile])); |
872,8 → 890,8 |
ZeroMemory(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
statusCode := fPluginVersionW(@buf, cchBufferSize, lngID); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.PluginVersion := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.PluginVersion := '' |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.FPluginVersion := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.FPluginVersion := '' |
else |
begin |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_FAILURE, [_ErrorLookup(statusCode), mnPluginVersionW, dllFile])); |
882,8 → 900,8 |
ZeroMemory(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
statusCode := fIdentificationMethodNameW(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.IdentificationMethodName := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.IdentificationMethodName := '' |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then pl.FIdentificationMethodName := PWideChar(@buf) |
else if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then pl.FIdentificationMethodName := '' |
else |
begin |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_FAILURE, [_ErrorLookup(statusCode), mnIdentificationMethodNameW, dllFile])); |
900,8 → 918,8 |
begin |
statusCode := fIdentificationStringW(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
end; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCode := statusCode; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed := _ErrorLookup(statusCode); |
pl.FIdentificationProcedureStatusCode := statusCode; |
pl.FIdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed := _ErrorLookup(statusCode); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then |
begin |
sIdentifier := PWideChar(@buf); |
949,7 → 967,7 |
endtime := GetTickCount; |
time := endtime - starttime; |
if endtime < starttime then time := High(Cardinal) - time; |
pl.time := time; |
pl.FLoadingTime := time; |
end; |
end; |
except |