/trunk/FORMAT.md |
5,16 → 5,16 |
### FAT drives: |
- Windows 95 native: C:\RECYCLED\INFO (with ANSI records, folder deletion is NOT possible, format `00 00 00 00`) |
- Windows 95+IE4, 98SE: C:\RECYCLED\INFO2 (with ANSI records, folder deletion is possible, format `04 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Me: C:\RECYCLED\INFO2 (with ANSI records, folder deletion is possible, format `05 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Vista+: C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\$I... |
- Windows 95 native: `C:\RECYCLED\INFO` (with ANSI records, folder deletion is NOT possible, format `00 00 00 00`) |
- Windows 95+IE4, 98SE: `C:\RECYCLED\INFO2` (with ANSI records, folder deletion is possible, format `04 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Me: `C:\RECYCLED\INFO2` (with ANSI records, folder deletion is possible, format `05 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Vista+: `C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\$I...` |
### NTFS drives: |
- Windows NT4: C:\RECYCLER\<UserSID>\INFO (with Unicode records, folder deletion is possible, format `02 00 00 00`) |
- Windows 2000, XP: C:\RECYCLER\<UserSID>\INFO2 (with Unicode records, folder deletion is possible, format `05 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Vista+: C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\<UserSID>\$I... |
- Windows NT4: `C:\RECYCLER\<UserSID>\INFO` (with Unicode records, folder deletion is possible, format `02 00 00 00`) |
- Windows 2000, XP: `C:\RECYCLER\<UserSID>\INFO2` (with Unicode records, folder deletion is possible, format `05 00 00 00`) |
- Windows Vista+: `C:\$RECYCLE.BIN\<UserSID>\$I...` |
## INFO and INFO2 files |
22,7 → 22,7 |
INFO2 is written by Win95 with Internet Explorer 4 shell extensions, Win98, WinMe (with ANSI records), Win2000, and WinXP (with Unicode records). |
Since some Windows versions combinations mix up ANSI records and Unicode records (e.g. Win95+IE4 and Win2000), these Windows versions break the recycle bin information file of each other. |
Since some Windows version combinations mix up ANSI records and Unicode records (e.g. Win95+IE4 and Win2000), these Windows versions break the recycle bin information file of each other. |
INFO and INFO2 is the index file containing all information about the deleted files. The data files are renamed to `Dxy.ext` (`x` replaced with the drive letter, `y` being a dynamic length integer, `ext` being replaced with the file name extension). |
30,54 → 30,53 |
type |
PRbInfoHeader = ^TRbInfoHeader; |
TRbInfoHeader = record |
format: DWORD; // Unsure if this is just a version field or some unknown flags...! |
TRbInfoHeader = packed record |
format: DWORD; // Version of the info file |
// Win95 (without IE4): 00 00 00 00 |
// Win95 (with IE4): 04 00 00 00 |
// Win NT4: 02 00 00 00 |
// Win Me, 2000, XP: 05 00 00 00 |
totalEntries: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
nextPossibleID: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
recordLength: DWORD; // 0x181 = INFO structure (without Unicode) |
// 0x320 = INFO2 structure (with Unicode) |
// Win NT4: 02 00 00 00 (Win96/Cairo?) |
// Win95 (with IE4), 98: 04 00 00 00 |
// Win Me, 2000, XP: 05 00 00 00 (NT4+IE4, NT5?) |
totalEntries: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
nextPossibleID: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
recordLength: DWORD; // 0x181 = ANSI records |
// 0x320 = Unicode records |
totalSize: DWORD; // sum of all "originalSize" values; |
// Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
// Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
end; |
### ANSI record (Win95, 98, Me) |
### ANSI record (Win95, Win98, WinMe) |
type |
// Windows 95: INFO file with TRbInfoRecordA; Folder deletion NOT possible |
// Windows 95 +IE4: INFO2 file with TRbInfoRecordA; Folder deletion possible |
PRbInfoRecordA = ^TRbInfoRecordA; |
TRbInfoRecordA = record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of AnsiChar; // 258 elements |
TRbInfoRecordA = packed record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
recordNumber: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; // 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
originalSize: DWORD; // Size occupied on disk. Not the actual file size. |
// INFO2, for folders: The whole folder size with contents |
end; |
### Unicode record (NT4, 2000, XP) |
### Unicode record (WinNT4, Win2000, WinXP) |
type |
// Windows NT4: INFO file with TRbInfoRecordW; Folder deletion possible |
// Windows 2000+: INFO2 file with TRbInfoRecordW; Folder deletion possible |
PRbInfoRecordW = ^TRbInfoRecordW; |
TRbInfoRecordW = record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of AnsiChar; // 258 elements |
TRbInfoRecordW = packed record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
recordNumber: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; // 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
originalSize: DWORD; |
sourceUnicode: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of WideChar; // 258 elements |
unknown1: DWORD; // Dummy? |
sourceUnicode: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of WideChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
end; |
## $I... files of Windows Vista and above |
Beginning with Windows Vista, each deleted file gets its own information record. The information record ("index file") has the name `$Ixxxxxx.ext` while the data file is renamed to `$Rxxxxxx.ext` (`xxxxxx` replaced with a random `[0-9A-Z]` string and ext replaced with the file name extension). |
Beginning with Windows Vista, each deleted file gets its own information record. The information record ("index file") has the name `$Ixxxxxx.ext` while the data file is renamed to `$Rxxxxxx.ext` (`xxxxxx` replaced with a random `[0-9A-Z]` string and `ext` replaced with the file name extension). |
### Version 1 (Introduced in Windows Vista) |
84,7 → 83,7 |
type |
// Introduced in Windows Vista |
PRbVistaRecord1 = ^TRbVistaRecord1; |
TRbVistaRecord1 = record |
TRbVistaRecord1 = packed record |
version: int64; // Always 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
originalSize: int64; |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
96,7 → 95,7 |
type |
// Introduced somewhere in a Win10 release |
PRbVistaRecord2Head = ^TRbVistaRecord2Head; |
TRbVistaRecord2Head = record |
TRbVistaRecord2Head = packed record |
version: int64; // Always 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
originalSize: int64; |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Data Analysis/Funktionell/Win98SE Info2 |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Data Analysis/Funktionell/WinMe Info2 |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Added: svn:mime-type |
+application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit/RecyclerFunctions.pas |
850,8 → 850,8 |
var |
Dummy2: DWORD; |
Dummy3: DWORD; |
FileSystem: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; |
VolumeName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; |
FileSystem: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; |
VolumeName: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; |
s: string; |
begin |
result := false; |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/Changelog.txt |
1,6 → 1,10 |
=== Changelog RecBinUnit v2 === |
2022-07-02 |
+ Improved recognition of Vista+ index files which are not named with file name $I... |
+ Fixed issues in FORMAT.md |
2022-06-30 |
+ Added support for $Ixxx "Vista" format 2 files (added somewhere in a Windows 10 build) |
The difference towards $Ixxx "Vista" format 1 files is that the filename is not limited to MAX_PATH anymore. (New limit 0xFFFFFFFD) |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecBinUnit2.pas |
5,7 → 5,7 |
// E-MAIL: info@daniel-marschall.de // |
// Web: www.daniel-marschall.de & www.viathinksoft.de // |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Revision: 30 JUN 2022 // |
// Revision: 02 JUL 2022 // |
// This unit is freeware, but please link to my website if you are using it! // |
//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// |
// Successfully tested with: // |
55,7 → 55,7 |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, ContNrs, ShellAPI, Registry, Messages, Math; |
const |
RECBINUNIT_VERSION = '2022-06-30'; |
RECBINUNIT_VERSION = '2022-07-02'; |
RECYCLER_CLSID: TGUID = '{645FF040-5081-101B-9F08-00AA002F954E}'; |
NULL_GUID: TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}'; |
816,21 → 816,42 |
var |
fs: TFileStream; |
infoHdr: TRbInfoHeader; |
testID: string; |
vistaId: string; |
wTest: TRbInfoWItem; |
bakPosition: int64; |
testVistaItem: TRbVistaItem; |
begin |
fs := TFileStream.Create(AFile, fmOpenRead); |
try |
fs.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); |
{$REGION 'First try if it is a Vista index file'} |
testVistaItem := nil; |
if SameText(copy(ExtractFileName(AFile), 1, 2), '$I') then |
begin |
testID := copy(testID, 3, Length(testID)-2); |
list.Add(TRbVistaItem.Create(fs, AFile, testID)); |
vistaId := copy(AFile, 3, Length(AFile)-2); |
testVistaItem := TRbVistaItem.Create(fs, AFile, vistaId); |
end |
else |
begin |
vistaId := ''; // manual file that was not named $I..., so we cannot get $R... ID and therefore no physical file! |
try |
testVistaItem := TRbVistaItem.Create(fs, AFile, vistaId); |
if Copy(testVistaItem.Source,2,2) <> ':\' then |
FreeAndNil(testVistaItem); |
except |
testVistaItem := nil; |
end; |
end; |
if Assigned(testVistaItem) then |
begin |
list.Add(testVistaItem); |
end |
else |
begin |
fs.Seek(0, soFromBeginning); |
if TolerantReading then |
begin |
// This is a special treatment how to recover data from an INFO/INFO2 file |
850,7 → 871,7 |
// a ':' at the Unicode string. |
bakPosition := fs.Position; |
wTest := TRbInfoWItem.Create(fs, AFile); |
if Copy(wTest.SourceUnicode, 2, 1) = ':' then |
if Copy(wTest.SourceUnicode, 2, 2) = ':\' then |
begin |
// Yes, it is a valid Unicode record. |
list.Add(wTest); |
863,11 → 884,16 |
list.Add(TRbInfoAItem.Create(fs, AFile)); |
end; |
end |
else |
else if fs.Position + SizeOf(TRbInfoRecordA) <= fs.Size then |
begin |
// No, there is not enough space left for an Unicode record. |
// So we assume that the following record will be a valid ANSI record. |
list.Add(TRbInfoAItem.Create(fs, AFile)); |
end |
else |
begin |
// Not enough space to read a Ansi record! |
// Ignore it |
end; |
end; |
end |
1266,8 → 1292,8 |
var |
Dummy2: DWORD; |
Dummy3: DWORD; |
FileSystem: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; |
VolumeName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; |
FileSystem: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; |
VolumeName: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of char; |
s: string; |
begin |
s := FDriveLetter + DriveDelim + PathDelim; // ohne die Auslagerung in einen String kommt es zu einer AV in ntdll |
1536,7 → 1562,7 |
r1: TRbVistaRecord1; |
r2: TRbVistaRecord2Head; |
r2SourceUnicode: array of WideChar; |
version: DWORD; |
version: int64; |
i: Integer; |
resourcestring |
LNG_VISTA_WRONG_FORMAT = 'Invalid Vista index format version %d'; |
1614,6 → 1640,9 |
function TRbVistaItem.GetPhysicalFile: string; |
begin |
result := FIndexFile; |
if Pos('$I', Result) = 0 then |
result := '' |
else |
result := StringReplace(Result, '$I', '$R', [rfIgnoreCase]); |
end; |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecBinUnitLowLvl.pas |
1,7 → 1,6 |
unit RecBinUnitLowLvl; |
// TODO: Gain more information about drive '@' / Homedrive / Netdrive? Win2000 source |
// + überall verwenden |
// TODO: Gain more information about drive '@' / Homedrive / Netdrive? |
interface |
10,18 → 9,18 |
type |
PRbInfoHeader = ^TRbInfoHeader; |
TRbInfoHeader = record |
format: DWORD; // Unsure if this is just a version field or some unknown flags...! |
TRbInfoHeader = packed record |
format: DWORD; // Version of the info file |
// Win95 (without IE4): 00 00 00 00 |
// Win95 (with IE4): 04 00 00 00 |
// Win NT4: 02 00 00 00 |
// Win Me, 2000, XP: 05 00 00 00 |
totalEntries: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
nextPossibleID: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
recordLength: DWORD; // 0x181 = INFO structure (without Unicode) |
// 0x320 = INFO2 structure (with Unicode) |
// Win NT4: 02 00 00 00 (Win96/Cairo?) |
// Win95 (with IE4), 98: 04 00 00 00 |
// Win Me, 2000, XP: 05 00 00 00 (NT4+IE4, NT5?) |
totalEntries: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
nextPossibleID: DWORD; // Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
recordLength: DWORD; // 0x181 = ANSI records |
// 0x320 = Unicode records |
totalSize: DWORD; // sum of all "originalSize" values; |
// Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, unknown purpose for other OS versions |
// Only Win95 (without IE4) and Win NT4, other OS versions might use the registry instead |
end; |
type |
28,10 → 27,10 |
// Windows 95: INFO file with TRbInfoRecordA; Folder deletion NOT possible |
// Windows 95 +IE4: INFO2 file with TRbInfoRecordA; Folder deletion possible |
PRbInfoRecordA = ^TRbInfoRecordA; |
TRbInfoRecordA = record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of AnsiChar; // 258 elements |
TRbInfoRecordA = packed record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
recordNumber: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; // 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
originalSize: DWORD; // Size occupied on disk. Not the actual file size. |
// INFO2, for folders: The whole folder size with contents |
41,20 → 40,19 |
// Windows NT4: INFO file with TRbInfoRecordW; Folder deletion possible |
// Windows 2000+: INFO2 file with TRbInfoRecordW; Folder deletion possible |
PRbInfoRecordW = ^TRbInfoRecordW; |
TRbInfoRecordW = record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of AnsiChar; // 258 elements |
TRbInfoRecordW = packed record |
sourceAnsi: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of AnsiChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
recordNumber: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; |
sourceDrive: DWORD; // 0=A, 1=B, 2=C, ... |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
originalSize: DWORD; |
sourceUnicode: array[0..MAX_PATH-3] of WideChar; // 258 elements |
unknown1: DWORD; // Dummy? |
sourceUnicode: array[0..MAX_PATH-1] of WideChar; // 260 characters (including NUL terminator) |
end; |
type |
// Introduced in Windows Vista |
PRbVistaRecord1 = ^TRbVistaRecord1; |
TRbVistaRecord1 = record |
TRbVistaRecord1 = packed record |
version: int64; // Always 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
originalSize: int64; |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
64,7 → 62,7 |
type |
// Introduced somewhere in a Win10 release |
PRbVistaRecord2Head = ^TRbVistaRecord2Head; |
TRbVistaRecord2Head = record |
TRbVistaRecord2Head = packed record |
version: int64; // Always 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 |
originalSize: int64; |
deletionTime: FILETIME; |
77,7 → 75,7 |
// Windows 95 + Windows NT 4 |
// HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\explorer\BitBucket: PurgeInfo (Binary) |
PRbWin95PurgeInfo = ^TRbWin95PurgeInfo; |
TRbWin95PurgeInfo = record |
TRbWin95PurgeInfo = packed record |
cbSize: DWORD; |
bGlobalSettings: BOOL; |
percentDrive: array['A'..'Z'] of WORD; // 0x00..0x64 = 0%..100% |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecyclerListing.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecyclerListingMain.dfm |
54,7 → 54,7 |
TabOrder = 1 |
end |
object Button2: TButton |
Left = 599 |
Left = 615 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 106 |
Height = 33 |
77,14 → 77,21 |
object CheckBox2: TCheckBox |
Left = 183 |
Top = 6 |
Width = 146 |
Width = 138 |
Height = 17 |
Caption = 'Hide orphan Index files' |
Checked = True |
State = cbChecked |
Caption = 'Hide non-existing files' |
TabOrder = 2 |
end |
object Button3: TButton |
Left = 592 |
Top = 56 |
Width = 17 |
Height = 21 |
Caption = '...' |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = Button3Click |
end |
end |
object OpenDialog1: TOpenDialog |
Left = 928 |
Top = 16 |
93,7 → 100,7 |
Left = 928 |
Top = 48 |
Bitmap = { |
494C01010E001000140010001000FFFFFFFFFF10FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF424D3600 |
494C01010E001000040010001000FFFFFFFFFF10FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF424D3600 |
0000000000003600000028000000400000004000000001002000000000000040 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 |
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecyclerListingMain.pas |
17,10 → 17,12 |
LabeledEdit1: TLabeledEdit; |
ImageList1: TImageList; |
CheckBox2: TCheckBox; |
Button3: TButton; |
procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
procedure TreeView1DblClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Button3Click(Sender: TObject); |
private |
localRecyclersNode: TTreeNode; |
individualRecyclersNode: TTreeNode; |
40,6 → 42,14 |
// TODO: zu jedem element mehr informationen anzeigen, nicht nur den ursprungsnamen |
// TODO: Einstellungen usw anzeigen, so wie im alten Demo |
const |
ICON_FILE = 0; |
ICON_BIN = 4; |
procedure TRecyclerListingMainForm.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); |
var |
drives: TObjectList{TRbDrive}; |
77,7 → 87,7 |
nDrive := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(localRecyclersNode, Format(S_DRIVE, [drive.DriveLetter])+': ' + GUIDToString(drive.VolumeGUID), drive) |
else |
nDrive := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(localRecyclersNode, Format(S_DRIVE, [drive.DriveLetter])+':', drive); |
nDrive.ImageIndex := 6; |
nDrive.ImageIndex := ICON_DRIVE; |
nDrive.SelectedIndex := nDrive.ImageIndex; |
bins.Clear; |
90,7 → 100,7 |
bin := bins.Items[iBin] as TRbRecycleBin; |
nBin := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(nDrive, bin.FileOrDirectory, bin); |
nBin.ImageIndex := 4; |
nBin.ImageIndex := ICON_BIN; |
nBin.SelectedIndex := nBin.ImageIndex; |
items.Clear; |
108,11 → 118,11 |
nItem := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(nBin, sCaption, item); |
if FileExists(item.PhysicalFile) then |
nItem.ImageIndex := 0 |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_FILE |
else if DirectoryExists(item.PhysicalFile) then |
nItem.ImageIndex := 10 // TODO: Feature: Read folder contents and display them in this treeview. (Also change icon to "open folder") |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_FOLDER // TODO: Feature: Read folder contents and display them in this treeview. (Also change icon to "open folder") |
else |
nItem.ImageIndex := 8; |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_UNKNOWN; |
nItem.SelectedIndex := nItem.ImageIndex; |
end; |
end; |
141,6 → 151,8 |
bin := TRbRecycleBin.Create(LabeledEdit1.Text); |
nBin := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(individualRecyclersNode, bin.FileOrDirectory, bin); |
nBin.ImageIndex := ICON_BIN; |
nBin.SelectedIndex := nBin.ImageIndex; |
individualRecyclersNode.Expand(false); |
items := TObjectList.Create(false); |
160,11 → 172,11 |
nItem := TreeView1.Items.AddChildObject(nBin, sCaption, item); |
if FileExists(item.PhysicalFile) then |
nItem.ImageIndex := 0 |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_FILE |
else if DirectoryExists(item.PhysicalFile) then |
nItem.ImageIndex := 10 // TODO: Feature: Read folder contents and display them in this treeview. (Also change icon to "open folder") |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_FOLDER // TODO: Feature: Read folder contents and display them in this treeview. (Also change icon to "open folder") |
else |
nItem.ImageIndex := 8; |
nItem.ImageIndex := ICON_UNKNOWN; |
nItem.SelectedIndex := nItem.ImageIndex; |
end; |
finally |
174,6 → 186,12 |
nBin.Expand(false); |
end; |
procedure TRecyclerListingMainForm.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if OpenDialog1.Execute then |
LabeledEdit1.Text := OpenDialog1.FileName; |
end; |
procedure TRecyclerListingMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
resourcestring |
S_LOCAL_RECYCLE_BINS = 'Local recycle bins'; |
180,11 → 198,11 |
S_MANUAL_RECYCLE_BINS ='Manually added recycle bins'; |
begin |
localRecyclersNode := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, S_LOCAL_RECYCLE_BINS); |
localRecyclersNode.ImageIndex := 2; |
localRecyclersNode.ImageIndex := ICON_TREEVIEW; |
localRecyclersNode.SelectedIndex := localRecyclersNode.ImageIndex; |
individualRecyclersNode := TreeView1.Items.Add(nil, S_MANUAL_RECYCLE_BINS); |
individualRecyclersNode.ImageIndex := 2; |
individualRecyclersNode.ImageIndex := ICON_TREEVIEW; |
individualRecyclersNode.SelectedIndex := individualRecyclersNode.ImageIndex; |
end; |
192,7 → 210,7 |
var |
item: TRbRecycleBinItem; |
begin |
if TreeView1.Selected.ImageIndex = 0 then |
if TreeView1.Selected.ImageIndex = ICON_FILE then |
begin |
// File |
item := TRbRecycleBinItem(TreeView1.Selected.Data); |
200,7 → 218,7 |
// TODO: Maybe we should add a feature to drag'n'drop a file/folder out of RecycleBinUnit into the explorer (With options copy or move, depending on the ShiftState) |
ShellExecute(Handle, 'open', PChar(item.PhysicalFile), '', '', SW_NORMAL); |
end; |
if TreeView1.Selected.ImageIndex = 10 then |
if TreeView1.Selected.ImageIndex = ICON_FOLDER then |
begin |
// Folder |
item := TRbRecycleBinItem(TreeView1.Selected.Data); |