1,13 → 1,40 |
{*******************************************************} |
{ } |
{ DIB and PAINTBOX componets } |
{ } |
{ Copyright (C) 1997-2000 Hiroyuki Hori } |
{ base components and effects } |
{ Copyright (C) 2000 Keith Murray } |
{ supernova effect } |
{ Copyright (C) 2000 Michel Hibon } |
{ new special effects added for DIB } |
{ Copyright (C) 2001 Joakim Back } |
{ conFusion effects (as DxFusion) } |
{ Copyright (C) 2003 Babak Sateli } |
{ 24-bit DIB effect as supplement ones } |
{ Copyright (C) 2004-2012 Jaro Benes } |
{ 32-bit DIB effect with alphachannel } |
{ direct works with texture buffer } |
{ modified and adapted all adopted functions } |
{ } |
{*******************************************************} |
unit DIB; |
interface |
{$INCLUDE DelphiXcfg.inc} |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls; |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, |
{$IFDEF VER17UP} Types, UITypes,{$ENDIF} |
Math; |
type |
TColorLineStyle = (csSolid, csGradient, csRainbow); |
TColorLinePixelGeometry = (pgPoint, pgCircular, pgRectangular); |
PRGBQuads = ^TRGBQuads; |
TRGBQuads = array[0..255] of TRGBQuad; |
TPaletteEntries = array[0..255] of TPaletteEntry; |
17,6 → 44,16 |
B, G, R: Byte; |
end; |
{ Added this type for New SPecial Effect } |
TFilter = array[0..2, 0..2] of SmallInt; |
TLines = array[0..0] of TBGR; |
PLines = ^TLines; |
TBytes = array[0..0] of Byte; |
PBytes = ^TBytes; |
TPBytes = array[0..0] of PBytes; |
PPBytes = ^TPBytes; |
{ End of type's } |
PArrayBGR = ^TArrayBGR; |
TArrayBGR = array[0..10000] of TBGR; |
29,7 → 66,7 |
PArrayDWord = ^TArrayDWord; |
TArrayDWord = array[0..10000] of DWord; |
{ TDIB } |
{ TDIBPixelFormat } |
TDIBPixelFormat = record |
RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: DWORD; |
38,6 → 75,8 |
RBitCount2, GBitCount2, BBitCount2: DWORD; |
end; |
{ TDIBSharedImage } |
TDIBSharedImage = class(TSharedImage) |
private |
FBitCount: Integer; |
64,7 → 103,7 |
constructor Create; |
procedure NewImage(AWidth, AHeight, ABitCount: Integer; |
const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; const ColorTable: TRGBQuads; MemoryImage, Compressed: Boolean); |
procedure Duplicate(Source: TDIBSharedImage; MemoryImage: Boolean); |
procedure Duplicate(Source: TDIBSharedImage; MemoryImage: Boolean); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
procedure Compress(Source: TDIBSharedImage); |
procedure Decompress(Source: TDIBSharedImage; MemoryImage: Boolean); |
procedure ReadData(Stream: TStream; MemoryImage: Boolean); |
76,6 → 115,33 |
destructor Destroy; override; |
end; |
{ TFilterTypeResample } |
TFilterTypeResample = (ftrBox, ftrTriangle, ftrHermite, ftrBell, ftrBSpline, |
ftrLanczos3, ftrMitchell); |
TDistortType = (dtFast, dtSlow); |
{DXFusion effect type} |
TFilterMode = (fmNormal, fmMix50, fmMix25, fmMix75); |
{ TLightSource } |
TLightSource = record |
X, Y: Integer; |
Size1, Size2: Integer; |
Color: TColor; |
end; |
{ TLightArray } |
TLightArray = array{$IFNDEF VER4UP} [0..0]{$ENDIF} of TLightsource; |
{ TMatrixSetting } |
TMatrixSetting = array[0..9] of Integer; |
{ TDIB } |
TDIB = class(TGraphic) |
private |
FCanvas: TCanvas; |
96,6 → 162,10 |
FTopPBits: Pointer; |
FWidth: Integer; |
FWidthBytes: Integer; |
FLUTDist: array[0..255, 0..255] of Integer; |
LG_COUNT: Integer; |
LG_DETAIL: Integer; |
FFreeList: TList; |
procedure AllocHandle; |
procedure CanvasChanging(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Changing(MemoryImage: Boolean); |
113,15 → 183,28 |
function GetTopPBits: Pointer; |
function GetTopPBitsReadOnly: Pointer; |
procedure SetBitCount(Value: Integer); |
procedure SetImage(Value: TDIBSharedImage); |
procedure SetImage(Value: TDIBSharedImage); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
procedure SetNowPixelFormat(const Value: TDIBPixelFormat); |
procedure SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Value: DWORD); |
procedure StartProgress(const Name: string); |
procedure EndProgress; |
procedure UpdateProgress(PercentY: Integer); |
{ Added these 3 functions for New Specials Effects } |
function Interval(iMin, iMax, iValue: Integer; iMark: Boolean): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function IntToByte(i: Integer): Byte; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function TrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
{ End of 3 functions for New Special Effect } |
procedure Darkness(Amount: Integer); |
function GetAlphaChannel: TDIB; |
procedure SetAlphaChannel(const Value: TDIB); |
function GetClientRect: TRect; |
function GetRGBChannel: TDIB; |
procedure SetRGBChannel(const Value: TDIB); |
protected |
procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; |
procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); override; |
procedure Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect); override; |
function GetEmpty: Boolean; override; |
function GetHeight: Integer; override; |
function GetPalette: HPalette; override; |
141,6 → 224,9 |
procedure Compress; |
procedure Decompress; |
procedure FreeHandle; |
function HasAlphaChannel: Boolean; |
function AssignAlphaChannel(ALPHA: TDIB; ForceResize: Boolean{$IFDEF VER4UP} = False{$ENDIF}): Boolean; |
procedure RetAlphaChannel(out oDIB: TDIB); |
procedure LoadFromClipboardFormat(AFormat: Word; AData: THandle; |
APalette: HPALETTE); override; |
procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; |
147,7 → 233,7 |
procedure SaveToClipboardFormat(var AFormat: Word; var AData: THandle; |
var APalette: HPALETTE); override; |
procedure SaveToStream(Stream: TStream); override; |
procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight, ABitCount: Integer); |
procedure SetSize(AWidth, AHeight, ABitCount: Integer); {$IFDEF VER5UP}reintroduce;{$ENDIF} //{$IFDEF VER9UP} overload;{$ENDIF} |
procedure UpdatePalette; |
{ Special effect } |
procedure Blur(ABitCount: Integer; Radius: Integer); |
155,6 → 241,160 |
procedure Mirror(MirrorX, MirrorY: Boolean); |
procedure Negative; |
{ Added New Special Effect } |
procedure Spray(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Emboss; |
procedure AddMonoNoise(Amount: Integer); |
procedure AddGradiantNoise(Amount: byte); |
function Twist(bmp: TDIB; Amount: byte): Boolean; |
function FishEye(bmp: TDIB): Boolean; |
function SmoothRotateWrap(Bmp: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Degree: Extended): Boolean; |
procedure Lightness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Saturation(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Contrast(Amount: Integer); |
procedure AddRGB(aR, aG, aB: Byte); |
function Filter(Dest: TDIB; Filter: TFilter): Boolean; |
procedure Sharpen(Amount: Integer); |
function IntToColor(i: Integer): TBGR; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function Rotate(Dst: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Angle: Double): Boolean; |
procedure SplitBlur(Amount: Integer); |
procedure GaussianBlur(Bmp: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
{ End of New Special Effect } |
{ |
New effect for TDIB |
with Some Effects like AntiAlias, Contrast, |
Lightness, Saturation, GaussianBlur, Mosaic, |
Twist, Splitlight, Trace, Emboss, etc. |
Works with 24bit color DIBs. |
This component is based on TProEffectImage component version 1.0 by |
Written By Babak Sateli (babak_sateli@yahoo.com, http://raveland.netfirms.com) |
and modified by (c) 2004 Jaro Benes |
for DelphiX use. |
Demo was modified into DXForm with function like original |
This component is provided AS-IS without any warranty of any kind, either express or |
implied. This component is freeware and can be used in any software product. |
} |
procedure DoInvert; |
procedure DoAddColorNoise(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoAddMonoNoise(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoAntiAlias; |
procedure DoContrast(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoFishEye(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoGrayScale; |
procedure DoLightness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoDarkness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoSaturation(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoSplitBlur(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoGaussianBlur(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoMosaic(Size: Integer); |
procedure DoTwist(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoSplitlight(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoTile(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoSpotLight(Amount: Integer; Spot: TRect); |
procedure DoTrace(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoEmboss; |
procedure DoSolorize(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoPosterize(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoBrightness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure DoResample(AmountX, AmountY: Integer; TypeResample: TFilterTypeResample); |
{rotate} |
procedure DoSmoothRotate(Src: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Angle: Extended); |
procedure DoColorize(ForeColor, BackColor: TColor); |
{Simple explosion spoke effect} |
procedure DoNovaEffect(sr, sg, sb, cx, cy, radius, |
nspokes, randomhue, randomspok, randgauss: Integer; onProgress: TProgressEvent); |
{Simple Mandelbrot-set drawing} |
procedure DrawMandelbrot(ao, au: Integer; bo, bu: Double); |
{Sephia effect} |
procedure SephiaEffect(Depth: Integer{$IFDEF VER4UP} = 20{$ENDIF}); |
{Simple blend pixel} |
procedure BlendPixel(const X, Y: Integer; aColor: Cardinal; Alpha: Byte); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
{Line in polar system} |
procedure LinePolar(x, y: Integer; AngleInDegree, Length: extended; |
Color: cardinal); |
{special version Dark/Light procedure in percent} |
procedure Darker(Percent: Integer); |
procedure Lighter(Percent: Integer); |
{Simple graphical crypt} |
procedure EncryptDecrypt(const Key: Integer); |
{ Standalone DXFusion } |
{--- c o n F u s i o n ---} |
{By Joakim Back, www.back.mine.nu} |
{Huge thanks to Ilkka Tuomioja for helping out with the project.} |
{ |
modified by (c) 2005 Jaro Benes for DelphiX use. |
} |
procedure CreateDIBFromBitmap(const Bitmap: TBitmap); |
{Drawing Methods.} |
procedure DrawOn(Dest: TRect; DestCanvas: TCanvas; |
Xsrc, Ysrc: Integer); |
procedure DrawTo(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, SourceX, |
SourceY: Integer); |
procedure DrawTransparent(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); {$IFDEF VER5UP} reintroduce;{$ENDIF} //{$IFDEF VER9UP} overload;{$ENDIF} |
procedure DrawShadow(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, Frame: Integer; |
FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
procedure DrawShadows(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, Frame: Integer; |
Alpha: Byte); |
procedure DrawDarken(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, |
Frame: Integer); |
procedure DrawAdditive(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; Alpha: Integer{$IFDEF VER4UP} = 255{$ENDIF}; |
Frame: Integer{$IFDEF VER4UP} = 0{$ENDIF}); |
procedure DrawQuickAlpha(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor; |
FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
procedure DrawTranslucent(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
procedure DrawMorphed(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, SourceX, |
SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
procedure DrawAlpha(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, SourceX, |
SourceY, Alpha: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
procedure DrawAlphaMask(SrcDIB, MaskDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, |
Height, SourceX, SourceY: Integer); |
procedure DrawAntialias(SrcDIB: TDIB); |
procedure Draw3x3Matrix(SrcDIB: TDIB; Setting: TMatrixSetting); |
procedure DrawMono(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, SourceX, |
SourceY: Integer; const TransColor, ForeColor, BackColor: TColor); |
{One-color Filters.} |
procedure FilterLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; Color: TColor; |
FilterMode: TFilterMode); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
procedure FilterRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; Color: TColor; |
FilterMode: TFilterMode); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
{ Lightsource. } |
procedure InitLight(Count, Detail: Integer); |
procedure DrawLights(FLight: TLightArray; AmbientLight: TColor); |
// |
// effect for special purpose |
// |
procedure FadeOut(DIB2: TDIB; Step: Byte); |
procedure DoZoom(DIB2: TDIB; ZoomRatio: Real); |
procedure DoBlur(DIB2: TDIB); |
procedure FadeIn(DIB2: TDIB; Step: Byte); |
procedure FillDIB8(Color: Byte); |
procedure DoRotate(DIB1: TDIB; cX, cY, Angle: Integer); |
procedure Distort(DIB1: TDIB; dt: TDistortType; cX, cY, Angle: Integer; Factor: Real); |
function Ink(DIB: TDIB; const SprayInit: Boolean; const AmountSpray: Integer): Boolean; |
// lines |
procedure AntialiasedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; color: TColor); {$IFDEF VER9UP} inline; {$ENDIF} |
function GetColorBetween(StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Pointvalue, |
FromPoint, ToPoint: Extended): TColor; |
procedure ColoredLine(const iStart, iEnd: TPoint; iColorStyle: TColorLineStyle; |
iGradientFrom, iGradientTo: TColor; iPixelGeometry: TColorLinePixelGeometry; |
iRadius: WORD); |
// standard property |
property BitCount: Integer read FBitCount write SetBitCount; |
property BitmapInfo: PBitmapInfo read GetBitmapInfo; |
property BitmapInfoSize: Integer read GetBitmapInfoSize; |
174,8 → 414,15 |
property TopPBitsReadOnly: Pointer read GetTopPBitsReadOnly; |
property Width: Integer read FWidth write SetWidth; |
property WidthBytes: Integer read FWidthBytes; |
property AlphaChannel: TDIB read GetAlphaChannel write SetAlphaChannel; |
property RGBChannel: TDIB read GetRGBChannel write SetRGBChannel; |
function CreateBitmapFromDIB: TBitmap; |
procedure Fill(aColor: TColor); |
property ClientRect: TRect read GetClientRect; |
end; |
{ TDIBitmap } |
TDIBitmap = class(TDIB) end; |
{ TCustomDXDIB } |
235,10 → 482,10 |
TDXPaintBox = class(TCustomDXPaintBox) |
published |
{$IFDEF DelphiX_Spt4}property Anchors;{$ENDIF} |
{$IFDEF VER4UP}property Anchors; {$ENDIF} |
property AutoStretch; |
property Center; |
{$IFDEF DelphiX_Spt4}property Constraints;{$ENDIF} |
{$IFDEF VER4UP}property Constraints; {$ENDIF} |
property DIB; |
property KeepAspect; |
property Stretch; |
261,34 → 508,105 |
property OnMouseDown; |
property OnMouseMove; |
property OnMouseUp; |
{$IFDEF VER9UP}property OnMouseWheel; {$ENDIF} |
{$IFDEF VER9UP}property OnResize; {$ENDIF} |
{$IFDEF VER9UP}property OnCanResize; {$ENDIF} |
{$IFDEF VER9UP}property OnContextPopup; {$ENDIF} |
property OnStartDrag; |
end; |
function MakeDIBPixelFormat(RBitCount, GBitCount, BBitCount: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; |
function MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; |
function pfRGB(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; R, G, B: Byte): DWORD; |
procedure pfGetRGB(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD; var R, G, B: Byte); |
function pfGetRValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; |
function pfGetGValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; |
function pfGetBValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; |
const |
DefaultFilterRadius: array[TFilterTypeResample] of Single = (0.5, 1, 1, 1.5, 2, 3, 2); |
function MakeDIBPixelFormat(RBitCount, GBitCount, BBitCount: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function pfRGB(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; R, G, B: Byte): DWORD; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
procedure pfGetRGB(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD; var R, G, B: Byte); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function pfGetRValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function pfGetGValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function pfGetBValue(const PixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; Color: DWORD): Byte; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function GreyscaleColorTable: TRGBQuads; |
function RGBQuad(R, G, B: Byte): TRGBQuad; |
function PaletteEntryToRGBQuad(const Entry: TPaletteEntry): TRGBQuad; |
function PaletteEntriesToRGBQuads(const Entries: TPaletteEntries): TRGBQuads; |
function RGBQuadToPaletteEntry(const RGBQuad: TRGBQuad): TPaletteEntry; |
function RGBQuadsToPaletteEntries(const RGBQuads: TRGBQuads): TPaletteEntries; |
function RGBQuad(R, G, B: Byte): TRGBQuad; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function PaletteEntryToRGBQuad(const Entry: TPaletteEntry): TRGBQuad; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function PaletteEntriesToRGBQuads(const Entries: TPaletteEntries): TRGBQuads; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function RGBQuadToPaletteEntry(const RGBQuad: TRGBQuad): TPaletteEntry; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function RGBQuadsToPaletteEntries(const RGBQuads: TRGBQuads): TPaletteEntries; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function PosValue(Value: Integer): Integer; |
type |
TOC = 0..511; |
function DSin(const C: TOC): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline; {$ENDIF} |
function DCos(const C: TOC): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline; {$ENDIF} |
{ Added Constants for TFilter Type } |
const |
EdgeFilter: TFilter = ((-1, -1, -1), (-1, 8, -1), (-1, -1, -1)); |
StrongOutlineFilter: TFilter = ((-100, 0, 0), (0, 0, 0), (0, 0, 100)); |
Enhance3DFilter: TFilter = ((-100, 5, 5), (5, 5, 5), (5, 5, 100)); |
LinearFilter: TFilter = ((-40, -40, -40), (-40, 255, -40), (-40, -40, -40)); |
GranularFilter: TFilter = ((-20, 5, 20), (5, -10, 5), (100, 5, -100)); |
SharpFilter: TFilter = ((-2, -2, -2), (-2, 20, -2), (-2, -2, -2)); |
{ End of constants } |
{ Added Constants for DXFusion Type } |
const |
{ 3x3 Matrix Presets. } |
msEmboss: TMatrixSetting = (-1, -1, 0, -1, 6, 1, 0, 1, 1, 6); |
msHardEmboss: TMatrixSetting = (-4, -2, -1, -2, 10, 2, -1, 2, 4, 8); |
msBlur: TMatrixSetting = (1, 2, 1, 2, 4, 2, 1, 2, 1, 16); |
msSharpen: TMatrixSetting = (-1, -1, -1, -1, 15, -1, -1, -1, -1, 7); |
msEdgeDetect: TMatrixSetting = (-1, -1, -1, -1, 8, -1, -1, -1, -1, 1); |
{Proportionaly scale of size, for recountin image sizes} |
function GetScale(SourceWidth, SourceHeight, TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
procedure MakeDib(out DIB: TDIB; const iWidth, iHeight, iBitCount: Integer; iFillColor: TColor{$IFDEF VER4UP} = clBlack{$ENDIF}); {$IFDEF VER4UP}overload; {$ENDIF} |
procedure{$IFDEF VER4UP}MakeDib{$ELSE}MakeDIB2{$ENDIF}(out DIB: TDIB; iBitmap: TBitmap); {$IFDEF VER4UP}overload; {$ENDIF} |
implementation |
uses DXConsts; |
uses DXConsts, {$IFDEF PNG_GRAPHICS}pngimage,{$ENDIF} jpeg; |
function GetScale(SourceWidth, SourceHeight, TargetWidth, TargetHeight: Integer): Single; |
var |
XScale, YScale: Single; |
begin |
XScale := 1; |
YScale := 1; |
if TargetWidth < SourceWidth then |
XScale := TargetWidth / SourceWidth; |
if TargetHeight < SourceHeight then |
YScale := TargetHeight / SourceHeight; |
Result := XScale; |
if YScale < Result then |
Result := YScale; |
end; |
function Max(B1, B2: Integer): Integer; |
begin |
if B1>=B2 then Result := B1 else Result := B2; |
end; |
function Min(B1, B2: Integer): Integer; |
begin |
if B1 <= B2 then Result := B1 else Result := B2; |
end; |
{$ENDIF} |
function DSin(const C: TOC): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline; {$ENDIF} |
begin |
Result := sin(((c * 360) / 511) * Pi / 180); |
end; |
function DCos(const C: TOC): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline; {$ENDIF} |
begin |
Result := cos(((c * 360) / 511) * Pi / 180); |
end; |
function MakeDIBPixelFormat(RBitCount, GBitCount, BBitCount: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; |
begin |
Result.RBitMask := ((1 shl RBitCount)-1) shl (GBitCount+BBitCount); |
305,9 → 623,7 |
Result.BShift := 8-BBitCount; |
end; |
function MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; |
function GetBitCount(b: Integer): Integer; |
function GetBitCount(b: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
var |
i: Integer; |
begin |
322,6 → 638,7 |
end; |
end; |
function MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: Integer): TDIBPixelFormat; |
begin |
Result := MakeDIBPixelFormat(GetBitCount(RBitMask), GetBitCount(GBitMask), |
GetBitCount(BBitMask)); |
352,7 → 669,7 |
with PixelFormat do |
begin |
Result := (Color and RBitMask) shr RShift; |
Result := Result or (Result shr RBitCount); |
Result := Result or (Result shr RBitCount2); |
end; |
end; |
361,7 → 678,7 |
with PixelFormat do |
begin |
Result := (Color and GBitMask) shr GShift; |
Result := Result or (Result shr GBitCount); |
Result := Result or (Result shr GBitCount2); |
end; |
end; |
370,7 → 687,7 |
with PixelFormat do |
begin |
Result := (Color and BBitMask) shl BShift; |
Result := Result or (Result shr BBitCount); |
Result := Result or (Result shr BBitCount2); |
end; |
end; |
447,6 → 764,8 |
RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask: DWORD; |
end; |
{ TPaletteItem } |
TPaletteItem = class(TCollectionItem) |
private |
ID: Integer; |
456,9 → 775,11 |
ColorTableCount: Integer; |
destructor Destroy; override; |
procedure AddRef; |
procedure Release; |
procedure Release; {$IFDEF VER17UP}reintroduce;{$ENDIF} |
end; |
{ TPaletteManager } |
TPaletteManager = class |
private |
FList: TCollection; |
468,6 → 789,8 |
procedure DeletePalette(var Palette: HPalette); |
end; |
{ TPaletteItem } |
destructor TPaletteItem.Destroy; |
begin |
DeleteObject(Palette); |
485,6 → 808,8 |
if RefCount<=0 then Free; |
end; |
{ TPaletteManager } |
constructor TPaletteManager.Create; |
begin |
inherited Create; |
577,6 → 902,8 |
Result := FPaletteManager; |
end; |
{ TDIBSharedImage } |
constructor TDIBSharedImage.Create; |
begin |
inherited Create; |
592,8 → 919,10 |
InfoOfs: Integer; |
UsePixelFormat: Boolean; |
begin |
{self recreation is not allowed here} |
Create; |
{$ENDIF} |
{ Pixel format check } |
case ABitCount of |
1 : if not ((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$FF0000) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$00FF00) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$0000FF)) then |
602,16 → 931,19 |
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SInvalidDIBPixelFormat); |
8 : if not ((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$FF0000) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$00FF00) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$0000FF)) then |
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SInvalidDIBPixelFormat); |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
if not (((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$7C00) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$03E0) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$001F)) or |
((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$F800) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$07E0) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$001F))) then |
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SInvalidDIBPixelFormat); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
if not ((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$FF0000) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$00FF00) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$0000FF)) then |
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SInvalidDIBPixelFormat); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
if not ((PixelFormat.RBitMask=$FF0000) and (PixelFormat.GBitMask=$00FF00) and (PixelFormat.BBitMask=$0000FF)) then |
raise EInvalidGraphicOperation.Create(SInvalidDIBPixelFormat); |
end; |
696,7 → 1028,8 |
FPBits := Pointer(GlobalAlloc(GMEM_FIXED, FSize)); |
if FPBits=nil then |
OutOfMemoryError; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
FDC := CreateCompatibleDC(0); |
713,11 → 1046,17 |
procedure TDIBSharedImage.Duplicate(Source: TDIBSharedImage; MemoryImage: Boolean); |
begin |
if Source = nil then Exit; //no source |
if Source.FSize=0 then |
begin |
{self recreation is not allowed here} |
Create; |
{$ENDIF} |
FMemoryImage := MemoryImage; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
NewImage(Source.FWidth, Source.FHeight, Source.FBitCount, |
Source.FPixelFormat, Source.FColorTable, MemoryImage, Source.FCompressed); |
726,7 → 1065,8 |
FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := Source.FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage; |
GetMem(FPBits, FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); |
Move(Source.FPBits^, FPBits^, FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
Move(Source.FPBits^, FPBits^, FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage); |
end; |
789,7 → 1129,8 |
AllocByte^ := B1; |
AllocByte^ := B2; |
end else |
end |
else |
if (Source.FWidth-x>5) and ((GetPixel(x)<>GetPixel(x+2)) or (GetPixel(x+1)<>GetPixel(x+3))) and |
((GetPixel(x+2)=GetPixel(x+4)) and (GetPixel(x+3)=GetPixel(x+5))) then |
begin |
797,7 → 1138,8 |
AllocByte^ := 2; |
AllocByte^ := (GetPixel(x) shl 4) or GetPixel(x+1); |
Inc(x, 2); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
if (Source.FWidth-x<4) then |
begin |
815,7 → 1157,8 |
AllocByte^ := GetPixel(x) shl 4; |
Inc(x); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
{ Absolute mode } |
PB1 := Size; AllocByte; |
904,7 → 1247,8 |
AllocByte^ := B1; |
AllocByte^ := B2; |
end else |
end |
else |
if (Source.FWidth-x>2) and (Src^<>PByte(Integer(Src)+1)^) and (PByte(Integer(Src)+1)^=PByte(Integer(Src)+2)^) then |
begin |
{ Encoding mode } |
911,7 → 1255,8 |
AllocByte^ := 1; |
AllocByte^ := Src^; Inc(Src); |
Inc(x); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
if (Source.FWidth-x<4) then |
begin |
924,13 → 1269,15 |
AllocByte^ := 1; |
AllocByte^ := Src^; Inc(Src); |
Inc(x, 2); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
AllocByte^ := 1; |
AllocByte^ := Src^; Inc(Src); |
Inc(x); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
{ Absolute mode } |
PB1 := Size; AllocByte; |
979,7 → 1326,8 |
begin |
if Source.FCompressed then |
Duplicate(Source, Source.FMemoryImage) |
else begin |
else |
begin |
NewImage(Source.FWidth, Source.FHeight, Source.FBitCount, |
Source.FPixelFormat, Source.FColorTable, True, True); |
case FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression of |
1030,7 → 1378,8 |
if i and 1=0 then |
begin |
C := Src^; Inc(Src); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
C := C shl 4; |
end; |
1044,7 → 1393,8 |
Inc(X); |
end; |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
{ Encoding mode } |
Dest := Pointer(Longint(FPBits)+Y*FWidthBytes); |
1101,7 → 1451,8 |
{ Absolute mode } |
Move(Src^, Dest^, B2); Inc(Dest, B2); Inc(Src, B2); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
{ Encoding mode } |
FillChar(Dest^, B1, B2); Inc(Dest, B1); |
1115,7 → 1466,8 |
begin |
if not Source.FCompressed then |
Duplicate(Source, MemoryImage) |
else begin |
else |
begin |
NewImage(Source.FWidth, Source.FHeight, Source.FBitCount, |
Source.FPixelFormat, Source.FColorTable, MemoryImage, False); |
case Source.FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biCompression of |
1136,6 → 1488,7 |
procedure LoadRLE4; |
begin |
FSize := BI.biSizeImage; |
//GetMem(FPBits, FSize); |
FPBits := GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_FIXED, FSize); |
FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := FSize; |
Stream.ReadBuffer(FPBits^, FSize); |
1144,6 → 1497,7 |
procedure LoadRLE8; |
begin |
FSize := BI.biSizeImage; |
//GetMem(FPBits, FSize); |
FPBits := GlobalAllocPtr(GMEM_FIXED, FSize); |
FBitmapInfo.bmiHeader.biSizeImage := FSize; |
Stream.ReadBuffer(FPBits^, FSize); |
1157,7 → 1511,8 |
begin |
for y:=0 to Abs(BI.biHeight)-1 do |
Stream.ReadBuffer(Pointer(Integer(FTopPBits)+y*FNextLine)^, FWidthBytes); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
Stream.ReadBuffer(FPBits^, FSize); |
end; |
1170,12 → 1525,17 |
AColorTable: TRGBQuads; |
APixelFormat: TDIBPixelFormat; |
begin |
if not Assigned(Stream) then Exit; |
{ Header size reading } |
i := Stream.Read(BI.biSize, 4); |
if i=0 then |
begin |
{self recreation is not allowed here} |
Create; |
{$ENDIF} |
Exit; |
end; |
if i<>4 then |
1216,7 → 1576,8 |
Stream.ReadBuffer(Localpf, SizeOf(Localpf)); |
with Localpf do |
APixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(RBitMask, GBitMask, BBitMask); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
if BI.biBitCount=16 then |
APixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormat(5, 5, 5) |
1243,13 → 1604,14 |
with BCRGB[i] do |
AColorTable[i] := RGBQuad(rgbtRed, rgbtGreen, rgbtBlue); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
{ Windows type } |
Stream.ReadBuffer(AColorTable, SizeOf(TRGBQuad)*PalCount); |
end; |
{ DIB ì¬ } |
{ DIB compilation } |
NewImage(BI.biWidth, Abs(BI.biHeight), BI.biBitCount, APixelFormat, AColorTable, |
MemoryImage, BI.biCompression in [BI_RLE4, BI_RLE8]); |
1270,7 → 1632,9 |
begin |
if FOldHandle<>0 then SelectObject(FDC, FOldHandle); |
DeleteObject(FHandle); |
end else |
end |
else |
// GlobalFree(THandle(FPBits)); |
begin |
if FPBits<>nil then |
GlobalFreePtr(FPBits); |
1333,12 → 1697,26 |
begin |
inherited Create; |
SetImage(EmptyDIBImage); |
FFreeList := TList.Create; |
end; |
destructor TDIB.Destroy; |
var |
D: TDIB; |
begin |
SetImage(EmptyDIBImage); |
FCanvas.Free; |
while FFreeList.Count > 0 do |
try |
D := TDIB(FFreeList[0]); |
FFreeList.Remove(D); |
D.Free; |
except |
end; |
FFreeList.Free; |
inherited Destroy; |
end; |
1372,12 → 1750,14 |
if DIBSectionRec^.dsBm.bmBitsPixel>=24 then |
begin |
PixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormat(8, 8, 8); |
end else |
end |
else |
if DIBSectionRec^.dsBm.bmBitsPixel>8 then |
begin |
PixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormat(DIBSectionRec^.dsBitfields[0], |
PixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormatMask(DIBSectionRec^.dsBitfields[0], //correct I.Ceneff, thanks |
DIBSectionRec^.dsBitfields[1], DIBSectionRec^.dsBitfields[2]); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
PixelFormat := MakeDIBPixelFormat(8, 8, 8); |
end; |
1393,14 → 1773,64 |
end; |
procedure AssignGraphic(Source: TGraphic); |
var |
alpha: TDIB; |
png: {$IFDEF VER12UP}TPngImage{$ELSE}TPNGObject{$ENDIF}; |
i, j: Integer; |
q: pByteArray; |
{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if Source is {$IFDEF VER12UP}TPngImage{$ELSE}TPNGObject{$ENDIF} then |
begin |
alpha := TDIB.Create; |
try |
{png image} |
png := {$IFDEF VER12UP}TPngImage{$ELSE}TPNGObject{$ENDIF}.Create; |
try |
png.Assign(Source); |
if png.TransparencyMode = ptmPartial then |
begin |
Alpha.SetSize(png.Width, png.Height, 8); |
{separate alpha} |
for i := 0 to png.Height - 1 do |
begin |
q := png.AlphaScanline[i]; |
for j := 0 to png.Width - 1 do |
alpha.Pixels[j,i] := q[j]; |
end; |
end; |
SetSize(png.Width, png.Height, 32); |
FillChar(PBits^, Size, 0); |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, png); |
Transparent := png.Transparent; |
finally |
png.Free; |
end; |
if not alpha.Empty then |
AssignAlphaChannel(alpha); |
finally |
alpha.Free; |
end; |
end |
else |
{$ENDIF} |
if Source is TBitmap then |
AssignBitmap(TBitmap(Source)) |
else |
begin |
SetSize(Source.Width, Source.Height, 32); |
FillChar(PBits^, Size, 0); |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Source); |
Transparent := Source.Transparent; |
if not HasAlphaChannel then |
begin |
SetSize(Source.Width, Source.Height, 24); |
FillChar(PBits^, Size, 0); |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Source); |
Transparent := Source.Transparent; |
end |
end; |
end; |
1425,7 → 1855,7 |
inherited Assign(Source); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const Rect: TRect); |
procedure TDIB.Draw(ACanvas: TCanvas; const ARect: TRect); |
var |
OldPalette: HPalette; |
OldMode: Integer; |
1436,7 → 1866,8 |
begin |
OldPalette := SelectPalette(ACanvas.Handle, Palette, False); |
RealizePalette(ACanvas.Handle); |
end else |
end |
else |
OldPalette := 0; |
try |
OldMode := SetStretchBltMode(ACanvas.Handle, COLORONCOLOR); |
1444,14 → 1875,18 |
GdiFlush; |
if FImage.FMemoryImage then |
begin |
with Rect do |
StretchDIBits(ACanvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, |
0, 0, Width, Height, FImage.FPBits, FImage.FBitmapInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS , ACanvas.CopyMode); |
end else |
with ARect do |
begin |
with Rect do |
if StretchDIBits(ACanvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, |
0, 0, Self.Width, Self.Height, FImage.FPBits, FImage.FBitmapInfo^, DIB_RGB_COLORS, ACanvas.CopyMode) = 0 then |
MessageBeep(1); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
with ARect do |
StretchBlt(ACanvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right - Left, Bottom - Top, |
FImage.FDC, 0, 0, Width, Height, ACanvas.CopyMode); |
FImage.FDC, 0, 0, Self.Width, Self.Height, ACanvas.CopyMode); |
end; |
finally |
SetStretchBltMode(ACanvas.Handle, OldMode); |
1557,6 → 1992,161 |
end; |
end; |
type |
TRGBA = array[0..0] of Windows.TRGBQuad; |
function TDIB.HasAlphaChannel: Boolean; |
{give that DIB contain the alphachannel} |
var |
p: PRGBA; |
X, Y: Integer; |
begin |
Result := True; |
if BitCount = 32 then |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p := ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
if p[X].rgbReserved <> $0 then Exit; |
end |
end; |
Result := False; |
end; |
function TDIB.AssignAlphaChannel(ALPHA: TDIB; ForceResize: Boolean{$IFDEF VER4UP} = False{$ENDIF}): Boolean; |
{copy alphachannel from other DIB or add from DIB8} |
var |
p32_0, p32_1: PRGBA; |
p24: Pointer; |
pB: PArrayByte; |
X, Y: Integer; |
tmpDIB, qAlpha: TDIB; |
begin |
Result := False; |
if GetEmpty then Exit; |
{Alphachannel can be copy into 32bit DIB only!} |
if BitCount <> 32 then |
begin |
tmpDIB := TDIB.Create; |
try |
tmpDIB.Assign(Self); |
Clear; |
SetSize(tmpDIB.Width, tmpDIB.Height, 32); |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, tmpDIB); |
finally |
tmpDIB.Free; |
end; |
end; |
qAlpha := TDIB.Create; |
try |
if not Assigned(Alpha) then Exit; |
if ForceResize then |
begin |
{create temp} |
tmpDIB := TDIB.Create; |
try |
{picture} |
tmpDIB.Assign(ALPHA); |
{resample size} |
tmpDIB.DoResample(Width, Height, ftrBSpline); |
{convert to greyscale} |
tmpDIB.Greyscale(8); |
{return picture to qAlpha} |
qAlpha.Assign(tmpDIB); |
finally |
tmpDIB.Free; |
end; |
end |
else |
{Must be the same size!} |
if not ((Width = ALPHA.Width) and (Height = ALPHA.Height)) then Exit |
else qAlpha.Assign(ALPHA); |
{It works now with qAlpha only} |
case qAlpha.BitCount of |
24: |
begin |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0 := ScanLine[Y]; |
p24 := qAlpha.ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do with PBGR(p24)^ do |
begin |
p32_0[X].rgbReserved := Round(0.30 * R + 0.59 * G + 0.11 * B); |
end |
end; |
end; |
32: |
begin |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0 := ScanLine[Y]; |
p32_1 := qAlpha.ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0[X].rgbReserved := p32_1[X].rgbReserved; |
end |
end; |
end; |
8: |
begin |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0 := ScanLine[Y]; |
pB := qAlpha.ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0[X].rgbReserved := pB[X]; |
end |
end; |
end; |
1: |
begin |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p32_0 := ScanLine[Y]; |
pB := qAlpha.ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
if pB[X] = 0 then |
p32_0[X].rgbReserved := $FF |
else |
p32_0[X].rgbReserved := 0 |
end |
end; |
end; |
else |
Exit; |
end; |
Result := True; |
finally |
qAlpha.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.RetAlphaChannel(out oDIB: TDIB); |
{Store alphachannel information into DIB8} |
var |
p0: PRGBA; |
pB: PArrayByte; |
X, Y: Integer; |
begin |
oDIB := nil; |
if not HasAlphaChannel then exit; |
oDIB := TDIB.Create; |
oDIB.SetSize(Width, Height, 8); |
for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := ScanLine[Y]; |
pB := oDIB.ScanLine[Y]; |
for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
pB[X] := p0[X].rgbReserved; |
end |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.GetBitmapInfo: PBitmapInfo; |
begin |
Result := FImage.FBitmapInfo; |
1683,7 → 2273,7 |
begin |
case FBitCount of |
1 : Result := (PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X shr 3] and Mask1[X and 7]) shr Shift1[X and 7]; |
4 : Result := (PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X shr 1] and Mask4[X and 1]) shr Shift4[X and 1]; |
4: Result := ((PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits) + Y * FNextLine)[X shr 1] and Mask4[X and 1]) shr Shift4[X and 1]); |
8 : Result := PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X]; |
16: Result := PArrayWord(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X]; |
24: with PArrayBGR(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X] do |
1693,6 → 2283,17 |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.GetRGBChannel: TDIB; |
{Store RGB channel information into DIB24} |
begin |
Result := nil; |
if Self.Empty then Exit; |
Result := TDIB.Create; |
Result.SetSize(Width, Height, 24); |
Self.DrawOn(Bounds(0,0, Self.Width, Self.Height), Result.Canvas, 0, 0); |
FFreeList.Add(Result); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.SetPixel(X, Y: Integer; Value: DWORD); |
var |
P: PByte; |
1707,8 → 2308,8 |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or ((Value and 1) shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
4 : begin |
P := @PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((Value and 15) shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
P := (@PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits) + Y * FNextLine)[X shr 3]); |
P^ := ((P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((Value and 15) shl Shift4[X and 1])); |
end; |
8 : PArrayByte(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X] := Value; |
16: PArrayWord(Integer(FTopPBits)+Y*FNextLine)[X] := Value; |
1723,6 → 2324,23 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.SetRGBChannel(const Value: TDIB); |
var |
alpha: TDIB; |
begin |
if Self.HasAlphaChannel then |
try |
RetAlphaChannel(alpha); |
Self.SetSize(Value.Width, Value.Height, 32); |
Value.DrawOn(Bounds(0,0,Value.Width, Value.Height), Self.Canvas, 0, 0); |
Self.AssignAlphaChannel(alpha, True); |
finally |
alpha.Free; |
end |
else |
Self.Assign(Value); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); |
begin |
inherited DefineProperties(Filer); |
1731,6 → 2349,8 |
end; |
type |
{ TGlobalMemoryStream } |
TGlobalMemoryStream = class(TMemoryStream) |
private |
FHandle: THandle; |
1773,6 → 2393,7 |
var |
BF: TBitmapFileHeader; |
i: Integer; |
ImageJPEG: TJPEGImage; |
begin |
{ File header reading } |
i := Stream.Read(BF, SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader)); |
1780,6 → 2401,30 |
if i<>SizeOf(TBitmapFileHeader) then |
raise EInvalidGraphic.Create(SInvalidDIB); |
{ Is the head jpeg ?} |
if BF.bfType = $D8FF then |
begin |
ImageJPEG := TJPEGImage.Create; |
try |
try |
Stream.Position := 0; |
ImageJPEG.LoadFromStream(Stream); |
except |
on EInvalidGraphic do ImageJPEG := nil; |
end; |
if ImageJPEG <> nil then |
begin |
{set size and bitcount in natural units of jpeg} |
SetSize(ImageJPEG.Width, ImageJPEG.Height, 24); |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, ImageJPEG); |
Exit |
end; |
finally |
ImageJPEG.Free; |
end; |
end |
else |
{ Is the head 'BM'? } |
if BF.bfType<>BitmapFileType then |
raise EInvalidGraphic.Create(SInvalidDIB); |
1864,7 → 2509,8 |
if Empty then |
begin |
SetSize(Max(Width, 1), Max(Height, 1), Value) |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
ConvertBitCount(Value); |
end; |
2031,13 → 2677,16 |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
begin |
case Temp.BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
i := (PArrayByte(SrcP)[X shr 3] and Mask1[X and 7]) shr Shift1[X and 7]; |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
i := (PArrayByte(SrcP)[X and 1] and Mask4[X and 1]) shr Shift4[X and 1]; |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
i := PByte(SrcP)^; |
Inc(PByte(SrcP)); |
end; |
2044,15 → 2693,18 |
end; |
case BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (i shl Shift1[X shr 3]); |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (i shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
PByte(DestP)^ := i; |
Inc(PByte(DestP)); |
end; |
2079,7 → 2731,8 |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
begin |
case Temp.BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[(PArrayByte(SrcP)[X shr 3] and Mask1[X and 7]) shr Shift1[X and 7]] do |
begin |
cR := rgbRed; |
2087,7 → 2740,8 |
cB := rgbBlue; |
end; |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[(PArrayByte(SrcP)[X shr 1] and Mask4[X and 1]) shr Shift4[X and 1]] do |
begin |
cR := rgbRed; |
2095,7 → 2749,8 |
cB := rgbBlue; |
end; |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[PByte(SrcP)^] do |
begin |
cR := rgbRed; |
2104,11 → 2759,13 |
end; |
Inc(PByte(SrcP)); |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(Temp.NowPixelFormat, PWord(SrcP)^, cR, cG, cB); |
Inc(PWord(SrcP)); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
with PBGR(SrcP)^ do |
begin |
cR := R; |
2118,7 → 2775,8 |
Inc(PBGR(SrcP)); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(Temp.NowPixelFormat, PDWORD(SrcP)^, cR, cG, cB); |
Inc(PDWORD(SrcP)); |
end; |
2125,11 → 2783,13 |
end; |
case BitCount of |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
PWord(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, cR, cG, cB); |
Inc(PWord(DestP)); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
with PBGR(DestP)^ do |
begin |
R := cR; |
2138,7 → 2798,8 |
end; |
Inc(PBGR(DestP)); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
PDWORD(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, cR, cG, cB); |
Inc(PDWORD(DestP)); |
end; |
2163,7 → 2824,8 |
if Temp.BitCount<=BitCount then |
begin |
PaletteToPalette_Inc; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
case BitCount of |
1: begin |
2177,12 → 2839,14 |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Temp); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
if (Temp.BitCount<=8) and (BitCount>8) then |
begin |
{ The image is converted from the palette color image into the rgb color image. } |
PaletteToRGB_or_RGBToRGB; |
end else |
end |
else |
if (Temp.BitCount>8) and (BitCount<=8) then |
begin |
{ The image is converted from the rgb color image into the palette color image. } |
2197,7 → 2861,8 |
UpdatePalette; |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Temp); |
end else |
end |
else |
if (Temp.BitCount>8) and (BitCount>8) then |
begin |
{ The image is converted from the rgb color image into the rgb color image. } |
2251,6 → 2916,211 |
Inc(FProgressY); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Mirror(MirrorX, MirrorY: Boolean); |
var |
x, y, Width2, c: Integer; |
P1, P2, TempBuf: Pointer; |
begin |
if Empty then Exit; |
if (not MirrorX) and (not MirrorY) then Exit; |
if (not MirrorX) and (MirrorY) then |
begin |
GetMem(TempBuf, WidthBytes); |
try |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y := 0 to Height shr 1 - 1 do |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := ScanLine[Height - y - 1]; |
Move(P1^, TempBuf^, WidthBytes); |
Move(P2^, P1^, WidthBytes); |
Move(TempBuf^, P2^, WidthBytes); |
UpdateProgress(y * 2); |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
end; |
finally |
FreeMem(TempBuf, WidthBytes); |
end; |
end |
else |
if (MirrorX) and (not MirrorY) then |
begin |
Width2 := Width shr 1; |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
case BitCount of |
1: |
begin |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width - x - 1, y]; |
Pixels[Width - x - 1, y] := c; |
end; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width - x - 1, y]; |
Pixels[Width - x - 1, y] := c; |
end; |
end; |
8: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1) + Width - 1); |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
PByte(@c)^ := PByte(P1)^; |
PByte(P1)^ := PByte(P2)^; |
PByte(P2)^ := PByte(@c)^; |
Inc(PByte(P1)); |
Dec(PByte(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
16: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1) + (Width - 1) * 2); |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
PWord(@c)^ := PWord(P1)^; |
PWord(P1)^ := PWord(P2)^; |
PWord(P2)^ := PWord(@c)^; |
Inc(PWord(P1)); |
Dec(PWord(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
24: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1) + (Width - 1) * 3); |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
PBGR(@c)^ := PBGR(P1)^; |
PBGR(P1)^ := PBGR(P2)^; |
PBGR(P2)^ := PBGR(@c)^; |
Inc(PBGR(P1)); |
Dec(PBGR(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
32: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1) + (Width - 1) * 4); |
for x := 0 to Width2 - 1 do |
begin |
PDWORD(@c)^ := PDWORD(P1)^; |
PDWORD(P1)^ := PDWORD(P2)^; |
PDWORD(P2)^ := PDWORD(@c)^; |
Inc(PDWORD(P1)); |
Dec(PDWORD(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
UpdateProgress(y); |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
end; |
end |
else |
if (MirrorX) and (MirrorY) then |
begin |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y := 0 to Height shr 1 - 1 do |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := ScanLine[Height - y - 1]; |
case BitCount of |
1: |
begin |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width - x - 1, Height - y - 1]; |
Pixels[Width - x - 1, Height - y - 1] := c; |
end; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width - x - 1, Height - y - 1]; |
Pixels[Width - x - 1, Height - y - 1] := c; |
end; |
end; |
8: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2) + Width - 1); |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
PByte(@c)^ := PByte(P1)^; |
PByte(P1)^ := PByte(P2)^; |
PByte(P2)^ := PByte(@c)^; |
Inc(PByte(P1)); |
Dec(PByte(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
16: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2) + (Width - 1) * 2); |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
PWord(@c)^ := PWord(P1)^; |
PWord(P1)^ := PWord(P2)^; |
PWord(P2)^ := PWord(@c)^; |
Inc(PWord(P1)); |
Dec(PWord(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
24: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2) + (Width - 1) * 3); |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
PBGR(@c)^ := PBGR(P1)^; |
PBGR(P1)^ := PBGR(P2)^; |
PBGR(P2)^ := PBGR(@c)^; |
Inc(PBGR(P1)); |
Dec(PBGR(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
32: |
begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2) + (Width - 1) * 4); |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
PDWORD(@c)^ := PDWORD(P1)^; |
PDWORD(P1)^ := PDWORD(P2)^; |
PDWORD(P2)^ := PDWORD(@c)^; |
Inc(PDWORD(P1)); |
Dec(PDWORD(P2)); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
UpdateProgress(y * 2); |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Blur(ABitCount: Integer; Radius: Integer); |
type |
TAve = record |
2270,7 → 3140,8 |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
case Temp.BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2285,7 → 3156,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2300,7 → 3172,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2316,7 → 3189,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2333,7 → 3207,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2349,7 → 3224,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2377,7 → 3253,8 |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
case Temp.BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2392,7 → 3269,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2407,7 → 3285,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2423,7 → 3302,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2440,7 → 3320,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2456,7 → 3337,8 |
Inc(AveP); |
end; |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
SrcP := Pointer(Integer(Temp.TopPBits)+Y*Temp.NextLine); |
AveP := @Ave; |
for x:=0 to XCount-1 do |
2579,27 → 3461,32 |
{ The average is written. } |
case BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 3]; |
with Ave do |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (DWORD(Ord(((cR+cG+cB) div c) div 3>127)) shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 1]; |
with Ave do |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (((((cR+cG+cB) div c) div 3) shr 4) shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
with Ave do |
PByte(DestP)^ := ((cR+cG+cB) div c) div 3; |
Inc(PByte(DestP)); |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
with Ave do |
PWORD(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, cR div c, cG div c, cB div c); |
Inc(PWORD(DestP)); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
with PBGR(DestP)^, Ave do |
begin |
R := cR div c; |
2608,7 → 3495,8 |
end; |
Inc(PBGR(DestP)); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
with Ave do |
PDWORD(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, cR div c, cG div c, cB div c); |
Inc(PDWORD(DestP)); |
2658,6 → 3546,64 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Negative; |
var |
i, i2: Integer; |
P: Pointer; |
begin |
if Empty then exit; |
if BitCount <= 8 then |
begin |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
rgbRed := 255 - rgbRed; |
rgbGreen := 255 - rgbGreen; |
rgbBlue := 255 - rgbBlue; |
end; |
UpdatePalette; |
end else |
begin |
P := PBits; |
i2 := Size; |
asm |
mov ecx,i2 |
mov eax,P |
mov edx,ecx |
{ Unit of DWORD. } |
@@qword_skip: |
shr ecx,2 |
jz @@dword_skip |
dec ecx |
@@dword_loop: |
not dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] |
dec ecx |
jnl @@dword_loop |
mov ecx,edx |
shr ecx,2 |
add eax,ecx*4 |
{ Unit of Byte. } |
@@dword_skip: |
mov ecx,edx |
and ecx,3 |
jz @@byte_skip |
dec ecx |
@@loop_byte: |
not byte ptr [eax+ecx] |
dec ecx |
jnl @@loop_byte |
@@byte_skip: |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Greyscale(ABitCount: Integer); |
var |
YTblR, YTblG, YTblB: array[0..255] of Byte; |
2668,7 → 3614,7 |
DestP, SrcP: Pointer; |
P: PByte; |
begin |
if Empty then exit; |
if Empty then Exit; |
Temp := TDIB.Create; |
try |
2706,30 → 3652,36 |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
begin |
case Temp.BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[(PArrayByte(SrcP)[X shr 3] and Mask1[X and 7]) shr Shift1[X and 7]] do |
c := YTblR[rgbRed]+YTblG[rgbGreen]+YTblB[rgbBlue]; |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[(PArrayByte(SrcP)[X shr 1] and Mask4[X and 1]) shr Shift4[X and 1]] do |
c := YTblR[rgbRed]+YTblG[rgbGreen]+YTblB[rgbBlue]; |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
with Temp.ColorTable[PByte(SrcP)^] do |
c := YTblR[rgbRed]+YTblG[rgbGreen]+YTblB[rgbBlue]; |
Inc(PByte(SrcP)); |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(Temp.NowPixelFormat, PWord(SrcP)^, R, G, B); |
c := YTblR[R]+YTblR[G]+YTblR[B]; |
Inc(PWord(SrcP)); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
with PBGR(SrcP)^ do |
c := YTblR[R]+YTblG[G]+YTblB[B]; |
Inc(PBGR(SrcP)); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(Temp.NowPixelFormat, PDWORD(SrcP)^, R, G, B); |
c := YTblR[R]+YTblR[G]+YTblR[B]; |
Inc(PDWORD(SrcP)); |
2737,23 → 3689,28 |
end; |
case BitCount of |
1 : begin |
1: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (DWORD(Ord(c>127)) shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
4 : begin |
4: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(DestP)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((c shr 4) shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
8 : begin |
8: |
begin |
PByte(DestP)^ := c; |
Inc(PByte(DestP)); |
end; |
16: begin |
16: |
begin |
PWord(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, c, c, c); |
Inc(PWord(DestP)); |
end; |
24: begin |
24: |
begin |
with PBGR(DestP)^ do |
begin |
R := c; |
2762,7 → 3719,8 |
end; |
Inc(PBGR(DestP)); |
end; |
32: begin |
32: |
begin |
PDWORD(DestP)^ := pfRGB(NowPixelFormat, c, c, c); |
Inc(PDWORD(DestP)); |
end; |
2779,253 → 3737,1574 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Mirror(MirrorX, MirrorY: Boolean); |
var |
x, y, Width2, c: Integer; |
P1, P2, TempBuf: Pointer; |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Version : 0.1 - 26/06/2000 // |
// Version : 0.2 - 04/07/2000 // |
// At someone's request, i have added 3 news effects : // |
// 1 - Rotate // |
// 2 - SplitBlur // |
// 3 - GaussianBlur // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// - NEW SPECIAL EFFECT - (English) // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// At the start, my idea was to create a component derived from TCustomDXDraw. Unfortunately, // |
// it's impossible to run a graphic component (derived from TCustomDXDraw) in a conception's // |
// mode (i don't success, but perhaps, somebody know how doing ! In that case, please help me !!!)// |
// Then, i'm used the DIB's unit for my work, but this unit is poor in special effect. Knowing a // |
// library with more effect, i'm undertaked to import this library in DIB's unit. You can see the // |
// FastLib library at : // |
// // |
// -> Gordon Alex Cowie <gfody@jps.net> www.jps.net/gfody // |
// // |
// It was very difficult, because implementation's graphic was very different that DIB's unit. // |
// Sometimes, i'm deserted the possibility of original effect, particularly in conversion of DIB // |
// whith 256, 16 and 2 colors. If someone can implement this fonctionnality, thanks to tell me // |
// how this miracle is possible !!! // |
// All these procedures are translated and adapted by : // |
// // |
// -> Mickey (Michel HIBON) <mhibon@ifrance.com> http://mickey.tsx.org // |
// // |
// IMPORTANT : These procedures don't modify the DIB's unit structure // |
// Nota Bene : I don't implement these type of graphics (32 and 16 bit per pixels), // |
// for one reason : I haven't bitmaps of this type !!! // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// - NOUVEAUX EFFETS SPECIAUX - (Français) // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Au commencement, mon idée était de dériver un composant de TCustomDXDraw. Malheureusement, // |
// c'est impossible de faire fonctionner un composant graphique (derivé de TCustomDXDraw) en mode // |
// conception (je n'y suis pas parvenu, mais peut-être, que quelqu'un sait comment faire ! Dans // |
// ce cas, vous seriez aimable de m'aider !!!) // |
// Alors, j'ai utilisé l'unité DIB pour mon travail,mais celle-ci est pauvre en effet spéciaux. // |
// Connaissant une librairie avec beaucoup plus d'effets spéciaux, j'ai entrepris d'importer // |
// cette librairie dans l'unité DIB. Vous pouvez voir la librairie FastLib à : // |
// // |
// -> Gordon Alex Cowie <gfody@jps.net> www.jps.net/gfody // |
// // |
// C'était très difficile car l'implémentation graphique est très différente de l'unité DIB. // |
// Parfois, j'ai abandonné les possibilités de l'effet original, particulièrement dans la // |
// conversion des DIB avec 256, 16 et 2 couleurs. Si quelqu'un arrive à implémenter ces // |
// fonctionnalités, merci de me dire comment ce miracle est possible !!! // |
// Toutes ces procédures ont été traduites et adaptées par: // |
// // |
// -> Mickey (Michel HIBON) <mhibon@ifrance.com> http://mickey.tsx.org // |
// // |
// IMPORTANT : Ces procédures ne modifient pas la structure de l'unité DIB // |
// Nota Bene : Je n'ai pas implémenté ces types de graphiques (32 et 16 bit par pixels), // |
// pour une raison : je n'ai pas de bitmap de ce type !!! // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
function TDIB.IntToColor(i: Integer): TBGR; |
begin |
if Empty then exit; |
if (not MirrorX) and (not MirrorY) then Exit; |
Result.b := i shr 16; |
Result.g := i shr 8; |
Result.r := i; |
end; |
if (not MirrorX) and (MirrorY) then |
function TDIB.Interval(iMin, iMax, iValue: Integer; iMark: Boolean): Integer; |
begin |
GetMem(TempBuf, WidthBytes); |
try |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y:=0 to Height shr 1-1 do |
if iMark then |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := ScanLine[Height-y-1]; |
if iValue < iMin then |
Result := iMin |
else |
if iValue > iMax then |
Result := iMax |
else |
Result := iValue; |
end |
else |
begin |
if iValue < iMin then |
Result := iMin |
else |
if iValue > iMax then |
Result := iMin |
else |
Result := iValue; |
end; |
end; |
Move(P1^, TempBuf^, WidthBytes); |
Move(P2^, P1^, WidthBytes); |
Move(TempBuf^, P2^, WidthBytes); |
procedure TDIB.Contrast(Amount: Integer); |
var |
x, y: Integer; |
Table1: array[0..255] of Byte; |
i: Byte; |
S, D: pointer; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
D := nil; |
S := nil; |
Temp1 := nil; |
for i := 0 to 126 do |
begin |
y := (Abs(128 - i) * Amount) div 256; |
Table1[i] := IntToByte(i - y); |
end; |
for i := 127 to 255 do |
begin |
y := (Abs(128 - i) * Amount) div 256; |
Table1[i] := IntToByte(i + y); |
end; |
case BitCount of |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: ; // nothing to do |
16: ; // I have an artificial bitmap for this type ! i don't sure that it works |
8, 4: |
begin |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, BitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
rgbRed := IntToByte(Table1[rgbRed]); |
rgbGreen := IntToByte(Table1[rgbGreen]); |
rgbBlue := IntToByte(Table1[rgbBlue]); |
end; |
end; |
UpdatePalette; |
end; |
else |
// if the number of pixel is equal to 1 then exit of procedure |
Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
24, 16: D := ScanLine[y]; |
8, 4: |
begin |
D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
S := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
32: ; |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^.B := Table1[PBGR(D)^.B]; |
PBGR(D)^.G := Table1[PBGR(D)^.G]; |
PBGR(D)^.R := Table1[PBGR(D)^.R]; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, PWord(D)^, R, G, B); |
PWord(D)^ := Table1[R] + Table1[G] + Table1[B]; |
Inc(PWord(D)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
8, 4: Temp1.Free; |
else |
end; |
end; |
UpdateProgress(y*2); |
procedure TDIB.Saturation(Amount: Integer); |
var |
Grays: array[0..767] of Integer; |
Alpha: array[0..255] of Word; |
Gray, x, y: Integer; |
i: Byte; |
S, D: pointer; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
D := nil; |
S := nil; |
Temp1 := nil; |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
Alpha[i] := (i * Amount) shr 8; |
x := 0; |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
Gray := i - Alpha[i]; |
Grays[x] := Gray; |
Inc(x); |
Grays[x] := Gray; |
Inc(x); |
Grays[x] := Gray; |
Inc(x); |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
case BitCount of |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: ; // nothing to do |
16: ; // I have an artificial bitmap for this type ! i don't sure that it works |
8, 4: |
begin |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, BitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
Gray := Grays[rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue]; |
rgbRed := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[rgbRed]); |
rgbGreen := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[rgbGreen]); |
rgbBlue := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[rgbBlue]); |
end; |
finally |
FreeMem(TempBuf, WidthBytes); |
end; |
end else if (MirrorX) and (not MirrorY) then |
UpdatePalette; |
end; |
else |
// if the number of pixel is equal to 1 then exit of procedure |
Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
Width2 := Width shr 1; |
case BitCount of |
24, 16: D := ScanLine[y]; |
8, 4: |
begin |
D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
S := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
32: ; |
24: |
begin |
Gray := Grays[PBGR(D)^.R + PBGR(D)^.G + PBGR(D)^.B]; |
PBGR(D)^.B := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[PBGR(D)^.B]); |
PBGR(D)^.G := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[PBGR(D)^.G]); |
PBGR(D)^.R := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[PBGR(D)^.R]); |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, PWord(D)^, R, G, B); |
PWord(D)^ := IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[B]) + IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[G]) + |
IntToByte(Gray + Alpha[R]); |
Inc(PWord(D)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
8, 4: Temp1.Free; |
else |
end; |
end; |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y:=0 to Height-1 do |
procedure TDIB.Lightness(Amount: Integer); |
var |
x, y: Integer; |
Table1: array[0..255] of Byte; |
i: Byte; |
S, D: pointer; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
D := nil; |
S := nil; |
Temp1 := nil; |
if Amount < 0 then |
begin |
Amount := -Amount; |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
Table1[i] := IntToByte(i - ((Amount * i) shr 8)); |
end |
else |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
Table1[i] := IntToByte(i + ((Amount * (i xor 255)) shr 8)); |
case BitCount of |
1 : begin |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: ; // nothing to do |
16: ; // I have an artificial bitmap for this type ! i don't sure that it works |
8, 4: |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width-x-1, y]; |
Pixels[Width-x-1, y] := c; |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, BitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
rgbRed := IntToByte(Table1[rgbRed]); |
rgbGreen := IntToByte(Table1[rgbGreen]); |
rgbBlue := IntToByte(Table1[rgbBlue]); |
end; |
end; |
4 : begin |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
UpdatePalette; |
end; |
else |
// if the number of pixel is equal to 1 then exit of procedure |
Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width-x-1, y]; |
Pixels[Width-x-1, y] := c; |
case BitCount of |
24, 16: D := ScanLine[y]; |
8, 4: |
begin |
D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
S := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
8 : begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1)+Width-1); |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
PByte(@c)^ := PByte(P1)^; |
PByte(P1)^ := PByte(P2)^; |
PByte(P2)^ := PByte(@c)^; |
Inc(PByte(P1)); |
Dec(PByte(P2)); |
case BitCount of |
32: ; |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^.B := Table1[PBGR(D)^.B]; |
PBGR(D)^.G := Table1[PBGR(D)^.G]; |
PBGR(D)^.R := Table1[PBGR(D)^.R]; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, PWord(D)^, R, G, B); |
PWord(D)^ := Table1[R] + Table1[G] + Table1[B]; |
Inc(PWord(D)); |
end; |
16: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1)+(Width-1)*2); |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
8: |
begin |
PWord(@c)^ := PWord(P1)^; |
PWord(P1)^ := PWord(P2)^; |
PWord(P2)^ := PWord(@c)^; |
Inc(PWord(P1)); |
Dec(PWord(P2)); |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
24: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1)+(Width-1)*3); |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
8, 4: Temp1.Free; |
else |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.AddRGB(aR, aG, aB: Byte); |
var |
Table: array[0..255] of TBGR; |
x, y: Integer; |
i: Byte; |
D: pointer; |
P: PByte; |
color: DWORD; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
R, G, B: Byte; |
begin |
PBGR(@c)^ := PBGR(P1)^; |
PBGR(P1)^ := PBGR(P2)^; |
PBGR(P2)^ := PBGR(@c)^; |
Inc(PBGR(P1)); |
Dec(PBGR(P2)); |
color := 0; |
D := nil; |
Temp1 := nil; |
case BitCount of |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24, 16: |
begin |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
Table[i].b := IntToByte(i + aB); |
Table[i].g := IntToByte(i + aG); |
Table[i].r := IntToByte(i + aR); |
end; |
end; |
32: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P1)+(Width-1)*4); |
for x:=0 to Width2-1 do |
8, 4: |
begin |
PDWORD(@c)^ := PDWORD(P1)^; |
PDWORD(P1)^ := PDWORD(P2)^; |
PDWORD(P2)^ := PDWORD(@c)^; |
Inc(PDWORD(P1)); |
Dec(PDWORD(P2)); |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, BitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
rgbRed := IntToByte(rgbRed + aR); |
rgbGreen := IntToByte(rgbGreen + aG); |
rgbBlue := IntToByte(rgbBlue + aB); |
end; |
end; |
UpdatePalette; |
end; |
else |
// if the number of pixel is equal to 1 then exit of procedure |
Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
24, 16: D := ScanLine[y]; |
8, 4: |
begin |
D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
32: ; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^.B := Table[PBGR(D)^.B].b; |
PBGR(D)^.G := Table[PBGR(D)^.G].g; |
PBGR(D)^.R := Table[PBGR(D)^.R].r; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, PWord(D)^, R, G, B); |
PWord(D)^ := Table[R].r + Table[G].g + Table[B].b; |
Inc(PWord(D)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
8, 4: Temp1.Free; |
else |
end; |
end; |
UpdateProgress(y); |
function TDIB.Filter(Dest: TDIB; Filter: TFilter): Boolean; |
var |
Sum, r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
a, i, j: byte; |
tmp: TBGR; |
Col: PBGR; |
D: Pointer; |
begin |
Result := True; |
Sum := Filter[0, 0] + Filter[1, 0] + Filter[2, 0] + |
Filter[0, 1] + Filter[1, 1] + Filter[2, 1] + |
Filter[0, 2] + Filter[1, 2] + Filter[2, 2]; |
if Sum = 0 then |
Sum := 1; |
Col := PBits; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
D := Dest.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
r := 0; g := 0; b := 0; |
case BitCount of |
32, 16, 4, 1: |
begin |
Result := False; |
Exit; |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
24: |
begin |
for i := 0 to 2 do |
begin |
for j := 0 to 2 do |
begin |
Tmp := IntToColor(Pixels[Interval(0, Pred(Width), x + Pred(i), True), |
Interval(0, Pred(Height), y + Pred(j), True)]); |
Inc(b, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.b); |
Inc(g, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.g); |
Inc(r, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.r); |
end; |
end else if (MirrorX) and (MirrorY) then |
end; |
Col.b := IntToByte(b div Sum); |
Col.g := IntToByte(g div Sum); |
Col.r := IntToByte(r div Sum); |
Dest.Pixels[x, y] := rgb(Col.r, Col.g, Col.b); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
StartProgress('Mirror'); |
try |
for y:=0 to Height shr 1-1 do |
for i := 0 to 2 do |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := ScanLine[Height-y-1]; |
for j := 0 to 2 do |
begin |
a := (Pixels[Interval(0, Pred(Width), x + Pred(i), True), |
Interval(0, Pred(Height), y + Pred(j), True)]); |
tmp.r := ColorTable[a].rgbRed; |
tmp.g := ColorTable[a].rgbGreen; |
tmp.b := ColorTable[a].rgbBlue; |
Inc(b, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.b); |
Inc(g, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.g); |
Inc(r, Filter[i, j] * Tmp.r); |
end; |
end; |
Col.b := IntToByte(b div Sum); |
Col.g := IntToByte(g div Sum); |
Col.r := IntToByte(r div Sum); |
PByte(D)^ := rgb(Col.r, Col.g, Col.b); |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Spray(Amount: Integer); |
var |
value, x, y: Integer; |
D: Pointer; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
begin |
for y := Pred(Height) downto 0 do |
begin |
D := ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
value := Random(Amount); |
color := Pixels[Interval(0, Pred(Width), x + (value - Random(value * 2)), True), |
Interval(0, Pred(Height), y + (value - Random(value * 2)), True)]; |
case BitCount of |
1 : begin |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
32: |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width-x-1, Height-y-1]; |
Pixels[Width-x-1, Height-y-1] := c; |
PDWord(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PDWord(D)); |
end; |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^ := IntToColor(color); |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
4 : begin |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
16: |
begin |
c := Pixels[x, y]; |
Pixels[x, y] := Pixels[Width-x-1, Height-y-1]; |
Pixels[Width-x-1, Height-y-1] := c; |
PWord(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PWord(D)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
8 : begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2)+Width-1); |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
4: |
begin |
PByte(@c)^ := PByte(P1)^; |
PByte(P1)^ := PByte(P2)^; |
PByte(P2)^ := PByte(@c)^; |
Inc(PByte(P1)); |
Dec(PByte(P2)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
1: |
begin |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (color shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
16: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2)+(Width-1)*2); |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Sharpen(Amount: Integer); |
var |
Lin0, Lin1, Lin2: PLines; |
pc: PBGR; |
cx, x, y: Integer; |
Buf: array[0..8] of TBGR; |
D: pointer; |
c: DWORD; |
i: byte; |
P1: PByte; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
begin |
PWord(@c)^ := PWord(P1)^; |
PWord(P1)^ := PWord(P2)^; |
PWord(P2)^ := PWord(@c)^; |
Inc(PWord(P1)); |
Dec(PWord(P2)); |
D := nil; |
GetMem(pc, SizeOf(TBGR)); |
c := 0; |
Temp1 := nil; |
case Bitcount of |
32, 16, 1: Exit; |
24: |
begin |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, bitCount); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, bitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
Buf[0].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[0].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[0].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[1].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[1].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[1].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[2].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[2].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[2].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[3].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[3].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[3].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[4].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[4].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[4].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[5].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[5].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[5].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[6].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[6].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[6].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[7].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[7].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[7].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[8].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[8].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[8].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
Temp1.colorTable[i].rgbBlue := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].b - (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b + Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b + |
Buf[5].b + Buf[6].b + Buf[7].b + Buf[8].b) * 16) div 128); |
Temp1.colorTable[i].rgbGreen := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].g - (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g + Buf[3].g + |
Buf[5].g + Buf[6].g + Buf[7].g + Buf[8].g) * 16) div 128); |
Temp1.colorTable[i].rgbRed := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].r - (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r + Buf[3].r + |
Buf[5].r + Buf[6].r + Buf[7].r + Buf[8].r) * 16) div 128); |
end; |
24: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2)+(Width-1)*3); |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
end; |
Temp1.UpdatePalette; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
PBGR(@c)^ := PBGR(P1)^; |
PBGR(P1)^ := PBGR(P2)^; |
PBGR(P2)^ := PBGR(@c)^; |
Inc(PBGR(P1)); |
Dec(PBGR(P2)); |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, bitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
Buf[0].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[0].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[0].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[1].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[1].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[1].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[2].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[2].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[2].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[3].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[3].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[3].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[4].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[4].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[4].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[5].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[5].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[5].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[6].B := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[6].G := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[6].R := ColorTable[i - Amount].rgbRed; |
Buf[7].B := ColorTable[i].rgbBlue; |
Buf[7].G := ColorTable[i].rgbGreen; |
Buf[7].R := ColorTable[i].rgbRed; |
Buf[8].B := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbBlue; |
Buf[8].G := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbGreen; |
Buf[8].R := ColorTable[i + Amount].rgbRed; |
colorTable[i].rgbBlue := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].b - (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b + Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b + |
Buf[5].b + Buf[6].b + Buf[7].b + Buf[8].b) * 16) div 128); |
colorTable[i].rgbGreen := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].g - (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g + Buf[3].g + |
Buf[5].g + Buf[6].g + Buf[7].g + Buf[8].g) * 16) div 128); |
colorTable[i].rgbRed := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].r - (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r + Buf[3].r + |
Buf[5].r + Buf[6].r + Buf[7].r + Buf[8].r) * 16) div 128); |
end; |
end; |
32: begin |
P2 := Pointer(Integer(P2)+(Width-1)*4); |
for x:=0 to Width-1 do |
UpdatePalette; |
end; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
PDWORD(@c)^ := PDWORD(P1)^; |
PDWORD(P1)^ := PDWORD(P2)^; |
PDWORD(P2)^ := PDWORD(@c)^; |
Inc(PDWORD(P1)); |
Dec(PDWORD(P2)); |
Lin0 := ScanLine[Interval(0, Pred(Height), y - Amount, True)]; |
Lin1 := ScanLine[y]; |
Lin2 := ScanLine[Interval(0, Pred(Height), y + Amount, True)]; |
case Bitcount of |
24, 8, 4: D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
24: |
begin |
cx := Interval(0, Pred(Width), x - Amount, True); |
Buf[0] := Lin0[cx]; |
Buf[1] := Lin1[cx]; |
Buf[2] := Lin2[cx]; |
Buf[3] := Lin0[x]; |
Buf[4] := Lin1[x]; |
Buf[5] := Lin2[x]; |
cx := Interval(0, Pred(Width), x + Amount, true); |
Buf[6] := Lin0[cx]; |
Buf[7] := Lin1[cx]; |
Buf[8] := Lin0[cx]; |
pc.b := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].b - (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b + Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b + |
Buf[5].b + Buf[6].b + Buf[7].b + Buf[8].b) * 16) div 128); |
pc.g := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].g - (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g + Buf[3].g + |
Buf[5].g + Buf[6].g + Buf[7].g + Buf[8].g) * 16) div 128); |
pc.r := IntToByte((256 * Buf[4].r - (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r + Buf[3].r + |
Buf[5].r + Buf[6].r + Buf[7].r + Buf[8].r) * 16) div 128); |
PBGR(D)^.B := pc.b; |
PBGR(D)^.G := pc.g; |
PBGR(D)^.R := pc.r; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
P1 := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P1^ := ((P1^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((c shl Shift4[X and 1]))); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
24, 8: |
begin |
Assign(Temp1); |
Temp1.Free; |
end; |
4: Temp1.Free; |
end; |
FreeMem(pc, SizeOf(TBGR)); |
end; |
UpdateProgress(y*2); |
procedure TDIB.Emboss; |
var |
x, y: longint; |
D, D1, P: pointer; |
color: TBGR; |
c: DWORD; |
P1: PByte; |
begin |
D := nil; |
D1 := nil; |
P := nil; |
case BitCount of |
32, 16, 1: Exit; |
24: |
begin |
D := PBits; |
D1 := Ptr(Integer(D) + 3); |
end; |
finally |
EndProgress; |
else |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
case Bitcount of |
8, 4: |
begin |
P := ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^.B := ((PBGR(D)^.B + (PBGR(D1)^.B xor $FF)) shr 1); |
PBGR(D)^.G := ((PBGR(D)^.G + (PBGR(D1)^.G xor $FF)) shr 1); |
PBGR(D)^.R := ((PBGR(D)^.R + (PBGR(D1)^.R xor $FF)) shr 1); |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
if (y < Height - 2) and (x < Width - 2) then |
Inc(PBGR(D1)); |
end; |
8: |
begin |
color.R := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF)) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
color.G := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF)) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
color.B := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF)) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
c := (color.R + color.G + color.B) shr 1; |
PByte(P)^ := c; |
Inc(PByte(P)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
color.R := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF) + 1) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
color.G := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF) - 1) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
color.B := (((Pixels[x, y] + (Pixels[x + 3, y] xor $FF) + 1) shr 1) + 30) div 3; |
c := (color.R + color.G + color.B) shr 1; |
if c > 64 then |
c := c - 8; |
P1 := @PArrayByte(P)[X shr 1]; |
P1^ := (P1^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((c) shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
24: |
begin |
D := Ptr(Integer(D1)); |
if y < Height - 2 then |
D1 := Ptr(Integer(D1) + 6) |
else |
D1 := Ptr(Integer(ScanLine[Pred(Height)]) + 3); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Negative; |
procedure TDIB.AddMonoNoise(Amount: Integer); |
var |
i, i2: Integer; |
P: Pointer; |
value: cardinal; |
x, y: longint; |
a: byte; |
D: pointer; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
begin |
if Empty then exit; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
D := ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: |
begin |
value := Random(Amount) - (Amount shr 1); |
PBGR(D)^.B := IntToByte(PBGR(D)^.B + value); |
PBGR(D)^.G := IntToByte(PBGR(D)^.G + value); |
PBGR(D)^.R := IntToByte(PBGR(D)^.R + value); |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
8: |
begin |
a := ((Random(Amount shr 1) - (Amount div 4))) div 8; |
color := Interval(0, 255, (pixels[x, y] - a), True); |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
a := ((Random(Amount shr 1) - (Amount div 4))) div 16; |
color := Interval(0, 15, (pixels[x, y] - a), True); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := ((P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or ((color shl Shift4[X and 1]))); |
end; |
1: |
begin |
a := ((Random(Amount shr 1) - (Amount div 4))) div 32; |
color := Interval(0, 1, (pixels[x, y] - a), True); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (color shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
if BitCount<=8 then |
procedure TDIB.AddGradiantNoise(Amount: byte); |
var |
a, i: byte; |
x, y: Integer; |
Table: array[0..255] of TBGR; |
S, D: pointer; |
color: DWORD; |
Temp1: TDIB; |
P: PByte; |
begin |
D := nil; |
S := nil; |
Temp1 := nil; |
case BitCount of |
32: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: |
begin |
for i:=0 to 255 do |
begin |
a := Random(Amount); |
Table[i].b := IntToByte(i + a); |
Table[i].g := IntToByte(i + a); |
Table[i].r := IntToByte(i + a); |
end; |
end; |
16: Exit; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
8, 4: |
begin |
Temp1 := TDIB.Create; |
Temp1.Assign(self); |
Temp1.SetSize(Width, Height, BitCount); |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
begin |
with ColorTable[i] do |
begin |
rgbRed := 255-rgbRed; |
rgbGreen := 255-rgbGreen; |
rgbBlue := 255-rgbBlue; |
a := Random(Amount); |
rgbRed := IntToByte(rgbRed + a); |
rgbGreen := IntToByte(rgbGreen + a); |
rgbBlue := IntToByte(rgbBlue + a); |
end; |
end; |
UpdatePalette; |
end else |
end; |
else |
// if the number of pixel is equal to 1 then exit of procedure |
Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
P := PBits; |
i2 := Size; |
asm |
mov ecx,i2 |
mov eax,P |
mov edx,ecx |
case BitCount of |
24: D := ScanLine[y]; |
8, 4: |
begin |
D := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
S := Temp1.ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
32: ; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
24: |
begin |
PBGR(D)^.B := Table[PBGR(D)^.B].b; |
PBGR(D)^.G := Table[PBGR(D)^.G].g; |
PBGR(D)^.R := Table[PBGR(D)^.R].r; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
16: ; // I haven't bitmap of this type ! Sorry |
8: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
PByte(D)^ := color; |
Inc(PByte(D)); |
end; |
4: |
begin |
with Temp1.ColorTable[PByte(S)^] do |
color := rgbRed + rgbGreen + rgbBlue; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[X and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[X and 1]); |
end; |
else |
end; |
end; |
end; |
case BitCount of |
8, 4: Temp1.Free; |
else |
end; |
end; |
{ Unit of DWORD. } |
@@qword_skip: |
shr ecx,2 |
jz @@dword_skip |
function TDIB.FishEye(bmp: TDIB): Boolean; |
var |
weight, xmid, ymid, fx, fy, r1, r2, dx, dy, rmax: Double; |
Amount, ifx, ify, ty, tx, new_red, new_green, new_blue, ix, iy: Integer; |
weight_x, weight_y: array[0..1] of Double; |
total_red, total_green, total_blue: Double; |
sli, slo: PLines; |
D: Pointer; |
begin |
Result := True; |
case BitCount of |
32, 16, 8, 4, 1: |
begin |
Result := False; |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
Amount := 1; |
xmid := Width / 2; |
ymid := Height / 2; |
rmax := Max(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height) * Amount; |
for ty := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
for tx := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
dx := tx - xmid; |
dy := ty - ymid; |
r1 := Sqrt(Sqr(dx) + Sqr(dy)); |
if r1 <> 0 then |
begin |
r2 := rmax / 2 * (1 / (1 - r1 / rmax) - 1); |
fx := dx * r2 / r1 + xmid; |
fy := dy * r2 / r1 + ymid; |
end |
else |
begin |
fx := xmid; |
fy := ymid; |
end; |
ify := Trunc(fy); |
ifx := Trunc(fx); |
if fy >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_y[1] := fy - ify; |
weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); |
weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; |
end; |
if fx >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; |
weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); |
Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; |
end; |
if ifx < 0 then |
ifx := Pred(Width) - (-ifx mod Width) |
else |
if ifx > Pred(Width) then |
ifx := ifx mod Width; |
if ify < 0 then |
ify := Pred(Height) - (-ify mod Height) |
else |
if ify > Pred(Height) then |
ify := ify mod Height; |
total_red := 0.0; |
total_green := 0.0; |
total_blue := 0.0; |
for ix := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
for iy := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
if ify + iy < Height then |
sli := ScanLine[ify + iy] |
else |
sli := ScanLine[Height - ify - iy]; |
if ifx + ix < Width then |
begin |
new_red := sli^[ifx + ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[ifx + ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[ifx + ix].b; |
end |
else |
begin |
new_red := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].b; |
end; |
weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; |
total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; |
total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; |
total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; |
end; |
end; |
case bitCount of |
24: |
begin |
slo := Bmp.ScanLine[ty]; |
slo^[tx].r := Round(total_red); |
slo^[tx].g := Round(total_green); |
slo^[tx].b := Round(total_blue); |
end; |
else |
// You can implement this procedure for 16,8,4,2 and 32 BitCount's DIB |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
dec ecx |
@@dword_loop: |
not dword ptr [eax+ecx*4] |
dec ecx |
jnl @@dword_loop |
function TDIB.SmoothRotateWrap(Bmp: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Degree: Extended): Boolean; |
var |
weight, Theta, cosTheta, sinTheta, sfrom_y, sfrom_x: Double; |
ifrom_y, ifrom_x, xDiff, yDiff, to_y, to_x: Integer; |
weight_x, weight_y: array[0..1] of Double; |
ix, iy, new_red, new_green, new_blue: Integer; |
total_red, total_green, total_blue: Double; |
sli, slo: PLines; |
begin |
Result := True; |
case BitCount of |
32, 16, 8, 4, 1: |
begin |
Result := False; |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
Theta := -Degree * Pi / 180; |
sinTheta := Sin(Theta); |
cosTheta := Cos(Theta); |
xDiff := (Bmp.Width - Width) div 2; |
yDiff := (Bmp.Height - Height) div 2; |
for to_y := 0 to Pred(Bmp.Height) do |
begin |
for to_x := 0 to Pred(Bmp.Width) do |
begin |
sfrom_x := (cx + (to_x - cx) * cosTheta - (to_y - cy) * sinTheta) - xDiff; |
ifrom_x := Trunc(sfrom_x); |
sfrom_y := (cy + (to_x - cx) * sinTheta + (to_y - cy) * cosTheta) - yDiff; |
ifrom_y := Trunc(sfrom_y); |
if sfrom_y >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_y[1] := sfrom_y - ifrom_y; |
weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_y[0] := -(sfrom_y - ifrom_y); |
weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; |
end; |
if sfrom_x >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_x[1] := sfrom_x - ifrom_x; |
weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_x[0] := -(sfrom_x - ifrom_x); |
Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; |
end; |
if ifrom_x < 0 then |
ifrom_x := Pred(Width) - (-ifrom_x mod Width) |
else |
if ifrom_x > Pred(Width) then |
ifrom_x := ifrom_x mod Width; |
if ifrom_y < 0 then |
ifrom_y := Pred(Height) - (-ifrom_y mod Height) |
else |
if ifrom_y > Pred(Height) then |
ifrom_y := ifrom_y mod Height; |
total_red := 0.0; |
total_green := 0.0; |
total_blue := 0.0; |
for ix := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
for iy := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
if ifrom_y + iy < Height then |
sli := ScanLine[ifrom_y + iy] |
else |
sli := ScanLine[Height - ifrom_y - iy]; |
if ifrom_x + ix < Width then |
begin |
new_red := sli^[ifrom_x + ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[ifrom_x + ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[ifrom_x + ix].b; |
end |
else |
begin |
new_red := sli^[Width - ifrom_x - ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[Width - ifrom_x - ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[Width - ifrom_x - ix].b; |
end; |
weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; |
total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; |
total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; |
total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; |
end; |
end; |
case bitCount of |
24: |
begin |
slo := Bmp.ScanLine[to_y]; |
slo^[to_x].r := Round(total_red); |
slo^[to_x].g := Round(total_green); |
slo^[to_x].b := Round(total_blue); |
end; |
else |
// You can implement this procedure for 16,8,4,2 and 32 BitCount's DIB |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
mov ecx,edx |
shr ecx,2 |
add eax,ecx*4 |
function TDIB.Rotate(Dst: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Angle: Double): Boolean; |
var |
x, y, dx, dy, sdx, sdy, xDiff, yDiff, isinTheta, icosTheta: Integer; |
D, S: Pointer; |
sinTheta, cosTheta, Theta: Double; |
Col: TBGR; |
i: byte; |
color: DWORD; |
P: PByte; |
begin |
D := nil; |
S := nil; |
Result := True; |
dst.SetSize(Width, Height, Bitcount); |
dst.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; |
Dst.Canvas.FillRect(Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height)); |
case BitCount of |
32, 16: |
begin |
Result := False; |
Exit; |
end; |
8, 4, 1: |
begin |
for i := 0 to 255 do |
Dst.ColorTable[i] := ColorTable[i]; |
Dst.UpdatePalette; |
end; |
end; |
Theta := -Angle * Pi / 180; |
sinTheta := Sin(Theta); |
cosTheta := Cos(Theta); |
xDiff := (Dst.Width - Width) div 2; |
yDiff := (Dst.Height - Height) div 2; |
isinTheta := Round(sinTheta * $10000); |
icosTheta := Round(cosTheta * $10000); |
for y := 0 to Pred(Dst.Height) do |
begin |
case BitCount of |
4, 1: |
begin |
D := Dst.ScanLine[y]; |
S := ScanLine[y]; |
end; |
else |
end; |
sdx := Round(((cx + (-cx) * cosTheta - (y - cy) * sinTheta) - xDiff) * $10000); |
sdy := Round(((cy + (-cy) * sinTheta + (y - cy) * cosTheta) - yDiff) * $10000); |
for x := 0 to Pred(Dst.Width) do |
begin |
dx := (sdx shr 16); |
dy := (sdy shr 16); |
if (dx > -1) and (dx < Width) and (dy > -1) and (dy < Height) then |
begin |
case bitcount of |
8, 24: Dst.pixels[x, y] := Pixels[dx, dy]; |
4: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, Pixels[dx, dy], col.r, col.g, col.b); |
color := col.r + col.g + col.b; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[x shr 1]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask4n[x and 1]) or (color shl Shift4[x and 1]); |
end; |
1: |
begin |
pfGetRGB(NowPixelFormat, Pixels[dx, dy], col.r, col.g, col.b); |
color := col.r + col.g + col.b; |
Inc(PByte(S)); |
P := @PArrayByte(D)[X shr 3]; |
P^ := (P^ and Mask1n[X and 7]) or (color shl Shift1[X and 7]); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
Inc(sdx, icosTheta); |
Inc(sdy, isinTheta); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
{ Unit of Byte. } |
@@dword_skip: |
mov ecx,edx |
and ecx,3 |
jz @@byte_skip |
procedure TDIB.GaussianBlur(Bmp: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
i: Integer; |
begin |
for i := 1 to Amount do |
Bmp.SplitBlur(i); |
end; |
dec ecx |
@@loop_byte: |
not byte ptr [eax+ecx] |
dec ecx |
jnl @@loop_byte |
procedure TDIB.SplitBlur(Amount: Integer); |
var |
Lin1, Lin2: PLines; |
cx, x, y: Integer; |
Buf: array[0..3] of TBGR; |
D: Pointer; |
@@byte_skip: |
begin |
case Bitcount of |
32, 16, 8, 4, 1: Exit; |
end; |
for y := 0 to Pred(Height) do |
begin |
Lin1 := ScanLine[TrimInt(y + Amount, 0, Pred(Height))]; |
Lin2 := ScanLine[TrimInt(y - Amount, 0, Pred(Height))]; |
D := ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Pred(Width) do |
begin |
cx := TrimInt(x + Amount, 0, Pred(Width)); |
Buf[0] := Lin1[cx]; |
Buf[1] := Lin2[cx]; |
cx := TrimInt(x - Amount, 0, Pred(Width)); |
Buf[2] := Lin1[cx]; |
Buf[3] := Lin2[cx]; |
PBGR(D)^.b := (Buf[0].b + Buf[1].b + Buf[2].b + Buf[3].b) shr 2; |
PBGR(D)^.g := (Buf[0].g + Buf[1].g + Buf[2].g + Buf[3].g) shr 2; |
PBGR(D)^.r := (Buf[0].r + Buf[1].r + Buf[2].r + Buf[3].r) shr 2; |
Inc(PBGR(D)); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.Twist(bmp: TDIB; Amount: byte): Boolean; |
var |
fxmid, fymid: Single; |
txmid, tymid: Single; |
fx, fy: Single; |
tx2, ty2: Single; |
r: Single; |
theta: Single; |
ifx, ify: Integer; |
dx, dy: Single; |
OFFSET: Single; |
ty, tx, ix, iy: Integer; |
weight_x, weight_y: array[0..1] of Single; |
weight: Single; |
new_red, new_green, new_blue: Integer; |
total_red, total_green, total_blue: Single; |
sli, slo: PLines; |
function ArcTan2(xt, yt: Single): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if xt = 0 then |
if yt > 0 then |
Result := Pi / 2 |
else |
Result := -(Pi / 2) |
else |
begin |
Result := ArcTan(yt / xt); |
if xt < 0 then |
Result := Pi + ArcTan(yt / xt); |
end; |
end; |
begin |
Result := True; |
case BitCount of |
32, 16, 8, 4, 1: |
begin |
Result := False; |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
if Amount = 0 then |
Amount := 1; |
OFFSET := -(Pi / 2); |
dx := Pred(Width); |
dy := Pred(Height); |
r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
tx2 := r; |
ty2 := r; |
txmid := (Pred(Width)) / 2; |
tymid := (Pred(Height)) / 2; |
fxmid := (Pred(Width)) / 2; |
fymid := (Pred(Height)) / 2; |
if tx2 >= Width then |
tx2 := Pred(Width); |
if ty2 >= Height then |
ty2 := Pred(Height); |
for ty := 0 to Round(ty2) do |
begin |
for tx := 0 to Round(tx2) do |
begin |
dx := tx - txmid; |
dy := ty - tymid; |
r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
if r = 0 then |
begin |
fx := 0; |
fy := 0; |
end |
else |
begin |
theta := ArcTan2(dx, dy) - r / Amount - OFFSET; |
fx := r * Cos(theta); |
fy := r * Sin(theta); |
end; |
fx := fx + fxmid; |
fy := fy + fymid; |
ify := Trunc(fy); |
ifx := Trunc(fx); |
if fy >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_y[1] := fy - ify; |
weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); |
weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; |
end; |
if fx >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; |
weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); |
Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; |
end; |
if ifx < 0 then |
ifx := Pred(Width) - (-ifx mod Width) |
else |
if ifx > Pred(Width) then |
ifx := ifx mod Width; |
if ify < 0 then |
ify := Pred(Height) - (-ify mod Height) |
else |
if ify > Pred(Height) then |
ify := ify mod Height; |
total_red := 0.0; |
total_green := 0.0; |
total_blue := 0.0; |
for ix := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
for iy := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
if ify + iy < Height then |
sli := ScanLine[ify + iy] |
else |
sli := ScanLine[Height - ify - iy]; |
if ifx + ix < Width then |
begin |
new_red := sli^[ifx + ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[ifx + ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[ifx + ix].b; |
end |
else |
begin |
new_red := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].r; |
new_green := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].g; |
new_blue := sli^[Width - ifx - ix].b; |
end; |
weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; |
total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; |
total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; |
total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; |
end; |
end; |
case bitCount of |
24: |
begin |
slo := bmp.ScanLine[ty]; |
slo^[tx].r := Round(total_red); |
slo^[tx].g := Round(total_green); |
slo^[tx].b := Round(total_blue); |
end; |
else |
// You can implement this procedure for 16,8,4,2 and 32 BitCount's DIB |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.TrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; |
begin |
if i > Max then |
Result := Max |
else |
if i < Min then |
Result := Min |
else |
Result := i; |
end; |
function TDIB.IntToByte(i: Integer): Byte; |
begin |
if i > 255 then |
Result := 255 |
else |
if i < 0 then |
Result := 0 |
else |
Result := i; |
end; |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// End of these New Special Effect // |
// Please contributes to add effects and filters to this collection // |
// Please, work to implement 32,16,8,4,2 BitCount's DIB // |
// Have fun - Mickey - Good job // |
//-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
function TDIB.GetAlphaChannel: TDIB; |
begin |
RetAlphaChannel(Result); |
FFreeList.Add(Result); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.SetAlphaChannel(const Value: TDIB); |
begin |
if not AssignAlphaChannel(Value{$IFNDEF VER4UP}, False{$ENDIF}) then |
Exception.Create('Cannot set alphachannel from DIB.'); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Fill(aColor: TColor); |
begin |
Canvas.Brush.Color := aColor; |
Canvas.FillRect(ClientRect); |
end; |
function TDIB.GetClientRect: TRect; |
begin |
Result := Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height); |
end; |
{ TCustomDXDIB } |
constructor TCustomDXDIB.Create(AOnwer: TComponent); |
3078,17 → 5357,20 |
begin |
inherited Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(-(Width-ClientWidth) div 2, |
-(Height-ClientHeight) div 2, Width, Height), FDIB); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
inherited Canvas.StretchDraw(Bounds(0, 0, Width, Height), FDIB); |
end; |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
if FCenter then |
begin |
inherited Canvas.Draw(-(Width-ClientWidth) div 2, -(Height-ClientHeight) div 2, |
FDIB); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
inherited Canvas.Draw(0, 0, FDIB); |
end; |
3128,11 → 5410,14 |
if r>r2 then |
r := r2; |
Draw2(Round(r*ClientWidth), Round(r*ClientHeight)); |
end else |
end |
else |
Draw2(ViewWidth2, ViewHeight2); |
end else |
end |
else |
Draw2(ViewWidth2, ViewHeight2); |
end else |
end |
else |
begin |
if FAutoStretch then |
begin |
3143,9 → 5428,11 |
if r>r2 then |
r := r2; |
Draw2(Round(r*FDIB.Width), Round(r*FDIB.Height)); |
end else |
end |
else |
Draw2(FDIB.Width, FDIB.Height); |
end else |
end |
else |
if FStretch then |
begin |
if FKeepAspect then |
3155,9 → 5442,11 |
if r>r2 then |
r := r2; |
Draw2(Round(r*FDIB.Width), Round(r*FDIB.Height)); |
end else |
end |
else |
Draw2(ClientWidth, ClientHeight); |
end else |
end |
else |
Draw2(FDIB.Width, FDIB.Height); |
end; |
end; |
3228,6 → 5517,4382 |
end; |
end; |
{ DXFusion -> } |
function PosValue(Value: Integer): Integer; |
begin |
if Value < 0 then result := 0 else result := Value; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.CreateDIBFromBitmap(const Bitmap: TBitmap); |
var |
pf: Integer; |
begin |
if Bitmap.PixelFormat = pf32bit then pf := 32 else pf := 24; |
SetSize(Bitmap.Width, Bitmap.Height, pf); {always >=24} |
Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Bitmap); |
end; |
function TDIB.CreateBitmapFromDIB: TBitmap; |
//var |
// X, Y: Integer; |
begin |
Result := TBitmap.Create; |
if BitCount = 32 then |
Result.PixelFormat := pf32bit |
else if BitCount = 24 then |
Result.PixelFormat := pf24bit |
else if BitCount = 16 then |
Result.PixelFormat := pf16bit |
else if BitCount = 8 then |
Result.PixelFormat := pf8bit |
else Result.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
Result.Width := Width; |
Result.Height := Height; |
Result.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, Self); |
// for Y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
// for X := 0 to Width - 1 do |
// Result.Canvas.Pixels[X, Y] := Canvas.Pixels[X, Y]; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawTo(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer); |
begin |
SrcDIB.DrawOn(Rect(X, Y, Width, Height), Self.Canvas, SourceX, SourceY); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawTransparent(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * X; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := -DestStartY; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
if not (n = Color) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := p2[k1]; |
p1[k2 + 1] := p2[k1 + 1]; |
p1[k2 + 2] := p2[k1 + 2]; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawShadow(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, |
Frame: Integer; FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByte; |
FW: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
FW := Frame * Width; |
for i := 1 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[i + Y]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[i]; |
Inc(p1, 3 * (X + 1)); |
Inc(p2, 3 * (FW + 1)); |
for j := 1 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
if (p2^ = 0) then |
begin |
case FilterMode of |
fmNormal, fmMix50: |
begin |
p1^ := p1^ shr 1; // Blue |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ shr 1; // Green |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ shr 1; // Red |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
fmMix25: |
begin |
p1^ := p1^ - p1^ shr 2; // Blue |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ - p1^ shr 2; // Green |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ - p1^ shr 2; // Red |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
fmMix75: |
begin |
p1^ := p1^ shr 2; // Blue |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ shr 2; // Green |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := p1^ shr 2; // Red |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
end; |
end |
else |
Inc(p1, 3); // Not in the loop... |
Inc(p2, 3); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawShadows(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, |
Frame: Integer; Alpha: Byte); |
{plynule nastavovani stiny dle alpha} |
type |
P3ByteArray = ^T3ByteArray; |
T3ByteArray = array[0..32767] of TBGR; |
var |
i, j, l1, l2: Integer; |
p1, p2: P3ByteArray; |
FW: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
FW := Frame * Width; |
for i := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[i + Y]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[i]; |
l1 := X; |
l2 := FW; |
for j := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
if (p2[j + l2].B = 0) and (p2[j + l2].G = 0) and (p2[j + l2].R = 0) then |
begin |
p1[J + l1].B := Round(p1[J + l1].B / $FF * Alpha); |
p1[J + l1].G := Round(p1[J + l1].G / $FF * Alpha); |
p1[J + l1].R := Round(p1[J + l1].R / $FF * Alpha); |
end |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawDarken(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, |
Frame: Integer); |
var |
frameoffset, i, j: Integer; |
p1, p2: pByte; |
XOffset: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
frameoffset := 3 * (Frame * Width) + 3; |
XOffset := 3 * X + 3; |
for i := 1 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[i + Y]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[i]; |
inc(p1, XOffset); |
inc(p2, frameoffset); |
for j := 1 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
p1^ := (p2^ * p1^) shr 8; // R |
inc(p1); |
inc(p2); |
p1^ := (p2^ * p1^) shr 8; // G |
inc(p1); |
inc(p2); |
p1^ := (p2^ * p1^) shr 8; // B |
inc(p1); |
inc(p2); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawQuickAlpha(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor; FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
BitSwitch1, BitSwitch2: Boolean; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * X; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := -DestStartY; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
if Odd(Y) then BitSwitch1 := true else BitSwitch1 := false; |
if Odd(X) then BitSwitch2 := true else BitSwitch2 := false; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
BitSwitch1 := not BitSwitch1; |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
BitSwitch2 := not BitSwitch2; |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
case FilterMode of |
fmNormal, fmMix50: if not (n = Color) and (BitSwitch1 xor BitSwitch2) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := p2[k1]; |
p1[k2 + 1] := p2[k1 + 1]; |
p1[k2 + 2] := p2[k1 + 2]; |
end; |
fmMix25: if not (n = Color) and (BitSwitch1 and BitSwitch2) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := p2[k1]; |
p1[k2 + 1] := p2[k1 + 1]; |
p1[k2 + 2] := p2[k1 + 2]; |
end; |
fmMix75: if not (n = Color) and (BitSwitch1 or BitSwitch2) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := p2[k1]; |
p1[k2 + 1] := p2[k1 + 1]; |
p1[k2 + 2] := p2[k1 + 2]; |
end; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawAdditive(SrcDIB: TDIB; X, Y, Width, Height, Alpha, Frame: |
Integer); |
var |
frameoffset, i, j, Wid: Integer; |
p1, p2: pByte; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if (Alpha < 1) or (Alpha > 256) then Exit; |
Wid := Width shl 1 + Width; |
frameoffset := Wid * Frame; |
for i := 1 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
if (i + Y) > (Self.Height - 1) then Break; //add 25.5.2004 JB. |
p1 := Self.Scanline[i + Y]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[i]; |
inc(p1, X shl 1 + X + 3); |
inc(p2, frameoffset + 3); |
for j := 3 to Wid - 4 do |
begin |
inc(p1^, (Alpha - p1^) * p2^ shr 8); |
inc(p1); |
inc(p2); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawTranslucent(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * X; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := -DestStartY; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
if not (n = Color) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := (p1[k2] + p2[k1]) shr 1; |
p1[k2 + 1] := (p1[k2 + 1] + p2[k1 + 1]) shr 1; |
p1[k2 + 2] := (p1[k2 + 2] + p2[k1 + 2]) shr 1; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawAlpha(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY, Alpha: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * x; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := DestStartY; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
if not (n = Color) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := (p1[k2] * (256 - Alpha) + p2[k1] * Alpha) shr 8; |
p1[k2 + 1] := (p1[k2 + 1] * (256 - Alpha) + p2[k1 + 1] * Alpha) shr 8; |
p1[k2 + 2] := (p1[k2 + 2] * (256 - Alpha) + p2[k1 + 2] * Alpha) shr 8; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawAlphaMask(SrcDIB, MaskDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, |
Width, Height, SourceX, SourceY: Integer); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
k1, k2, k3: Integer; |
p1, p2, p3: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * x; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := DestStartY; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
p3 := MaskDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
k3 := 0; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
p1[k2] := (p1[k2] * (256 - p3[k3]) + p2[k1] * p3[k3]) shr 8; |
p1[k2 + 1] := (p1[k2 + 1] * (256 - p3[k3]) + p2[k1 + 1] * p3[k3]) shr 8; |
p1[k2 + 2] := (p1[k2 + 2] * (256 - p3[k3]) + p2[k1 + 2] * p3[k3]) shr 8; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
k3 := k3 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawMorphed(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const Color: TColor); |
var |
i, j, r, g, b: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2: Integer; |
StartY: Integer; |
EndY: Integer; |
DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * x; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := DestStartY; |
r := 0; |
g := 0; |
b := 0; |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
if Random(100) < 50 then |
begin |
b := p1[k2]; |
g := p1[k2 + 1]; |
r := p1[k2 + 2]; |
end; |
if not (n = Color) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := b; |
p1[k2 + 1] := g; |
p1[k2 + 2] := r; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawMono(SrcDIB: TDIB; const X, Y, Width, Height, |
SourceX, SourceY: Integer; const TransColor, ForeColor, BackColor: TColor); |
var |
i, j, r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2: Integer; |
k1, k2: Integer; |
n: Integer; |
p1, p2: PByteArray; |
Startk1, Startk2, StartY, EndY, DestStartY: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
Startk1 := 3 * SourceX; |
Startk2 := 3 * x; |
DestStartY := Y - SourceY; |
StartY := SourceY; |
EndY := SourceY + Height; |
if (EndY + DestStartY > Self.Height) then |
EndY := Self.Height - DestStartY; |
if (EndY > SrcDIB.Height) then |
EndY := SrcDIB.Height; |
if (StartY < 0) then |
StartY := 0; |
if (StartY + DestStartY < 0) then |
StartY := DestStartY; |
r1 := GetRValue(BackColor); |
g1 := GetGValue(BackColor); |
b1 := GetBValue(BackColor); |
r2 := GetRValue(ForeColor); |
g2 := GetGValue(ForeColor); |
b2 := GetBValue(ForeColor); |
for j := StartY to EndY - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[j + DestStartY]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[j]; |
k1 := Startk1; |
k2 := Startk2; |
for i := SourceX to SourceX + Width - 1 do |
begin |
n := (p2[k1] shl 16) + (p2[k1 + 1] shl 8) + p2[k1 + 2]; |
if (n = TransColor) then |
begin |
p1[k2] := b1; |
p1[k2 + 1] := g1; |
p1[k2 + 2] := r1; |
end |
else |
begin |
p1[k2] := b2; |
p1[k2 + 1] := g2; |
p1[k2 + 2] := r2; |
end; |
k1 := k1 + 3; |
k2 := k2 + 3; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Draw3x3Matrix(SrcDIB: TDIB; Setting: TMatrixSetting); |
var i, j, k: Integer; |
p1, p2, p3, p4: PByteArray; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
for i := 1 to SrcDIB.Height - 2 do |
begin |
p1 := SrcDIB.ScanLine[i - 1]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.ScanLine[i]; |
p3 := SrcDIB.ScanLine[i + 1]; |
p4 := Self.ScanLine[i]; |
for j := 3 to 3 * SrcDIB.Width - 4 do |
begin |
k := (p1[j - 3] * Setting[0] + p1[j] * Setting[1] + p1[j + 3] * Setting[2] + |
p2[j - 3] * Setting[3] + p2[j] * Setting[4] + p2[j + 3] * Setting[5] + |
p3[j - 3] * Setting[6] + p3[j] * Setting[7] + p3[j + 3] * Setting[8]) |
div Setting[9]; |
if k < 0 then k := 0; |
if k > 255 then k := 255; |
p4[j] := k; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawAntialias(SrcDIB: TDIB); |
var i, j, k, l, m: Integer; |
p1, p2, p3: PByteArray; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
if SrcDIB.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
for i := 1 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
k := i shl 1; |
p1 := SrcDIB.Scanline[k]; |
p2 := SrcDIB.Scanline[k + 1]; |
p3 := Self.Scanline[i]; |
for j := 1 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
m := 3 * j; |
l := m shl 1; |
p3[m] := (p1[l] + p1[l + 3] + p2[l] + p2[l + 3]) shr 2; |
p3[m + 1] := (p1[l + 1] + p1[l + 4] + p2[l + 1] + p2[l + 4]) shr 2; |
p3[m + 2] := (p1[l + 2] + p1[l + 5] + p2[l + 2] + p2[l + 5]) shr 2; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.FilterLine(X1, Y1, X2, Y2: Integer; Color: TColor; |
FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
t: TColor; |
r1, g1, b1, r2, g2, b2: Integer; |
begin |
j := ROUND(Sqrt(Sqr(ABS(X2 - X1)) + Sqr(ABS(Y2 - Y1)))); |
if j < 1 then Exit; |
r1 := GetRValue(Color); |
g1 := GetGValue(Color); |
b1 := GetBValue(Color); |
for i := 0 to j do |
begin |
t := Self.Pixels[X1 + ((X2 - X1) * i div j), Y1 + ((Y2 - Y1) * i div j)]; |
r2 := GetRValue(t); |
g2 := GetGValue(t); |
b2 := GetBValue(t); |
case FilterMode of |
fmNormal: t := RGB(r1 + (((256 - r1) * r2) shr 8), |
g1 + (((256 - g1) * g2) shr 8), |
b1 + (((256 - b1) * b2) shr 8)); |
fmMix25: t := RGB((r1 + r2 * 3) shr 2, (g1 + g2 * 3) shr 2, (b1 + b2 * 3) shr 2); |
fmMix50: t := RGB((r1 + r2) shr 1, (g1 + g2) shr 1, (b1 + b2) shr 1); |
fmMix75: t := RGB((r1 * 3 + r2) shr 2, (g1 * 3 + g2) shr 2, (b1 * 3 + b2) shr 2); |
end; |
Self.Pixels[X1 + ((X2 - X1) * i div j), Y1 + ((Y2 - Y1) * i div j)] := t; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.FilterRect(X, Y, Width, Height: Integer; |
Color: TColor; FilterMode: TFilterMode); |
var |
i, j, r, g, b, C1: Integer; |
p1, p2, p3: pByte; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
r := GetRValue(Color); |
g := GetGValue(Color); |
b := GetBValue(Color); |
for i := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := Self.Scanline[i + Y]; |
Inc(p1, (3 * X)); |
for j := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
case FilterMode of |
fmNormal: |
begin |
p2 := p1; |
Inc(p2); |
p3 := p2; |
Inc(p3); |
C1 := (p1^ + p2^ + p3^) div 3; |
p1^ := (C1 * b) shr 8; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (C1 * g) shr 8; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (C1 * r) shr 8; |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
fmMix25: |
begin |
p1^ := (3 * p1^ + b) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (3 * p1^ + g) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (3 * p1^ + r) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
fmMix50: |
begin |
p1^ := (p1^ + b) shr 1; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (p1^ + g) shr 1; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (p1^ + r) shr 1; |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
fmMix75: |
begin |
p1^ := (p1^ + 3 * b) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (p1^ + 3 * g) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
p1^ := (p1^ + 3 * r) shr 2; |
Inc(p1); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.InitLight(Count, Detail: Integer); |
var |
i, j: Integer; |
begin |
LG_COUNT := Count; |
LG_DETAIL := Detail; |
for i := 0 to 255 do // Build Lightning LUT |
for j := 0 to 255 do |
FLUTDist[i, j] := ROUND(Sqrt(Sqr(i * 10) + Sqr(j * 10))); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawLights(FLight: TLightArray; |
AmbientLight: TColor); |
var |
i, j, l, m, n, o, q, D1, D2, R, G, B, AR, AG, AB: Integer; |
P: array{$IFNDEF VER4UP} [0..4096]{$ENDIF} of PByteArray; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
SetLength(P, LG_DETAIL); |
{$ENDIF} |
AR := GetRValue(AmbientLight); |
AG := GetGValue(AmbientLight); |
AB := GetBValue(AmbientLight); |
for i := (Self.Height div (LG_DETAIL + 1)) downto 1 do |
begin |
for o := 0 to LG_DETAIL do |
P[o] := Self.Scanline[(LG_DETAIL + 1) * i - o]; |
for j := (Self.Width div (LG_DETAIL + 1)) downto 1 do |
begin |
R := AR; |
G := AG; |
B := AB; |
for l := LG_COUNT - 1 downto 0 do // Check the lightsources |
begin |
D1 := ABS(j * (LG_DETAIL + 1) - FLight[l].X) div FLight[l].Size1; |
D2 := ABS(i * (LG_DETAIL + 1) - FLight[l].Y) div FLight[l].Size2; |
if D1 > 255 then D1 := 255; |
if D2 > 255 then D2 := 255; |
m := 255 - FLUTDist[D1, D2]; |
if m < 0 then m := 0; |
Inc(R, (PosValue(GetRValue(FLight[l].Color) - R) * m shr 8)); |
Inc(G, (PosValue(GetGValue(FLight[l].Color) - G) * m shr 8)); |
Inc(B, (PosValue(GetBValue(FLight[l].Color) - B) * m shr 8)); |
end; |
for q := LG_DETAIL downto 0 do |
begin |
n := 3 * (j * (LG_DETAIL + 1) - q); |
for o := LG_DETAIL downto 0 do |
begin |
P[o][n] := (P[o][n] * B) shr 8; |
P[o][n + 1] := (P[o][n + 1] * G) shr 8; |
P[o][n + 2] := (P[o][n + 2] * R) shr 8; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
SetLength(P, 0); |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawOn(Dest: TRect; DestCanvas: TCanvas; Xsrc, Ysrc: Integer); |
{procedure is supplement of original TDIBUltra function} |
begin |
//if not AsSigned(SrcCanvas) then Exit; |
if (Xsrc < 0) then |
begin |
Dec(Dest.Left, Xsrc); |
Inc(Dest.Right {Width }, Xsrc); |
Xsrc := 0 |
end; |
if (Ysrc < 0) then |
begin |
Dec(Dest.Top, Ysrc); |
Inc(Dest.Bottom {Height}, Ysrc); |
Ysrc := 0 |
end; |
BitBlt(DestCanvas.Handle, Dest.Left, Dest.Top, Dest.Right, Dest.Bottom, Self.Canvas.Handle, Xsrc, Ysrc, SRCCOPY); |
end; |
{ DXFusion <- } |
{ added effect for DIB } |
function IntToByte(i: Integer): Byte; |
begin |
if i > 255 then Result := 255 |
else if i < 0 then Result := 0 |
else Result := i; |
end; |
{standalone routine} |
procedure TDIB.Darker(Percent: Integer); |
{color to dark in percent} |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
for y := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := Self.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
p0[x * 3] := Round(R * Percent / 100); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := Round(G * Percent / 100); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := Round(B * Percent / 100); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Lighter(Percent: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
for y := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := Self.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
p0[x * 3] := Round(R * Percent / 100) + Round(255 - Percent / 100 * 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := Round(G * Percent / 100) + Round(255 - Percent / 100 * 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := Round(B * Percent / 100) + Round(255 - Percent / 100 * 255); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Darkness(Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount <> 24 then Exit; |
for y := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := Self.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(r - ((r) * Amount) div 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(g - ((g) * Amount) div 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(b - ((b) * Amount) div 255); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TrimInt(i, Min, Max: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if i > Max then Result := Max |
else if i < Min then Result := Min |
else Result := i; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSmoothRotate(Src: TDIB; cx, cy: Integer; Angle: Extended); |
var |
Top, Bottom, Left, Right, eww, nsw, fx, fy, wx, wy: Extended; |
cAngle, sAngle: Double; |
xDiff, yDiff, ifx, ify, px, py, ix, iy, x, y: Integer; |
nw, ne, sw, se: TBGR; |
P1, P2, P3: Pbytearray; |
begin |
Angle := angle; |
Angle := -Angle * Pi / 180; |
sAngle := Sin(Angle); |
cAngle := Cos(Angle); |
xDiff := (Self.Width - Src.Width) div 2; |
yDiff := (Self.Height - Src.Height) div 2; |
for y := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
P3 := Self.scanline[y]; |
py := 2 * (y - cy) + 1; |
for x := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
px := 2 * (x - cx) + 1; |
fx := (((px * cAngle - py * sAngle) - 1) / 2 + cx) - xDiff; |
fy := (((px * sAngle + py * cAngle) - 1) / 2 + cy) - yDiff; |
ifx := Round(fx); |
ify := Round(fy); |
if (ifx > -1) and (ifx < Src.Width) and (ify > -1) and (ify < Src.Height) then |
begin |
eww := fx - ifx; |
nsw := fy - ify; |
iy := TrimInt(ify + 1, 0, Src.Height - 1); |
ix := TrimInt(ifx + 1, 0, Src.Width - 1); |
P1 := Src.scanline[ify]; |
P2 := Src.scanline[iy]; |
nw.r := P1[ifx * 3]; |
nw.g := P1[ifx * 3 + 1]; |
nw.b := P1[ifx * 3 + 2]; |
ne.r := P1[ix * 3]; |
ne.g := P1[ix * 3 + 1]; |
ne.b := P1[ix * 3 + 2]; |
sw.r := P2[ifx * 3]; |
sw.g := P2[ifx * 3 + 1]; |
sw.b := P2[ifx * 3 + 2]; |
se.r := P2[ix * 3]; |
se.g := P2[ix * 3 + 1]; |
se.b := P2[ix * 3 + 2]; |
Top := nw.b + eww * (ne.b - nw.b); |
Bottom := sw.b + eww * (se.b - sw.b); |
P3[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(Round(Top + nsw * (Bottom - Top))); |
Top := nw.g + eww * (ne.g - nw.g); |
Bottom := sw.g + eww * (se.g - sw.g); |
P3[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(Round(Top + nsw * (Bottom - Top))); |
Top := nw.r + eww * (ne.r - nw.r); |
Bottom := sw.r + eww * (se.r - sw.r); |
P3[x * 3] := IntToByte(Round(Top + nsw * (Bottom - Top))); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
//---------------------- |
//--- 24 bit count routines ---------------------- |
//---------------------- |
procedure TDIB.DoInvert; |
procedure PicInvert(src: TDIB); |
var w, h, x, y: Integer; |
p: pbytearray; |
begin |
w := src.width; |
h := src.height; |
src.BitCount := 24; |
for y := 0 to h - 1 do |
begin |
p := src.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to w - 1 do |
begin |
p[x * 3] := not p[x * 3]; |
p[x * 3 + 1] := not p[x * 3 + 1]; |
p[x * 3 + 2] := not p[x * 3 + 2]; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
begin |
PicInvert(Self); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoAddColorNoise(Amount: Integer); |
procedure AddColorNoise(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
x, y, r, g, b: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3] + (Random(Amount) - (Amount shr 1)); |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1] + (Random(Amount) - (Amount shr 1)); |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2] + (Random(Amount) - (Amount shr 1)); |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(r); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(g); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(b); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
AddColorNoise(bb, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoAddMonoNoise(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _AddMonoNoise(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
x, y, a, r, g, b: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
a := Random(Amount) - (Amount shr 1); |
r := p0[x * 3] + a; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1] + a; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2] + a; |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(r); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(g); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(b); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
_AddMonoNoise(bb, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoAntiAlias; |
procedure AntiAlias(clip: TDIB); |
procedure AntiAliasRect(clip: TDIB; XOrigin, YOrigin, XFinal, YFinal: Integer); |
var Memo, x, y: Integer; (* Composantes primaires des points environnants *) |
p0, p1, p2: pbytearray; |
begin |
if XFinal < XOrigin then begin Memo := XOrigin; XOrigin := XFinal; XFinal := Memo; end; (* Inversion des valeurs *) |
if YFinal < YOrigin then begin Memo := YOrigin; YOrigin := YFinal; YFinal := Memo; end; (* si diffrence ngative*) |
XOrigin := max(1, XOrigin); |
YOrigin := max(1, YOrigin); |
XFinal := min(clip.width - 2, XFinal); |
YFinal := min(clip.height - 2, YFinal); |
clip.BitCount := 24; |
for y := YOrigin to YFinal do |
begin |
p0 := clip.ScanLine[y - 1]; |
p1 := clip.scanline[y]; |
p2 := clip.ScanLine[y + 1]; |
for x := XOrigin to XFinal do |
begin |
p1[x * 3] := (p0[x * 3] + p2[x * 3] + p1[(x - 1) * 3] + p1[(x + 1) * 3]) div 4; |
p1[x * 3 + 1] := (p0[x * 3 + 1] + p2[x * 3 + 1] + p1[(x - 1) * 3 + 1] + p1[(x + 1) * 3 + 1]) div 4; |
p1[x * 3 + 2] := (p0[x * 3 + 2] + p2[x * 3 + 2] + p1[(x - 1) * 3 + 2] + p1[(x + 1) * 3 + 2]) div 4; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
begin |
AntiAliasRect(clip, 0, 0, clip.width, clip.height); |
end; |
begin |
AntiAlias(Self); |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoContrast(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _Contrast(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
rg, gg, bg, r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
rg := (Abs(127 - r) * Amount) div 255; |
gg := (Abs(127 - g) * Amount) div 255; |
bg := (Abs(127 - b) * Amount) div 255; |
if r > 127 then r := r + rg else r := r - rg; |
if g > 127 then g := g + gg else g := g - gg; |
if b > 127 then b := b + bg else b := b - bg; |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(r); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(g); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(b); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
_Contrast(bb, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoFishEye(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _FishEye(var Bmp, Dst: TDIB; Amount: Extended); |
var |
xmid, ymid: Single; |
fx, fy: Single; |
r1, r2: Single; |
ifx, ify: Integer; |
dx, dy: Single; |
rmax: Single; |
ty, tx: Integer; |
weight_x, weight_y: array[0..1] of Single; |
weight: Single; |
new_red, new_green: Integer; |
new_blue: Integer; |
total_red, total_green: Single; |
total_blue: Single; |
ix, iy: Integer; |
sli, slo: PByteArray; |
begin |
xmid := Bmp.Width / 2; |
ymid := Bmp.Height / 2; |
rmax := Dst.Width * Amount; |
for ty := 0 to Dst.Height - 1 do |
begin |
for tx := 0 to Dst.Width - 1 do |
begin |
dx := tx - xmid; |
dy := ty - ymid; |
r1 := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
if r1 = 0 then |
begin |
fx := xmid; |
fy := ymid; |
end |
else |
begin |
r2 := rmax / 2 * (1 / (1 - r1 / rmax) - 1); |
fx := dx * r2 / r1 + xmid; |
fy := dy * r2 / r1 + ymid; |
end; |
ify := Trunc(fy); |
ifx := Trunc(fx); |
// Calculate the weights. |
if fy >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_y[1] := fy - ify; |
weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); |
weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; |
end; |
if fx >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; |
weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); |
Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; |
end; |
if ifx < 0 then |
ifx := Bmp.Width - 1 - (-ifx mod Bmp.Width) |
else if ifx > Bmp.Width - 1 then |
ifx := ifx mod Bmp.Width; |
if ify < 0 then |
ify := Bmp.Height - 1 - (-ify mod Bmp.Height) |
else if ify > Bmp.Height - 1 then |
ify := ify mod Bmp.Height; |
total_red := 0.0; |
total_green := 0.0; |
total_blue := 0.0; |
for ix := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
for iy := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
if ify + iy < Bmp.Height then |
sli := Bmp.scanline[ify + iy] |
else |
sli := Bmp.scanline[Bmp.Height - ify - iy]; |
if ifx + ix < Bmp.Width then |
begin |
new_red := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3]; |
new_green := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3 + 1]; |
new_blue := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3 + 2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
new_red := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3]; |
new_green := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3 + 1]; |
new_blue := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3 + 2]; |
end; |
weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; |
total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; |
total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; |
total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; |
end; |
end; |
slo := Dst.scanline[ty]; |
slo[tx * 3] := Round(total_red); |
slo[tx * 3 + 1] := Round(total_green); |
slo[tx * 3 + 2] := Round(total_blue); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
_FishEye(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoGrayScale; |
procedure GrayScale(var clip: TDIB); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
Gray, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
Gray := Round(p0[x * 3] * 0.3 + p0[x * 3 + 1] * 0.59 + p0[x * 3 + 2] * 0.11); |
p0[x * 3] := Gray; |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := Gray; |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := Gray; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
GrayScale(BB); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoLightness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _Lightness(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(r + ((255 - r) * Amount) div 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(g + ((255 - g) * Amount) div 255); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(b + ((255 - b) * Amount) div 255); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
_Lightness(BB, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoDarkness(Amount: Integer); |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
BB.Darkness(Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSaturation(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _Saturation(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0: pbytearray; |
Gray, r, g, b, x, y: Integer; |
begin |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
Gray := (r + g + b) div 3; |
p0[x * 3] := IntToByte(Gray + (((r - Gray) * Amount) div 255)); |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := IntToByte(Gray + (((g - Gray) * Amount) div 255)); |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := IntToByte(Gray + (((b - Gray) * Amount) div 255)); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
_Saturation(BB, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSplitBlur(Amount: Integer); |
{NOTE: For a gaussian blur is amount 3} |
procedure _SplitBlur(var clip: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
p0, p1, p2: pbytearray; |
cx, x, y: Integer; |
Buf: array[0..3, 0..2] of byte; |
begin |
if Amount = 0 then Exit; |
for y := 0 to clip.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := clip.scanline[y]; |
if y - Amount < 0 then p1 := clip.scanline[y] |
else {y-Amount>0} p1 := clip.ScanLine[y - Amount]; |
if y + Amount < clip.Height then p2 := clip.ScanLine[y + Amount] |
else {y+Amount>=Height} p2 := clip.ScanLine[clip.Height - y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.Width - 1 do |
begin |
if x - Amount < 0 then cx := x |
else {x-Amount>0} cx := x - Amount; |
Buf[0, 0] := p1[cx * 3]; |
Buf[0, 1] := p1[cx * 3 + 1]; |
Buf[0, 2] := p1[cx * 3 + 2]; |
Buf[1, 0] := p2[cx * 3]; |
Buf[1, 1] := p2[cx * 3 + 1]; |
Buf[1, 2] := p2[cx * 3 + 2]; |
if x + Amount < clip.Width then cx := x + Amount |
else {x+Amount>=Width} cx := clip.Width - x; |
Buf[2, 0] := p1[cx * 3]; |
Buf[2, 1] := p1[cx * 3 + 1]; |
Buf[2, 2] := p1[cx * 3 + 2]; |
Buf[3, 0] := p2[cx * 3]; |
Buf[3, 1] := p2[cx * 3 + 1]; |
Buf[3, 2] := p2[cx * 3 + 2]; |
p0[x * 3] := (Buf[0, 0] + Buf[1, 0] + Buf[2, 0] + Buf[3, 0]) shr 2; |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := (Buf[0, 1] + Buf[1, 1] + Buf[2, 1] + Buf[3, 1]) shr 2; |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := (Buf[0, 2] + Buf[1, 2] + Buf[2, 2] + Buf[3, 2]) shr 2; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
_SplitBlur(BB, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoGaussianBlur(Amount: Integer); |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
GaussianBlur(BB, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoMosaic(Size: Integer); |
procedure Mosaic(var Bm: TDIB; size: Integer); |
var |
x, y, i, j: Integer; |
p1, p2: pbytearray; |
r, g, b: byte; |
begin |
y := 0; |
repeat |
p1 := bm.scanline[y]; |
repeat |
j := 1; |
repeat |
p2 := bm.scanline[y]; |
x := 0; |
repeat |
r := p1[x * 3]; |
g := p1[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p1[x * 3 + 2]; |
i := 1; |
repeat |
p2[x * 3] := r; |
p2[x * 3 + 1] := g; |
p2[x * 3 + 2] := b; |
inc(x); |
inc(i); |
until (x >= bm.width) or (i > size); |
until x >= bm.width; |
inc(j); |
inc(y); |
until (y >= bm.height) or (j > size); |
until (y >= bm.height) or (x >= bm.width); |
until y >= bm.height; |
end; |
var BB: TDIB; |
begin |
BB := TDIB.Create; |
BB.BitCount := 24; |
BB.Assign(Self); |
Mosaic(BB, Size); |
Self.Assign(BB); |
BB.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoTwist(Amount: Integer); |
procedure _Twist(var Bmp, Dst: TDIB; Amount: Integer); |
var |
fxmid, fymid: Single; |
txmid, tymid: Single; |
fx, fy: Single; |
tx2, ty2: Single; |
r: Single; |
theta: Single; |
ifx, ify: Integer; |
dx, dy: Single; |
OFFSET: Single; |
ty, tx: Integer; |
weight_x, weight_y: array[0..1] of Single; |
weight: Single; |
new_red, new_green: Integer; |
new_blue: Integer; |
total_red, total_green: Single; |
total_blue: Single; |
ix, iy: Integer; |
sli, slo: PBytearray; |
function ArcTan2(xt, yt: Single): Single; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if xt = 0 then |
if yt > 0 then |
Result := Pi / 2 |
else |
Result := -(Pi / 2) |
else |
begin |
Result := ArcTan(yt / xt); |
if xt < 0 then |
Result := Pi + ArcTan(yt / xt); |
end; |
end; |
begin |
OFFSET := -(Pi / 2); |
dx := Bmp.Width - 1; |
dy := Bmp.Height - 1; |
r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
tx2 := r; |
ty2 := r; |
txmid := (Bmp.Width - 1) / 2; //Adjust these to move center of rotation |
tymid := (Bmp.Height - 1) / 2; //Adjust these to move ...... |
fxmid := (Bmp.Width - 1) / 2; |
fymid := (Bmp.Height - 1) / 2; |
if tx2 >= Bmp.Width then tx2 := Bmp.Width - 1; |
if ty2 >= Bmp.Height then ty2 := Bmp.Height - 1; |
for ty := 0 to Round(ty2) do |
begin |
for tx := 0 to Round(tx2) do |
begin |
dx := tx - txmid; |
dy := ty - tymid; |
r := Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy); |
if r = 0 then |
begin |
fx := 0; |
fy := 0; |
end |
else |
begin |
theta := ArcTan2(dx, dy) - r / Amount - OFFSET; |
fx := r * Cos(theta); |
fy := r * Sin(theta); |
end; |
fx := fx + fxmid; |
fy := fy + fymid; |
ify := Trunc(fy); |
ifx := Trunc(fx); |
// Calculate the weights. |
if fy >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_y[1] := fy - ify; |
weight_y[0] := 1 - weight_y[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_y[0] := -(fy - ify); |
weight_y[1] := 1 - weight_y[0]; |
end; |
if fx >= 0 then |
begin |
weight_x[1] := fx - ifx; |
weight_x[0] := 1 - weight_x[1]; |
end |
else |
begin |
weight_x[0] := -(fx - ifx); |
Weight_x[1] := 1 - weight_x[0]; |
end; |
if ifx < 0 then |
ifx := Bmp.Width - 1 - (-ifx mod Bmp.Width) |
else if ifx > Bmp.Width - 1 then |
ifx := ifx mod Bmp.Width; |
if ify < 0 then |
ify := Bmp.Height - 1 - (-ify mod Bmp.Height) |
else if ify > Bmp.Height - 1 then |
ify := ify mod Bmp.Height; |
total_red := 0.0; |
total_green := 0.0; |
total_blue := 0.0; |
for ix := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
for iy := 0 to 1 do |
begin |
if ify + iy < Bmp.Height then |
sli := Bmp.scanline[ify + iy] |
else |
sli := Bmp.scanline[Bmp.Height - ify - iy]; |
if ifx + ix < Bmp.Width then |
begin |
new_red := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3]; |
new_green := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3 + 1]; |
new_blue := sli[(ifx + ix) * 3 + 2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
new_red := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3]; |
new_green := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3 + 1]; |
new_blue := sli[(Bmp.Width - ifx - ix) * 3 + 2]; |
end; |
weight := weight_x[ix] * weight_y[iy]; |
total_red := total_red + new_red * weight; |
total_green := total_green + new_green * weight; |
total_blue := total_blue + new_blue * weight; |
end; |
end; |
slo := Dst.scanline[ty]; |
slo[tx * 3] := Round(total_red); |
slo[tx * 3 + 1] := Round(total_green); |
slo[tx * 3 + 2] := Round(total_blue); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
_Twist(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoTrace(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Trace(src: TDIB; intensity: Integer); |
var |
x, y, i: Integer; |
P1, P2, P3, P4: PByteArray; |
tb, TraceB: byte; |
hasb: Boolean; |
bitmap: TDIB; |
begin |
bitmap := TDIB.create; |
bitmap.width := src.width; |
bitmap.height := src.height; |
bitmap.canvas.draw(0, 0, src); |
bitmap.BitCount := 8; |
src.BitCount := 24; |
hasb := false; |
TraceB := $00; tb := 0; |
for i := 1 to Intensity do |
begin |
for y := 0 to BitMap.height - 2 do |
begin |
P1 := BitMap.ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := BitMap.scanline[y + 1]; |
P3 := src.scanline[y]; |
P4 := src.scanline[y + 1]; |
x := 0; |
repeat |
if p1[x] <> p1[x + 1] then |
begin |
if not hasb then |
begin |
tb := p1[x + 1]; |
hasb := true; |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p1[x] <> tb then |
begin |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
p3[(x + 1) * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[(x + 1) * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[(x + 1) * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
if p1[x] <> p2[x] then |
begin |
if not hasb then |
begin |
tb := p2[x]; |
hasb := true; |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p1[x] <> tb then |
begin |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
p4[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p4[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p4[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
inc(x); |
until x >= (BitMap.width - 2); |
end; |
if i > 1 then |
for y := BitMap.height - 1 downto 1 do |
begin |
P1 := BitMap.ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := BitMap.scanline[y - 1]; |
P3 := src.scanline[y]; |
P4 := src.scanline[y - 1]; |
x := Bitmap.width - 1; |
repeat |
if p1[x] <> p1[x - 1] then |
begin |
if not hasb then |
begin |
tb := p1[x - 1]; |
hasb := true; |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p1[x] <> tb then |
begin |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
p3[(x - 1) * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[(x - 1) * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[(x - 1) * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
if p1[x] <> p2[x] then |
begin |
if not hasb then |
begin |
tb := p2[x]; |
hasb := true; |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p1[x] <> tb then |
begin |
p3[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p3[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end |
else |
begin |
p4[x * 3] := TraceB; |
p4[x * 3 + 1] := TraceB; |
p4[x * 3 + 2] := TraceB; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
dec(x); |
until x <= 1; |
end; |
end; |
bitmap.free; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Trace(BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSplitlight(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Splitlight(var clip: TDIB; amount: Integer); |
var |
x, y, i: Integer; |
p1: pbytearray; |
function sinpixs(a: Integer): Integer; |
begin |
result := variant(sin(a / 255 * pi / 2) * 255); |
end; |
begin |
for i := 1 to amount do |
for y := 0 to clip.height - 1 do |
begin |
p1 := clip.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to clip.width - 1 do |
begin |
p1[x * 3] := sinpixs(p1[x * 3]); |
p1[x * 3 + 1] := sinpixs(p1[x * 3 + 1]); |
p1[x * 3 + 2] := sinpixs(p1[x * 3 + 2]); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1 {,BB2}: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
// BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
// BB2.BitCount := 24; |
// BB2.Assign (BB1); |
Splitlight(BB1, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB1); |
BB1.Free; |
// BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoTile(Amount: Integer); |
procedure SmoothResize(var Src, Dst: TDIB); |
var |
x, y, xP, yP, |
yP2, xP2: Integer; |
Read, Read2: PByteArray; |
t, z, z2, iz2: Integer; |
pc: PBytearray; |
w1, w2, w3, w4: Integer; |
Col1r, col1g, col1b, Col2r, col2g, col2b: byte; |
begin |
xP2 := ((src.Width - 1) shl 15) div Dst.Width; |
yP2 := ((src.Height - 1) shl 15) div Dst.Height; |
yP := 0; |
for y := 0 to Dst.Height - 1 do |
begin |
xP := 0; |
Read := src.ScanLine[yP shr 15]; |
if yP shr 16 < src.Height - 1 then |
Read2 := src.ScanLine[yP shr 15 + 1] |
else |
Read2 := src.ScanLine[yP shr 15]; |
pc := Dst.scanline[y]; |
z2 := yP and $7FFF; |
iz2 := $8000 - z2; |
for x := 0 to Dst.Width - 1 do |
begin |
t := xP shr 15; |
Col1r := Read[t * 3]; |
Col1g := Read[t * 3 + 1]; |
Col1b := Read[t * 3 + 2]; |
Col2r := Read2[t * 3]; |
Col2g := Read2[t * 3 + 1]; |
Col2b := Read2[t * 3 + 2]; |
z := xP and $7FFF; |
w2 := (z * iz2) shr 15; |
w1 := iz2 - w2; |
w4 := (z * z2) shr 15; |
w3 := z2 - w4; |
pc[x * 3 + 2] := |
(Col1b * w1 + Read[(t + 1) * 3 + 2] * w2 + |
Col2b * w3 + Read2[(t + 1) * 3 + 2] * w4) shr 15; |
pc[x * 3 + 1] := |
(Col1g * w1 + Read[(t + 1) * 3 + 1] * w2 + |
Col2g * w3 + Read2[(t + 1) * 3 + 1] * w4) shr 15; |
pc[x * 3] := |
(Col1r * w1 + Read2[(t + 1) * 3] * w2 + |
Col2r * w3 + Read2[(t + 1) * 3] * w4) shr 15; |
Inc(xP, xP2); |
end; |
Inc(yP, yP2); |
end; |
end; |
procedure Tile(src, dst: TDIB; amount: Integer); |
var |
w, h, w2, h2, i, j: Integer; |
bm: TDIB; |
begin |
w := src.width; |
h := src.height; |
dst.width := w; |
dst.height := h; |
dst.Canvas.draw(0, 0, src); |
if (amount <= 0) or ((w div amount) < 5) or ((h div amount) < 5) then exit; |
h2 := h div amount; |
w2 := w div amount; |
bm := TDIB.create; |
bm.width := w2; |
bm.height := h2; |
bm.BitCount := 24; |
smoothresize(src, bm); |
for j := 0 to amount - 1 do |
for i := 0 to amount - 1 do |
dst.canvas.Draw(i * w2, j * h2, bm); |
bm.free; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Tile(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSpotLight(Amount: Integer; Spot: TRect); |
procedure SpotLight(var src: TDIB; Amount: Integer; Spot: TRect); |
var |
bm, z: TDIB; |
w, h: Integer; |
begin |
z := TDIB.Create; |
try |
z.SetSize(src.Width, src.Height, 24); |
z.DrawTo(src, 0, 0, src.Width, src.Height, 0, 0); |
w := z.Width; |
h := z.Height; |
bm := TDIB.create; |
try |
bm.Width := w; |
bm.Height := h; |
bm.Canvas.Brush.color := clblack; |
bm.Canvas.FillRect(rect(0, 0, w, h)); |
bm.Canvas.Brush.Color := clwhite; |
bm.Canvas.Ellipse(Spot.left, spot.top, spot.right, spot.bottom); |
bm.Transparent := true; |
z.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcAnd; {as transparentcolor for white} |
z.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, src); |
z.Canvas.Draw(0, 0, bm); |
src.Darkness(Amount); |
src.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcPaint; |
src.DrawTransparent(z, 0, 0, z.Width, z.Height, 0, 0, clBlack); |
finally |
bm.Free; |
end; |
finally |
z.Free |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
SpotLight(BB2, Amount, Spot); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoEmboss; |
procedure Emboss(var Bmp: TDIB); |
var |
x, y: Integer; |
p1, p2: Pbytearray; |
begin |
for y := 0 to Bmp.Height - 2 do |
begin |
p1 := bmp.scanline[y]; |
p2 := bmp.scanline[y + 1]; |
for x := 0 to Bmp.Width - 4 do |
begin |
p1[x * 3] := (p1[x * 3] + (p2[(x + 3) * 3] xor $FF)) shr 1; |
p1[x * 3 + 1] := (p1[x * 3 + 1] + (p2[(x + 3) * 3 + 1] xor $FF)) shr 1; |
p1[x * 3 + 2] := (p1[x * 3 + 2] + (p2[(x + 3) * 3 + 2] xor $FF)) shr 1; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Emboss(BB2); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoSolorize(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Solorize(src, dst: TDIB; amount: Integer); |
var |
w, h, x, y: Integer; |
ps, pd: pbytearray; |
c: Integer; |
begin |
w := src.width; |
h := src.height; |
src.BitCount := 24; |
dst.BitCount := 24; |
for y := 0 to h - 1 do |
begin |
ps := src.scanline[y]; |
pd := dst.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to w - 1 do |
begin |
c := (ps[x * 3] + ps[x * 3 + 1] + ps[x * 3 + 2]) div 3; |
if c > amount then |
begin |
pd[x * 3] := 255 - ps[x * 3]; |
pd[x * 3 + 1] := 255 - ps[x * 3 + 1]; |
pd[x * 3 + 2] := 255 - ps[x * 3 + 2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
pd[x * 3] := ps[x * 3]; |
pd[x * 3 + 1] := ps[x * 3 + 1]; |
pd[x * 3 + 2] := ps[x * 3 + 2]; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Solorize(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoPosterize(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Posterize(src, dst: TDIB; amount: Integer); |
var |
w, h, x, y: Integer; |
ps, pd: pbytearray; |
begin |
w := src.width; |
h := src.height; |
src.BitCount := 24; |
dst.BitCount := 24; |
for y := 0 to h - 1 do |
begin |
ps := src.scanline[y]; |
pd := dst.scanline[y]; |
for x := 0 to w - 1 do |
begin |
pd[x * 3] := round(ps[x * 3] / amount) * amount; |
pd[x * 3 + 1] := round(ps[x * 3 + 1] / amount) * amount; |
pd[x * 3 + 2] := round(ps[x * 3 + 2] / amount) * amount; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Posterize(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoBrightness(Amount: Integer); |
procedure Brightness(src, dst: TDIB; level: Integer); |
const |
MaxPixelCount = 32768; |
type |
pRGBArray = ^TRGBArray; |
TRGBArray = array[0..MaxPixelCount - 1] of TRGBTriple; |
var |
i, j, value: Integer; |
OrigRow, DestRow: pRGBArray; |
begin |
// get brightness increment value |
value := level; |
src.BitCount := 24; |
dst.BitCount := 24; |
// for each row of pixels |
for i := 0 to src.Height - 1 do |
begin |
OrigRow := src.ScanLine[i]; |
DestRow := dst.ScanLine[i]; |
// for each pixel in row |
for j := 0 to src.Width - 1 do |
begin |
// add brightness value to pixel's RGB values |
if value > 0 then |
begin |
// RGB values must be less than 256 |
DestRow[j].rgbtRed := Min(255, OrigRow[j].rgbtRed + value); |
DestRow[j].rgbtGreen := Min(255, OrigRow[j].rgbtGreen + value); |
DestRow[j].rgbtBlue := Min(255, OrigRow[j].rgbtBlue + value); |
end |
else |
begin |
// RGB values must be greater or equal than 0 |
DestRow[j].rgbtRed := Max(0, OrigRow[j].rgbtRed + value); |
DestRow[j].rgbtGreen := Max(0, OrigRow[j].rgbtGreen + value); |
DestRow[j].rgbtBlue := Max(0, OrigRow[j].rgbtBlue + value); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.BitCount := 24; |
BB2.Assign(BB1); |
Brightness(BB1, BB2, Amount); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoResample(AmountX, AmountY: Integer; TypeResample: TFilterTypeResample); |
procedure Resample(Src, Dst: TDIB; filtertype: TFilterTypeResample; fwidth: single); |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// Filter functions |
// |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// Hermite filter |
function HermiteFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
begin |
// f(t) = 2|t|^3 - 3|t|^2 + 1, -1 <= t <= 1 |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
if (Value < 1.0) then |
Result := (2.0 * Value - 3.0) * Sqr(Value) + 1.0 |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// Box filter |
// a.k.a. "Nearest Neighbour" filter |
// anme: I have not been able to get acceptable |
// results with this filter for subsampling. |
function BoxFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
begin |
if (Value > -0.5) and (Value <= 0.5) then |
Result := 1.0 |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// Triangle filter |
// a.k.a. "Linear" or "Bilinear" filter |
function TriangleFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
begin |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
if (Value < 1.0) then |
Result := 1.0 - Value |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// Bell filter |
function BellFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
begin |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
if (Value < 0.5) then |
Result := 0.75 - Sqr(Value) |
else |
if (Value < 1.5) then |
begin |
Value := Value - 1.5; |
Result := 0.5 * Sqr(Value); |
end |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// B-spline filter |
function SplineFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
var |
tt: single; |
begin |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
if (Value < 1.0) then |
begin |
tt := Sqr(Value); |
Result := 0.5 * tt * Value - tt + 2.0 / 3.0; |
end |
else |
if (Value < 2.0) then |
begin |
Value := 2.0 - Value; |
Result := 1.0 / 6.0 * Sqr(Value) * Value; |
end |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// Lanczos3 filter |
function Lanczos3Filter(Value: Single): Single; |
function SinC(Value: Single): Single; |
begin |
if (Value <> 0.0) then |
begin |
Value := Value * Pi; |
Result := sin(Value) / Value |
end |
else |
Result := 1.0; |
end; |
begin |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
if (Value < 3.0) then |
Result := SinC(Value) * SinC(Value / 3.0) |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
function MitchellFilter(Value: Single): Single; |
const |
B = (1.0 / 3.0); |
C = (1.0 / 3.0); |
var |
tt: single; |
begin |
if (Value < 0.0) then |
Value := -Value; |
tt := Sqr(Value); |
if (Value < 1.0) then |
begin |
Value := (((12.0 - 9.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * (Value * tt)) |
+ ((-18.0 + 12.0 * B + 6.0 * C) * tt) |
+ (6.0 - 2 * B)); |
Result := Value / 6.0; |
end |
else |
if (Value < 2.0) then |
begin |
Value := (((-1.0 * B - 6.0 * C) * (Value * tt)) |
+ ((6.0 * B + 30.0 * C) * tt) |
+ ((-12.0 * B - 48.0 * C) * Value) |
+ (8.0 * B + 24 * C)); |
Result := Value / 6.0; |
end |
else |
Result := 0.0; |
end; |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
// |
// Interpolator |
// |
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
type |
// Contributor for a pixel |
TContributor = record |
pixel: Integer; // Source pixel |
weight: single; // Pixel weight |
end; |
TContributorList = array[0..0] of TContributor; |
PContributorList = ^TContributorList; |
// List of source pixels contributing to a destination pixel |
TCList = record |
n: Integer; |
p: PContributorList; |
end; |
TCListList = array[0..0] of TCList; |
PCListList = ^TCListList; |
TRGB = packed record |
r, g, b: single; |
end; |
// Physical bitmap pixel |
TColorRGB = packed record |
r, g, b: BYTE; |
end; |
PColorRGB = ^TColorRGB; |
// Physical bitmap scanline (row) |
TRGBList = packed array[0..0] of TColorRGB; |
PRGBList = ^TRGBList; |
var |
xscale, yscale: single; // Zoom scale factors |
i, j, k: Integer; // Loop variables |
center: single; // Filter calculation variables |
width, fscale, weight: single; // Filter calculation variables |
left, right: Integer; // Filter calculation variables |
n: Integer; // Pixel number |
Work: TDIB; |
contrib: PCListList; |
rgb: TRGB; |
color: TColorRGB; |
SourceLine, |
DestLine: PRGBList; |
SourcePixel, |
DestPixel: PColorRGB; |
Delta, |
DestDelta: Integer; |
{$ENDIF} |
SrcWidth, |
SrcHeight, |
DstWidth, |
DstHeight: Integer; |
function Color2RGB(Color: TColor): TColorRGB; |
begin |
Result.r := Color and $000000FF; |
Result.g := (Color and $0000FF00) shr 8; |
Result.b := (Color and $00FF0000) shr 16; |
end; |
function RGB2Color(Color: TColorRGB): TColor; |
begin |
Result := Color.r or (Color.g shl 8) or (Color.b shl 16); |
end; |
begin |
DstWidth := Dst.Width; |
DstHeight := Dst.Height; |
SrcWidth := Src.Width; |
SrcHeight := Src.Height; |
if (SrcWidth < 1) or (SrcHeight < 1) then |
raise Exception.Create('Source bitmap too small'); |
// Create intermediate image to hold horizontal zoom |
Work := TDIB.Create; |
try |
Work.Height := SrcHeight; |
Work.Width := DstWidth; |
// xscale := DstWidth / SrcWidth; |
// yscale := DstHeight / SrcHeight; |
// Improvement suggested by David Ullrich: |
if (SrcWidth = 1) then |
xscale := DstWidth / SrcWidth |
else |
xscale := (DstWidth - 1) / (SrcWidth - 1); |
if (SrcHeight = 1) then |
yscale := DstHeight / SrcHeight |
else |
yscale := (DstHeight - 1) / (SrcHeight - 1); |
// This implementation only works on 24-bit images because it uses |
// TDIB.Scanline |
//Src.PixelFormat := pf24bit; |
Src.BitCount := 24; |
//Dst.PixelFormat := Src.PixelFormat; |
dst.BitCount := 24; |
//Work.PixelFormat := Src.PixelFormat; |
work.BitCount := 24; |
{$ENDIF} |
// -------------------------------------------- |
// Pre-calculate filter contributions for a row |
// ----------------------------------------------- |
GetMem(contrib, DstWidth * sizeof(TCList)); |
// Horizontal sub-sampling |
// Scales from bigger to smaller width |
if (xscale < 1.0) then |
begin |
width := fwidth / xscale; |
fscale := 1.0 / xscale; |
for i := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do |
begin |
contrib^[i].n := 0; |
GetMem(contrib^[i].p, trunc(width * 2.0 + 1) * sizeof(TContributor)); |
center := i / xscale; |
// Original code: |
// left := ceil(center - width); |
// right := floor(center + width); |
left := floor(center - width); |
right := ceil(center + width); |
for j := left to right do |
begin |
case filtertype of |
ftrBox: weight := boxfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrTriangle: weight := trianglefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrHermite: weight := hermitefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrBell: weight := bellfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrBSpline: weight := splinefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrLanczos3: weight := Lanczos3filter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrMitchell: weight := Mitchellfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
else |
weight := 0 |
end; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
if (j < 0) then |
n := -j |
else if (j >= SrcWidth) then |
n := SrcWidth - j + SrcWidth - 1 |
else |
n := j; |
k := contrib^[i].n; |
contrib^[i].n := contrib^[i].n + 1; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].pixel := n; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].weight := weight; |
end; |
end; |
end |
else |
// Horizontal super-sampling |
// Scales from smaller to bigger width |
begin |
for i := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do |
begin |
contrib^[i].n := 0; |
GetMem(contrib^[i].p, trunc(fwidth * 2.0 + 1) * sizeof(TContributor)); |
center := i / xscale; |
// Original code: |
// left := ceil(center - fwidth); |
// right := floor(center + fwidth); |
left := floor(center - fwidth); |
right := ceil(center + fwidth); |
for j := left to right do |
begin |
case filtertype of |
ftrBox: weight := boxfilter(center - j); |
ftrTriangle: weight := trianglefilter(center - j); |
ftrHermite: weight := hermitefilter(center - j); |
ftrBell: weight := bellfilter(center - j); |
ftrBSpline: weight := splinefilter(center - j); |
ftrLanczos3: weight := Lanczos3filter(center - j); |
ftrMitchell: weight := Mitchellfilter(center - j); |
else |
weight := 0 |
end; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
if (j < 0) then |
n := -j |
else if (j >= SrcWidth) then |
n := SrcWidth - j + SrcWidth - 1 |
else |
n := j; |
k := contrib^[i].n; |
contrib^[i].n := contrib^[i].n + 1; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].pixel := n; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].weight := weight; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
// ---------------------------------------------------- |
// Apply filter to sample horizontally from Src to Work |
// ---------------------------------------------------- |
for k := 0 to SrcHeight - 1 do |
begin |
SourceLine := Src.ScanLine[k]; |
DestPixel := Work.ScanLine[k]; |
{$ENDIF} |
for i := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do |
begin |
rgb.r := 0.0; |
rgb.g := 0.0; |
rgb.b := 0.0; |
for j := 0 to contrib^[i].n - 1 do |
begin |
color := SourceLine^[contrib^[i].p^[j].pixel]; |
{$ELSE} |
color := Color2RGB(Src.Canvas.Pixels[contrib^[i].p^[j].pixel, k]); |
{$ENDIF} |
weight := contrib^[i].p^[j].weight; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
rgb.r := rgb.r + color.r * weight; |
rgb.g := rgb.g + color.g * weight; |
rgb.b := rgb.b + color.b * weight; |
end; |
if (rgb.r > 255.0) then |
color.r := 255 |
else if (rgb.r < 0.0) then |
color.r := 0 |
else |
color.r := round(rgb.r); |
if (rgb.g > 255.0) then |
color.g := 255 |
else if (rgb.g < 0.0) then |
color.g := 0 |
else |
color.g := round(rgb.g); |
if (rgb.b > 255.0) then |
color.b := 255 |
else if (rgb.b < 0.0) then |
color.b := 0 |
else |
color.b := round(rgb.b); |
// Set new pixel value |
DestPixel^ := color; |
// Move on to next column |
inc(DestPixel); |
{$ELSE} |
Work.Canvas.Pixels[i, k] := RGB2Color(color); |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
end; |
// Free the memory allocated for horizontal filter weights |
for i := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do |
FreeMem(contrib^[i].p); |
FreeMem(contrib); |
// ----------------------------------------------- |
// Pre-calculate filter contributions for a column |
// ----------------------------------------------- |
GetMem(contrib, DstHeight * sizeof(TCList)); |
// Vertical sub-sampling |
// Scales from bigger to smaller height |
if (yscale < 1.0) then |
begin |
width := fwidth / yscale; |
fscale := 1.0 / yscale; |
for i := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do |
begin |
contrib^[i].n := 0; |
GetMem(contrib^[i].p, trunc(width * 2.0 + 1) * sizeof(TContributor)); |
center := i / yscale; |
// Original code: |
// left := ceil(center - width); |
// right := floor(center + width); |
left := floor(center - width); |
right := ceil(center + width); |
for j := left to right do |
begin |
case filtertype of |
ftrBox: weight := boxfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrTriangle: weight := trianglefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrHermite: weight := hermitefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrBell: weight := bellfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrBSpline: weight := splinefilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrLanczos3: weight := Lanczos3filter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
ftrMitchell: weight := Mitchellfilter((center - j) / fscale) / fscale; |
else |
weight := 0 |
end; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
if (j < 0) then |
n := -j |
else if (j >= SrcHeight) then |
n := SrcHeight - j + SrcHeight - 1 |
else |
n := j; |
k := contrib^[i].n; |
contrib^[i].n := contrib^[i].n + 1; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].pixel := n; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].weight := weight; |
end; |
end |
end |
else |
// Vertical super-sampling |
// Scales from smaller to bigger height |
begin |
for i := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do |
begin |
contrib^[i].n := 0; |
GetMem(contrib^[i].p, trunc(fwidth * 2.0 + 1) * sizeof(TContributor)); |
center := i / yscale; |
// Original code: |
// left := ceil(center - fwidth); |
// right := floor(center + fwidth); |
left := floor(center - fwidth); |
right := ceil(center + fwidth); |
for j := left to right do |
begin |
case filtertype of |
ftrBox: weight := boxfilter(center - j); |
ftrTriangle: weight := trianglefilter(center - j); |
ftrHermite: weight := hermitefilter(center - j); |
ftrBell: weight := bellfilter(center - j); |
ftrBSpline: weight := splinefilter(center - j); |
ftrLanczos3: weight := Lanczos3filter(center - j); |
ftrMitchell: weight := Mitchellfilter(center - j); |
else |
weight := 0 |
end; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
if (j < 0) then |
n := -j |
else if (j >= SrcHeight) then |
n := SrcHeight - j + SrcHeight - 1 |
else |
n := j; |
k := contrib^[i].n; |
contrib^[i].n := contrib^[i].n + 1; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].pixel := n; |
contrib^[i].p^[k].weight := weight; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
// Apply filter to sample vertically from Work to Dst |
// -------------------------------------------------- |
SourceLine := Work.ScanLine[0]; |
Delta := Integer(Work.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(SourceLine); |
DestLine := Dst.ScanLine[0]; |
DestDelta := Integer(Dst.ScanLine[1]) - Integer(DestLine); |
{$ENDIF} |
for k := 0 to DstWidth - 1 do |
begin |
DestPixel := pointer(DestLine); |
{$ENDIF} |
for i := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do |
begin |
rgb.r := 0; |
rgb.g := 0; |
rgb.b := 0; |
// weight := 0.0; |
for j := 0 to contrib^[i].n - 1 do |
begin |
color := PColorRGB(Integer(SourceLine) + contrib^[i].p^[j].pixel * Delta)^; |
{$ELSE} |
color := Color2RGB(Work.Canvas.Pixels[k, contrib^[i].p^[j].pixel]); |
{$ENDIF} |
weight := contrib^[i].p^[j].weight; |
if (weight = 0.0) then |
continue; |
rgb.r := rgb.r + color.r * weight; |
rgb.g := rgb.g + color.g * weight; |
rgb.b := rgb.b + color.b * weight; |
end; |
if (rgb.r > 255.0) then |
color.r := 255 |
else if (rgb.r < 0.0) then |
color.r := 0 |
else |
color.r := round(rgb.r); |
if (rgb.g > 255.0) then |
color.g := 255 |
else if (rgb.g < 0.0) then |
color.g := 0 |
else |
color.g := round(rgb.g); |
if (rgb.b > 255.0) then |
color.b := 255 |
else if (rgb.b < 0.0) then |
color.b := 0 |
else |
color.b := round(rgb.b); |
DestPixel^ := color; |
inc(Integer(DestPixel), DestDelta); |
{$ELSE} |
Dst.Canvas.Pixels[k, i] := RGB2Color(color); |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
Inc(SourceLine, 1); |
Inc(DestLine, 1); |
{$ENDIF} |
end; |
// Free the memory allocated for vertical filter weights |
for i := 0 to DstHeight - 1 do |
FreeMem(contrib^[i].p); |
FreeMem(contrib); |
finally |
Work.Free; |
end; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
BB2.SetSize(AmountX, AmountY, 24); |
Resample(BB1, BB2, TypeResample, DefaultFilterRadius[TypeResample]); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoColorize(ForeColor, BackColor: TColor); |
procedure Colorize(src, dst: TDIB; iForeColor, iBackColor: TColor; iDither: Boolean{$IFDEF VER4UP} = False{$ENDIF}); |
{for monochromatic picture change colors} |
procedure InvertBitmap(Bmp: TDIB); |
begin |
Bmp.Canvas.CopyMode := cmDstInvert; |
Bmp.Canvas.CopyRect(rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height), |
Bmp.Canvas, rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height)); |
end; |
var |
fForeColor: TColor; |
fForeDither: Boolean; |
lTempBitmap: TDIB; |
lTempBitmap2: TDIB; |
lDitherBitmap: TDIB; |
lCRect: TRect; |
x, y, w, h: Integer; |
begin |
{--} |
//fColor := iBackColor; ; |
fForeColor := iForeColor; |
fForeDither := iDither; |
w := src.Width; |
h := src.Height; |
lDitherBitmap := nil; |
lTempBitmap := TDIB.Create; |
lTempBitmap.SetSize(w, h, 24); |
lTempBitmap2 := TDIB.Create; |
lTempBitmap2.SetSize(w, h, 24); |
lCRect := rect(0, 0, w, h); |
with lTempBitmap.Canvas do |
begin |
Brush.Style := bsSolid; |
Brush.Color := iBackColor; |
FillRect(lCRect); |
CopyMode := cmSrcInvert; |
CopyRect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(src); |
CopyMode := cmSrcPaint; |
CopyRect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(lTempBitmap); |
CopyMode := cmSrcInvert; |
CopyRect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(src); |
end; |
with lTempBitmap2.Canvas do |
begin |
Brush.Style := bsSolid; |
Brush.Color := clBlack; |
FillRect(lCRect); |
if fForeDither then |
begin |
InvertBitmap(src); |
lDitherBitmap := TDIB.Create; |
lDitherBitmap.SetSize(8, 8, 24); |
with lDitherBitmap.Canvas do |
begin |
for x := 0 to 7 do |
for y := 0 to 7 do |
if ((x mod 2 = 0) and (y mod 2 > 0)) or ((x mod 2 > 0) and (y mod 2 = 0)) then |
pixels[x, y] := fForeColor |
else |
pixels[x, y] := iBackColor; |
end; |
Brush.Bitmap.Assign(lDitherBitmap); |
end |
else |
begin |
Brush.Style := bsSolid; |
Brush.Color := fForeColor; |
end; |
if not fForeDither then |
InvertBitmap(src); |
CopyMode := cmPatPaint; |
CopyRect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
if fForeDither then |
if Assigned(lDitherBitmap) then |
lDitherBitmap.Free; |
CopyMode := cmSrcInvert; |
CopyRect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
end; |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcInvert; |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.Copyrect(lCRect, lTempBitmap2.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(src); |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcErase; |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.Copyrect(lCRect, src.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(src); |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.CopyMode := cmSrcInvert; |
lTempBitmap.Canvas.Copyrect(lCRect, lTempBitmap2.Canvas, lCRect); |
InvertBitmap(lTempBitmap); |
InvertBitmap(src); |
dst.Assign(lTempBitmap); |
lTempBitmap.Free; |
end; |
var BB1, BB2: TDIB; |
begin |
BB1 := TDIB.Create; |
BB1.BitCount := 24; |
BB1.Assign(Self); |
BB2 := TDIB.Create; |
Colorize(BB1, BB2, ForeColor, BackColor{$IFNDEF VER4UP}, False{$ENDIF}); |
Self.Assign(BB2); |
BB1.Free; |
BB2.Free; |
end; |
{ procedure for special purpose } |
procedure TDIB.FadeOut(DIB2: TDIB; Step: Byte); |
var |
P1, P2: PByteArray; |
W, H: Integer; |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[DIB2.Height - 1]; |
P2 := DIB2.ScanLine[DIB2.Height - 1]; |
W := WidthBytes; |
H := Height; |
asm |
@@1: |
MOV AL, Step |
JA @@2 |
@@2: |
JNZ @@1 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoZoom(DIB2: TDIB; ZoomRatio: Real); |
var |
P1, P2: PByteArray; |
W, H: Integer; |
x, y: Integer; |
xr, yr, xstep, ystep: real; |
xstart: real; |
begin |
W := WidthBytes; |
H := Height; |
xstart := (W - (W * ZoomRatio)) / 2; |
xr := xstart; |
yr := (H - (H * ZoomRatio)) / 2; |
xstep := ZoomRatio; |
ystep := ZoomRatio; |
for y := 1 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
P2 := DIB2.ScanLine[y]; |
if (yr >= 0) and (yr <= H) then |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[Trunc(yr)]; |
for x := 1 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
if (xr >= 0) and (xr <= W) then |
begin |
P2[x] := P1[Trunc(xr)]; |
end |
else |
begin |
P2[x] := 0; |
end; |
xr := xr + xstep; |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
for x := 1 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
P2[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
xr := xstart; |
yr := yr + ystep; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoBlur(DIB2: TDIB); |
var |
P1, P2: PByteArray; |
W: Integer; |
x, y: Integer; |
begin |
W := WidthBytes; |
for y := 1 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[y]; |
P2 := DIB2.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 1 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
P2[x] := (P1[x] + P1[x - 1] + P1[x + 1] + P1[x + W] + P1[x - W]) div 5; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.FadeIn(DIB2: TDIB; Step: Byte); |
var |
P1, P2: PByteArray; |
W, H: Integer; |
begin |
P1 := ScanLine[DIB2.Height - 1]; |
P2 := DIB2.ScanLine[DIB2.Height - 1]; |
W := WidthBytes; |
H := Height; |
asm |
@@1: |
MOV AL, Step |
JB @@2 |
@@2: |
JNZ @@1 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.FillDIB8(Color: Byte); |
var |
P: PByteArray; |
W, H: Integer; |
begin |
P := ScanLine[Height - 1]; |
W := WidthBytes; |
H := Height; |
asm |
MOV AL, Color |
@@1: |
JNZ @@1 |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DoRotate(DIB1: TDIB; cX, cY, Angle: Integer); |
type |
T3Byte = array[0..2] of Byte; |
P3ByteArray = ^T3ByteArray; |
T3ByteArray = array[0..32767] of T3Byte; |
PLongArray = ^TLongArray; |
TLongArray = array[0..32767] of LongInt; |
var |
p, p2: PByteArray; |
x, y, x2, y2, angled: Integer; |
cosy, siny: real; |
begin |
angled := 384 + Angle; |
for y := 0 to Height - 1 do |
begin |
p := DIB1.ScanLine[y]; |
cosy := (y - cY) * dcos(angled and $1FF); |
siny := (y - cY) * dsin(angled and $1FF); |
for x := 0 to Width - 1 do |
begin |
x2 := Trunc((x - cX) * dsin(angled and $1FF) + cosy) + cX; |
y2 := Trunc((x - cX) * dcos(angled and $1FF) - siny) + cY; |
case bitcount of |
8: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
p2 := ScanLine[y2]; |
p[x] := p2[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p[x] > 4 then |
p[x] := p[x] - 4 |
else |
p[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
16: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
PWordArray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
PWordArray(p)[x] := PWordArray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if PWordArray(p)[x] > 4 then |
PWordArray(p)[x] := PWordArray(p)[x] - 4 |
else |
PWordArray(p)[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
24: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x] := P3ByteArray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] - 4 |
else if P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] - 4 |
else if P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] - 4 |
else |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] := 0; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] := 0; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
32: begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
plongarray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
plongarray(p)[x] := plongarray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if plongarray(p)[x] > 4 then |
plongarray(p)[x] := plongarray(p)[x] - 4 |
else |
plongarray(p)[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
end |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.Ink(DIB: TDIB; const SprayInit: Boolean; const AmountSpray: Integer): Boolean; |
type |
T3Byte = array[0..2] of Byte; |
P3ByteArray = ^T3ByteArray; |
T3ByteArray = array[0..32767] of T3Byte; |
PLongArray = ^TLongArray; |
TLongArray = array[0..32767] of LongInt; |
function ColorToRGBTriple(const Color: TColor): TRGBTriple; |
begin |
with RESULT do |
begin |
rgbtRed := GetRValue(Color); |
rgbtGreen := GetGValue(Color); |
rgbtBlue := GetBValue(Color) |
end |
end {ColorToRGBTriple}; |
function TestQuad(T: T3Byte; Color: Integer): Boolean; |
begin |
Result := (T[0] > GetRValue(Color)) and |
(T[1] > GetGValue(Color)) and |
(T[2] > GetBValue(Color)) |
end; |
var |
p0, p, p2: PByteArray; |
x, y, c: Integer; |
z: Integer; |
begin |
if SprayInit then |
begin |
DIB.Assign(Self); |
{ Spray seeds } |
for c := 0 to AmountSpray do |
begin |
DIB.Pixels[Random(Width - 1), Random(Height - 1)] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
Result := True; {all is black} |
for y := 0 to DIB.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p := DIB.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to DIB.Width - 1 do |
begin |
case bitcount of |
8: |
begin |
if p[x] < 16 then |
begin |
if p[x] > 0 then Result := False; |
if y > 0 then |
begin |
p0 := DIB.ScanLine[y - 1]; |
if p0[x] > 4 then |
p0[x] := p0[x] - 4 |
else |
p0[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if p0[x - 1] > 2 then |
p0[x - 1] := p0[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
p0[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if p0[x + 1] > 2 then |
p0[x + 1] := p0[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
p0[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if y < (DIB.Height - 1) then |
begin |
p2 := DIB.ScanLine[y + 1]; |
if p2[x] > 4 then |
p2[x] := p2[x] - 4 |
else |
p2[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if p2[x - 1] > 2 then |
p2[x - 1] := p2[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
p2[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if p2[x + 1] > 2 then |
p2[x + 1] := p2[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
p2[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if p[x] > 8 then |
p[x] := p[x] - 8 |
else |
p[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if p[x - 1] > 4 then |
p[x - 1] := p[x - 1] - 4 |
else |
p[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if p[x + 1] > 4 then |
p[x + 1] := p[x + 1] - 4 |
else |
p[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
16: |
begin |
if pwordarray(p)[x] < 16 then |
begin |
if pwordarray(p)[x] > 0 then Result := False; |
if y > 0 then |
begin |
pwordarray(p0) := DIB.ScanLine[y - 1]; |
if pwordarray(p0)[x] > 4 then |
pwordarray(p0)[x] := pwordarray(p0)[x] - 4 |
else |
pwordarray(p0)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if pwordarray(p0)[x - 1] > 2 then |
pwordarray(p0)[x - 1] := pwordarray(p0)[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
pwordarray(p0)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if pwordarray(p0)[x + 1] > 2 then |
pwordarray(p0)[x + 1] := pwordarray(p0)[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
pwordarray(p0)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if y < (DIB.Height - 1) then |
begin |
pwordarray(p2) := DIB.ScanLine[y + 1]; |
if pwordarray(p2)[x] > 4 then |
pwordarray(p2)[x] := pwordarray(p2)[x] - 4 |
else |
pwordarray(p2)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if pwordarray(p2)[x - 1] > 2 then |
pwordarray(p2)[x - 1] := pwordarray(p2)[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
pwordarray(p2)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if pwordarray(p2)[x + 1] > 2 then |
pwordarray(p2)[x + 1] := pwordarray(p2)[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
pwordarray(p2)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if pwordarray(p)[x] > 8 then |
pwordarray(p)[x] := pwordarray(p)[x] - 8 |
else |
pwordarray(p)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if pwordarray(p)[x - 1] > 4 then |
pwordarray(p)[x - 1] := pwordarray(p)[x - 1] - 4 |
else |
pwordarray(p)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if pwordarray(p)[x + 1] > 4 then |
pwordarray(p)[x + 1] := pwordarray(p)[x + 1] - 4 |
else |
pwordarray(p)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
24: |
begin |
if not TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p)[x], 16) then |
begin |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p)[x], 0) then Result := False; |
if y > 0 then |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p0) := DIB.ScanLine[y - 1]; |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p0)[x], 4) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p0)[x][z] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x][z] := P3ByteArray(p0)[x][z] - 4 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x][z] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p0)[x - 1], 2) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p0)[x - 1][z] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x - 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p0)[x - 1][z] - 2 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x - 1][z] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p0)[x + 1], 2) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p0)[x + 1][z] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x + 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p0)[x + 1][z] - 2 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p0)[x + 1][z] := 0; |
end; |
if y < (DIB.Height - 1) then |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p2) := DIB.ScanLine[y + 1]; |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p2)[x], 4) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p2)[x][z] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x][z] := P3ByteArray(p2)[x][z] - 4 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x][z] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p2)[x - 1], 2) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p2)[x - 1][z] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x - 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p2)[x - 1][z] - 2 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x - 1][z] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p2)[x + 1], 2) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p2)[x + 1][z] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x + 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p2)[x + 1][z] - 2 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p2)[x + 1][z] := 0; |
end; |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p)[x], 8) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p)[x][z] > 8 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][z] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][z] - 8 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][z] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p)[x - 1], 4) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p)[x - 1][z] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x - 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p)[x - 1][z] - 4 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p)[x - 1][z] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if TestQuad(P3ByteArray(p)[x + 1], 4) then |
begin |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
if P3ByteArray(p)[x + 1][z] > 4 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x + 1][z] := P3ByteArray(p)[x + 1][z] - 4 |
end |
else |
for z := 0 to 2 do |
P3ByteArray(p)[x + 1][z] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
32: |
begin |
if plongarray(p)[x] < 16 then |
begin |
if plongarray(p)[x] > 0 then Result := False; |
if y > 0 then |
begin |
plongarray(p0) := DIB.ScanLine[y - 1]; |
if plongarray(p0)[x] > 4 then |
plongarray(p0)[x] := plongarray(p0)[x] - 4 |
else |
plongarray(p0)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if plongarray(p0)[x - 1] > 2 then |
plongarray(p0)[x - 1] := plongarray(p0)[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
plongarray(p0)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if plongarray(p0)[x + 1] > 2 then |
plongarray(p0)[x + 1] := plongarray(p0)[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
plongarray(p0)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if y < (DIB.Height - 1) then |
begin |
plongarray(p2) := DIB.ScanLine[y + 1]; |
if plongarray(p2)[x] > 4 then |
plongarray(p2)[x] := plongarray(p2)[x] - 4 |
else |
plongarray(p2)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if plongarray(p2)[x - 1] > 2 then |
plongarray(p2)[x - 1] := plongarray(p2)[x - 1] - 2 |
else |
plongarray(p2)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if plongarray(p2)[x + 1] > 2 then |
plongarray(p2)[x + 1] := plongarray(p2)[x + 1] - 2 |
else |
plongarray(p2)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
if plongarray(p)[x] > 8 then |
plongarray(p)[x] := plongarray(p)[x] - 8 |
else |
plongarray(p)[x] := 0; |
if x > 0 then |
if plongarray(p)[x - 1] > 4 then |
plongarray(p)[x - 1] := plongarray(p)[x - 1] - 4 |
else |
plongarray(p)[x - 1] := 0; |
if x < (DIB.Width - 1) then |
if plongarray(p)[x + 1] > 4 then |
plongarray(p)[x + 1] := plongarray(p)[x + 1] - 4 |
else |
plongarray(p)[x + 1] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
end {case}; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.Distort(DIB1: TDIB; dt: TDistortType; cX, cY, Angle: Integer; Factor: Real); |
type |
T3Byte = array[0..2] of Byte; |
P3ByteArray = ^T3ByteArray; |
T3ByteArray = array[0..32767] of T3Byte; |
PLongArray = ^TLongArray; |
TLongArray = array[0..32767] of LongInt; |
var |
p, p2: PByteArray; |
x, y, x2, y2, angled, ysqr: Integer; |
actdist, dist, cosy, siny: real; |
begin |
dist := Factor * sqrt(sqr(cX) + sqr(cY)); |
for y := 0 to DIB1.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p := DIB1.ScanLine[y]; |
ysqr := sqr(y - cY); |
for x := 0 to (DIB1.Width) - 1 do |
begin |
actdist := (sqrt((sqr(x - cX) + ysqr)) / dist); |
if dt = dtSlow then |
actdist := dsin((Trunc(actdist * 1024)) and $1FF); |
angled := 384 + Trunc((actdist) * Angle); |
cosy := (y - cY) * dcos(angled and $1FF); |
siny := (y - cY) * dsin(angled and $1FF); |
x2 := Trunc((x - cX) * dsin(angled and $1FF) + cosy) + cX; |
y2 := Trunc((x - cX) * dcos(angled and $1FF) - siny) + cY; |
case bitcount of |
8: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
p2 := ScanLine[y2]; |
p[x] := p2[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p[x] > 2 then |
p[x] := p[x] - 2 |
else |
p[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
16: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
pwordarray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
pwordarray(p)[x] := pwordarray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if pwordarray(p)[x] > 2 then |
pwordarray(p)[x] := pwordarray(p)[x] - 2 |
else |
pwordarray(p)[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
24: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x] := P3ByteArray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] - 2 |
else if P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] - 2 |
else if P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] > 2 then |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] := P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] - 2 |
else |
begin |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][0] := 0; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][1] := 0; |
P3ByteArray(p)[x][2] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
32: |
begin |
if (y2 >= 0) and (y2 < Height) and (x2 >= 0) and (x2 < Width) then |
begin |
plongarray(p2) := ScanLine[y2]; |
plongarray(p)[x] := plongarray(p2)[Width - x2]; |
end |
else |
begin |
if p[x] > 2 then |
plongarray(p)[x] := plongarray(p)[x] - 2 |
else |
plongarray(p)[x] := 0; |
end; |
end; |
end {case} |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.AntialiasedLine(x1, y1, x2, y2: Integer; color: TColor); |
//anti-aliased line using the Wu algorithm by Peter Bone |
var |
dX, dY, X, Y, start, finish: Integer; |
LM, LR: Integer; |
dxi, dyi, dydxi: Integer; |
P: PLines; |
R, G, B: byte; |
begin |
R := GetRValue(Color); |
G := GetGValue(Color); |
B := GetBValue(Color); |
dX := abs(x2 - x1); // Calculate deltax and deltay for initialisation |
dY := abs(y2 - y1); |
if (dX = 0) or (dY = 0) then |
begin |
Canvas.Pen.Color := (B shl 16) + (G shl 8) + R; |
Canvas.MoveTo(x1, y1); |
Canvas.LineTo(x2, y2); |
exit; |
end; |
if dX > dY then |
begin // horizontal or vertical |
if y2 > y1 then // determine rise and run |
dydxi := -dY shl 16 div dX |
else |
dydxi := dY shl 16 div dX; |
if x2 < x1 then |
begin |
start := x2; // right to left |
finish := x1; |
dyi := y2 shl 16; |
end |
else |
begin |
start := x1; // left to right |
finish := x2; |
dyi := y1 shl 16; |
dydxi := -dydxi; // inverse slope |
end; |
if finish >= Width then finish := Width - 1; |
for X := start to finish do |
begin |
Y := dyi shr 16; |
if (X < 0) or (Y < 0) or (Y > Height - 2) then |
begin |
Inc(dyi, dydxi); |
Continue; |
end; |
LM := dyi - Y shl 16; // fractional part of dyi - in fixed-point |
LR := 65536 - LM; |
P := Scanline[Y]; |
P^[X].B := (B * LR + P^[X].B * LM) shr 16; |
P^[X].G := (G * LR + P^[X].G * LM) shr 16; |
P^[X].R := (R * LR + P^[X].R * LM) shr 16; |
//Inc(Y); |
P^[X].B := (B * LM + P^[X].B * LR) shr 16; |
P^[X].G := (G * LM + P^[X].G * LR) shr 16; |
P^[X].R := (R * LM + P^[X].R * LR) shr 16; |
Inc(dyi, dydxi); // next point |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
if x2 > x1 then // determine rise and run |
dydxi := -dX shl 16 div dY |
else |
dydxi := dX shl 16 div dY; |
if y2 < y1 then |
begin |
start := y2; // right to left |
finish := y1; |
dxi := x2 shl 16; |
end |
else |
begin |
start := y1; // left to right |
finish := y2; |
dxi := x1 shl 16; |
dydxi := -dydxi; // inverse slope |
end; |
if finish >= Height then finish := Height - 1; |
for Y := start to finish do |
begin |
X := dxi shr 16; |
if (Y < 0) or (X < 0) or (X > Width - 2) then |
begin |
Inc(dxi, dydxi); |
Continue; |
end; |
LM := dxi - X shl 16; |
LR := 65536 - LM; |
P := Scanline[Y]; |
P^[X].B := (B * LR + P^[X].B * LM) shr 16; |
P^[X].G := (G * LR + P^[X].G * LM) shr 16; |
P^[X].R := (R * LR + P^[X].R * LM) shr 16; |
Inc(X); |
P^[X].B := (B * LM + P^[X].B * LR) shr 16; |
P^[X].G := (G * LM + P^[X].G * LR) shr 16; |
P^[X].R := (R * LM + P^[X].R * LR) shr 16; |
Inc(dxi, dydxi); // next point |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TDIB.GetColorBetween(StartColor, EndColor: TColor; Pointvalue, |
FromPoint, ToPoint: Extended): TColor; |
var F: Extended; r1, r2, r3, g1, g2, g3, b1, b2, b3: Byte; |
function CalcColorBytes(fb1, fb2: Byte): Byte; |
begin |
result := fb1; |
if fb1 < fb2 then Result := FB1 + Trunc(F * (fb2 - fb1)); |
if fb1 > fb2 then Result := FB1 - Trunc(F * (fb1 - fb2)); |
end; |
begin |
if Pointvalue <= FromPoint then |
begin |
result := StartColor; |
exit; |
end; |
if Pointvalue >= ToPoint then |
begin |
result := EndColor; |
exit; |
end; |
F := (Pointvalue - FromPoint) / (ToPoint - FromPoint); |
asm |
mov EAX, Startcolor |
cmp EAX, EndColor |
je @@exit //when equal then exit |
mov r1, AL |
shr EAX,8 |
mov g1, AL |
shr EAX,8 |
mov b1, AL |
mov EAX, Endcolor |
mov r2, AL |
shr EAX,8 |
mov g2, AL |
shr EAX,8 |
mov b2, AL |
push ebp |
mov AL, r1 |
mov DL, r2 |
call CalcColorBytes |
pop ECX |
push EBP |
Mov r3, AL |
mov DL, g2 |
mov AL, g1 |
call CalcColorBytes |
pop ECX |
push EBP |
mov g3, Al |
mov DL, B2 |
mov Al, B1 |
call CalcColorBytes |
pop ECX |
mov b3, AL |
mov AL, B3 |
shl EAX,8 |
mov AL, G3 |
shl EAX,8 |
mov AL, R3 |
@@Exit: |
mov @result, EAX |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.ColoredLine(const iStart, iEnd: TPoint; iColorStyle: TColorLineStyle; |
iGradientFrom, iGradientTo: TColor; iPixelGeometry: TColorLinePixelGeometry; iRadius: Word); |
var |
tempColor: TColor; |
const |
WavelengthMinimum = 380; |
WavelengthMaximum = 780; |
procedure SetColor(Color: TColor); |
begin |
Canvas.Pen.Color := Color; |
Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; |
tempColor := Color |
end {SetColor}; |
function WL2RGB(const Wavelength: Double): TColor; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
const |
Gamma = 0.80; |
IntensityMax = 255; |
var |
Red, Blue, Green, Factor: Double; |
function Adjust(const Color, Factor: Double): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if Color = 0.0 then Result := 0 |
else Result := Round(IntensityMax * Power(Color * Factor, Gamma)) |
end {Adjust}; |
begin |
case Trunc(Wavelength) of |
380..439: |
begin |
Red := -(Wavelength - 440) / (440 - 380); |
Green := 0.0; |
Blue := 1.0 |
end; |
440..489: |
begin |
Red := 0.0; |
Green := (Wavelength - 440) / (490 - 440); |
Blue := 1.0 |
end; |
490..509: |
begin |
Red := 0.0; |
Green := 1.0; |
Blue := -(Wavelength - 510) / (510 - 490) |
end; |
510..579: |
begin |
Red := (Wavelength - 510) / (580 - 510); |
Green := 1.0; |
Blue := 0.0 |
end; |
580..644: |
begin |
Red := 1.0; |
Green := -(Wavelength - 645) / (645 - 580); |
Blue := 0.0 |
end; |
645..780: |
begin |
Red := 1.0; |
Green := 0.0; |
Blue := 0.0 |
end; |
else |
Red := 0.0; |
Green := 0.0; |
Blue := 0.0 |
end; |
case Trunc(Wavelength) of |
380..419: factor := 0.3 + 0.7 * (Wavelength - 380) / (420 - 380); |
420..700: factor := 1.0; |
701..780: factor := 0.3 + 0.7 * (780 - Wavelength) / (780 - 700) |
else |
factor := 0.0 |
end; |
Result := RGB(Adjust(Red, Factor), Adjust(Green, Factor), Adjust(Blue, Factor)); |
end; |
function Rainbow(const fraction: Double): TColor; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if (fraction < 0.0) or (fraction > 1.0) then Result := clBlack |
else |
Result := WL2RGB(WavelengthMinimum + Fraction * (WavelengthMaximum - WavelengthMinimum)) |
end {Raindbow}; |
function ColorInterpolate(const fraction: Double; const Color1, Color2: TColor): TColor; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
var |
complement: Double; |
R1, R2, G1, G2, B1, B2: BYTE; |
begin |
if fraction <= 0 then Result := Color1 |
else |
if fraction >= 1.0 then Result := Color2 |
else |
begin |
R1 := GetRValue(Color1); |
G1 := GetGValue(Color1); |
B1 := GetBValue(Color1); |
R2 := GetRValue(Color2); |
G2 := GetGValue(Color2); |
B2 := GetBValue(Color2); |
complement := 1.0 - fraction; |
Result := RGB(Round(complement * R1 + fraction * R2), |
Round(complement * G1 + fraction * G2), |
Round(complement * B1 + fraction * B2)) |
end |
end {ColorInterpolate}; |
// Conversion utility routines |
function ColorToRGBTriple(const Color: TColor): TRGBTriple; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
with Result do |
begin |
rgbtRed := GetRValue(Color); |
rgbtGreen := GetGValue(Color); |
rgbtBlue := GetBValue(Color) |
end |
end {ColorToRGBTriple}; |
function RGBTripleToColor(const Triple: TRGBTriple): TColor; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
Result := RGB(Triple.rgbtRed, Triple.rgbtGreen, Triple.rgbtBlue) |
end {RGBTripleToColor}; |
// Bresenham's Line Algorithm. Byte, March 1988, pp. 249-253. |
var |
a, b, d, diag_inc, dXdg, dXndg, dYdg, dYndg, i, nDginc, nDswap, x, y: Integer; |
begin {DrawLine} |
x := iStart.X; |
y := iStart.Y; |
a := iEnd.X - iStart.X; |
b := iEnd.Y - iStart.Y; |
if a < 0 then |
begin |
a := -a; |
dXdg := -1 |
end |
else dXdg := 1; |
if b < 0 then |
begin |
b := -b; |
dYdg := -1 |
end |
else dYdg := 1; |
if a < b then |
begin |
nDswap := a; |
a := b; |
b := nDswap; |
dXndg := 0; |
dYndg := dYdg |
end |
else |
begin |
dXndg := dXdg; |
dYndg := 0 |
end; |
d := b + b - a; |
nDginc := b + b; |
diag_inc := b + b - a - a; |
for i := 0 to a do |
begin |
case iPixelGeometry of |
pgPoint: |
case iColorStyle of |
csSolid: |
Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := tempColor; |
csGradient: |
Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := ColorInterpolate(i / a, iGradientFrom, iGradientTo); |
csRainbow: |
Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := Rainbow(i / a) |
end; |
pgCircular: |
begin |
case iColorStyle of |
csSolid: ; |
csGradient: SetColor(ColorInterpolate(i / a, iGradientFrom, iGradientTo)); |
csRainbow: SetColor(Rainbow(i / a)) |
end; |
Canvas.Ellipse(x - iRadius, y - iRadius, x + iRadius, y + iRadius) |
end; |
pgRectangular: |
begin |
case iColorStyle of |
csSolid: ; |
csGradient: SetColor(ColorInterpolate(i / a, iGradientFrom, iGradientTo)); |
csRainbow: SetColor(Rainbow(i / a)) |
end; |
Canvas.Rectangle(x - iRadius, y - iRadius, x + iRadius, y + iRadius) |
end |
end; |
if d < 0 then |
begin |
Inc(x, dXndg); |
Inc(y, dYndg); |
Inc(d, nDginc); |
end |
else |
begin |
Inc(x, dXdg); |
Inc(y, dYdg); |
Inc(d, diag_inc); |
end |
end |
end {Line}; |
procedure TDIB.DoNovaEffect(sr, sg, sb, cx, cy, radius, |
nspokes, randomhue, randomspok, randgauss: Integer; onProgress: TProgressEvent); |
// Copyright (c) 2000 by Keith Murray (kmurray@hotfreeware.com) |
// All rights reserved. |
// Adapted for DIB by JB. |
type |
PByteArray = ^TByteArray; |
TByteArray = array[0..32767] of Byte; |
PDoubleArray = ^TDoubleArray; |
TDoubleArray = array[0..32767] of Double; |
PIntegerArray = ^TIntegerArray; |
TIntegerArray = array[0..32767] of Integer; |
type |
TProgressEvent = procedure(progress: Integer; message: string; |
var cancel: Boolean) of object; |
const |
M_PI = 3.14159265358979323846; |
RAND_MAX = 2147483647; |
function Gauss: double; |
const magnitude = 6; |
var |
sum: double; |
i: Integer; |
begin |
sum := 0; |
for i := 1 to magnitude do |
sum := sum + (randgauss / 2147483647); |
result := sum / magnitude; |
end; |
function Clamp(i, l, h: double): double; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if i < l then |
result := l |
else |
if i > h then |
result := h |
else |
result := i; |
end; |
function IClamp(i, l, h: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
begin |
if i < l then |
result := l |
else if i > h then |
result := h |
else result := i; |
end; |
procedure rgb_to_hsl(r, g, b: Double; var h, s, l: Double); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
function Max(a, b: Double): Double; |
begin |
Result := a; if b > a then Result := b; |
end; |
function Min(a, b: Double): Double; |
begin |
Result := a; if b < a then Result := b; |
end; |
{$ENDIF} |
var |
v, m, vm: Double; |
r2, g2, b2: Double; |
begin |
h := 0; |
s := 0; |
l := 0; |
v := Max(r, g); |
v := Max(v, b); |
m := Min(r, g); |
m := Min(m, b); |
l := (m + v) / 2.0; |
if l <= 0.0 then |
exit; |
vm := v - m; |
s := vm; |
if s > 0.0 then |
begin |
if l <= 0.5 then |
s := s / (v + m) |
else s := s / (2.0 - v - m); |
end |
else exit; |
r2 := (v - 4) / vm; |
g2 := (v - g) / vm; |
b2 := (v - b) / vm; |
if r = v then |
begin |
if g = m then |
h := b2 + 5.0 |
else h := 1.0 - g2; |
end |
else if g = v then |
begin |
if b = m then |
h := 1.0 + r2 |
else h := 3.0 - b2; |
end |
else |
begin |
if r = m then |
h := 3.0 + g2 |
else h := 5.0 - r2; |
end; |
h := h / 6; |
end; |
procedure hsl_to_rgb(h, sl, l: Double; var r, g, b: Double); {$IFDEF VER9UP}inline;{$ENDIF} |
var |
v: Double; |
m, sv: Double; |
sextant: Integer; |
fract, vsf, mid1, mid2: Double; |
begin |
if l <= 0.5 then |
v := l * (1.0 + sl) |
else v := l + sl - l * sl; |
if v <= 0 then |
begin |
r := 0.0; |
g := 0.0; |
b := 0.0; |
end |
else |
begin |
m := l + l - v; |
sv := (v - m) / v; |
h := h * 6.0; |
sextant := Trunc(h); |
fract := h - sextant; |
vsf := v * sv * fract; |
mid1 := m + vsf; |
mid2 := v - vsf; |
case sextant of |
0: |
begin |
r := v; g := mid1; b := m; |
end; |
1: |
begin |
r := mid2; g := v; b := m; |
end; |
2: |
begin |
r := m; g := v; b := mid1; |
end; |
3: |
begin |
r := m; g := mid2; b := v; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
r := mid1; g := m; b := v; |
end; |
5: |
begin |
r := v; g := m; b := mid2; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
var |
src_row, dest_row: PByte; |
src, dest: PByteArray; |
color, colors: array[0..3] of Integer; |
SpokeColor: PIntegerArray; |
spoke: PDoubleArray; |
x1, y1, x2, y2, row, col, x, y, alpha, has_alpha, bpp, progress, max_progress, xc, yc, i, j: Integer; |
u, v, l, l0, w, w1, c, nova_alpha, src_alpha, new_alpha, compl_ratio, ratio, r, g, b, h, s, lu, SpokeCol: Double; |
dstDIB: TDIB; |
begin |
colors[0] := sr; |
colors[1] := sg; |
colors[2] := sb; |
new_alpha := 0; |
GetMem(spoke, NSpokes * sizeof(Double)); |
GetMem(spokecolor, NSpokes * sizeof(Integer) * 3); |
dstDIB := TDIB.Create; |
dstDIB.Assign(Self); |
dstDIB.Canvas.Brush.Color := clBlack; |
dstDIB.Canvas.FillRect(dstDIB.Canvas.ClipRect); |
try |
rgb_to_hsl(colors[0] / 255.0, colors[1] / 255.0, colors[2] / 255.0, h, s, lu); |
for i := 0 to NSpokes - 1 do |
begin |
spoke[i] := gauss; |
h := h + randomhue / 360.0 * ({Random(RAND_MAX)}RandomSpok / RAND_MAX - 0.5); |
if h < 0 then |
h := h + 1.0 |
else if h > 1.0 then |
h := h - 1.0; |
hsl_to_rgb(h, s, lu, r, g, b); |
spokecolor[3 * i + 0] := Trunc(255 * r); |
spokecolor[3 * i + 1] := Trunc(255 * g); |
spokecolor[3 * i + 2] := Trunc(255 * b); |
end; |
xc := cx; |
yc := cy; |
l0 := (x2 - xc) / 4 + 1; |
bpp := Self.BitCount div 8; |
has_alpha := 0; |
alpha := bpp; |
y := 0; |
for row := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do begin |
src_row := Self.ScanLine[row]; |
dest_row := dstDIB.ScanLine[row]; |
src := Pointer(src_row); |
dest := Pointer(dest_row); |
x := 0; |
for col := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do begin |
u := (x - xc) / radius; |
v := (y - yc) / radius; |
l := sqrt((u * u) + (v * v)); |
c := (arctan2(u, v) / (2 * M_PI) + 0.51) * NSpokes; |
i := floor(c); |
c := c - i; |
i := i mod NSpokes; |
w1 := spoke[i] * (1 - c) + spoke[(i + 1) mod NSpokes] * c; |
w1 := w1 * w1; |
w := 1 / (l + 0.001) * 0.9; |
nova_alpha := Clamp(w, 0.0, 1.0); |
ratio := nova_alpha; |
compl_ratio := 1.0 - ratio; |
for j := 0 to alpha - 1 do |
begin |
spokecol := spokecolor[3 * i + j] * (1.0 - c) + spokecolor[3 * ((i + 1) mod nspokes) + j] * c; |
if w > 1.0 then |
color[j] := IClamp(Trunc(spokecol * w), 0, 255) |
else |
color[j] := Trunc(src[j] * compl_ratio + spokecol * ratio); |
color[j] := Trunc(color[j] + 255 * Clamp(w1 * w, 0.0, 1.0)); |
dest[j] := IClamp(color[j], 0, 255); |
end; |
inc(Integer(src), bpp); |
inc(Integer(dest), bpp); |
inc(x); |
end; |
inc(y); |
end; |
finally |
Self.Assign(dstDIB); |
dstDIB.Free; |
FreeMem(Spoke); |
FreeMem(SpokeColor); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.DrawMandelbrot(ao, au: Integer; bo, bu: Double); |
var |
c1, c2, z1, z2, tmp: Double; |
i, j, Count: Integer; |
dstDIB: TDIB; |
X, Y: Double; |
X2, Y2: Integer; |
begin |
dstDIB := TDIB.Create; |
dstDIB.Assign(Self); |
X2 := dstDIB.FWidth; |
Y2 := dstDIB.FHeight; |
{as Example |
ao := 1; |
au := -2; |
bo := 1.5; |
bu := -1.5; |
} |
X := (ao - au) / dstDIB.FWidth; |
Y := (bo - bu) / dstDIB.FHeight; |
try |
c2 := bu; |
for i := 10 to X2 do |
begin |
c1 := au; |
for j := 0 to Y2 do |
begin |
z1 := 0; |
z2 := 0; |
Count := 0; |
{count is deep of iteration of the mandelbrot set |
if |z| >=2 then z is not a member of a mandelset} |
while (((z1 * z1 + z2 * z2 < 4) and (Count <= 90))) do |
begin |
tmp := z1; |
z1 := z1 * z1 - z2 * z2 + c1; |
z2 := 2 * tmp * z2 + c2; |
Inc(Count); |
end; |
//the color-palette depends on TColor(n*count mod t) |
dstDIB.Canvas.Pixels[j, i] := (16 * Count mod 255); |
c1 := c1 + X; |
end; |
c2 := c2 + Y; |
end; |
finally |
Self.Assign(dstDIB); |
dstDIB.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.SephiaEffect(Depth: Integer{$IFDEF VER4UP} = 20{$ENDIF}); |
{Note: when depth parameter set to 0 will produce black and white picture only} |
var |
color, color2: longint; |
r, g, b, rr, gg: byte; |
h, w: Integer; |
p0: pbytearray; |
x, y: Integer; |
begin |
if Self.BitCount = 24 then |
begin |
Self.DoGrayScale; |
for y := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
p0 := Self.ScanLine[y]; |
for x := 0 to Self.Width - 1 do |
begin |
r := p0[x * 3]; |
g := p0[x * 3 + 1]; |
b := p0[x * 3 + 2]; |
rr := r + (depth * 2); |
gg := g + depth; |
if rr <= ((depth * 2) - 1) then |
rr := 255; |
if gg <= (depth - 1) then |
gg := 255; |
p0[x * 3] := rr; |
p0[x * 3 + 1] := gg; |
p0[x * 3 + 2] := b; |
end; |
end; |
Exit |
end; |
{this alogorithm is slower because does not use scanline property} |
for h := 0 to Self.Height-1 do |
begin |
for w := 0 to Self.Width-1 do |
begin |
//first convert the bitmap to greyscale |
color := ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[w, h]); |
r := GetRValue(color); |
g := GetGValue(color); |
b := GetBValue(color); |
color2 := (r + g + b) div 3; |
Self.Canvas.Pixels[w, h] := RGB(color2, color2, color2); |
//then convert it to sepia |
color := ColorToRGB(Self.Canvas.Pixels[w, h]); |
r := GetRValue(color); |
g := GetGValue(color); |
b := GetBValue(color); |
rr := r + (depth * 2); |
gg := g + depth; |
if rr <= ((depth * 2) - 1) then |
rr := 255; |
if gg <= (depth - 1) then |
gg := 255; |
Self.Canvas.Pixels[w, h] := RGB(rr, gg, b); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.EncryptDecrypt(const Key: Integer); |
{for decript call it again} |
var |
BytesPorScan: Integer; |
w, h: Integer; |
p: pByteArray; |
begin |
try |
BytesPorScan := Abs(Integer(Self.ScanLine[1]) - |
Integer(Self.ScanLine[0])); |
except |
raise Exception.Create('Error '); |
end; |
RandSeed := Key; |
for h := 0 to Self.Height - 1 do |
begin |
P := Self.ScanLine[h]; |
for w := 0 to BytesPorScan - 1 do |
P^[w] := P^[w] xor Random(256); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TDIB.LinePolar(x, y: Integer; AngleInDegree, Length: extended; Color: cardinal); |
var |
xp, yp: Integer; |
begin |
xp := Round(Sin(AngleInDegree * Pi / 180) * Length) + x; |
yp := Round(Cos(AngleInDegree * Pi / 180) * Length) + y; |
AntialiasedLine(x, y, xp, yp, Color); |
end; |
//y = 0.299*g + 0.587*b + 0.114*r; |
procedure TDIB.BlendPixel(const X, Y: Integer; aColor: Cardinal; Alpha: byte); |
var |
cR, cG, cB: byte; |
aR, aG, aB: byte; |
dColor: Cardinal; |
begin |
aR := GetRValue(aColor); |
aG := GetGValue(aColor); |
aB := GetBValue(aColor); |
dColor := Self.Canvas.Pixels[x, y]; |
cR := GetRValue(dColor); |
cG := GetGValue(dColor); |
cB := GetBValue(dColor); |
Canvas.Pixels[x, y] := RGB((Alpha * (aR - cR) shr 8) + cR, // R alpha |
(Alpha * (aG - cG) shr 8) + cG, // G alpha |
(Alpha * (aB - cB) shr 8) + cB); // B alpha |
end; |
procedure MakeDib(out DIB: TDIB; const iWidth, iHeight, iBitCount: Integer; iFillColor: TColor{$IFDEF VER4UP} = clBlack{$ENDIF}); {$IFDEF VER4UP} overload; {$ENDIF} |
begin |
DIB := TDIB.Create; |
DIB.SetSize(iWidth, iHeight, iBitCount); |
DIB.Fill(iFillColor); |
end; |
procedure{$IFDEF VER4UP}MakeDib{$ELSE}MakeDib2{$ENDIF}(out DIB: TDIB; iBitmap: TBitmap); {$IFDEF VER4UP} overload; {$ENDIF} |
begin |
DIB := TDIB.Create; |
if Assigned(iBitmap) then |
DIB.CreateDIBFromBitmap(iBitmap) |
else |
DIB.Fill(clBlack); |
end; |
initialization |
TPicture.RegisterClipBoardFormat(CF_DIB, TDIB); |
TPicture.RegisterFileFormat('dib', 'Device Independent Bitmap', TDIB); |