Subversion Repositories stackman

Compare Revisions

No changes between revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 12 → Rev 13

0,0 → 1,155
<Project xmlns="">
<Config Condition="'$(Config)'==''">Debug</Config>
<Platform Condition="'$(Platform)'==''">Win32</Platform>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Base' or '$(Base)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(Base)'=='true') or '$(Base_Win32)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win64' and '$(Base)'=='true') or '$(Base_Win64)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Release' or '$(Cfg_1)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(Cfg_1)'=='true') or '$(Cfg_1_Win32)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Config)'=='Debug' or '$(Cfg_2)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="('$(Platform)'=='Win32' and '$(Cfg_2)'=='true') or '$(Cfg_2_Win32)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base)'!=''">
<VerInfo_Keys>CompanyName=ViaThinkSoft;FileDescription=Textfile appender and stroker;FileVersion=;InternalName=STACKMAN;LegalCopyright=© Copyright 2009 ViaThinkSoft;LegalTrademarks=Keine;OriginalFilename=StackMan.exe;ProductName=ViaThinkSoft Stack Manager;ProductVersion=;Comments=;;Projektleiter=Daniel Marschall -</VerInfo_Keys>
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base_Win32)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Base_Win64)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_1)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_1_Win32)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_2)'!=''">
<PropertyGroup Condition="'$(Cfg_2_Win32)'!=''">
<DelphiCompile Include="$(MainSource)">
<DCCReference Include="main.PAS">
<DCCReference Include="appender.pas">
<DCCReference Include="texteditor.pas">
<DCCReference Include="ABOUT.PAS">
<DCCReference Include="categories.pas">
<DCCReference Include="NAME.PAS">
<DCCReference Include="global.pas"/>
<DCCReference Include="JOURNAL.PAS">
<BuildConfiguration Include="Base">
<BuildConfiguration Include="Release">
<BuildConfiguration Include="Debug">
<Source Name="MainSource">StackMan.dpr</Source>
<Platform value="Win32">True</Platform>
<Platform value="Win64">False</Platform>
<Import Project="$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets" Condition="Exists('$(BDS)\Bin\CodeGear.Delphi.Targets')"/>
<Import Project="$(APPDATA)\Embarcadero\$(BDSAPPDATABASEDIR)\$(PRODUCTVERSION)\UserTools.proj" Condition="Exists('$(APPDATA)\Embarcadero\$(BDSAPPDATABASEDIR)\$(PRODUCTVERSION)\UserTools.proj')"/>
45,8 → 45,8
;Name: "{group}\Webseiten\ViaThinkSoft"; Filename: ""
Name: "{group}\Stack Manager"; Filename: "{app}\StackMan.exe"
Name: "{group}\Stack Manager deinstallieren"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
Name: "{userdesktop}\Stack Manager"; Filename: "{app}\StackMan.exe"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
;Name: "{group}\Stack Manager deinstallieren"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"
Name: "{autodesktop}\Stack Manager"; Filename: "{app}\StackMan.exe"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon
Filename: "{app}\StackMan.exe"; Description: "Stack Manager starten"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
1,13 → 1,12
object MDIAppender: TMDIAppender
Left = 215
Top = 137
Width = 361
Height = 199
ClientHeight = 140
ClientWidth = 345
Color = clBtnFace
ParentFont = True
FormStyle = fsMDIChild
Menu = MainMenu
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poDefault
Visible = True
OnClose = FormClose
14,24 → 13,27
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnCreate = FormCreate
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
TextHeight = 15
object VSplitter: TSplitter
Left = 0
Top = 94
Width = 353
Top = 81
Width = 345
Height = 2
Cursor = crVSplit
Align = alBottom
ExplicitTop = 94
ExplicitWidth = 353
object topPanel: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 353
Height = 94
Width = 345
Height = 81
Align = alClient
BevelOuter = bvNone
TabOrder = 0
ExplicitWidth = 353
ExplicitHeight = 94
object CheckListBox1: TCheckListBox
Left = 0
Top = 0
48,12 → 50,14
object bottomPanel: TPanel
Left = 0
Top = 96
Width = 353
Top = 83
Width = 345
Height = 57
Align = alBottom
BevelOuter = bvNone
TabOrder = 1
ExplicitTop = 96
ExplicitWidth = 353
object newLineEdt: TMemo
Left = 0
Top = 0
4,7 → 4,7
SysUtils, Windows, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls,
Dialogs, Menus, ImgList, ShellAPI, CheckLst;
Dialogs, Menus, ImgList, ShellAPI, CheckLst, System.UITypes;
TMDIAppender = class(TForm)
4,7 → 4,7
SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs, Forms, Windows, ShellAPI, Controls,
ComCtrls, WinInet;
ComCtrls, WinInet, System.UITypes;
TAMode = (emUnknown, emFolder, emText, emAppender, emForeign);
5,7 → 5,7
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Forms, Controls, Menus,
StdCtrls, Dialogs, Buttons, Messages, ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, StdActns,
ActnList, ToolWin, ImgList, ShellAPI;
ActnList, ToolWin, ImgList, ShellAPI, System.ImageList, System.Actions;
TMainForm = class(TForm)
174,13 → 174,13
lng_caption_information = 'Information';
lng_update_new_version = 'Eine neue Programmversion (%s) ist vorhanden. Möchten Sie diese jetzt herunterladen?';
url_comparison = '';
url_version = '';
url_download = '';
url_comparison = '';
url_version = '';
url_download = '';
res_nothing = 'NO_UPDATES';
res_updates = 'UPDATE_AVAILABLE';
temp: string;
temp: RawByteString;
temp := GetHTML(Format(url_comparison, [abbreviation, thisversion]));
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
1,9 → 1,9
object MDITextEditor: TMDITextEditor
Left = 255
Top = 367
Width = 347
Height = 180
Caption = 'Text-Editor'
ClientHeight = 121
ClientWidth = 331
Color = clBtnFace
Font.Color = clWindowText
12,19 → 12,17
Font.Style = []
FormStyle = fsMDIChild
Menu = MainMenu1
OldCreateOrder = False
Position = poDefault
Visible = True
OnClose = FormClose
OnCloseQuery = FormCloseQuery
OnShow = FormShow
PixelsPerInch = 96
TextHeight = 13
object Memo1: TMemo
Left = 0
Top = 0
Width = 339
Height = 134
Width = 331
Height = 121
Align = alClient
Font.Color = clWindowText
35,6 → 33,8
ScrollBars = ssVertical
TabOrder = 0
OnChange = Memo1Change
ExplicitWidth = 339
ExplicitHeight = 134
object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
Images = MainForm.ImageList2
4,7 → 4,7
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms,
Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, ShellAPI, ExtCtrls;
Dialogs, StdCtrls, Menus, ShellAPI, ExtCtrls, System.UITypes;
TMDITextEditor = class(TForm)
Property changes:
Added: svn:global-ignores
Added: svn:ignore