0,0 → 1,1461 |
unit DXGlueItEdit; |
//(c)2007 Jaro Benes |
//All Rights Reserved |
{ |
Complex application for users of unDelphiX as component editor: |
Supported: |
a) many small images glue into one image. |
b) generate font image as one image with subpictures. |
c) use image effect for DIB. |
d) animation the glued image and font preview. |
e) restructuralize of images to square size or unlimeted in one size direction up 2048 px. |
f) it works in 24bit deepth always. |
g) store into DXImageList directly. |
h) reset of transparent color. |
i) force size for all images with different size. |
j) use the loupe preview for glued image (in preview page). |
k) generate mask for alphachannel for characters of fonts. |
} |
interface |
{$I DelphiXcfg.inc} |
uses |
Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, ShellAPI, StdCtrls, Dialogs, |
DXClass, DIB, jpeg, Menus, DXDraws, ComCtrls, Buttons, Controls, ExtCtrls, Forms, |
{$IFDEF VER17UP}System.UITypes,{$ENDIF} |
ExtDlgs,{$IFDEF VER6UP} Types,{$ENDIF} ActnList, ImgList; |
type |
TOperationGlueIt = (ogiNew, ogiEdit); |
{injected class} |
TEdit = class(StdCtrls.TEdit) |
private |
function GetAsInteger: Integer; |
procedure SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); |
published |
public |
property AsInteger: Integer read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; |
end; |
TDXGlueItEditor = class(TForm) |
OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog; |
DXTimer1: TDXTimer; |
SaveDialog1: TSaveDialog; |
DXImageList1: TDXImageList; |
Panel5: TPanel; |
btnExit: TButton; |
Button1: TButton; |
PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu; |
LoadImagedirectly1: TMenuItem; |
mainPageControl: TPageControl; |
tsGlueIt: TTabSheet; |
tsFontGen: TTabSheet; |
Panel1: TPanel; |
grManagementOfTheFrames: TGroupBox; |
Panel4: TPanel; |
chbCrop: TCheckBox; |
chbCentered: TCheckBox; |
ListBox1: TListBox; |
Panel3: TPanel; |
btnAddImages: TSpeedButton; |
btnDeleteSelected: TSpeedButton; |
btnClearAll: TSpeedButton; |
btnSave: TSpeedButton; |
btnGlueIt: TSpeedButton; |
btnGlue2Iso: TSpeedButton; |
btnUpSelection: TSpeedButton; |
btnDownSelection: TSpeedButton; |
chbTransparent: TCheckBox; |
Panel2: TPanel; |
grPictureAnimationPreview: TGroupBox; |
DXDraw1: TDXDraw; |
Panel6: TPanel; |
btnStop: TSpeedButton; |
btnPlay: TSpeedButton; |
LAnimationSpeed: TLabel; |
pbAnimationSpeed: TProgressBar; |
tsPreview: TTabSheet; |
GroupBox1: TGroupBox; |
Panel7: TPanel; |
ScrollBox1: TScrollBox; |
Image1: TImage; |
GroupBox4: TGroupBox; |
Panel8: TPanel; |
gbFontSettings: TGroupBox; |
Label1: TLabel; |
Label4: TLabel; |
Label10: TLabel; |
cbFontName: TComboBox; |
FontSize: TEdit; |
gbFontEffects: TGroupBox; |
Label5: TLabel; |
Label7: TLabel; |
eOffset: TEdit; |
eOpacity: TEdit; |
gbColorSettings: TGroupBox; |
Label14: TLabel; |
Label15: TLabel; |
btnFontGenerate: TButton; |
FontPageControl: TPageControl; |
tsFont: TTabSheet; |
ScrollBox2: TScrollBox; |
imgFont: TImage; |
tsMask: TTabSheet; |
ScrollBox3: TScrollBox; |
imgMask: TImage; |
tsPreviewFont: TTabSheet; |
PreviewMemo: TMemo; |
PreviewDraw: TDXDraw; |
PreviewTimer: TDXTimer; |
FontDXImageList: TDXImageList; |
Label16: TLabel; |
btnAllChars: TButton; |
memAlphabet: TMemo; |
cbAntialias: TCheckBox; |
cbDrawGrid: TCheckBox; |
SavePictureDialog: TSavePictureDialog; |
ColorDialog: TColorDialog; |
pnlFG: TPanel; |
pnlBG: TPanel; |
Panel20: TPanel; |
btnABold: TSpeedButton; |
btnAItalic: TSpeedButton; |
btnAUnderline: TSpeedButton; |
Label11: TLabel; |
Sources: TMemo; |
Panel9: TPanel; |
btnFontAnimationStop: TSpeedButton; |
btnFontAnimationStart: TSpeedButton; |
Splitter1: TSplitter; |
Splitter2: TSplitter; |
Panel10: TPanel; |
LDuration: TLabel; |
Label6: TLabel; |
pbDuration: TProgressBar; |
cbEffectsList: TComboBox; |
btnApply: TButton; |
Panel11: TPanel; |
grSubimages: TGroupBox; |
LPatternWidth: TLabel; |
LPatternHeight: TLabel; |
ePatternWidth: TEdit; |
ePatternHeight: TEdit; |
btnResize: TButton; |
btnReplace: TButton; |
Panel12: TPanel; |
SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton; |
SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton; |
Label2: TLabel; |
panTColor: TPanel; |
EWidthOfImages: TEdit; |
EHeightOfImages: TEdit; |
LWidthOfImages: TLabel; |
LHeightOfImages: TLabel; |
chbForceSize: TCheckBox; |
ImageList1: TImageList; |
ActionList1: TActionList; |
acAddImages: TAction; |
acDeleteAll: TAction; |
acDeleteOne: TAction; |
acSaveToFile: TAction; |
acGlueIt: TAction; |
acGlueIzonometrics: TAction; |
acUpSelection: TAction; |
acDownSelection: TAction; |
acAnimateOn: TAction; |
acAnimateStop: TAction; |
acAnimeFontOff: TAction; |
acAnimeFontOn: TAction; |
Image2: TImage; |
GroupBox2: TGroupBox; |
Label13: TLabel; |
Label17: TLabel; |
Label18: TLabel; |
Label19: TLabel; |
Slider: TTrackBar; |
chbZoomOut: TCheckBox; |
CheckBox1: TCheckBox; |
btnGetTransparentcolor: TSpeedButton; |
btnCrop: TSpeedButton; |
btnFill: TSpeedButton; |
SpeedButton10: TSpeedButton; |
SpeedButton11: TSpeedButton; |
SpeedButton12: TSpeedButton; |
SpeedButton13: TSpeedButton; |
btnWand: TSpeedButton; |
btnMask: TSpeedButton; |
acLoadImage: TAction; |
acSaveImage: TAction; |
acGetTransparent: TAction; |
Label8: TLabel; |
panBColor: TPanel; |
Panel13: TPanel; |
EFromImage: TEdit; |
EToImage: TEdit; |
Label3: TLabel; |
LToImage: TLabel; |
chbAutoAply: TCheckBox; |
procedure chbAutoAplyClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure pbDurationMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure pbDurationMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure cbEffectsListChange(Sender: TObject); |
procedure chbForceSizeClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure acGetTransparentExecute(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Image1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure btnGetTransparentcolorClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnResizeClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnReplaceClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnFontAnimationStartClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnFontAnimationStopClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure PreviewMemoChange(Sender: TObject); |
procedure PreviewTimerTimer(Sender: TObject; LagCount: Integer); |
procedure btnAUnderlineClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnAItalicClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnABoldClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnFontGenerateClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure btnAllCharsClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure pnlFGClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure cbFontNameDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); |
procedure pbAnimationSpeedMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
procedure DXDraw1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
procedure LoadImagedirectly1Click(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnApplyClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure pbDurationMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
procedure ListBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); |
procedure ListBox1MeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
var Height: Integer); |
procedure ListBox1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure ListBox1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; |
State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); |
procedure ListBox1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure DXTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject; LagCount: Integer); |
procedure btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnAddImagesClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnClearAllClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnUpSelectionClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnDownSelectionClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnDeleteSelectedClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnGlueItClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnExitClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
procedure ActionList1Update(Action: TBasicAction; |
var Handled: Boolean); |
procedure chbZoomOutClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
procedure mainPageControlChange(Sender: TObject); |
private |
{ Private declarations } |
tmpPicture: TPicture; |
StartingPoint: TPoint; |
FDuration: Integer; |
ListObjects: TStringList; |
dX, dY: Integer; |
FFontStyles: TFontStyles; |
charArr: string; |
sizesArr: array of Integer; |
Zdvih: Integer; |
WPattern: Integer; |
InitIntInMs: Integer; |
WCounter: Integer; |
FOperationGlueIt: TOperationGlueIt; |
SelectionOfTransparentColor: Boolean; |
procedure WMDropFiles(var Message: TWMDropFiles); message wm_DropFiles; |
procedure RestructuralizeWithResize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; TranspColor: TColor = clMaroon); |
procedure SetOperationGlueIt(const Value: TOperationGlueIt); |
procedure DoBitmapEffect(Picture: TPicture); |
public |
{ Public declarations } |
property Operation: TOperationGlueIt read FOperationGlueIt write SetOperationGlueIt; |
procedure LoadImageFromList(const iName: string; Image: TPicture; PatternWidth, |
PatternHeight: Integer; Transparent: Boolean; TransparentColor: Integer); |
procedure SaveImageIntoList(oItem: TPictureCollectionItem); |
end; |
var |
DXGlueItEditor: TDXGlueItEditor; |
implementation |
{$R *.DFM} |
uses {$IFDEF StandardDX}DirectDraw{$ELSE}DirectX{$ENDIF}; |
{ TEdit } |
function TEdit.GetAsInteger: Integer; |
begin |
try |
Result := StrToInt(Self.Text); |
except |
Result := 0; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TEdit.SetAsInteger(const Value: Integer); |
begin |
Self.Text := IntToStr(Value) |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnStopClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
DXTimer1.Enabled := False; |
end; |
{ TDXGlueItEditor } |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnAddImagesClick(Sender: TObject); |
var |
i: Integer; |
TI: TPicture; |
begin |
if OpenDialog1.Execute then |
if OpenDialog1.Files.Count > 0 then begin |
ListObjects.Clear; |
with OpenDialog1.Files do |
for I := 0 to Count - 1 do |
if FileExists(Strings[I]) then |
begin |
TI := TPicture.Create; |
TI.LoadFromFile(Strings[I]); |
EWidthOfImages.AsInteger := Max(EWidthOfImages.AsInteger, TI.Width); |
EHeightOfImages.AsInteger := Max(EHeightOfImages.AsInteger, TI.Height); |
ListObjects.AddObject(Strings[I], TI); |
end; |
ListBox1.Items.Assign(ListObjects); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnClearAllClick(Sender: TObject); |
var |
I: Integer; |
begin |
if MessageDlg('Do you really want delete all frames?', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo then Exit; |
btnStop.Click; |
for I := 0 to ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do (ListBox1.Items.Objects[I] as TPicture).Free; |
ListBox1.Clear; |
ListObjects.Clear; |
DXImageList1.Items.Clear; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnUpSelectionClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if ListBox1.ItemIndex > 0 then begin |
btnStop.Click; |
ListBox1.Items.Move(ListBox1.ItemIndex, ListBox1.ItemIndex - 1); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnDownSelectionClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if (ListBox1.ItemIndex <> -1) and (ListBox1.ItemIndex < (ListBox1.Items.Count - 1)) then begin |
btnStop.Click; |
ListBox1.Items.Move(ListBox1.ItemIndex, ListBox1.ItemIndex + 1); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnDeleteSelectedClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if ListBox1.ItemIndex <> -1 then begin |
if MessageDlg('Do you want delete selected item?', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes then begin |
(ListBox1.Items.Objects[ListBox1.ItemIndex] as TPicture).Free; |
ListObjects.Delete(ListBox1.ItemIndex); |
ListBox1.Items.Delete(ListBox1.ItemIndex); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
var |
cnt: Integer; |
begin |
DXImageList1.Items.MakeColorTable; |
DXDraw1.ColorTable := DXImageList1.Items.ColorTable; |
DXDraw1.DefColorTable := DXImageList1.Items.ColorTable; |
DXDraw1.UpdatePalette; |
tmpPicture := TPicture.Create; |
ListObjects := TStringList.Create; |
DragAcceptFiles(Handle, True); |
WPattern := 0; InitIntInMs := 200; //5 pict per sec |
WCounter := 0; |
for cnt := 0 to Screen.Fonts.Count - 1 do |
cbFontName.Items.Add(Screen.Fonts.Strings[cnt]); |
pbAnimationSpeed.Position := 200; |
pbDuration.Position := 5; |
mainPageControl.ActivePage := tsGlueIt; |
FontPageControl.ActivePage := tsPreviewFont; |
if chbZoomOut.Checked then Image1.OnMouseMove := Image1MouseMove |
else Image1.OnMouseMove := nil; |
Tag := 0; |
pbAnimationSpeed.Smooth := True; |
pbDuration.Smooth := True; |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.SaveImageIntoList(oItem: TPictureCollectionItem); |
begin |
oItem.Picture.Assign(DXImageList1.Items[0].Picture); |
oItem.Transparent := DXImageList1.Items[0].Transparent; |
oItem.TransparentColor := DXImageList1.Items[0].TransparentColor; |
oItem.Name := DXImageList1.Items[0].Name; |
oItem.PatternWidth := DXImageList1.Items[0].Width; |
oItem.PatternHeight := DXImageList1.Items[0].Height; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.LoadImageFromList(const iName: string; Image: TPicture; |
PatternWidth, PatternHeight: Integer; Transparent: Boolean; TransparentColor: Integer); |
{function for loading existing image from dximagelist do component editor} |
var |
D: TPictureCollectionItem; |
begin |
btnPlay.Click; |
DXImageList1.Items.Clear; |
D := TPictureCollectionItem(DXImageList1.Items.Add); |
D.Picture.Assign(Image); |
D.Name := Name; |
Image1.Picture.Assign(Image); |
D.PatternWidth := PatternWidth; |
D.PatternHeight := PatternHeight; |
D.Transparent := Transparent; |
D.TransparentColor := TransparentColor; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
ePatternWidth.AsInteger := PatternWidth; |
ePatternHeight.AsInteger := PatternHeight; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnGlueItClick(Sender: TObject); |
// function GetScale(SourceWidth, SourceHeight, TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer): Single; |
// from DIB unit |
// var |
// XScale, YScale: Single; |
// begin |
// XScale := 1; |
// YScale := 1; |
// if TargetWidth < SourceWidth then |
// XScale := TargetWidth / SourceWidth; |
// if TargetHeight < SourceHeight then |
// YScale := TargetHeight / SourceHeight; |
// Result := XScale; |
// if YScale < Result then |
// Result := YScale; |
// end; |
var |
i: Integer; |
XL, YL, X, Y, QX, QY: Integer; |
P: TPicture; |
C: Double; |
Rz: Integer; |
B, BB: TBitmap; Icon: TIcon; DIB: TDIB; |
CI: TPictureCollectionItem; |
ImageIsBigger: Boolean; |
OldName: string; |
begin |
XL := 0; YL := 0; |
B := TBitmap.Create; |
B.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
try |
if chbForceSize.Checked then begin |
XL := EWidthOfImages.AsInteger; |
YL := EHeightOfImages.AsInteger; |
end |
else begin |
//must be the same size |
for i := 0 to ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do begin |
P := ListBox1.Items.Objects[i] as TPicture; |
if Assigned(P) then begin |
XL := Max(XL, P.Width); |
YL := Max(YL, P.Height); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
//square od image |
C := Sqrt(ListBox1.Items.Count); |
Rz := Trunc(C); |
if Frac(C) > 0 then Inc(Rz); |
//dimension of Image |
B.Width := Rz * XL; |
B.Height := Rz * YL; |
{set color by user settings} |
B.Canvas.Brush.Color := panBColor.Color; |
B.Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, B.Width, B.Height)); |
for i := 0 to ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 do begin |
P := ListBox1.Items.Objects[i] as TPicture; |
if Assigned(P) then begin |
if P.Graphic is TIcon then begin |
Icon := (P.Graphic as TIcon); |
BB := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
BB.Width := Icon.Width; |
BB.Height := Icon.Height; |
BB.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Icon); |
BB.Transparent := True; |
P.Graphic := BB; |
finally |
BB.Free; |
end; |
end; |
X := (i mod Rz) * XL; |
Y := (i div Rz) * YL; |
if chbForceSize.Checked then begin |
ImageIsBigger := (P.Width > XL) or (P.Height > YL); |
if ImageIsBigger then begin |
{image will be crop} |
if chbCrop.Checked then begin |
B.Canvas.CopyRect(Bounds(X, Y, XL, YL), P.Bitmap.Canvas, Bounds(0, 0, XL, YL)) |
end |
else begin {image will be shrink} |
C := GetScale(P.Width, P.Height, XL, YL); |
DIB := TDIB.Create; |
try |
DIB.SetSize(P.Width, P.Height, 24); |
DIB.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, P.Graphic); |
DIB.DoResample(Round(P.Width * C), Round(P.Height * C), ftrLanczos3); |
B.Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(X, Y, Round(P.Width * C), Round(P.Height * C)), {P.Graphic} DIB); |
finally |
DIB.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end |
else begin |
QX := 0; |
QY := 0; |
if chbCentered.Checked then begin |
QX := (XL - P.Width) div 2; |
QY := (YL - P.Height) div 2; |
end; |
if not chbTransparent.Checked then |
B.Canvas.Draw(X + QX, Y + QY, P.Graphic) |
else |
B.Canvas.BrushCopy(Bounds(X + QX, Y + QY, P.Width, P.Height), P.Bitmap, Bounds(0, 0, P.Width, P.Height), P.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, P.Height - 1]); |
end; |
end |
else |
if not chbTransparent.Checked then |
B.Canvas.Draw(X, Y, P.Graphic) |
else |
B.Canvas.BrushCopy(Bounds(X, Y, XL, YL), P.Bitmap, Bounds(0, 0, XL, YL), P.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, P.Height - 1]); |
end; |
end; |
Image1.Picture.Assign(B); |
{reset after image assign} |
cbEffectsList.ItemIndex := -1; pbDuration.Position := 5; chbAutoAply.Checked := False; |
OldName := 'Test'; |
if DXImageList1.Items.Count > 0 then |
if Operation = ogiEdit then |
OldName := DXImageList1.Items[0].Name; {puvodni jmeno} |
DXImageList1.Items.Clear; |
CI := TPictureCollectionItem(DXImageList1.Items.Add); |
CI.Name := OldName; |
CI.Picture.Assign(B); |
CI.Transparent := chbTransparent.Checked; |
CI.PatternWidth := XL; |
CI.PatternHeight := YL; |
ePatternWidth.AsInteger := XL; |
ePatternHeight.AsInteger := YL; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
EFromImage.AsInteger := 1; |
EToImage.AsInteger := ListBox1.Items.Count; |
finally |
B.Free; |
end; |
mainPageControl.ActivePage := tsPreview; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnPlayClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
DXTimer1.Enabled := True; |
if Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty then |
btnStop.Click; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnSaveClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if MessageDlg('Do you want save image to file?', mtWarning, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo then Exit; |
if SaveDialog1.Execute then |
Image1.Picture.SaveToFile(SaveDialog1.FileName); |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnExitClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
btnStop.Click; |
btnFontAnimationStop.Click; |
Tag := 1; |
Close |
end; |
function SpeedConst(InitValue, PerSec, LagCount: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline; {$ENDIF} |
begin |
Result := InitValue + (PerSec * Round(LagCount / 1000)) |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.DXTimer1Timer(Sender: TObject; LagCount: Integer); |
begin |
if DXImageList1.Items.Count <= 0 then Exit; |
if not DXDraw1.CanDraw then Exit; |
DXDraw1.Surface.Fill(DXDraw1.Surface.ColorMatch(clBlack)); |
DXDraw1.BeginScene; |
try |
{clear surface with predefined windows color} |
DXDraw1.Surface.Fill(DXDraw1.Surface.ColorMatch(clBlack)); |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
{All drawing here like} |
Inc(WCounter, LagCount); |
{timming} |
if WCounter > InitIntInMs then begin |
Inc(WPattern); |
if WPattern > DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternCount then WPattern := 0; |
{only for interval from EFromImage to EToImage} |
if WPattern > (EToImage.AsInteger - 1) then WPattern := EFromImage.AsInteger - 1; |
{reset counter} |
WCounter := 0; |
end; |
{drawing} |
with DXImageList1.Items[0] do |
Draw(DXDraw1.Surface, dX-(Width div 2), dY-(Height div 2), WPattern); |
//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
finally |
DXDraw1.EndScene; |
end; |
{ Draw FrameRate } |
with DXDraw1.Surface.Canvas do |
try |
Brush.Style := bsClear; |
Font.Color := clWhite; |
Font.Size := 10; |
Textout(3, 3, 'FPS: ' + IntToStr(DXTimer1.FrameRate)); |
if doHardware in DXDraw1.NowOptions then begin |
Textout(3, 14, 'Device: Hardware'); |
end |
else begin |
Textout(3, 14, 'Device: Software'); |
end; |
finally |
Release; { Indispensability } |
end; |
DXDraw1.Flip; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
tmpPicture.Free; |
ListObjects.Free; |
DragAcceptFiles(Handle, False); |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ListBox1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
StartingPoint.X := X; |
StartingPoint.Y := Y; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ListBox1DragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; |
State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); |
begin |
Accept := Source = ListBox1; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ListBox1DragDrop(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer); |
var |
DropPosition, StartPosition: Integer; |
DropPoint: TPoint; |
begin |
DropPoint.X := X; |
DropPoint.Y := Y; |
with Source as TListBox do |
begin |
StartPosition := ItemAtPos(StartingPoint, True); |
DropPosition := ItemAtPos(DropPoint, True); |
Items.Move(StartPosition, DropPosition); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.WMDropFiles(var Message: TWMDropFiles); |
var |
FileCount, I: Integer; |
FileName: PChar; |
FileNameSize: Integer; |
S: string; |
TI: TPicture; |
begin |
try |
FileCount := DragQueryFile(Message.Drop, Cardinal(-1), nil, 0); |
for I := 0 to FileCount - 1 do |
begin |
FileNameSize := DragQueryFile(Message.Drop, I, nil, 0); |
FileName := AllocMem(FileNameSize + 1); |
try |
DragQueryFile(Message.Drop, I, FileName, FileNameSize + 1); |
S := ExtractFileExt(Filename); |
if (S = '.bmp') or (S = '.dib') or (S = '.jpg') then begin |
TI := TPicture.Create; |
TI.LoadFromFile(Filename); |
ListBox1.Items.AddObject(FileName, TObject(TI)); |
end; |
finally |
FreeMem(FileName); |
end; |
end; |
finally |
DragFinish(Message.Drop); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ListBox1MeasureItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
var Height: Integer); |
var |
I: TPicture; |
begin |
I := TPicture(ListObjects.Objects[Index]); |
if Assigned(I) then |
Height := I.Height; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ListBox1DrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); |
var |
I: TPicture; Ri: TRect; S: string; A: array[0..255] of Char; |
Dest, Src: TRect; Icon: TIcon; B: TBitmap; |
begin |
ListBox1.Canvas.FillRect(Rect); |
I := ListBox1.Items.Objects[Index] as TPicture; |
if Assigned(I) then begin |
if I.Graphic is TIcon then begin |
Icon := (I.Graphic as TIcon); |
B := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
B.Width := Icon.Width; |
B.Height := Icon.Height; |
B.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Icon); |
B.Transparent := True; |
I.Graphic := B; |
finally |
B.Free; |
end; |
end; |
Dest := Rect; |
Dest.Right := I.Width - 1; |
Src := Bounds(0, 0, I.Width, I.Height); |
if chbTransparent.Checked then |
ListBox1.Canvas.BrushCopy(Dest, I.Bitmap, Src, I.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[0, I.Height]) |
else |
ListBox1.Canvas.Draw(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, I.Graphic); |
Ri := Rect; |
Ri.Left := Ri.Left + 4 + I.Width; |
S := ExtractFileName(ListBox1.Items[Index]); |
DrawText(ListBox1.Canvas.Handle, StrPCopy(A, S), -1, Ri, dt_SingleLine or dt_Left or dt_VCenter); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.pbDurationMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
var |
newPosition: integer; |
begin |
with Sender as TProgressBar do begin |
if ssLeft in Shift then |
begin |
Cursor := crHSplit; |
newPosition := Round(x * Max / ClientWidth); |
Position := newPosition; |
end |
else |
begin |
Cursor := crDefault; |
end; |
FDuration := Position; |
LDuration.Caption := Format('Duration (%d)', [FDuration]); |
end; |
if ssLeft in Shift then |
if chbAutoAply.Checked and (cbEffectsList.ItemIndex <> -1) and not tmpPicture.Graphic.Empty then begin |
DoBitmapEffect(tmpPicture); |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.DoBitmapEffect(Picture: TPicture); |
var |
I, dX, dY: Integer; |
tbp: Integer; |
begin |
TT := TDIB.Create; |
try |
if Assigned(Picture.Bitmap) then |
TT.Assign(Picture.Bitmap) |
else begin |
TT.Width := Picture.Width; |
TT.Height := Picture.Height; |
TT.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Picture.Graphic); |
end; |
dX := TT.Width; |
dY := TT.Height; |
if pbDuration.Position > 5 then |
begin |
dX := Trunc(pbDuration.Position / 100 * TT.Width); |
dY := Trunc(pbDuration.Position / 100 * TT.Height); |
end; |
tbp := pbDuration.Position; |
{ E F F E C T S } |
with TT do |
case cbEffectsList.ItemIndex of |
0: DoGaussianBlur(tbp); |
1: DoSplitBlur(tbp); |
2: DoAddColorNoise(tbp * 3); |
3: DoAddMonoNoise(tbp * 3); |
4: for i := 1 to tbp do DoAntiAlias; |
5: DoContrast(tbp * 3); |
6: DoFishEye(tbp div 10 + 1); |
7: DoLightness(tbp * 2); |
8: DoDarkness(tbp * 2); |
9: DoSaturation(255 - ((tbp * 255) div 100)); |
10: DoMosaic(tbp div 2); |
11: DoTwist(200 - (tbp * 2) + 1); |
12: DoSplitlight(tbp div 20); |
13: DoTile(tbp div 10); |
14: DoSpotLight(tbp, Rect(tbp, tbp, tbp + tbp * 2, tbp + tbp * 2)); |
15: DoTrace(tbp div 10); |
16: for i := 1 to tbp do DoEmboss; |
17: DoSolorize(255 - ((tbp * 255) div 100)); |
18: DoPosterize(((tbp * 255) div 100) + 1); |
19: DoGrayscale; |
20: DoInvert; |
21: DoBrightness(tbp); |
22: DoColorize(clRed, clBlue); |
{resampling functions} |
23: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrBox); |
24: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrTriangle); |
25: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrHermite); |
26: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrBell); |
27: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrBSpline); |
28: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrLanczos3); |
29: DoResample(dX, dY, ftrMitchell); |
end; {Case} |
Image1.Picture.Bitmap := TT.CreateBitmapFromDIB; |
Image1.Invalidate; |
finally |
TT.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnApplyClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if not Assigned(Image1.Picture.Graphic) then begin |
MessageDlg('Not graphics found in image, please glue it first.', mtWarning, [mbOK], 0); |
Exit; |
end; |
btnApply.Enabled := False; |
Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; |
try |
DoBitmapEffect(Image1.Picture); Application.ProcessMessages; |
finally |
Screen.Cursor := crDefault; |
btnApply.Enabled := True; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.LoadImagedirectly1Click(Sender: TObject); |
var |
Q: TPictureCollectionItem; |
begin |
OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options - [ofAllowMultiSelect]; |
try |
if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin |
Image1.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); |
DXImageList1.Items.Clear; |
Q := TPictureCollectionItem(DXImageList1.Items.Add); |
Q.Name := ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1.FileName); |
Q.Picture.LoadFromFile(OpenDialog1.FileName); |
Q.Transparent := True; |
if Q.Picture.Graphic is TBitmap then begin |
Q.TransparentColor := Q.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[Q.Width - 1, Q.Height - 1]; |
panTColor.Color := Q.TransparentColor; |
end; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
end; |
finally |
OpenDialog1.Options := OpenDialog1.Options + [ofAllowMultiSelect] |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.DXDraw1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
begin |
dX := X; |
dY := Y; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.pbAnimationSpeedMouseMove(Sender: TObject; Shift: TShiftState; X, |
Y: Integer); |
var |
newPosition: integer; |
begin |
with Sender as TProgressBar do begin |
if ssLeft in Shift then |
begin |
Cursor := crHSplit; |
newPosition := Round(x * Max / ClientWidth); |
Position := newPosition; |
end |
else |
begin |
Cursor := crDefault; |
end; |
InitIntInMs := Position; |
LAnimationSpeed.Caption := Format('Animation speed (%f/sec):', [InitIntInMs / 1000]); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.cbFontNameDrawItem(Control: TWinControl; Index: Integer; |
Rect: TRect; State: TOwnerDrawState); |
begin |
with (Control as TComboBox).Canvas do |
begin |
Font.Name := Screen.Fonts.Strings[Index]; |
//Font.Size := seSize.AsInteger; |
FillRect(Rect); |
TextOut(Rect.Left, Rect.Top, PChar(Screen.Fonts.Strings[Index])) |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.pnlFGClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
ColorDialog.Color := (Sender as TPanel).Color; |
if ColorDialog.Execute then |
(Sender as TPanel).Color := ColorDialog.Color; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnAllCharsClick(Sender: TObject); |
var |
I: Integer; |
S: string; |
begin |
S := ''; |
for I := 0 to 255 do |
if Char(I) < ' ' then S := S + ' ' else S := S + Char(I); |
memAlphabet.Lines.Add(S); |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.Image1MouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
if ssShift in Shift then with Image1.Canvas do begin |
Brush.Color := panTColor.Color; |
Brush.Style := bsSolid; |
FloodFill(X, Y, Pixels[X, Y], fsSurface); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnFontGenerateClick(Sender: TObject); |
var |
S, vizfntname: string; |
C: Double; |
Rz, vX, vY, I, absX, absY, V, X, Y, offC: Integer; |
B: TBitmap; |
LogFont: TLogFont; |
fnt: TFont; |
dib, alpha: TDIB; |
q, d: TPictureCollectionItem; |
begin |
{no preview} |
btnFontAnimationStop.Click; |
{private font def.} |
fnt := TFont.Create; |
try |
fnt.Assign(cbFontName.Font); |
V := eOpacity.AsInteger; |
fnt.Color := RGB(V, V, V); //0..255 |
fnt.Name := cbFontName.Text; |
fnt.Size := FontSize.AsInteger; |
fnt.Style := FFontStyles; |
{antialiased/ttf} |
if not cbAntialias.Checked then begin |
GetObject(fnt.Handle, SizeOf(LogFont), Addr(LogFont)); |
with LogFont do begin |
if cbAntialias.Checked then |
else |
lfOutPrecision := OUT_TT_ONLY_PRECIS; |
end; |
fnt.Handle := CreateFontIndirect(LogFont); |
end; |
{get set of chars} |
S := TrimRight(memAlphabet.Lines.Text); |
if S = '' then begin |
btnAllChars.Click; |
S := TrimRight(memAlphabet.Lines.Text); |
end; |
{target square} |
C := Sqrt(Length(S)); |
Rz := Trunc(C); |
if Frac(C) > 0 then Inc(Rz); |
{generate mask font} |
B := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
B.PixelFormat := pf8bit; |
B.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; |
B.Canvas.Font.Assign(fnt); |
{absolute sizes} |
charArr := s; |
SetLength(sizesArr, Length(charArr)); |
vY := B.Canvas.TextHeight(S); Zdvih := vY; |
vX := 0; |
for I := 0 to Length(S) - 1 do begin |
sizesarr[I] := B.Canvas.TextWidth(S[I + 1]); |
vX := Max(vX, sizesarr[I]); |
end; |
offC := eOffset.AsInteger; |
vX := vX + offC; |
vY := vY + offC; |
absX := Rz * vX; |
absY := Rz * vY; |
B.Width := absX; |
B.Height := absY; |
B.Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, B.Width, B.Height)); |
B.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; |
{shadow as offset} |
if eOffset.AsInteger > 0 then |
for I := 0 to Length(S) - 1 do begin |
X := offC + (i mod Rz) * vX; |
Y := offC + (i div Rz) * vY; |
B.Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, S[I + 1]); |
end; |
{masked chars} |
B.Canvas.Font.Color := clWhite; |
for I := 0 to Length(S) - 1 do begin |
X := (i mod Rz) * vX; |
Y := (i div Rz) * vY; |
B.Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, S[I + 1]); |
end; |
imgMask.Picture.Assign(B); |
finally |
B.Free; |
end; |
{generate font} |
B := TBitmap.Create; |
try |
B.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
B.Width := absX; |
B.Height := absY; |
B.Canvas.Brush.Color := pnlBG.Color; |
B.Canvas.Font.Assign(fnt); |
B.Canvas.Font.Color := pnlFG.Color; |
B.Width := absX; |
B.Height := absY; |
B.Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, B.Width, B.Height)); |
B.Canvas.Brush.Style := bsClear; |
for I := 0 to Length(S) - 1 do begin |
X := (i mod Rz) * vX; |
Y := (i div Rz) * vY; |
B.Canvas.TextOut(X, Y, S[I + 1]); |
end; |
imgFont.Picture.Assign(B); |
finally |
B.Free; |
end; |
finally |
vizfntname := fnt.name; |
fnt.Free; |
end; |
Sources.Lines.Clear; |
Sources.Lines.Add('{Generated constants for simple use of the font}'); |
Sources.Lines.Add('const'); |
Sources.Lines.Add(Format(' offsY = %d;', [Zdvih])); |
Sources.Lines.Add(Format(' offYbyOrder: array [0..%d] of Integer = (', [Length(charArr) - 1])); |
s := ''; |
for i := Low(sizesArr) to High(sizesArr) do |
s := s + IntToStr(sizesArr[i]) + ', '; |
Delete(s, Length(s) - 2, 2); |
Sources.Lines.Add(s); |
Sources.Lines.Add(');'); |
dib := TDIB.Create; |
alpha := TDIB.Create; |
try |
alpha.Assign(imgMask.Picture.Bitmap); |
dib.Assign(imgFont.Picture.Bitmap); |
dib.AssignAlphaChannel(alpha); |
{for preview} |
FontDXImageList.Items.Clear; |
q := TPictureCollectionItem(FontDXImageList.Items.Add); |
q.Picture.Assign(dib); |
q.Name := vizfntname; |
q.PatternWidth := vX; |
q.PatternHeight := vY; |
q.Transparent := True; |
q.TransparentColor := pnlBG.Color; |
FontDXImageList.Items.Restore; |
{showing} |
Image1.Picture := nil; |
Image1.Picture.Bitmap := dib.CreateBitmapFromDIB; |
{for exchange with master thread} |
DXImageList1.Items.Clear; |
d := TPictureCollectionItem(DXImageList1.Items.Add); |
d.Picture.Assign(dib); |
d.Name := vizfntname; |
d.PatternWidth := vX; |
d.PatternHeight := vY; |
d.Transparent := True; |
d.TransparentColor := pnlBG.Color; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
finally |
alpha.Free; |
dib.Free; |
end; |
if PreviewMemo.Lines.Count > 0 then |
btnFontAnimationStart.Click; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnABoldClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if btnABold.Down then FFontStyles := FFontStyles + [fsBold] |
else FFontStyles := FFontStyles - [fsBold] |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnAItalicClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if btnAItalic.Down then FFontStyles := FFontStyles + [fsItalic] |
else FFontStyles := FFontStyles - [fsItalic] |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnAUnderlineClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if btnAUnderline.Down then FFontStyles := FFontStyles + [fsUnderline] |
else FFontStyles := FFontStyles - [fsUnderline] |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.PreviewTimerTimer(Sender: TObject; LagCount: Integer); |
var i, x, y, j: Integer; |
s: string; |
begin |
if not PreviewDraw.CanDraw then Exit; |
PreviewDraw.Surface.Fill(PreviewDraw.Surface.ColorMatch(pnlBG.Color)); |
PreviewDraw.BeginScene; |
PreviewDraw.Surface.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, PreviewDraw.Width, PreviewDraw.Height), pnlBG.Color); |
y := 5; |
for i := 0 to PreviewMemo.Lines.Count - 1 do begin |
s := PreviewMemo.Lines[i]; |
x := 5; |
for j := 1 to Length(s) do begin |
FontDXImageList.Items[0].Draw(PreviewDraw.Surface, x, y, Ord(s[j])); |
x := x + sizesarr[Ord(s[j])]; |
end; |
y := y + Zdvih; |
end; |
PreviewDraw.EndScene; |
PreviewDraw.Flip; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.PreviewMemoChange(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
PreviewTimer.Enabled := PreviewMemo.Lines.Text <> ''; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnFontAnimationStopClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
PreviewTimer.Enabled := False; |
PreviewDraw.Surface.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, PreviewDraw.Width, PreviewDraw.Height), pnlBG.Color); |
PreviewDraw.Flip; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnFontAnimationStartClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
PreviewTimer.Enabled := True; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.RestructuralizeWithResize(NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; TranspColor: TColor = clMaroon); |
var |
C: Double; |
Rz: Integer; |
Q: TPictureCollectionItem; |
IMG: TBitmap; |
I, X, Y, dX, dY: Integer; |
DDS: TDirectDrawSurface; |
begin |
dX := DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth; |
dY := DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight; |
if NewWidth <> dX then dX := NewWidth; |
if NewHeight <> dY then dY := NewHeight; |
{target square} |
C := Sqrt(DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternCount); |
Rz := Trunc(C); |
if Frac(C) > 0 then Inc(Rz); |
{new picture}; |
IMG := TBitmap.Create; {glued picture} |
DIB := TDIB.Create; {converted sub-image} |
DDS := TDirectDrawSurface.Create(DXDraw1.DDraw); {dds} |
DDS.SetSize(dX, dY); |
{note: there occur error, when surface is not self, but nothing created} |
{for this correct run has to set size as power two and must be remaps to mesh} |
{or better simple turn off D3D acceleration} |
{$IFDEF D3D_deprecated} |
DXDraw1.Options := DXDraw1.Options - [do3d]; // dds may be any size |
{$ENDIF} |
try |
IMG.Width := Rz * dX; {new size} |
IMG.Height := Rz * dY; |
IMG.PixelFormat := pf24bit; {implicit} |
IMG.Canvas.Brush.Color := clMaroon; {fill it wit} |
IMG.Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, IMG.Width, IMG.Height)); {fill now} |
{for all non restructuralized image} |
for i := 0 to DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternCount - 1 do begin |
{refill by transparent color as background} |
DDS.Fill(DDS.ColorMatch(TranspColor)); |
{draw sub-image to dds} |
DXImageList1.Items[0].Draw(DDS, 0, 0, i); |
{convert to dib} |
DIB.Assign(DDS); |
{draw to new position} |
X := (i mod Rz) * dX; |
Y := (i div Rz) * dY; |
IMG.Canvas.Draw(X, Y, DIB) |
end; |
{for preview} |
Image1.Picture.Assign(IMG); |
{to collection item} |
Q := TPictureCollectionItem(DXImageList1.Items.Add); |
Q.Picture.Assign(IMG); |
Q.PatternWidth := dX; |
Q.PatternHeight := dY; |
Q.Name := DXImageList1.Items[0].Name; //it has to have name |
Q.Transparent := DXImageList1.Items[0].Transparent; |
Q.TransparentColor := DXImageList1.Items[0].TransparentColor; |
{original image get out} |
DXImageList1.Items[0].Free; |
{$ELSE} |
DXImageList1.Items.Delete(0); |
{$ENDIF} |
{Indispensability restore} |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
finally |
{freeing resources} |
IMG.Free; |
DIB.Free; |
DDS.Free; |
{$IFDEF D3D_deprecated} |
DXDraw1.Options := DXDraw1.Options + [do3d]; |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnReplaceClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if DXImageList1.Items.Count > 0 then |
if (ePatternWidth.AsInteger > 0) and (ePatternHeight.AsInteger > 0) then begin |
{must be set subimage first} |
if DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth <> ePatternWidth.AsInteger then |
DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth := ePatternWidth.AsInteger; |
if DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight <> ePatternHeight.AsInteger then |
DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight := ePatternHeight.AsInteger; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
RestructuralizeWithResize(DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth, |
DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight, panTColor.Color); |
end |
else |
MessageDlg('Please set subimage size first!', mtConfirmation, [mbOK], 0); |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnResizeClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if DXImageList1.Items.Count > 0 then {contain image} |
if (ePatternWidth.AsInteger > 0) and (ePatternHeight.AsInteger > 0) then begin |
{must be set subimage first} |
if DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth <> ePatternWidth.AsInteger then |
DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternWidth := ePatternWidth.AsInteger; |
if DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight <> ePatternHeight.AsInteger then |
DXImageList1.Items[0].PatternHeight := ePatternHeight.AsInteger; |
DXImageList1.Items.Restore; |
RestructuralizeWithResize(ePatternWidth.AsInteger, ePatternHeight.AsInteger, panTColor.Color); |
end |
else |
MessageDlg('Please set subimage size first!', mtConfirmation, [mbOK], 0); |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.ActionList1Update(Action: TBasicAction; |
var Handled: Boolean); |
begin |
btnAllChars.Enabled := Trim(memAlphabet.Lines.Text) = ''; |
acDeleteAll.Enabled := ListBox1.Items.Count > 0; |
acDeleteOne.Enabled := ListBox1.ItemIndex <> -1; |
acSaveToFile.Enabled := not Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty; |
acGlueIt.Enabled := ListBox1.Items.Count > 0; |
btnGetTransparentcolor.Enabled := not Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.chbZoomOutClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if (Sender as TCheckBox).Checked then Image1.OnMouseMove := Image1MouseMove |
else Image1.OnMouseMove := nil; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.Image1MouseMove(Sender: TObject; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
var |
Srect, Drect: TRect; |
iWidth, iHeight, DmX, DmY: Integer; |
iTmpX, iTmpY: Real; |
C: TCanvas; |
hDesktop: Hwnd; |
dx, dy: Integer; |
PP: TPoint; |
begin |
PP := Image1.ClientToScreen(Point(X, Y)); |
dx := PP.x; |
dy := PP.y; |
hDesktop := GetDesktopWindow; |
iWidth := Image2.Width; |
iHeight := Image2.Height; |
Drect := Rect(0, 0, iWidth, iHeight); |
iTmpX := iWidth / (Slider.Position * 4); |
iTmpY := iHeight / (Slider.Position * 4); |
Srect := Rect(dx, dy, dx, dy); |
InflateRect(Srect, Round(iTmpX), Round(iTmpY)); |
if Srect.Left < 0 then OffsetRect(Srect, -Srect.Left, 0); |
if Srect.Top < 0 then OffsetRect(Srect, 0, -Srect.Top); |
if Srect.Right > Screen.Width then OffsetRect(Srect, -(Srect.Right - Screen.Width), 0); |
if Srect.Bottom > Screen.Height then OffsetRect(Srect, 0, -(Srect.Bottom - Screen.Height)); |
C := TCanvas.Create; |
try |
C.Handle := GetDC(GetDesktopWindow); |
Image2.Canvas.CopyRect(Drect, C, Srect); |
finally |
ReleaseDC(hDesktop, C.Handle); |
C.Free; |
end; |
with Image2.Canvas do begin |
DmX := Slider.Position * 2 * (dX - Srect.Left); |
DmY := Slider.Position * 2 * (dY - Srect.Top); |
MoveTo(DmX - (iWidth div 4), DmY); // - |
LineTo(DmX + (iWidth div 4), DmY); // - |
MoveTo(DmX, DmY - (iHeight div 4)); // | |
LineTo(DmX, DmY + (iHeight div 4)); // | |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.mainPageControlChange(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
Image2.Visible := mainPageControl.ActivePage = tsPreview; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.SetOperationGlueIt(const Value: TOperationGlueIt); |
begin |
FOperationGlueIt := Value; |
if FOperationGlueIt = ogiNew then |
mainPageControl.ActivePage := tsGlueIt |
else |
mainPageControl.ActivePage := tsPreview; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.btnGetTransparentcolorClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
SelectionOfTransparentColor := (Sender as TSpeedButton).Down; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.Image1MouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
if SelectionOfTransparentColor then begin |
panTColor.Color := Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y]; |
btnGetTransparentcolor.Down := False; |
SelectionOfTransparentColor := False; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.acGetTransparentExecute(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
SelectionOfTransparentColor := (Sender as TSpeedButton).Down; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.chbForceSizeClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
EWidthOfImages.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
LWidthOfImages.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
EHeightOfImages.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
LHeightOfImages.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
chbCentered.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
chbCrop.Enabled := chbForceSize.Checked; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.cbEffectsListChange(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if cbEffectsList.ItemIndex <> -1 then |
if Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty then begin |
ShowMessage('Image has not to be empty for effects!'); |
cbEffectsList.ItemIndex := -1; |
//tmpBitmap.Assign(Image1.Picture.Bitmap); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.pbDurationMouseDown(Sender: TObject; |
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
if chbAutoAply.Checked then |
if not Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty then begin |
tmpPicture.Assign(Image1.Picture.Bitmap); //save default image |
if not tmpPicture.Graphic.Empty then begin |
DoBitmapEffect(tmpPicture); |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.pbDurationMouseUp(Sender: TObject; |
Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
if chbAutoAply.Checked then |
if not Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Empty then |
if (MessageDlg('Do you want make changes permanent?', mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrNo) then |
Image1.Picture.Bitmap.Assign(tmpPicture); //restore default image |
end; |
procedure TDXGlueItEditor.chbAutoAplyClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
btnApply.Enabled := not chbAutoAply.Checked; |
end; |
end. |