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// Mastercopy of this file:
function MHA($password, $iteratedSalt='', $iterations=1987, $binary_output=false) {
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
// MarschallHash: Uncrackable hash with multiple SHA1 iterations in base64 encoding
// This function is pretty slow because of the iterations, but therefore secure
// against offline attacks or rainbowtables. Also, the slowlyness of this hash
// makes the creation of rainbow tables much harder.
// (C)Copyright 2011 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft. All rights reserved.
// /
// Notation of the hash name:
// - MHA-1987 (resp. MHA-xxxx where xxxx stands for $iterations)
// - MHAb-1987 is used for the binary output variant
// - MD5MHA-1987 is used if $password is a (unsalted!) md5-hash
// - MD5MHAb-1987 is used for the binary output variant.
// Default parameters:
// iteratedSalt = '' --> you should change this value to something
// user-specific (e.g. username) or something random
// iterations = 1987 --> you should ONLY change this value to a lower
// one if you have performance issues
// binary_output = no --> base64 encoding is chosen by default
// Format:
// - MHA has the same length as SHA1.
// - MHA in base64 format has a constant length of 27 bytes and is case sensitive.
// - MHA in binary format has a constant length of 20 bytes.
// Comparison 1:
// x = ''
// SHA1(x) = 'da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709' (Len = 40)
// SHA256(x) = 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855' (Len = 64)
// MD5(x) = 'd41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e' (Len = 32)
// MHA(x) = 'UOLv7DgK5/4S7994FeSWZkHDJoQ' (Len = 27)
// Comparison 2:
// x = 'The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog'
// SHA1(x) = '2fd4e1c67a2d28fced849ee1bb76e7391b93eb12' (Len = 40)
// SHA256(x) = 'd7a8fbb307d7809469ca9abcb0082e4f8d5651e46d3cdb762d02d0bf37c9e592' (Len = 64)
// MD5(x) = '9e107d9d372bb6826bd81d3542a419d6' (Len = 32)
// MHA(x) = 'Bqdd38sigmurBt6kU/0q99GWSnE' (Len = 27)
// Mechanism:
// MHA(x, iteratedSalt, iterations) = optionalBase64(rec(iterations, x, iteratedSalt))
// rec[n, x, iteratedSalt] = binarySHA1(iteratedSalt || rec[n-1, x, iteratedSalt] || iteratedSalt)
// rec[0, x, iteratedSalt] = x
// Recommended usage:
// - Use the username as iteratedSalt
// MHA($password, $username) == $database_hash
// - If you want to upgrade your existing user-database, e.g. already hashed with md5():
// a) Update your database:
// $database_hash_new = MHA($database_hash_old, $username)
// b) Compare with this variant:
// MHA(md5($password), $username) == $database_hash_new
// or
// MD5_MHA($password, $username) == $database_hash_new
// Revision: 2011-07-21 (fixed typo in 2013-03-09)
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if ($iterations < 1) {
trigger_error('at function ' . __FUNCTION__ . ': $iterations has to be greater or equal 1', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
$m = $password;
for ($i=1; $i<=$iterations; $i++) {
$m = sha1($iteratedSalt.$m.$iteratedSalt, true); // SHA1 with binary output
if (!$binary_output) {
$m = base64_encode($m);
// Remove single "=" at the end
# $m = str_replace('=', '', $m);
$m = substr($m, 0, 27);
return $m;
// --- The following functions are useable for database migration ---
function MD5_TO_MD5_MHA($md5_hash, $iteratedSalt='', $iterations=1987, $binary_output=false) {
// Use this function to migrate a (unsalted!) md5 hash into a MD5MHA hash
// Actually, this is just an alias of MHA()
return marschallHash($md5_hash, $iteratedSalt, $iterations, $binary_output);
function MD5_MHA($password, $iteratedSalt='', $iterations=1987, $binary_output=false) {
// Use this function if you have a MD5MHA hash instead of a MHA hash
// MD5MHA() is equal to MHA(MD5()) where MD5() is unsalted!
return MHA(md5($password), $iteratedSalt, $iterations, $binary_output);
function MD5MHA($password, $iteratedSalt='', $iterations=1987, $binary_output=false) {
// Alias of MD5_MHA()
return MD5_MHA($password, $iteratedSalt, $iterations, $binary_output);
function MHA_AddIterations($mha, $iteratedSalt='', $additionalIterations, $binary_output=false) {
// This function converts a MHA with x itertions into a MHA with
// x+additionalIterations iterations, if the iteratedSalt is equal.
// Use this function if you want to upgrade your database to a higher MHA strength.
// Example:
// MHA_AddIterations(MHA('test', 'salt', 1987), 'salt', 13) == MHA('test', 'salt', 1987+13);
// Of course, you cannot lower the strength of a MHA, so additionalIterations has to be >= 0.
// Is it Base64 input?
# if (strlen($mha) == 28) $mha = base64_decode($mha);
if (strlen($mha) == 27) $mha = base64_decode($mha);
// Is it now binary input?
// (Que) Will there be problems if the input string looks like multibyte?
if (strlen($mha) != 20) {
trigger_error('at function ' . __FUNCTION__ . ': does not seem to be a MHA', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
if ($additionalIterations == 0) return $mha;
if ($additionalIterations < 0) {
trigger_error('at function ' . __FUNCTION__ . ': additionalIterations has to be 0 or higher.', E_USER_ERROR);
return false;
return marschallHash($mha, $iteratedSalt, $additionalIterations, $binary_output);