/trunk/vcl/ViaThinkSoft.dpk |
0,0 → 1,41 |
package dclusr; |
{$R *.res} |
{$ALIGN 8} |
{$IMAGEBASE $51000000} |
{$DESCRIPTION 'ViaThinkSoft VCL Components'} |
{$LIBSUFFIX '60'} |
requires |
rtl, |
vcl, |
designide; |
contains |
VTSListView in 'VTSListView.pas', |
AlphaNumSort in 'AlphaNumSort.pas', |
VTSCompat in 'VTSCompat.pas', |
PatchU in 'PatchU.pas'; |
end. |
/trunk/vcl/AlphaNumSort.pas |
0,0 → 1,122 |
unit AlphaNumSort; |
(* |
* The Alphanum Algorithm is an improved sorting algorithm for strings |
* containing numbers. Instead of sorting numbers in ASCII order like |
* a standard sort, this algorithm sorts numbers in numeric order. |
* |
* The Alphanum Algorithm is discussed at http://www.DaveKoelle.com |
* |
* Translated from Java to Delphi by Daniel Marschall, www.daniel-marschall.de |
* Revision 2015-09-30 |
* |
* |
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or |
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public |
* License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either |
* version 2.1 of the License, or any later version. |
* |
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, |
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of |
* Lesser General Public License for more details. |
* |
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public |
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software |
* Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA |
* |
*) |
interface |
uses |
SysUtils; |
function AlphaNumCompare(s1, s2: string): integer; |
implementation |
function isDigit(ch: char): boolean; |
begin |
result := (ord(ch) >= 48) and (ord(ch) <= 57); |
end; |
// Length of string is passed in for improved efficiency (only need to calculate it once) |
function getChunk(s: string; slength, marker: integer): string; |
var |
chunk: string; |
c: char; |
begin |
c := s[marker+1]; |
chunk := chunk + c; |
Inc(marker); |
if isDigit(c) then |
begin |
while marker < slength do |
begin |
c := s[marker+1]; |
if not isDigit(c) then break; |
chunk := chunk + c; |
Inc(marker); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
while marker < slength do |
begin |
c := s[marker+1]; |
if (isDigit(c)) then break; |
chunk := chunk + c; |
Inc(marker); |
end; |
end; |
result := chunk; |
end; |
function AlphaNumCompare(s1, s2: string): integer; |
var |
s1Length, s2Length, thisChunkLength: integer; |
thisMarker, thatMarker, i: integer; |
thisChunk, thatChunk: string; |
begin |
thisMarker := 0; |
thatMarker := 0; |
s1Length := Length(s1); |
s2Length := Length(s2); |
while (thisMarker < s1Length) and (thatMarker < s2Length) do |
begin |
thisChunk := getChunk(s1, s1Length, thisMarker); |
Inc(thisMarker, Length(thisChunk)); |
thatChunk := getChunk(s2, s2Length, thatMarker); |
Inc(thatMarker, Length(thatChunk)); |
// If both chunks contain numeric characters, sort them numerically |
if isDigit(thisChunk[1]) and isDigit(thatChunk[1]) then |
begin |
// Simple chunk comparison by length. |
thisChunkLength := Length(thisChunk); |
result := thisChunkLength - Length(thatChunk); |
// If equal, the first different number counts |
if result = 0 then |
begin |
for i := 0 to thisChunkLength-1 do |
begin |
result := ord(thisChunk[i+1]) - ord(thatChunk[i+1]); |
if result <> 0 then Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
result := CompareText(thisChunk, thatChunk); |
end; |
if result <> 0 then Exit; |
end; |
result := s1Length - s2Length; |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/vcl/VTSCompat.pas |
0,0 → 1,197 |
unit VTSCompat; |
{$IF CompilerVersion >= 25.0} |
{$IFEND} |
interface |
uses |
Dialogs, Windows, Controls, Graphics, SysUtils, CommDlg, Classes; |
function AddTransparentIconToImageList(ImageList: TImageList; Icon: TIcon): integer; |
function CompatOpenDialogExecute(OpenDialog: TOpenDialog): boolean; |
function CompatSaveDialogExecute(SaveDialog: TSaveDialog): boolean; |
implementation |
uses |
PatchU, ShlObj, ShellAPI; |
var |
pp: TPatchMethod; |
// --- CompatOpenDialogExecute |
type |
TExtOpenDialogAccessor = class(TOpenDialog); |
TExtOpenDialog = class(TOpenDialog) |
protected |
function TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool; override; |
end; |
function TExtOpenDialog.TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool; |
begin |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags := |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags and not OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE; |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags := |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags and not OFN_ENABLEHOOK; |
if pp.IsPatched then pp.Restore; |
result := inherited TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc, DialogData); |
end; |
function CompatOpenDialogExecute(OpenDialog: TOpenDialog): boolean; |
{$IF CompilerVersion < 18.5} // prior to Delphi 2007 |
var |
x: TExtOpenDialog; |
MethodPtr, MethodPtr2: function(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool of object; |
begin |
MethodPtr := TExtOpenDialogAccessor(OpenDialog).TaskModalDialog; |
x := TExtOpenDialog.Create(nil); |
try |
MethodPtr2 := x.TaskModalDialog; |
pp := TPatchMethod.Create(@MethodPtr, @MethodPtr2); |
try |
result := OpenDialog.Execute; |
if pp.IsPatched then pp.Restore; |
finally |
pp.Free; |
end; |
finally |
x.Free; |
end; |
{$ELSE} |
begin |
result := OpenDialog.Execute; |
{$IFEND} |
end; |
// --- CompatSaveDialogExecute |
type |
TExtSaveDialogAccessor = class(TSaveDialog); |
TExtSaveDialog = class(TSaveDialog) |
protected |
function TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool; override; |
end; |
function TExtSaveDialog.TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool; |
begin |
// Remove the two flags which let the File Dialog GUI fall back to the old design. |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags := |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags and not OFN_ENABLETEMPLATE; |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags := |
TOpenFileName(DialogData).Flags and not OFN_ENABLEHOOK; |
// It is important to restore TaskModalDialog, so we don't get a stack |
// overflow when calling the inherited method. |
if pp.IsPatched then pp.Restore; |
result := inherited TaskModalDialog(DialogFunc, DialogData); |
end; |
function CompatSaveDialogExecute(SaveDialog: TSaveDialog): boolean; |
{$IF CompilerVersion < 18.5} // prior to Delphi 2007 |
var |
x: TExtSaveDialog; |
MethodPtr, MethodPtr2: function(DialogFunc: Pointer; var DialogData): Bool of object; |
begin |
MethodPtr := TExtSaveDialogAccessor(SaveDialog).TaskModalDialog; |
x := TExtSaveDialog.Create(nil); |
try |
MethodPtr2 := x.TaskModalDialog; |
pp := TPatchMethod.Create(@MethodPtr, @MethodPtr2); |
try |
result := SaveDialog.Execute; |
finally |
pp.Free; |
end; |
finally |
x.Free; |
end; |
{$ELSE} |
begin |
result := OpenDialog.Execute; |
{$IFEND} |
end; |
// --- AddTransparentIconToImageList |
function RealIconSize(H: HIcon): TPoint; |
// http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=183999 |
var |
IconInfo: TIconInfo; |
bmpmask: TBitmap; |
begin |
result := Point(0, 0); |
if H <> 0 then |
begin |
bmpmask := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
IconInfo.fIcon := true; |
try |
GetIconInfo(H, IconInfo); |
bmpmask.Handle := IconInfo.hbmMask; |
bmpmask.Dormant; //lets us free the resource without 'losing' the bitmap |
finally |
DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmMask); |
DeleteObject(IconInfo.hbmColor) |
end; |
result := Point(bmpmask.Width, bmpmask.Height); |
finally |
bmpmask.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function AddTransparentIconToImageList(ImageList: TImageList; Icon: TIcon): integer; |
// http://www.delphipages.com/forum/showthread.php?t=183999 |
var |
buffer, mask: TBitmap; |
p: TPoint; |
begin |
// result := ImageList.AddIcon(ico); |
// --> In Delphi 6, Icons with half-transparency have a black border (e.g. in ListView) |
p := RealIconSize(icon.handle); |
buffer := TBitmap.Create; |
mask := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
buffer.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
mask.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
buffer.Width := p.X; |
buffer.Height := p.Y; |
buffer.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, icon); |
buffer.Transparent := true; |
buffer.TransparentColor := buffer.Canvas.Pixels[0,0]; |
if (ImageList.Width <> p.X) or (ImageLIst.Height <> p.Y) then |
begin |
ImageList.Width := p.X; |
ImageList.Height := p.Y; |
end; |
// create a mask for the icon. |
mask.Assign(buffer); |
mask.Canvas.Brush.Color := buffer.Canvas.Pixels[0, buffer.Height -1]; |
mask.Monochrome := true; |
result := ImageList.Add(buffer, mask); |
finally |
mask.Free; |
buffer.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/vcl/VTSListView.pas |
0,0 → 1,129 |
unit VTSListView; |
interface |
// This ListView adds support for sorting arrows |
// Recommended usage for the OnCompare event: |
(* |
procedure TForm1.ListViewCompare(Sender: TObject; Item1, |
Item2: TListItem; Data: Integer; var Compare: Integer); |
var |
ListView: TVTSListView; |
begin |
ListView := Sender as TVTSListView; |
if ListView.CurSortedColumn = 0 then |
begin |
Compare := CompareText(Item1.Caption, Item2.Caption); |
end |
else |
begin |
Compare := CompareText(Item1.SubItems[ListView.CurSortedColumn-1], |
Item2.SubItems[ListView.CurSortedColumn-1]); |
end; |
if ListView.CurSortedDesc then Compare := -Compare; |
end; |
*) |
uses |
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, CommCtrl; |
type |
TVTSListView = class(TListView) |
private |
FDescending: Boolean; |
FSortedColumn: Integer; |
procedure WMNotifyMessage(var msg: TWMNotify); message WM_NOTIFY; |
protected |
procedure ShowArrowOfListViewColumn; |
procedure ColClick(Column: TListColumn); override; |
public |
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; |
published |
property CurSortedColumn: integer read FSortedColumn; |
property CurSortedDesc: boolean read FDescending; |
end; |
procedure Register; |
implementation |
// The arrows require a XP Manifest |
{$IF not Declared(HDF_SORTUP)} |
const |
{ For Windows >= XP } |
HDF_SORTUP = $0400; |
HDF_SORTDOWN = $0200; |
{$IFEND} |
{ TVTSListView } |
constructor TVTSListView.Create(AOwner: TComponent); |
begin |
inherited; |
FSortedColumn := -1; |
end; |
procedure TVTSListView.ShowArrowOfListViewColumn; |
var |
Header: HWND; |
Item: THDItem; |
i: integer; |
begin |
Header := ListView_GetHeader(Handle); |
ZeroMemory(@Item, SizeOf(Item)); |
Item.Mask := HDI_FORMAT; |
// Remove arrows |
for i := 0 to Columns.Count-1 do |
begin |
Header_GetItem(Header, i, Item); |
Item.fmt := Item.fmt and not (HDF_SORTUP or HDF_SORTDOWN); |
Header_SetItem(Header, i, Item); |
end; |
// Add arrow |
Header_GetItem(Header, FSortedColumn, Item); |
if FDescending then |
Item.fmt := Item.fmt or HDF_SORTDOWN |
else |
Item.fmt := Item.fmt or HDF_SORTUP; |
Header_SetItem(Header, FSortedColumn, Item); |
end; |
procedure TVTSListView.WMNotifyMessage(var msg: TWMNotify); |
begin |
inherited; |
if (Msg.NMHdr^.code = HDN_ENDTRACK) and (FSortedColumn > -1) then |
begin |
ShowArrowOfListViewColumn; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TVTSListView.ColClick(Column: TListColumn); |
begin |
if not Assigned(OnCompare) then Exit; |
SortType := stNone; |
if Column.Index <> FSortedColumn then |
begin |
FSortedColumn := Column.Index; |
FDescending := False; |
end |
else |
begin |
FDescending := not FDescending; |
end; |
ShowArrowOfListViewColumn; |
SortType := stText; |
inherited; |
end; |
procedure Register; |
begin |
RegisterComponents('ViaThinkSoft', [TVTSListView]); |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/vcl/PatchU.pas |
0,0 → 1,70 |
unit PatchU; |
interface |
type |
pPatchEvent = ^TPatchEvent; |
// "Asm" opcode hack to patch an existing routine |
TPatchEvent = packed record |
Jump: Byte; |
Offset: Integer; |
end; |
TPatchMethod = class |
private |
PatchedMethod, OriginalMethod: TPatchEvent; |
PatchPositionMethod: pPatchEvent; |
FIsPatched: boolean; |
public |
property IsPatched: boolean read FIsPatched; |
constructor Create(const aSource, aDestination: Pointer); |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure Restore; |
procedure Hook; |
end; |
implementation |
uses |
Windows, Sysutils; |
{ TPatchMethod } |
constructor TPatchMethod.Create(const aSource, aDestination: Pointer); |
var |
OldProtect: Cardinal; |
begin |
PatchPositionMethod := pPatchEvent(aSource); |
OriginalMethod := PatchPositionMethod^; |
PatchedMethod.Jump := $E9; |
PatchedMethod.Offset := Integer(PByte(aDestination)) - Integer(PByte(PatchPositionMethod)) - SizeOf(TPatchEvent); |
if not VirtualProtect(PatchPositionMethod, SizeOf(TPatchEvent), PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE, OldProtect) then |
RaiseLastOSError; |
Hook; |
end; |
destructor TPatchMethod.Destroy; |
begin |
Restore; |
inherited; |
end; |
procedure TPatchMethod.Hook; |
begin |
if FIsPatched then Exit; |
FIsPatched := true; |
PatchPositionMethod^ := PatchedMethod; |
end; |
procedure TPatchMethod.Restore; |
begin |
if not FIsPatched then Exit; |
FIsPatched := false; |
PatchPositionMethod^ := OriginalMethod; |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/UserDetect2/vcl/AlphaNumSort.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/vcl/VTSCompat.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/vcl/VTSListView.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/vcl/ViaThinkSoft.dpk |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/vcl/PatchU.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/deltmp.bat |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/Functions.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/testuser.cfg |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/help.bat |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/testuser.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:mime-type |
-application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/example.bat |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/icon.ico |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:mime-type |
-application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/testuser.dpr |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/Tested with.txt |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/todo.txt |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/SPGetSid.pas |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/testuser.dof |
File deleted |
/trunk/UserDetect2/testuser/testuser.res |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:mime-type |
-application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/testuser/Functions.pas |
0,0 → 1,103 |
unit Functions; |
interface |
function GetComputerName: string; |
function GetUserName: string; |
function GetCurrentUserSid: string; |
function ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ATemplate: string): string; |
function StrICmp(a, b: string): boolean; |
function EnforceLength(s: string; len: integer; filler: char; |
appendRight: boolean): string; |
function GetHomeDir: string; |
implementation |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils, Registry, SPGetSid; |
function GetComputerName: string; // Source: Luckie@DP |
var |
buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // MAX_PATH ? |
size: DWORD; |
begin |
size := SizeOf(buffer); |
ZeroMemory(@buffer, size); |
Windows.GetComputerName(buffer, size); |
SetString(result, buffer, lstrlen(buffer)); |
end; |
function GetUserName: string; // Source: Luckie@DP |
var |
buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // MAX_PATH ? |
size: DWORD; |
begin |
size := SizeOf(buffer); |
ZeroMemory(@buffer, size); |
Windows.GetUserName(buffer, size); |
SetString(result, buffer, lstrlen(buffer)); |
end; |
function GetCurrentUserSid: string; |
begin |
result := SPGetSid.GetCurrentUserSid; |
end; |
function ExpandEnvironmentStrings(ATemplate: string): string; |
var |
buffer: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; // MAX_PATH ? |
size: DWORD; |
begin |
size := SizeOf(buffer); |
ZeroMemory(@buffer, size); |
Windows.ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PChar(ATemplate), buffer, size); |
SetString(result, buffer, lstrlen(buffer)); |
end; |
function StrICmp(a, b: string): boolean; |
begin |
result := UpperCase(a) = UpperCase(b); |
end; |
function EnforceLength(s: string; len: integer; filler: char; |
appendRight: boolean): string; |
begin |
result := s; |
while (Length(result) < len) do |
begin |
if appendRight then |
begin |
result := result + filler; |
end |
else |
begin |
result := filler + result; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function GetHomeDir: string; |
var |
reg: TRegistry; |
begin |
result := Functions.ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%'); |
if result = '%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%' then |
begin |
result := ''; |
// Windows 95 |
reg := TRegistry.Create; |
try |
reg.RootKey := HKEY_CURRENT_USER; |
if reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\ProfileReconciliation') then |
begin |
result := reg.ReadString('ProfileDirectory'); |
reg.CloseKey; |
end; |
finally; |
reg.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/testuser/deltmp.bat |
0,0 → 1,4 |
@echo off |
del *.~* |
del *.dcu |
/trunk/testuser/testuser.cfg |
0,0 → 1,33 |
-$A8 |
-$B- |
-$C+ |
-$D+ |
-$E- |
-$F- |
-$G+ |
-$H+ |
-$I+ |
-$J- |
-$K- |
-$L+ |
-$M- |
-$N+ |
-$O+ |
-$P+ |
-$Q- |
-$R- |
-$S- |
-$T- |
-$U- |
-$V+ |
-$W- |
-$X+ |
-$YD |
-$Z1 |
-cg |
-AWinTypes=Windows;WinProcs=Windows;DbiTypes=BDE;DbiProcs=BDE;DbiErrs=BDE; |
-H+ |
-W+ |
-M |
-$M16384,1048576 |
-K$00400000 |
/trunk/testuser/help.bat |
0,0 → 1,5 |
@echo off |
testuser |
pause. |
/trunk/testuser/testuser.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/testuser/example.bat |
0,0 → 1,35 |
@echo off |
ping kel > nul |
if /I %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 call :backup_kel |
testuser |
testuser ":HOMECOMP:" |
testuser ":HOMECOMP:" "\\SPR4200\C$\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Daniel Marschall" |
if /I %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto backup_spr4200_dm |
testuser ":HOMECOMP:" "\\SPR4200\C$\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Ursula Marschall" |
if /I %ERRORLEVEL% EQU 0 goto backup_spr4200_um |
goto end |
REM ----------------------- |
:backup_kel |
echo Remote backup script for host KEL |
exit |
REM ----------------------- |
:backup_spr4200_dm |
echo Backup script for Daniel Marschall at SPR4200 |
goto end |
:backup_spr4200_um |
echo Backup script for Ursula Marschall at SPR4200 |
goto end |
:end |
pause. |
/trunk/testuser/icon.ico |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/testuser/Tested with.txt |
0,0 → 1,4 |
Tested with |
- Windows 2000 SP4 |
- Windows 95b + IE4 (with and without profile usage) |
/trunk/testuser/testuser.dpr |
0,0 → 1,143 |
program testuser; |
{$R *.res} |
uses |
SysUtils, |
Functions in 'Functions.pas'; |
type |
EInvalidName = class(Exception); |
const |
C_TEMPLATES: array[0..5] of String = |
resourcestring |
C_EQUAL = '%s = %s'; |
function _GetArgExpect(param1: string): string; |
resourcestring |
LNG_EXCEPTION = 'Unknown value "%s"'; |
begin |
if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[0] then |
begin |
result := Functions.GetUserName; |
end |
else if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[1] then |
begin |
result := Functions.GetComputerName; |
end |
else if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[2] then |
begin |
result := Functions.GetCurrentUserSid; |
end |
else if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[3] then |
begin |
result := Functions.GetHomeDir; |
end |
else if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[4] then |
begin |
result := ExpandEnvironmentStrings('%HOMESHARE%'); |
if result = '%HOMESHARE%' then result := ''; |
end |
else if param1 = C_TEMPLATES[5] then |
begin |
result := Functions.GetHomeDir; |
if result <> '' then |
begin |
result := '\\' + GetComputerName + '\' + StringReplace(result, ':', '$', []); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
raise EInvalidName.CreateFmt(LNG_EXCEPTION, [param1]); |
end; |
end; |
function _MaxTemplateLen: integer; |
var |
i, L: integer; |
begin |
result := -1; |
for i := Low(C_TEMPLATES) to High(C_TEMPLATES) do |
begin |
L := Length(Format(C_TEMPLATE_MARKER, [C_TEMPLATES[i]])); |
if L > result then result := L; |
end; |
end; |
procedure _ShowSyntax; |
resourcestring |
LNG_SYNTAX_1 = 'Syntax:' + #13#10 + '%s [templateString] [comparisonValue]'; |
LNG_SYNTAX_2 = 'templateString may contain following variables:'; |
LNG_SYNTAX_3 = 'If comparisonValue is provided, the value will be compared with templateString ' + #13#10 + |
'where variables are resolved. The ExitCode will be 0 if the values match ' + #13#10 + |
'(case insensitive) or 1 if the value does not match.' + #13#10#13#10 + |
'If comparisonValue is not provided, the value will be printed and the program' + #13#10 + |
'terminates with ExitCode 0.'; |
var |
i: integer; |
s: string; |
maxLen: integer; |
begin |
WriteLn(Format(LNG_SYNTAX_1, [UpperCase(ExtractFileName(ParamStr(0)))])); |
WriteLn(''); |
WriteLn(LNG_SYNTAX_2); |
maxLen := _MaxTemplateLen; |
for i := Low(C_TEMPLATES) to High(C_TEMPLATES) do |
begin |
s := C_TEMPLATES[i]; |
WriteLn(Format(C_EQUAL, [EnforceLength(Format(C_TEMPLATE_MARKER, [s]), |
maxLen, ' ', true), _GetArgExpect(s)])); |
end; |
WriteLn(''); |
WriteLn(LNG_SYNTAX_3); |
WriteLn(''); |
end; |
function _Expand(AInput: string): string; |
var |
i: integer; |
s: string; |
begin |
result := AInput; |
for i := Low(C_TEMPLATES) to High(C_TEMPLATES) do |
begin |
s := C_TEMPLATES[i]; |
result := StringReplace(result, Format(C_TEMPLATE_MARKER, [s]), |
_GetArgExpect(s), [rfIgnoreCase, rfReplaceAll]); |
end; |
end; |
function _Main: integer; |
var |
arg2expect: string; |
begin |
result := 0; |
if (ParamCount() = 0) or (ParamCount() > 2) or (ParamStr(1) = '/?') then |
begin |
_ShowSyntax; |
result := 2; |
Exit; |
end; |
arg2expect := _Expand(ParamStr(1)); |
if ParamCount() = 1 then |
begin |
WriteLn(Format(C_EQUAL, [ParamStr(1), arg2expect])); |
end |
else if ParamCount() = 2 then |
begin |
if not StrICmp(ParamStr(2), arg2expect) then result := 1; |
end; |
end; |
begin |
ExitCode := _Main; |
end. |
/trunk/testuser/todo.txt |
0,0 → 1,0 |
Laufwerksserialnummer finden |
/trunk/testuser/SPGetSid.pas |
0,0 → 1,159 |
(******************************************************************************) |
(* SPGetSid - Retrieve the current user's SID in text format *) |
(* *) |
(* Copyright (c) 2004 Shorter Path Software *) |
(* http://www.shorterpath.com *) |
(******************************************************************************) |
{ |
SID is a data structure of variable length that identifies user, group, |
and computer accounts. |
Every account on a network is issued a unique SID when the account is first created. |
Internal processes in Windows refer to an account's SID |
rather than the account's user or group name. |
} |
unit SPGetSid; |
interface |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils; |
function GetCurrentUserSid: string; |
implementation |
const |
HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY = $00000008; |
SID_REVISION = 1; // Current revision level |
type |
PTokenUser = ^TTokenUser; |
TTokenUser = packed record |
User: TSidAndAttributes; |
end; |
function ConvertSid(Sid: PSID; pszSidText: PChar; var dwBufferLen: DWORD): BOOL; |
var |
psia: PSIDIdentifierAuthority; |
dwSubAuthorities: DWORD; |
dwSidRev: DWORD; |
dwCounter: DWORD; |
dwSidSize: DWORD; |
begin |
Result := False; |
dwSidRev := SID_REVISION; |
if not IsValidSid(Sid) then Exit; |
psia := GetSidIdentifierAuthority(Sid); |
dwSubAuthorities := GetSidSubAuthorityCount(Sid)^; |
dwSidSize := (15 + 12 + (12 * dwSubAuthorities) + 1) * SizeOf(Char); |
if (dwBufferLen < dwSidSize) then |
begin |
dwBufferLen := dwSidSize; |
Exit; |
end; |
StrFmt(pszSidText, 'S-%u-', [dwSidRev]); |
if (psia.Value[0] <> 0) or (psia.Value[1] <> 0) then |
StrFmt(pszSidText + StrLen(pszSidText), |
'0x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x%.2x', |
[psia.Value[0], psia.Value[1], psia.Value[2], |
psia.Value[3], psia.Value[4], psia.Value[5]]) |
else |
StrFmt(pszSidText + StrLen(pszSidText), |
'%u', |
[DWORD(psia.Value[5]) + |
DWORD(psia.Value[4] shl 8) + |
DWORD(psia.Value[3] shl 16) + |
DWORD(psia.Value[2] shl 24)]); |
dwSidSize := StrLen(pszSidText); |
for dwCounter := 0 to dwSubAuthorities - 1 do |
begin |
StrFmt(pszSidText + dwSidSize, '-%u', |
[GetSidSubAuthority(Sid, dwCounter)^]); |
dwSidSize := StrLen(pszSidText); |
end; |
Result := True; |
end; |
function ObtainTextSid(hToken: THandle; pszSid: PChar; |
var dwBufferLen: DWORD): BOOL; |
var |
dwReturnLength: DWORD; |
dwTokenUserLength: DWORD; |
tic: TTokenInformationClass; |
ptu: Pointer; |
begin |
Result := False; |
dwReturnLength := 0; |
dwTokenUserLength := 0; |
tic := TokenUser; |
ptu := nil; |
if not GetTokenInformation(hToken, tic, ptu, dwTokenUserLength, |
dwReturnLength) then |
begin |
begin |
ptu := HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, dwReturnLength); |
if ptu = nil then Exit; |
dwTokenUserLength := dwReturnLength; |
dwReturnLength := 0; |
if not GetTokenInformation(hToken, tic, ptu, dwTokenUserLength, |
dwReturnLength) then Exit; |
end |
else |
Exit; |
end; |
if not ConvertSid((PTokenUser(ptu).User).Sid, pszSid, dwBufferLen) then Exit; |
if not HeapFree(GetProcessHeap, 0, ptu) then Exit; |
Result := True; |
end; |
function GetCurrentUserSid: string; |
var |
hAccessToken: THandle; |
bSuccess: BOOL; |
dwBufferLen: DWORD; |
szSid: array[0..260] of Char; |
begin |
Result := ''; |
bSuccess := OpenThreadToken(GetCurrentThread, TOKEN_QUERY, True, |
hAccessToken); |
if not bSuccess then |
begin |
if GetLastError = ERROR_NO_TOKEN then |
bSuccess := OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess, TOKEN_QUERY, |
hAccessToken); |
end; |
if bSuccess then |
begin |
ZeroMemory(@szSid, SizeOf(szSid)); |
dwBufferLen := SizeOf(szSid); |
if ObtainTextSid(hAccessToken, szSid, dwBufferLen) then |
Result := szSid; |
CloseHandle(hAccessToken); |
end; |
end; |
end. |
/trunk/testuser/testuser.dof |
0,0 → 1,90 |
[FileVersion] |
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[Parameters] |
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Locale=1033 |
CodePage=1252 |
[Version Info Keys] |
CompanyName=ViaThinkSoft |
FileDescription=Tests username and other values |
FileVersion= |
InternalName=TestUser |
LegalCopyright=Copyright 2012 ViaThinkSoft |
LegalTrademarks=Keine |
OriginalFilename=testuser.exe |
ProductName=ViaThinkSoft Smart Delphi Utils |
ProductVersion= |
Webseite=www.viathinksoft.de |
Projektleiter=Daniel Marschall - www.daniel-marschall.de |
/trunk/testuser/testuser.res |
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