10,12 → 10,16 |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, IniFiles, Contnrs, Dialogs, UD2_PluginIntf, |
UD2_PluginStatus; |
UD2_PluginStatus, UD2_Utils; |
const |
cchBufferSize = 32768; |
dynamicDataDelim = '|||'; |
type |
TUD2IdentificationEntry = class; |
TUD2Plugin = class(TObject) |
protected |
FDetectedIdentifications: TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>}; |
36,11 → 40,15 |
Time: Cardinal; |
function PluginGUIDString: string; |
property DetectedIdentifications: TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>} |
read FDetectedIdentifications; |
property DetectedIdentifications: TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>} read FDetectedIdentifications; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
constructor Create; |
procedure AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString); |
function AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString): TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
function InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string): boolean; |
function GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: string): TArrayOfString; |
function EqualsMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodNameOrGUID: string): boolean; |
end; |
TUD2IdentificationEntry = class(TObject) |
47,10 → 55,13 |
private |
FIdentificationString: WideString; |
FPlugin: TUD2Plugin; |
FDynamicDataUsed: boolean; |
FDynamicData: string; |
public |
property DynamicDataUsed: boolean read FDynamicDataUsed write FDynamicDataUsed; |
property DynamicData: string read FDynamicData write FDynamicData; |
property IdentificationString: WideString read FIdentificationString; |
property Plugin: TUD2Plugin read FPlugin; |
function GetPrimaryIdName: WideString; |
procedure GetIdNames(sl: TStrings); |
constructor Create(AIdentificationString: WideString; APlugin: TUD2Plugin); |
end; |
72,6 → 83,8 |
property IniFile: TMemIniFile read FIniFile; |
procedure GetAllIdNames(outSL: TStrings); |
function FulfilsEverySubterm(idTerm: WideString; slIdNames: TStrings=nil): boolean; |
procedure CheckTerm(idTermAndCmd: string; commandSLout: TStrings; slIdNames: TStrings=nil); |
function FindPluginByMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodName: string): TUD2Plugin; |
procedure GetCommandList(ShortTaskName: string; outSL: TStrings); |
procedure HandlePluginDir(APluginDir, AFileMask: string); |
procedure GetTaskListing(outSL: TStrings); |
87,7 → 100,7 |
implementation |
uses |
UD2_Utils; |
Math; |
type |
TUD2PluginLoader = class(TThread) |
94,12 → 107,15 |
protected |
dllFile: string; |
lngID: LANGID; |
useDynamicData: boolean; |
dynamicData: WideString; |
procedure Execute; override; |
function HandleDLL: boolean; |
public |
pl: TUD2Plugin; |
pl: TUD2Plugin; // TODO: why do we need it?! can it be leaked if we use it for dynamic requests? |
Errors: TStringList; |
constructor Create(Suspended: boolean; DLL: string; alngid: LANGID); |
ResultIdentifiers: TArrayOfString; |
constructor Create(Suspended: boolean; DLL: string; alngid: LANGID; useDynamicData: boolean; dynamicData: WideString); |
destructor Destroy; override; |
end; |
115,6 → 131,7 |
LNG_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_HW_NOT_SUPPORTED = 'Not available (Hardware not supported)'; |
LNG_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_NO_ENTITIES = 'Not available (No entities to identify)'; |
LNG_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_WINAPI_CALL_FAILURE = 'Not available (A Windows API call failed. Message: %s)'; |
LNG_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_ONLY_ACCEPT_DYNAMIC = 'Not available (Arguments required)'; |
LNG_UNKNOWN_NOTAVAIL = 'Not available (Unknown status code %s)'; |
136,6 → 153,7 |
else if UD2_STATUS_Equal(grStatus, UD2_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_WINAPI_CALL_FAILURE, false) then result := Format(LNG_STATUS_NOTAVAIL_WINAPI_CALL_FAILURE, [FormatOSError(grStatus.dwExtraInfo)]) |
157,9 → 175,10 |
result := UpperCase(GUIDToString(PluginGUID)); |
end; |
procedure TUD2Plugin.AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString); |
function TUD2Plugin.AddIdentification(IdStr: WideString): TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
begin |
DetectedIdentifications.Add(TUD2IdentificationEntry.Create(IdStr, Self)) |
result := TUD2IdentificationEntry.Create(IdStr, Self); |
DetectedIdentifications.Add(result); |
end; |
destructor TUD2Plugin.Destroy; |
174,19 → 193,77 |
FDetectedIdentifications := TObjectList{<TUD2IdentificationEntry>}.Create(true); |
end; |
{ TUD2IdentificationEntry } |
function TUD2Plugin.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData: string): boolean; |
var |
ude: TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
i: integer; |
ids: TArrayOfString; |
id: string; |
begin |
result := false; |
function TUD2IdentificationEntry.GetPrimaryIdName: WideString; |
for i := 0 to FDetectedIdentifications.Count-1 do |
begin |
result := Plugin.IdentificationMethodName+':'+IdentificationString; |
ude := FDetectedIdentifications.Items[i] as TUD2IdentificationEntry; |
if ude.dynamicDataUsed and (ude.dynamicData = dynamicData) then |
begin |
// The dynamic content was already evaluated (and therefore is already added in FDetectedIdentifications). |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
SetLength(ids, 0); |
ids := GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData); |
for i := 0 to Length(ids)-1 do |
begin |
id := ids[i]; |
ude := AddIdentification(id); |
ude.dynamicDataUsed := true; |
ude.dynamicData := dynamicData; |
result := true; |
end; |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.GetDynamicRequestResult(dynamicData: string): TArrayOfString; |
var |
lngID: LANGID; |
pll: TUD2PluginLoader; |
begin |
lngID := GetSystemDefaultLangID; |
pll := TUD2PluginLoader.Create(false, PluginDLL, lngid, true, dynamicData); |
try |
pll.WaitFor; |
result := pll.ResultIdentifiers; |
finally |
pll.Free; |
end; |
end; |
function TUD2Plugin.EqualsMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodNameOrGUID: string): boolean; |
begin |
result := SameText(IdentificationMethodName, idMethodNameOrGUID) or |
SameText(GUIDToString(PluginGUID), idMethodNameOrGUID) |
end; |
{ TUD2IdentificationEntry } |
procedure TUD2IdentificationEntry.GetIdNames(sl: TStrings); |
begin |
sl.Add(GetPrimaryIdName); |
if DynamicDataUsed then |
begin |
sl.Add(DynamicData+dynamicDataDelim+Plugin.IdentificationMethodName+':'+IdentificationString); |
sl.Add(DynamicData+DynamicDataDelim+Plugin.PluginGUIDString+':'+IdentificationString); |
end |
else |
begin |
sl.Add(Plugin.IdentificationMethodName+':'+IdentificationString); |
sl.Add(Plugin.PluginGUIDString+':'+IdentificationString); |
end; |
end; |
constructor TUD2IdentificationEntry.Create(AIdentificationString: WideString; |
APlugin: TUD2Plugin); |
226,7 → 303,7 |
try |
repeat |
try |
tob.Add(TUD2PluginLoader.Create(false, path + sr.Name, lngid)); |
tob.Add(TUD2PluginLoader.Create(false, path + sr.Name, lngid, false, '')); |
except |
on E: Exception do |
begin |
339,13 → 416,14 |
(* |
NAMING EXAMPLE: ComputerName:ABC&&User:John=calc.exe |
NAMING EXAMPLE: dynXYZ|||ComputerName:ABC&&User:John=calc.exe |
idTerm: ComputerName:ABC&&User:John |
idTerm: dynXYZ|||ComputerName:ABC&&User:John |
idName: ComputerName:ABC |
IdMethodName: ComputerName |
IdStr ABC |
cmd: calc.exe |
dynamicData: dynXYZ |
*) |
370,11 → 448,14 |
const |
var |
x: TArrayOfString; |
x, y, z: TArrayOfString; |
i: integer; |
p: TUD2Plugin; |
idName: WideString; |
cleanUpStringList: boolean; |
caseSensitive: boolean; |
dynamicData: string; |
idMethodName: string; |
begin |
cleanUpStringList := slIdNames = nil; |
try |
387,6 → 468,7 |
SetLength(x, 0); |
if Pos(':', idTerm) = 0 then |
begin |
// Exclude stuff like "Description" |
result := false; |
Exit; |
end; |
396,6 → 478,33 |
begin |
idName := x[i]; |
/// --- Start Dynamic Extension |
SetLength(y, 0); |
y := SplitString(dynamicDataDelim, idName); |
if Length(y) >= 2 then |
begin |
dynamicData := y[0]; |
SetLength(z, 0); |
z := SplitString(':', y[1]); |
idMethodName := z[0]; |
p := FindPluginByMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodName); |
if Assigned(p) then |
begin |
if p.InvokeDynamicCheck(dynamicData) then |
begin |
// Reload the identifications |
slIdNames.Clear; |
GetAllIdNames(slIdNames); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
/// --- End Dynamic Extension |
if Pos(CASE_SENSITIVE_FLAG, idName) >= 1 then |
begin |
idName := StringReplace(idName, CASE_SENSITIVE_FLAG, '', [rfReplaceAll]); |
419,16 → 528,29 |
end; |
end; |
function TUD2.FindPluginByMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodName: string): TUD2Plugin; |
var |
i: integer; |
p: TUD2Plugin; |
begin |
result := nil; |
for i := 0 to LoadedPlugins.Count-1 do |
begin |
p := LoadedPlugins.Items[i] as TUD2Plugin; |
if p.EqualsMethodNameOrGuid(idMethodName) then |
begin |
result := p; |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TUD2.GetCommandList(ShortTaskName: string; outSL: TStrings); |
var |
i: integer; |
cmd: string; |
idTerm: WideString; |
slSV, slIdNames: TStrings; |
nameVal: TArrayOfString; |
begin |
SetLength(nameVal, 0); |
slIdNames := TStringList.Create; |
try |
GetAllIdNames(slIdNames); |
438,22 → 560,47 |
FIniFile.ReadSectionValues(ShortTaskName, slSV); |
for i := 0 to slSV.Count-1 do |
begin |
CheckTerm(slSV.Strings[i], outSL, slIdNames); |
end; |
finally |
slSV.Free; |
end; |
finally |
slIdNames.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TUD2.CheckTerm(idTermAndCmd: string; commandSLout: TStrings; slIdNames: TStrings=nil); |
var |
nameVal: TArrayOfString; |
idTerm, cmd: string; |
slIdNamesCreated: boolean; |
begin |
slIdNamesCreated := false; |
try |
if not Assigned(slIdNames) then |
begin |
slIdNamesCreated := true; |
slIdNames := TStringList.Create; |
GetAllIdNames(slIdNames); |
end; |
SetLength(nameVal, 0); |
// We are doing the interpretation of the line ourselves, because |
// TStringList.Values[] would not allow multiple command lines with the |
// same key (idTerm) |
nameVal := SplitString('=', slSV.Strings[i]); |
// TODO xxx: big problem when we want to check environment variables, since our idTerm would contain '=' ! |
nameVal := SplitString('=', idTermAndCmd); |
if Length(nameVal) < 2 then exit; |
idTerm := nameVal[0]; |
cmd := nameVal[1]; |
if FulfilsEverySubterm(idTerm, slIdNames) then outSL.Add(cmd); |
end; |
if FulfilsEverySubterm(idTerm, slIdNames) then commandSLout.Add(cmd); |
finally |
slSV.Free; |
if slIdNamesCreated then slIdNames.Free; |
end; |
finally |
slIdNames.Free; |
end; |
end; |
{ TUD2PluginLoader } |
464,7 → 611,7 |
HandleDLL; |
end; |
constructor TUD2PluginLoader.Create(Suspended: boolean; DLL: string; alngid: LANGID); |
constructor TUD2PluginLoader.Create(Suspended: boolean; DLL: string; alngid: LANGID; useDynamicData: boolean; dynamicData: WideString); |
begin |
inherited Create(Suspended); |
dllfile := dll; |
471,6 → 618,8 |
pl := nil; |
Errors := TStringList.Create; |
lngid := alngid; |
self.useDynamicData := useDynamicData; |
Self.dynamicData := dynamicData; |
end; |
destructor TUD2PluginLoader.Destroy; |
482,7 → 631,6 |
function TUD2PluginLoader.HandleDLL: boolean; |
var |
sIdentifier: WideString; |
sIdentifiers: TArrayOfString; |
buf: array[0..cchBufferSize-1] of WideChar; |
pluginInterfaceID: TGUID; |
dllHandle: Cardinal; |
493,6 → 641,7 |
fPluginVersionW: TFuncPluginVersionW; |
fIdentificationMethodNameW: TFuncIdentificationMethodNameW; |
fIdentificationStringW: TFuncIdentificationStringW; |
fDynamicIdentificationStringW: TFuncDynamicIdentificationStringW; |
fCheckLicense: TFuncCheckLicense; |
fDescribeOwnStatusCodeW: TFuncDescribeOwnStatusCodeW; |
statusCode: UD2_STATUS; |
504,6 → 653,7 |
function _ErrorLookup(statusCode: UD2_STATUS): WideString; |
var |
ret: BOOL; |
buf: array[0..cchBufferSize-1] of WideChar; |
begin |
if Assigned(fDescribeOwnStatusCodeW) then |
begin |
620,6 → 770,22 |
Exit; |
end; |
fDynamicIdentificationStringW := nil; |
fIdentificationStringW := nil; |
if useDynamicData then |
begin |
@fDynamicIdentificationStringW := GetProcAddress(dllHandle, mnDynamicIdentificationStringW); |
if not Assigned(fDynamicIdentificationStringW) then |
begin |
// TODO xxx: Darf hier ein fataler Fehler entstehen, obwohl dieses Szenario nur durch die INI file auftreten kann? |
// TODO (allgemein): In der Modulübersicht soll auch gezeigt werden, ob dieses Modul dynamischen Content erlaubt. |
// TODO (allgemein): doku |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, [mnDynamicIdentificationStringW, dllFile])); |
Exit; |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
@fIdentificationStringW := GetProcAddress(dllHandle, mnIdentificationStringW); |
if not Assigned(fIdentificationStringW) then |
begin |
626,6 → 792,7 |
Errors.Add(Format(LNG_METHOD_NOT_FOUND, [mnIdentificationStringW, dllFile])); |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
@fPluginNameW := GetProcAddress(dllHandle, mnPluginNameW); |
if not Assigned(fPluginNameW) then |
732,7 → 899,14 |
ZeroMemory(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
statusCode := UD2_STATUS_FAILURE_NO_RETURNED_VALUE; // This status will be used when the DLL does not return anything (which is an error by the developer) |
if useDynamicData then |
begin |
statusCode := fDynamicIdentificationStringW(@buf, cchBufferSize, PWideChar(dynamicData)); |
end |
else |
begin |
statusCode := fIdentificationStringW(@buf, cchBufferSize); |
end; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCode := statusCode; |
pl.IdentificationProcedureStatusCodeDescribed := _ErrorLookup(statusCode); |
if statusCode.wCategory = UD2_STATUSCAT_SUCCESS then |
741,16 → 915,19 |
if UD2_STATUS_Equal(statusCode, UD2_STATUS_OK_MULTILINE, false) then |
begin |
// Multiple identifiers (e.g. multiple MAC addresses are delimited via UD2_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_DELIMITER) |
SetLength(sIdentifiers, 0); |
sIdentifiers := SplitString(UD2_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_DELIMITER, sIdentifier); |
for i := Low(sIdentifiers) to High(sIdentifiers) do |
SetLength(ResultIdentifiers, 0); |
ResultIdentifiers := SplitString(UD2_MULTIPLE_ITEMS_DELIMITER, sIdentifier); |
for i := Low(ResultIdentifiers) to High(ResultIdentifiers) do |
begin |
pl.AddIdentification(sIdentifiers[i]); |
pl.AddIdentification(ResultIdentifiers[i]); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
pl.AddIdentification(sIdentifier); |
SetLength(ResultIdentifiers, 1); |
ResultIdentifiers[0] := sIdentifier; |
end; |
end |
else if statusCode.wCategory <> UD2_STATUSCAT_NOT_AVAIL then |