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Regard whitespace Rev 90 → Rev 89

/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecyclerListing64.exe
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecBinUnit2.pas
369,27 → 369,6
TSHGetSettings = procedure(var lpss: SHELLSTATE; dwMask: DWORD); stdcall;
TSHGetSetSettings = procedure(var lpss: SHELLSTATE; dwMask: DWORD; bSet: BOOL); stdcall;
function WideCharArrayToWideString(x: array of WideChar): WideString;
i: integer;
// In x86, the "cast" works with WideString.
// In x64, it does not work (outputs empty string, without compiler warning!)
// So, we created this fake-cast
SetLength(result, Length(x));
for i := 0 to Length(x)-1 do
result[i+1] := x[i];
function AnsiCharArrayToWideString(x: array of AnsiChar): WideString;
i: integer;
SetLength(result, Length(x));
for i := 0 to Length(x)-1 do
result[i+1] := WideChar(x[i]);
procedure AnsiRemoveNulChars(var s: AnsiString);
while (Length(s) > 0) and (s[Length(s)] = #0) do
1401,7 → 1380,7
FSourceAnsi := r.sourceAnsi;
FSourceUnicode := AnsiCharArrayToWideString(r.sourceAnsi); // Unicode does not exist in INFO(1) structure
FSourceUnicode := WideString(r.sourceAnsi); // Unicode does not exist in INFO(1) structure
FID := IntToStr(r.recordNumber);
FDeletionTime := FileTimeToDateTime(r.deletionTime);
FOriginalSize := r.originalSize;
1547,8 → 1526,8
stream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
stream.ReadBuffer(r1, SizeOf(r1));
FSourceAnsi := AnsiString(WideCharArrayToWideString(r1.sourceUnicode)); // Invalid chars are automatically converted into '?'
FSourceUnicode := WideCharArrayToWideString(r1.sourceUnicode);
FSourceAnsi := AnsiString(r1.sourceUnicode); // Invalid chars are automatically converted into '?'
FSourceUnicode := WideString(r1.sourceUnicode);
FID := ''; // will be added manually (at the constructor)
FSourceDrive := r1.sourceUnicode[1];
FDeletionTime := FileTimeToDateTime(r1.deletionTime);
1559,11 → 1538,11
stream.Seek(0, soBeginning);
stream.ReadBuffer(r2, SizeOf(r2));
SetLength(r2SourceUnicode, SizeOf(WideChar)*(r2.SourceCountChars-1));
stream.Read(r2SourceUnicode[0], SizeOf(WideChar)*(r2.sourceCountChars-1));
SetLength(r2SourceUnicode, 2*(r2.SourceCountChars-1));
stream.Read(r2SourceUnicode[0], 2*(r2.sourceCountChars-1));
FSourceAnsi := AnsiString(WideCharArrayToWideString(r2sourceUnicode)); // Invalid chars are automatically converted into '?'
FSourceUnicode := WideCharArrayToWideString(r2sourceUnicode);
FSourceAnsi := AnsiString(WideString(r2sourceUnicode)); // Invalid chars are automatically converted into '?'
FSourceUnicode := WideString(r2sourceUnicode);
FID := ''; // will be added manually (at the constructor)
FSourceDrive := r2sourceUnicode[1];
FDeletionTime := FileTimeToDateTime(r2.deletionTime);
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecyclerListingMain.pas
191,6 → 191,7
procedure TRecyclerListingMainForm.TreeView1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
item: TRbRecycleBinItem;
tempFile, tempDir: string;
if TreeView1.Selected.ImageIndex = 0 then
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/Changelog.txt
8,8 → 8,6
and can hide them
+ Added XP Theme to the demo application
+ Demo application: Feature to open a file or directory by double-clicking!
+ Unicode Ready
+ 64 bit Ready
+ Fixed memory leak in SID-Unit (thanks to Mikkao for finding this bug)
/trunk/Recycle Bin Unit v2/RecBinUnitLowLvl.pas
52,7 → 52,6
// Introduced in Windows Vista
PRbVistaRecord1 = ^TRbVistaRecord1;
TRbVistaRecord1 = record
version: int64; // Always 01 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
62,13 → 61,11
// Introduced somewhere in a Win10 release
PRbVistaRecord2Head = ^TRbVistaRecord2Head;
TRbVistaRecord2Head = record
version: int64; // Always 02 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
originalSize: int64;
deletionTime: FILETIME;
(* sourceUnicode: BSTR; *)
sourceCountChars: DWORD; // including NUL
//sourceUnicode: array[0..sourceCountChars+1] of WideChar;