Subversion Repositories personal-webbase

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0,0 → 1,46
// wb_redirect_now('page.php?modul=common_cronjob&seite=run&silent=yes');
$modul = 'common_cronjob';
$seite = 'run';
$silent = 'yes';
if (isset($_SERVER['SHELL']))
// Das Script wird von der Shell aufgerufen
// Diese Variablen sind bei einem Browseraufruf, aber nicht bei einem Shellaufruf gesetzt
$_SERVER['HTTP________________ '] = '';
// Include-Pfad korrekt setzen
0,0 → 1,95
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/'; // für $designordner
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<body class="margin_bottom">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var SCR_OBJ = [];
function GLOBAL_SCROLL( o, i )
SCR_OBJ[o].scroll( i );
function scroll(objElement)
this.obj = objElement;
this.timerID = -1;
SCR_OBJ[SCR_OBJ.length] = this; // SCR_OBJ.push(this);
this.objID = SCR_OBJ.length -1;
this.scroll = function( iOff ) {with(this){
if( obj.scrollBy )
if( iOff < 0 )
var i = obj.scrollTop + iOff;
if( i<0 ){
obj.scrollTop = 0;
obj.scrollTop = i;
if( obj.scrollTop + iOff < obj.scrollHeight )
obj.scrollTop += iOff;
obj.scrollTop = obj.scrollHeight;
this.stop = function() {with(this){
if (timerID!=-1)
this.start = function( iOff ){ with(this){
timerID = window.setInterval( "GLOBAL_SCROLL("+objID+","+iOff+")", 25 );
var srollObject = null;
var objElement = parent.frames.Navigation;
srollObject = new scroll(objElement);
// -->
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="180">
<td align="left" valign="top"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="1" height="2" alt=""><br><a href="#" onmouseover="srollObject.start(-4);" onmouseout="srollObject.stop();"><img src="<?php if (isset($design_ordner)) echo $design_ordner; ?>images/rauf.gif" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
<td align="center" valign="top"><span class="bottom_mini">Men&uuml;scrollen</span></td>
<td align="right" valign="top"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="1" height="2" alt=""><br><a href="#" onmouseover="srollObject.start(4);" onmouseout="srollObject.stop();"><img src="<?php if (isset($design_ordner)) echo $design_ordner; ?>images/runter.gif" border="0" alt=""></a></td>
0,0 → 1,95
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/'; // Für $design_ordner
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<body onload="framefertig()" class="margin_top">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function framefertig()
fertig = "1";
// -->
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%" style="height:100%">
<td align="left" valign="middle" width="100%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="bottom" align="left">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="row_top">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="3" height="52"></td>
<td><img src="<?php
echo $design_ordner;
if (file_exists($design_ordner.'images/logo.png'))
echo 'images/logo.png';
else if (file_exists($design_ordner.'images/logo.gif'))
echo 'images/logo.gif';
?>" alt="ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase" width="210" height="52"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="3" height="52"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="7" height="1"></td>
<td valign="bottom" align="left" width="100%">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="row_top">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="4" height="52"></td>
<td valign="bottom"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" height="4" width="1"><br><span id="ueberschrift" style="font-size:1.4em"></span><br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" height="4" width="1"><br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="210" height="1"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="4" height="52"></td>
<td valign="middle" align="right">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<tr class="row_top">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="8" height="52"></td>
<td align="right"><?php
$zeile = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].' ['.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].']';
echo '<div style="white-space:nowrap;font-size:1.4em">'.$zeile.'</div>';
echo '<div style="white-space:nowrap;font-size:1.2em">Version '.$WBConfig->getRevision().' ('.$WBConfig->getRevDatum().')</div>';
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="8" height="52"></td>
0,0 → 1,16
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<body class="margin_middle">
0,0 → 1,157
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/';
echo $header_navi;
?><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="100%" style="height:100%">
<tr class="area_bar">
<td valign="middle" align="center" colspan="5">
$ueberschrift = '';
$menue = '';
if (!isset($prv_seite)) $prv_seite = 'main';
if ($ueberschrift != '')
echo $ueberschrift;
if ($wb_user_type == '0')
echo 'Gastzugang';
else if ($wb_user_type == '1')
echo 'Benutzermen&uuml;';
else if ($wb_user_type == '2')
echo 'Verwaltung';
echo 'Hauptmen&uuml;';
?></b><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="14"></td>
echo wb_draw_menu_spacer();
$startgefunden = false;
if ($menue == '')
// Wenn Sek-Pos nicht gegeben, nach Überschrift sortieren
$sort_by_captions = array();
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
$sort_by_captions[$m2] = $module_information->caption;
// Nun einzelne Einträge abgehen
$men = array();
foreach ($sort_by_captions as $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m1);
if (((($wb_user_type == 0) || ($wb_user_type == 1)) && ($module_information->rights == 0)) || ($wb_user_type == $module_information->rights))
if (($module_information->menu_visible) && (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/page/')))
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/16.gif'))
$k = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/16.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/16.png'))
$k = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/16.png';
$k = 'designs/spacer.gif';
if (!isset($men[$module_information->primary_position][$module_information->secondary_position])) $men[$module_information->primary_position][$module_information->secondary_position] = '';
$men[$module_information->primary_position][$module_information->secondary_position] .= wb_draw_menu_item($m1, 'main', htmlentities($module_information->caption), $k, $g);
if (isset($prv_modul) && ($m1 == $prv_modul) && (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/page/')))
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
$endjs = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
oop(\''.$m1.'\', \''.$prv_seite.'\', \''.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'\', \''.$g.'\');
// -->
$startgefunden = true;
if (($module_information->primary_position == 0) && ($module_information->secondary_position == 0) && (!$startgefunden) && (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/page/')))
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m1.'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
$endjs = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
oop(\''.$m1.'\', \'main\', \''.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'\', \''.$g.'\');
// -->
$startgefunden = true;
$first = true;
foreach ($men as $m1 => $m2)
if ($first)
$first = false;
echo wb_draw_menu_spacer();
foreach ($men[$m1] as $x1 => $x2)
echo $x2;
echo $menue;
<td colspan="5" height="100%"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
echo $endjs;
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,949
if (!isset($WB_BAK_SESSION)) die('WebBase-Session fehlt!');
global $WBConfig;
if (!isset($WBConfig)) die('WebBase-Konfiguration fehlt!');
// TODO: Config minimieren und an PMA 3 Neuerungen anpassen
* phpMyAdmin default configuration, you can copy values from here to your
* All directives are explained in Documentation.html
* Your phpMyAdmin URL.
* Complete the variable below with the full url ie
* It must contain characters that are valid for a URL, and the path is
* case sensitive on some Web servers, for example Unix-based servers.
* In most cases you can leave this variable empty, as the correct value
* will be detected automatically. However, we recommend that you do
* test to see that the auto-detection code works in your system. A good
* test is to browse a table, then edit a row and save it. There will be
* an error message if phpMyAdmin cannot auto-detect the correct value.
/* $x = $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'];
$ary = explode('/', $x);
$y = end($ary);
if (array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) && $_SERVER("HTTPS") == 'on')
$protokoll = 'https';
$protokoll = 'http';
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = $protokoll.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].substr($x, 0, strlen($x)-strlen($y)); */
$cfg['PmaAbsoluteUri'] = '';
* Disable the default warning that is displayed on the DB Details Structure page if
* any of the required Tables for the relationfeatures could not be found
$cfg['PmaNoRelation_DisableWarning'] = TRUE;
* The 'cookie' auth_type uses blowfish algorithm to encrypt the password. If
* at least one server configuration uses 'cookie' auth_type, enter here a
* passphrase that will be used by blowfish. The maximum length seems to be 46
* characters.
$cfg['blowfish_secret'] = md5($WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
* Server(s) configuration
$c = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
@mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $c);
if ($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '2')
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT `wert` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."config` WHERE `name` = 'admin_pwd' AND `modul` = 'main_administration'");
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($res);
if (md5($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_password']) == $row['wert'])
// Wird genutzt für Modul admin_datenbanken
$i = 1;
$first_id = $i;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = $WBConfig->getMySQLServer(); // MySQL hostname or IP address
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; // The php MySQL extension to use ('mysql' or 'mysqli')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE; // Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection
// (requires PHP >= 4.3.0)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = ''; // MySQL control user settings
// (this user must have read-only
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = ''; // access to the "mysql/user"
// and "mysql/db" tables).
// The controluser is also
// used for all relational
// features (pmadb)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(); // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword(); // MySQL password (only needed
// with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = $WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(); // If set to a db-name, only
// this db is displayed in left frame
// It may also be an array of db-names, where sorting order is relevant.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = ''; // Database name to be hidden from listings
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
// (see scripts/create_tables.sql)
// - leave blank for no support
// DEFAULT: 'phpmyadmin'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // Bookmark table
// - leave blank for no bookmark support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // table to describe the relation between links (see doc)
// - leave blank for no relation-links support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // table to describe the display fields
// - leave blank for no display fields support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // table to describe the tables position for the PDF schema
// - leave blank for no PDF schema support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // table to describe pages of relationpdf
// - leave blank if you don't want to use this
// DEFAULT: 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // table to store column information
// - leave blank for no column comments/mime types
// DEFAULT: 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // table to store SQL history
// - leave blank for no SQL query history
// DEFAULT: 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE; // set to FALSE if you know that your pma_* tables
// are up to date. This prevents compatibility
// checks and thereby increases performance.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE; // whether to allow root login
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] // Host authentication order, leave blank to not use
= '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] // Host authentication rules, leave blank for defaults
= array();
else if (($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '0') || ($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '1'))
if ($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '0')
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT `wert` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."config` WHERE `name` = 'gast_username'");
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($res);
$usnm = $row['wert'];
else if ($WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '1')
$usnm = $WB_BAK_SESSION['wb_user_username'];
$res = @mysql_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($usnm)."'");
$row = @mysql_fetch_array($res);
$usid = $row['id'];
$first_id = 0;
$qok = false;
$res2 = @mysql_query("SELECT `id`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `onlydb` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($usid)."'");
while ($row2 = @mysql_fetch_array($res2))
// The $cfg['Servers'] array starts with $cfg['Servers'][1]. Do not use
// $cfg['Servers'][0]. You can disable a server config entry by setting host
// to ''. If you want more than one server, just copy following section
// (including $i incrementation) serveral times. There is no need to define
// full server array, just define values you need to change.
$qok = true;
$i = $row2['id'];
if ($first_id == 0) $first_id = $i;
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['host'] = $row2['server']; // MySQL hostname or IP address
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['port'] = ''; // MySQL port - leave blank for default port
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['socket'] = ''; // Path to the socket - leave blank for default socket
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['connect_type'] = 'tcp'; // How to connect to MySQL server ('tcp' or 'socket')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['extension'] = 'mysql'; // The php MySQL extension to use ('mysql' or 'mysqli')
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['compress'] = FALSE; // Use compressed protocol for the MySQL connection
// (requires PHP >= 4.3.0)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controluser'] = ''; // MySQL control user settings
// (this user must have read-only
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['controlpass'] = ''; // access to the "mysql/user"
// and "mysql/db" tables).
// The controluser is also
// used for all relational
// features (pmadb)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['auth_type'] = 'config'; // Authentication method (config, http or cookie based)?
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['user'] = $row2['username']; // MySQL user
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['password'] = $row2['password']; // MySQL password (only needed
// with 'config' auth_type)
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['only_db'] = $row2['onlydb']; // If set to a db-name, only
// this db is displayed in left frame
// It may also be an array of db-names, where sorting order is relevant.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['hide_db'] = ''; // Database name to be hidden from listings
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose'] = ''; // Verbose name for this host - leave blank to show the hostname
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pmadb'] = ''; // Database used for Relation, Bookmark and PDF Features
// (see scripts/create_tables.sql)
// - leave blank for no support
// DEFAULT: 'phpmyadmin'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['bookmarktable'] = ''; // Bookmark table
// - leave blank for no bookmark support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_bookmark'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['relation'] = ''; // table to describe the relation between links (see doc)
// - leave blank for no relation-links support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_relation'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_info'] = ''; // table to describe the display fields
// - leave blank for no display fields support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['table_coords'] = ''; // table to describe the tables position for the PDF schema
// - leave blank for no PDF schema support
// DEFAULT: 'pma_table_coords'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['pdf_pages'] = ''; // table to describe pages of relationpdf
// - leave blank if you don't want to use this
// DEFAULT: 'pma_pdf_pages'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['column_info'] = ''; // table to store column information
// - leave blank for no column comments/mime types
// DEFAULT: 'pma_column_info'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['history'] = ''; // table to store SQL history
// - leave blank for no SQL query history
// DEFAULT: 'pma_history'
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['verbose_check'] = TRUE; // set to FALSE if you know that your pma_* tables
// are up to date. This prevents compatibility
// checks and thereby increases performance.
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowRoot'] = TRUE; // whether to allow root login
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['order'] // Host authentication order, leave blank to not use
= '';
$cfg['Servers'][$i]['AllowDeny']['rules'] // Host authentication rules, leave blank for defaults
= array();
if (!$qok) die();
// If you have more than one server configured, you can set $cfg['ServerDefault']
// to any one of them to autoconnect to that server when phpMyAdmin is started,
// or set it to 0 to be given a list of servers without logging in
// If you have only one server configured, $cfg['ServerDefault'] *MUST* be
// set to that server.
$cfg['ServerDefault'] = $first_id; // Default server (0 = no default server)
* Other core phpMyAdmin settings
$cfg['OBGzip'] = 'auto'; // use GZIP output buffering if possible (TRUE|FALSE|'auto')
$cfg['PersistentConnections'] = FALSE; // use persistent connections to MySQL database
$cfg['ForceSSL'] = $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag(); // whether to force using https
$cfg['ExecTimeLimit'] = 300; // maximum execution time in seconds (0 for no limit)
$cfg['MemoryLimit'] = 0; // maximum allocated bytes (0 for no limit)
$cfg['SkipLockedTables'] = FALSE; // mark used tables, make possible to show
// locked tables (since MySQL 3.23.30)
$cfg['ShowSQL'] = TRUE; // show SQL queries as run
$cfg['AllowUserDropDatabase'] = FALSE; // show a 'Drop database' link to normal users
$cfg['Confirm'] = TRUE; // confirm 'DROP TABLE' & 'DROP DATABASE'
$cfg['LoginCookieRecall'] = TRUE; // recall previous login in cookie auth. mode or not
$cfg['LoginCookieValidity'] = ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime'); // validity of cookie login (in seconds)
$cfg['UseDbSearch'] = TRUE; // whether to enable the "database search" feature
// or not
$cfg['IgnoreMultiSubmitErrors'] = FALSE; // if set to true, PMA continues computing multiple-statement queries
// even if one of the queries failed
$cfg['VerboseMultiSubmit'] = TRUE; // if set to true, PMA will show the affected rows of EACH statement on
// multiple-statement queries. See the libraries/import.php file for
// hardcoded defaults on how many queries a statement may contain!
$cfg['AllowArbitraryServer'] = FALSE; // allow login to any user entered server in cookie based auth
// Left frame setup
$cfg['LeftFrameLight'] = TRUE; // use a select-based menu and display only the
// current tables in the left frame.
$cfg['LeftFrameDBTree'] = TRUE; // turn the select-based light menu into a tree
$cfg['LeftFrameDBSeparator'] = '_'; // the separator to sub-tree the select-based light menu tree
$cfg['LeftFrameTableSeparator']= '__'; // Which string will be used to generate table prefixes
// to split/nest tables into multiple categories
$cfg['LeftFrameTableLevel'] = '1'; // How many sublevels should be displayed when splitting
// up tables by the above Separator
$cfg['ShowTooltip'] = TRUE; // display table comment as tooltip in left frame
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasDB'] = FALSE; // if ShowToolTip is enabled, this defines that table/db comments
$cfg['ShowTooltipAliasTB'] = FALSE; // are shown (in the left menu and db_details_structure) instead of
// table/db names. Setting ShowTooltipAliasTB to 'nested' will only
// use the Aliases for nested descriptors, not the table itself.
$cfg['LeftDisplayLogo'] = TRUE; // display logo at top of left frame
$cfg['LeftDisplayServers'] = FALSE; // display server choice at top of left frame
$cfg['DisplayServersList'] = FALSE; // server choice as links
// In the main frame, at startup...
$cfg['ShowStats'] = TRUE; // allow to display statistics and space usage in
// the pages about database details and table
// properties
$cfg['ShowPhpInfo'] = FALSE; // information" and "change password" links for
$cfg['ShowChgPassword'] = FALSE; // simple users or not
$cfg['SuggestDBName'] = TRUE; // suggest a new DB name if possible (false = keep empty)
// In browse mode...
$cfg['ShowBlob'] = FALSE; // display blob field contents
$cfg['NavigationBarIconic'] = 'both'; // Use icons instead of text for the navigation bar buttons
// and on right panel top menu (server db table) (TRUE|FALSE|'both')
$cfg['ShowAll'] = FALSE; // allows to display all the rows
$cfg['MaxRows'] = 30; // maximum number of rows to display
$cfg['Order'] = 'ASC'; // default for 'ORDER BY' clause (valid
// values are 'ASC', 'DESC' or 'SMART' -ie
// descending order for fields of type
// ascending order else-)
// In edit mode...
$cfg['ProtectBinary'] = 'blob'; // disallow editing of binary fields
// valid values are:
// FALSE allow editing
// 'blob' allow editing except for BLOB fields
// 'all' disallow editing
$cfg['ShowFunctionFields'] = TRUE; // Display the function fields in edit/insert mode
$cfg['CharEditing'] = 'input';
// Which editor should be used for CHAR/VARCHAR fields:
// input - allows limiting of input length
// textarea - allows newlines in fields
$cfg['InsertRows'] = 2; // How many rows can be inserted at one time
$cfg['ForeignKeyDropdownOrder'] = // Sort order for items in a foreign-key dropdown box.
array( 'content-id', 'id-content'); // 'content' is the referenced data, 'id' is the key value.
$cfg['ForeignKeyMaxLimit'] = 100; // A dropdown will be used if fewer items are present
// For the export features...
$cfg['ZipDump'] = TRUE; // Allow the use of zip/gzip/bzip
$cfg['GZipDump'] = TRUE; // compression for
$cfg['BZipDump'] = TRUE; // dump files
$cfg['CompressOnFly'] = TRUE; // Will compress gzip/bzip2 exports on
// fly without need for much memory.
// If you encounter problems with
// created gzip/bzip2 files disable
// this feature.
// Tabs display settings
$cfg['LightTabs'] = FALSE; // use graphically less intense menu tabs
$cfg['PropertiesIconic'] = TRUE; // Use icons instead of text for the table display of a database (TRUE|FALSE|'both')
$cfg['PropertiesNumColumns'] = 1; // How many columns should be used for table display of a database?
// (a value larger than 1 results in some information being hidden)
$cfg['DefaultTabServer'] = 'main.php';
// Possible values:
// 'main.php' = the welcome page
// (recommended for multiuser setups)
// 'server_databases.php' = list of databases
// 'server_status.php' = runtime information
// 'server_variables.php' = MySQL server variables
// 'server_privileges.php' = user management
// 'server_processlist.php' = process list
$cfg['DefaultTabDatabase'] = 'db_details_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'db_details_structure.php' = tables list
// 'db_details.php' = sql form
// 'db_search.php' = search query
// 'db_operations.php' = operations on database
$cfg['DefaultTabTable'] = 'tbl_properties_structure.php';
// Possible values:
// 'tbl_properties_structure.php' = fields list
// 'tbl_properties.php' = sql form
// 'tbl_select.php' = select page
// 'tbl_change.php' = insert row page
// 'sql.php' = browse page
* Export defaults
$cfg['Export']['format'] = 'sql'; // sql/latex/excel/csv/xml/xls/htmlexcel/htmlword
$cfg['Export']['compression'] = 'none'; // none/zip/gzip/bzip2
$cfg['Export']['asfile'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['charset'] = '';
$cfg['Export']['onserver'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['onserver_overwrite'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['remember_file_template'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['file_template_table'] = '__TABLE__';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_database'] = '__DB__';
$cfg['Export']['file_template_server'] = '__SERVER__';
$cfg['Export']['htmlexcel_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['htmlexcel_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['htmlword_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['xls_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['xls_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['csv_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['csv_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['csv_separator'] = ';';
$cfg['Export']['csv_enclosed'] = '&quot;';
$cfg['Export']['csv_escaped'] = '\\';
$cfg['Export']['csv_terminated'] = 'AUTO';
$cfg['Export']['excel_columns'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['excel_null'] = 'NULL';
$cfg['Export']['excel_edition'] = 'win'; // win/mac
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_columns'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_relation'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_comments'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_mime'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_null'] = '\textit{NULL}';
$cfg['Export']['latex_caption'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['latex_data_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-data';
$cfg['Export']['latex_structure_label'] = 'tab:__TABLE__-structure';
$cfg['Export']['sql_structure'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_compat'] = 'NONE';
$cfg['Export']['sql_disable_fk'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_use_transaction'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_drop_database'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_drop_table'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_if_not_exists'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_auto_increment'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_backquotes'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_dates'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_relation'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_columns'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_delayed'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_ignore'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_hex_for_binary'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_type'] = 'insert'; // insert/update/replace
$cfg['Export']['sql_extended'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_max_query_size'] = 50000;
$cfg['Export']['sql_comments'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_mime'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['sql_header_comment'] = ''; // \n is replaced by new line
$cfg['Export']['pdf_structure'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Export']['pdf_data'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Export']['pdf_report_title'] = '';
* Import defaults
$cfg['Import']['format'] = 'sql';
$cfg['Import']['allow_interrupt'] = TRUE;
$cfg['Import']['skip_queries'] = '0';
$cfg['Import']['csv_replace'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Import']['csv_terminated'] = ';';
$cfg['Import']['csv_enclosed'] = '"';
$cfg['Import']['csv_escaped'] = '\\';
$cfg['Import']['csv_new_line'] = 'auto';
$cfg['Import']['csv_columns'] = '';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_replace'] = FALSE;
$cfg['Import']['ldi_terminated'] = ';';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_enclosed'] = '"';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_escaped'] = '\\';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_new_line'] = 'auto';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_columns'] = '';
$cfg['Import']['ldi_local_option'] = 'auto'; // 'auto' for autodetection, TRUE or FALSE for forcing
* Link to the official MySQL documentation.
* Be sure to include no trailing slash on the path.
* See for more information
* about MySQL manuals and their types.
$cfg['MySQLManualBase'] = '';
* Type of MySQL documentation:
* viewable - "viewable online", current one used on MySQL website
* searchable - "Searchable, with user comments"
* chapters - "HTML, one page per chapter"
* chapters_old - "HTML, one page per chapter", format used prior to MySQL 5.0 release
* big - "HTML, all on one page"
* old - old style used in phpMyAdmin 2.3.0 and sooner
* none - do not show documentation links
$cfg['MySQLManualType'] = 'viewable';
* PDF options
$cfg['PDFPageSizes'] = array('A3', 'A4', 'A5', 'letter', 'legal');
$cfg['PDFDefaultPageSize'] = 'A4';
* Language and charset conversion settings
// Default language to use, if not browser-defined or user-defined
$cfg['DefaultLang'] = 'de-utf-8';
// Default connection collation (used for MySQL >= 4.1)
$cfg['DefaultConnectionCollation'] = 'latin1_swedish_ci';
// Force: always use this language - must be defined in
// libraries/select_lang.lib.php
// $cfg['Lang'] = 'de-iso-8859-1';
// Regullar expression to limit listed languages, eg. '^(cs|en)' for Czech and
// English only
$cfg['FilterLanguages'] = '';
// Default charset to use for recoding of MySQL queries, does not take
// any effect when charsets recoding is switched off by
// $cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] or in language file
// (see $cfg['AvailableCharsets'] to possible choices, you can add your own)
$cfg['DefaultCharset'] = 'iso-8859-1';
// Allow charset recoding of MySQL queries, must be also enabled in language
// file to make harder using other language files than unicode.
// Default value is FALSE to avoid problems on servers without the iconv
// extension and where dl() is not supported
$cfg['AllowAnywhereRecoding'] = FALSE;
// You can select here which functions will be used for charset conversion.
// Possible values are:
// auto - automatically use available one (first is tested iconv, then
// recode)
// iconv - use iconv or libiconv functions
// recode - use recode_string function
$cfg['RecodingEngine'] = 'auto';
// Specify some parameters for iconv used in charset conversion. See iconv
// documentation for details:
$cfg['IconvExtraParams'] = '//TRANSLIT';
// Available charsets for MySQL conversion. currently contains all which could
// be found in lang/* files and few more.
// Charsets will be shown in same order as here listed, so if you frequently
// use some of these move them to the top.
$cfg['AvailableCharsets'] = array(
* Customization & design
* The graphical settings are now located in themes/themename/
$cfg['LeftPointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the left panel pointer
// (used when LeftFrameLight is FALSE)
// see also LeftPointerColor
// in
$cfg['BrowsePointerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse pointer
// see also BrowsePointerColor
// in
$cfg['BrowseMarkerEnable'] = TRUE; // enable the browse marker
// see also BrowseMarkerColor
// in
$cfg['TextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) in edit mode
// (this value will be emphasized (*2) for sql
// query textareas and (*1.25) for query window)
$cfg['TextareaRows'] = 7; // textarea size (rows) in edit mode
$cfg['LongtextDoubleTextarea'] = TRUE; // double size of textarea size for longtext fields
$cfg['TextareaAutoSelect'] = TRUE; // autoselect when clicking in the textarea of the querybox
$cfg['CharTextareaCols'] = 40; // textarea size (columns) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CharTextareaRows'] = 2; // textarea size (rows) for CHAR/VARCHAR
$cfg['CtrlArrowsMoving'] = TRUE; // Enable Ctrl+Arrows moving between fields when editing?
$cfg['LimitChars'] = 50; // Max field data length in browse mode for all non-numeric fields
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtLeft'] = TRUE; // show edit/delete links on left side of browse
// (or at the top with vertical browse)
$cfg['ModifyDeleteAtRight'] = FALSE; // show edit/delete links on right side of browse
// (or at the bottom with vertical browse)
$cfg['DefaultDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction
// (horizontal|vertical|horizontalflipped)
$cfg['DefaultPropDisplay'] = 'horizontal'; // default display direction for altering/
// creating columns (tbl_properties)
// (horizontal|vertical)
$cfg['HeaderFlipType'] = 'css'; // table-header rotation via faking or css? (css|fake)
// NOTE: CSS only works in IE browsers!
$cfg['ShowBrowseComments'] = TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'browse' mode.
$cfg['ShowPropertyComments']= TRUE; // shows stored relation-comments in 'table property' mode.
$cfg['RepeatCells'] = 100; // repeat header names every X cells? (0 = deactivate)
$cfg['EditInWindow'] = TRUE; // Set to TRUE if Edit link should open the query to edit in the query window (assuming Javascript is enabled), and to FALSE if we should edit in the right panel
$cfg['QueryWindowWidth'] = 550; // Width of Query window
$cfg['QueryWindowHeight'] = 310; // Height of Query window
$cfg['QueryHistoryDB'] = FALSE; // Set to TRUE if you want DB-based query history.
// If FALSE, this utilizes JS-routines to display
// query history (lost by window close)
$cfg['QueryWindowDefTab'] = 'sql'; // which tab to display in the querywindow on startup
// (sql|files|history|full)
$cfg['QueryHistoryMax'] = 25; // When using DB-based query history, how many entries
// should be kept?
$cfg['BrowseMIME'] = TRUE; // Use MIME-Types (stored in column comments table) for
$cfg['MaxExactCount'] = 20000; // When approximate count < this, PMA will get exact count for
// table rows.
$cfg['WYSIWYG-PDF'] = TRUE; // Utilize DHTML/JS capabilities to allow WYSIWYG editing of
// the PDF page editor. Requires an IE6/Mozilla based browser.
$cfg['NaturalOrder'] = TRUE; // Sort table and database in natural order
// custom-setup by mkkeck: 2004-05-04
// some specials for new icons and scrollings
// 2004-05-08 rabus: We need to rearrange these variables.
$cfg['ShowHttpHostTitle'] = TRUE; // show HttpHost in browsers window title (true|false)?
$cfg['SetHttpHostTitle'] = ''; // if ShowHttpHostTitle=true, please set your host (server)
// or an other string, wich should be shown in browsers window title.
// If not set (or empty), the PMA will get your real Host-Adress.
$cfg['ErrorIconic'] = TRUE; // show some icons for warning, error and information messages (true|false)?
$cfg['MainPageIconic'] = TRUE; // show icons in list on main page and on menu tabs (true|false)?
$cfg['ReplaceHelpImg'] = TRUE; // show help button instead of strDocu (true|false)?
// theme manager
$cfg['ThemePath'] = './themes'; // using themes manager please set up here the path to 'themes'
// else leave empty
$cfg['ThemeManager'] = TRUE; // if you want to use selectable themes and if ThemesPath not empty
// set it to true, else set it to false (default is false);
$cfg['ThemeDefault'] = 'original'; // set up default theme, if ThemePath not empty
// you can set up here an valid path to themes or 'original' for
// the original pma-theme
$cfg['ThemePerServer'] = FALSE; // allow diferent theme for each configured server
* Default queries
* %d will be replaced by the database name.
* %t will be replaced by the table name.
* %f will be replaced by a list of field names.
* (%t and %f only applies to DefaultQueryTable)
$cfg['DefaultQueryTable'] = 'SELECT * FROM %t WHERE 1';
$cfg['DefaultQueryDatabase'] = '';
* SQL Query box settings
* These are the links display in all of the SQL Query boxes
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Edit'] = TRUE; // Edit link to change a query
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Explain'] = TRUE; // EXPLAIN on SELECT queries
$cfg['SQLQuery']['ShowAsPHP'] = TRUE; // Wrap a query in PHP
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Validate'] = FALSE; // Validate a query (see $cfg['SQLValidator'] as well)
$cfg['SQLQuery']['Refresh'] = TRUE; // Refresh the results page
* Webserver upload/save/import directories
$cfg['UploadDir'] = ''; // Directory for uploaded files that can be executed by
// phpMyAdmin. For example './upload'. Leave empty for
// no upload directory support. Use %u for username
// inclusion.
$cfg['SaveDir'] = ''; // Directory where phpMyAdmin can save exported data on
// server. For example './save'. Leave empty for no save
// directory support. Use %u for username inclusion.
$cfg['docSQLDir'] = ''; // Directory for docSQL imports, phpMyAdmin can import
// docSQL files from that directory. For example
// './docSQL'. Leave empty for no docSQL import support.
$cfg['TempDir'] = ''; // Directory where phpMyAdmin can save temporary files.
// This is needed for MS Excel export, see documentation
// how to enable that.
* Misc. settings
$cfg['GD2Available'] = 'auto'; // Is GD >= 2 available? Set to yes/no/auto. 'auto'
// does autodetection, which is a bit expensive for
// php < 4.3.0, but it is the only safe vay how to
// determine GD version.
* SQL Parser Settings
$cfg['SQP']['fmtType'] = 'html'; // Pretty-printing style to use on queries (html, text, none)
$cfg['SQP']['fmtInd'] = '1'; // Amount to indent each level (floats ok)
$cfg['SQP']['fmtIndUnit'] = 'em'; // Units for indenting each level (CSS Types - {em,px,pt})
// The graphical settings are now located in themes/themename/
* If you wish to use the SQL Validator service, you should be
* aware of the following:
* All SQL statements are stored anonymously for statistical purposes.
* Mimer SQL Validator, Copyright 2002 Upright Database Technology.
* All rights reserved.
$cfg['SQLValidator']['use'] = FALSE; // Make the SQL Validator available
$cfg['SQLValidator']['username'] = ''; // If you have a custom username, specify it here (defaults to anonymous)
$cfg['SQLValidator']['password'] = ''; // Password for username
* Developers ONLY!
* To use the following, please install the DBG extension from
$cfg['DBG']['enable'] = FALSE; // Make the DBG stuff available
$cfg['DBG']['profile']['enable'] = FALSE; // Produce profiling results of PHP
$cfg['DBG']['profile']['threshold'] = 0.5; // Threshold of long running code to display
// Anything below the threshold is not displayed
* MySQL settings
// Column types;
// varchar, tinyint, text and date are listed first, based on estimated popularity
$cfg['ColumnTypes'] = array(
// Attributes
// Note: the "ON UPDATE CURRENT_TIMESTAMP" attribute is added dynamically
// for MySQL >= 4.1.2, in libraries/
$cfg['AttributeTypes'] = array(
// Available functions
if ($cfg['ShowFunctionFields']) {
$cfg['Functions'] = array(
// Which column types will be mapped to which Group?
$cfg['RestrictColumnTypes'] = array(
'ENUM' => '',
'SET' => ''
// Map above defined groups to any function
$cfg['RestrictFunctions'] = array(
'FUNC_CHAR' => array(
'FUNC_DATE' => array(
'FUNC_NUMBER' => array(
// Default functions for above defined groups
$cfg['DefaultFunctions'] = array(
'FUNC_CHAR' => '',
'FUNC_DATE' => '',
'FUNC_NUMBER' => '',
'first_timestamp' => 'NOW'
} // end if
// Search operators
$cfg['NumOperators'] = array(
$cfg['TextOperators'] = array(
'LIKE %...%',
$cfg['EnumOperators'] = array(
$cfg['SetOperators'] = array(
$cfg['NullOperators'] = array(
$cfg['UnaryOperators'] = array(
'IS NULL' => 1,
'IS NOT NULL' => 1
0,0 → 1,45
require 'includes/';
// Ist das Testcookie "Angekommen"?
if ((isset($_COOKIE['cookieAcceptingTest'])) &&
($_COOKIE['cookieAcceptingTest'] == $_GET['testCookie'])) {
// Ja: Cookie wieder entfernen, Seite weiter laden
$insert = '';
} else {
// Nein: Fehler!
$insert = '<script language="JavaScript">
parent.location.href = "cookie_failure.php";
// -->
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<body class="margin_bottom">
<?php echo $insert; ?>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td align="right" valign="top"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="1" height="2" alt=""><br></td>
<td align="right" valign="top" width="100%"><a class="bottom_mini" href="index.php" target="_blank">Fenster duplizieren</a></td>
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Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
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\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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\ No newline at end of property
--- designs/classic/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ designs/classic/style.css (revision 3)
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+p, td
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0,0 → 1,9
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Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
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Property changes:
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svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
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Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- designs/xp_red/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ designs/xp_red/style.css (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
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+ margin-top:0px;
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+p, td
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+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#F5D6D6;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(191,20,20);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FAE6E6;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(210,22,22);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#BF3838;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(191,20,20);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FF0000;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(231,0,0);
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ background-color:#F5D6D6;
+ background-color:#FFE0E0;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #F5D6D6;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #FFE0E0;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #BF3838;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ font-size:0.85em;
+ color:#000000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FF0000;
+ color:#00BB00;
+ color:#FF5500;
+ color:#707070;
0,0 → 1,9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<name>XP Red</name>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,5
$desname = 'nouveau_soleil';
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,4
Diese Datei (desdir.txt) ist wichtig,
da sie das Design-Verzeichnis idendifiziert.
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- designs/nouveau_soleil/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ designs/nouveau_soleil/style.css (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ margin-right:5px;
+ margin-left:5px;
+ margin-bottom:5px;
+ margin-top:5px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#FFC800;
+ margin-left:10;
+ margin-top:5;
+ margin-right:10;
+ margin-bottom:5;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background: url(###images/gradient.png);
+ background-attachment:fixed;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ background-color:#000000;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#000000;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+p, td
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13px;
+ color:#DD0000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#000000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#FF5500;
+ color:#CC5500;
+ color:#FFAA00;
+ font-size:22;
+ font-size:19;
+ font-size:16;
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#EEEEEE;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#EEEEEE;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FFFFC8;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ background-color:#F0F0F0;
+ background-color:#FFFFC8;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#FFFFC8;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#FFFFC8;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#000000;
+ font-size:0.85em;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FF0000;
+ color:#00BB00;
+ color:#FF5500;
+ color:#707070;
--- designs/nouveau_soleil/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ designs/nouveau_soleil/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>nouveau_soleil</expected_name>
+ <name>Nouveau Soleil</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-08</version>
+ <license>1</license>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- designs/nouveau_marine/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ designs/nouveau_marine/style.css (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,244 @@
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ margin-right:5px;
+ margin-left:5px;
+ margin-bottom:5px;
+ margin-top:5px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#00C8C8;
+ margin-left:10;
+ margin-top:5;
+ margin-right:10;
+ margin-bottom:5;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background: url(###images/gradient.png);
+ background-attachment:fixed;
+ background-repeat: repeat-x;
+ background-color:#000000;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color:#000000;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#EEEEEE;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#AAAAAA;
+p, td
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13px;
+ color:#000080;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#000000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#0056b6;
+ color:#0056b6;
+ color:#428eff;
+ font-size:22;
+ font-size:19;
+ font-size:16;
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#EEEEEE;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#EEEEEE;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#C8FFFF;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(0,0,0);
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ background-color:#F0F0F0;
+ background-color:#C8FFFF;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#C8FFFF;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color:#C8FFFF;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#000000;
+ font-size:0.85em;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FF0000;
+ color:#00BB00;
+ color:#FF5500;
+ color:#707070;
--- designs/nouveau_marine/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ designs/nouveau_marine/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>nouveau_marine</expected_name>
+ <name>Nouveau Marine</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-08</version>
+ <license>1</license>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- designs/xp_blue/style.css (nonexistent)
+++ designs/xp_blue/style.css (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color: #F5F4F0;
+ margin-right:5px;
+ margin-left:5px;
+ margin-bottom:5px;
+ margin-top:5px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#3878BF;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#D6DFF5;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color: #65A4EB;
+ margin-left:10;
+ margin-top:5;
+ margin-right:10;
+ margin-bottom:5;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:0px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:0px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#3878BF;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#D6DFF5;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color: #65A4EB;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#3878BF;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#D6DFF5;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ background-color: #65A4EB;
+ margin-right:0px;
+ margin-left:0px;
+ margin-bottom:0px;
+ margin-top:0px;
+ padding-top:0px;
+ padding-right:10px;
+ padding-bottom:0px;
+ padding-left:10px;
+ scrollbar-base-color:#3878BF;
+ scrollbar-arrow-color:#D6DFF5;
+p, td
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13px;
+ color:#0056B6;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#0056B6;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ font-size:13;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ color:#0056b6;
+ color:#0056b6;
+ color:#428eff;
+ font-size:22;
+ font-size:19;
+ font-size:16;
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#D6DFF5;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(20,73,191);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#E6ECFA;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#000000;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(22,84,210);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#3878BF;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#ffffff;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(20,73,191);
+ margin-top:3px;
+ margin-bottom:3px;
+ background-color:#FF8F00;
+ font-family:Trebuchet MS;
+ font-size:11;
+ color:#ffffff;
+ padding:2px;
+ height:22px;
+ width:135px;
+ border:1px solid rgb(231,96,0);
+ background-color:#FFFFFF;
+ background-color:#D6DFF5;
+ background-color:#E0E9FF;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #D6DFF5;
+ cursor:pointer;
+ cursor:hand;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #E0E9FF;
+ padding:2px;
+ background-color: #3878BF;
+ font-family:Tahoma;
+ font-size:13;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FFFFFF;
+ font-size:0.85em;
+ color:#000000;
+ text-decoration:none;
+ color:#FF0000;
+ color:#00BB00;
+ color:#FF5500;
+ color:#707070;
0,0 → 1,9
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<name>XP Blue</name>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- index.php (nonexistent)
+++ index.php (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+require 'includes/';
+require 'includes/'; // Für Loginanfragen etc.
+// Testen, ob Cookies akzeptiert werden
+$testCookie = md5(uniqid(mt_rand(), true));
+wbSetCookie('cookieAcceptingTest', $testCookie, 0);
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN">
+ <title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
+ <meta name="robots" content="noindex">
+<frameset rows="72,*" noresize border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0">
+ <frame src="caption.php" framespacing="0" border="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="Caption" scrolling="no" noresize>
+ <frameset cols="200,*" noresize border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" noresize>
+ <frameset rows="*,14" noresize border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" noresize>
+ <frame src="navigation.php<?php
+ if ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '') echo '?'.$_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
+ ?>" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="Navigation" scrolling="no" noresize>
+ <frame src="scrolling.php" framespacing="0" border="0" name="EmptyFrame1" scrolling="no" noresize>
+ </frameset>
+ <frameset rows="*,14" noresize border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" noresize>
+ <frameset cols="*,10" noresize border="0" frameborder="0" framespacing="0" noresize>
+ <frame src="empty.php" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="5" marginwidth="7" name="Content" scrolling="auto" noresize>
+ <frame src="empty.php" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="EmptyFrame3" scrolling="no" noresize>
+ </frameset>
+ <frame src="bottom.php?testCookie=<?php echo $testCookie; ?>" framespacing="0" frameborder="0" marginheight="0" marginwidth="0" name="EmptyFrame2" scrolling="no" noresize>
+ </frameset>
+ </frameset>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,29
if (!isset($_GET['target'])) {
die('Fehlendes Argument: target');
?><!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<!-- <meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; URL=<?php echo $_GET['target']; ?>"> -->
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<h1>Bitte warten...</h1>
<p>Sie werden weitergeleitet zu: <a href="<?php echo $_GET['target']; ?>"><?php echo $_GET['target']; ?></a></p>
<script language ="JavaScript">
window.location.replace("<?php echo $_GET['target']; ?>");
// -->
0,0 → 1,48
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/';
if (!isset($modul)) $modul = '';
if (!isset($seite)) $seite = '';
if (!isset($aktion)) $aktion = '';
if (!isset($category)) $category = '';
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($modul);
if (!$module_information) {
die($header.'<b>Fehler beim Laden der Seite</b><br><br>Das Modul ist nicht installiert.'.$footer);
if (((isset($wb_user_type)) && ($wb_user_type >= $module_information->rights)) || ($module_information->no_security == '1'))
$m2 = 'common_debugger';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/static_core/')) {
// Nun die Modulseite laden
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/page/'.$seite.'.inc.php'))
echo $header.'<b>Fehler beim Laden der Seite</b><br><br>Die angefragte Seite wurde im Modulverzeichnis nicht gefunden.'.$footer;
$m2 = 'common_debugger';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/static_core/')) {
die($header.'<h1>Session abgelaufen</h1>Ihre Session ist abgelaufen oder ung&uuml;tig geworden. Bitte loggen Sie sich neu ein.<br><br><a href="index.php" target="_parent">Zum Hauptmen&uuml;</a>'.$footer);
0,0 → 1,209
class XmlElement
var $name;
var $attributes;
var $content;
var $children;
class xml
function __construct()
if (!$this->required_functions())
private function required_functions()
$result = true;
$essential = array('xml_parser_create','xml_parser_set_option', 'xml_parse_into_struct', 'xml_parser_free');
foreach ($essential as $name)
if (!function_exists($name))
$result = false;
trigger_error('xml error - this class need some functions like '.$name,E_USER_WARNING);
if (!$result)
trigger_error('xml error - can\'t proceed', E_USER_ERROR);
return $result;
public function xml_code_to_object($xml)
// Template:
// Changed for usage in ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase
$parser = xml_parser_create();
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE, 0);
xml_parser_set_option($parser, XML_OPTION_TARGET_ENCODING, 'UTF-8');
xml_parse_into_struct($parser, $xml, $tags);
$elements = array();
$stack = array();
foreach ($tags as $tag)
$index = count($elements);
if ($tag['type'] == "complete" || $tag['type'] == "open")
$elements[$index] = new XmlElement;
$elements[$index]->name = $tag['tag'];
if ((isset($tag['attributes'])) && ($tag['attributes'] != ''))
foreach ($tag['attributes'] as $m1 => $m2)
$elements[$index]->attributes[$m1] = $this->xml_unescape($tag['attributes'][$m1]);
$elements[$index]->attributes = array();
if (isset($tag['value']))
$elements[$index]->content = $this->xml_unescape($tag['value']);
if ($tag['type'] == "open")
$elements[$index]->children = array();
$stack[count($stack)] = &$elements;
$elements = &$elements[$index]->children;
if ($tag['type'] == "close")
$elements = &$stack[count($stack) - 1];
unset($stack[count($stack) - 1]);
}// echo $xml;
return $elements[0];
public function xml_file_to_object($filename)
// Daniel Marschall
$xml = file_get_contents($filename);
return $this->xml_code_to_object($xml);
private function xml_escape($input)
// Daniel Marschall
$input = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $input);
$input = str_replace("'", '&apos;', $input);
$input = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $input);
$input = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $input);
$input = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $input);
$input = utf8_encode($input);
return $input;
private function xml_unescape($input)
// Daniel Marschall
$input = utf8_decode($input);
return $input;
private function recursive_xml_build($cu, $level = 0)
// Daniel Marschall
$code = str_repeat("\t", $level).'<'.$cu->name;
if (count($cu->attributes) > 0)
foreach ($cu->attributes as $m1 => $m2)
$code .= ' '.$m1.'="'.$this->xml_escape($m2).'"';
if (($cu->content == '') && (count($cu->children) == 0))
$code .= ' /';
$code .= '>';
if ($cu->content != '')
$code .= $this->xml_escape($cu->content);
if (count($cu->children) > 0)
$code .= "\r\n";
foreach ($cu->children as $n1 => $n2)
$code .= $this->{__FUNCTION__}($n2, $level+1);
$code .= str_repeat("\t", $level);
$code .= '</'.$cu->name;
$code .= ">\r\n";
return $code;
public function object_to_xml_code($object)
// Daniel Marschall
$code = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>'."\r\n\r\n";
$code .= $this->recursive_xml_build($object);
return $code;
public function object_to_xml_file($object, $filename)
// Daniel Marschall
if (is_writable($filename))
$text = $this->recursive_xml_build($object);
if ($handler = @fopen($filename, 'w'))
if (@fwrite($handler, $text))
return true;
return false;
return false;
return false;
0,0 → 1,206
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function db_connect()
global $WBConfig;
global $wb_selc;
global $wb_conn;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLPort() != '')
$zus = ':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPort();
$zus = '';
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI()) {
$wb_conn = @mysqli_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer().$zus, $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysqli_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
} else {
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer().$zus, $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
if ((!$wb_selc) || (!$wb_conn))
die('<h1>Fehler</h1>Es konnte keine Verbindung zu dem Datenbankserver hergestellt werden.<br><br>Bitte pr&uuml;fen Sie den Serverstatus und die G&uuml;ltigkeit der Konfigurationsdatei &quot;includes/;.<br><br>MySQL meldet folgendes:<br><br><code>'.mysql_errno().': '.mysql_error().'</code>');
function db_query($inp, $halte_an_bei_fehler = true)
global $configuration;
global $WBConfig;
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
global $mysql_count;
$ss = getmicrotime();
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
$x = @mysqli_query($inp);
$x = @mysql_query($inp);
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
$ee = getmicrotime();
global $mysql_time;
$mysql_time += $ee-$ss;
if ($halte_an_bei_fehler)
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
$e = @mysqli_error();
$e = @mysql_error();
if ($e != '')
$mess = '<b>MySQL-Fehler!</b><br><br>Folgender MySQL-Fehler ist aufgetreten:<br><br><code>'.$e.'</code><br><br>Folgende Query wurde ausgef&uuml;hrt:<br><br><code>'.htmlentities($inp).'</code><br><br>Die Scriptausf&uuml;hrung wurde aus Sicherheitsgr&uuml;nden abgebrochen.';
global $modul;
global $m2;
$m = '';
if ((isset($modul)) && ($modul != ''))
$m = $modul;
$m = '';
if ((isset($m2)) && ($m2 != ''))
if ($m2 == '')
$z = $m2.'?';
$z = ' ('.$m2.'?)';
$z = '';
if (function_exists('fehler_melden')) fehler_melden($m.$z, $mess);
return $x;
function db_fetch($inp)
global $WBConfig;
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) $ss = getmicrotime();
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_fetch_array($inp);
return @mysql_fetch_array($inp);
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
$ee = getmicrotime();
global $mysql_time;
$mysql_time += $ee-$ss;
function db_escape($inp)
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_real_escape_string($inp);
return @mysql_real_escape_string($inp);
function db_simple_escape($inp)
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_escape_string($inp);
return @mysql_escape_string($inp);
function db_num($inp)
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_num_rows($inp);
return @mysql_num_rows($inp);
function db_affected_rows()
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_affected_rows();
return @mysql_affected_rows();
function db_list_dbs()
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_list_dbs();
return @mysql_list_dbs();
function db_list_tables($db)
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_list_tables($db);
return @mysql_list_tables($db);
function db_error()
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
return @mysqli_error();
return @mysql_error();
function db_disconnect()
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUseMySQLI())
function db_time()
// Warum? Wenn die Zeit von PHP und MySQL verschieden ist (z.B. da auf unterschiedliche Server verteilt), gäbe es Probleme!
$res = db_query("SELECT NOW()");
$row = db_fetch($res);
return $row[0];
0,0 → 1,56
// 1. Modulliste laden
function liste_module()
$ary = array();
$i = 0;
$v = 'modules/';
$verz = opendir($v);
while ($file = readdir($verz))
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && (is_dir($v.$file)))
$ary[$i] = $file;
return $ary;
$modules = liste_module();
// 2. Modul-Autostarts ausführen
for ($st=0; true; $st++)
$erf = false;
foreach ($modules AS $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/autostart/'.$st.'.inc.php'))
include 'modules/'.$m2.'/autostart/'.$st.'.inc.php';
$erf = true;
if (!$erf) break;
0,0 → 1,229
// Ohne diese werden Modulinhalte nicht ausgeführt //
define('WBLEGAL', '1');
require 'includes/';
if (!file_exists('modules/moddir.txt'))
die('<h1>Personal WebBase ist gesperrt</h1>Kann Datei modules/moddir.txt, die das Modulverzeichnis idendifiziert, nicht finden. Ist diese vorhanden, sind die Zugriffsberechtigungen der Dateien falsch. Empfohlen: Ordner CHMOD 755, Dateien CHMOD 644.');
// Hier werden Einstellunen von PHP lokal verändert oder Variablen //
// bearbeitet, sodass Personal WebBase möglichst unabhängig von fremden //
// Konfigurationen wird und funktionell bleibt! //
// TODO Gleichrichter Vollrevision. Alles nochmal prüfen und erneuern
// 1. Magic Quotes Sybase abschalten
@ini_set('magic_quotes_sybase', 'Off');
// 2. Magic Quotes Runtime abschalten
// 3. variables_order / gpc_order ersetzen
@ini_set('register_long_arrays', '1');
$types_to_register = array('ENV', 'GET', 'POST', 'COOKIE', 'SERVER'); // SESSION und FILES werden nicht extrahiert
foreach ($types_to_register as $rtype)
// 4. Funktion von "Register Globals" ersetzen, wenn es ausgeschaltet ist
if ((!ini_get('register_globals')) && (@count(${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}) > 0))
extract(${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}, EXTR_OVERWRITE);
// Workaround, wenn register_long_arrays nicht auf 1 gesetzt werden konnte
if (ini_get('register_long_arrays') == '1')
$ch = 'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS';
$ch = '_'.$rtype;
// 5. Wenn "Magic Quotes GPC" aktiviert, dann die Aenderungen an GET/POST/COOKIE wieder rueckgaengig machen!
// Wir haben db_escape(), um SQL-Strings vor Injektionen zu schuetzen. Wir brauchen Magic Quotes nicht!
if ((get_magic_quotes_gpc() == 1) && (($rtype == 'GET') || ($rtype == 'POST') || ($rtype == 'COOKIE')))
foreach ($$ch AS $m1 => $m2)
$$m1 = stripslashes($$m1);
${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}[$m1] = stripslashes(${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}[$m1]);
${'_'.$rtype}[$m1] = stripslashes(${'_'.$rtype}[$m1]);
// 6. In HTML-Zeichen translatieren
// Wenn Benutzer z.B. &auml; in ein Formular eingeben, soll dies nicht uebersetzt werden etc!
// Übersetzung von < und > verhindert HTML-Code-Ausführung
if (($rtype == 'GET') || ($rtype == 'POST') || ($rtype == 'COOKIE'))
foreach ($$ch AS $m1 => $m2)
$$m1 = encode_critical_html_characters($$m1);
${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}[$m1] = encode_critical_html_characters(${'HTTP_'.$rtype.'_VARS'}[$m1]);
${'_'.$rtype}[$m1] = encode_critical_html_characters(${'_'.$rtype}[$m1]);
// 7. Deutsche Umgebung setzen
$ary = explode('.', phpversion());
if (((int)$ary[0] < 4) || (((int)$ary[0] == 4) && ((int)$ary[1] < 3)))
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'german');
setlocale(LC_ALL, 'de_DE@euro', 'de_DE', 'de', 'ge', 'german');
@ini_set('date.timezone', 'Europe/Zurich');
// 9. Um unsauber entwickelte Module zu verhindern, höchstes Fehlerlevel aktivieren
if ((int)$ary[0] >= 5)
@error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);
// Konfiguration laden
if (file_exists('includes/configmanager.class.php')) {
include 'includes/configmanager.class.php';
$WBConfig = new WBConfigManager();
if ($WBConfig->getLockFlag())
die('<h1>Personal WebBase ist gesperrt</h1>Die Variable &quot;$lock&quot; in &quot;includes/; steht auf 1 bzw. true. Setzen Sie diese Variable erst auf 0, wenn das Hochladen der Dateien beim Installations- bzw. Updateprozess beendet ist. Wenn Sie Personal WebBase freigeben, bevor der Upload abgeschlossen ist, kann es zu einer Besch&auml;digung der Kundendatenbank kommen!');
if (!((isset($modul)) && ($modul == 'core_cronjob')))
if ($WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag())
@ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1);
// Wenn keine SSL Verbindung da, dann zu SSL umleiten
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on'))
if (file_exists('modules/common_debugger/static_core/')) {
require 'includes/';
$javascript = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function abfrage(url)
var is_confirmed = confirm("M\u00f6chten Sie diese Aktion wirklich ausf\u00fchren?");
if (is_confirmed)
document.location.href = url;
function oop(modul, seite, titel, gross)
if (parent.Caption.fertig != "1")
window.setTimeout("oop(\'"+modul+"\', \'"+seite+"\', \'"+titel+"\', \'"+gross+"\')", 10);
titel = \'<img src="\'+gross+\'" alt="Icon" width="32" height="32"> \'+titel;
if (parent.Caption.document.getElementById) parent.Caption.document.getElementById("ueberschrift").innerHTML = titel; else if (parent.Caption.document.all) parent.Caption.document.ueberschrift.innerHTML = titel;
parent.Content.location.href = "page.php?'.(((isset($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'])) && ($_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] != '')) ? $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'].'&' : '').'modul="+modul+"&seite="+seite;
function oop2(myurl, titel, gross)
if (parent.Caption.fertig != "1")
window.setTimeout("oop(\'"+modul+"\', \'"+seite+"\', \'"+titel+"\', \'"+gross+"\')", 10);
titel = \'<img src="\'+gross+\'" alt="Icon" width="32" height="32"> \'+titel;
if (parent.Caption.document.getElementById) parent.Caption.document.getElementById("ueberschrift").innerHTML = titel; else if (parent.Caption.document.all) parent.Caption.document.ueberschrift.innerHTML = titel;, "_blank");
// -->
$header = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<link rel="SHORTCUT ICON" href="favicon.ico">
<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
$header_navi = '<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<link href="style.css.php" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css">
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<body class="margin_middle">'.$javascript;
$footer = '</body></html>';
0,0 → 1,20
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$mysql_access_data['server'] = 'localhost';
$mysql_access_data['port'] = '';
$mysql_access_data['prefix'] = 'webbase_';
$mysql_access_data['username'] = 'webbase_dev';
$mysql_access_data['password'] = 'wichsenmachttaub';
$mysql_access_data['database'] = 'webbase_dev';
$mysql_access_data['use_mysqli'] = false;
$lock = 0;
$force_ssl = 1;
0,0 → 1,691
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function encode_critical_html_characters($inp)
$inp = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $inp);
//$inp = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $inp);
$inp = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $inp);
$inp = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $inp);
return $inp;
function decode_critical_html_characters($inp)
$inp = str_replace('&amp;', '&', $inp);
//$inp = str_replace('&quot;', '"', $inp);
$inp = str_replace('&lt;', '<', $inp);
$inp = str_replace('&gt;', '>', $inp);
return $inp;
function executable_html_code($inp)
// Wenn der Benutzer z.B. ä im HTML-Formular eingegeben hat, würde hier aufgrund von Unicode quatsch rauskommen
$inp = htmlentities($inp, ENT_COMPAT, 'UTF-8');
$inp = decode_critical_html_characters($inp);
$trans = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES);
foreach ($trans as $m1 => $m2)
if (($m2 != '&lt;') && ($m2 != '&gt;'))
$inp = str_replace(str_replace('&', '&amp;', $m2), $m2, $inp);
// Erweiterte Zeichensatztabelle, die auch da Euro-Zeichen enthält
// Entnommen von
$trans2 = array('&apos;'=>'&#39;', '&minus;'=>'&#45;', '&circ;'=>'&#94;', '&tilde;'=>'&#126;', '&Scaron;'=>'&#138;', '&lsaquo;'=>'&#139;', '&OElig;'=>'&#140;', '&lsquo;'=>'&#145;', '&rsquo;'=>'&#146;', '&ldquo;'=>'&#147;', '&rdquo;'=>'&#148;', '&bull;'=>'&#149;', '&ndash;'=>'&#150;', '&mdash;'=>'&#151;', '&tilde;'=>'&#152;', '&trade;'=>'&#153;', '&scaron;'=>'&#154;', '&rsaquo;'=>'&#155;', '&oelig;'=>'&#156;', '&Yuml;'=>'&#159;', '&yuml;'=>'&#255;', '&OElig;'=>'&#338;', '&oelig;'=>'&#339;', '&Scaron;'=>'&#352;', '&scaron;'=>'&#353;', '&Yuml;'=>'&#376;', '&fnof;'=>'&#402;', '&circ;'=>'&#710;', '&tilde;'=>'&#732;', '&Alpha;'=>'&#913;', '&Beta;'=>'&#914;', '&Gamma;'=>'&#915;', '&Delta;'=>'&#916;', '&Epsilon;'=>'&#917;', '&Zeta;'=>'&#918;', '&Eta;'=>'&#919;', '&Theta;'=>'&#920;', '&Iota;'=>'&#921;', '&Kappa;'=>'&#922;', '&Lambda;'=>'&#923;', '&Mu;'=>'&#924;', '&Nu;'=>'&#925;', '&Xi;'=>'&#926;', '&Omicron;'=>'&#927;', '&Pi;'=>'&#928;', '&Rho;'=>'&#929;', '&Sigma;'=>'&#931;', '&Tau;'=>'&#932;', '&Upsilon;'=>'&#933;', '&Phi;'=>'&#934;', '&Chi;'=>'&#935;', '&Psi;'=>'&#936;', '&Omega;'=>'&#937;', '&alpha;'=>'&#945;', '&beta;'=>'&#946;', '&gamma;'=>'&#947;', '&delta;'=>'&#948;', '&epsilon;'=>'&#949;', '&zeta;'=>'&#950;', '&eta;'=>'&#951;', '&theta;'=>'&#952;', '&iota;'=>'&#953;', '&kappa;'=>'&#954;', '&lambda;'=>'&#955;', '&mu;'=>'&#956;', '&nu;'=>'&#957;', '&xi;'=>'&#958;', '&omicron;'=>'&#959;', '&pi;'=>'&#960;', '&rho;'=>'&#961;', '&sigmaf;'=>'&#962;', '&sigma;'=>'&#963;', '&tau;'=>'&#964;', '&upsilon;'=>'&#965;', '&phi;'=>'&#966;', '&chi;'=>'&#967;', '&psi;'=>'&#968;', '&omega;'=>'&#969;', '&thetasym;'=>'&#977;', '&upsih;'=>'&#978;', '&piv;'=>'&#982;', '&ensp;'=>'&#8194;', '&emsp;'=>'&#8195;', '&thinsp;'=>'&#8201;', '&zwnj;'=>'&#8204;', '&zwj;'=>'&#8205;', '&lrm;'=>'&#8206;', '&rlm;'=>'&#8207;', '&ndash;'=>'&#8211;', '&mdash;'=>'&#8212;', '&lsquo;'=>'&#8216;', '&rsquo;'=>'&#8217;', '&sbquo;'=>'&#8218;', '&ldquo;'=>'&#8220;', '&rdquo;'=>'&#8221;', '&bdquo;'=>'&#8222;', '&dagger;'=>'&#8224;', '&Dagger;'=>'&#8225;', '&bull;'=>'&#8226;', '&hellip;'=>'&#8230;', '&permil;'=>'&#8240;', '&prime;'=>'&#8242;', '&Prime;'=>'&#8243;', '&lsaquo;'=>'&#8249;', '&rsaquo;'=>'&#8250;', '&oline;'=>'&#8254;', '&frasl;'=>'&#8260;', '&euro;'=>'&#8364;', '&image;'=>'&#8465;', '&weierp;'=>'&#8472;', '&real;'=>'&#8476;', '&trade;'=>'&#8482;', '&alefsym;'=>'&#8501;', '&larr;'=>'&#8592;', '&uarr;'=>'&#8593;', '&rarr;'=>'&#8594;', '&darr;'=>'&#8595;', '&harr;'=>'&#8596;', '&crarr;'=>'&#8629;', '&lArr;'=>'&#8656;', '&uArr;'=>'&#8657;', '&rArr;'=>'&#8658;', '&dArr;'=>'&#8659;', '&hArr;'=>'&#8660;', '&forall;'=>'&#8704;', '&part;'=>'&#8706;', '&exist;'=>'&#8707;', '&empty;'=>'&#8709;', '&nabla;'=>'&#8711;', '&isin;'=>'&#8712;', '&notin;'=>'&#8713;', '&ni;'=>'&#8715;', '&prod;'=>'&#8719;', '&sum;'=>'&#8721;', '&minus;'=>'&#8722;', '&lowast;'=>'&#8727;', '&radic;'=>'&#8730;', '&prop;'=>'&#8733;', '&infin;'=>'&#8734;', '&ang;'=>'&#8736;', '&and;'=>'&#8743;', '&or;'=>'&#8744;', '&cap;'=>'&#8745;', '&cup;'=>'&#8746;', '&int;'=>'&#8747;', '&there4;'=>'&#8756;', '&sim;'=>'&#8764;', '&cong;'=>'&#8773;', '&asymp;'=>'&#8776;', '&ne;'=>'&#8800;', '&equiv;'=>'&#8801;', '&le;'=>'&#8804;', '&ge;'=>'&#8805;', '&sub;'=>'&#8834;', '&sup;'=>'&#8835;', '&nsub;'=>'&#8836;', '&sube;'=>'&#8838;', '&supe;'=>'&#8839;', '&oplus;'=>'&#8853;', '&otimes;'=>'&#8855;', '&perp;'=>'&#8869;', '&sdot;'=>'&#8901;', '&lceil;'=>'&#8968;', '&rceil;'=>'&#8969;', '&lfloor;'=>'&#8970;', '&rfloor;'=>'&#8971;', '&lang;'=>'&#9001;', '&rang;'=>'&#9002;', '&loz;'=>'&#9674;', '&spades;'=>'&#9824;', '&clubs;'=>'&#9827;', '&hearts;'=>'&#9829;', '&diams;'=>'&#9830;');
$trans2 = array_flip($trans2);
foreach ($trans2 as $m1 => $m2)
// Funktioniert chr() bei den 8... Einträgen? Finde Eurozeichen nicht bei chr(8364)!
$m1 = chr(substr($m1, 2, strlen($m1)-3));
if (($m2 != '&lt;') && ($m2 != '&gt;'))
$inp = str_replace(str_replace('&', '&amp;', $m2), $m2, $inp);
return decode_critical_html_characters($inp);
function special_hash($string)
$iterations = 10;
$last = $string;
$out = '';
for ($i=0; $i<$iterations; $i++)
$last = md5($last);
$out .= $last;
$garbarge_count = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($last); $i++)
if (($last[$i] == '0') || ($last[$i] == '1') || ($last[$i] == '2') || ($last[$i] == '3') ||
($last[$i] == '4') || ($last[$i] == '5') || ($last[$i] == '6') || ($last[$i] == '7') ||
($last[$i] == '8') || ($last[$i] == '9'))
$garbarge_count = $garbarge_count + $last[$i];
for ($i=0; $i<=$garbarge_count; $i++)
$out = $last[0].$out.$last[1];
if (strlen($out) > 1024) $out = substr($out, 0, 1024);
return $out;
function get_rnd_iv($iv_len)
$iv = '';
while ($iv_len-- > 0) {
$iv .= chr(mt_rand() & 0xff);
return $iv;
function md5_encrypt($plain_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$plain_text .= "\x13";
$n = strlen($plain_text);
if ($n % 16) $plain_text .= str_repeat("\0", 16 - ($n % 16));
$i = 0;
$enc_text = get_rnd_iv($iv_len);
$iv = substr($password ^ $enc_text, 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($plain_text, $i, 16) ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$enc_text .= $block;
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return base64_encode($enc_text);
function md5_decrypt($enc_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$enc_text = base64_decode($enc_text);
$n = strlen($enc_text);
$i = $iv_len;
$plain_text = '';
$iv = substr($password ^ substr($enc_text, 0, $iv_len), 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($enc_text, $i, 16);
$plain_text .= $block ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return preg_replace('/\\x13\\x00*$/', '', $plain_text);
function wb_encrypt($message, $key)
return md5_encrypt($message, $key);
function wb_decrypt($message, $key)
return md5_decrypt($message, $key);
function WBUserAgent() {
global $WBConfig;
return 'ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase '.$WBConfig->getRevision().' (PHP/'.phpversion().')';
// Anmerkung: Subdomains sind nicht gültig.
// @param $name Name des Cookies
// @value $value Wert des Cookies
// @param $time 0 für "Ende der Sitzung" oder Sekundenanzahl als Gültigkeit
function wbSetCookie($name, $value, $time) {
global $WBConfig;
if ($time != 0) $time += time();
setCookie($name, $value, $time, RELATIVE_DIR, /* $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] */ '', $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
// @param $name
// @param $wb_rel_path Path relative to the WebBase directory (for third-party systems!)
function wbUnsetCookie($name, $wb_rel_path = '') {
global $WBConfig;
setCookie($name, '', -1, RELATIVE_DIR.$wb_rel_path, /* $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] */ '', $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
// TODO (Prüfen)
// Das Argument von deferer() sollte aufgrund der W3C-Konformität &amp; statt & enthalten
function deferer($url) {
return 'deferer.php?target='.urlencode($url);
function ip_tracer($ip) {
return deferer(''.$ip.'&submit.x=0&submit.y=0');
function url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)
$ary = explode('://', $url);
return ((strpos($ary[0], '/') === false) && (isset($ary[1])));
function wb_redirect_now($url) {
if (url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) {
// Umwechseln von HTTP<->HTTPS ist bei gleicher Adresse ohne Deferrer erlaubt
if ((str_replace('https://', '', $url) != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) &&
(str_replace('http://', '', $url) != $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']))
$url = deferer($url); // Umleitung auf eine externe Seite
if (!headers_sent()) {
header('Location: '.$url);
} else {
// HTML-Weiterleitung
echo 'Redirect: <a href="'.$url.'">'.$url.'</a><br>'."\r\n\r\n";
echo '<script language ="JavaScript">
// -->
function add_trailing_path_delimiter($url_or_directory) {
if (substr($url_or_directory, strlen($url_or_directory)-1, 1) != '/') {
$url_or_directory .= '/';
return $url_or_directory;
function dirname_with_pathdelimiter($directory)
$tmp = dirname($directory);
$tmp = str_replace('\\', '/', $tmp);
$tmp = add_trailing_path_delimiter($tmp);
return $tmp;
function string2hex($str)
if (trim($str) != "")
$hex = "";
$length = strlen($str);
for ($i=0; $i<$length; $i++)
$hex .= str_pad(dechex(ord($str[$i])), 2, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT);
return $hex;
function hex2string($hex)
$string = '';
$hex = str_replace(array("\n","\r"," "), "", $hex);
for ($ix=0; $ix < strlen($hex); $ix=$ix+2)
$ord = hexdec(substr($hex, $ix, 2));
$string .= chr($ord);
return $string;
function fetchip()
$client_ip = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] : '';
$x_forwarded_for = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : '';
$remote_addr = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
if (!empty($client_ip))
$ip_expl = explode('.',$client_ip);
$referer = explode('.',$remote_addr);
if($referer[0] != $ip_expl[0])
$return = $client_ip;
else if (!empty($x_forwarded_for))
$ip_expl = explode(',',$x_forwarded_for);
$return = end($ip_expl);
$return = $x_forwarded_for;
$return = $remote_addr;
unset ($client_ip, $x_forwarded_for, $remote_addr, $ip_expl);
return $return;
function my_htmlentities($inp, $charset = 'utf-8')
// PHP-Version wird nicht kontrolliert...
$cs = 'utf-8';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'iso-8859-1') $cs = 'ISO-8859-1';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'iso8859-1') $cs = 'ISO-8859-1';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'iso-8859-15') $cs = 'ISO-8859-15';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'iso8859-15') $cs = 'ISO-8859-15';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'utf-8') $cs = 'UTF-8';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'cp866') $cs = 'cp866';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'ibm866') $cs = 'cp866';
if (strtolower($charset) == '866') $cs = 'cp866';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'cp1251') $cs = 'cp1251';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'windows-1251') $cs = 'cp1251';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'win-1251') $cs = 'cp1251';
if (strtolower($charset) == '1251') $cs = 'cp1251';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'cp1252') $cs = 'cp1252';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'windows-1252') $cs = 'cp1252';
if (strtolower($charset) == '1252') $cs = 'cp1252';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'koi8-r') $cs = 'KOI8-R';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'koi8-ru') $cs = 'KOI8-R';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'koi8r') $cs = 'KOI8-R';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'big5') $cs = 'BIG5';
if (strtolower($charset) == '950') $cs = 'BIG5';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'gb2312') $cs = 'GB2312';
if (strtolower($charset) == '936') $cs = 'GB2312';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'big5-hkscs') $cs = 'BIG5-HKSCS';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'shift_jis') $cs = 'Shift_JIS';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'sjis') $cs = 'Shift_JIS';
if (strtolower($charset) == '932') $cs = 'Shift_JIS';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'euc-jp') $cs = 'EUC-JP';
if (strtolower($charset) == 'eucjp') $cs = 'EUC-JP';
return @htmlentities($inp, ENT_NOQUOTES, $cs);
function check_email($email_adresse)
return true;
return false;
function return_bytes($val)
$val = trim($val);
$last = strtolower($val{strlen($val)-1});
case 'g':
$val *= 1024;
case 'm':
$val *= 1024;
case 'k':
$val *= 1024;
return $val;
function zufall($size)
$result = "";
for($i=0; $i < $size; $i++)
$num = rand(48,120);
while (($num >= 58 && $num <= 64) || ($num >= 91 && $num <= 96))
$num = rand(48,120);
$result .= chr($num);
return $result;
function runden($inp, $nachkommastellen = 0)
return number_format($inp, $nachkommastellen, ",", ".");
function dir_add_trailing_backslash($directory) {
if (substr($directory, strlen($directory)-1, 1) != '/') $directory .= '/';
return $directory;
// PHP-AntiSpam-Funktion "secure_email", Version 3.0
// von Daniel Marschall []
function secure_email($email, $linktext, $crypt_linktext)
if (!function_exists('alas_js_crypt'))
function alas_js_crypt($text)
$tmp = '';
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($text); $i++)
$tmp .= 'document.write("&#'.ord(substr($text, $i, 1)).';");';
return $tmp;
if (!function_exists('alas_js_write'))
function alas_js_write($text)
$text = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $text);
$text = str_replace('"', '\"', $text);
$text = str_replace('/', '\/', $text); // W3C Validation </a> -> <\/a>
return 'document.write("'.$text.'");';
$aus = '';
if ($email != '')
$aus .= '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"><!--'."\n";
$aus .= alas_js_write('<a href="');
$aus .= alas_js_crypt('mailto:'.$email);
$aus .= alas_js_write('">');
$aus .= $crypt_linktext ? alas_js_crypt($linktext) : alas_js_write($linktext);
$aus .= alas_js_write('</a>').'// --></script>';
return $aus;
function de_convertmysqldatetime($datum, $zeige_sekunden = false)
if (($datum == '') || ($datum == '0000-00-00 00:00:00'))
return 'Unbekannt';
$date = explode(" ", $datum);
$ddatum = explode("-", $date[0]);
if (isset($date[1]))
$date = explode(":", $date[1]);
$date[0] = '';
$date[1] = '';
$date[2] = '';
if ($ddatum[1] == '01') $mon = 'Januar';
if ($ddatum[1] == '02') $mon = 'Februar';
if ($ddatum[1] == '03') $mon = 'M&auml;rz';
if ($ddatum[1] == '04') $mon = 'April';
if ($ddatum[1] == '05') $mon = 'Mai';
if ($ddatum[1] == '06') $mon = 'Juni';
if ($ddatum[1] == '07') $mon = 'Juli';
if ($ddatum[1] == '08') $mon = 'August';
if ($ddatum[1] == '09') $mon = 'September';
if ($ddatum[1] == '10') $mon = 'Oktober';
if ($ddatum[1] == '11') $mon = 'November';
if ($ddatum[1] == '12') $mon = 'Dezember';
$tag = sprintf("%d",$ddatum[2]);
$datum = $tag.". ".$mon." ".$ddatum[0];
if (($date[0] != '') && ($date[1] != ''))
if ($zeige_sekunden) $zus = ':'.$date[2]; else $zus = '';
return $datum.', '.$date[0].':'.$date[1].$zus.' Uhr';
return $datum;
function zwischen_str($str, $von, $bis, $flankierungen_miteinbeziehen = true)
$ausgabe = $str;
if ($von != '')
$pos = strpos($ausgabe, $von);
if ($pos !== false)
$ausgabe = substr($ausgabe, $pos, strlen($ausgabe)-$pos);
if (!$flankierungen_miteinbeziehen)
$ausgabe = substr($ausgabe, strlen($von), strlen($ausgabe)-strlen($von)-1); // -1 ?
if ($bis != '')
$pos = strpos($ausgabe, $bis);
if ($pos !== false)
$ausgabe = substr($ausgabe, 0, $pos+strlen($bis));
if (!$flankierungen_miteinbeziehen)
$ausgabe = substr($ausgabe, 0, strlen($ausgabe)-strlen($bis));
return $ausgabe;
function oop_link_to_modul($modul, $seite = 'main', $titelzeile_modul = '')
if ($titelzeile_modul == '') $titelzeile_modul = $modul;
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($titelzeile_modul);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$titelzeile_modul.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$titelzeile_modul.'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$titelzeile_modul.'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$titelzeile_modul.'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
return "javascript:oop('".$modul."', '".$seite."', '".htmlentities($module_information->caption)."', '".$g."');";
function wb_list_items($modul, $table, $append, $dir = 0)
global $benutzer;
if (!isset($erg)) $erg = array();
$i = 0;
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `$table` WHERE `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($dir)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' $append");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$erg[$i] = $row;
return $erg;
function wb_list_items_filter($modul, $table, $append)
$i = 0;
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `$table` $append");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$erg[$i] = $row;
return $erg;
function wb_draw_table_begin()
echo '<div align="center"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="90%">';
function wb_draw_table_end()
echo '</table></div><br>';
function wb_draw_table_content()
echo '<tr class="row_tab" onmouseover="this.className=\'row_tab_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'row_tab\';">';
$j = 0;
for ($i=0; $i < @func_num_args(); $i=$i+2)
if (@func_get_arg($i) != '')
$w = 'width="'.@func_get_arg($i).'" ';
$w = '';
echo '<td valign="top" align="left" '.$w.'>'.@func_get_arg($i+1).'</td>';
if ($j == 0)
echo '<td valign="top" align="left" width="100%">&nbsp;</td>';
echo '</tr>'."\n";
function wb_draw_table_span_content($highlight, $span, $text)
if ($highlight == 1) $hfarb = '4';
if ($highlight == 0) $hfarb = '5';
if ($highlight == 2) $hfarb = '6';
echo '<tr class="row_tab" onmouseover="this.className=\'row_tab_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'row_tab\';">';
echo '<td valign="top" align="left" colspan="'.$span.'">'.$text.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
function wb_draw_item_filter($modul, $table, $append)
global $ordnereinzug, $WBConfig;
$einzug = 0;
$ary = wb_list_items_filter($modul, $table, $append);
$durchlauf = 0;
for ($i=1; isset($ary[$i]['id']); $i++)
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/includes/'))
echo "\n";
return $durchlauf;
function wb_draw_item($modul, $table, $append, $folder = 0, $einzug = 0)
global $ordnereinzug, $WBConfig;
$ary = wb_list_items($modul, $table, $append, $folder);
$durchlauf = 0;
for ($i=1; isset($ary[$i]['id']); $i++)
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/includes/'))
return $durchlauf;
function wb_draw_menu_item($modul, $seite, $titel, $klein, $gross)
if (file_exists($gross))
$g = $gross;
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
if (file_exists($klein))
$k = $klein;
$k = 'designs/spacer.gif';
return '<tr class="row_nav" onmouseover="this.className=\'row_nav_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'row_nav\';">
<td onclick="oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" valign="middle" align="left"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="3" alt=""></td>
<td onclick="oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" valign="bottom" align="left"><img src="'.$k.'" height="16" width="16" alt=""></td>
<td onclick="oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" valign="bottom" align="left"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="5" alt=""></td>
<td onclick="oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" valign="bottom" align="left" width="100%"><a href="javascript:oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" class="menu_blk">'.$titel.'</a></td>
<td onclick="oop(\''.$modul.'\', \''.$seite.'\', \''.$titel.'\', \''.$g.'\');" valign="middle" align="left"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1"></td>
function wb_draw_menu_spacer()
return '<tr>
<td colspan="5"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="14"></td>
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/SecureMailer.class.php';
require 'includes/WBModulHandler.class.php';
require 'includes/WBDesignHandler.class.php';
/* Konstanten */
define('RELATIVE_DIR', dir_add_trailing_backslash(dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])));
0,0 → 1,110
class WebBase_Module_Info
private $f_name;
private $f_author;
private $f_version;
private $f_language;
// 0 = Public Freeware
// 1 = Public Shareware
// 2 = Private Secured
// 3 = Personal WebBase-Core
// 4 = Personal WebBase-Enclosure
private $f_license;
function name() {
return $this->f_name;
function author() {
return $this->f_author;
function version() {
return $this->f_version;
function language() {
return $this->f_language;
function license() {
return $this->f_license;
function WebBase_Module_Info($name, $author, $version, $language, $license) {
$this->f_name = $name;
$this->f_author = $author;
$this->f_version = $version;
$this->f_language = $language;
$this->f_license = $license;
class WBModuleHandler {
private static $cache_module_information = Array();
function get_module_information($modulename)
if (isset(self::$cache_module_information[$modulename])) {
return self::$cache_module_information[$modulename];
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) $ss = getmicrotime();
$xml = new xml();
if ((!strpos($modulename, '..')) && (file_exists('modules/'.$modulename.'/info.xml')))
$object = $xml->xml_file_to_object('modules/'.$modulename.'/info.xml');
if ($object->name == 'moduleinfo')
$v_expected_name = '';
$v_author = '';
$v_version = '';
$v_language = '';
$v_license = '';
foreach ($object->children as $m1 => $m2)
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'expected_name') $v_expected_name = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'author') $v_author = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'version') $v_version = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'language') $v_language = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'license') $v_license = $object->children[$m1]->content;
$output = new WebBase_Module_Info($v_expected_name, $v_author, $v_version, $v_language, $v_license);
if ($output->caption == '') $output->caption = $modulename;
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
$ee = getmicrotime();
global $xml_time;
$xml_time += $ee-$ss;
global $xml_count;
self::$cache_module_information[$modulename] = $output;
return $output;
return NULL;
return NULL;
0,0 → 1,20
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$mysql_access_data['server'] = 'localhost';
$mysql_access_data['port'] = '';
$mysql_access_data['prefix'] = 'webbase_';
$mysql_access_data['username'] = 'root';
$mysql_access_data['password'] = '';
$mysql_access_data['database'] = 'webbase';
$mysql_access_data['use_mysqli'] = false;
$lock = 0;
$force_ssl = 0;
--- includes/configmanager.class.php (nonexistent)
+++ includes/configmanager.class.php (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
+class WBConfigManager {
+ private $revision = '?';
+ private $rev_datum = '?';
+ private $mysql_access_data_server = 'localhost';
+ private $mysql_access_data_port = '';
+ private $mysql_access_data_prefix = 'webbase_';
+ private $mysql_access_data_username = 'root';
+ private $mysql_access_data_password = '';
+ private $mysql_access_data_database = 'webbase';
+ private $mysql_access_data_use_mysqli = false;
+ private $lock = false;
+ private $force_ssl = false;
+ function getRevision() {
+ return $this->revision;
+ }
+ function getRevDatum() {
+ return $this->rev_datum;
+ }
+ function getMySQLServer() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_server;
+ }
+ function getMySQLPort() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_port;
+ }
+ function getMySQLPrefix() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_prefix;
+ }
+ function getMySQLUsername() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_username;
+ }
+ function getMySQLPassword() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_password;
+ }
+ function getMySQLDatabase() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_database;
+ }
+ function getMySQLUseMySQLI() {
+ return $this->mysql_access_data_use_mysqli;
+ }
+ function getLockFlag() {
+ return $this->lock;
+ }
+ function getForceSSLFlag() {
+ return $this->force_ssl;
+ }
+ function init() {
+ $revision = '?';
+ $rev_datum = '?';
+ if (file_exists('includes/')) {
+ include 'includes/';
+ }
+ $mysql_access_data = array();
+ $mysql_access_data['server'] = 'localhost';
+ $mysql_access_data['port'] = '';
+ $mysql_access_data['prefix'] = 'webbase_';
+ $mysql_access_data['username'] = 'root';
+ $mysql_access_data['password'] = '';
+ $mysql_access_data['database'] = 'webbase';
+ $mysql_access_data['use_mysqli'] = false;
+ $lock = false;
+ $force_ssl = false;
+ if (file_exists('includes/')) {
+ include 'includes/';
+ }
+ $this->revision = $revision;
+ $this->rev_datum = $rev_datum;
+ $this->mysql_access_data_server = $mysql_access_data['server'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_port = $mysql_access_data['port'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_prefix = $mysql_access_data['prefix'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_username = $mysql_access_data['username'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_password = $mysql_access_data['password'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_database = $mysql_access_data['database'];
+ $this->mysql_access_data_use_mysqli = $mysql_access_data['use_mysqli'];
+ $this->lock = $lock;
+ $this->force_ssl = $force_ssl;
+ }
0,0 → 1,62
// Secure Mailer PHP Class
// Revision: 2009-08-13
// (C) 2009 ViaThinkSoft
// QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM (C) Erich Kachel
class SecureMailer {
private $headers;
private function QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM($param_ = '', $level_ = 2) {
// Verhindert Mail-Header-Injections
// Quelle:
/* replace until done */
while ($param_ != $filtered || !isset($filtered)) {
if (isset($filtered)) {
$param_ = $filtered;
$filtered = preg_replace("/(Content-Transfer-Encoding:|MIME-Version:|content-type:|Subject:|to:|cc:|bcc:|from:|reply-to:)/ims", '', $param_);
if ($level_ >= 2) {
/* replace until done */
while ($param_ != $filtered || !isset($filtered)) {
if (isset($filtered)) {
$param_ = $filtered;
$filtered = preg_replace("/(%0A|\\\\r|%0D|\\\\n|%00|\\\\0|%09|\\\\t|%01|%02|%03|%04|%05|%06|%07|%08|%09|%0B|%0C|%0E|%0F|%10|%11|%12|%13)/ims", '', $param_);
return $param_;
private function getHeaders() {
return $this->headers;
function addHeader($name, $value) {
$this->headers .= $this->QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM($name).': '.$this->QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM($value)."\r\n";
// TODO: Braucht man auch ein addRawHeader()?
function sendMail($recipient, $subject, $message) {
return @mail($this->QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM($recipient),
$this->QB_SECURE_MAIL_PARAM($message, 1),
0,0 → 1,100
class WebBase_Design_Info
private $f_name;
private $f_author;
private $f_version;
// 0 = Third-Party-Product
// 1 = Official Product
private $f_license;
function name() {
return $this->f_name;
function author() {
return $this->f_author;
function version() {
return $this->f_version;
function license() {
return $this->f_license;
function WebBase_Design_Info($name, $author, $version, $license) {
$this->f_name = $name;
$this->f_author = $author;
$this->f_version = $version;
$this->f_license = $license;
class WBModuleHandler {
private static $cache_design_information = Array();
function get_design_information($designname)
if (isset(self::$cache_design_information[$designname])) {
return self::$cache_design_information[$designname];
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) $ss = getmicrotime();
$xml = new xml();
if ((!strpos($designname, '..')) && (file_exists('designs/'.$designname.'/info.xml')))
$object = $xml->xml_file_to_object('designs/'.$designname.'/info.xml');
if ($object->name == 'designinfo')
$v_name = '';
$v_author = '';
$v_version = '';
$v_license = '';
foreach ($object->children as $m1 => $m2)
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'name') $v_name = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'author') $v_author = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'version') $v_version = $object->children[$m1]->content;
if ($object->children[$m1]->name == 'license') $v_license = $object->children[$m1]->content;
$output = new WebBase_Design_Info($v_name, $v_author, $v_version, $v_license);
if ($output->name == '') $output->name = $designname;
if (function_exists('getmicrotime')) {
$ee = getmicrotime();
global $xml_time;
$xml_time += $ee-$ss;
global $xml_count;
self::$cache_design_information[$designname] = $output;
return $output;
return NULL;
return NULL;
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,9
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Revision-Informationen
$revision = '0.80 Developer';
$rev_datum = '12.08.2009';
0,0 → 1,25
require 'includes/';
echo $header;
?><h1>Cookies erforderlich</h1>
<p>Personal WebBase muss f&uuml;r die Sitzungsverwaltung ein Cookie
auf Ihrem Computer speicher, das die Sitzungsidentifikationsnummer
enth&auml;lt. Diese Techik der Datenspeicherung ist bedenkenlos und
gilt als sicher. Die Weitergabe der Sitzungsidentifikationsnummer
als GET oder POST Argument wird aus Sicherheitsgr&uuml;nden nicht
durchgef&uuml;hrt. Bitte konfigurieren Sie daher Ihren Browser so,
dass er die Cookies von Personal WebBase annimmt. Die System kann
sonst nicht genutzt werden.</p>
<p><a href="index.php">Einen weiteren Versuch starten</a></p>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($configuration[$m2]['enable_gast'] == '1') && ($configuration[$m2]['wipe_gastkonto']))
$rs = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".$configuration[$m2]['gast_username']."' AND MD5('".$configuration[$m2]['gast_password']."') = `password`");
if (db_num($rs) == 1)
$rw = db_fetch($rs);
$my_id = $rw['id'];
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `name` = 'last_wipe' AND CONCAT(`value`, ' ', '".$configuration[$m2]['wipe_uhrzeit']."') <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 1 DAY) AND `module` = '".db_escape($m2)."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$ary = explode(' ', db_time());
$dat = $ary[0];
wb_change_config('last_wipe', $dat, $m2);
foreach($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_database[$m1]['user_cnid']))
db_query("DELETE FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '$my_id'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `$m1`");
--- modules/guest_login/crossover/user_overview/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/crossover/user_overview/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+if (($configuration[$m2]['wipe_gastkonto']) && ($wb_user_type == 0))
+ wb_draw_table_content('30', '<b>!</b>', '', 'Der Datenbestand dieses Gastkontos wird t&auml;glich um <span class="red">'.$configuration[$m2]['wipe_uhrzeit'].' Uhr</span> gel&ouml;scht!', '', '');
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/guest_login/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('enable_gast', '0', $m2);
+wb_add_config('gast_username', 'test', $m2);
+wb_add_config('gast_password', 'iridium', $m2);
+wb_add_config('wipe_gastkonto', '0', $m2);
+wb_add_config('last_wipe', '0000-00-00', $m2);
+wb_add_config('wipe_uhrzeit', '03:00:00', $m2);
+$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = 'test'");
+if (db_num($res) == 0)
+ db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` (`username`, `email`, `banned`, `personal_name`, `password`, `created_database`, `last_login`) VALUES ('test', '', '0', 'Personal WebBase Testbenutzer', '".md5('iridium')."', NOW(), '0000-00-00 00:00:00')");
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/guest_login/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/guest_login/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>main_guest_login</expected_name>
+ <name>Gastzugang</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,79
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie den Gastzugang konfigurieren.<br><br>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
if ($configuration[$modul]['enable_gast'])
$zus = ' checked';
$zus = '';
if ($configuration[$modul]['wipe_gastkonto'])
$zus2 = ' checked';
$zus2 = '';
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td>Gastzugang aktivieren:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="gastaktivierung" value="1"<?php echo $zus; ?>></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="gastuser" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['gast_username']; ?>"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="gastpassword" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['gast_password']; ?>"></td>
<td>T&auml;gliche Datenleerung:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="checkbox" name="wipe_gastkonto" value="1"<?php echo $zus2; ?>></td>
$ary = explode(':', $configuration[$modul]['wipe_uhrzeit']);
<td>Uhrzeit der Datenleerung:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="wipe_uhrzeit1" size="3" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $ary[0]; ?>">
: <input type="text" name="wipe_uhrzeit2" size="3" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $ary[1]; ?>">
: <input type="text" name="wipe_uhrzeit3" size="3" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $ary[2]; ?>"> Uhr</td>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
echo $footer;
--- modules/guest_login/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,35
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
if ((!isset($gastaktivierung)) || (($gastaktivierung == '') || (($gastaktivierung != '') && ($gastaktivierung != '1')))) $gastaktivierung = 0;
if ((!isset($wipe_gastkonto)) || (($wipe_gastkonto == '') || (($wipe_gastkonto != '') && ($wipe_gastkonto != '1')))) $wipe_gastkonto = 0;
wb_change_config('enable_gast', $gastaktivierung, $modul);
wb_change_config('gast_username', $gastuser, $modul);
wb_change_config('gast_password', $gastpassword, $modul);
wb_change_config('wipe_gastkonto', $wipe_gastkonto, $modul);
if ((isset($wipe_uhrzeit1)) && (is_numeric($wipe_uhrzeit1)) && (isset($wipe_uhrzeit2)) && (is_numeric($wipe_uhrzeit2)) && (isset($wipe_uhrzeit3)) && (is_numeric($wipe_uhrzeit3)))
if (($wipe_uhrzeit1 >= 0) && ($wipe_uhrzeit1 <= 24) && ($wipe_uhrzeit2 >= 0) && ($wipe_uhrzeit2 <= 60) && ($wipe_uhrzeit3 >= 0) && ($wipe_uhrzeit3 <= 60))
if (strlen($wipe_uhrzeit1) == 1) $wipe_uhrzeit1 = '0'.$wipe_uhrzeit1;
if (strlen($wipe_uhrzeit2) == 1) $wipe_uhrzeit2 = '0'.$wipe_uhrzeit2;
if (strlen($wipe_uhrzeit3) == 1) $wipe_uhrzeit3 = '0'.$wipe_uhrzeit3;
$wipe_uhrzeit = $wipe_uhrzeit1.':'.$wipe_uhrzeit2.':'.$wipe_uhrzeit3;
wb_change_config('wipe_uhrzeit', $wipe_uhrzeit, $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
--- modules/guest_login/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if ($configuration[$modul]['enable_gast'])
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie sich in ein kostenloses, frei zug&auml;ngliches Personal WebBase-Konto auf diesem
Server einloggen. Dort k&ouml;nnen Sie die vielen M&ouml;glichkeiten von
Personal WebBase beliebig testen. Vielen Dank f&uuml;r das Interesse an Personal WebBase. Klicken Sie auf
&quot;Einloggen&quot;, um Gastzugriff zu erhalten.<br><br>
<form action="index.php" target="_parent" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="login_process" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="wb_user_type" value="0">
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" name="login" value="Einloggen">
echo '<span class="red">Der Serveradministrator hat den Zugriff auf ein Gastkonto deaktiviert.</span>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/guest_login/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/guest_login/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/systemcheck/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/systemcheck/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_systemcheck</expected_name>
+ <name>Systemcheck</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-07-13</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/systemcheck/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/systemcheck/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo $header;
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">';
+foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
+ if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'))
+ {
+ echo '<tr>';
+ echo '<td align="center" valign="top">';
+ if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
+ echo '<img src="modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif" alt="" width="32" height="32">';
+ else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png'))
+ echo '<img src="modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png" alt="" width="32" height="32">';
+ else
+ echo '<img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="32" height="32">';
+ echo '</td><td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="10" height="1"></td><td width="100%" valign="top" align="left">';
+ $module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
+ $meldung = '';
+ include 'modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/';
+ if ($meldung == '')
+ echo '<b>'.$m2.'</b> gab keine R&uuml;ckmeldung.';
+ else
+ echo '<b>'.$m2.'</b> hat folgende Nachricht zur&uuml;ckgegeben:<br><br>'.$meldung;
+ echo '</td></tr><tr><td colspan="3">&nbsp;</td></tr>';
+ }
+echo '<tr><td colspan="3">Der Systemcheck ist beendet.</td></tr></table>';
+echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/systemcheck/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/systemcheck/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/systemcheck/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/systemcheck/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,191
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// TODO: text-wrap mit css funktioniert nicht
// TODO: Adresse konfigurierbar machen
// "Es wird standardgemäß für jede Webseite eine W3C Markup Validation durchgeführt.
// ist das PEAR Package 'Services_W3C_HTMLValidator' (
// sowie eine lokale Installation des W3C-Validators ( installiert,
// wird die Validation direkt über die API ( durchgeführt.
// Ansonsten wird das Fragment zu folgender externen Seite gepostet und das Ergebnis geparsed. [Hier Adresse eingebbar machen]
// Warnung: Die Fragmentdaten enthalten alle Daten, die übertragen wurden inklusive Daten Ihrer Benutzer."
//define('URL_TO_VALIDATOR', '');
define('URL_TO_VALIDATOR', '');
// TODO: W3C Check auch komplett deaktivierbar machen
$w3c_check_enabled = true;
if (isset($configuration['common_debugger']['debug']) && ($configuration['common_debugger']['debug']))
if ($w3c_check_enabled) {
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/includes/w3c_fragment_checker.class.php')) {
include 'modules/'.$m2.'/includes/w3c_fragment_checker.class.php';
// Puffer der Seite auslesen
$buffered_output = ob_get_contents();
// Alle definierten Variablen
$dbg_def_vars = get_defined_vars();
$dbg_var_list = '';
foreach ($dbg_def_vars as $dbg_def_var_key => $dbg_def_var_val) {
$dbg_var_list .= '$'.$dbg_def_var_key."\r\n";
// Alle definierten Konstanten
$dbg_def_consts = get_defined_constants();
$dbg_const_list = '';
foreach ($dbg_def_consts as $dbg_def_const_key => $dbg_def_const_val) {
$dbg_const_list .= $dbg_def_const_key."\r\n";
// Alle definierten Benutzerfunktionen
$dbg_def_functs = get_defined_functions();
$dbg_user_funct_list = '';
foreach ($dbg_def_functs['user'] as $dbg_def_user_funct_key => $dbg_def_user_funct_val) {
$dbg_user_funct_list .= $dbg_def_user_funct_val."()\r\n";
// Alle deklarierten Klassen
$dbg_def_class = get_declared_classes();
$dbg_class_list = '';
foreach ($dbg_def_class as $dbg_def_class_key => $dbg_def_class_val) {
$dbg_class_list .= $dbg_def_class_val."\r\n";
// Alle deklarierten Interfaces
$dbg_def_interfaces = get_declared_interfaces();
$dbg_interfaces_list = '';
foreach ($dbg_def_interfaces as $dbg_def_interfaces_key => $dbg_def_interfaces_val) {
$dbg_interfaces_list .= $dbg_def_interfaces_val."\r\n";
// Sessiondaten Dump
$session_content .= ob_get_contents();
// Seite automatisch auf W3C-Konformität prüfen
if ($w3c_check_enabled) {
$dbg_w3c_start_time = getmicrotime();
$dbg_w3c_check_result = w3c_fragment_checker::auto_perform_w3c_check($buffered_output, add_trailing_path_delimiter(URL_TO_VALIDATOR));
if (is_null($dbg_w3c_check_result)) {
$dbg_w3c_check_result_text = '<span class="warning"><b>Fehler bei W3C-Pr&uuml;fung!</b></span>';
} else if ($dbg_w3c_check_result) {
$dbg_w3c_check_result_text = '<span class="green"><b>Seite ist W3C-Konform!</b></span>';
} else {
$dbg_w3c_check_result_text = '<span class="red"><b>Seite ist nicht W3C-Konform!</b></span>';
$dbg_w3c_end_time = getmicrotime();
$dbg_w3c_time = $dbg_w3c_end_time - $dbg_w3c_start_time;
} else {
$dbg_w3c_check_result_text = '<span class="grey"><b>W3C-Pr&uuml;fung ist abgeschaltet!</b></span>';
$dbg_w3c_time = 0;
// Zeitberechnungen
$time_end = getmicrotime();
$time = round($time_end - $time_start + $dbg_w3c_time, 4);
$time2 = round($mysql_time, 4);
$time3 = round($xml_time, 4);
$time5 = round($dbg_w3c_time, 4);
$time4 = $time - $time2 - $time3 - $time5;
$time_analyze = "Seite in $time Sekunden generiert ($mysql_count MySQL-Anfragen: $time2; $xml_count XML-Anfragen: $time3; W3C-Anfrage: $time5; Rest: $time4)";
// TODO: Status für dieses Toggle merken ( )
// TODO: Ein- und Ausklappen anderer Text...
// IDEE: Togglefunktion ins Framework nehmen?
$debugging = '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function toggleDebug() {
var id = "pwb_debug_mode";
if(document.getElementById(id).style.display == "none")
document.getElementById(id).style.display = "block";
document.getElementById(id).style.display = "none";
// -->
<div id="pwb_debug_mode" style="display:none"><hr><center><span class="red"><font size="+1"><b>Debug-Modus</b></font></span>
<form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.add_trailing_path_delimiter(URL_TO_VALIDATOR).'check" target="_blank">
<input type="hidden" name="fragment" value="'.htmlentities($buffered_output).'">
<input type="submit" value="Ergebnis anzeigen" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$sql_transkript.'</textarea>
<p><b>Session-Inhalt (Name: '.session_name().', ID: '.session_id().')</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$session_content.'</textarea>
<p><b>Definierte Variablen</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$dbg_var_list.'</textarea>
<p><b>Definierte Konstanten</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$dbg_const_list.'</textarea>
<p><b>Definierte Funktionen</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$dbg_user_funct_list.'</textarea>
<p><b>Deklarierte Klassen</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$dbg_class_list.'</textarea>
<p><b>Deklarierte Interfaces</b></p>
<textarea cols="100" rows="10" style="text-wrap:none">'.$dbg_interfaces_list.'</textarea>
<p align="center">[ <a href="javascript:toggleDebug()">Debug-Modus anzeigen/verstecken</a> ]</p>';
echo str_replace('</body>', $debugging.'</body>', $buffered_output);
0,0 → 1,20
function getmicrotime() {
list($usec, $sec) = explode(' ', microtime());
return ((float)$usec + (float)$sec);
$time_start = getmicrotime();
$mysql_count = 0;
$mysql_time = 0;
$xml_count = 0;
$xml_time = 0;
// Required hard coded in includes/ db_query()
function dbg_log_db_query($query) {
global $sql_transkript;
$sql_transkript .= date('d.m.Y H:i:s')."\t$query\r\n";
0,0 → 1,8
if (isset($configuration['common_debugger']['debug']) && ($configuration['common_debugger']['debug']))
--- modules/debugger/static_core/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/static_core/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (isset($configuration[$m2]['debug']) && ($configuration[$m2]['debug']))
$meldung .= 'Der Debug-Modus ist eingeschaltet! Der SQL-Datenverkehr wird am Seitenfu&szlig; angezeigt, was ein Sicherheitsrisiko darstellt.';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/debugger/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('debug', '0', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/debugger/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/debugger/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,91
class w3c_fragment_checker {
public static function perform_external_w3c_check($fragment, $validator_url) {
if ($fragment == '') return true; // Damit es nicht zu einer 302-Endlosschleife kommt, wenn Fragment='' ist!
$w3c_check_conn = new HTTPClass;
$w3c_check_conn->connection_checker = 'inetconn_ok';
$w3c_check_conn->error_level = HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS;
$w3c_check_conn->use_post_method = true;
$w3c_check_conn->user_agent = WBUserAgent();
$w3c_check_conn->additional_fields['Referer'] = $validator_url;
$w3c_check_conn->additional_fields['Content-type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
$w3c_check_conn_res = $w3c_check_conn->execute_http_request($validator_url.'check', 'fragment='.urlencode($fragment));
if ($w3c_check_conn_res->error != HTTPC_NO_ERROR) {
return NULL; // Fehler
} else {
/* $pos = strpos($w3c_check_conn_res->content, '<h2 class="valid">');
if ($pos !== false) {
$ret_status = 'Valid';
} else {
$pos = strpos($w3c_check_conn_res->content, '<h2 id="results" class="invalid">');
if ($pos !== false) {
$ret_status = 'Invalid';
} else {
$ret_status = 'Abort';
} */
// Ab Version 0.8.0 wäre x-w3c-validator-status = Abort.
// Darunter ist x-w3c-validator-status gar nicht vorhanden
if (isset($w3c_check_conn_res->header['x-w3c-validator-status'])) {
$ret_status = $w3c_check_conn_res->header['x-w3c-validator-status'];
} else {
$ret_status = 'Abort';
if ($ret_status == 'Valid') {
return true;
} else if ($ret_status == 'Invalid') {
return false;
} else {
return NULL; // Fehler
public static function local_w3c_check_possible() {
@include_once 'Services/W3C/HTMLValidator.php';
return class_exists('Services_W3C_HTMLValidator');
public static function perform_local_w3c_check($fragment) {
if ($fragment == '') return true; // Damit diese Funktion kein anderes Ergebnis als perform_external_w3c_check() liefert.
// Es gibt extrem viele Strict-Fehler im PEAR... Wir dürfen kein E_STRICT hier verwenden
$old_err_rep = ini_get('error_reporting');
// PEAR hat einen Notice Fehler, wenn ein Nicht-UTF8-Zeichen in der HTML vorhanden ist
// error_reporting(E_NOTICE);
error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE);
require_once 'Services/W3C/HTMLValidator.php';
$validator = new Services_W3C_HTMLValidator();
$res = $validator->validateFragment($fragment);
ini_set('error_reporting', $old_err_rep);
if (isset($res->validity)) {
return $res->validity;
} else {
return null;
public static function auto_perform_w3c_check($fragment, $validator_url, $force_external_check = false) {
if ((self::local_w3c_check_possible()) && (!$force_external_check)) {
return self::perform_local_w3c_check($fragment);
} else {
return self::perform_external_w3c_check($fragment, $validator_url);
--- modules/debugger/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_debugger</expected_name>
+ <name>Debug-Steuerung</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,39
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Konfigurationen des Modules vornehmen.<br><br>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
if ($configuration[$modul]['debug'] == '1')
$zus = 'checked';
$zus = '';
<input type="checkbox" name="enabledebug" value="1"<?php echo $zus; ?>> Debugmodus aktivieren<br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
--- modules/debugger/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,22
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
if ((!isset($enabledebug)) || (($enabledebug == '') || (($enabledebug != '') && ($enabledebug != '1')))) $enabledebug = 0;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
if ($enabledebug)
$enabledebug = '1';
$enabledebug = '0';
wb_change_config('debug', $enabledebug, $modul);
--- modules/debugger/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/debugger/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,53
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
$fehler = false;
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration[$m2]['ftp-server'], $configuration[$m2]['ftp-port']);
$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration[$m2]['ftp-username'], $configuration[$m2]['ftp-password']);
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Die FTP-Zugangsdaten sind falsch! Bitte korrigieren Sie diese.</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (substr($configuration[$m2]['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration[$m2]['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/'))
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Das FTP-Verzeichnis muss einen abschlie&szlig;enden Slash (/) erhalten!</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (substr($configuration[$m2]['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/'))
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Das FTP-Verzeichnis muss mit einem Slash (/) beginnen!</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration[$m2]['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/moddir.txt') == -1))
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Kann modules/moddir.txt nicht finden. Zeigt das FTP-Verzeichnis wirklich auf Personal WebBase?</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration[$m2]['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/desdir.txt') == -1))
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Kann designs/desdir.txt nicht finden. Zeigt das FTP-Verzeichnis wirklich auf Personal WebBase?</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ($fehler)
$meldung .= '<br><a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($m2, 'config', 'admin_configuration').'">Konfigurationswerte bearbeiten</a>.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Es gibt derzeit kein Problem mit den FTP-Zugangsdaten.</span>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/directftp/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/directftp/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('ftp-server', '', $m2);
+wb_add_config('ftp-port', '21', $m2);
+wb_add_config('ftp-username', '', $m2);
+wb_add_config('ftp-password', '', $m2);
+wb_add_config('ftp-verzeichnis', '', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/directftp/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/directftp/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/directftp/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/directftp/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_directftp</expected_name>
+ <name>FTP-Direktzugriff</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-09</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,119
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'ftpserver\').focus();"', $header);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Damit einige Module korrekt funktionieren k&ouml;nnen, wird ein g&uuml;ltiger FTP-Zugang mit Schreibzugriff auf das Personal WebBase-Verzeichnis ben&ouml;tigt. Das Verzeichnis muss mit abschlie&szlig;endem Slash angegeben werden (z.B. /html/webbase/ bei Confixx-Systemen oder /webbase/ bei Nicht-Confixx-Systemen).<br><br>';
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration[$modul]['ftp-server'], $configuration[$modul]['ftp-port']);
$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration[$modul]['ftp-username'], $configuration[$modul]['ftp-password']);
$fehler = false;
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
echo '<span class="red">Die FTP-Zugangsdaten sind falsch! Bitte korrigieren Sie diese.</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (substr($configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/'))
echo '<span class="red">Das FTP-Verzeichnis muss einen abschlie&szlig;enden Slash (/) erhalten!</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (substr($configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/'))
echo '<span class="red">Das FTP-Verzeichnis muss mit einem Slash (/) beginnen!</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/moddir.txt') == -1))
echo '<span class="red">Kann modules/moddir.txt nicht finden. Zeigt das FTP-Verzeichnis wirklich auf Personal WebBase?</span>';
$fehler = true;
if ((!$fehler) && (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/desdir.txt') == -1))
echo '<span class="red">Kann designs/desdir.txt nicht finden. Zeigt das FTP-Verzeichnis wirklich auf Personal WebBase?</span>';
$fehler = true;
if (!$fehler)
echo 'Es gibt derzeit kein Problem mit den FTP-Zugangsdaten.';
echo '<br><br>';
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function subm_form(act)
if (act == 0)
document.forms["mainform"].elements["zwischenspeichern"].value = "0";
if (act == 1)
document.forms["mainform"].elements["zwischenspeichern"].value = "1";
// -->
<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="zwischenspeichern" value="0">'; ?>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" id="ftpserver" name="ftpserver" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['ftp-server']; ?>"> : <input type="text" size="5" name="ftpport" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['ftp-port']; ?>"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="ftpuser" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['ftp-username']; ?>"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="ftppassword" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['ftp-password']; ?>"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" name="ftpverzeichnis" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['ftp-verzeichnis']; ?>"></td>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input onclick="subm_form(1);" type="button" value="Zwischenspeichern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
<input onclick="subm_form(0);" type="button" value="Speichern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/directftp/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/directftp/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,29
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
wb_change_config('ftp-server', db_escape($ftpserver), $modul);
wb_change_config('ftp-username', db_escape($ftpuser), $modul);
wb_change_config('ftp-password', db_escape($ftppassword), $modul);
wb_change_config('ftp-verzeichnis', db_escape($ftpverzeichnis), $modul);
if ((isset($ftpport)) && (is_numeric($ftpport)))
wb_change_config('ftp-port', db_escape($ftpport), $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
if ((isset($zwischenspeichern)) && ($zwischenspeichern == '1'))
--- modules/directftp/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/directftp/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,8
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_add_config('enable_userreg', '0', $m2);
wb_add_config('sperrdauer', '30', $m2);
--- modules/register/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/register/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/register/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/register/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>main_register</expected_name>
+ <name>Registrierung</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,41
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Konfigurationen des Modules vornehmen.<br><br>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
if ($configuration[$modul]['enable_userreg'] == '1')
$zus = 'checked';
$zus = '';
<input type="checkbox" name="allowuserreg" value="1"<?php echo $zus; ?>> Benutzerregistrierung zulassen<br><br>
Sperrdauer nach Registrierung: <input type="text" name="sperrdauer" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['sperrdauer']; ?>" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" size="5"> Minuten<br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
--- modules/register/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/register/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,19
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
if ((!isset($allowuserreg)) || (($allowuserreg == '') || (($allowuserreg != '') && ($allowuserreg != '1')))) $allowuserreg = 0;
wb_change_config('enable_userreg', $allowuserreg, $modul);
if ((isset($sperrdauer)) && (is_numeric($sperrdauer)))
wb_change_config('sperrdauer', $sperrdauer, $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
--- modules/register/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/register/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,105
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'rusername\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `creator_ip` = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' AND `created_database` >= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".db_escape($configuration[$modul]['sperrdauer'])." MINUTE)");
if (db_num($res))
die($footer.'<span class="red">Sie k&ouml;nnen mit dieser IP-Adresse nur jede '.$configuration[$modul]['sperrdauer'].' Minuten ein neues Konto er&ouml;ffnen!</span>'.$header);
if ($configuration[$modul]['enable_userreg'])
$ok = true;
if (isset($reg) && ($reg == '1'))
$ok = false;
if (($rusername == '') || ($rpersonal_name == '') || ($rpassword == '') || ($rpassword2 == ''))
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler:</b> Sie m&uuml;ssen die erforderlichen Fehler ausf&uuml;llen, um sich zu registrieren.</span><br><br>';
$ok = true;
if ($rpassword != $rpassword2)
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler:</b> Die zwei Passw&ouml;rter stimmen nicht &uuml;berein.</span><br><br>';
$ok = true;
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($rusername)."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler:</b> Der Benutzername &quot;'.$rusername.'&quot; ist bereits vergeben.</span><br><br>';
$ok = true;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` (`username`, `personal_name`, `password`, `email`, `created_database`, `creator_ip`) VALUES ('".db_escape($rusername)."', '".db_escape($rpersonal_name)."', '".md5($rpassword)."', '".db_escape($remail)."', NOW(), '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."')");
echo '<b>Sie haben Ihr Konto auf diesem Personal WebBase-Server erfolgreich registriert.</b><br><br>Das Konto ist sofort verwendbar. Wir w&uuml;nschen Ihnen viel Freude mit Personal WebBase!';
if ($ok)
if (!isset($rusername)) $rusername = '';
if (!isset($rpersonal_name)) $rpersonal_name = '';
if (!isset($rpassword)) $rpassword = '';
if (!isset($rpassword2)) $rpassword2 = '';
if (!isset($remail)) $remail = '';
echo '<b>Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie sich ein Konto auf diesem Personal WebBase-Server errichten.</b><br><br>
Die Angabe einer E-Mail-Adresse ist optional.<br><br>
<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="frm">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="reg" value="1">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="rusername" id="rusername" value="'.$rusername.'"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="rpersonal_name" value="'.$rpersonal_name.'"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="rpassword" value="'.$rpassword.'"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="rpassword2" value="'.$rpassword2.'"></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="remail" value="'.$remail.'"></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Registrieren">
echo '<span class="red">Das Registrieren bei Personal WebBase wurde von dem Administrator nicht aktiviert.</span>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/register/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/register/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,77
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Datenbankreinigung: IDs sammeln
$faecher = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$faecher .= "'".$row['id']."', ";
$faecher = substr($faecher, 0, strlen($faecher)-2);
$jahrgaenge = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$jahrgaenge .= "'".$row['id']."', ";
$jahrgaenge = substr($jahrgaenge, 0, strlen($jahrgaenge)-2);
// Alle Noten löschen, zu denen kein gültiges Fach/Jahrgang gefunden wurde.
if (($faecher != '') && ($jahrgaenge != ''))
$add = "WHERE `fach_cnid` NOT IN ($faecher) OR `year_cnid` NOT IN ($jahrgaenge)";
$add = '';
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten`$add");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten`");
// Alle Fächer löschen, zu denen kein gültiger Jahrgang gefunden wurde.
if ($jahrgaenge != '')
$add = "WHERE `year_cnid` NOT IN ($jahrgaenge)";
$add = '';
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher`$add");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher`");
// Alle Hausaufgaben löschen, zu denen kein gültiges Fach/Jahrgang gefunden wurde.
if (($faecher != '') && ($jahrgaenge != ''))
$add = "WHERE `fach_cnid` NOT IN ($faecher) OR `year_cnid` NOT IN ($jahrgaenge)";
$add = '';
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben`$add");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben`");
--- modules/school/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/school/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,39
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('schule_jahrgaenge', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'notensystem', "bigint(11) NOT NULL default '0'",
'jahr', "varchar(4)");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'schule_jahrgaenge', 1);
wb_newdatabasetable('schule_faecher', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'year_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'wertungsfaktor', "bigint(11) NOT NULL default '1'",
'positiv', "float NOT NULL default '0'",
'negativ', "float NOT NULL default '0'");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'schule_faecher', 0);
wb_newdatabasetable('schule_noten', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'year_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'fach_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'wertung', "varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''",
'note', "varchar(5) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'schule_noten', 0);
wb_newdatabasetable('schule_hausaufgaben', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'year_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'fach_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'text', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'schule_hausaufgaben', 0);
--- modules/school/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/school/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('schule_jahrgaenge', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img alt="" src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Link"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['jahr'].': '.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Anzeigen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/school/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/school/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,22
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).' - Jahrg&auml;nge</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'schule_jahrgaenge', 'ORDER BY `jahr`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Neuen Jahrgang hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,96
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Schuljahrgang</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Schuljahrgang bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$jahr = (isset($row['jahr'])) ? $row['jahr'] : '';
$kommentare = (isset($row['kommentare'])) ? $row['kommentare'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$notensystem = (isset($row['notensystem'])) ? $row['notensystem'] : '';
$name = '';
$jahr = date('Y');
$kommentare = '';
$notensystem = 0;
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Detailierte Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Anfangsjahr:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="jahr" value="'.$jahr.'" size="6"></td>
<td valign="top">Notensystem:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="radio" name="notensystem" value="0"'; if ($notensystem == 0) echo ' checked'; echo '> <b>6-Stufiges Standard Notensystem</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deutschland, Standard Notensystem<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Schweiz, Standard Notensystem<br><br>
<input type="radio" name="notensystem" value="1"'; if ($notensystem == 1) echo ' checked'; echo '> <b>15-Punkte Notensystem</b><br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deutschland, Gymnasiale Oberstufe<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Deutschland, Fachabitur</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,292
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function abschnitt_bei_stelle($zahl, $stelle)
return ((floor($zahl*pow(10,$stelle)))/pow(10,$stelle));
echo $header;
if (($category != 'faecher') && ($category != 'noten') && ($category != 'auswertung') && ($category != 'hausaufgaben') && ($category != 'striche'))
$category = 'faecher';
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($id)."';");
if (db_num($res) == 0) die('<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Datensatz nicht gefunden oder keine Berechtigung!');
$rw = db_fetch($res);
echo '<center>[ ';
if ($category == 'faecher')
echo 'Schulf&auml;cher';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category=faecher">Schulf&auml;cher</a>';
echo ' | ';
if ($category == 'noten')
echo 'Noten';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category=noten">Noten</a>';
echo ' | ';
if ($category == 'auswertung')
echo 'Auswertung';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category=auswertung">Auswertung</a>';
echo ' | ';
if ($category == 'hausaufgaben')
echo 'Hausaufgaben';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category=hausaufgaben">Hausaufgaben</a>';
echo ' | ';
if ($category == 'striche')
echo 'Striche';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category=striche">Striche</a>';
echo ' ]</center><br><br>
<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$category.'">
<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="yes">';
if ($category == 'faecher')
if (isset($sent) && ($sent))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` (`user_cnid`, `year_cnid`, `name`, `wertungsfaktor`) VALUES ('".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($id)."', '".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($wertungsfaktor)."')");
if (isset($delete) && ($delete))
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($delete)."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher`");
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `wertungsfaktor`, `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Wertungsfaktor</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
wb_draw_table_content('100%', $row['name'], '', $row['wertungsfaktor'], '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;delete='.$row['id'].'\')">L&ouml;schen</a>');
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Neues Schulfach anlegen:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="25" height="1" alt=""><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name">', '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wertungsfaktor" value="1">', '', '<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value)="Anlegen">');
if ($category == 'noten')
if (isset($sent) && ($sent))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten` (`user_cnid`, `year_cnid`, `fach_cnid`, `name`, `wertung`, `note`) VALUES ('".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($id)."', '".db_escape($fach)."', '".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($wertung)."', '".db_escape($note)."')");
if (isset($delete) && ($delete))
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($delete)."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten`");
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `fach_cnid`, `name`, `wertung`, `note` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Wertung</b>', '', '<b>Note</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Wertung</b>', '', '<b>Notenpunkte</b>', '', '<b>Note</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row['fach_cnid'])."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row2 = db_fetch($res2);
$fach = $row2['name'];
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach, '', $row['name'], '', $row['wertung'], '', $row['note'], '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;delete='.$row['id'].'\')">L&ouml;schen</a>');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach, '', $row['name'], '', $row['wertung'], '', $row['note'], '', abschnitt_bei_stelle(6-($row['note']/15)*5, 2), '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;delete='.$row['id'].'">L&ouml;schen</a>');
$fach_dropdown = '<select name="fach">';
$faecher_vorhanden = false;
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$fach_dropdown .= '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['name'].'</option>';
$faecher_vorhanden = true;
$fach_dropdown .= '</select>';
if ($faecher_vorhanden)
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach_dropdown, '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name">', '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wertung">', '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="note">', '', '<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Eintragen">');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach_dropdown, '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name">', '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wertung">', '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="note">', '', '<img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="115" height="1" alt="">', '', '<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Eintragen">');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
if ($category == 'auswertung')
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Wertungsfaktor</b>', '', '<b>Bewertungen</b>', '', '<b>Durchschnitt</b>');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Wertungsfaktor</b>', '', '<b>Bewertungen</b>', '', '<b>Durchschnitt</b>', '', '<b>Note</b>');
$sum_c = 0;
$sum = 0;
$sum2 = 0;
$faecher_vorhanden = false;
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `wertungsfaktor` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$faecher_vorhanden = true;
$sum_note = 0;
$sum_wertung = 0;
$c_id = 0;
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `note`, `wertung` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_noten` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `fach_cnid` = '".$row['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
while ($row3 = db_fetch($res3))
if (strpos($row3['wertung'], '/') === false)
$sum_note += $row3['note']*$row3['wertung'];
$sum_wertung += $row3['wertung'];
$ary = explode('/', $row3['wertung']);
if ($ary[1] <> 0)
$temp_wertung = $ary[0]/$ary[1];
$sum_note += $row3['note']*$temp_wertung;
$sum_wertung += $temp_wertung;
if ($sum_wertung <> 0)
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['name'], '', $row['wertungsfaktor'], '', $c_id, '', round($sum_note/$sum_wertung, 2));
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['name'], '', $row['wertungsfaktor'], '', $c_id, '', round($sum_note/$sum_wertung, 2), '', abschnitt_bei_stelle(6-(($sum_note/$sum_wertung)/15)*5, 2));
$sum2 += $c_id;
$sum_c += $row['wertungsfaktor'];
$sum += $row['wertungsfaktor']*($sum_note/$sum_wertung);
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['name'], '', $row['wertungsfaktor'], '', $c_id, '', '-');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['name'], '', $row['wertungsfaktor'], '', $c_id, '', '-', '', '-');
if ($faecher_vorhanden)
if ($sum_c == 0)
$durchschnitt = '-';
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
$transform = '-';
$durchschnitt = round($sum/$sum_c, 2);
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
$transform = abschnitt_bei_stelle(6-(($sum/$sum_c)/15)*5, 2);
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Gesamtdurchschnitt</b>', '', '', '', '<b>'.$sum2.'</b>', '', '<b>'.$durchschnitt.'</b>');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Gesamtdurchschnitt</b>', '', '', '', '<b>'.$sum2.'</b>', '', '<b>'.$durchschnitt.'</b>', '', '<b>'.$transform.'</b>');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '', '', '');
if ($rw['notensystem'] == 1)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
if ($category == 'hausaufgaben')
if (isset($sent) && ($sent))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben` (`user_cnid`, `year_cnid`, `fach_cnid`, `text`) VALUES ('".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($id)."', '".db_escape($fach)."', '".db_escape($text)."')");
if (isset($delete) && ($delete))
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($delete)."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben`");
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `fach_cnid`, `text` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_hausaufgaben` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Text</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row['fach_cnid'])."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row2 = db_fetch($res2);
$fach = $row2['name'];
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach, '', $row['text'], '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;delete='.$row['id'].'\')">L&ouml;schen</a>');
$faecher_vorhanden = false;
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$fach_dropdown = '<select name="fach">';
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$faecher_vorhanden = true;
$fach_dropdown .= '<option value="'.$row['id'].'">'.$row['name'].'</option>';
$fach_dropdown .= '</select>';
if ($faecher_vorhanden)
wb_draw_table_content('', $fach_dropdown, '', '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="text">', '', '<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Eintragen">');
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '');
if ($category == 'striche')
if (isset($plus) && ($plus <> '') && ($what == 'pos'))
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` SET `positiv` = `positiv` + '".db_escape($amount)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($plus)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (isset($plus) && ($plus <> '') && ($what == 'neg'))
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` SET `negativ` = `negativ` + '".db_escape($amount)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($plus)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$faecher_vorhanden = false;
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `positiv`, `negativ`, `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_faecher` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `year_cnid` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Fach</b>', '', '<b>Positiv</b>', '', '', '', '', '', '<b>Negativ</b>', '', '', '', '');
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$faecher_vorhanden = true;
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['name'], '', round($row['positiv'], 2), '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=1&amp;what=pos">+1.00</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=0.5&amp;what=pos">+0.50</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=0.25&amp;what=pos">+0.25</a>',
'', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-1&amp;what=pos">-1.00</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-0.5&amp;what=pos">-0.50</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-0.25&amp;what=pos">-0.25</a>',
'', round($row['negativ'], 2), '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=1&amp;what=neg">+1.00</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=0.5&amp;what=neg">+0.50</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=0.25&amp;what=neg">+0.25</a>',
'', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-1&amp;what=neg">-1.00</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-0.5&amp;what=neg">-0.50</a> <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;category='.$category.'&amp;plus='.$row['id'].'&amp;amount=-0.25&amp;what=neg">-0.25</a>');
if (!$faecher_vorhanden)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Bitte zuerst <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&modul='.$modul.'&category=faecher&id='.$id.'">F&auml;cher anlegen</a>!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
echo '</form>';
echo $footer;
--- modules/school/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/school/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `jahr` = '".db_escape($jahr)."', `notensystem` = '".db_escape($notensystem)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge` (`name`, `jahr`, `notensystem`, `user_cnid`, `folder_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($jahr)."', `notensystem` = '".db_escape($notensystem)."', '".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($folder)."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."schule_jahrgaenge`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('access_data', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'url', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'status', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'text', "longtext NOT NULL");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'access_data', 1);
--- modules/access_data/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/access_data/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('access_data', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Zugangsdaten"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="1" height="1" alt="">', '', '', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/access_data/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/access_data/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/access_data/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/access_data/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_access_data</expected_name>
+ <name>Zugangsdaten</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/access_data/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/access_data/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,9
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'access_data', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Neue Zugangsinformation hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,140
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
$zugangsdaten_status[1] = 'Funktioniert';
$zugangsdaten_status[2] = 'Abgemeldet';
$zugangsdaten_status[3] = 'Gesperrt';
$zugangsdaten_status[4] = 'Unbekannt';
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neue Zugangsinformation</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Zugangsinformation bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT name, folder, text, url, status FROM ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."zugangsdaten WHERE id = '".db_escape($id)."' AND user = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$url = (isset($row['url'])) ? $row['url'] : '';
$text = (isset($row['text'])) ? $row['text'] : '';
$status = (isset($row['status'])) ? $row['status'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$url = 'http://';
$text = '';
$status = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
?><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function subm_form(act)
if (act == 0)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_self';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'operate';
if (act == 1)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_blank';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'test_url';
// -->
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Detailierte Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Status:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><select name="status">';
for ($i=1; $zugangsdaten_status[$i] != ''; $i++)
if ($status == $i)
$x = 'selected';
$x = '';
echo '<option value="'.$i.'"'.$x.'>'.$zugangsdaten_status[$i].'</option>';
echo '</select></td>
<td valign="top">Webseite:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="url" value="'.$url.'" size="50"> [<a href="javascript:subm_form(1);">Besuchen</a>]</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Inhalt der Zugangsinformation</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Text:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="text" cols="40" rows="8">'.$text.'</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:subm_form(0);">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/access_data/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/access_data/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
$res = db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."access_data` (`name`, `url`, `text`, `folder_cnid`, `status`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($url)."', '".db_escape($text)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($status)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."access_data` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `url` = '".db_escape($url)."', `text` = '".db_escape($text)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `status` = '".db_escape($status)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."access_data` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."access_data`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/newsletter/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/newsletter/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_newsletter</expected_name>
+ <name>Rundschreiben</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
0,0 → 1,24
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'message\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'M&ouml;chten Sie Ihren Mitgliedern etwas mitteilen? Dies k&ouml;nnen Sie hier tun.<br><br>';
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="send">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<center><textarea rows="20" cols="75" name="message" id="message"></textarea><br><br>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Nachricht absenden"></center>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/newsletter/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/newsletter/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,35
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'send')
$nachricht = "Diese Nachricht wird Ihnen von dem Administrator des Servers \"".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."\", beidem Sie sich ein Personal WebBase-Konto eingerichtet haben, gesendet. Es handelt sich hierbei um ein Rundschreiben, das an alle nicht banneden Benutzer des Personal WebBase-Servers gerichtet ist. Bitte melden Sie Spam dem zustängigen Verwalter.\n\n-----------------------------------------\n\n".utf8_decode(decode_critical_html_characters($message));
$res = db_query("SELECT `email` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `email` != '' AND `banned` = '0'");
$betreff = 'Personal WebBase Rundschreiben';
$mailer = new SecureMailer();
if (($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'] != '') && (check_email($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'])))
$mailer->addHeader('From', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('Content-Type', 'text/plain; charset=utf-8');
$mailer->addHeader('X-Mailer', WBUserAgent());
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
if (isset($row['email']) && ($row['email'] != '') && (check_email($row['email'])))
if ((!mailer->sendMail($row['email'], $betreff, $nachricht) && (function_exists('fehler_melden'))))
fehler_melden($modul, '<b>Mailsendung fehlgeschlagen!</b><br><br>Das Senden einer E-Mail mit dem Betreff &quot;'.$betreff.'&quot; an &quot;'.$row['email'].'&quot; ist fehlgeschlagen!');
--- modules/newsletter/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/newsletter/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,8
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($configuration[$m2]['passivcron'] == '1')
wb_draw_table_content('30', '<b>!</b>', '', 'Der Server-Crondienst ist gest&ouml;rt oder deaktiviert! Das System ist dadurch bei Benutzeranfragen st&auml;rker ausgelastet.', '', '');
--- modules/cronjob/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+$meldung = '';
+if ($configuration[$m2]['passivcron'] == '1')
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Der serverseitige Crondienst ist auf diesem Server gest&ouml;rt oder deaktiviert!</span>';
+ $url = '';
+ if ($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'] != '')
+ {
+ $url .= '?url=';
+ if ($WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag())
+ $url .= 'https://';
+ else
+ $url .= 'http://';
+ $url .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].str_replace('\\', '/', dirname($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']));
+ }
+ $meldung .= '<br>Tipp: <a href="'.deferer($url).'" target="_blank">Jetzt ViaThinkSoft-Promoting kostenlos nutzen!</a>';
+ $meldung .= '<span class="green">Der serverseitige Crondienst ist im Moment auf diesem Server in Ordnung!</span>';
+$meldung .= '<br>Der letzte Crondurchlauf war am <b>'.de_convertmysqldatetime($configuration[$m2]['last_cronjob']).'</b> durch einen <b>';
+if ($configuration[$m2]['passivcron'] == '1')
+ $meldung .= 'passiven';
+ $meldung .= 'aktiven';
+$meldung .= ' Aufruf</b>.';
+if ($configuration[$m2]['passivcron'] == '0')
+ $meldung .= '<br>Der letzte Aufruf wurde ';
+ if ($configuration[$m2]['lastpromoter'] == '')
+ $meldung .= 'von der <b>Shell</b> durchgef&uuml;hrt';
+ else
+ $meldung .= 'von einem fremden Rechner durchgef&uuml;hrt (promoting): <a href="'.deferer('http://'.$configuration[$m2]['lastpromoter'].'/').'" target="_blank"><b>'.$configuration[$m2]['lastpromoter'].'</b></a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/cronjob/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('last_cronjob', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', $m2);
+wb_add_config('passivcron', '0', $m2);
+wb_add_config('lastpromoter', '', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Server-Cronjobs sind ausgeschaltet... (Über 2 Minuten kein Cron)
// -> Zwangsweise über HTTP-Abruf!
$rsc = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `name` = 'last_cronjob' AND `value` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 2 MINUTE)");
if (db_num($rsc) > 0)
$footer = '<img src="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$m2.'&amp;seite=run&amp;passiv=1" alt="" width="1" height="1">'.$footer;
wb_change_config('passivcron', '1', $m2);
--- modules/cronjob/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/cronjob/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_cronjob</expected_name>
+ <name>Cronjobs</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
--- modules/cronjob/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,112
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function cron_shutdown()
global $modul;
global $passiv;
global $logge_fehler;
global $out;
if ($logge_fehler)
$out = ob_get_contents();
if ((ob_get_level() > 0) || (ob_get_length() !== FALSE))
if (($out != '') && (function_exists('fehler_melden')))
db_connect(); // Durch die übliche Shutdown-Funktion ist die DB-Verbindung bereits getrennt
fehler_melden($modul, '<b>Cron-Ausgabe nicht leer</b><br><br>Der Crondurchlauf ist unsauber, da ein Modul Ausgaben verursacht. Dies zeigt in der Regel eine St&ouml;rung des Systems oder eine Fehlfunktion der Module. Die komplette Ausgabe des Crondurchlaufes ist:<br><br>'.$out);
// Cron-Jobs nur jede Minute zulassen, nicht öfter
// Wenn Cron-Job überpünktlich, z.B. bei I=59s, dann würde der Cronjob ausfallen, daher prüfe ich auf 50 Sekunden-Zyklus
$rsc = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `name` = 'last_cronjob' AND `value` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 50 SECOND)");
if (db_num($rsc) > 0)
// Fehlerlogging starten
$logge_fehler = true;
wb_change_config('last_cronjob', db_time(), $modul);
wb_change_config('lastpromoter', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], $modul);
// Reinigungsmodul statisch aufrufen, bevor die Cronjobs von den Modulen durchgeführt werden.
// Grund: Bei den Cronjob-Arbeiten sollen die Module möglichst keine Datensätze mit ungültigen Bezügen bearbeiten
$modul_bak = $modul;
$modul = 'common_cleaner';
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($modul);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/static/'.$modul_bak.'/'))
$filename = 'modules/'.$modul.'/static/'.$modul_bak.'/';
// eval() statt include(), damit Parsing-Fehler gemeldet werden können, die der Admin nicht sehen würde!
eval('?>' . trim(implode("\n", file($filename))));
$modul = $modul_bak;
// Nun die Modulcronjobs durchführen
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
// Nun die Modulcrons laden
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'))
$filename = 'modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/';
// eval() statt include(), damit Parsing-Fehler gemeldet werden können, die der Admin nicht sehen würde!
eval('?>' . trim(implode("\n", file($filename))));
$success = true;
$success = false;
// Ab hier keine Fehler mehr loggen...
$out = ob_get_contents();
if ((ob_get_level() > 0) || (ob_get_length() !== FALSE))
$logge_fehler = false;
if ((isset($passiv)) && ($passiv == 1))
// Wird bei der Hinzufügung der "GIF"-Datei gesetzt, nicht hier
// wb_change_config('passivcron', '0', $modul);
// Wir tun so, als wären wir ein Spacer
if (!headers_sent()) header('Content-type: image/gif');
wb_change_config('passivcron', '0', $modul);
if ((!isset($silent)) || ($silent != 'yes'))
if ($success)
echo $header.'<b>Cronjobs ausgef&uuml;hrt</b><br><br>Die Cronjobs wurden erfolgreich durchgef&uuml;hrt'.$footer;
echo $header.'<b>Cronjobs nicht ausgef&uuml;hrt</b><br><br>Die Cronjobs k&ouml;nnen nur jede Minute ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.'.$footer;
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/cronjob/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cronjob/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,4
Diese Datei (moddir.txt) ist wichtig,
da sie das Modul-Verzeichnis idendifiziert.
0,0 → 1,46
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Als erstes rekursiv die ungültigen Bezüge in der Ordnerstruktur löschen
$fortfahren = true;
while ($fortfahren)
$my_str = "'0', ";
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$my_str .= "'".$row['id']."', ";
$my_str = substr($my_str, 0, strlen($my_str)-2);
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `folder_cnid` NOT IN ($my_str)");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders`");
$fortfahren = false;
// Nun alle sonstigen Datensätze löschen, die auf keinen gültigen Ordner mehr zeigen
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_modules[$m1]['folder_cnid']))
// Prüfung auf $my_str = '' nicht nötig, da '0' immer als Element existiert
db_query("DELETE FROM `$m1` WHERE `folder_cnid` NOT IN ($my_str)");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `$m1`");
--- modules/folders/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/folders/crossover/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/crossover/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,12
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('folders', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'category', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'name', "text NOT NULL");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'folders', 1);
--- modules/folders/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,75
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, $dir = 0, $einzug = 0, $auszuwaehlen = 0, $ausschluss = 0)
global $WBConfig;
$ary = liste_ordner($modul, $dir, $ausschluss);
if ($dir == 0)
echo '<select name="folder" id="folder">';
echo '<option value="0">Wurzelverzeichnis</option>';
for ($i=1; isset($ary[$i]['id']); $i++)
$x = '';
for ($j=0; $j<=$einzug; $j++) $x .= '-- ';
$y = '';
if ($auszuwaehlen == $ary[$i]['id']) $y = ' selected';
echo '<option value="'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"'.$y.'>'.$x.$ary[$i]['name'].'</option>';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, $ary[$i]['id'], $einzug+1, $auszuwaehlen, $ausschluss);
if ($einzug == 0) echo '</select>';
function gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $table, $append, $dir = 0, $einzug = 0)
global $ordnereinzug, $WBConfig;
$ary = liste_ordner($modul, $dir);
$durchlauf = 0;
for ($i=1; isset($ary[$i]['id']); $i++)
if (file_exists('modules/user_folders/includes/'))
include 'modules/user_folders/includes/';
echo "\n";
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $table, $append, $ary[$i]['id'], $einzug+1);
$durchlauf += wb_draw_item($modul, $table, $append, $ary[$i]['id'], $einzug+1);
if ($einzug == 0)
$durchlauf += wb_draw_item($modul, $table, $append, $dir);
if ($durchlauf == 0)
wb_draw_table_content('100%', 'Es sind keine Elemente in dieser Sektion vorhanden.', '', '', '', '', '', '');
function liste_ordner($modul, $dir = 0, $ausschluss = 0)
global $benutzer, $WBConfig;
$i = 0;
if (!isset($erg)) $erg = array();
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($dir)."' AND `category` = '".db_escape($modul)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `name` ASC");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
if (($ausschluss == 0) || (($ausschluss != 0) && ($row['id'] != $ausschluss)))
$erg[$i] = $row;
return $erg;
$ordnereinzug = 23;
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('folders', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="folder'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/user_folders/images/item.gif" alt="Ordner"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '150', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new&amp;folder='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Neuer Eintrag'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'&amp;category='.$modul.'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=delete&amp;category='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/folders/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/folders/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_folders</expected_name>
+ <name>Ordner</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
--- modules/folders/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,83
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Ordner</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Ordner bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `folder_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="category" value="'.$category.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($category);
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">Kategorie:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.$module_information->caption.'</td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
if (!isset($id)) $id = 0;
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($category, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen, $id);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$category.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/folders/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/folders/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,43
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
if ($id == $folder)
die($header.'Fehler: Ordner kann nicht in sich selbst verschoben werden!'.$footer);
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$category);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&category='.$category.'&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&category='.$category.'&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` (`name`, `category`, `folder_cnid`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($category)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$category);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&category='.$category.'&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&category='.$category.'&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders`");
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,13
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('fatalvortex', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'fatalvortex', 1);
--- modules/fatalvortex/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fatalvortex/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('fatalvortex', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Konto"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Besuchen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/fatalvortex/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fatalvortex/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/fatalvortex/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fatalvortex/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_fatalvortex</expected_name>
+ <name>Fatal-Vortex-Konten</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>0</license>
--- modules/fatalvortex/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fatalvortex/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'fatalvortex', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Ein neues Konto hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,93
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Eintrag</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Eintrag bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$username = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$fpassword = (isset($row['password'])) ? $row['password'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$username = '';
$fpassword = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Kontoinformationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="username" value="'.$username.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fpassword" value="'.$fpassword.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,21
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
echo $header.'Bitte warten...
<form action="" method="post" name="loginfrm">
<input type="hidden" name="login" value="'.$row['username'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="'.$row['password'].'">
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
--- modules/fatalvortex/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fatalvortex/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex` (`name`, `folder_cnid`, `user_cnid`, `username`, `password`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($username)."', '".db_escape($fpassword)."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `username` = '".db_escape($username)."', `password` = '".db_escape($fpassword)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."fatalvortex`");
--- modules/users/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/users/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,34
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$my_str = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$my_str .= "'".$row['id']."', ";
$my_str = substr($my_str, 0, strlen($my_str)-2);
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_modules[$m1]['user_cnid']))
if ($my_str != '')
$add = " WHERE `user_cnid` NOT IN ($my_str)";
$add = '';
db_query("DELETE FROM `$m1`$add");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `$m1`");
--- modules/users/crossover/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/users/crossover/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,19
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('users', $m2, 'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'email', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'banned', "enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0'",
'personal_name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'created_database', "datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
'creator_ip', "varchar(15) NOT NULL default ''",
'last_login', "datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
'last_login_ip', "varchar(15) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'users', 0);
my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'users', 'username', true, 'username');
--- modules/users/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/users/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_users</expected_name>
+ <name>Benutzer verwalten</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,62
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier sind alle Benutzer aufgelistet.<br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Benutzername</b>', '', '<b>E-Mail-Adresse</b>', '100', '<b>Datens&auml;tze</b>', '100', '<b>Ordner</b>', '100', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '100', '', '100', '');
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` ORDER BY `id`");
$eintrag = false;
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
if (($configuration['main_guest_login']['enable_gast'] == '1') && ($row['username'] == $configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username']) && ($row['password'] == md5($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_password'])))
$status = ' (Gast)';
$status = '';
if ($row['banned'])
$sperr = 'Entsperren';
$sperr = 'Sperren';
$count_ds = 0;
$count_o = 0;
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_database[$m1]['user_cnid']))
$res2 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cid` FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$row['id']."'");
$row2 = db_fetch($res2);
if ($m2 == 'folders')
$count_o += $row2['cid'];
$count_ds += $row2['cid'];
if ($row['email'] != '')
$maila = '<a href="mailto:'.$row['email'].'" class="menu">'.$row['email'].'</a>';
$maila = 'Unbekannt';
wb_draw_table_content('', $row['username'].$status, '', $maila, '', $count_ds , '', $count_o, '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=lock&amp;id='.$row['id'].'" class="menu">'.$sperr.'</a>', '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=edit&amp;id='.$row['id'].'" class="menu">Bearbeiten</a>', '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=del&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">L&ouml;schen</a>');
$eintrag = true;
if (!$eintrag)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Keine Benutzer vorhanden!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<caption>Benutzer verwalten</caption>
0,0 → 1,79
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'f_username\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>Benutzer bearbeiten</h1>';
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
$f_username = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$f_email = (isset($row['email'])) ? $row['email'] : '';
$f_banned = (isset($row['banned'])) ? $row['banned'] : '';
$f_personal_name = (isset($row['personal_name'])) ? $row['personal_name'] : '';
$f_password = '';
$f_created = (isset($row['created_database'])) ? $row['created_database'] : '';
$f_creator_ip = (isset($row['creator_ip'])) ? $row['creator_ip'] : '';
$f_lastlogin = (isset($row['last_login'])) ? $row['last_login'] : '';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="edit">
<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Benutzerinformationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="f_username" id="f_username" value="'.$f_username.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">E-Mail-Adresse:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="f_email" value="'.$f_email.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Gesperrt:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="f_banned"';
if ($f_banned) echo ' checked';
echo'> Ja</td>
<td valign="top">Personenname:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="f_personal_name" value="'.$f_personal_name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort ersetzen:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="f_neupwd"> <input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="f_password" value="'.$f_password.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Datenbank erstellt<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.de_convertmysqldatetime($f_created).'</td>
<td valign="top">&Uuml;ber IP<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
if ($f_creator_ip == '')
echo 'Unbekannt!';
echo '<a href="'.ip_tracer($f_creator_ip).'" target="_blank">'.$f_creator_ip.'</a> (DNS: '.@gethostbyaddr($f_creator_ip).')';
echo '</td>
<td valign="top">Letzter Login<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.de_convertmysqldatetime($f_lastlogin).'</td>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">&Auml;nderungen durchf&uuml;hren</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
--- modules/users/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/users/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,39
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'lock')
$res = db_query("SELECT `banned` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['banned'] == '1')
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `banned` = '0' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `banned` = '1' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if ($aktion == 'edit')
if ($f_banned)
$f_gesp = '1';
$f_gesp = '0';
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `username` = '".db_escape($f_username)."', `personal_name` = '".db_escape($f_personal_name)."', `banned` = '".db_escape($f_gesp)."', `email` = '".db_escape($f_email)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if ($f_neupwd) db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `password` = '".md5($f_password)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if ($aktion == 'del')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users`");
--- modules/users/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/users/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/files/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/files/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('files', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'filename', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'type', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'data', "longblob NOT NULL");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'files', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/files/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/files/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('files', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Datei"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=download&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Downloaden'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/files/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/files/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'files', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Eine neue Datei hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,87
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neue Datei</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Datei erneuern</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" enctype="multipart/form-data">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')).'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Dateieigensch&auml;ften</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Datei ersetzen:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="file" name="datei"><br><br>Maximale Dateigr&ouml;&szlig;e: '.ini_get('post_max_size').'B</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,64
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT `data`, `type`, `filename` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Der Download wurde nicht gefunden.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
// Abgeänderte Version von (Benutzerkommentar)
$size = strlen($row['data']);
$filename = $row['filename'];
$ctype = $row['type']; //application/force-download
if (strstr($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'], "MSIE"))
$filename = preg_replace('/\./', '%2e', $filename, substr_count($filename, '.') - 1);
//if (!headers_sent()) header("Cache-Control:");
//if (!headers_sent()) header("Cache-Control: public");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Type: $ctype");
if (!headers_sent()) header('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'.$filename.'"');
if (!headers_sent()) header("Accept-Ranges: bytes");
if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']))
$ary = explode("=",$_SERVER['HTTP_RANGE']);
if (count($ary) != 2) die(''); // Hinzugefügt
list($a, $range) = $ary;
str_replace($range, "-", $range);
if (!headers_sent()) header("HTTP/1.1 206 Partial Content");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Length: $new_length");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Range: bytes $range$size2/$size");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Range: bytes 0-$size2/$size");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Length: ".$size);
$buffer = 1024*8;
$range = 0;
while ($range <= $size)
print(substr($row['data'], $range, $buffer)); // binary
$range += $buffer;
// Das "die" verhindert im Debugmodus die Fehlermeldung
// Notice: Trying to get property of non-object in /usr/share/php/Services/W3C/HTMLValidator.php on line 316
// Info:
--- modules/files/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/files/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,60
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
if ($_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'] != '')
$pfad_zur_datei = $_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'];
$dateiname = $_FILES['datei']['name'];
$data = fread(fopen($pfad_zur_datei, 'r'), filesize($pfad_zur_datei));
$dtype = $_FILES['datei']['type'];
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` (`name`, `folder_cnid`, `filename`, `user_cnid`, `type`, `data`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($dateiname)."', '".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($dtype)."', '".db_escape($data)."')");
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` (`name`, `folder_cnid`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
if ($_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'] != '')
$pfad_zur_datei = $_FILES['datei']['tmp_name'];
$dateiname = $_FILES['datei']['name'];
$data = fread(fopen($pfad_zur_datei, 'r'), filesize($pfad_zur_datei));
$dtype = $_FILES['datei']['type'];
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `filename` = '".db_escape($dateiname)."', `data` = '".db_escape($data)."', `type` = '".db_escape($dtype)."' WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."' WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."files`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,60
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$inhalt = ob_get_contents();
$inhalt = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE', '<!-- <!DOCTYPE', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('<body>', '<body> -->', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('</body></html>', '<!-- </body></html> -->', $inhalt);
$php_style = zwischen_str($inhalt, '<style', '</style>');
echo str_replace('</head>', $php_style.'</head>', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
$inhalt = str_replace('<a href="">', '<a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('<a href="">', '<a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('ä', '&auml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('ö', '&ouml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('ü', '&uuml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('Ä', '&Auml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('Ö', '&Ouml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('Ü', '&Uuml;', $inhalt);
$inhalt = str_replace('ß', '&szlig;', $inhalt);
if (strpos($inhalt, '">PHP Credits</a></h1>') !== false)
$zw_links = zwischen_str($inhalt, '<h1><a href="', '">PHP Credits</a></h1>', false);
$protokoll = $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag() ? 'https' : 'http';
$credits_links = $protokoll.'://'.$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$zw_links;
$credit_inhalt = my_get_contents($credits_links);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('<!DOCTYPE', '<!-- <!DOCTYPE', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('<body>', '<body> -->', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('</body></html>', '<!-- </body></html> -->', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('ä', '&auml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('ö', '&ouml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('ü', '&uuml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('Ä', '&Auml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('Ö', '&Ouml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('Ü', '&Uuml;', $credit_inhalt);
$credit_inhalt = str_replace('ß', '&szlig;', $credit_inhalt);
echo str_replace('<h1><a href="'.$zw_links.'">PHP Credits</a></h1>', $credit_inhalt, $inhalt);
echo $inhalt;
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/phpinfo/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpinfo/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/phpinfo/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpinfo/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,204
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function wb_idendify_fields($table)
$ret = array();
$qs2 = db_query("SHOW FIELDS FROM `".db_escape($table)."`");
while ($qr2 = db_fetch($qs2))
$ret[strtolower($qr2[0])] = $qr2[1].'/'.$qr2[2].'/'.$qr2[3].'/'.$qr2[4].'/'.$qr2[5];
return $ret;
// Auslesen der Datenbanktabellen und deren Felder
$tables_database = array();
$qs = db_query('SHOW TABLES');
while ($qr = db_fetch($qs))
$tables_database[strtolower($qr[0])] = wb_idendify_fields($qr[0]);
// Array $tables_modules erstellen und dabei ungültige Einträge der Modultabelle entfernen...
$tables_modules = array();
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'modules']))
$res = db_query("SELECT `table` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` ORDER BY `id`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table']]))
$tables_modules[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($row['table'])] = $tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($row['table'])];
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` WHERE `table` = '".$row['table']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules`");
// Modultabelle erstellen
wb_newdatabasetable('modules', $m2, 'module', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'table', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'modules', 'table', true, 'table');
// Diese Funktion erstellt eine Datebanktabelle und fügt ggf. neue Felder hinzu
// Parameter: name (ohne Präfix), modul, Feld_1 Name, Feld_1 Eigenschaften, Feld_2 ...
function wb_newdatabasetable($name, $modul)
global $tables_database, $WBConfig, $tables_modules;
if (!isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($name)]))
db_query("CREATE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape(strtolower($name))."` (`id` bigint(21) NOT NULL auto_increment, PRIMARY KEY (`id`))");
for ($i=1; $i<@func_num_args()-2; $i++)
if ($i%2)
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($name)][strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+1))]))
// Wenn der Feldtyp bei einem Versionstyp gewechselt hat, dann normalisieren
// Achtung: Es wird nur der FELDTYP kontrolliert!
$tmp = $tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($name)][strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+1))]; // Workaround für "Can't be used as a function parameter"
$art = explode('/', $tmp);
$tmp = strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+2)); // Workaround für "Can't be used as a function parameter"
$arm = explode(' ', $tmp);
if (strtolower($art[0]) <> strtolower($arm[0]))
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape(strtolower($name))."` CHANGE `".strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+1))."` `".strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+1))."` ".strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+2)));
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape(strtolower($name))."` ADD `".strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+1))."` ".strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+2)));
if (!isset($tables_modules[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().strtolower($name)]))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` (`module`, `table`) VALUES ('".db_escape($modul)."', '".db_escape(strtolower($name))."')");
$tables_modules[strtolower($name)] = '?'; /* wb_idendify_fields($name); */
// Sorgt dafür, dass keine Duplicate-Fehler entstehen, wenn Indexe erstellt werden
// Index werden nur einmalig erstellt oder ggf aktualisiert
function my_add_key($table, $name, $unique, $column)
// Funktioniert nicht für PRIMARY KEY
global $tables_database, $WBConfig;
if (!isset($tables_database[$table]))
return false;
if ($unique)
$erwarte_non_unique = '0';
$erwarte_non_unique = '1';
//$breaki = false;
$rs = db_query("SHOW INDEX FROM `".db_escape($table)."`");
while ($rw = db_fetch($rs))
for ($i=0; $i<@func_num_args()-3; $i++)
if ((strtolower($rw['Column_name']) == strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3))) && (strtolower($rw['Key_name']) != strtolower($name)))
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".db_escape($table)."` DROP INDEX `".$rw['Key_name']."`");
//$breaki = true;
//if ($breaki) break;
$vorgekommen = array();
$breaki = false;
$rs = db_query("SHOW INDEX FROM `".db_escape($table)."`");
while ($rw = db_fetch($rs))
if (strtolower($rw['Key_name']) == strtolower($name))
for ($i=0; $i<@func_num_args()-3; $i++)
if (strtolower($rw['Column_name']) == strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3)))
if (strtolower($rw['Non_unique']) == $erwarte_non_unique)
$vorgekommen[strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3))] = true;
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".db_escape($table)."` DROP INDEX `".db_escape(strtolower($name))."`");
$breaki = true;
if ($breaki) break;
if (count($vorgekommen) == 0)
$alles_vorgekommen = false;
$alles_vorgekommen = true;
for ($i=0; $i<@func_num_args()-3; $i++)
if ((!isset($vorgekommen[strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3))])) || (!$vorgekommen[strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3))]))
$alles_vorgekommen = false;
if (!$alles_vorgekommen)
$colo = '';
for ($i=0; $i<@func_num_args()-3; $i++)
$colo .= '`'.db_escape(strtolower(@func_get_arg($i+3))).'`, ';
$colo = substr($colo, 0, strlen($colo)-2);
if ($unique)
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".db_escape($table)."` ADD UNIQUE `".db_escape(strtolower($name))."` ($colo)");
db_query("ALTER TABLE `".db_escape($table)."` ADD KEY `".db_escape(strtolower($name))."` ($colo)");
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/database/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/database/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo $header;
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo 'Hier sind alle Datenbanken der Module aufgelistet.<br><br>';
+$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` ORDER BY `id`");
+wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Tabellenname</b>', '', '<b>Modul</b>', '', '<b>Datens&auml;tze</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
+while ($row = db_fetch($res))
+ if (isset($only) && ($row['module'] == $only))
+ {
+ $s1 = '<span class="red">';
+ $s2 = '</span>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $s1 = '';
+ $s2 = '';
+ }
+ $ars = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `ct` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table']."`");
+ $arw = db_fetch($ars);
+ if (!is_dir('modules/'.$row['module']))
+ {
+ $z = ' (Nicht mehr installiert)';
+ $x = 'Tabelle entfernen';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $z = '';
+ $x = 'Tabelle neu anlegen';
+ }
+ wb_draw_table_content('', $s1.$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table'].$s2, '', $s1.$row['module'].$z.$s2, '', $s1.$arw['ct'].$s2, '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$x.'</a>');
+echo '<b>Schnittstellen</b><ul>';
+$welchegefunden = false;
+foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
+ $module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
+ // Nun die Modulcrons laden
+ if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'))
+ {
+ include('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/');
+ $welchegefunden = true;
+ }
+if (!$welchegefunden)
+ echo '<li>Keine gefunden!</li>';
+echo '</ul>';
+if ((isset($vonmodul)) && (isset($vonseite)) && ($vonmodul != '') && ($vonseite != ''))
+ echo '<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$vonmodul.'&amp;seite='.$vonseite.'\';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">';
+echo '<br>';
+echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/database/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/database/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,22
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'delete')
$res = db_query("SELECT `table`, `module` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if (is_dir('modules/'.$row['module']))
db_query("TRUNCATE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table']."`");
db_query("DROP TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table']."`");
--- modules/database/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/database/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/html/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/html/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('html', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'html_code', "longtext NOT NULL default ''");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'html', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/html/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/html/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,26
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('html', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
} else {
$a = '';
$b = '';
} else {
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="HTML-Seite"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'&Ouml;ffnen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/html/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/html/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,7
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (isset($html_code)) echo executable_html_code($html_code);
0,0 → 1,22
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'html', 'ORDER BY id');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Eine neue Seite hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,171
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neue HTML-Seite</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>HTML-Seite bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$html_code = (isset($row['html_code'])) ? $row['html_code'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
$name = '';
$html_code = '';
if (isset($vorlage) && ($vorlage != ''))
// Achtung! Ein Hacker könnte durch ../ die MySQL-Zugangsdaten statt einer Vorlage auslesen!
if (strpos($vorlage, '..'))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Es ist eine Schutzverletzung aufgetreten!'.$footer);
$html_code = '';
$handle = @fopen('modules/'.$modul.'/templates/'.$vorlage, 'r');
if ($handle)
while (!@feof($handle))
$html_code .= @fgets($handle, 4096);
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function subm_form(act)
if (act == 0)
document.forms["mainform"].target = \'\';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = \'operate\';
if (act == 1)
document.forms["mainform"].target = \'_blank\';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = \'checksite\';
// -->
<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>HTML-Daten</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">HTML-Code:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top" width="100%">
<table width="100%"><tr><td rowspan="8" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%">Verwenden Sie eine vordefinierte HTML-Seite wenn Sie z.B. ein automatisches Login-Formular erstellen, jedoch kein Personal WebBase-Modul schreiben m&ouml;chten.<br><br>
<textarea style="width:100%; overflow:auto;" wrap="virtual" name="html_code" rows="15" cols="50">'.$html_code.'</textarea><br><br>
Eine Vorlage kann Ihnen die Arbeit erleichtern. W&auml;hlen Sie eine Vorlage, wenn Sie dies w&uuml;nschen.
function liste_vorlagen()
global $modul;
$ary = array();
$i = 0;
$v = 'modules/'.$modul.'/templates/';
while ($file = readdir($verz))
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && ($file != 'index.html') && ($file != '.htaccess') && (is_file($v.$file)))
$ary[$i] = $file;
return $ary;
$vorlagen = liste_vorlagen();
foreach ($vorlagen AS $m1 => $m2)
if (!isset($id)) $id = 0;
echo '<li><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$seite.'&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion='.$aktion.'&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;vorlage='.$m2.'">'.$m2.'</a></li>';
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</ul>Bitte beachten Sie, dass beim &Ouml;ffnen einer Vorlage die aktuellen &Auml;nderungen &uuml;berschrieben werden.<br><br>
<a href="javascript:subm_form(1);">Seite testen</a></td></tr></table>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:subm_form(0);">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,10
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT `html_code` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
echo executable_html_code($row['html_code']);
--- modules/html/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/html/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html` SET `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `html_code` = '".db_escape($html_code)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html` (`folder_cnid`, `name`, `html_code`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($html_code)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."html`");
0,0 → 1,27
<title>ViaThinkSoft Personal WebBase</title>
<meta name="robots" content="noindex">
<!-- Personal WebBase Vorlage fuer automatisches Login -->
<form name="loginform" action="" method="POST" target="_top">
<input type="hidden" name="schluessel1" value="wert1">
<input type="hidden" name="schluessel2" value="wert2">
Bitte warten...<br><br>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
--- modules/html/templates/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/html/templates/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/search/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/search/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+if (!isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'modules']['is_searchable']))
+ db_query("ALTER TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` ADD `is_searchable` ENUM('0', '1') NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'");
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/search/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/search/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,29
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function set_searchable($mod, $tab, $sta)
global $WBConfig, $tables_database;
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'modules']['is_searchable']))
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` SET `is_searchable` = '$sta' WHERE `module` = '$mod' AND `table` = '$tab'");
function is_searchable($tab)
global $WBConfig, $tables_database;
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'modules']['is_searchable']))
$rs = db_query("SELECT `is_searchable` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` WHERE `table` = '$tab'");
$rw = db_fetch($rs);
return $rw['is_searchable'];
return false;
0,0 → 1,74
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function show_modul_search($modul, $seite)
global $suchbegriff;
if (!isset($suchbegriff)) $suchbegriff = '';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<div align="center"><table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0" width="90%">
<td align="left" width="50%" valign="bottom">';
if ($suchbegriff != '')
echo 'Eintr&auml;ge mit Suchbegriff &quot;'.$suchbegriff.'&quot; sind <span class="red">hervorgehoben</span>.';
echo '&nbsp;';
echo '</td>
<td align="right" valign="middle">
Suchen: <input type="text" name="suchbegriff" value="'.$suchbegriff.'" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" size="30">
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Suchen">
function generate_search_query($table, $mode, $suchbegriff, $append = '')
global $tables_database;
global $WBConfig;
global $benutzer;
if (is_searchable($table))
// Mode 0: a b c --> %a b c%
if ($mode == 0)
$que = "SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape($table)."` WHERE (";
foreach ($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$table] as $m1 => $m2)
if (($m1 != 'id') && ($m1 != 'user_cnid') && ($m1 != 'folder_cnid'))
$que .= "`$m1` LIKE '%".db_escape($suchbegriff)."%' OR ";
$que = substr($que, 0, strlen($que)-4).") AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'";
if ($append != '') $que .= ' '.$append;
return $que;
return false;
return false;
--- modules/search/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/search/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_search</expected_name>
+ <name>Suchen</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/search/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/search/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,125
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (!isset($suchbegriff)) $suchbegriff = '';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Ihre Personal WebBase-Datenbank durchsuchen.
Bitte beachten Sie, dass nur Datenbankeintr&auml;ge von Modulen gefunden werden
k&ouml;nnen, die von den Entwicklern mit einer Suchschnittstelle ausgestattet wurden.
Es werden in der Regel nur die Datens&auml;tze durchsucht, keine Systeme von Drittanbietern
(z.B. Posteinfach oder Inhalte von Datenbanken/FTP-Servern etc).<br><br>
<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
Suchbegriff:<br><input type="text" name="suchbegriff" value="'.$suchbegriff.'" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" size="50">
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Suchen">
if ($suchbegriff != '')
echo '<b>Suchergebnisse f&uuml;r &quot;'.$suchbegriff.'&quot;:</b><br><br>';
$etwas_gefunden = false;
wb_draw_table_content('30', '', '', '<b>Modul</b>', '', '<b>ID</b>', '', '<b>Titel</b>', '', '', '', '');
$res = db_query("SELECT `module`, `table` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` WHERE `is_searchable` = '1'");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($row['module']);
$module_information->caption_a = $module_information->caption;
if (($wb_user_type >= $module_information->rights) && ((file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/page/')) || (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/page/'))))
$que = generate_search_query($row['table'], 0, $suchbegriff);
$res2 = db_query($que);
while ($row2 = db_fetch($res2))
if (isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$row['table']]['name']))
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape($row['table'])."` WHERE `id` = '".$row2['id']."'");
$row3 = db_fetch($res3);
if ($row3['name'] != '')
$titel = $row3['name'];
$titel = '<i>Keine Angabe</i>';
$titel = '<i>Keine Modulbetitelung</i>';
$etwas_gefunden = true;
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/16.gif'))
$k = 'modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/16.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/16.png'))
$k = 'modules/'.$row['module'].'/images/menu/16.png';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/item.gif'))
$k = 'modules/'.$modul.'/item.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/item.png'))
$k = 'modules/'.$modul.'/item.png';
$k = 'designs/spacer.gif';
$a = '';
$b = '';
if ($row['module'] == 'user_folders')
$res4 = db_query("SELECT `category` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".$row2['id']."'");
$row4 = db_fetch($res4);
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($row4['category']);
$module_information->caption_b = $module_information->caption;
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row4['category'].'/page/'))
$a = '<a href="javascript:oop2(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$row4['category'].'#folder'.$row2['id'].'\', \''.$module_information->caption_a.'\', \''.$g.'\');" class="menu">&Ouml;ffnen</a>';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row4['category'].'/page/'))
$c = '<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($row4['category']).'" class="menu">'.$module_information->caption_b.'</a> ('.$module_information->caption_a.')';
$c = $module_information->caption_b.' ('.$module_information->caption_a.')';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/page/'))
$a = '<a href="javascript:oop2(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$row['module'].'&amp;id='.$row2['id'].'\', \''.$module_information->caption_a.'\', \''.$g.'\');" class="menu">&Ouml;ffnen</a>';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/page/'))
$b = '<a href="javascript:oop2(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$row['module'].'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$row2['id'].'\', \''.$module_information->caption_a.'\', \''.$g.'\');" class="menu">Bearbeiten</a>';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$row['module'].'/page/'))
$c = '<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($row['module']).'" class="menu">'.$module_information->caption_a.'</a>';
$c = $module_information->caption_a;
wb_draw_table_content('', '<img src="'.$k.'" alt="" width="16" height="16">', '', $c, '', $row2['id'], '', $titel, '100', $a, '100', $b);
if (!$etwas_gefunden)
wb_draw_table_content('', 'Kein Datensatz gefunden!', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '');
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/search/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/search/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/overview/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/overview/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,129 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo $header;
+$my_str = '';
+$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users`");
+while ($row = db_fetch($res))
+ $my_str .= "'".$row['id']."', ";
+$my_str = substr($my_str, 0, strlen($my_str)-2);
+ $count_ds = 0;
+ $count_o = 0;
+ foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
+ {
+ if (($my_str != '') && (isset($tables_database[$m1]['user_cnid'])))
+ {
+ $res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cid` FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` IN ($my_str)");
+ $row = db_fetch($res);
+ if ($m2 == 'folders')
+ $count_o += $row['cid'];
+ else
+ $count_ds += $row['cid'];
+ }
+ }
+ unset($m1);
+ unset($m2);
+ echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+ echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Serverdaten</b></span><br><br>';
+ wb_draw_table_begin();
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Anmeldeserver</b>', '60%', $WBConfig->getMySQLServer());
+ if ($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'] != '')
+ $addr = '<a href="mailto:'.$configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'].'" class="menu">'.$configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'].'</a>';
+ else
+ $addr = 'Keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben';
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Administrator E-Mail-Adresse</b>', '60%', $addr.' (<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul=main_about&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'" class="menu">&Auml;ndern</a>)');
+ $db_time = db_time();
+ if (date('Y-m-d H:i:s') != $db_time)
+ {
+ // Kann vorkommen, wenn MySQL-Server sich auf einem anderen System befindet
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>PHP-Zeit</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime(date('Y-m-d, H:i:s'), true));
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>MySQL-Zeit</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime($db_time, true));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Serverzeit</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime(date('Y-m-d, H:i:s'), true));
+ }
+ wb_draw_table_end();
+ echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Datenbankstatistik</b></span><br><br>';
+ wb_draw_table_begin();
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Letzter Login</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime($_SESSION['last_login']));
+ if ($_SESSION['last_login_ip'] == '')
+ $ueip = 'Unbekannt';
+ else
+ $ueip = '<a href="'.ip_tracer($_SESSION['last_login_ip']).'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$_SESSION['last_login_ip'].'</a> (DNS: '.@gethostbyaddr($_SESSION['last_login_ip']).')';
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>&Uuml;ber IP</b>', '60%', $ueip);
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Benutzer-Datens&auml;tze der Datenbank</b>', '60%', $count_ds);
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Benutzer-Ordner der Datenbank</b>', '60%', $count_o);
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Installierte Module</b>', '60%', count($modules).' (<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul('admin_modules').'" class="menu">Verwalten</a>)');
+ wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Angelegte Tabellen</b>', '60%', count($tables_modules).' (<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul('admin_database').'" class="menu">Verwalten</a>)');
+ wb_draw_table_end();
+ echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Installierte Module</b></span><br><br>';
+ $i = -1;
+ foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
+ {
+ if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/page/'))
+ {
+ $module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
+ if (($module_information->rights == 2) && ($module_information->menu_visible) && ($modul != $m2))
+ {
+ $i++;
+ if ($i == 0)
+ echo '<center><table cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6" border="0" width="90%"><tr>';
+ if (($i % 7 == 0) && ($i != 0))
+ echo '</tr><tr>';
+ echo '<td valign="middle" align="center" width="14%">';
+ if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
+ $g = 'modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif';
+ else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png'))
+ $g = 'modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png';
+ else
+ $g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
+ echo '<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($m2).'" class="menu">';
+ echo '<img src="'.$g.'" border="0" width="32" height="32" alt="">';
+ echo '<br>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</a></td>';
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ unset($m1);
+ unset($m2);
+ if ($i > -1)
+ {
+ $i++;
+ for (;$i%7<>0;$i++)
+ {
+ echo '<td valign="middle" align="center"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="32" height="32" alt=""></td>';
+ }
+ echo '</tr></table><br></center>';
+ } else {
+ echo 'Keine entsprechenden Module gefunden!<br><br>';
+ }
+ echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/overview/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/overview/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/overview/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/overview/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,125
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
$count_ds = 0;
$count_o = 0;
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_database[$m1]['user_cnid']))
$res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `cid` FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($m2 == 'folders')
$count_o += $row['cid'];
$count_ds += $row['cid'];
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Kundendaten</b></span><br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Kontoname</b>', '60%', $wb_user_username);
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Anmeldeserver</b>', '60%', $WBConfig->getMySQLServer());
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Eigent&uuml;mer</b>', '60%', $benutzer['personal_name']);
if ($benutzer['email'] != '')
$mail_address = '<a href="mailto:'.$benutzer['email'].'" class="menu">'.$benutzer['email'].'</a>';
$mail_address = 'Keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben';
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>E-Mail-Adresse</b>', '60%', $mail_address);
echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Datenbankereignisse</b></span><br><br>';
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'))
include 'modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/';
echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Datenbankstatistik</b></span><br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Erstellung der Datenbank</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime($benutzer['created_database']));
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Letzter Login</b>', '60%', de_convertmysqldatetime($_SESSION['last_login']));
if ($_SESSION['last_login_ip'] == '')
$ueip = 'Unbekannt';
$ueip = '<a href="'.ip_tracer($_SESSION['last_login_ip']).'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$_SESSION['last_login_ip'].'</a> (DNS: '.@gethostbyaddr($_SESSION['last_login_ip']).')';
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>&Uuml;ber IP</b>', '60%', $ueip);
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Datens&auml;tze der Datenbank</b>', '60%', $count_ds);
wb_draw_table_content('40%', '<b>Ordner der Datenbank</b>', '60%', $count_o);
echo '<span style="font-size:1.2em"><b>Installierte Module</b></span><br><br>';
$i = -1;
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/page/'))
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
if (($module_information->rights == 0) && ($module_information->menu_visible) && ($modul != $m2))
if ($i == 0)
echo '<center><table cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6" border="0" width="90%"><tr>';
if (($i % 7 == 0) && ($i != 0))
echo '</tr><tr>';
echo '<td valign="middle" align="center" width="14%">';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png'))
$g = 'modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png';
$g = 'designs/spacer.gif';
echo '<a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($m2).'" class="menu">';
echo '<img src="'.$g.'" border="0" width="32" height="32" alt="">';
echo '<br>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</a></td>';
if ($i > -1)
for (;$i%7<>0;$i++)
echo '<td valign="middle" align="center"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="32" height="32" alt=""></td>';
echo '</tr></table><br></center>';
echo 'Keine entsprechenden Module gefunden!<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/overview/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/overview/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/configuration/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/configuration/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,45
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('configuration', $m2, 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'value', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'module', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'configuration', 0);
my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'configuration', 'name_and_module', true, 'name', 'module');
// $configuration erstellen
$configuration = array();
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` ORDER BY `id`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$configuration[$row['module']][$row['name']] = $row['value'];
// Funktion für das ändern eines Konfigurationswertes inkl. Änderung von $configuration
function wb_change_config($name, $value, $modul)
global $WBConfig, $configuration;
if ($configuration[$modul][$name] != $value)
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` SET `value` = '".db_escape($value)."' WHERE `name` = '".db_escape($name)."' AND `module` = '".db_escape($modul)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
$configuration[$modul][$name] = $value;
// Funktion für das hinzufügen eines Konfigurationswertes inkl. Änderung von $configuration
function wb_add_config($name, $value, $modul)
global $WBConfig, $configuration;
if (!isset($configuration[$modul][$name]))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` (`name`, `value`, `module`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($value)."', '".db_escape($modul)."')");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
$configuration[$modul][$name] = $value;
--- modules/configuration/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/configuration/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_configuration</expected_name>
+ <name>Konfiguration</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,58
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Folgende Module enthalten eine designte Konfigurationsm&ouml;glichkeit:<br><br>';
$i = -1;
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/page/'))
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
$titel = $module_information->caption;
if ($i == 0)
echo '<center><table cellspacing="6" cellpadding="6" border="0"><tr>';
if (($i % 5 == 0) && ($i != 0))
echo '</tr><tr>';
echo '<td valign="middle" align="center">';
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$m2.'&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'" class="menu">';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif'))
echo '<img src="modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.gif" border="0" width="32" height="32" alt="">';
else if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png'))
echo '<img src="modules/'.$m2.'/images/menu/32.png" border="0" width="32" height="32" alt="">';
echo '<img src="designs/spacer.gif" border="0" width="32" height="32" alt="">';
echo '<br>'.htmlentities($titel).'</a></td>';
if ($i > -1)
for (;$i%5<>0;$i++)
echo '<td valign="middle" align="center"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="32" height="32" alt=""></td>';
echo '</tr></table><br></center>';
echo 'Keine entsprechenden Module gefunden!<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,31
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'wert\').focus();"', $header);
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `value`, `module` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
echo '<h1>Konfiguration bearbeiten</h1>
Sie bearbeiten den Wert &quot;'.$row['module'].'/'.$row['name'].'&quot;<br>
<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="edit">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="'.$row['name'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="kmodul" value="'.$row['module'].'">
<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wert" id="wert" value="'.$row['value'].'"><br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=config\';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Wert &auml;ndern">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,46
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Konfigurationen an Personal WebBase-Modulen manuell vornehmen. Dies wird jedoch nicht empfohlen, da auch Fehlkonfigurationen mit ung&uuml;ltigen Werten angenommen werden.<br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Modul</b>', '', '<b>Eigenschaft</b>', '', '<b>Wert</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '');
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `value`, `module` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` ORDER BY `module` ASC, `name` ASC");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
if (isset($only) && ($row['module'] == $only))
$s1 = '<span class="red">';
$s2 = '</span>';
$s1 = '';
$s2 = '';
if (is_dir('modules/'.$row['module']))
$z = '';
$x = 'Standard herstellen';
$z = ' (Nicht mehr installiert)';
$x = 'Wert entfernen';
wb_draw_table_content('', $s1.htmlentities($row['module']).$z.$s2, '', $s1.htmlentities($row['name']).$s2, '', $s1.htmlentities($row['value']).$s2, '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=edit&amp;id='.$row['id'].'" class="menu">'.$s1.'Bearbeiten'.$s2.'</a>', '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$s1.$x.$s2.'</a>');
echo '<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$vonmodul.'&amp;seite='.$vonseite.'\';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/configuration/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/configuration/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,20
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
wb_change_config(db_escape($name), db_escape($wert), db_escape($kmodul));
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0) {
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration`");
--- modules/configuration/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/configuration/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,457
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// TODO: Als crossover für fastlogin auslagern
// TODO: Auch für PMA/net2ftp zugänglich machen
function load_fastlogin_cookie() {
if (isset($_COOKIE['wb_fastlogin_key'])) {
$r_user = '';
$r_pwd = '';
$r_succ = wb_decode_fast_login_key($_COOKIE['wb_fastlogin_key'], $r_user, $r_pwd);
if ($r_succ) {
login_as_user($r_user, $r_pwd);
} else {
// Das Cookie ist ungültig geworden. Wir löschen es.
// -------------------------------------------------------
@ini_set('session.cookie_path', RELATIVE_DIR);
//@ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
//@session_set_cookie_params(0, RELATIVE_DIR, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
// @ini_set('session.auto_start', 0);
@ini_set('session.cache_expire', 180);
@ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
@ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.cookie_secure', $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
@ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 0);
@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 1440);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_42', 0);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 1);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', 'ge') && substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN')
@ini_set('session.hash_function', 1);
@ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 6);
@ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');
// @ini_set('session.save_path', 'includes/session/');
// @ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&amp;');
// @ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,fieldset=');
$wb_session_name = 'webbase';
// TODO: Was hab ich mir dabei gedacht? Möglicherweise als Kompat zu den 3P-Generics
wb_newdatabasetable('sessions', $m2, 'session_id', "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
'last_updated', "datetime NOT NULL",
'data_value', "text");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'sessions', 0);
my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'sessions', 'session_id', false, 'session_id');
if (!function_exists('sessao_open'))
function sessao_open($aSavaPath, $aSessionName)
sessao_gc( ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') );
return True;
if (!function_exists('sessao_close'))
function sessao_close()
return True;
if (!function_exists('sessao_read'))
function sessao_read( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
$busca = db_query("SELECT `data_value` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".db_simple_escape($aKey)."'");
if (db_num($busca) == 0)
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` (`session_id`, `last_updated`, `data_value`) VALUES ('".db_simple_escape($aKey)."', NOW(), '')");
return '';
$r = db_fetch($busca);
return md5_decrypt($r['data_value'], $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
if (!function_exists('sessao_write'))
function sessao_write( $aKey, $aVal )
global $WBConfig;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` SET `data_value` = '".md5_encrypt($aVal, $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword())."', `last_updated` = NOW() WHERE `session_id` = '".db_simple_escape($aKey)."'");
return True;
if (!function_exists('sessao_destroy'))
function sessao_destroy( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".db_simple_escape($aKey)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
if (!function_exists('sessao_gc'))
function sessao_gc( $aMaxLifeTime )
global $WBConfig;
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_updated`) > ".db_simple_escape($aMaxLifeTime));
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
@session_set_save_handler("sessao_open", "sessao_close", "sessao_read", "sessao_write", "sessao_destroy", "sessao_gc");
// header('P3P: CP="CAO PSA OUR"');
// Micro$hit IE cached die Index-Frameset-Seite...
// Die 'Laufzeit' der Datei wird auf den 10.1.1970 gesetzt, also schon lange abgelaufen ;)
header("Expires: Mon, 10 Jan 1970 01:01:01 GMT");
// Der 'Last-Modified' Parameter wird auf das aktuelle Datum gesetzt.
header("Last-Modified: " . gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s") . " GMT");
// Die für die Proxys interessante Cache-Control wird eingestellt.
header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate");
// Siehe einen Kommentar weiter oben ...
header("Pragma: no-cache");
// Jetzt folgt der Inhalt der Seite ...
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', 'lt') && isset($_COOKIE[$wb_session_name]) && eregi("\r|\n", $_COOKIE[$wb_session_name]))
/* if (!preg_match("/^[0-9a-z]*$/i", session_id()))
die($header.'Fehler! Die Session-ID ist ung&uuml;ltig.'.$footer);
} */
Ich gebe es auf! Ich sitze seit 5 Tagen ununterbrochen daran,
session_regenerate_id auf allen 4 Testsystemen zum Laufen zu
bekommen, doch andauernd gehen die Session-Informationen verloren!
Ich denke, dass die untenstehende Lösung genug ausreicht.
$ary = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if ($ary[count($ary)-1] == 'page.php')
// @session_regenerate_id(true);
$old_sessid = @session_id();
$new_sessid = @session_id();
$old_session = $_SESSION;
$_SESSION = $old_session;
$usedns = TRUE;
$useragent = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] : '';
$host = fetchip();
if ($usedns) // <- war im Originalen $global['dns']... was soll das sein?!
$dns = @gethostbyaddr($host);
$dns = $host;
if ((isset($_SESSION['session_secured'])) && ($_SESSION['session_secured']))
if ((($_SESSION['host'] != $host) && !$usedns)
|| ($_SESSION['dns'] != $dns)
|| ($_SESSION['useragent'] != $useragent)
) {
} else {
$_SESSION['host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['dns'] = $dns;
$_SESSION['useragent'] = $useragent;
$_SESSION['session_secured'] = 1;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
define('SPERRMELDUNG', $header.'<h1>Fehler</h1>Ihr Benutzerkonto wurde auf diesem Personal WebBase-Server gesperrt. Bitte wenden Sie sich an den Serveradministrator.<br><br><a href="index.php">Zur&uuml;ck zum Webinterface</a>'.$footer);
function login_as_user($username, $password) {
global $WBConfig, $benutzer, $m2; // TODO: $m2 besser als parameter, damit funktion auch von guest verwendet werden kann
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($username)."' AND `password` = '".md5($password)."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$row = db_fetch($res);
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
$benutzer[$key] = $value;
if ($benutzer['banned'] == '1')
$_SESSION['last_login'] = $benutzer['last_login'];
$_SESSION['last_login_ip'] = $benutzer['last_login_ip'];
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `last_login` = NOW(), `last_login_ip` = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($username)."'");
$benutzer['last_login'] = db_time();
$benutzer['last_login_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$_SESSION['wb_user_type'] = '1';
$_SESSION['wb_user_username'] = $username;
$_SESSION['wb_user_password'] = $password;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
if (!isset($wb_user_type)) $wb_user_type = -1;
if (isset($_POST['login_process']) && ($_POST['login_process'] == '1'))
if ($wb_user_type == 2)
if (md5($wb_user_password) != $configuration['main_administration']['admin_pwd'])
$_SESSION['last_login'] = $configuration['main_administration']['last_login'];
$_SESSION['last_login_ip'] = $configuration['main_administration']['last_login_ip'];
wb_change_config('last_login', db_time(), 'main_administration');
wb_change_config('last_login_ip', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'], 'main_administration');
$_SESSION['wb_user_type'] = $wb_user_type;
$_SESSION['wb_user_password'] = $wb_user_password;
if ($wb_user_type == '1')
if (($wb_user_username == $configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username']) && ($wb_user_password == $configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_password']))
if ($configuration['main_guest_login']['enable_gast'])
$wb_user_type = '0';
} else {
login_as_user($wb_user_username, $wb_user_password);
if ($wb_user_type == '0')
if ($configuration['main_guest_login']['enable_gast'])
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username'])."' AND `password` = '".md5($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_password'])."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$row = db_fetch($res);
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
$benutzer[$key] = $value;
if ($benutzer['banned'] == '1')
$_SESSION['last_login'] = $benutzer['last_login'];
$_SESSION['last_login_ip'] = $benutzer['last_login_ip'];
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `last_login` = NOW(), `last_login_ip` = '".$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']."' WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username'])."'");
$benutzer['last_login'] = db_time();
$benutzer['last_login_ip'] = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
$_SESSION['wb_user_type'] = $wb_user_type;
if ((!isset($_SESSION['wb_user_type'])) || (($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] != '0') && ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] != '1') && ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] != '2')))
$wb_user_type = -1;
if ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '0')
if ($configuration['main_guest_login']['enable_gast'])
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username'])."' AND `password` = '".md5($configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_password'])."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$row = db_fetch($res);
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
$benutzer[$key] = $value;
if ($benutzer['banned'] == '1')
$wb_user_type = $_SESSION['wb_user_type'];
$wb_user_username = $configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_username'];
$wb_user_password = $configuration['main_guest_login']['gast_password'];
else if ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '1')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($_SESSION['wb_user_username'])."' AND `password` = '".md5($_SESSION['wb_user_password'])."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$row = db_fetch($res);
foreach ($row as $key => $value)
$benutzer[$key] = $value;
if ($benutzer['banned'] == '1')
$wb_user_type = $_SESSION['wb_user_type'];
$wb_user_username = $_SESSION['wb_user_username'];
$wb_user_password = $_SESSION['wb_user_password'];
else if ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '2')
if (md5($_SESSION['wb_user_password']) != $configuration['main_administration']['admin_pwd'])
$wb_user_type = $_SESSION['wb_user_type'];
$wb_user_password = $_SESSION['wb_user_password'];
--- modules/login/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/login/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/login/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/login/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>main_login</expected_name>
+ <name>Mit Konto einloggen</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
--- modules/login/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/login/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,34
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'username\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>
<form action="index.php" target="_parent" method="POST" name="frm">
<input type="hidden" name="login_process" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="wb_user_type" value="1">
<b>Bitte loggen Sie sich ein.</b><br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">';
echo '<tr>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wb_user_username" id="username" value=""></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wb_user_password" value=""></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" name="login" value="Einloggen">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<caption>Mit Konto einloggen</caption>
--- modules/login/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/login/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/modules/temp/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/modules/temp/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,559
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// 15/07/2006 (2.6)
// - Changed the algorithm to parse the ZIP file.. Now, the script will try to mount the compressed
// list, searching on the 'Central Dir' records. If it fails, the script will try to search by
// checking every signature. Thanks to Jayson Cruz for pointing it.
// 25/01/2006 (2.51)
// - Fixed bug when calling 'unzip' without calling 'getList' first. Thanks to Bala Murthu for pointing it.
// 01/12/2006 (2.5)
// - Added optional parameter "applyChmod" for the "unzip()" method. It auto applies the given chmod for
// extracted files.
// - Permission 777 (all read-write-exec) is default. If you want to change it, you'll need to make it
// explicit. (If you want the OS to determine, set "false" as "applyChmod" parameter)
// 28/11/2005 (2.4)
// - dUnzip2 is now compliant with old-style "Data Description", made by some compressors,
// like the classes ZipLib and ZipLib2 by 'Hasin Hayder'. Thanks to Ricardo Parreno for pointing it.
// 09/11/2005 (2.3)
// - Added optional parameter '$stopOnFile' on method 'getList()'.
// If given, file listing will stop when find given filename. (Useful to open and unzip an exact file)
// 06/11/2005 (2.21)
// - Added support to PK00 file format (Packed to Removable Disk) (thanks to Lito [PHPfileNavigator])
// - Method 'getExtraInfo': If requested file doesn't exist, return FALSE instead of Array()
// 31/10/2005 (2.2)
// - Removed redundant 'file_name' on centralDirs declaration (thanks to Lito [PHPfileNavigator])
// - Fixed redeclaration of file_put_contents when in PHP4 (not returning true)
# Class dUnzip2 v2.6
# Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d)
# E-Mail: alexandrebr at gmail dot com
# Londrina - PR / Brazil
# Objective:
# This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly.
# Requirements:
# This class requires extension ZLib Enabled. It is default
# for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist.
# To do:
# * Error handling
# * Write a PHP-Side gzinflate, to completely avoid any external extensions
# * Write other decompress algorithms
# If you modify this class, or have any ideas to improve it, please contact me!
# You are allowed to redistribute this class, if you keep my name and contact e-mail on it.
# If you have problems using it, don't think twice before contacting me!
// Personal WebBase Zusatz für Kompatibilität mit Safe-Mode-Restriktion
function my_mkdir($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function my_chmod($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
if (is_dir($dr))
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0644 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function pre_create_file($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
@ftp_put($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2, 'modules/'.$modul.'/other/null-file.txt', FTP_ASCII);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0777 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function file_put_contents_precreate($file, $data)
if($tmp = fopen($file, "w")){
fwrite($tmp, $data);
return true;
echo "<b>file_put_contents_precreate:</b> Cannot create file $file<br>";
return false;
// Ende - Personal WebBase Zusatz
class dUnzip2{
Function getVersion(){
return "2.6";
// Public
var $fileName;
var $compressedList; // You will problably use only this one!
var $centralDirList; // Central dir list... It's a kind of 'extra attributes' for a set of files
var $endOfCentral; // End of central dir, contains ZIP Comments
var $debug;
// Private
var $fh;
var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature
var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature
var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature
// Public
Function dUnzip2($fileName){
$this->fileName = $fileName;
$this->compressedList =
$this->centralDirList =
$this->endOfCentral = Array();
Function getList($stopOnFile=false){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Returning already loaded file list.");
return $this->compressedList;
// Open file, and set file handler
$fh = fopen($this->fileName, "r");
$this->fh = &$fh;
$this->debugMsg(2, "Failed to load file.");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(1, "Loading list from 'End of Central Dir' index list...");
if(!$this->_loadFileListByEOF($fh, $stopOnFile)){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Trying to load list looking for signatures...");
if(!$this->_loadFileListBySignatures($fh, $stopOnFile)){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Could not find any valid header.");
$this->debugMsg(2, "ZIP File is corrupted or empty");
return false;
#------- Debug compressedList
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana; border: 1px solid #000'>";
foreach($this->compressedList as $fileName=>$item){
if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){
echo "<tr style='background: #ADA'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value)
echo "<td>$fieldName</td>";
echo '</tr>';
echo "<tr style='background: #CFC'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){
if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime')
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."</td>";
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
#------- Debug centralDirList
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana; border: 1px solid #000'>";
foreach($this->centralDirList as $fileName=>$item){
if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){
echo "<tr style='background: #AAD'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value)
echo "<td>$fieldName</td>";
echo '</tr>';
echo "<tr style='background: #CCF'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){
if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime')
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."</td>";
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
#------- Debug endOfCentral
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana' style='border: 1px solid #000'>";
echo "<tr style='background: #DAA'><td colspan='2'>dUnzip - End of file</td></tr>";
foreach($this->endOfCentral as $field=>$value){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td style='background: #FCC'>$field</td>";
echo "<td style='background: #FDD'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
return $this->compressedList;
Function getExtraInfo($compressedFileName){
Function getZipInfo($detail=false){
return $detail?
Function unzip($compressedFileName, $targetFileName=false){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Trying to unzip before loading file list... Loading it!");
$this->getList(false, $compressedFileName);
$fdetails = &$this->compressedList[$compressedFileName];
$this->debugMsg(2, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is not compressed in the zip.");
return false;
if(substr($compressedFileName, -1) == "/"){
$this->debugMsg(2, "Trying to unzip a folder name '<b>$compressedFileName</b>'.");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(1, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is empty.");
// Verändert für Personal WebBase
if ($targetFileName)
$x = file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, "");
return $x;
return "";
fseek($this->fh, $fdetails['contents-startOffset']);
$ret = $this->uncompress(
fread($this->fh, $fdetails['compressed_size']),
//if($applyChmod && $targetFileName)
return $ret;
Function unzipAll($targetDir=false, $baseDir="", $maintainStructure=true){
if($targetDir === false)
$targetDir = dirname(__FILE__)."/";
$lista = $this->getList();
if(sizeof($lista)) foreach($lista as $fileName=>$trash){
$dirname = dirname($fileName);
$outDN = "$targetDir/$dirname";
if(substr($dirname, 0, strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir)
if(!is_dir($outDN) && $maintainStructure){
$str = "";
$folders = explode("/", $dirname);
foreach($folders as $folder){
$str = $str?"$str/$folder":$folder;
$this->debugMsg(1, "Creating folder: $targetDir/$str");
if(substr($fileName, -1, 1) == "/")
$this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/$fileName"):
$this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/".basename($fileName));
Function close(){ // Free the file resource
Function __destroy(){
// Private (you should NOT call these methods):
Function uncompress($content, $mode, $uncompressedSize, $targetFileName=false){
case 0:
// Not compressed
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, $content):
case 1:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Shrunk mode is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Compression factor ".($mode-1)." is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 6:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Implode is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 7:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Tokenizing compression algorithm is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 8:
// Deflate
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize)):
gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize);
case 9:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Enhanced Deflating is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 10:
$this->debugMsg(2, "PKWARE Date Compression Library Impoloding is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 12:
// Bzip2
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, bzdecompress($content)):
case 18:
$this->debugMsg(2, "IBM TERSE is not supported... yet?");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(2, "Unknown uncompress method: $mode");
return false;
Function debugMsg($level, $string){
if($level == 1)
echo "<b style='color: #777'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";
if($level == 2)
echo "<b style='color: #F00'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";
Function _loadFileListByEOF(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
// Check if there's a valid Central Dir signature.
// Let's consider a file comment smaller than 1024 characters...
// Actually, it length can be 65536.. But we're not going to support it.
for($x = 0; $x < 1024; $x++){
fseek($fh, -22-$x, SEEK_END);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
if($signature == $this->dirSignatureE){
// If found EOF Central Dir
$eodir['disk_number_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of this disk
$eodir['disk_number'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
$eodir['total_entries_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
$eodir['total_entries'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in
$eodir['size_of_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // size of the central directory
$eodir['offset_start_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
$zipFileCommentLenght = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // zipfile comment length
$eodir['zipfile_comment'] = $zipFileCommentLenght[1]?fread($fh, $zipFileCommentLenght[1]):''; // zipfile comment
$this->endOfCentral = Array(
// Then, load file list
fseek($fh, $this->endOfCentral['offset_start_cd']);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
while($signature == $this->dirSignature){
$dir['version_madeby'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version made by
$dir['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
$dir['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
$dir['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
$dir['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
$dir['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
$dir['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32
$dir['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
$dir['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
$fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
$extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
$fileCommentLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // file comment length
$dir['disk_number_start'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // disk number start
$dir['internal_attributes'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // internal file attributes-byte1
$dir['external_attributes1']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes-byte2
$dir['external_attributes2']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes
$dir['relative_offset'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // relative offset of local header
$dir['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename
$dir['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1] ?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]) :''; // extra field
$dir['file_comment'] = $fileCommentLength[1]?fread($fh, $fileCommentLength[1]):''; // file comment
// Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
$BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980;
$lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4));
$lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
$lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5));
$lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6));
$lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5));
$this->centralDirList[$dir['file_name']] = Array(
'general_bit_flag'=>str_pad(decbin($dir['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
// If loaded centralDirs, then try to identify the offsetPosition of the compressed data.
if($this->centralDirList) foreach($this->centralDirList as $filename=>$details){
$i = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh, $details['relative_offset']);
$this->compressedList[$filename]['file_name'] = $filename;
$this->compressedList[$filename]['compression_method'] = $details['compression_method'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['version_needed'] = $details['version_needed'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['crc-32'] = $details['crc-32'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['compressed_size'] = $details['compressed_size'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['uncompressed_size'] = $details['uncompressed_size'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['extra_field'] = $i['extra_field'];
if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
return true;
return false;
Function _loadFileListBySignatures(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
fseek($fh, 0);
$return = false;
$details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
$this->debugMsg(1, "Invalid signature. Trying to verify if is old style Data Descriptor...");
fseek($fh, 12 - 4, SEEK_CUR); // 12: Data descriptor - 4: Signature (that will be read again)
$details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
$this->debugMsg(1, "Still invalid signature. Probably reached the end of the file.");
$filename = $details['file_name'];
$this->compressedList[$filename] = $details;
$return = true;
if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
return $return;
Function _getFileHeaderInformation(&$fh, $startOffset=false){
if($startOffset !== false)
fseek($fh, $startOffset);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
if($signature == $this->zipSignature){
# $this->debugMsg(1, "Zip Signature!");
// Get information about the zipped file
$file['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
$file['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
$file['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
$file['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
$file['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
$file['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32
$file['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
$file['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
$fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
$extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
$file['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename
$file['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1]?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]):''; // extra field
$file['contents-startOffset']= ftell($fh);
// Bypass the whole compressed contents, and look for the next file
fseek($fh, $file['compressed_size'][1], SEEK_CUR);
// Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
$BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980;
$lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4));
$lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
$lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5));
$lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6));
$lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5));
// Mount file table
$i = Array(
'file_name' =>$file['file_name'],
'version_needed' =>$file['version_needed'][1],
'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
'compressed_size' =>$file['compressed_size'][1],
'uncompressed_size' =>$file['uncompressed_size'][1],
'extra_field' =>$file['extra_field'],
'general_bit_flag' =>str_pad(decbin($file['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
return $i;
return false;
--- modules/modules/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/modules/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/modules/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/modules/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+// Funktioniert FTP-Zugang?
+$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-server'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-port']);
+$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-username'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-password']);
+$fehler = '';
+if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
+ $fehler = 'Personal WebBase ben&ouml;tigt FTP-Zugriff auf das Verzeichnis &quot;modules&quot;, damit Module ordnungsgem&auml;&szlig; (de)installiert werden k&ouml;nnen.<br>Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Server/Benutzername/Passwort falsch.';
+ $verhindere_loeschen = 1;
+if (($fehler == '') && ((substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/') || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/')))
+ $fehler = 'Die Verzeichnissyntax ist falsch. Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Verzeichnis zeigt nicht auf Personal WebBase-Verzeichnis oder Datei &quot;moddir.txt&quot; ist nicht mehr vorhanden.';
+ $verhindere_loeschen = 1;
+if (($fehler == '') && (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/moddir.txt') == -1))
+ $fehler = 'Personal WebBase ben&ouml;tigt FTP-Zugriff auf das Verzeichnis &quot;modules&quot;, damit Module ordnungsgem&auml;&szlig; (de)installiert werden k&ouml;nnen.<br>Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Verzeichnis zeigt nicht auf Personal WebBase-Verzeichnis oder Datei &quot;moddir.txt&quot; ist nicht mehr vorhanden.';
+ $verhindere_loeschen = 1;
+echo $header;
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie die Module von Personal WebBase verwalten. Ist ein Modul nicht
+korrekt geschrieben worden, so k&ouml;nnen trotz Deinstallation des Moduls noch Datenbest&auml;nde in der
+Datenbank zur&uuml;ckbleiben. Wenn das Modul als &quot;Personal WebBase-Core&quot; eingestuft wurde, dann
+ist der Autor des Moduls der Meinung, dass es wichtig f&uuml;r die Ausf&uuml;hrung von Personal WebBase oder anderen
+Modulen verantwortlich ist. Entfernen Sie ein solches Modul, so kann Personal WebBase besch&auml;digt und Kundendaten
+verloren gehen! In dem Feld &quot;Daten&quot; k&ouml;nnen Sie sehen, wie viele Personal WebBase-Konfigurationswerte (C) und wie viele
+MySQL-Tabellen (T) das jeweilige Modul benutzt.<br><br>';
+wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Verzeichnisname</b>', '', '<b>Modulname</b>', '', '<b>Autor</b>', '', '<b>Lizenztyp</b>', '', '<b>Version</b>', '', '<b>Sprache</b>', '', '<b>Daten</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
+foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
+ $res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `cid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."configuration` WHERE `module` = '".db_escape($m2)."'");
+ $row = db_fetch($res);
+ $cdaten = $row['cid'];
+ $res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `cid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules` WHERE `module` = '".db_escape($m2)."'");
+ $row = db_fetch($res);
+ $mdaten = $row['cid'];
+ $module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
+ if ($module_information->author == '') $module_information->author = 'Unbekannt';
+ if ($module_information->version == '') $module_information->version = 'Unbekannt';
+ if ($module_information->license == '0')
+ $module_information->license = 'Public Freeware';
+ else if ($module_information->license == '1')
+ $module_information->license = 'Public Shareware';
+ else if ($module_information->license == '2')
+ $module_information->license = 'Private Secured';
+ else if ($module_information->license == '3')
+ $module_information->license = 'Personal WebBase-Core';
+ else if ($module_information->license == '4')
+ $module_information->license = 'Personal WebBase-Enclosure';
+ else
+ $module_information->license = 'Unbekannt';
+ $ca = ($cdaten == 0) ? '' : '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=admin_configuration&amp;seite=config&amp;only='.$m2.'&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'" class="menu">';
+ $cb = ($cdaten == 0) ? '' : '</a>';
+ $ta = ($mdaten == 0) ? '' : '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=admin_database&amp;seite=main&amp;only='.$m2.'&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'" class="menu">';
+ $tb = ($mdaten == 0) ? '' : '</a>';
+ if ((isset($verhindere_loeschen)) && ($verhindere_loeschen != ''))
+ $aktionen = '<span class="grey">Entfernen</span>';
+ else
+ $aktionen = '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;entfernen='.$m2.'\');" class="menu">Entfernen</a>';
+ wb_draw_table_content('', htmlentities($m2), '', htmlentities($module_information->caption), '', htmlentities($module_information->author), '', $module_information->license, '', htmlentities($module_information->version), '', htmlentities($module_information->language), '', $ca.$cdaten.'C'.$cb.' / '.$ta.$mdaten.'T'.$tb, '', $aktionen);
+echo '<b>Modul installieren</b><br><br>';
+if ($fehler != '')
+ echo '<span class="red">'.$fehler.'</span>';
+ echo 'Achtung: Personal WebBase &uuml;berl&auml;sst den Modulen die komplette Handlungsfreiheit bez&uuml;glich der Datenbank und der PHP-Codeausf&uuml;hrung. Ein Modul kann bei dem Installationsprozess b&ouml;sartigen Code ausf&uuml;hren und das System oder den Datenbestand gef&auml;hrden. Installieren Sie daher nur Module, bei denen Sie sicherstellen k&ouml;nnen, dass sie keinen b&ouml;sartigen Code enthalten. Wenn Sie ein Modul updaten m&ouml;chten, deinstallieren Sie die alte Version des Modules zuerst. Maximale Dateigr&ouml;&szlig;e: '.ini_get('post_max_size').'B<br><br>
+<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
+<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
+<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
+<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="install">
+<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')).'">
+<input name="dfile" type="file"><br><br>
+<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Modul installieren">
+</form><a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">Weitere Module im offiziellen Personal WebBase-Portal</a>';
+echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/modules/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/modules/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,163
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function ftp_rmdir_rec($handle, $path)
if (!@ftp_delete($handle, $path))
$list = @ftp_nlist($handle, $path);
if (!empty($list))
foreach($list as $value)
ftp_rmdir_rec($handle, $value);
if(@ftp_rmdir($handle, $path))
return true;
return false;
// Funktioniert FTP-Zugang?
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-server'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-port']);
$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-username'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-password']);
$fehler = 0;
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
$fehler = 1;
if ((@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/moddir.txt') == -1) || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/') || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/'))
$fehler = 1;
if ($fehler)
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Fehlkonfiguration im FTP-Direktzugriff-Kernmodul! FTP-Zugangsdaten oder -Verzeichnis fehlerhaft bzw. zu geringe Zugriffsrechte! Bitte <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> einsehen.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Los gehts!
if ($aktion == 'delete')
// Achtung! Ein Hacker könnte ../ als Modul angeben und somit das komplette Modulverzeichnis oder mehr rekursiv löschen!
if (strpos($modul, '..'))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Der L&ouml;schvorgang wurde aufgrund einer Schutzverletzung abgebrochen!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Nun Modul über FTP löschen!
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$entfernen);
// Info: MySQL-Daten löschen sich über Autostart automatisch
if ($aktion == 'install')
// Temp-Verzeichnisnamen finden
$uid = 'temp_'.zufall(10);
// Datei in unser Verzeichnis kopieren, sodass wir darauf zugreifen können (für Safe-Mode)
if (!@ftp_put($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip', $_FILES['dfile']['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Konnte ZIP-Datei nicht in tempor&auml;res Verzeichnis des Modules hineinkopieren (FTP)!.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0644 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
// Temporäres Verzeichnis für Extraktion erstellen
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
// Entpacken zum Personal WebBase-Temp-Verzeichnis
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/includes/'))
$zip = new dUnzip2('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
$zip->unzipAll('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/', '', true);
// Temporäre Daten löschen
@ftp_delete($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
// Wenn Verzeichnis leer ist, lässt es sich löschen. -> Fehler
$verzinh = @ftp_nlist($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
if (count($verzinh) == 0)
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Dekompression entweder komplett misslungen oder ZIP-Datei war leer.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Verzeichnis verschieben
if (!@ftp_rename($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/', $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$uid.'/'))
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Das Verschieben des Verzeichnisses ist misslungen!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Richtigen Dateinamen finden
$fn = 'modules/'.$uid.'/folder_name.txt';
$fp = @fopen($fn, 'r');
$inhalt = @fread($fp, @filesize($fn));
// Datei folder_name.txt im Zielmodul löschen
@ftp_delete ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$uid.'/folder_name.txt');
if ($inhalt != '')
// Schutzverletzung im folder_namen?
if (strpos($inhalt, '..'))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Das Modul konnte zwar installiert werden, jedoch gab es bei der Umbenennung des Ordners eine Schutzverletzung!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Gibt es schon ein Modul mit dem Titel? Dann Alternativenamen finden
if (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$inhalt.'/'))
$zusatz = 2;
$problem = true;
while (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$inhalt.$zusatz.'/'))
$problem = false;
$zusatz = '';
// Ordner umbenennen
$erfolg = @ftp_rename ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$uid, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$inhalt.$zusatz);
// FTP-Verbindung trennen
// Wurde der Ordner nicht umbenannt? (z.B. Wenn der Ordnertitel nicht für Dateisystem zulässig war)
if (!$erfolg)
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Das Modul konnte zwar installiert werden, jedoch gab es bei der Umbenennung des Ordners einen Fehler!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Wurde nur der Ordner nicht korrekt umbenannt? (z.B. wenn es ein Modul mit dem selben Namen noch gibt)
if ($problem)
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Es existiert bereits ein Modul mit dem Namen &quot;'.$inhalt.'&quot;. Das Modul wurde trotzdem unter dem alternativen Namen &quot;'.$inhalt.$zusatz.'&quot; installiert.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Kein Dateiname angegeben?
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Das Modul wurde unter dem Namen &quot;'.$uid.'&quot; angelegt, da in der Moduldatei keine Namensangabe vorhanden war.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Alles OK? Dann zurück!
--- modules/modules/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/modules/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,7
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_add_config('lock_cleaner_until', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', $m2);
--- modules/cleaner/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cleaner/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,38
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// ToDo! Hier prüfen auf $configuration[$modul]['lock_cleaner_until']
// "SELECT WHERE NOW() < '".$configuration[$modul]['lock_cleaner_until']."'";
if (true)
for ($st=1; true; $st++)
$erf = false;
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2)
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($m2);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'.$st.'.inc.php'))
$filename = 'modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/'.$st.'.inc.php';
// eval() statt include(), damit Parsing-Fehler gemeldet werden können, die der Admin nicht sehen würde!
eval('?>' . trim(implode("\n", file($filename))));
$erf = true;
if (!$erf) break;
--- modules/cleaner/static/common_cronjob/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cleaner/static/common_cronjob/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/cleaner/static/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cleaner/static/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/cleaner/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/cleaner/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_cleaner</expected_name>
+ <name>Reinigungsmodul</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-01-30</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/logout/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/logout/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_logout</expected_name>
+ <name>Ausloggen</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-07-13</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,33
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// TODO: Besser Umleiten auf user_logout?
$_SESSION = array();
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2) {
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/')) {
echo '<b>Sie werden weitergeleitet</b><br><br>Bitte warten...<br><br><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
parent.location.href = \'index.php\';
// -->
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/logout/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/logout/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/logout/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/logout/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,31
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$_SESSION = array();
foreach ($modules as $m1 => $m2) {
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/'.$modul.'/')) {
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<b>Sie werden weitergeleitet</b><br><br>Bitte warten...<br><br><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
parent.location.href = \'index.php\';
// -->
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/logout/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/logout/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,12
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('tabellen', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'data', "longtext NOT NULL");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'tabellen', 1);
--- modules/tables/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/tables/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('tabellen', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Tabelle"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Anzeigen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/tables/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/tables/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'tabellen', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Neue Tabelle hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,84
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neue Tabelle</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Tabelle bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT name, folder FROM ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen WHERE id = '".db_escape($id)."' AND user = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Feldinformationen</b><br><br></td>
<td colspan="2">Noch in Bearbeitung...</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,68
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Initialisierung
$res = db_query("SELECT name, data FROM ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen WHERE id = '".db_escape($id)."' AND user = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
$text = $row['data'];
echo '<b>'.$row['name'].'</b><br><br>';
// Konstanten
$umbruch_zeile = ':';
$umbruch_item = '-';
$max_laenge = 50;
// Inhaltsabfrage
$ary1 = explode($umbruch_zeile, $text);
echo '<center><table border="1" cellspacing="3" cellpadding="3" width="95%">';
for ($j=0; $ary1[$j]!=''; $j++)
$ary2 = explode($umbruch_item, $ary1[$j]);
if ($j == 0)
echo '<tr bgcolor="#DDDDDD">';
for ($i=0; $ary2[$i]!=''; $i++)
$tname = 'type'.$i;
$$tname = substr($ary2[$i], 0, 1);
$titel = substr($ary2[$i], 1, strlen($ary2[$i])-1);
$titel = base64_decode($titel);
if (strlen($titel) > $max_laenge)
$titel = substr($titel, 0, $max_laenge).'...';
$titel = htmlentities($titel);
echo '<td><b>'.$titel.'</b></td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '<tr>';
for ($i=0; $ary2[$i]!=''; $i++)
$tname = 'type'.$i;
$inhalt = '<span class="red">Inhaltstyp fehlerhaft</span>';
if ($$tname == 'C')
$inhalt = base64_decode($ary2[$i]);
if ($inhalt == '1')
$x = ' checked';
$x = '';
$inhalt = '<input type="checkbox"'.$x.' disabled>';
else if ($$tname == 'T')
$inhalt = base64_decode($ary2[$i]);
if (strlen($inhalt) > $max_laenge)
$inhalt = substr($inhalt, 0, $max_laenge).'...';
$inhalt = htmlentities($inhalt);
echo '<td>'.$inhalt.'</td>';
echo '</tr>';
echo '</table><br></center>';
--- modules/tables/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/tables/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen` (`name`, `folder_cnid`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."tabellen`");
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/observances/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/observances/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_observances</expected_name>
+ <name>Aktuelles Kirchenfest</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-05-08</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>0</license>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,89
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
function martinus_parse_url($input) {
return '<a target="_blank" href="'.deferer(''.$input[1]).'"';
// Ich suche mir das aktuelle Kirchenfest von
$eingangsseite = my_get_contents('');
if ($eingangsseite == '') die('<b>Fehler: Konnte Ressourcen nicht beziehen!</b><br><br>Wenn das Problem weiterhin besteht, pr&uuml;fen Sie bitte Ihre PHP-Konfiguration.'.$footer);
preg_match_all('/Aktuelles Fest: <A HREF="(.+?)"(.+?)><B>(.+?)<\/B><\/A>/im', $eingangsseite, $omatches);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
$festseite = my_get_contents(''.$omatches[1][0].'&amp;typ=proprium');
preg_match_all('/<\/A><\/P><BR>(.+?)<CENTER><TABLE WIDTH="90%" CELLSPACING="4" ALIGN=CENTER><TR><TD style="text-align:center; background-color:#dcdcee"><FONT SIZE="-1">Zuletzt/is', $festseite, $matches);
echo '<h2>Proprium</h2>';
$txt = $matches[1][0];
$txt = str_replace('<A HREF="', '<a target="_blank" href="', $txt);
$txt = preg_replace_callback('/<a target="_blank" href="tag.php(.+?)"/ism', 'martinus_parse_url', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('#DCDCDC', '#F4F4F4', $txt);
$txt = str_replace(' <FONT SIZE=2>()</FONT>', '', $txt);
if (strpos($festseite, '<TD style="header;text-align=center;background-color:purple">')) $farbe = 'Violett';
if (strpos($festseite, '<TD style="header;text-align=center;background-color:white">')) $farbe = 'Weiß';
if (strpos($festseite, '<TD style="header;text-align=center;background-color:black">')) $farbe = 'Schwarz';
if (strpos($festseite, '<TD style="header;text-align=center;background-color:green">')) $farbe = 'Grün';
if (strpos($festseite, '<TD style="header;text-align=center;background-color:red">')) $farbe = 'Rot';
preg_match_all('/<A class="mainmenu" style="background-color:#DCDCDC" href="(.+?)" title="(.+?)">(.+?)<\/A><BR><P style="text-align:center;background-color:#DFEAFF"><A class="submenu" style="background-color:#DFEAFF" href="tag.php(.+?)"/is', $festseite, $matches);
$ary = explode('"', $matches[3][0]);
$einordnung = '<a target="_blank" href="'.deferer(''.$ary[count($ary)-4]).'">'.$ary[count($ary)-2].'</a>';
$dazwischen = '';
$dazwischen .= '<TR VALIGN="TOP"><TD WIDTH="22%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><STRONG>Name:</STRONG></P></TD><TD WIDTH="78%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P>'.$omatches[3][0].'</P></TD></TR>';
$dazwischen .= '<TR VALIGN="TOP"><TD WIDTH="22%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><STRONG>Einordnung:</STRONG></P></TD><TD WIDTH="78%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P>'.$einordnung.'</P></TD></TR>';
$dazwischen .= '<TR VALIGN="TOP"><TD WIDTH="22%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P ALIGN="RIGHT"><STRONG>Farbe:</STRONG></P></TD><TD WIDTH="78%" STYLE="background-color:#F4F4F4"><P>'.$farbe.'</P></TD></TR>';
$txt = str_replace('<COL WIDTH="201*"><TR VALIGN="TOP">', '<COL WIDTH="201*">'.$dazwischen.'<TR VALIGN="TOP">', $txt);
$txt = preg_replace('/<FONT SIZE=2>(.+?)<\/FONT>/is', '$1', $txt);
// Sonderzeichen
$txt = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ä', '&Auml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ö', '&Ouml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ü', '&Uuml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ä', '&auml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ö', '&ouml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ü', '&uuml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ß', '&szlig;', $txt);
echo decode_critical_html_characters($txt);
echo '<h2>Weitere Informationen</h2>';
echo '<ul>';
preg_match_all('/<p class="topmenu" style="background-color:#DCDCDC">(.+?)<\/P>/is', $festseite, $matches);
$txt = $matches[1][0];
$txt = preg_replace('/<A(.+?)>Proprium<\/A> \| /is', '', $txt);
$txt = str_replace(' | ', '</li><li>', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('<A HREF="', '<a target="_blank" href="', $txt);
$txt = preg_replace_callback('/<a target="_blank" href="tag.php(.+?)"/ism', 'martinus_parse_url', $txt);
echo '<li>';
// Sonderzeichen
$txt = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ä', '&Auml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ö', '&Ouml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('Ü', '&Uuml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ä', '&auml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ö', '&ouml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ü', '&uuml;', $txt);
$txt = str_replace('ß', '&szlig;', $txt);
echo decode_critical_html_characters($txt);
echo '</li>';
echo '</ul>Diese Informationen wurden zusammengetragen aus <a target="_blank" href="'.deferer('').'">Das Kirchenjahr</a> von Dr. Martinus.';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<caption>Aktuelles Kirchenfest</caption>
--- modules/observances/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/observances/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,13
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('confixx', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'server', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'confixx', 1);
--- modules/confixx/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/confixx/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,26
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('confixx', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
} else {
$a = '';
$b = '';
} else {
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Confixx"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['username'].'@'.$ary[$i]['server'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Besuchen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/confixx/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/confixx/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/confixx/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/confixx/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_confixx</expected_name>
+ <name>Confixx-Konten</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/confixx/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/confixx/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,24
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'confixx', 'ORDER BY id');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Einen neuen Server hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><br>G&uuml;ltig f&uuml;r Confixx 3.0';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,94
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'fserver\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neues Confixx-Konto</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Confixx-Konto bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$fusername = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$fpassword = (isset($row['password'])) ? $row['password'] : '';
$fserver = (isset($row['server'])) ? $row['server'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : '';
$fusername = '';
$fpassword = '';
$fserver = 'https://';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Zugangsdaten</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Server:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fserver" id="fserver" value="'.$fserver.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fusername" value="'.$fusername.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fpassword" value="'.$fpassword.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,21
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT `server`, `username`, `password` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
?><FORM name="loginform" action="<?php echo $row['server']; ?>login.php" method="POST" target="_top">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $row['username']; ?>">
<INPUT type="hidden" name="password" value="<?php echo $row['password']; ?>">
Bitte warten...<br><br>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
--- modules/confixx/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/confixx/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($fserver)) $url = 'https://'.$fserver;
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx` SET `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `server` = '".db_escape($fserver)."', `username` = '".db_escape($fusername)."', `password` = '".db_escape($fpassword)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($fserver)) $url = 'https://'.$fserver;
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx` (`folder_cnid`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($fserver)."', '".db_escape($fusername)."', '".db_escape($fpassword)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."confixx`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/links_notifier/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+if ((isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'])) && (isset($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])))
+ if ($WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag())
+ {
+ $wburl = 'https://';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $wburl = 'http://';
+ }
+ $wburl .= $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'];
+ $wburl .= dirname_with_pathdelimiter($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
+ $wburl = '';
+if (isset($configuration[$m2]['wb_system_url']))
+ if ($configuration[$m2]['wb_system_url'] != $wburl)
+ {
+ wb_change_config('wb_system_url', $wburl, $m2);
+ }
+ wb_add_config('wb_system_url', $wburl, $m2);
--- modules/links_notifier/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/links_notifier/static/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/static/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,62
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res4 = db_query("SELECT `email` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($inp_user)."' AND `banned` = '0'");
$row4 = db_fetch($res4);
$email = $row4['email'];
if (($email != '') && (check_email($email)))
// E-Mail senden
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `id` = '".$row3['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
$lid = $row['user_cnid'];
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `password`, `username` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '$lid'");
$row2 = db_fetch($res2);
$erw = md5($row2['password']);
$skey = wb_encrypt($row3['id'].'@'.$erw, '@ibs');
$url = decode_critical_html_characters($row3['url']);
$betreff = 'Personal WebBase - Linkaktualisierung: '.decode_critical_html_characters(utf8_decode($row3['name']));
$nachricht = "Sehr geehrter Personal WebBase Nutzer\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Das Personal WebBase System hat soeben festgestellt, dass die Webseite \"".decode_critical_html_characters(utf8_decode($row3['name']))."\", die Sie beobachten, sich verändert hat.\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Klicken Sie auf folgenden Link, um die Webseite zu öffnen und den Inhalt mit dem Personal WebBase-Datenbankeintrag neu zu synchronisieren:\n\n";
$nachricht .= $configuration[$x2]['wb_system_url']."page.php?modul=$x2&seite=view&skey=".urlencode($skey)."\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Durch das Anklicken des Links wird der Personal WebBase-Datenbankeintrag mit dem neuen Webseiteninhalt synchronisert. Sie erhalten diese E-Mail-Benachrichtigung danach erneut, sobald sich die Webseite ein weiteres Mal ändert.\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Der Link ist so lange gültig, bis der dazugehörige Datenbankeintrag auf dem Personal WebBase System gelöscht wird oder Sie Ihr Passwort ändern bzw. Ihr Benutzerkonto löschen.\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Wenn Sie keine automatische Synchronisierung wünschen, können Sie die Webseite auch direkt aufrufen. Bitte beachten Sie, dass Sie diese E-Mail dann erst wieder erhalten, nachdem Sie die Webseite über Personal WebBase aufgerufen und somit synchronisiert haben.\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Direkte URL: ".$url."\n";
if (entferne_anker($url) != $update_checkurl)
$nachricht .= "Prüfungs-URL: ".$update_checkurl."\n";
$nachricht .= "\nWenn Sie diese E-Mail-Benachrichtung zu häufig erhalten, enthält die Webseite möglicherweise dynamische Elemente wie z.B. einen Benutzerzähler, die sich bei jedem Seitenaufruf verändern. Führen Sie in diesem Fall ein Parsing-Check durch und flankieren Sie die für Sie relevanten Seiteninhalte oder deaktivieren Sie den Update-Service für diese Webseite.\n\n";
$nachricht .= "Diese Nachricht wurde automatisch generiert und ist an den Benutzer \"".decode_critical_html_characters(utf8_decode($row2['username']))."\" auf dem Server ".$configuration[$x2]['wb_system_url']." adressiert.";
// Debug
$nachricht .= "\n\nDebuginformationen:\n\n$debug";
$mailer = new SecureMailer();
if (($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'] != '') && (check_email($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'])))
$mailer->addHeader('From', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('X-Mailer', WBUserAgent());
if ((!$mailer->sendMail($email, $betreff, $nachricht)) && (function_exists('fehler_melden')))
fehler_melden($m2, '<b>Mail-Senden fehlgeschlagen!</b><br><br>Das Senden einer E-Mail mit dem Betreff &quot;'.$betreff.'&quot; an &quot;'.$email.'&quot; ist fehlgeschlagen!');
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,35
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">'; ?>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><?php echo '<a href="'.deferer($configuration[$modul]['wb_system_url']).'" target="_blank">'.$configuration[$modul]['wb_system_url'].'</a>' ?> (automatisch ermittelt)</td>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/links_notifier/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/links_notifier/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,34
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (!isset($skey)) $skey = '';
$skey_decoded = wb_decrypt($skey, '@ibs');
$skey_ary = explode('@', $skey_decoded);
$id = $skey_ary[0];
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
$lid = $row['user_cnid'];
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `password` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '$lid'");
$row2 = db_fetch($res2);
$erw = md5($row2['password']);
if ($erw == $skey_ary[1])
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information('user_links');
$benutzer['id'] = $lid;
if (file_exists('modules/user_links/page/'))
include 'modules/user_links/page/';
echo $header.'Sicherheitsschl&uuml;ssel fehlerhaft.'.$footer;
--- modules/links_notifier/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links_notifier/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,76
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (inetconn_ok())
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `id`, `url`, `name`, `update_text_begin`, `update_text_end`, `update_lastchecked`, `update_lastcontent`, `update_checkurl`, `new_tag`, `broken_tag`, `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE (`update_enabled` = '1') AND (((`update_lastchecked` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$configuration[$m2]['update_checkinterval_min']." MINUTE)) AND (`broken_tag` = '0')) OR ((`update_lastchecked` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$configuration[$m2]['kaputt_checkinterval_min']." MINUTE)) AND (`broken_tag` = '1'))) ORDER BY `id`");
while ($row3 = db_fetch($res3))
// Ist unsere Bedingung immer noch aktuell? Da sich die Cron-Scripts aufgrund Überlastung
// überschneiden können, könnte ohne diese Prüfung ein Link 10 Mal pro Sitzung geprüft werden
$res_check = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE (`update_enabled` = '1') AND (((`update_lastchecked` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$configuration[$m2]['update_checkinterval_min']." MINUTE)) AND (`broken_tag` = '0')) OR ((`update_lastchecked` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL ".$configuration[$m2]['kaputt_checkinterval_min']." MINUTE)) AND (`broken_tag` = '1'))) AND (`id` = '".db_escape($row3['id'])."')");
if (db_num($res_check) > 0)
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `update_lastchecked` = NOW() WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row3['id'])."'");
$update_checkurl = $row3['update_checkurl'];
if (strpos($update_checkurl, '://') === false)
$update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
$update_checkurl = entferne_anker($update_checkurl);
$update_checkurl = decode_critical_html_characters($update_checkurl);
$a = zwischen_url($update_checkurl, decode_critical_html_characters($row3['update_text_begin']), decode_critical_html_characters($row3['update_text_end']));
$fehler = $a === false;
// Debuginformationen
$debug = $a;
$a = md5($a);
$b = $row3['update_lastcontent'];
if ($fehler)
$kaputt = '1';
$new = $row3['new_tag'];
$kaputt = '0';
$new = ($a == $b) ? '0' : '1';
if ($row3['broken_tag'] != $kaputt)
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `broken_tag` = '".db_escape($kaputt)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row3['id'])."'");
if ($row3['new_tag'] != $new)
if ($new == '1')
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `new_tag` = '".db_escape($new)."', update_lastcontent = '".db_escape($a)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row3['id'])."'");
// Dual-Crossover (statisch)
$x2 = 'common_links_notifier';
$inp_user = $row3['user_cnid'];
$module_information = WBModuleHandler::get_module_information($x2);
if (file_exists('modules/'.$x2.'/static/'.$m2.'/'))
include 'modules/'.$x2.'/static/'.$m2.'/';
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `new_tag` = '".db_escape($new)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($row3['id'])."'");
--- modules/links/crossover/user_overview/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/crossover/user_overview/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+// Link Updates
+$res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `ct` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `update_enabled` = '1' AND `new_tag` = '1' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
+$row = db_fetch($res);
+$ereignisse['links_updates'] = $row['ct'];
+if ($ereignisse['links_updates'] != 1)
+ $plural_links1 = 'n';
+ $plural_links1 = '';
+if ($ereignisse['links_updates'])
+ $links_weiter1 = '<div align="right"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$m2.'&amp;onlyupdates=1" class="menu">Anzeigen &gt;&gt;</a></div>';
+ $links_weiter1 = '';
+wb_draw_table_content('30', '<b>'.$ereignisse['links_updates'].'</b>', '', 'beobachtete Webseite'.$plural_links1.' mit neuen &Auml;nderungen.', '', $links_weiter1);
+// Link Fehler
+$res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(*) AS `ct` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `update_enabled` = '1' AND `broken_tag` = '1' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
+$row = db_fetch($res);
+$ereignisse['links_fehler'] = $row['ct'];
+if ($ereignisse['links_fehler'] != 1)
+ $plural_links2 = 'n';
+ $plural_links2 = '';
+if ($ereignisse['links_fehler'])
+ $links_weiter2 = '<div align="right"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$m2.'&amp;onlyupdates=1" class="menu">Anzeigen &gt;&gt;</a></div>';
+ $links_weiter2 = '';
+wb_draw_table_content('30', '<b>'.$ereignisse['links_fehler'].'</b>', '', 'beobachtete Webseite'.$plural_links1.' mit fehlerhafter &Uuml;berpr&uuml;fung.', '', $links_weiter2);
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/links/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('links', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "text NOT NULL",
+ 'url', "text NOT NULL",
+ 'update_enabled', "enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'update_checkurl', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'update_text_begin', "longtext NOT NULL",
+ 'update_text_end', "longtext NOT NULL",
+ 'update_lastchecked', "datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
+ 'update_lastcontent', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'new_tag', "enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'broken_tag', "enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '0'");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'links', 1);
+wb_add_config('update_checkinterval_min', '60', $m2);
+wb_add_config('kaputt_checkinterval_min', '5', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,20
function entferne_anker($url)
if (strpos($url, '#') !== false)
$ary = explode('#', $url);
$tmp = '';
for ($i=0; $i<=count($ary)-2; $i++)
$tmp .= $ary[$i].'#';
$url = substr($tmp, 0, strlen($tmp)-1);
return $url;
--- modules/links/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,54
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($ary[$i]['broken_tag'] == '1') && ($ary[$i]['new_tag'] == '1') && ($ary[$i]['update_enabled'] == '1'))
$xx = '3';
$linkinfo = ' - Update vorhanden, jedoch Seite derzeit nicht erreichbar!';
else if (($ary[$i]['broken_tag'] == '1') && ($ary[$i]['update_enabled'] == '1'))
$xx = '2';
$linkinfo = ' - Updatepr&uuml;fung fehlgeschlagen!';
else if (($ary[$i]['new_tag'] == '1') && ($ary[$i]['update_enabled'] == '1'))
$xx = '1';
$linkinfo = ' - Update vorhanden!';
$xx = '0';
if ($ary[$i]['update_enabled'] == '1')
$linkinfo = ' - Kein Update vorhanden';
$linkinfo = ' - Updateservice deaktiviert';
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('links', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img alt="" src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item'.$xx.'.gif" alt="Link'.$linkinfo.'"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=view&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Besuchen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/links/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/links/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_links</expected_name>
+ <name>Links</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,42
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'admin_mail\').focus();"', $header);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">'; ?>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td>Update-Pr&uuml;funsinterval: </td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" size="5" name="update_checkinterval_min" id="update_checkinterval_min" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['update_checkinterval_min']; ?>"> Minuten</td>
<td>Pr&uuml;funsinterval bei kaputten Links: </td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td><input type="text" size="5" name="kaputt_checkinterval_min" id="kaputt_checkinterval_min" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['kaputt_checkinterval_min']; ?>"> Minuten</td>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
--- modules/links/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,19
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
if ((isset($update_checkinterval_min)) && (is_numeric($update_checkinterval_min)))
wb_change_config('update_checkinterval_min', db_escape($update_checkinterval_min), $modul);
if ((isset($kaputt_checkinterval_min)) && (is_numeric($kaputt_checkinterval_min)))
wb_change_config('kaputt_checkinterval_min', db_escape($kaputt_checkinterval_min), $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
--- modules/links/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,141
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>Parsing checken</h1>';
if ($update_checkurl == '')
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler!</b> Keine URL angegeben.</span>';
if (!inetconn_ok())
// Kann auftreten, wenn Personal WebBase von localhost aufgerufen wird
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler!</b> Es gibt derzeit ein Problem mit der Internetkonnektivit&auml;t des Systems.</span>';
$update_checkurl = entferne_anker($update_checkurl);
$update_checkurl = decode_critical_html_characters($update_checkurl);
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($update_checkurl))
$update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
$site = my_get_contents($update_checkurl);
if ($site === false)
echo '<span class="red"><b>Fehler!</b> URL &quot;'.$update_checkurl.'&quot; fehlerhaft.</span>';
$pattern = '/<meta(.+?)charset=(.+?)"(.+?)>/is';
preg_match($pattern, $site, $matches);
$charset = '';
if (isset($matches[2])) $charset = $matches[2];
echo '<p><b>Gepr&uuml;ft wird folgendes Parsing:</b></p>
<p>Check-URL: <a href="'.$update_checkurl.'" target="_blank">'.$update_checkurl.'</a></p>
<p>Linke Grenze';
if ($update_text_begin != '')
if (@strpos($site, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_begin)) === false)
echo ' (<span class="red">Nicht gefunden!</span>)';
echo ' (<span class="green">Gefunden!</span>)';
echo ':</p><p><code>';
if ($update_text_begin == '')
echo '<i>Keine</i>';
echo nl2br($update_text_begin);
echo '</code></p>
<p>Rechte Grenze';
if ($update_text_end != '')
if (@strpos($site, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_end)) === false)
echo ' (<span class="red">Nicht gefunden!</span>)';
echo ' (<span class="green">Gefunden!</span>)';
echo ':</p><p><code>';
if ($update_text_end == '')
echo '<i>Keine</i>';
echo nl2br($update_text_end);
echo '</code></p>';
$cont1 = zwischen_str($site, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_begin), decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_end));
$cont1 = my_htmlentities($cont1, $charset);
$cont1 = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $cont1);
//$cont1 = str_replace("\r", '<br>', $cont1);
$cont2 = zwischen_str($site, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_begin), decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_end));
$cont2 = my_htmlentities($cont2, $charset);
$cont2 = str_replace("\n", '<br>', $cont2);
//$cont2 = str_replace("\r", '<br>', $cont2);
if ($cont1 == $cont2)
echo '<center><hr><span class="green"><b>Es existieren derzeit keine dynamischen (sich bei jedem Seitenaufruf ver&auml;ndernden) Inhalte.</b></span><hr></center>';
echo '<font face="courier">'.$cont1.'</font>';
echo '<center><hr><span class="red"><b>WARNUNG! Es existieren derzeit dynamische (sich bei jedem Seitenaufruf ver&auml;ndernde) Inhalte! Die abweichenden Zeilen wurden rot markiert.<br>Flankieren Sie die von Ihnen gew&uuml;nschten Informationen, da der Update-Service ansonsten st&auml;ndig ein Seitenupdate meldet.</b></span><hr></center>';
echo '<code>';
$ary1 = explode("<br>", $cont1);
$ary2 = explode("<br>", $cont2);
foreach ($ary1 as $m1 => $m2)
if ($ary1[$m1] == $ary2[$m1])
echo $ary1[$m1].'<br>';
echo '<span class="red">'.$ary1[$m1].'</span><br>';
echo '</code>';
echo '<br><br><div align="center">';
echo '<input type="submit" onclick="javascript:window.close();" value="Schlie&szlig;en" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">';
echo '</div>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$url = decode_critical_html_characters($url);
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url))
$url = 'http://'.$url;
0,0 → 1,38
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
if ((!isset($onlyupdates)) || (!$onlyupdates))
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'links', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Einen neuen Link hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).' (nur Updates)</h1>';
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
wb_draw_item_filter($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'links', "WHERE `update_enabled` = '1' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `name`");
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,165
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Link</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Link bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `url`, `folder_cnid`, `update_text_begin`, `update_text_end`, `update_checkurl`, `update_enabled`, `update_lastchecked` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$url = (isset($row['url'])) ? $row['url'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$update_text_begin = (isset($row['update_text_begin'])) ? $row['update_text_begin'] : '';
$update_text_end = (isset($row['update_text_end'])) ? $row['update_text_end'] : '';
$update_checkurl = (isset($row['update_checkurl'])) ? $row['update_checkurl'] : '';
$update_enabled = (isset($row['update_enabled'])) ? $row['update_enabled'] : '';
$update_lastchecked = (isset($row['update_lastchecked'])) ? $row['update_lastchecked'] : '';
$name = '';
$url = 'http://';
$update_text_begin = '';
$update_text_end = '';
$update_checkurl = 'http://';
$update_enabled = '0';
$update_lastchecked = '0000-00-00 00:00:00';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
?><script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
function subm_form(act)
if (act == 0)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_self';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'operate';
if (act == 1)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_blank';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'checkparsing';
if (act == 2)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_blank';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'test_url';
if (act == 3)
document.forms["mainform"].target = '_blank';
document.forms["mainform"].elements["seite"].value = 'test_checkurl';
// -->
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Adresse:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="url" value="'.$url.'" size="50"> [<a href="javascript:subm_form(2);">Test</a>]</td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if ($update_enabled == '1') $zus = ' checked'; else $zus = '';
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br>Information: Wenn Sie keinen Linknamen angeben, wird Personal WebBase versuchen,
den Titel der Webseite automatisch herauszufinden.<br><br><b>Update-Service</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Status:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="checkbox" name="update_enabled" value="1"'.$zus.'> Aktiviert</td>
<td valign="top">Letzte Pr&uuml;fung:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.de_convertmysqldatetime($update_lastchecked).'</td>
<td valign="top">Update-Interval:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.$configuration[$modul]['update_checkinterval_min'].' Minuten (von dem Administrator festgelegt)</td>
<td valign="top">Pr&uuml;fungsinterval bei kaputten Links:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.$configuration[$modul]['kaputt_checkinterval_min'].' Minuten (von dem Administrator festgelegt)</td>
<td valign="top">Update-URL:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="update_checkurl" value="'.$update_checkurl.'" size="50"> [<a href="javascript:subm_form(3);">Test</a>]</td>
<td valign="top">Textbeginn:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="update_text_begin" cols="40" rows="8">'.$update_text_begin.'</textarea></td>
<td valign="top">Textende:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="update_text_end" cols="40" rows="8">'.$update_text_end.'</textarea><br>
[<a href="javascript:subm_form(1);">Parsing testen</a>]</td>
<td colspan="2"><br>Information: Bei Webseiten mit dynamischen Elementen (wie z.B. ein sich st&auml;ndig aktualisierender Counter oder ein Zufallsbild) m&uuml;ssen Sie relevante Ver&auml;nderungsmuster (wie z.B. ein Aktualisierungsdatum der Webseite) parsen. Bitte bedenken Sie, dass Sie f&uuml;r die Update-Jobs, die Sie in Auftrag geben, selbst verantwortlich sind. Absichtlich herbeigef&uuml;hrte, extreme Serverauslastungen k&ouml;nnen die K&uuml;ndigung Ihres Personal WebBase-Accounts bewirken.</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:subm_form(0);">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT `url`, `update_enabled`, `update_text_begin`, `update_text_end`, `update_checkurl` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
$url = entferne_anker($row['url']);
$url = decode_critical_html_characters($url);
if (inetconn_ok())
$site = my_get_contents($url);
if ($site !== false)
if ($row['update_enabled'])
$update_checkurl = $row['update_checkurl'];
if (strpos($update_checkurl, '://') === false)
$update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
$update_checkurl = entferne_anker($update_checkurl);
$update_checkurl = decode_critical_html_characters($update_checkurl);
$cont = zwischen_url($update_checkurl, decode_critical_html_characters($row['update_text_begin']), decode_critical_html_characters($row['update_text_end']));
// TODO: zwischen_url() === false beachten
$cont = md5($cont);
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `update_lastcontent` = '".db_escape($cont)."', `update_lastchecked` = NOW(), `new_tag` = '0', `broken_tag` = '0' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `broken_tag` = '1' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
die($header.'<h1>Fehler</h1>Die Webseite <a href="'.$row['url'].'" target="_blank">'.$row['url'].'</a> konnte nicht ge&ouml;ffnet werden. Eventuell ist die URL falsch oder die Seite tempor&auml;r nicht vorhanden.'.$footer);
--- modules/links/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/links/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$update_checkurl = decode_critical_html_characters($update_checkurl);
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($update_checkurl))
$update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
0,0 → 1,152
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
// Hat der Dabbes das "http://" vergessen?
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($update_checkurl)) $update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
// Titel selbstständig hinzufügen
if ($name == '')
if (inetconn_ok())
$dateiinhalt = my_get_contents($url);
@preg_match_all('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/im', $dateiinhalt, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1][0]))
$tmp = $matches[1][0];
if ($tmp != '')
$lname = $matches[1][0];
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = $name;
// Enthält Check-URL einen Anker? Entfernen
$update_checkurl = entferne_anker($update_checkurl);
if (!isset($update_enabled)) $update_enabled = '0';
// Ersten Inhalt hinzufügen, sofern Link-Updates aktiviert und Internetverbindung vorhanden
if (($update_enabled) && (inetconn_ok()))
$cont = zwischen_url($update_checkurl, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_begin), decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_end));
// TODO: zwischen_url() === false beachten
$cont = md5($cont);
$zus = ", `update_lastchecked` = NOW(), `update_lastcontent` = '".db_escape($cont)."'";
$zus = '';
// Gehört der Ordner auch dem Benutzer?
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
// Ausführen
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `url` = '".db_escape($url)."', `update_enabled` = '".db_escape($update_enabled)."', `update_checkurl` = '".db_escape($update_checkurl)."', `update_text_begin` = '".db_escape($update_text_begin)."', `update_text_end` = '".db_escape($update_text_end)."'$zus WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
// Hat der Dabbes das "http://" vergessen?
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($update_checkurl)) $update_checkurl = 'http://'.$update_checkurl;
if (!url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
// Titel selbstständig hinzufügen
if ($name == '')
if (inetconn_ok())
$dateiinhalt = my_get_contents($url);
@preg_match_all('/<title>(.+?)<\/title>/im', $dateiinhalt, $matches);
if (isset($matches[1][0]))
$tmp = $matches[1][0];
if ($tmp != '')
$lname = $matches[1][0];
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = 'Unbenannte Webseite';
$lname = $name;
// Enthält Check-URL einen Anker? Entfernen
$update_checkurl = entferne_anker($update_checkurl);
if (!isset($update_enabled)) $update_enabled = '0';
// Ersten Inhalt hinzufügen, sofern Link-Updates aktiviert und Internetverbindung vorhanden
if (($update_enabled) && (inetconn_ok()))
$cont = zwischen_url($update_checkurl, decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_begin), decode_critical_html_characters($update_text_end));
// TODO: zwischen_url() === false beachten
$cont = md5($cont);
$zus1 = "`update_lastchecked`, `update_lastcontent`, ";
$zus2 = "NOW(), '".db_escape($cont)."', ";
$zus1 = '';
$zus2 = '';
// Gehört der Ordner auch dem Benutzer?
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
if (!isset($update_enabled)) $update_enabled = '0';
// Ausführen
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` (`name`, `url`, `folder_cnid`, `update_enabled`, `update_checkurl`, `update_text_begin`, `update_text_end`, $zus1`new_tag`, `broken_tag`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($lname)."', '".db_escape($url)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($update_enabled)."', '".db_escape($update_checkurl)."', '".db_escape($update_text_begin)."', '".db_escape($update_text_end)."', $zus2'0', '0', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."links`");
0,0 → 1,11
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Umleiten
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/user_logout/')) {
--- modules/net2ftp/crossover/user_logout/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/crossover/user_logout/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+// Scan aller Cookies im Quellcode von net2ftp 0.98
+$cookies_to_delete = array();
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_ftpserver';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_directory';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_ftpmode';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_ftpserverport';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_language';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_passivemode';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_skin';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_sort';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_sortorder';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_sslconnect';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_username';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'net2ftpcookie_viewmode';
+foreach($cookies_to_delete as $val) {
+ wbUnsetCookie($val, 'modules/'.$m2.'/system/');
--- modules/net2ftp/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+$meldung = '';
+if (!inetconn_ok())
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
+ $cont = my_get_contents('');
+ if ($cont === false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
+ }
+ }
+if (decoct(@fileperms('modules/'.$m2.'/system/temp/')) != 40777)
+ $meldung .= '<br><br><span class="red">Die Funktionalit&auml;t dieses Modules k&ouml;nnte beeintr&auml;chtigt sein, da der Administrator folgendes Verzeichnis nicht schreibbar (CHMOD 0777) gemacht hat: modules/'.$m2.'/system/temp/</span>';
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/net2ftp/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('net2ftp', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'server', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'port', "int(11) NOT NULL default 21",
+ 'home_directory', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'net2ftp', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/net2ftp/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,264
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Personal WebBase-Spezifischer Session-Abschnitt
// Alexander Valyalkin
function get_rnd_iv($iv_len)
$iv = '';
while ($iv_len-- > 0) {
$iv .= chr(mt_rand() & 0xff);
return $iv;
function wb_encrypt($plain_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$plain_text .= "\x13";
$n = strlen($plain_text);
if ($n % 16) $plain_text .= str_repeat("\0", 16 - ($n % 16));
$i = 0;
$enc_text = get_rnd_iv($iv_len);
$iv = substr($password ^ $enc_text, 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($plain_text, $i, 16) ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$enc_text .= $block;
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return base64_encode($enc_text);
function wb_decrypt($enc_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$enc_text = base64_decode($enc_text);
$n = strlen($enc_text);
$i = $iv_len;
$plain_text = '';
$iv = substr($password ^ substr($enc_text, 0, $iv_len), 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($enc_text, $i, 16);
$plain_text .= $block ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return preg_replace('/\\x13\\x00*$/', '', $plain_text);
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getLockFlag())
die('<h1>Personal WebBase ist gesperrt</h1>Die Variable &quot;$lock&quot; in &quot;includes/; steht auf 1 bzw. true. Setzen Sie diese Variable erst auf 0, wenn das Hochladen der Dateien beim Installations- bzw. Updateprozess beendet ist. Wenn Sie Personal WebBase freigeben, bevor der Upload abgeschlossen ist, kann es zu einer Besch&auml;digung der Kundendatenbank kommen!');
//@ini_set('session.auto_start', 0);
@ini_set('session.cache_expire', 180);
@ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
@ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.cookie_secure', $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
@ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 0);
@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 1440);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_42', 0);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 1);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', 'ge') && substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN')
@ini_set('session.hash_function', 1);
@ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 6);
@ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');
// @ini_set('session.save_path', '../../../includes/session/');
// @ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&amp;');
// @ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,fieldset=');
$wb_session_name = 'webbase';
// wb_newdatabasetable('sessions', $m2, 'session_id', "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
// 'last_updated', "datetime NOT NULL",
// 'data_value', "text");
function sessao_open($aSavaPath, $aSessionName)
sessao_gc( ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') );
return True;
function sessao_close()
return True;
function sessao_read( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
$busca = mysql_query("SELECT `data_value` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
if (mysql_num_rows($busca) == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` (`session_id`, `last_updated`, `data_value`) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."', NOW(), '')");
return '';
$r = mysql_fetch_array($busca);
return wb_decrypt($r['data_value'], $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
function sessao_write( $aKey, $aVal )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` SET `data_value` = '".wb_encrypt($aVal, $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword())."', `last_updated` = NOW() WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
return True;
function sessao_destroy( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
function sessao_gc( $aMaxLifeTime )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_updated`) > ".mysql_real_escape_string($aMaxLifeTime));
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
@session_set_save_handler("sessao_open", "sessao_close", "sessao_read", "sessao_write", "sessao_destroy", "sessao_gc");
if (isset($_COOKIE[$wb_session_name])) @session_id($_COOKIE[$wb_session_name]);
if ((!isset($_SESSION['wb_user_type'])) || ((isset($_SESSION['wb_user_type'])) && ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '')))
die('<script language="JavaScript">
alert("Sie sind nicht mehr in Personal WebBase eingeloggt!");
// -->
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', 'lt') && isset($_COOKIE[$session_name]) && eregi("\r|\n", $_COOKIE[$session_name]))
// Entnommen von
function fetchip()
$client_ip = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] : '';
$x_forwarded_for = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : '';
$remote_addr = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
if (!empty($client_ip))
$ip_expl = explode('.',$client_ip);
$referer = explode('.',$remote_addr);
if($referer[0] != $ip_expl[0])
$return = $client_ip;
else if (!empty($x_forwarded_for))
$ip_expl = explode(',',$x_forwarded_for);
$return = end($ip_expl);
$return = $x_forwarded_for;
$return = $remote_addr;
unset ($client_ip, $x_forwarded_for, $remote_addr, $ip_expl);
return $return;
$usedns = TRUE;
$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$host = fetchip();
if ($usedns) // <- war im Originalen $global['dns']... was soll das sein?!
$dns = @gethostbyaddr($host);
$dns = $host;
if ((isset($_SESSION['session_secured'])) && ($_SESSION['session_secured']))
if (
(($_SESSION['host'] != $host) && !$usedns)
|| ($_SESSION['dns'] != $dns)
|| ($_SESSION['useragent'] != $useragent)
) {
} else {
$_SESSION['host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['dns'] = $dns;
$_SESSION['useragent'] = $useragent;
$_SESSION['session_secured'] = 1;
// Ende Personal WebBase-Abschnitt
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('net2ftp', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="FTP-Konto"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['username'].'@'.$ary[$i]['server'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Besuchen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/net2ftp/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,39
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (decoct(@fileperms('modules/'.$modul.'/system/temp/')) != 40777)
echo '<p><span class="red"><b>Die Funktionalit&auml;t dieses Modules k&ouml;nnte beeintr&auml;chtigt sein, da der Administrator folgendes Verzeichnis nicht schreibbar (CHMOD 0777) gemacht hat:</b><br>modules/'.$modul.'/system/temp/</span></p>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'net2ftp', 'ORDER BY id');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Einen neues Konto hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><br>Es wird folgende Websoftware verwendet: ';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/system/'))
echo '<span class="red">modules/'.$modul.'/system/ wurde nicht gefunden!</span>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,101
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'fusername\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neues FTP-Konto</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>FTP-Konto bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$fusername = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$fpassword = (isset($row['password'])) ? $row['password'] : '';
$fserver = (isset($row['server'])) ? $row['server'] : '';
$fstart = (isset($row['home_directory'])) ? $row['home_directory'] : '';
$fport = (isset($row['port'])) ? $row['port'] : '21';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
$fusername = '';
$fpassword = '';
$fserver = '';
$fstart = '';
$fport = '21';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Zugangsdaten</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fusername" id="fusername" value="'.$fusername.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fpassword" value="'.$fpassword.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Server:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fserver" value="'.$fserver.'" size="40"> : <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fport" value="'.$fport.'" size="5"></td>
<td valign="top">Startverzeichnis:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fstart" value="'.$fstart.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,37
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$res = db_query("SELECT `port`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `home_directory` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
<form name="LoginForm" id="LoginForm" action="modules/<?php echo $modul; ?>/system/" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="ftpserver" value="<?php echo $row['server']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="ftpserverport" value="<?php echo $row['port']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="username" value="<?php echo $row['username']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="password" value="<?php echo $row['password']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="directory" value="<?php echo $row['home_directory']; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="state" value="browse">
<input type="hidden" name="state2" value="main">
<input type="hidden" name="cookieset" value="yes">
<input type="hidden" name="ftpmode" value="binary">
<input type="hidden" name="skin" value="blue">
<input type="hidden" name="language" value="de">
<input type="hidden" name="login" value="">
Bitte warten...<br><br>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
--- modules/net2ftp/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/net2ftp/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp` SET `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `server` = '".db_escape($fserver)."', `username` = '".db_escape($fusername)."', `password` = '".db_escape($fpassword)."', `home_directory` = '".db_escape($fstart)."', `port` = '".db_escape($fport)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp` (`folder_cnid`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `home_directory`, `port`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($fserver)."', '".db_escape($fusername)."', '".db_escape($fpassword)."', '".db_escape($fstart)."', '".db_escape($fport)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."net2ftp`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/administration/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('admin_pwd', '', $m2);
+wb_add_config('last_login', '', $m2);
+wb_add_config('last_login_ip', '', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Sicherheitsabschnitt
$ary = explode('/', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
if (($configuration['main_administration']['admin_pwd'] == '') && ($ary[count($ary)-1] != 'style.css.php'))
$fehler = '';
if ((isset($setapwd)) && ($setapwd == '1'))
if ($apw1 == '')
$fehler .= '<p><span class="red">Fehler: Es muss ein Passwort angegeben werden!</span></p>';
if ($apw1 != $apw2)
$fehler .= '<p><span class="red">Fehler: Die beiden Passw&ouml;rter sind verschieden!</span></p>';
if (($validuser != $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername()) || ($validpass != $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword()))
$fehler .= '<p><span class="red">Fehler: Die MySQL-Validierungsdaten sind falsch!</span></p>';
if ($fehler == '')
wb_change_config('admin_pwd', md5($apw1), 'main_administration');
die($header.'<h1>Aktivierung von Personal WebBase</h1>Personal WebBase nutzt derzeit noch das Administratorpasswort, das bei der Auslieferung gesetzt wurde. Sie <u>m&uuml;ssen</u> ein eigenes Administratorpasswort eingeben!<br><br>
Bitte loggen Sie sich danach in den Administrationsbereich ein, um ggf. die Konfigurationswerte anzupassen.<br><br><form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="setapwd" value="1">
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr><td width="225">Administratorpasswort festlegen auf:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><input type="password" name="apw1" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';"></td></tr>
<tr><td>Eingabe wiederholen:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><input type="password" name="apw2" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';"></td></tr>
</table><br>Damit Personal WebBase sicherstellen kann, dass Sie derjenige sind, der Personal WebBase auch installiert hat, geben Sie bitte jetzt noch die MySQL-Zugangsdaten ein, das Sie in der Konfigurationsdatei <code>includes/</code> bei <code>$mysql_access_data[\'username\']</code> und <code>$mysql_access_data[\'password\']</code> eingetragen haben.<br><br>
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<tr><td width="225">MySQL-Benutzername:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><input type="text" name="validuser" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';"></td></tr>
<tr><td width="225">MySQL-Passwort:</td><td>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;</td><td><input type="password" name="validpass" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';"></td></tr>
<tr><td colspan="2"><br><input type="submit" value="Festlegen" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';"></td></tr>
--- modules/administration/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/administration/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'oldpwd\').focus();"', $header);
+if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
+if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie das Passwort f&uuml;r den Administrationsbereich &auml;ndern.<br><br>';
+echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
+<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="changepwd">
+<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
+<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
+<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">'; ?>
+<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>Aktuelles Passwort:</td>
+ <td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
+ <td><input type="password" name="oldpwd" id="oldpwd" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Neues Passwort:</td>
+ <td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
+ <td><input type="password" name="newpwd" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td>Wiederholung:</td>
+ <td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
+ <td><input type="password" name="newpwd2" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
+ </form>
+ <?php
+echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/administration/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,31
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'changepwd')
if ($configuration[$modul]['admin_pwd'] != md5($oldpwd))
die($header.'<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>Das eingegebene aktuelle Passwort ist nicht korrekt!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck zur Eingabe</a>'.$footer);
if ($newpwd != $newpwd2)
die($header.'<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>Die beiden neuen Passw&ouml;rter sind nicht gleich!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck zur Eingabe</a>'.$footer);
wb_change_config('admin_pwd', md5($newpwd), $modul);
$_SESSION['wb_user_password'] = $newpwd;
// die($header.'<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>Das &Auml;ndern des Passwortes war erfolgreich!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck zur Eingabe</a>'.$footer);
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
parent.location.href = \'index.php\';
// -->
--- modules/administration/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,29
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'password\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Bitte geben Sie das Passwort von Ihrem Personal WebBase-Serversystem ein, um die Kunden und die Konfiguration des Servers zu bearbeiten.<br><br>
<form action="index.php" target="_parent" method="POST" name="frm">
<input type="hidden" name="login_process" value="1">
<input type="hidden" name="wb_user_type" value="2">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">';
echo '<tr>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="wb_user_password" id="password" value=""></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" name="login" value="Einloggen">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/administration/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/administration/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,16
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$cookies_to_delete = array();
$cookies_to_delete[] = 'wb_fastlogin_key';
foreach($cookies_to_delete as $val) {
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/fastlogin/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fastlogin/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_fastlogin</expected_name>
+ <name>Schnellanmeldung</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/fastlogin/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fastlogin/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,124
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<b>Aktueller Status</b><br><br>';
if ($wb_user_type == 0)
echo '<span class="red">Diese Funktion ist im Gastzugang nicht verf&uuml;gbar.</span>';
if (!$configuration['common_fastlogin_access']['enabled'])
echo '<span class="red">Der Administrator hat die Schnellanmeldung deaktiviert.</span>';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td valign="top">Status:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
if ((isset($benutzer['fastlogin_secret'])) && ($benutzer['fastlogin_secret'] != ''))
echo '<p><span class="green"><b>Dienst aktiviert</b></span> (Ein Schnellanmeldegeheimnis liegt vor)</p>';
echo '<p>Seriennummer Ihres Schnellanmeldegeheimnisses: '.$benutzer['fastlogin_serial'].'.</p>';
// Anmerkung: Der Cookieinhalt wird nicht auf Gültigkeit geprüft
// Wäre der Inhalt ungültig, würde main_login/autostart/ beim nächsten
// Sessionverlust (= Auslesen des Cookies) den Fehler erkennen und das Cookie löschen.
if (isset($_COOKIE['wb_fastlogin_key'])) {
echo '<p>Das Cookie f&uuml;r das dauerhafte Einloggen ist derzeit in diesem Browser <span class="green"><b>eingerichtet</b></span>.</p>';
} else {
echo '<p>Das Cookie f&uuml;r das dauerhafte Einloggen ist derzeit in diesem Browser <span class="red"><b>nicht eingerichtet</b></span>.</p>';
echo '<br></td></tr><tr>
<td valign="top">Aktionen:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
if (isset($_COOKIE['wb_fastlogin_key'])) {
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=delcookie">Cookie f&uuml;r die Daueranmeldung an diesem Browser entfernen</a><br>
Dieser Browser loggt sich danach nicht mehr dauerhaft ein. Diese Aktion wird ebenfalls bei einem Klick auf "Ausloggen" durchgef&uuml;hrt.</p>';
} else {
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=reget">Cookie einrichten, ohne das Schnellanmeldegeheimnis zu &auml;ndern</a><br>
Geeignet bei gleichzeitiger Benutzung auf einem weiteren Computer/Browser oder zur einmaligen Einrichtung.</p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=generate">Schnellanmeldegeheimnis neu generieren und das neue Cookie auf diesem Browser einrichten</a><br>
Ein neues Cookie wird eingerichtet und alle bisherigen Cookies werden ung&uuml;ltig.</p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=destroy">Diesen Dienst deaktivieren, Schnellanmeldegeheimnis vernichten und Cookie bei diesem Browser l&ouml;schen</a><br>
Sie k&ouml;nnen den Dienst nach der Abmeldung jederzeit wieder aktivieren.</p>';
echo '<p><span class="red"><b>Dienst deaktiviert</b></font> (Ex ist kein Schnellanmeldegeheimnis hinterlegt)</p>';
echo '<br></td></tr><tr>
<td valign="top">Aktionen:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=generate">Dienst aktivieren, ein Schnellanmeldegeheimnis generieren und das Cookie einrichten</a><br>
Damit wird Ihr Browser f&uuml;r das dauerhafte Login eingerichtet.</p>';
echo '</td>
echo '<p><b>Hintergrundinformation</b></p>
<p>Um schneller auf Ihre Personal WebBase-Datenbank zugreifen zu k&ouml;nnen,
haben Sie hier die M&ouml;glichkeit, ein Cookie einzurichten, damit Sie dauerhaft
eingeloggt bleiben.</p>
<p>Es handelt sich hierbei um eine Cookie mit einer geheimen Sequenz
die in verschl&uuml;sselter Form Ihre Zugangsdaten enth&auml;lt und Ihnen das Einloggen
erleichert. Dass Entschl&uuml;sselungspasswort f&uuml;r das Cookie liegt auf dem
Server vor und kann jederzeit neu generiert werden, um alle ggf. gestohlenen Cookies
ung&uuml;ltig zu machen.</p>
<p>Achtung! Lassen Sie niemals Fremde an Ihren Computer, wenn das Cookie vergeben ist
(Das Selbe gilt f&uuml;r gespeicherte Passw&ouml;rter, die ausgelesen werden k&ouml;nnen)!
Ein Fremder k&ouml;nnte den Inhalt des Cookies, der auf Ihrem Browser gespeichert ist,
stehlen und sich damit in Ihren Account einloggen. Ihr tats&auml;chliches Passwort
kann jedoch aus dem Cookie nicht rekonstruiert werden, da es zwar als Autorisierungsmittel
gilt, jedoch weder von Ihnen, noch von einem Hacker entschl&uuml;sselt werden kann,
da das Passwort auf dem Server stationiert ist. Da Passw&ouml;rter nur mit einem Passwort
ge&auml;ndert werden k&ouml;nnen, bleibt Ihr Account deshalb auch bei einem Hack-Szenario
erhalten. (Die Benutzerdaten k&ouml;nnen jedoch gelesen, manipuliert oder vernichtet werden).</p>
<p>Die Information, die in Ihrem Cookie gespeichert ist, wird wertlos, sobald Sie Ihre
interne Datenbank-ID, Ihren Benutzernamen, Ihr Passwort oder Ihr Schnellanmeldegeheimnis (das auf dem Server gespeicherte Entschl&uuml;sselungspasswort)
&auml;ndern. &Auml;ndern Sie daher das Schnellanmeldegeheimnis mehrmals, wenn Sie an nur einem
Computer/Browser arbeiten. Arbeiten Sie an mehreren Computern/Browsern, m&uuml;ssen Sie jedem Browser das
selbe Cookie geben, damit alle den Dauerzugang erhalten. Eine Passwort&auml;nderung hat dann
zur Folge, dass Sie sich auf allen Computern nocheinmal einloggen und das Cookie einrichten m&uuml;ssen.</p>
<p>Sollen Sie den Verdacht haben, dass Ihr Cookie ausgelesen wurde, sollten Sie dringenst Ihr
Schnellanmeldegeheimnis neu generieren. Dadurch verlieren alle bisher vergebenen Cookies Ihre G&uuml;ltigkeit.
Damit ein im Moment eingeloggter Benutzer sofort den Zugang verliert, sollten
Sie zus&auml;tzlich Ihr Passwort &auml;ndern, damit die bestehende Kurzzeitsession,
die durch das Cookie eingerichtet wurde, ebenfalls ihre G&uuml;ltigkeit verliert.</p>
<p>Aktivieren Sie diese Funktionalit&auml;t daher nur, wenn Sie den Dauerzugang auch
tats&auml;chlich nutzen. Ist der Zugang aktiviert, ist ein potenzieller Angriff m&ouml;glich.</p>
<p>Diagramme: <a href="modules/'.$modul.'/images/diagramme/diagramm1.gif" target="_blank">Setzen eines Cookies</a>,
<a href="modules/'.$modul.'/images/diagramme/diagramm2.gif" target="_blank">Lesen eines Cookies</a>,
<a href="modules/'.$modul.'/images/diagramme/diagramme.ppt" target="_blank">PowerPoint Format</a></p>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/fastlogin/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/fastlogin/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,73
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// TODO: Konfigurierbar machen?
define('COOKIE_VALIDITY', time()+60*60*24*36525); // 100 Jahre gültig
if ($wb_user_type == 0)
die($header.'Funktionalit&auml;t nur f&uuml;r registrierte Benutzer.'.$footer);
if ($aktion == 'generate')
$hex = array('0', '1', '2', '3', '4', '5', '6', '7', '8', '9',
'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z',
'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z',
'.', ',', '$', '#', '!', '?', '=', '~', '*', '/', '\\', '+', '-', '_', '&', '%', '$', '§', '"', "'", ';', ':');
// TODO: Noch besser: Einfach jedes Nicht-Binärzeichen wählen
$new_secret_key = '';
for ($i=0; $i<255; $i++)
$new_secret_key .= $hex[mt_rand(0, count($hex)-1)];
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `fastlogin_serial` = `fastlogin_serial` + 1, `fastlogin_secret` = '".db_escape($new_secret_key)."' WHERE `id` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$benutzer['fastlogin_secret'] = $new_secret_key;
$aktion = 'reget';
if ($aktion == 'reget')
function wb_generate_fast_login_key() {
global $wb_user_username, $wb_user_password, $benutzer;
// Angabe der ID verhindert das Durchlaufen der Datenbank zum Suchen des passenden Eintrags
define('WB_FL_DELIM', '@@');
$secret_key = $wb_user_username."\n";
$secret_key .= special_hash($wb_user_username)."\n";
$secret_key .= $wb_user_password."\n";
$secret_key .= special_hash($wb_user_password);
$secret_key = $benutzer['id'].WB_FL_DELIM.wb_encrypt($secret_key, $benutzer['fastlogin_secret']);
return $secret_key;
$secret_key = wb_generate_fast_login_key();
wbSetCookie('wb_fastlogin_key', $secret_key, COOKIE_VALIDITY);
if ($aktion == 'destroy')
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `fastlogin_secret` = '' WHERE `id` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$aktion = 'delcookie';
if ($aktion == 'delcookie')
0,0 → 1,18
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
$check = inetconn_ok();
if ($check)
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Internetkonnektivit&auml;t OK</span>';
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Keine Internetkonnektivit&auml;t oder falsche <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$m2.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationwerte</a>!</span>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,8
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_add_config('internet-check-url', '', $m2);
wb_add_config('internet-check-port', '80', $m2);
0,0 → 1,10
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (!inetconn_ok())
fehler_melden($m2, '<b>Internetanbindung gest&ouml;rt</b><br><br>Es gab ein Problem mit der Internetverbindung des Servers. Der Link-Updateservice und andere Module, die auf eine korrekte Internetverbindung angewiesen sind, waren entweder eingeschr&auml;nkt oder in ihrer Funktion fehlerhaft.');
--- modules/internet/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/internet/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,52
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function inetconn_ok()
global $configuration;
// Ergebnis für Scriptlaufzeit zwischenspeichern aufgrund von Performancegründen
if (defined('inet_conn_result'))
return inet_conn_result;
$r = @fsockopen($configuration['common_internet']['internet-check-url'], $configuration['common_internet']['internet-check-port'], $errno, $errstr, 5);
define('inet_conn_result', $r);
return $r;
$httpc = new HTTPClass;
$httpc->connection_checker = 'inetconn_ok';
$httpc->error_level = HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS;
$httpc->user_agent = WBUserAgent();
function my_get_contents($url) {
global $httpc;
$httpc_res = $httpc->execute_http_request($url, '');
if ($httpc_res->error != HTTPC_NO_ERROR) {
return false;
} else {
return $httpc_res->content;
function zwischen_url($url, $von, $bis, $flankierungen_miteinbeziehen = true)
$cont = my_get_contents($url);
if ($cont === false) return false;
return zwischen_str($cont, $von, $bis, $flankierungen_miteinbeziehen);
0,0 → 1,448
* ViaThinkSoft
* PHP Simple Internet Class (HTTPC = HTTP Class)
* Version: 1.4.1 (2009-08-06)
* Source:
/* function inetconn_ok() {
return true;
$http = new HTTPClass;
// Everything is optional in this part
$http->connection_checker = 'inetconn_ok';
$http->user_agent = 'Hello World Browser';
$http->redirect_limit = 15;
$http->time_out = 10;
$http->error_level = HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS;
$http->use_old_http_protocol_version = false;
$http->use_post_method = false;
$http->additional_fields['Referer'] = '';
$res = $http->execute_http_request('');
if ($res->error != HTTPC_NO_ERROR) {
echo 'Error!';
} else {
if (!is_null($res->final_redirected_url)) echo '<p>Last redirection was: '.$res->final_redirected_url.'</p>';
echo '<p><code>'.nl2br(htmlentities($res->content)).'</code></p>';
} */
define('HTTPC_NO_ERROR', 0);
define('HTTPC_ERROR_SOCKET', 3);
class HTTPClassResult {
public $content = null;
public $status_code = null;
public $error = HTTPC_NO_ERROR;
public $error_info = null;
public $final_redirected_url = null;
public $redirect_counter = 0;
public $header = null;
class HTTPClass {
public $user_agent;
public $redirect_limit;
public $time_out;
public $error_level;
public $connection_checker;
public $use_old_http_protocol_version;
public $use_post_method;
public $additional_fields;
// Konstruktor
function HTTPClass()
$this->user_agent = 'PHP/'.phpversion();
$this->redirect_limit = 50;
$this->time_out = 10;
$this->error_level = HTTPC_ERRLVL_WARNINGS;
$this->connection_checker = null;
$this->use_old_http_protocol_version = false;
$this->use_post_method = false;
$this->additional_fields = array();
private function decode_header ( $str )
$part = preg_split ( "/\r?\n/", $str, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY );
$out = array ();
for ( $h = 0; $h < sizeof ( $part ); $h++ )
if ( $h != 0 )
$pos = strpos ( $part[$h], ':' );
$k = strtolower ( str_replace ( ' ', '', substr ( $part[$h], 0, $pos ) ) );
$v = trim ( substr ( $part[$h], ( $pos + 1 ) ) );
$k = 'status';
$v = explode ( ' ', $part[$h] );
$v = $v[1];
if ($k == '') break; // Zusatz von Personal WebBase
if ( $k == 'set-cookie' )
$out['cookies'][] = $v;
else if ( $k == 'content-type' )
if ( ( $cs = strpos ( $v, ';' ) ) !== false )
$out[$k] = substr ( $v, 0, $cs );
$out[$k] = $v;
$out[$k] = $v;
return $out;
private function decode_body ( $info, $str, $eol = "\r\n" )
$tmp = $str;
$add = strlen ( $eol );
$str = '';
if ( isset ( $info['transfer-encoding'] ) && $info['transfer-encoding'] == 'chunked' )
$tmp = ltrim ( $tmp );
$pos = strpos ( $tmp, $eol );
$len = hexdec ( substr ( $tmp, 0, $pos ) );
if ( isset ( $info['content-encoding'] ) )
$str .= gzinflate ( substr ( $tmp, ( $pos + $add + 10 ), $len ) );
$str .= substr ( $tmp, ( $pos + $add ), $len );
$tmp = substr ( $tmp, ( $len + $pos + $add ) );
$check = trim ( $tmp );
while ( ! empty ( $check ) );
else if ( isset ( $info['content-encoding'] ) )
$str = gzinflate ( substr ( $tmp, 10 ) );
else {
$str = $tmp;
return $str;
private function url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)
$ary = explode('://', $url);
return ((strpos($ary[0], '/') === false) && (isset($ary[1])));
private function get_error_class($code)
return floor($code / 100);
public function execute_http_request($url, $data_to_send)
$result = new HTTPClassResult();
if (!is_null($this->connection_checker)) {
if (!function_exists($this->connection_checker)) {
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_WARNINGS) {
trigger_error("The connection checker function does not exists!", E_USER_WARNING);
$result->error_info = null;
} else {
if (!call_user_func($this->connection_checker)) {
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS) {
trigger_error('No internet connection', E_USER_ERROR);
return $result;
for ($result->redirect_counter = 0; $result->redirect_counter <= $this->redirect_limit; $result->redirect_counter++) {
if (!$this->url_protokoll_vorhanden($url)) $url = 'http://'.$url;
// URL splitten
$ary = explode('://', $url);
$cry = explode('/', $ary[1]);
$bry = explode(':', $cry[0]);
// Protokoll festlegen
$protocol = strtolower($ary[0]);
// Und nun prüfen, ob das Protokoll gültig ist
if (($protocol != 'http') && ($protocol != 'https')) {
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS) {
trigger_error("Unknown protocol '$protocol'", E_USER_ERROR);
$result->error = HTTPC_ERROR_PROTOCOL;
$result->error_info = $protocol;
return $result;
// Host festlegen
$host = $bry[0];
// Port festlegen und ggf. SSL-Präfix setzen
if (isset($bry[1])) {
// Es ist ein Port angegeben
$port = $bry[1];
} else {
// Wenn nicht, dann den Standardports für das Protokoll anwählen
if ($protocol == 'http') {
$port = 80;
} else if ($protocol == 'https') {
$port = 443;
// Wenn SSL verwendet wird, dann den Präfix setzen
if ($protocol == 'https') {
$ssl_prefix = 'ssl://';
} else {
$ssl_prefix = '';
// Request-String festlegen
$req = '';
for ($i=1; isset($cry[$i]); $i++) {
$req .= '/'.$cry[$i];
if ($req == '') $req = '/';
// Anfrage starten
$fp = @fsockopen($ssl_prefix.$host, $port, $errno, $errstr, $this->time_out);
if (!$fp) {
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS) {
trigger_error("Could not open socket: '$errstr' ($errno)", E_USER_ERROR);
$result->error = HTTPC_ERROR_SOCKET;
$result->error_info = "$errstr ($errno)";
return $result;
if ($this->use_post_method) {
// Anmerkung: Es gab Fälle, bei denen PHP in eine Endlosschleife stieg, wenn man bei POST nicht einzelne puts() verwendet
if ($this->use_old_http_protocol_version) {
@fputs ($fp, "POST $req HTTP/1.0\r\n");
} else {
@fputs ($fp, "POST $req HTTP/1.1\r\n");
@fputs ($fp, "Host: $host\r\n");
@fputs ($fp, "Connection: close\r\n");
foreach ($this->additional_fields as $akey => $aval) {
@fputs ($fp, "$akey: $aval\r\n");
if ($data_to_send != '') {
fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data_to_send) ."\r\n");
@fputs ($fp, "User-Agent: ".$this->user_agent."\r\n\r\n");
@fputs($fp, $data_to_send);
} else {
if ($this->use_old_http_protocol_version) {
$request = "GET $req HTTP/1.0\r\n";
} else {
$request = "GET $req HTTP/1.1\r\n";
$request .= "Host: $host\r\n";
$request .= "Connection: close\r\n";
foreach ($this->additional_fields as $akey => $aval) {
$request .= "$akey: $aval\r\n";
if ($data_to_send != '') {
fputs($fp, "Content-length: ". strlen($data_to_send) ."\r\n");
$request .= "User-Agent: ".$this->user_agent."\r\n\r\n";
$request .= $data_to_send;
@fputs ($fp, $request);
$tmp = '';
while (!@feof($fp)) {
$tmp .= @fgets($fp,128);
// Die Kopfzeilen auswerten
$result->header = $this->decode_header($tmp);
if (isset($result->header['status'])) {
$result->status_code = $result->header['status'];
} else {
// Das sollte niemals passieren ...
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_WARNINGS) {
trigger_error("HTTP-Status-Code unknown!", E_USER_WARNING);
$result->error_info = null;
$result->status_code = 0;
// Fehler (Status-Klassen ab 4)?
if ($this->get_error_class($result->status_code) >= 4) {
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_WARNINGS) {
trigger_error("HTTP-Status-Code: '".$result->status_code."'!", E_USER_WARNING);
$result->error_info = $result->status_code;
// Here NO return, since we also want to see the HTML-content of the error page
// Prüfen, ob eine Weiterleitung vorhanden ist.
$location_vorhanden = ((isset($result->header['location'])) && ($result->header['location'] != ''));
if ((($this->get_error_class($result->status_code) == 3) || ($result->status_code == 201)) &&
($location_vorhanden)) {
// Anmerkung: Laut RFC2616 ist das Feld "Location" scheinbar nur bei HTTP-Code 201 oder 3xx gültig.
// Daher prüfe ich zusätzlich, ob der Statuscode 3xx oder 201 vorliegt.
$weiterleitung = $result->header['location'];
} else {
$weiterleitung = null;
if ($location_vorhanden) {
// Das sollte eigentlich nicht passieren ...
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_WARNINGS) {
trigger_error("A redirect was found but ignored because the status code '".$result->status_code."' did not allow it", E_USER_WARNING);
$result->error_info = $result->header['location']." (".$result->status_code.")";
if (!is_null($weiterleitung)) {
if (strpos($weiterleitung, '://') !== false) {
// 1. Fall:
$url = $weiterleitung;
} else if (substr($weiterleitung, 0, 2) == './') {
// 2. Fall: ./test.php
if (substr($req, strlen($req)-1, 1) != '/') {
// Entweder ein Verzeichnis ohne / am Ende oder eine Datei
// Letztes Element muss abgeschnitten werden
$x = '';
$gry = explode('/', $req);
for ($j=1; isset($gry[$j+1]); $j++) {
$x .= '/'.$gry[$j];
$x .= '/';
} else {
$x = $req;
$x .= substr($weiterleitung, 2, strlen($weiterleitung)-2);
$url = $protocol.'://'.$host.$x;
} else if (substr($weiterleitung, 0, 1) == '/') {
// 3. Fall: /test.php
$x = $weiterleitung;
$url = $protocol.'://'.$host.$x;
} else {
// 4. Fall: test.php (= ./test.php)
$x = $req;
if (substr($req, strlen($req)-1, 1) != '/') {
// Entweder ein Verzeichnis ohne / am Ende oder eine Datei
// Letztes Element muss abgeschnitten werden
$x = '';
$gry = explode('/', $req);
for ($j=1; isset($gry[$j+1]); $j++) {
$x .= '/'.$gry[$j];
$x .= '/';
} else {
$x = $req;
$x .= $weiterleitung;
$url = $protocol.'://'.$host.$x;
$result->header = null;
$result->final_redirected_url = $url;
} else {
// Keine Weiterleitungen vorhanden
// Content filtern
$con = explode("\r\n\r\n", $tmp);
$tmp = '';
for ($i=1; isset($con[$i]); $i++) {
$tmp .= $con[$i];
if (isset($con[$i+1])) $tmp .= "\r\n\r\n";
$result->content = $this->decode_body($result->header, $tmp);
return $result;
// Es wurde zu oft umgeleitet
if ($this->error_level >= HTTPC_ERRLVL_FATAL_ERRORS) {
trigger_error("Redirect limit of '".$this->redirect_limit."' at URL '".$url."' redirects exceeded", E_USER_ERROR);
$result->error_info = $this->redirect_limit;
return $result;
--- modules/internet/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/internet/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/internet/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/internet/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_internet</expected_name>
+ <name>Internetkernkomponente</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'internet-check-url\').focus();"', $header);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
if (inetconn_ok())
echo '<span class="green">Internetverbindung OK</span>';
echo '<span class="red">Internetverbindung nicht OK oder ung&uuml;ltige(r) Pr&uuml;f-URL/Port</span>';
<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
<td>http://<input type="text" size="30" name="internet_check_url" id="internet_check_url" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['internet-check-url']; ?>">/ auf Port <input type="text" size="5" name="internet_check_port" id="internet_check_port" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['internet-check-port']; ?>"></td>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
--- modules/internet/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/internet/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,22
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
wb_change_config('internet-check-url', db_escape($internet_check_url), $modul);
if ((isset($internet-check-port)) && (is_numeric($internet-check-port)))
wb_change_config('internet-check-port', db_escape($internet_check_port), $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
$check = inetconn_ok();
if ($check)
--- modules/internet/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/internet/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
if (!inetconn_ok())
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/media_collection/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/media_collection/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('mediacollection_entries', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'nr', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'category', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'medium', "enum('CD','DVD') NOT NULL default 'CD'",
+ 'einstellungsdatum', "datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
+ 'gebrannt', "enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '1'",
+ 'aussortiert', "enum('1','0') NOT NULL default '0'");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'mediacollection_entries', 0);
+wb_newdatabasetable('mediacollection_content', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'category', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'eintrag', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'komplett', "longtext NOT NULL");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'mediacollection_content', 0);
+my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'mediacollection_content', 'eintrag', true, 'eintrag');
+wb_newdatabasetable('mediacollection_categories', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'nummer', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'spalte', "char(1) NOT NULL default ''");
+my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'mediacollection_categories', 'spalte_and_nummer', true, 'spalte', 'nummer');
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'mediacollection_categories', 0);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/media_collection/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/media_collection/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/media_collection/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/media_collection/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_media_collection</expected_name>
+ <name>Datenträgerarchiv</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>2</license>
--- modules/media_collection/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/media_collection/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,64
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'category\').focus();"', $header);
if (isset($sent) && ($sent == '1'))
if ((!isset($category)) || ((isset($category)) && ($category == ''))) die(); // Alternativ: Prüfen, ob die Kategorie wirklich existiert!
$ary = explode("\n", $eintraege);
for ($i=0; $i <= count($ary); $i++)
$res3 = db_query("SELECT MAX(`nr`) AS `mx` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` WHERE `category` = '".$category."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row3 = db_fetch($res3);
$new = $row3['mx'];
if (isset($ary[$i]) && ($ary[$i] != ''))
if (strpos($ary[$i], '*'))
$ary[$i] = str_replace('*', '', $ary[$i]);
$gebrannt = '1';
$gebrannt = '0';
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` (`nr`, `name`, `category`, `einstellungsdatum`, `gebrannt`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".($new+1)."', '".db_escape($ary[$i])."', '".db_escape($category)."', NOW(), '".db_escape($gebrannt)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
echo '<h1>Neue Eintr&auml;ge erstellen</h1>';
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `nummer`, `spalte`, `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_categories` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `spalte`, `nummer` ASC");
if (db_num($res2) == 0) {
echo '<p>Es existieren keine Kategorieren.</p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=newkat">Eine Kategorie anlegen</a></p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main">Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</a></p>';
} else {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">';
echo 'Kategorie: <select name="category" id="category">';
while ($row2 = db_fetch($res2)) {
echo '<option value="'.$row2['spalte'].$row2['nummer'].'">'.$row2['spalte'].$row2['nummer'].' - '.$row2['name'].'</option>';
echo '</select><br><br>';
echo '<textarea name="eintraege" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea><br>';
echo '<br><input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Eintr&auml;ge erstellen"> <input type="button" value="Abbrechen" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main\'" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">';
echo '</form>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,34
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
function dreinull($inp)
$out = $inp;
if (strlen($inp) == 1) $out = '00'.$inp;
if (strlen($inp) == 2) $out = '0'.$inp;
return $out;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '[<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=newkat">Neue Kategorie</a>] [<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=newdisk">Neuer Eintrag</a>] [<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=newinhalt">Neuer Inhalt</a>]<br><br>';
$res1 = db_query("SELECT `nummer`, `spalte`, `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_categories` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `spalte`, `nummer` ASC");
while ($row1 = db_fetch($res1))
echo '<b>'.$row1['spalte'].dreinull($row1['nummer']).' - <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=show&amp;id='.$row1['spalte'].$row1['nummer'].'">'.$row1['name'].'</a></b><br>';
if (db_num($res1) == 0)
echo '<b>Keine Kategorien vorhanden!</b>';
$res3 = db_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `ct` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` WHERE `aussortiert` = '0' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row3 = db_fetch($res3);
echo '<br>Es befinden sich '.$row3['ct'].' Objekte im Datentr&auml;gerarchiv';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,80
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if ($ansicht == '') $ansicht = 'wurzel';
// $res2 = db_query("SELECT `eintrag`, `komplett` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
// $row2 = db_fetch($res2);
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `category`, `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$row3 = db_fetch($res3);
echo '<h1>Datentr&auml;gerarchiv</h1>';
echo '<b>Angezeigt wird der Inhalt von: '.$row3['name'].' ('.$row3['category'].')</b><br><br>';
if ($ansicht == 'wurzel')
$a1a = '';
$a1b = '';
$a1a = '<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=cdinhalt&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;ansicht=wurzel">';
$a1b = '</a>';
if ($ansicht == 'ordner')
$a2a = '';
$a2b = '';
$a2a = '<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=cdinhalt&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;ansicht=ordner">';
$a2b = '</a>';
if ($ansicht == 'komplett')
$a3a = '';
$a3b = '';
$a3a = '<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=cdinhalt&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;ansicht=komplett">';
$a3b = '</a>';
echo '['.$a1a.'Wurzelansicht'.$a1b.'] ['.$a2a.'Ordneransicht'.$a2b.'] ['.$a3a.'Komplettansicht'.$a3b.']<br><br>';
$roh = '';
$ary = explode("\n", $row2['komplett']);
for ($i=0; array_key_exists($i, $ary); $i++)
if (($ansicht == 'wurzel') && (substr($ary[$i], 1, 3) == '---'))
$roh .= $ary[$i]."\n";
if (($ansicht == 'wurzel') && (substr($ary[$i], 0, 4) == '| ') && (substr($ary[$i], 5, 1) != ' '))
$roh .= $ary[$i]."\n";
if (($ansicht == 'ordner') && (strpos($ary[$i], '---')))
$roh .= $ary[$i]."\n";
if ($ansicht == 'komplett')
$roh .= $ary[$i]."\n";
$zus = "Wurzelverzeichnis\n";
$inh = str_replace(' ', '&nbsp;', nl2br(htmlentities($zus.$roh)));
if ($row2['komplett'] == '') $inh = 'Kein Inhalt definiert';
echo '<code>'.$inh.'</code><br>';
echo '&lt;&lt; <a href="show.php?id='.$row3['category'].'">Zur&uuml;ck zu den Eintr&auml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,45
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'spalte1\').focus();"', $header);
if (isset($sent) && ($sent == '1'))
for ($i=1; $i<=10; $i++)
$tmp1 = 'spalte'.$i;
$tmp2 = 'id'.$i;
$tmp3 = 'name'.$i;
if (($$tmp1 != '') || ($$tmp2 != '') || ($$tmp3 != ''))
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_categories` (`nummer`, `name`, `spalte`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".$$tmp2."', '".$$tmp3."', '".$$tmp1."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
echo '<h1>Neue Kategorien erstellen</h1>';
echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte1" id="spalte1" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id1" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name1" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte2" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id2" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name2" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte3" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id3" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name3" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte4" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id4" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name4" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte5" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id5" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name5" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte6" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id6" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name6" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte7" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id7" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name7" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte8" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id8" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name8" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte9" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id9" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name9" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="spalte10" value="" size="2"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="id10" value="" size="2"> - <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name10" value="" size="60"><br>';
echo '<br><input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Kategorien erstellen">
<input type="button" value="Abbrechen" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main\'" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">';
echo '</form>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,76
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'eintrag\').focus();"', $header);
if (isset($sent) && ($sent == '1'))
if ((!isset($eintrag)) || ((isset($eintrag)) && ($eintrag == ''))) die(''); // Alternativ: Prüfen, ob der Datenträger wirklich existiert!
if (($wurzel == '') && ($ordner == '') && ($komplett == ''))
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content` WHERE `eintrag` = '".db_escape($eintrag)."' AND `category` = '".$category."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content`");
$ary = explode('-', $eintrag);
$category = $ary[0];
$eintrag = $ary[1];
$komplett = $komplett;
$komplett = str_replace('„', '&auml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('”', '&ouml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('?', '&uuml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('Ž', '&Auml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('™', '&Ouml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('š', '&Uuml;', $komplett);
$komplett = str_replace('á', '&szlig;', $komplett);
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content` SET `komplett` = '".db_escape($komplett)."' WHERE `eintrag` = '".db_escape($eintrag)."' AND `category` = '".db_escape($category)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content` (`eintrag`, `komplett`, `category`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($eintrag)."', '".db_escape($komplett)."', '".db_escape($category)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
echo '<h1>Neuen Inhalt erstellen</h1>';
$disks = '';
$something_found = false;
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `nummer`, `spalte`, `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_categories` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `spalte`, `nummer` ASC");
while ($row2 = db_fetch($res2))
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `id`, `nr`, `name` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` WHERE `category` = '".$row2['spalte'].$row2['nummer']."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `id` ASC");
while ($row3 = db_fetch($res3)) {
$disks .= '<option value="'.$row2['spalte'].$row2['nummer'].'-'.$row3['id'].'">'.$row2['spalte'].$row2['nummer'].' - ('.$row3['nr'].') '.$row3['name'].'</option>';
$something_found = true;
if (!$something_found) {
echo '<p>Es existieren keine Datentr&auml;ger.</p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=newdisk">Einen Datentr&auml;ger hinzuf&uuml;gen</a></p>';
echo '<p><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main">Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</a></p>';
} else {
echo '<form method="post" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="mainform">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="newinhalt">';
echo '<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">';
echo 'Datentr&auml;ger: <select name="eintrag" id="eintrag">';
echo $disks;
echo '</select><br><br>';
echo 'Komplettinhalt (tree x: /f /a)<br><br><textarea name="komplett" cols="70" rows="10"></textarea><br><br>';
echo '<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Inhalt einf&uuml;gen"> <input type="button" value="Abbrechen" onclick="document.location.href=\'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main\'" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">';
echo '</form>';
echo $footer;
--- modules/media_collection/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/media_collection/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,71
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
function dreinull($inp)
$out = $inp;
if (strlen($inp) == 1) $out = '00'.$inp;
if (strlen($inp) == 2) $out = '0'.$inp;
return $out;
if (isset($aus)) db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` SET `aussortiert` = '1' WHERE `category` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `nr` = '".db_escape($aus)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (isset($ein)) db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` SET `aussortiert` = '0' WHERE `category` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `nr` = '".db_escape($ein)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
echo '<h1>Datentr&auml;gerarchiv</h1>';
echo '<b>Angezeigt wird: '.$id.'</b><br><br>';
$res2 = db_query("SELECT `nr`, `name`, `gebrannt`, `aussortiert` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_entries` WHERE `category` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' ORDER BY `nr` ASC");
while ($row2 = db_fetch($res2))
$res3 = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."mediacollection_content` WHERE `eintrag` = '".$row2['nr']."' AND `category` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res3) > 0)
$row3 = db_fetch($res3);
$a3 = '<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=cdinhalt&amp;id='.$row3['id'].'">';
$a4 = '</a>';
$a3 = '';
$a4 = '';
if ($row2['gebrannt'] == '1')
$a1 = '<i>';
$a2 = '</i>';
$a1 = '';
$a2 = '';
if ($row2['aussortiert'] == '1')
$a1b = '<span class="grey">';
$a2b = '</span>';
$a1b = '';
$a2b = '';
if ($row2['aussortiert'] == '1')
$xy = ' (<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=show&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;ein='.$row2['nr'].'">'.$a1b.'Einsortieren'.$a2b.'</a>)';
$xy = ' (<a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=show&amp;id='.$id.'&amp;aus='.$row2['nr'].'">'.$a1b.'Aussortieren'.$a2b.'</a>)';
echo $row2['nr'].'. '.$a3.$a1b.$a1.$row2['name'].$a2.$a4.$xy.$a2b.'<br>';
if (db_num($res2) == 0)
echo 'Keine Eintr&auml;ge vorhanden!<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '&lt;&lt; <a href="?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main">Zur&uuml;ck zur &Uuml;bersicht</a>';
echo $footer;
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/account/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('allow_user_selfdelete', '1', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/account/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/account/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_account</expected_name>
+ <name>Verwaltung</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,39
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Konfigurationen des Modules vornehmen.<br><br>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
if ($configuration[$modul]['allow_user_selfdelete'] == '1')
$zus = 'checked';
$zus = '';
<input type="checkbox" name="userselfdel" value="1"<?php echo $zus; ?>> Benutzerselbstl&ouml;schung erlauben<br><br>
<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?php echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
echo $footer;
--- modules/account/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,17
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
if ((!isset($userselfdel)) || (($userselfdel == '') || (($userselfdel != '') && ($userselfdel != '1')))) $userselfdel = 0;
wb_change_config('allow_user_selfdelete', $userselfdel, $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
--- modules/account/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,82
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (isset($fertig) && ($fertig))
echo 'Die &Auml;nderung wurde &uuml;bernommen.';
if ($wb_user_type == '0')
echo 'In diesem Bereich k&ouml;nnen Benutzer ihr Passwort &auml;ndern bzw. das Konto l&ouml;schen, sofern der Administrator dies erlaubt.<br><br><span class="red">Diese Funktion ist im Gastzugang nicht verf&uuml;gbar.</span>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="pwd_aendern">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie Ihr Benutzerkonto verwalten.<br><br>';
echo '<b>Passwort &auml;ndern</b><br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Aktuelles Passwort:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="pwd" value=""></td>
<td>Neues Passwort:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="newpwd1" value=""></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="newpwd2" value=""></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Passwort &auml;ndern"></form>
<b>Konto l&ouml;schen</b><br><br>';
if ($configuration[$modul]['allow_user_selfdelete'] == '1')
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="acc_dele">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$seite.'">
Bitte geben Sie zum L&ouml;schen des Personal WebBase-Accounts das Wort &quot;OK&quot; in das Sicherheitsfeld ein.<br><br>
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Aktuelles Passwort:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="pwd" value=""></td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="sic" value="" maxlength="2"></td>
</table><br><input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Konto l&ouml;schen"></form>';
echo 'Information: Der Serveradministrator hat die Benutzer-Selbstl&ouml;schung deaktiviert.';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/account/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/account/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,79
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($wb_user_type == 0)
die($header.'Funktionalit&auml;t nur f&uuml;r registrierte Benutzer.'.$footer);
else if ($wb_user_type == 1)
if ($wb_user_password != $pwd)
die($header.'<h1>Verwaltung</h1>Das Passwort zur Verifizierung ist nicht korrekt.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
if ($aktion == 'pwd_aendern')
if ($newpwd1 != $newpwd2)
die($header.'<h1>Verwaltung</h1>Die 2 Passw&ouml;rter stimmen nicht &uuml;berein.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
if ($newpwd1 == '')
die($header.'<h1>Verwaltung</h1>Sie m&uuml;ssen ein Passwort eingeben.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `password` = '".md5($newpwd1)."' WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($wb_user_username)."'");
$_SESSION['wb_user_password'] = $newpwd1;
if ($aktion == 'acc_dele')
if ($configuration[$modul]['allow_user_selfdelete'] == 1)
if (strtoupper($sic) != 'OK')
die($header.'<h1>Verwaltung</h1>Zum L&ouml;schen m&uuml;ssen Sie die Sicherheitsfrage beantworten.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
/* foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
db_query("DELETE FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `$m1`");
unset($m2); */
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `username` = '".db_escape($wb_user_username)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users`");
echo '<html><script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript">
// -->
die($header.'<h1>Verwaltung</h1>Der Administrator hat Selbstl&ouml;schungen deaktiviert.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$desname = '';
if (file_exists('designs/'))
include ('designs/');
wb_add_config('design', $desname, $m2);
0,0 → 1,7
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$design_ordner = 'designs/'.$configuration['admin_designs']['design'].'/';
--- modules/designs/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/designs/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,559
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// 15/07/2006 (2.6)
// - Changed the algorithm to parse the ZIP file.. Now, the script will try to mount the compressed
// list, searching on the 'Central Dir' records. If it fails, the script will try to search by
// checking every signature. Thanks to Jayson Cruz for pointing it.
// 25/01/2006 (2.51)
// - Fixed bug when calling 'unzip' without calling 'getList' first. Thanks to Bala Murthu for pointing it.
// 01/12/2006 (2.5)
// - Added optional parameter "applyChmod" for the "unzip()" method. It auto applies the given chmod for
// extracted files.
// - Permission 777 (all read-write-exec) is default. If you want to change it, you'll need to make it
// explicit. (If you want the OS to determine, set "false" as "applyChmod" parameter)
// 28/11/2005 (2.4)
// - dUnzip2 is now compliant with old-style "Data Description", made by some compressors,
// like the classes ZipLib and ZipLib2 by 'Hasin Hayder'. Thanks to Ricardo Parreno for pointing it.
// 09/11/2005 (2.3)
// - Added optional parameter '$stopOnFile' on method 'getList()'.
// If given, file listing will stop when find given filename. (Useful to open and unzip an exact file)
// 06/11/2005 (2.21)
// - Added support to PK00 file format (Packed to Removable Disk) (thanks to Lito [PHPfileNavigator])
// - Method 'getExtraInfo': If requested file doesn't exist, return FALSE instead of Array()
// 31/10/2005 (2.2)
// - Removed redundant 'file_name' on centralDirs declaration (thanks to Lito [PHPfileNavigator])
// - Fixed redeclaration of file_put_contents when in PHP4 (not returning true)
# Class dUnzip2 v2.6
# Author: Alexandre Tedeschi (d)
# E-Mail: alexandrebr at gmail dot com
# Londrina - PR / Brazil
# Objective:
# This class allows programmer to easily unzip files on the fly.
# Requirements:
# This class requires extension ZLib Enabled. It is default
# for most site hosts around the world, and for the PHP Win32 dist.
# To do:
# * Error handling
# * Write a PHP-Side gzinflate, to completely avoid any external extensions
# * Write other decompress algorithms
# If you modify this class, or have any ideas to improve it, please contact me!
# You are allowed to redistribute this class, if you keep my name and contact e-mail on it.
# If you have problems using it, don't think twice before contacting me!
// Personal WebBase Zusatz für Kompatibilität mit Safe-Mode-Restriktion
function my_mkdir($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function my_chmod($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
if (@is_dir($dr))
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0644 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function pre_create_file($dr)
global $conn_id;
global $configuration;
global $uid;
global $modul;
$dr2 = substr($dr, strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid), strlen($dr)-strlen('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid));
@ftp_put($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2, 'modules/'.$modul.'/other/null-file.txt', FTP_ASCII);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0777 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.$dr2);
function file_put_contents_precreate($file, $data)
if($tmp = fopen($file, "w")){
fwrite($tmp, $data);
return true;
echo "<b>file_put_contents_precreate:</b> Cannot create file $file<br>";
return false;
// Ende - Personal WebBase Zusatz
class dUnzip2{
Function getVersion(){
return "2.6";
// Public
var $fileName;
var $compressedList; // You will problably use only this one!
var $centralDirList; // Central dir list... It's a kind of 'extra attributes' for a set of files
var $endOfCentral; // End of central dir, contains ZIP Comments
var $debug;
// Private
var $fh;
var $zipSignature = "\x50\x4b\x03\x04"; // local file header signature
var $dirSignature = "\x50\x4b\x01\x02"; // central dir header signature
var $dirSignatureE= "\x50\x4b\x05\x06"; // end of central dir signature
// Public
Function dUnzip2($fileName){
$this->fileName = $fileName;
$this->compressedList =
$this->centralDirList =
$this->endOfCentral = Array();
Function getList($stopOnFile=false){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Returning already loaded file list.");
return $this->compressedList;
// Open file, and set file handler
$fh = fopen($this->fileName, "r");
$this->fh = &$fh;
$this->debugMsg(2, "Failed to load file.");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(1, "Loading list from 'End of Central Dir' index list...");
if(!$this->_loadFileListByEOF($fh, $stopOnFile)){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Trying to load list looking for signatures...");
if(!$this->_loadFileListBySignatures($fh, $stopOnFile)){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Failed! Could not find any valid header.");
$this->debugMsg(2, "ZIP File is corrupted or empty");
return false;
#------- Debug compressedList
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana; border: 1px solid #000'>";
foreach($this->compressedList as $fileName=>$item){
if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){
echo "<tr style='background: #ADA'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value)
echo "<td>$fieldName</td>";
echo '</tr>';
echo "<tr style='background: #CFC'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){
if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime')
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."</td>";
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
#------- Debug centralDirList
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana; border: 1px solid #000'>";
foreach($this->centralDirList as $fileName=>$item){
if(!$kkk && $kkk=1){
echo "<tr style='background: #AAD'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value)
echo "<td>$fieldName</td>";
echo '</tr>';
echo "<tr style='background: #CCF'>";
foreach($item as $fieldName=>$value){
if($fieldName == 'lastmod_datetime')
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>".date("d/m/Y H:i:s", $value)."</td>";
echo "<td title='$fieldName' nowrap='nowrap'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
#------- Debug endOfCentral
$kkk = 0;
echo "<table border='0' style='font: 11px Verdana' style='border: 1px solid #000'>";
echo "<tr style='background: #DAA'><td colspan='2'>dUnzip - End of file</td></tr>";
foreach($this->endOfCentral as $field=>$value){
echo "<tr>";
echo "<td style='background: #FCC'>$field</td>";
echo "<td style='background: #FDD'>$value</td>";
echo "</tr>";
echo "</table>";
return $this->compressedList;
Function getExtraInfo($compressedFileName){
Function getZipInfo($detail=false){
return $detail?
Function unzip($compressedFileName, $targetFileName=false){
$this->debugMsg(1, "Trying to unzip before loading file list... Loading it!");
$this->getList(false, $compressedFileName);
$fdetails = &$this->compressedList[$compressedFileName];
$this->debugMsg(2, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is not compressed in the zip.");
return false;
if(substr($compressedFileName, -1) == "/"){
$this->debugMsg(2, "Trying to unzip a folder name '<b>$compressedFileName</b>'.");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(1, "File '<b>$compressedFileName</b>' is empty.");
// Verändert für Personal WebBase
if ($targetFileName)
$x = file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, "");
return $x;
return "";
fseek($this->fh, $fdetails['contents-startOffset']);
$ret = $this->uncompress(
fread($this->fh, $fdetails['compressed_size']),
//if($applyChmod && $targetFileName)
return $ret;
Function unzipAll($targetDir=false, $baseDir="", $maintainStructure=true){
if($targetDir === false)
$targetDir = dirname(__FILE__)."/";
$lista = $this->getList();
if(sizeof($lista)) foreach($lista as $fileName=>$trash){
$dirname = dirname($fileName);
$outDN = "$targetDir/$dirname";
if(substr($dirname, 0, strlen($baseDir)) != $baseDir)
if(!is_dir($outDN) && $maintainStructure){
$str = "";
$folders = explode("/", $dirname);
foreach($folders as $folder){
$str = $str?"$str/$folder":$folder;
$this->debugMsg(1, "Creating folder: $targetDir/$str");
if(substr($fileName, -1, 1) == "/")
$this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/$fileName"):
$this->unzip($fileName, "$targetDir/".basename($fileName));
Function close(){ // Free the file resource
Function __destroy(){
// Private (you should NOT call these methods):
Function uncompress($content, $mode, $uncompressedSize, $targetFileName=false){
case 0:
// Not compressed
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, $content):
case 1:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Shrunk mode is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 2:
case 3:
case 4:
case 5:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Compression factor ".($mode-1)." is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 6:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Implode is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 7:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Tokenizing compression algorithm is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 8:
// Deflate
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize)):
gzinflate($content, $uncompressedSize);
case 9:
$this->debugMsg(2, "Enhanced Deflating is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 10:
$this->debugMsg(2, "PKWARE Date Compression Library Impoloding is not supported... yet?");
return false;
case 12:
// Bzip2
return $targetFileName?
file_put_contents_precreate($targetFileName, bzdecompress($content)):
case 18:
$this->debugMsg(2, "IBM TERSE is not supported... yet?");
return false;
$this->debugMsg(2, "Unknown uncompress method: $mode");
return false;
Function debugMsg($level, $string){
if($level == 1)
echo "<b style='color: #777'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";
if($level == 2)
echo "<b style='color: #F00'>dUnzip2:</b> $string<br>";
Function _loadFileListByEOF(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
// Check if there's a valid Central Dir signature.
// Let's consider a file comment smaller than 1024 characters...
// Actually, it length can be 65536.. But we're not going to support it.
for($x = 0; $x < 1024; $x++){
fseek($fh, -22-$x, SEEK_END);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
if($signature == $this->dirSignatureE){
// If found EOF Central Dir
$eodir['disk_number_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of this disk
$eodir['disk_number'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // number of the disk with the start of the central directory
$eodir['total_entries_this'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in the central dir on this disk
$eodir['total_entries'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // total number of entries in
$eodir['size_of_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // size of the central directory
$eodir['offset_start_cd'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // offset of start of central directory with respect to the starting disk number
$zipFileCommentLenght = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // zipfile comment length
$eodir['zipfile_comment'] = $zipFileCommentLenght[1]?fread($fh, $zipFileCommentLenght[1]):''; // zipfile comment
$this->endOfCentral = Array(
// Then, load file list
fseek($fh, $this->endOfCentral['offset_start_cd']);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
while($signature == $this->dirSignature){
$dir['version_madeby'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version made by
$dir['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
$dir['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
$dir['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
$dir['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
$dir['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
$dir['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32
$dir['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
$dir['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
$fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
$extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
$fileCommentLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // file comment length
$dir['disk_number_start'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // disk number start
$dir['internal_attributes'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // internal file attributes-byte1
$dir['external_attributes1']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes-byte2
$dir['external_attributes2']= unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // external file attributes
$dir['relative_offset'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // relative offset of local header
$dir['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename
$dir['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1] ?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]) :''; // extra field
$dir['file_comment'] = $fileCommentLength[1]?fread($fh, $fileCommentLength[1]):''; // file comment
// Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
$BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($dir['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980;
$lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4));
$lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
$lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5));
$lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6));
$lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5));
$this->centralDirList[$dir['file_name']] = Array(
'general_bit_flag'=>str_pad(decbin($dir['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($dir['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
// If loaded centralDirs, then try to identify the offsetPosition of the compressed data.
if($this->centralDirList) foreach($this->centralDirList as $filename=>$details){
$i = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh, $details['relative_offset']);
$this->compressedList[$filename]['file_name'] = $filename;
$this->compressedList[$filename]['compression_method'] = $details['compression_method'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['version_needed'] = $details['version_needed'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['crc-32'] = $details['crc-32'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['compressed_size'] = $details['compressed_size'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['uncompressed_size'] = $details['uncompressed_size'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['lastmod_datetime'] = $details['lastmod_datetime'];
$this->compressedList[$filename]['extra_field'] = $i['extra_field'];
if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
return true;
return false;
Function _loadFileListBySignatures(&$fh, $stopOnFile=false){
fseek($fh, 0);
$return = false;
$details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
$this->debugMsg(1, "Invalid signature. Trying to verify if is old style Data Descriptor...");
fseek($fh, 12 - 4, SEEK_CUR); // 12: Data descriptor - 4: Signature (that will be read again)
$details = $this->_getFileHeaderInformation($fh);
$this->debugMsg(1, "Still invalid signature. Probably reached the end of the file.");
$filename = $details['file_name'];
$this->compressedList[$filename] = $details;
$return = true;
if(strtolower($stopOnFile) == strtolower($filename))
return $return;
Function _getFileHeaderInformation(&$fh, $startOffset=false){
if($startOffset !== false)
fseek($fh, $startOffset);
$signature = fread($fh, 4);
if($signature == $this->zipSignature){
# $this->debugMsg(1, "Zip Signature!");
// Get information about the zipped file
$file['version_needed'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // version needed to extract
$file['general_bit_flag'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // general purpose bit flag
$file['compression_method'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // compression method
$file['lastmod_time'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file time
$file['lastmod_date'] = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // last mod file date
$file['crc-32'] = fread($fh, 4); // crc-32
$file['compressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // compressed size
$file['uncompressed_size'] = unpack("V", fread($fh, 4)); // uncompressed size
$fileNameLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // filename length
$extraFieldLength = unpack("v", fread($fh, 2)); // extra field length
$file['file_name'] = fread($fh, $fileNameLength[1]); // filename
$file['extra_field'] = $extraFieldLength[1]?fread($fh, $extraFieldLength[1]):''; // extra field
$file['contents-startOffset']= ftell($fh);
// Bypass the whole compressed contents, and look for the next file
fseek($fh, $file['compressed_size'][1], SEEK_CUR);
// Convert the date and time, from MS-DOS format to UNIX Timestamp
$BINlastmod_date = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_date'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$BINlastmod_time = str_pad(decbin($file['lastmod_time'][1]), 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$lastmod_dateY = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 0, 7))+1980;
$lastmod_dateM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 7, 4));
$lastmod_dateD = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_date, 11, 5));
$lastmod_timeH = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 0, 5));
$lastmod_timeM = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 5, 6));
$lastmod_timeS = bindec(substr($BINlastmod_time, 11, 5));
// Mount file table
$i = Array(
'file_name' =>$file['file_name'],
'version_needed' =>$file['version_needed'][1],
'lastmod_datetime' =>mktime($lastmod_timeH, $lastmod_timeM, $lastmod_timeS, $lastmod_dateM, $lastmod_dateD, $lastmod_dateY),
'crc-32' =>str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][3])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][2])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][1])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).
str_pad(dechex(ord($file['crc-32'][0])), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
'compressed_size' =>$file['compressed_size'][1],
'uncompressed_size' =>$file['uncompressed_size'][1],
'extra_field' =>$file['extra_field'],
'general_bit_flag' =>str_pad(decbin($file['general_bit_flag'][1]), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT),
return $i;
return false;
--- modules/designs/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/designs/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/designs/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/designs/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>admin_designs</expected_name>
+ <name>Designs</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-09</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,100
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Funktioniert FTP-Zugang?
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-server'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-port']);
$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-username'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-password']);
$fehler = '';
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
$fehler = 'Personal WebBase ben&ouml;tigt FTP-Zugriff auf das Verzeichnis &quot;design&quot;, damit Designs ordnungsgem&auml;&szlig; (de)installiert werden k&ouml;nnen.<br>Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Server/Benutzername/Passwort falsch.';
$verhindere_loeschen = 1;
if (($fehler == '') && ((substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/') || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/')))
$fehler = 'Die Verzeichnissyntax ist falsch. Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Verzeichnis zeigt nicht auf Personal WebBase-Verzeichnis oder Datei &quot;moddir.txt&quot; ist nicht mehr vorhanden.';
$verhindere_loeschen = 1;
if (($fehler == '') && ((@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.'desdir.txt') == -1) || (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.'moddir.txt') == -1)))
$fehler = 'Personal WebBase ben&ouml;tigt FTP-Zugriff auf die Verzeichnisse &quot;design&quot; und &quot;modules&quot;, damit Designs ordnungsgem&auml;&szlig; (de)installiert werden k&ouml;nnen.<br>Bitte bearbeiten Sie die <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> und tragen Sie dort korrekte Werte ein.<br><br>M&ouml;gliche Ursache: Verzeichnis zeigt nicht auf das Personal WebBase-Verzeichnis oder Datei &quot;desdir.txt&quot; bzw. &quot;moddir.txt&quot; ist nicht mehr vorhanden.';
$verhindere_loeschen = 1;
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie die Designs von Personal WebBase verwalten.<br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Verzeichnisname</b>', '', '<b>Designname</b>', '', '<b>Autor</b>', '', '<b>Version</b>', '', '<b>Lizenztyp</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>');
$handle = @opendir('designs/');
while ($file = @readdir($handle))
if ((filetype('designs/'.$file) == 'dir') && ($file <> '.') && ($file <> '..'))
$design_information = WBDesignHandler::get_design_information($file);
if ($design_information->license == '1')
$design_information->license = 'Offizielles Produkt';
else if ($design_information->license == '0')
$design_information->license = 'Drittanbieter-Produkt';
$design_information->license = 'Unbekannt';
if (isset($verhindere_loeschen) && ($verhindere_loeschen != ''))
$aktionen = '<span class="grey">Entfernen</span>';
$aktionen = '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;entfernen='.$file.'\');" class="menu">Entfernen</a>';
if ($configuration['admin_designs']['design'] == $file)
$a1 = '<b>';
$b1 = '</b>';
$a1 = '';
$b1 = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', $a1.htmlentities($file).$b1, '', $a1.htmlentities($design_information->name).$b1, '', $a1.htmlentities($design_information->author).$b1, '', $a1.$design_information->version.$b1, '', $a1.$design_information->license.$b1, '', $a1.$aktionen.$b1);
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=config&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'&amp;vonseite='.$seite.'">Aktuelles Design &auml;ndern</a><br><br>';
echo '<b>Design installieren</b><br><br>';
if ($fehler != '')
echo '<span class="red">'.$fehler.'</span>';
echo 'Achtung: Personal WebBase &uuml;berl&auml;sst den Designs die komplette Handlungsfreiheit bez&uuml;glich der Datenbank und der PHP-Codeausf&uuml;hrung. Ein Design kann bei dem Installationsprozess b&ouml;sartigen Code ausf&uuml;hren und das System oder den Datenbestand gef&auml;hrden. Installieren Sie daher nur Designs, bei denen Sie sicherstellen k&ouml;nnen, dass sie keinen b&ouml;sartigen Code enthalten. Maximale Dateigr&ouml;&szlig;e: '.ini_get('post_max_size').'B<br><br>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="install">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')).'">
<input name="dfile" type="file"><br><br>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Design installieren">
</form><a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">Weitere Designs im offiziellen Personal WebBase-Portal</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,52
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie das Personal WebBase-Desing bestimmen. Es sind folgende Designs installiert:<br><br>';
echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="change_configuration">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">';
$i = 0;
$v = 'designs/';
while ($file = readdir($verz))
if (($file != '.') && ($file != '..') && (is_dir($v.$file)))
if ($configuration[$modul]['design'] == $file)
$zus = ' checked';
$zus = '';
$design_information = WBDesignHandler::get_design_information($file);
echo '<input type="radio" name="newdesign" value="'.$file.'"'.$zus.'> '.$design_information->name.' ('.$file.')<br>';
echo '<br>';
echo '<input type="button" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$vonmodul.'&amp;seite='.$vonseite.'\';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">';
echo '&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;';
echo '<input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/designs/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/designs/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,179
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function ftp_rmdir_rec($handle, $path)
if (!@ftp_delete($handle, $path))
$list = @ftp_nlist($handle, $path);
foreach($list as $value) {
ftp_rmdir_rec($handle, $value);
if (@ftp_rmdir($handle, $path)) {
return true;
} else
return false;
if (($aktion == 'delete') || ($aktion == 'install'))
// Funktioniert FTP-Zugang?
$conn_id = @ftp_connect($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-server'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-port']);
$login_result = @ftp_login ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-username'], $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-password']);
$fehler = 0;
if ((!$conn_id) || (!$login_result))
$fehler = 1;
if ((@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.'desdir.txt') == -1) || (@ftp_size($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.'moddir.txt') == -1) || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], 0, 1) != '/') || (substr($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'], strlen($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'])-1, 1) != '/'))
$fehler = 1;
if ($fehler)
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Fehlkonfiguration im FTP-Direktzugriff-Kernmodul! FTP-Zugangsdaten oder -Verzeichnis fehlerhaft bzw. zu geringe Zugriffsrechte! Bitte <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul=common_directftp&amp;seite=config&amp;vonmodul='.$modul.'">Konfigurationswerte</a> einsehen.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Los gehts!
if ($aktion == 'delete')
// Achtung! Ein Hacker könnte ../ als Design angeben und somit das komplette Designverzeichnis oder mehr rekursiv löschen!
if (strpos($modul, '..'))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Der L&ouml;schvorgang wurde aufgrund einer Schutzverletzung abgebrochen!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Nun Design über FTP löschen!
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$entfernen);
// Info: MySQL-Daten löschen sich über Autostart automatisch
if ($aktion == 'install')
// Temp-Verzeichnisnamen finden
$uid = 'temp_'.zufall(10);
// Datei in unser Verzeichnis kopieren, sodass wir darauf zugreifen können (für Safe-Mode)
if (!@ftp_put($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip', $_FILES['dfile']['tmp_name'], FTP_BINARY))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Konnte ZIP-Datei nicht in tempor&auml;res Verzeichnis des Modules hineinkopieren (FTP)!.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0644 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
// Temporäres Verzeichnis für Extraktion erstellen
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
@ftp_mkdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
@ftp_site($conn_id, 'CHMOD 0755 '.$configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
// Entpacken zum Personal WebBase-Temp-Verzeichnis
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/includes/'))
$zip = new dUnzip2('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
$zip->unzipAll('modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/', '', true);
// Temporäre Daten löschen
@ftp_delete($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'.zip');
// Wenn Verzeichnis leer ist, lässt es sich löschen. -> Fehler
$verzinh = @ftp_nlist($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
if (count($verzinh) == 0)
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Dekompression entweder komplett misslungen oder ZIP-Datei war leer.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Verzeichnis verschieben
if (!@ftp_rename($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/', $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$uid.'/'))
@ftp_rmdir_rec($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'modules/'.$modul.'/temp/'.$uid.'/');
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Das Verschieben des Verzeichnisses ist misslungen!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Richtigen Dateinamen finden
$fn = 'designs/'.$uid.'/folder_name.txt';
$fp = @fopen($fn, 'r');
$inhalt = @fread($fp, @filesize($fn));
// Datei folder_name.txt im Zielmodul löschen
@ftp_delete ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$uid.'/folder_name.txt');
if ($inhalt != '')
// Schutzverletzung im folder_namen?
if (strpos($inhalt, '..'))
die($header.'<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Das Design konnte zwar installiert werden, jedoch gab es bei der Umbenennung des Ordners eine Schutzverletzung!'.$footer);
// Gibt es schon ein Design mit dem Titel? Dann Alternativenamen finden
if (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$inhalt.'/'))
$zusatz = 2;
$problem = true;
while (@ftp_chdir($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$inhalt.$zusatz.'/'))
$problem = false;
$zusatz = '';
// Ordner umbenennen
$erfolg = @ftp_rename ($conn_id, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$uid, $configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'].'designs/'.$inhalt.$zusatz);
// FTP-Verbindung trennen
// Wurde der Ordner nicht umbenannt? (z.B. Wenn der Ordnertitel nicht für Dateisystem zulässig war)
if (!$erfolg)
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Das Design konnte zwar installiert werden, jedoch gab es bei der Umbenennung des Ordners einen Fehler!<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Wurde nur der Ordner nicht korrekt umbenannt? (z.B. wenn es ein Design mit dem selben Namen noch gibt)
if ($problem)
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Es existiert bereits ein Design mit dem Namen &quot;'.$inhalt.'&quot;. Das Design wurde trotzdem unter dem alternativen Namen &quot;'.$inhalt.$zusatz.'&quot; installiert.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Kein Dateiname angegeben?
die($header.'<b>Information</b><br><br>Das Design wurde unter dem Namen &quot;'.$uid.'&quot; angelegt, da in der Designdatei keine Namensangabe vorhanden war.<br><br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>'.$footer);
// Alles OK? Dann zurück!
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
wb_change_config('design', $newdesign, $modul);
echo '<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
parent.location.href = \'index.php?prv_modul='.$vonmodul.'&prv_seite='.$vonseite.'\';
// -->
// Funktioniert nicht für eine Designänderung: wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul=admin_configuration');
--- modules/designs/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/designs/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,25
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('contacts', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'strasse', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'plz', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'ort', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'land', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'telefon', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'mobil', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'fax', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'email', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'icq', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'msn', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'aim', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'yahoo', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'skype', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'kommentare', "longtext NOT NULL");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'contacts', 1);
--- modules/address_book/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/address_book/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('contacts', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img alt="" src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Kontakt"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '', '', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/address_book/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/address_book/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/address_book/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/address_book/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_address_book</expected_name>
+ <name>Kontakte</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/address_book/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/address_book/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,25
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'contacts', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Neuen Kontakt hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,206
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
// Länderliste von Lexas abrufen
$std_land = 'deutschland';
$k = my_get_contents('');
if ($k != '')
preg_match_all('/<select(.+?)<\/select>/is', $k, $m);
preg_match_all('/<option value="http:\/\/\/laender\/(.+?)\/(.+?)\/(.+?)" >(.+?)<\/option>/im', $m[0][0], $n);
$laenderliste = '<select name="land">';
for ($i = 0; isset($n[1][$i]); $i++)
if ($n[2][$i] == 'deutschland') $s = ' selected'; else $s = '';
$laenderliste .= '<option value="'.$n[2][$i].'"'.$s.'>'.htmlentities($n[4][$i]).'</option>';
$laenderliste .= '</select>';
echo 'Fehler';
// Beendet
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Kontakt</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Kontakt bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."contacts` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$strasse = (isset($row['strasse'])) ? $row['strasse'] : '';
$plz = (isset($row['plz'])) ? $row['plz'] : '';
$ort = (isset($row['ort'])) ? $row['ort'] : '';
$land = (isset($row['land'])) ? $row['land'] : '';
$telefon = (isset($row['telefon'])) ? $row['telefon'] : '';
$art = explode('-', $telefon);
$telefon1 = $art[0];
$telefon2 = $art[1];
$mobil = (isset($row['mobil'])) ? $row['mobil'] : '';
$art = explode('-', $mobil);
$mobil1 = $art[0];
$mobil2 = $art[1];
$fax = (isset($row['fax'])) ? $row['fax'] : '';
$art = explode('-', $fax);
$fax1 = $art[0];
$fax2 = $art[1];
$email = (isset($row['email'])) ? $row['email'] : '';
$icq = (isset($row['icq'])) ? $row['icq'] : '';
$yahoo = (isset($row['yahoo'])) ? $row['yahoo'] : '';
$msn = (isset($row['msn'])) ? $row['msn'] : '';
$aim = (isset($row['aim'])) ? $row['aim'] : '';
$skype = (isset($row['skype'])) ? $row['skype'] : '';
$kommentare = (isset($row['kommentare'])) ? $row['kommentare'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$strasse = '';
$plz = '';
$ort = '';
$land = '';
$telefon1 = '';
$telefon2 = '';
$fax1 = '';
$fax2 = '';
$mobil1 = '';
$mobil2 = '';
$email = '';
$icq = '';
$yahoo = '';
$msn = '';
$aim = '';
$skype = '';
$kommentare = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Detailierte Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Stra&szlig;e:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="strasse" value="'.$strasse.'" size="54"></td>
<td valign="top">Wohnort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="plz" value="'.$plz.'" size="15"> <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="ort" value="'.$ort.'" size="35"></td>
<td valign="top">Land:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">'.$laenderliste.'</td>
<td colspan="2"><br></td>
<td valign="top">Telefon:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="telefon1" value="'.$telefon1.'" size="25"> / <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="telefon2" value="'.$telefon2.'" size="25"></td>
<td valign="top">Telefax:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fax1" value="'.$fax1.'" size="25"> / <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fax2" value="'.$fax2.'" size="25"></td>
<td valign="top">Mobil:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="mobil1" value="'.$mobil1.'" size="20"> / <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="mobil2" value="'.$mobil2.'" size="30"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br></td>
<td valign="top">E-Mail-Adresse:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="email" value="'.$email.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">ICQ-Nummer:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="icq" value="'.$icq.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">MSN-Messenger:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="msn" value="'.$msn.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">AIM-Messenger:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="aim" value="'.$aim.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Yahoo-Messenger:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="yahoo" value="'.$yahoo.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Skype:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="skype" value="'.$skype.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br></td>
<td valign="top">Kommentare:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="kommentare" cols="40" rows="8">'.$kommentare.'</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
--- modules/address_book/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/address_book/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."contacts` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `strasse` = '".db_escape($strasse)."', `plz` = '".db_escape($plz)."', `ort` = '".db_escape($ort)."', `land` = '".db_escape($land)."', `telefon` = '".$telefon1.'-'.$telefon2."', `mobil` = '".$mobil1.'-'.$mobil2."', `fax` = '".$fax1.'-'.$fax2."', `email` = '".db_escape($email)."', `icq` = '".db_escape($icq)."', `msn` = '".db_escape($msn)."', `aim` = '".db_escape($aim)."', `yahoo` = '".db_escape($yahoo)."', `kommentare` = '".db_escape($kommentare)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `skype` = '".db_escape($skype)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."contacts` (`name`, `strasse`, `plz`, `ort`, `land`, `telefon`, `mobil`, `fax`, `email`, `icq`, `msn`, `aim`, `yahoo`, `kommentare`, `skype`, `user_cnid`, `folder_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($strasse)."', '".db_escape($plz)."', '".db_escape($ort)."', '".db_escape($land)."', '".$telefon1.'-'.$telefon2."', '".$mobil1.'-'.$mobil2."', '".$fax1.'-'.$fax2."', '".db_escape($email)."', '".db_escape($icq)."', '".db_escape($msn)."', '".db_escape($aim)."', '".db_escape($yahoo)."', '".db_escape($kommentare)."', '".db_escape($skype)."', '".$benutzer['id']."', '".db_escape($folder)."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."contacts` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."contacts`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/documents/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('documents', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'text', "longtext NOT NULL");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'documents', 1);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/documents/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('documents', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1"><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="Dokument"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '', '', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/documents/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/documents/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_documents</expected_name>
+ <name>Dokumente</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/documents/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'documents', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Ein neues Dokument hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,90
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neues Dokument</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Dokument bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `folder_cnid`, `text` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."documents` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$text = (isset($row['text'])) ? $row['text'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$name = '';
$text = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" width="100%">
<td colspan="2"><b>Dokumentinformationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Dokumentinhalt</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Text:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">
<table width="100%"><tr><td rowspan="8" style="vertical-align:top;width:100%"><textarea style="width:100%; overflow:auto;" wrap="virtual" name="text" rows="15" cols="50">'.$text.'</textarea></td></tr></table>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
--- modules/documents/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/documents/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."documents` (`name`, `text`, `folder_cnid`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($text)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."documents` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `text` = '".db_escape($text)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."documents` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."documents`");
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/lost_password/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/lost_password/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+if (!isset($tables_database[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'users']['new_password']))
+ db_query("ALTER TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` ADD `new_password` VARCHAR(10) NOT NULL");
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/lost_password/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/lost_password/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<name>Passwort vergessen</name>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,125
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (isset($_POST['sent']) && ($_POST['sent'] == '1'))
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if ($mailaddr == '')
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="mailaddr" value="'.$mailaddr.'">
<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="0">
Sie m&uuml;ssen eine E-Mail-Adresse angeben! Bei Accounts ohne E-Mail-Adresse kann diese Technik der Passwortgeneration nicht durchgef&uuml;hrt werden. Wenden Sie sich in diesem Fall an den Administrator.<br><br>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck"></form>';
$res = db_query("SELECT `username`, `id` FROM ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users WHERE `email` = '".db_escape($mailaddr)."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="mailaddr" value="'.$mailaddr.'">
<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="0">
Zu der angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse existiert kein Benutzer.<br><br>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck"></form>';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `username`, `new_password` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `email` = '".db_escape($mailaddr)."'");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$un = $row['username'];
$id = $row['id'];
if ($row['new_password'] != '')
$pw = $row['new_password'];
$pw = zufall(10);
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `new_password` = '".db_escape($pw)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
$ac = md5(md5($pw));
if (array_key_exists("HTTPS", $_SERVER) && $_SERVER("HTTPS") == 'on')
$protokoll = 'https';
$protokoll = 'http';
// In der E-Mail keine HTML-Sonderzeichenkonvertierung
$mail = "Jemand hat Personal WebBase auf dem Server \"".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']."\" angewiesen, ein neues Passwort für die Konten, die auf die E-Mail-Adresse $mailaddr registriert sind, zu generieren. Wenn Sie mehrere Konten besitzen, aber nur das Passwort eines Kontos vergessen haben, bearbeiten Sie nur die relevanten Aktivierungs-E-Mails. Diese E-Mail behandelt das Konto $un.\n\nHier sind Ihre neuen Zugangsdaten:\n\nBenutzername: $un\nPasswort: $pw\n\nBitte beachten Sie, dass diese Änderungen erst gültig werden, wenn Sie folgenden Aktivierungslink anklicken:\n$protokoll://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME']."?modul=$modul&seite=activate&id=$id&code=$ac\n\nWenn Sie kein neues Passwort angefordert haben, dann ignorieren Sie diese E-Mail einfach.";
$betreff = 'Personal WebBase Passwortgenerierung';
$mailer = new SecureMailer();
if (($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'] != '') && (check_email($configuration['main_about']['admin_mail'])))
$mailer->addHeader('From', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('Reply-To', $configuration['main_about']['admin_mail']);
$mailer->addHeader('X-Mailer', WBUserAgent());
if ($mailer->sendMail($mailaddr, $betreff, $mail))
echo 'Ihnen wurde ein neues Passwort per E-Mail zugeschickt.<br><br>Pr&uuml;fen Sie nun Ihr E-Mail-Postfach und aktivieren Sie das neue Passwort mit dem Aktivierungslink, der ebenfalls in der E-Mail enthalten ist.';
if (function_exists('fehler_melden'))
fehler_melden($modul, '<b>Mail-Senden fehlgeschlagen!</b><br><br>Das Senden einer E-Mail mit dem Betreff &quot;'.$betreff.'&quot; an &quot;'.$mailaddr.'&quot; ist fehlgeschlagen!');
echo '<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="mailaddr" value="'.$mailaddr.'">
<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="0">
<p><span class="red">Es trat ein Fehler beim E-Mail-Versand auf. Informieren Sie den Administrator &uuml;ber dieses Problem.</span></p>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Zur&uuml;ck"></form>';
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'mailaddr\').focus();"', $header);
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo 'Geben Sie hier Ihre E-Mail-Adresse ein, die Sie bei der Registrierung bei Personal WebBase angegeben haben.
Wenn Sie keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben haben, k&ouml;nnen Sie kein neues Passwort &uuml;ber dieses
Formular generieren. Kontaktieren Sie in diesem Fall den Administrator.<br><br>
<form method="POST" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" name="frm">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="'.$seite.'">
<input type="hidden" name="sent" value="1">
E-Mail-Adresse: <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="mailaddr" id="mailaddr" value=""><br><br>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Weiter">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<caption>Passwort vergessen</caption>
--- modules/lost_password/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/lost_password/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,21
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>Konto reaktivieren</h1>';
$res = db_query("SELECT `new_password` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND MD5(MD5(`new_password`)) = '".db_escape($code)."' AND `new_password` != ''");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."users` SET `password` = MD5(`new_password`), `new_password` = '' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
echo '<b>Aktivierung erfolgreich</b><br><br>Ihr Konto wurde erfolgreich reaktiviert. Sie k&ouml;nnen sich nun mit den neuen Zugangsdaten einloggen.<br><br><a href="index.php">Zum Personal WebBase-Webinterface</a>';
echo '<b>Fehler bei Aktivierung</b><br><br>Die Aktivierung war nicht erfolgreich.';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,13
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events`");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es befinden sich Meldungen im <a href="'.oop_link_to_modul($m2, 'main').'">Ereignisprotokoll</a>. M&ouml;glicherwei&szlig;e sind Fehler im System aufgetreten. Sie sollten diese Meldungen &uuml;berpr&uuml;fen.</span>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/recent_events/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/recent_events/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('recent_events', $m2, 'datetime', "datetime NOT NULL default '0000-00-00 00:00:00'",
+ 'module', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'message', "text NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'appearances', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '1'");
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/recent_events/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/recent_events/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,21
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
function fehler_melden($modul, $message)
global $WBConfig;
$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events` WHERE `module` = '".db_escape($modul)."' AND `message` = '".db_escape($message)."'", false);
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$row = db_fetch($res);
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events` SET `appearances` = `appearances` + 1 WHERE `id` = '".$row['id']."'", false);
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events` (`datetime`, `module`, `message`, `appearances`) VALUES (NOW(), '".db_escape($modul)."', '".db_escape($message)."', '1')", false);
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/recent_events/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/recent_events/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo $header;
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo '<b>Anmerkung:</b> Ereignismeldungen werden von den Modulen eingetragen. Dies funktioniert jedoch nur, wenn kein Fehler in der MySQL-Datenbank besteht!<br><br>';
+wb_draw_table_content('75', '<b>Zeitpunkt</b>', '130', '<b>Modul</b>', '', '<b>Ereignismeldung</b>', '', '<b>Folgefehler</b>', '', '<b>L&ouml;schen</b>');
+$gefunden = false;
+$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `datetime`, `module`, `message`, `appearances` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events` ORDER BY `datetime` ASC");
+while ($row = db_fetch($res))
+ $gefunden = true;
+ wb_draw_table_content('', $row['datetime'], '', $row['module'], '', $row['message'], '75', ($row['appearances']-1), '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">L&ouml;schen</a>');
+if (!$gefunden) {
+ wb_draw_table_content('', '', '', '', '', 'Keine Ereignisse gefunden!', '', '', '', '');
+if ($gefunden)
+ echo '<center><a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=operate&amp;aktion=wipe\');">Alle Ereignismeldungen l&ouml;schen</a></center><br>';
+echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/recent_events/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/recent_events/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,21
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'wipe')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events`");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events`");
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."recent_events`");
--- modules/recent_events/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/recent_events/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,33
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Neue E-Mails
$res = db_query("SELECT DISTINCT `konto_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_messages` WHERE `was_read` = '0' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
$ereignisse['email_neu'] = db_num($res);
if ($ereignisse['email_neu'] != 1)
$plural_email = 'f&auml;cher';
$plural_email = 'fach';
if ($ereignisse['email_neu'])
$email_weiter = '<div align="right"><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?inhalt=inhalt&amp;modul='.$m2.'" class="menu">Anzeigen &gt;&gt;</a></div>';
$email_weiter = '';
if ($ereignisse['email_neu'] > 0)
$a1 = '<span class="red">';
$a2 = '</span>';
$a1 = '';
$a2 = '';
wb_draw_table_content('30', $a1.'<b>'.$ereignisse['email_neu'].'</b>'.$a2, $a1.''.$a2, $a1.'Post'.$plural_email.' mit neuen Nachrichten.'.$a2, $a1.''.$a2, $a1.$email_weiter.$a2);
--- modules/popper/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+$meldung = '';
+if (!inetconn_ok())
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
+ $cont = my_get_contents('');
+ if ($cont === false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
+ }
+ }
+if (decoct(@fileperms('modules/'.$m2.'/system/tmp/')) != 40777)
+ $meldung .= '<br><br><span class="red">Die Funktionalit&auml;t dieses Modules k&ouml;nnte beeintr&auml;chtigt sein, da der Administrator folgendes Verzeichnis nicht schreibbar (CHMOD 0777) gemacht hat: modules/'.$m2.'/system/tmp/</span>';
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/popper/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_newdatabasetable('popper_konten', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'server', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'port', "int(11) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'personal_name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'last_fetch', "int(11) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'delete', "enum('0','1') NOT NULL default '1'",
+ 'replyaddr', "varchar(255) default ''");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'popper_konten', 1);
+wb_newdatabasetable('popper_messages', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
+ 'dir', "varchar(255) default NULL",
+ 'konto_cnid', "int(11) default NULL",
+ 'uidl', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
+ 'replyaddr', "varchar(255) default ''",
+ 'tos', "text",
+ 'froms', "text",
+ 'subject', "text",
+ 'is_mime', "tinyint(1) default NULL",
+ 'was_read', "tinyint(1) default NULL",
+ 'mail', "longtext",
+ 'acc_id', "int(11)",
+ 'date', "varchar(14) default NULL",
+ 'priority', "tinyint(4) default '0'",
+ 'from_name', "text");
+if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'popper_messages', 0);
+my_add_key($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'popper_messages', 'uidl', false, 'uidl');
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/popper/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,32
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('popper_konten', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT COUNT(`id`) AS `ct` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_messages` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$ary[$i]['id']."' AND `was_read` = '0'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="E-Mail-Konto"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['name'].' ('.$row['ct'].')'.$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul=user_popper&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_parent" class="menu">'.$a.'Anzeigen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/popper/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/popper/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_popper</expected_name>
+ <name>Popper-Webmail</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/popper/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,41
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<span class="red"><b>Achtung! Dieses Modul ist noch nicht vollst&auml;ndig fertiggestellt und kann w&auml;hrend der Beta-Phase noch Fehler ausweisen.</b></span><br>';
if (decoct(@fileperms('modules/'.$modul.'/system/tmp/')) != 40777)
echo '<p><span class="red"><b>Die Funktionalit&auml;t dieses Modules k&ouml;nnte beeintr&auml;chtigt sein, da der Administrator folgendes Verzeichnis nicht schreibbar (CHMOD 0777) gemacht hat:</b><br>modules/'.$modul.'/system/tmp/</span></p>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'popper_konten', 'ORDER BY `name`');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Neues Postfach hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><br>Es wird folgende Websoftware verwendet: ';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/system/'))
echo '<span class="red">modules/'.$modul.'/system/ wurde nicht gefunden!</span>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,114
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neues Postfach</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Postfach bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `name`, `folder_cnid`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `personal_name`, `replyaddr` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_konten` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$mserver = (isset($row['server'])) ? $row['server'] : '';
$musername = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$mpassword = (isset($row['password'])) ? $row['password'] : '';
$personal_name = (isset($row['personal_name'])) ? $row['personal_name'] : '';
$replyaddr = (isset($row['replyaddr'])) ? $row['replyaddr'] : '';
$name = '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
$mserver = '';
$musername = '';
$mpassword = '';
$personal_name = '';
$replyaddr = '';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>POP3-Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Server:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="mserver" value="'.$mserver.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="musername" value="'.$musername.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="mpassword" value="'.$mpassword.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Weitere Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name der Person:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="personal_name" value="'.$personal_name.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Antwortadresse:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="replyaddr" value="'.$replyaddr.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,23
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
<form method="post" name="loginForm" action="modules/<?php echo $modul; ?>/system/index.php">
<input type="hidden" name="user_id" value="<?php echo $id; ?>">
<input type="hidden" name="login" value="Login">
Bitte warten...<br><br>
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
// -->
--- modules/popper/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/popper/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,44
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_konten (`name`, `folder_cnid`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `personal_name`, `replyaddr`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($mserver)."', '".db_escape($musername)."', '".db_escape($mpassword)."', '".db_escape($personal_name)."', '".db_escape($replyaddr)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_konten` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `server` = '".db_escape($mserver)."', `username` = '".db_escape($musername)."', `password` = '".db_escape($mpassword)."', `personal_name` = '".db_escape($personal_name)."', `replyaddr` = '".db_escape($replyaddr)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_konten` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_konten`");
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_messages` WHERE `accounts` = '".db_escape($id)."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."popper_messages`");
0,0 → 1,11
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// Umleiten
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/crossover/user_logout/')) {
--- modules/phpmyadmin/crossover/user_logout/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/crossover/user_logout/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+// Scan aller Cookies im Quellcode von phpMyAdmin
+$cookies_to_delete = array();
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'phpMyAdmin';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_charset';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_collation_connection';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_db_filename_template';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_fontsize';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_lang';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_mcrypt_iv';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_navi_width';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_server_filename_template';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_switch_to_new';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_table_filename_template';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_theme';
+$cookies_to_delete[] = 'pmaCookieVer';
+// Wir löschen sicherheitshalber ALLES (TODO: Verbessern?)
+// Bei Benutzern: Alle Server sind möglich
+// (eigentlich sind ja nur die IDs möglich, die dem Benutzer gehören...)
+$servers = array();
+$res = db_query("SELECT `id` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin`");
+while ($row = db_fetch($res)) {
+ $servers[] = $row['id'];
+// Bei Admins: Es gibt nur den Server #1, sonst nichts
+if (!in_array('1', $servers)) $servers[] = '1';
+// Nun die einzelnen Cookie-Varianten hinzufügen
+foreach($servers as $val) {
+ $cookies_to_delete[] = 'pma_theme-'.$val;;
+ $cookies_to_delete[] = 'pmaPass-'.$val;;
+ $cookies_to_delete[] = 'pmaServer-'.$val;
+ $cookies_to_delete[] = 'pmaUser-'.$val;
+foreach($cookies_to_delete as $val) {
+ wbUnsetCookie($val, 'modules/'.$m2.'/system/');
--- modules/phpmyadmin/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/crossover/admin_systemcheck/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+$meldung = '';
+if (!inetconn_ok())
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Konnte nicht nach Updates pr&uuml;fen, da Internetkonnektivit&auml;t gest&ouml;rt ist.</span>';
+ $cont = my_get_contents('');
+ if ($cont === false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r das Modul gesucht werden. Versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt nocheinmal.</span>';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if (strpos($cont, '<!-- UpdateSection: '.$m2.' '.$module_information->version.' -->') !== false)
+ {
+ $meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r das Modul verf&uuml;gbar.';
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ $meldung .= '<span class="green">Das Modul ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer(''.$m2.'.zip').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
+ }
+ }
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo '<li>';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$m2.'/system/')) {
} else {
echo '<span class="red">Unbekanntes System von '.$m2.'</span>';
echo ' <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$m2.'&amp;seite=view" target="_blank">&ouml;ffnen</a></li>';
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,14
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('phpmyadmin', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'folder_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'username', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'password', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'onlydb', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'server', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'phpmyadmin', 1);
--- modules/phpmyadmin/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,344
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// In PWB-Arbeitsverzeichnis wandern
$olddir = getcwd();
// Schlecht wegen dem Gleichrichter
// include 'includes/';
include 'includes/configmanager.class.php';
include 'includes/';
$WBConfig = new WBConfigManager();
$WBConfig->init(); // Hier findet ein include statt, deswegen bleiben wir im PWB-Arbeitsverzeichnis
function cleanPath($path) {
$result = array();
// $pathA = preg_split('/[\/\\\]/', $path);
$pathA = explode('/', $path);
if (!$pathA[0])
$result[] = '';
foreach ($pathA AS $key => $dir) {
if ($dir == '..') {
if (end($result) == '..') {
$result[] = '..';
} elseif (!array_pop($result)) {
$result[] = '..';
} elseif ($dir && $dir != '.') {
$result[] = $dir;
if (!end($pathA))
$result[] = '';
return implode('/', $result);
define('RELATIVE_DIR2', cleanPath(RELATIVE_DIR.'../../../'));
// Wird Umleitung nach HTTPS erzwungen?
if ($WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag())
@ini_set('session.cookie_secure', 1);
// Wenn keine SSL Verbindung da, dann zu SSL umleiten
if (!isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) || (strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'on'))
// Backup der Einstellungen
$backup_session_save_handler = @ini_get('session.save_handler');
// Personal WebBase-Spezifischer Session-Abschnitt
// Alexander Valyalkin
/* function get_rnd_iv($iv_len)
$iv = '';
while ($iv_len-- > 0) {
$iv .= chr(mt_rand() & 0xff);
return $iv;
function wb_encrypt($plain_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$plain_text .= "\x13";
$n = strlen($plain_text);
if ($n % 16) $plain_text .= str_repeat("\0", 16 - ($n % 16));
$i = 0;
$enc_text = get_rnd_iv($iv_len);
$iv = substr($password ^ $enc_text, 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($plain_text, $i, 16) ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$enc_text .= $block;
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return base64_encode($enc_text);
function wb_decrypt($enc_text, $password, $iv_len = 16)
$enc_text = base64_decode($enc_text);
$n = strlen($enc_text);
$i = $iv_len;
$plain_text = '';
$iv = substr($password ^ substr($enc_text, 0, $iv_len), 0, 512);
while ($i < $n) {
$block = substr($enc_text, $i, 16);
$plain_text .= $block ^ pack('H*', md5($iv));
$iv = substr($block . $iv, 0, 512) ^ $password;
$i += 16;
return preg_replace('/\\x13\\x00*$/', '', $plain_text);
} */
global $WBConfig;
if ($WBConfig->getLockFlag())
die('<h1>Personal WebBase ist gesperrt</h1>Die Variable &quot;$lock&quot; in &quot;includes/; steht auf 1 bzw. true. Setzen Sie diese Variable erst auf 0, wenn das Hochladen der Dateien beim Installations- bzw. Updateprozess beendet ist. Wenn Sie Personal WebBase freigeben, bevor der Upload abgeschlossen ist, kann es zu einer Besch&auml;digung der Kundendatenbank kommen!');
@ini_set('session.cookie_path', RELATIVE_DIR2);
//@ini_set('session.cookie_domain', $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']);
//@session_set_cookie_params(0, RELATIVE_DIR2, $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
//@ini_set('session.auto_start', 0);
@ini_set('session.cache_expire', 180);
@ini_set('session.use_trans_sid', 0);
@ini_set('session.use_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.use_only_cookies', 1);
@ini_set('session.cookie_secure', $WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag());
@ini_set('session.cookie_lifetime', 0);
@ini_set('session.gc_maxlifetime', 1440);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_42', 0);
@ini_set('session.bug_compat_warn', 1);
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.0.0', 'ge') && substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) != 'WIN')
@ini_set('session.hash_function', 1);
@ini_set('session.hash_bits_per_character', 6);
@ini_set('session.save_handler', 'user');
// @ini_set('session.save_path', '../../../includes/session/');
// @ini_set('arg_separator.output', '&amp;');
// @ini_set('url_rewriter.tags', 'a=href,area=href,frame=src,input=src,fieldset=');
$wb_session_name = 'webbase';
// wb_newdatabasetable('sessions', $m2, 'session_id', "varchar(255) NOT NULL",
// 'last_updated', "datetime NOT NULL",
// 'data_value', "text");
function sessao_open($aSavaPath, $aSessionName)
sessao_gc( ini_get('session.gc_maxlifetime') );
return True;
function sessao_close()
return True;
function sessao_read( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
$busca = mysql_query("SELECT `data_value` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
if (mysql_num_rows($busca) == 0)
mysql_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` (`session_id`, `last_updated`, `data_value`) VALUES ('".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."', NOW(), '')");
return '';
$r = mysql_fetch_array($busca);
return wb_decrypt($r['data_value'], $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
function sessao_write( $aKey, $aVal )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` SET `data_value` = '".wb_encrypt($aVal, $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername().':'.$WBConfig->getMySQLPassword())."', `last_updated` = NOW() WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
return True;
function sessao_destroy( $aKey )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE `session_id` = '".mysql_real_escape_string($aKey)."'");
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
function sessao_gc( $aMaxLifeTime )
global $WBConfig;
$wb_conn = @mysql_connect($WBConfig->getMySQLServer(), $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername(), $WBConfig->getMySQLPassword());
$wb_selc = @mysql_select_db($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase(), $wb_conn);
mysql_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions` WHERE UNIX_TIMESTAMP(NOW()) - UNIX_TIMESTAMP(`last_updated`) > ".mysql_real_escape_string($aMaxLifeTime));
if (mysql_affected_rows() > 0)
mysql_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."sessions`");
return True;
@session_set_save_handler("sessao_open", "sessao_close", "sessao_read", "sessao_write", "sessao_destroy", "sessao_gc");
if (isset($_COOKIE[$wb_session_name])) @session_id($_COOKIE[$wb_session_name]);
if ((!isset($_SESSION['wb_user_type'])) || ((isset($_SESSION['wb_user_type'])) && ($_SESSION['wb_user_type'] == '')))
die('<script language="JavaScript">
alert("Sie sind nicht mehr in Personal WebBase eingeloggt!");
// -->
if (version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.1.2', 'lt') && isset($_COOKIE[$session_name]) && eregi("\r|\n", $_COOKIE[$session_name]))
// Entnommen von
/* function fetchip()
$client_ip = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'] : '';
$x_forwarded_for = (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'] : '';
$remote_addr = (isset($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'])) ? $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
if (!empty($client_ip))
$ip_expl = explode('.',$client_ip);
$referer = explode('.',$remote_addr);
if($referer[0] != $ip_expl[0])
$return = $client_ip;
else if (!empty($x_forwarded_for))
$ip_expl = explode(',',$x_forwarded_for);
$return = end($ip_expl);
$return = $x_forwarded_for;
$return = $remote_addr;
unset ($client_ip, $x_forwarded_for, $remote_addr, $ip_expl);
return $return;
} */
$usedns = TRUE;
$useragent = $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'];
$host = fetchip();
if ($usedns) // <- war im Originalen $global['dns']... was soll das sein?!
$dns = @gethostbyaddr($host);
$dns = $host;
if ((isset($_SESSION['session_secured'])) && ($_SESSION['session_secured']))
if (
(($_SESSION['host'] != $host) && !$usedns)
|| ($_SESSION['dns'] != $dns)
|| ($_SESSION['useragent'] != $useragent)
) {
} else {
$_SESSION['host'] = $host;
$_SESSION['dns'] = $dns;
$_SESSION['useragent'] = $useragent;
$_SESSION['session_secured'] = 1;
// Zusatz für phpMyAdmin ...
// Inhalte für die zwischenspeichern und Zustand wiederherstellen
// Wiederherstellen der Dinge
@ini_set('session.save_handler', $backup_session_save_handler);
// Ende Personal WebBase-Abschnitt
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
global $suchbegriff;
if ((isset($suchbegriff)) && ($suchbegriff != '') && (function_exists('generate_search_query')))
$rs = db_query(generate_search_query('phpmyadmin', 0, $suchbegriff, "AND `id` = '".db_escape($ary[$i]['id'])."'"));
if (db_num($rs) != 0)
$a = '<span class="red">';
$b = '</span>';
$a = '';
$b = '';
$a = '';
$b = '';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<a name="item'.$ary[$i]['id'].'"></a><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="'.($einzug*$ordnereinzug).'" height="1" alt=""><img src="modules/'.$modul.'/images/item.gif" alt="phpMyAdmin-Konto"><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="5" height="1" alt="">'.$a.$ary[$i]['username'].'@'.$ary[$i]['server'].$b.'<br><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="1" height="1">', '100', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=view&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$a.'Besuchen'.$b.'</a>', '175', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'" class="menu">'.$a.'Bearbeiten'.$b.'</a>', '75', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;id='.$ary[$i]['id'].'\');" class="menu">'.$a.'L&ouml;schen'.$b.'</a>');
--- modules/phpmyadmin/includes/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/includes/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/phpmyadmin/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_phpmyadmin</expected_name>
+ <name>MySQL-Datenbanken</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/phpmyadmin/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,34
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) {
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'suchbegriff\').focus();"', $header);
} else {
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
if (function_exists('show_modul_search')) show_modul_search($modul, $seite);
// wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '', '', '');
gfx_zeichneordner($modul, $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().'phpmyadmin', 'ORDER BY id');
echo '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=new">Einen neuen Server hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul=user_folders&amp;aktion=new&amp;category='.$modul.'">Einen neuen Ordner hinzuf&uuml;gen</a>';
echo '<br><br>Es wird folgende Websoftware verwendet: ';
if (file_exists('modules/'.$modul.'/system/'))
echo '<span class="red">modules/'.$modul.'/system/ wurde nicht gefunden!</span>';
echo '<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
0,0 → 1,99
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'fserver\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuen MySQL-Server</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>MySQL-Server bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($row['folder_cnid'])) ? $row['folder_cnid'] : '';
$fusername = (isset($row['username'])) ? $row['username'] : '';
$fpassword = (isset($row['password'])) ? $row['password'] : '';
$fserver = (isset($row['server'])) ? $row['server'] : '';
$fonlydb = (isset($row['onlydb'])) ? $row['onlydb'] : '';
$auszuwaehlen = (isset($folder)) ? $folder : 0;
$fusername = '';
$fpassword = '';
$fserver = '';
$fonlydb = '';
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">In Ordner:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top">';
gfx_zeichneordnerbox($modul, 0, 0, $auszuwaehlen);
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '</td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Zugangsdaten</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Server:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fserver" id="fserver" value="'.$fserver.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Benutzername:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fusername" value="'.$fusername.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Passwort:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fpassword" value="'.$fpassword.'" size="50"></td>
<td valign="top">Einzelne Datenbank:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="fonlydb" value="'.$fonlydb.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zum Hauptmen&uuml;</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag in Kategorie</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag im Ordner</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,17
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (!isset($id)) $id = '';
echo 'Bitte warten...
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
document.location.href = "modules/'.$modul.'/system/?server='.$id.'";
// -->
--- modules/phpmyadmin/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/phpmyadmin/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,40
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin` SET `folder_cnid` = '".db_escape($folder)."', `server` = '".db_escape($fserver)."', `username` = '".db_escape($fusername)."', `password` = '".db_escape($fpassword)."', `onlydb` = '".db_escape($fonlydb)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
$res = db_query("SELECT `user_cnid` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."folders` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($folder)."'");
$row = db_fetch($res);
if ($row['user_cnid'] != $benutzer['id'])
$folder = 0;
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin` (`folder_cnid`, `server`, `username`, `password`, `onlydb`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($folder)."', '".db_escape($fserver)."', '".db_escape($fusername)."', '".db_escape($fpassword)."', '".db_escape($fonlydb)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&folder='.$folder.'&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."phpmyadmin`");
0,0 → 1,102
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
// -------------------------------------
if (!ini_get('safe_mode'))
$meldung .= '- PHP sollte mit Safe_Mode ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.<br>';
// -------------------------------------
$ok = true;
if ($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'] != '/')
if ($configuration['common_directftp']['ftp-verzeichnis'] == '/html/')
// Handelt es sich um Confixx? Dann ist /html/ auch OK
if ($dir = @opendir('../'))
while ($file = @readdir($dir))
if (($file != 'atd') && ($file != 'log') && ($file != '.forward') && ($file != 'restore') && ($file != 'backup')
&& ($file != '.configs') && ($file != 'html') && ($file != 'files') && ($file != 'phptmp') && ($file != '.')
&& ($file != '..')) $ok = false;
$ok = false;
if (!$ok) $meldung .= '- Personal WebBase besitzt m&ouml;glicherweise keinen eigenen FTP-Account!<br>';
// -------------------------------------
$ok = true;
$path = '../';
if ($dir = @opendir($path))
// Bei Confixx liegen im Übergeordneten Verzeichnis die folgenden Dateien... die sind OK; andere nicht!
while ($file = @readdir($dir))
if (($file != 'atd') && ($file != 'log') && ($file != '.forward') && ($file != 'restore') && ($file != 'backup')
&& ($file != '.configs') && ($file != 'html') && ($file != 'files') && ($file != 'phptmp') && ($file != '.')
&& ($file != '..')) $ok = false;
// Aber weiter darf man nicht zurück gehen!
while (true)
if (@readdir(@opendir($path))) $ok = false;
$realpath = @realpath($path);
if (($realpath == '/') || ((strlen($realpath) == 3) && (substr($realpath, 1, 2) == ':\\')) || (!$ok))
$path .= '../';
if (!$ok) $meldung .= '- Personal WebBase kann bei der HTTP-Server-Ebene auf das &uuml;bergeordnete Verzeichnis zugreifen!<br>';
// -------------------------------------
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLUsername() == 'root')
$meldung .= '- ACHTUNG! Personal WebBase verwendet den MySQL-Benutzer &quot;root&quot;!<br>';
$my_warnung = false;
$db_list = db_list_dbs();
while ($row = db_fetch($db_list))
if (($row['Database'] != 'information_schema') && ($row['Database'] != $WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase()))
$my_warnung = true;
if ($my_warnung)
$meldung .= '- Personal WebBase kann m&ouml;glicherweise auf andere MySQL-Datenbanken zugreifen!<br>';
$rx = db_list_tables($WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase());
$rx2 = db_query("SELECT * FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."modules`");
if (db_num($rx) > db_num($rx2))
$meldung .= '- Es existieren fremde MySQL-Tabellen in der Personal WebBase-Datenbank, auf die Personal WebBase m&ouml;glicherweise Zugriff hat!<br>';
// -------------------------------------
if (!$WBConfig->getForceSSLFlag())
$meldung .= '- SSL-Verbindungen werden nicht erzwungen (includes/ $force_ssl).<br>&nbsp;&nbsp;Wenn Sie &uuml;ber SSL verf&uuml;gen, sollten Sie die Einstellung auf true bzw. 1 setzen.<br>';
// -------------------------------------
if ($meldung != '')
$meldung = '<span class="red">Potentielle Sicherheitsl&uuml;cke(n) entdeckt! Lesen Sie das <a href="handbuch.pdf" target="_blank">Handbuch</a> zur Behebung der Sicherheitsl&uuml;cken.<br>'.substr($meldung, 0, strlen($meldung)-strlen('<br>')).'</span>';
$meldung = 'Es wurden keine Sicherheitsl&uuml;cken gefunden.';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/security/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/security/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>common_security</expected_name>
+ <name>Sicherheitskernmodul</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>3</license>
0,0 → 1,17
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
// db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` WHERE (((`end_date` >= `start_date`) AND (`end_date` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY))) OR ((`end_date` > `start_date`) AND (`start_date` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY))))");
// if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
// {
// db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar`");
// }
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` WHERE `start_date` <= DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 7 DAY)");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar`");
--- modules/calendar/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/crossover/common_cleaner/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/calendar/crossover/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/crossover/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,13
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
wb_newdatabasetable('calendar', $m2, 'user_cnid', "bigint(21) NOT NULL default '0'",
'name', "varchar(255) NOT NULL default ''",
'start_date', "date NOT NULL default '0000-00-00'",
'start_time', "time NOT NULL default '00:00:00'",
'note', "longtext NOT NULL");
if (function_exists('set_searchable')) set_searchable($m2, 'calendar', 1);
--- modules/calendar/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
--- modules/calendar/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_calendar</expected_name>
+ <name>Kalender</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/calendar/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,72
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<center><a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=main"><b>Wochenauflistung</b></a> - <b>Terminauflistung</b> - <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=edit&amp;aktion=new&amp;herkunft='.$seite.'"><b>Neuer Eintrag</b></a><br><br></center>';
echo '<b>Einmalige Termine</b><br><br>';
wb_draw_table_content('', '<b>Tag</b>', '', '<b>Name</b>', '', '<b>Startzeitpunkt</b>', '', '<b>Uhrzeit</b>', '', '<b>Verbleibende Zeit</b>', '', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '', '');
$eingetr = false;
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `start_date`, `start_time` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND `start_date` >= NOW() ORDER BY `start_date`, `start_time`, `id`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$eingetr = true;
$wd = substr($row['start_date'], 8, 2);
$wm = substr($row['start_date'], 5, 2);
$wy = substr($row['start_date'], 0, 4);
$z = ceil((mktime(0, 0, 0, $wm, $wd, $wy)-mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')))/60/60/24);
if ($z == 0)
$a1 = '<span class="red"><b>';
$a2 = '</b></span>';
else if ($z < 0)
$a1 = '<span class="grey">';
$a2 = '</span>';
$a1 = '';
$a2 = '';
$verbleibend = '';
if ($z < 0) $verbleibend = 'Abgelaufen';
if ($z == 0) $verbleibend = 'Heute';
if ($z == 1) $verbleibend = 'Morgen';
if ($z == 2) $verbleibend = '&Uuml;bermorgen';
if ($z > 2) $verbleibend = $z.' Tage';
$wten = date('w', mktime(0, 0, 0, $wm, $wd, $wy));
if ($wten == 0) $wtag = 'Sonntag';
if ($wten == 1) $wtag = 'Montag';
if ($wten == 2) $wtag = 'Dienstag';
if ($wten == 3) $wtag = 'Mittwoch';
if ($wten == 4) $wtag = 'Donnerstag';
if ($wten == 5) $wtag = 'Freitag';
if ($wten == 6) $wtag = 'Samstag';
wb_draw_table_content('', $a1.$wtag.$a2, '', $a1.$row['name'].$a2, '', $a1.de_convertmysqldatetime($row['start_date']).$a2, '', $a1.$row['start_time'].' Uhr'.$a2, '', $a1.$verbleibend.$a2, '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;danach=B&amp;id='.$row['id'].'&amp;herkunft='.$seite.'" class="menu">Bearbeiten</a>', '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;zurueck='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">L&ouml;schen</a>');
if (!$eingetr)
wb_draw_table_span_content(0, 7, 'Keine Termine vorhanden!');
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,133
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<center><b>Wochenauflistung</b> - <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=auflistung"><b>Terminauflistung</b></a> - <a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=edit&amp;aktion=new&amp;herkunft='.$seite.'"><b>Neuer Eintrag</b></a><br><br></center>';
function get_week_boundaries($int_time)
// first: find monday 0:00
// christliche zeitrechnung (woche beginnt mit sonntag) umgehen
if ($weekdayid == 0) $weekdayid = 7;
$monthid=date("n", $int_time);
$yearid=date("Y", $int_time);
$beginofweek=$beginofday - (($weekdayid-1) * 86400); //86400 == seconds of one day (24 hours)
//now add the value of one week and call it the end of the week
//NOTE: End of week is Sunday, 23:59:59. I think you could also use Monday 00:00:00 but I though that'd suck
$endofweek=($beginofweek + 7 * 86400)-1;
return $week;
function zweinull($e)
if (strlen($e) == 1)
return '0'.$e;
return $e;
function wochenstat($woche)
global $WBConfig, $benutzer, $modul, $seite;
wb_draw_table_content('100', '<b>Tag</b>', '', '<b>Name</b>', '190', '<b>Startzeitpunkt</b>', '130', '<b>Verbleibende Zeit</b>', '100', '<b>Aktionen</b>', '100', '');
$current_week = get_week_boundaries(time()+$woche*60*60*24*7);
$eintr = false;
for ($i=0; $i<7; $i++)
$wbeg = $current_week["begin"]+$i*60*60*24;
$wd = date("d", $wbeg);
$wm = date("m", $wbeg);
$wy = date("Y", $wbeg);
if ((date("d") == $wd) && (date("m") == $wm) && (date("Y") == $wy))
$a1 = '<span class="red"><b>';
$a2 = '</b></span>';
$a1 = '';
$a2 = '';
$res = db_query("SELECT `id`, `name`, `start_time` FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."' AND SUBSTRING(`start_date`, 1, 4) = '$wy' AND SUBSTRING(`start_date`, 6, 2) = '$wm' AND SUBSTRING(`start_date`, 9, 2) = '$wd' ORDER BY `start_date`, `start_time`, `id`");
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$eintr = true;
$z = ceil((mktime(0, 0, 0, $wm, $wd, $wy)-mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m'), date('d'), date('Y')))/60/60/24);
if ($z < 0)
$a1 = '<span class="grey">';
$a2 = '</span>';
$wochentag = '';
if ($i == 0) $wochentag = 'Montag';
if ($i == 1) $wochentag = 'Dienstag';
if ($i == 2) $wochentag = 'Mittwoch';
if ($i == 3) $wochentag = 'Donnerstag';
if ($i == 4) $wochentag = 'Freitag';
if ($i == 5) $wochentag = 'Samstag';
if ($i == 6) $wochentag = 'Sonntag';
$verbleibend = '';
if ($z < 0) $verbleibend = 'Abgelaufen';
if ($z == 0) $verbleibend = 'Heute';
if ($z == 1) $verbleibend = 'Morgen';
if ($z == 2) $verbleibend = '&Uuml;bermorgen';
if ($z > 2) $verbleibend = $z.' Tage';
wb_draw_table_content('', $a1.$wochentag.$a2, '', $a1.$row['name'].$a2, '', $a1.de_convertmysqldatetime($wy.'-'.$wm.'-'.$wd.' '.$row['start_time']).$a2, '', $a1.$verbleibend.$a2, '', '<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=edit&amp;danach=A&amp;id='.$row['id'].'&amp;herkunft='.$seite.'" class="menu">Bearbeiten</a>', '', '<a href="javascript:abfrage(\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=operate&amp;modul='.$modul.'&amp;aktion=delete&amp;zurueck='.$seite.'&amp;id='.$row['id'].'\');" class="menu">L&ouml;schen</a>');
if (!$eintr)
wb_draw_table_span_content(0, 6, 'Keine Termine vorhanden!');
$d = date('j');
$m = date('n');
$y = date('Y');
$anzahl_wochen = 5; // Konfigurierbar
for ($ii=0; $ii<=$anzahl_wochen; $ii++)
if ($ii == 0)
$ueb = 'diese Woche';
else if ($ii == 1)
$ueb = 'n&auml;chste Woche';
else if ($ii == 2)
$ueb = '&uuml;bern&auml;chste Woche';
else if ($ii > 2)
$ueb = 'in '.$ii.' Wochen';
$uri = get_week_boundaries(mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d+7*$ii,$y));
echo '<b>Termine '.$ueb.'</b> (Kalenderwoche '.date('W/Y', mktime(0,0,0,$m,$d+7*$ii,$y)).' von '.date("d.m.Y", $uri['begin']).' - '.date("d.m.Y", $uri['end']).')<br><br>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,104
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (($aktion == 'new') || ($aktion == 'edit'))
echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'name\').focus();"', $header);
if ($aktion == 'new') echo '<h1>Neuer Termin</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo '<h1>Termin bearbeiten</h1>';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM ".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."kalender WHERE id = '".db_escape($id)."' AND user = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) == 0)
die($header.'Auf diesen Datensatz kann nicht zugegriffen werden. Entweder ist er nicht mehr verf&uuml;gbar, oder die Zugriffsberechtigungen sind falsch.'.$footer);
$row = db_fetch($res);
$name = (isset($row['name'])) ? $row['name'] : '';
$start_date = (isset($row['start_date'])) ? $row['start_date'] : '0000-00-00';
$ary1 = explode('-', $start_date);
$datum1 = $ary1[2];
$datum2 = $ary1[1];
$datum3 = $ary1[0];
$start_time = (isset($row['start_time'])) ? $row['start_time'] : '00:00:00';
$ary2 = explode(':', $start_time);
$zeit1 = $ary2[0];
$zeit2 = $ary2[1];
$kommentare = (isset($row['kommentare'])) ? $row['kommentare'] : '';
$name = '';
$timestamp = '';
$kommentare = '';
$zeit1 = '';
$zeit2 = '';
$datum1 = '';
$datum2 = date("m");
$datum3 = date("Y");
echo '<form method="POST" name="mainform" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="herkunft" value="'.$herkunft.'">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="'.$aktion.'">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">';
if ($aktion == 'edit')
echo '<input type="hidden" name="id" value="'.$id.'">';
if (!isset($danach)) $danach = 'A';
echo '<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0">
<td colspan="2"><b>Allgemeine Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Name:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="name" id="name" value="'.$name.'" size="50"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Detailierte Informationen</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Datum:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="datum1" value="'.$datum1.'" size="3"> . <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="datum2" value="'.$datum2.'" size="3"> . <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="datum3" value="'.$datum3.'" size="6"></td>
<td valign="top"><br>Uhrzeit:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><br><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="zeit1" value="'.$zeit1.'" size="3"> : <input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="zeit2" value="'.$zeit2.'" size="3"></td>
<td colspan="2"><br></td>
<td valign="top">Kommentare:<img src="designs/spacer.gif" height="1" width="35" alt=""></td>
<td valign="top"><textarea name="kommentare" cols="40" rows="8">'.$kommentare.'</textarea></td>
<td colspan="2"><br><b>Nach Speicherung</b><br><br></td>
<td valign="top">Aktion: </td>
<td><select name="danach">
<option value="A"'; if ($danach == 'A') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zur Wochenauflistung</option>
<option value="B"'; if ($danach == 'B') echo ' selected'; echo '>Zur&uuml;ck zur Terminauflistung</option>
<option value="C"'; if ($danach == 'C') echo ' selected'; echo '>Neuer Eintrag</option>
<a href="javascript:document.mainform.submit();">';
if ($aktion == 'new') echo 'Eintragung hinzuf&uuml;gen';
if ($aktion == 'edit') echo 'Eintragung aktualisieren';
echo '</a>&nbsp;|&nbsp;<a href="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite='.$herkunft.'&amp;modul='.$modul.'">Zur&uuml;ck</a>
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/calendar/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/calendar/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,30
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'edit')
db_query("UPDATE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` SET `name` = '".db_escape($name)."', `start_date` = '".$datum3.'-'.$datum2.'-'.$datum1."', `start_time` = '".$zeit1.':'.$zeit2.':00'."', `kommentare` = '".db_escape($kommentare)."' WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=auflistung&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'new')
db_query("INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` (`name`, `start_date`, `start_time`, `kommentare`, `user_cnid`) VALUES ('".db_escape($name)."', '".$datum3.'-'.$datum2.'-'.$datum1."', '".$zeit1.':'.$zeit2.':00'."', '".db_escape($kommentare)."', '".$benutzer['id']."')");
if ($danach == 'A') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=main&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'B') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=auflistung&modul='.$modul);
if ($danach == 'C') wb_redirect_now($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?seite=edit&herkunft='.$herkunft.'&modul='.$modul.'&aktion=new&danach='.$danach);
if ($aktion == 'delete')
db_query("DELETE FROM `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar` WHERE `id` = '".db_escape($id)."' AND `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()."calendar`");
0,0 → 1,25
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
$meldung = '';
$cont = my_get_contents('');
if ($cont === false)
$meldung .= '<span class="red">Es konnte nicht nach Updates f&uuml;r Personal WebBase gesucht werden. Pr&uuml;fen Sie Ihre PHP-Einstellungen oder versuchen Sie es zu einem sp&auml;teren Zeitpunkt noch einmal.</span>';
if ($cont == $WBConfig->getRevision())
$meldung .= 'Es sind keine Updates f&uuml;r Personal WebBase verf&uuml;gbar.';
$meldung .= '<span class="green">Personal WebBase ist in einer neuen Version erschienen!</span> <a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">Download</a>';
0,0 → 1,2
Order Deny,Allow
Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,12
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (isset($_SERVER['SERVER_ADMIN']))
$adm = '';
wb_add_config('admin_mail', $adm, $m2);
--- modules/about/autostart/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/about/autostart/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,10
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<author>Daniel Marschall</author>
--- modules/about/page/admin/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/about/page/admin/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,37 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+echo str_replace('<body', '<body onload="self.focus();document.getElementById(\'admin_mail\').focus();"', $header);
+if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = $modul;
+if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
+echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
+echo '<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST" name="mainform" id="mainform">
+<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
+<input type="hidden" name="action" value="change_configuration">
+<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
+<input type="hidden" name="vonseite" value="'.$vonseite.'">
+<input type="hidden" name="vonmodul" value="'.$vonmodul.'">'; ?>
+<table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0">
+ <tr>
+ <td>Admin-Mailadresse:</td>
+ <td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" width="15" height="1" alt=""></td>
+ <td><input type="text" size="30" name="admin_mail" id="admin_mail" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className='highlight';" onmouseout="this.className='normal';" value="<?php echo $configuration[$modul]['admin_mail']; ?>"></td>
+ </tr>
+ <input type="button" onclick="document.location.href='<?PHP echo $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']; ?>?modul=<?php echo $vonmodul; ?>&amp;seite=<?php echo $vonseite; ?>';" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';" value="Zur&uuml;ck">
+ &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
+ <input type="submit" value="&Auml;ndern" class="button" onmouseover="this.className='button_act';" onmouseout="this.className='button';">
+ </form>
+ echo $footer;
\ No newline at end of file
0,0 → 1,5
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/about/page/admin/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/about/page/admin/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,15
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'change_configuration')
wb_change_config('admin_mail', db_escape($admin_mail), $modul);
if (!isset($vonmodul)) $vonmodul = 'admin_configuration';
if (!isset($vonseite)) $vonseite = 'main';
--- modules/about/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/about/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,95
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<center><b>Informationen &uuml;ber dieses Personal WebBase System</b></center><br>';
$info_version = 'Personal WebBase '.$WBConfig->getRevision().', Revision '.$WBConfig->getRevDatum();
$info_url = '<a href="'.deferer($configuration['common_links_notifier']['wb_system_url']).'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$configuration['common_links_notifier']['wb_system_url'].'</a>';
$info_ip = '<a href="'.ip_tracer($_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR']).'" target="_blank" class="menu">'.$_SERVER['SERVER_ADDR'].'</a>';
$info_systemzeit = date('Y-m-d, H:i:s');
$info_systemzeit = de_convertmysqldatetime($info_systemzeit);
if ($configuration['common_cronjob']['passivcron'] == '1')
$info_cronjobs = 'Passive Cronjobs';
if ($configuration['common_cronjob']['lastpromoter'] == '')
$info_cronjobs = 'Aktive Cronjobs (Shell)';
$info_cronjobs = 'Aktive Cronjobs (Promoter: <a href="'.deferer('http://'.$configuration['common_cronjob']['lastpromoter'].'/').'" target="_blank" class="menu">http://'.$configuration['common_cronjob']['lastpromoter'].'/</a>)';
$info_module = count($modules);
$info_designs = 0;
$handle = @opendir('designs/');
while ($file = @readdir($handle))
if ((filetype('designs/'.$file) == 'dir') && ($file <> '.') && ($file <> '..'))
$design_information = WBDesignHandler::get_design_information($configuration['admin_designs']['design']);
$info_design = $design_information->name;
$info_datenbank = 'mysql://';
$info_datenbank .= $WBConfig->getMySQLUsername();
$info_datenbank .= '@';
$info_datenbank .= $WBConfig->getMySQLServer();
if ($WBConfig->getMySQLPort() != '')
$info_datenbank .= ':';
$info_datenbank .= $WBConfig->getMySQLPort();
$info_datenbank .= '/';
$info_datenbank .= $WBConfig->getMySQLDatabase();
$info_datenbank .= '/';
$info_datenbank .= $WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix();
$info_datenbank .= '*';
if (check_email($configuration[$modul]['admin_mail']))
$info_admin = secure_email($configuration[$modul]['admin_mail'], $configuration[$modul]['admin_mail'], 1);
$info_admin = str_replace('<a href=\"', '<a class=\"menu\" href=\"', $info_admin);
$info_admin = 'Keine E-Mail-Adresse angegeben';
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>System-Version</b>', '65%', $info_version);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>System-URL</b>', '65%', $info_url);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>IP-Adresse</b>', '65%', $info_ip);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Systemzeit</b>', '65%', $info_systemzeit);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Cronjobs</b>', '65%', $info_cronjobs);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Installierte Module</b>', '65%', $info_module);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Installierte Designs</b>', '65%', $info_designs);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Aktuelles Design</b>', '65%', $info_design);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Datenbank-Speicherort</b>', '65%', $info_datenbank);
wb_draw_table_content('35%', '<b>Administrator-Kontakt</b>', '65%', $info_admin);
echo '<center>&copy; 2004 - '.date('Y').' <a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">ViaThinkSoft</a>. Alle Rechte vorbehalten!<br>
<b><a href="'.deferer('').'" target="_blank">Personal WebBase Webportal</a></b></center>';
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/about/page/public/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/about/page/public/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
--- modules/data_transfer/autostart/ (nonexistent)
+++ modules/data_transfer/autostart/ (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
+wb_add_config('lock_cleaner_hours', '12', $m2);
\ No newline at end of file
--- modules/data_transfer/info.xml (nonexistent)
+++ modules/data_transfer/info.xml (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
+ <expected_name>user_data_transfer</expected_name>
+ <name>Datentransfer</name>
+ <author>Daniel Marschall</author>
+ <version>2009-08-12</version>
+ <language>de</language>
+ <license>4</license>
--- modules/data_transfer/page/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/data_transfer/page/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,150
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if (!headers_sent()) header("Pragma: public");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Cache-Control: must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Cache-Control: private", false);
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"Personal WebBase-Dump.xml\"");
if (!headers_sent()) header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary");
// Kleinsten Datensatz finden, um Exportdatei übersichtlich zu halten (kleinster Wert bekommt id=1)
$min = 'x';
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
$rs = db_query("SELECT MIN(`id`) AS `mi` FROM `$m1`");
$rw = db_fetch($rs);
if ((($rw['mi'] < $min) || ($min == 'x')) && ($rw['mi'] != ''))
$min = $rw['mi'];
if ($min == 'x') $min = 0;
function binaere_daten($inp)
$res = false;
for ($i=0; $i<=31; $i++)
// Ausnahme: 09h, 0Ah, 0Dh
if ((strpos($inp, chr($i)) !== false) && ($i != 9) && ($i != 10) && ($i != 13))
$res = true;
return $res;
// Exportieren
$webbasedump = new XmlElement;
$webbasedump->name = 'webbasedump';
$webbasedump->attributes['xmlns'] = '';
$webbasedump->attributes['version'] = '1.0';
$webbasedump->attributes['server'] = $configuration['common_links_notifier']['wb_system_url'];
$webbasedump->attributes['account'] = $wb_user_username;
$webbasedump->attributes['date'] = date('Y-m-d');
$webbasedump->attributes['time'] = date('H:i:s');
function is_cnid($fieldname)
if (strlen($fieldname) < strlen('_cnid'))
return false;
return (substr(strtolower($fieldname), strlen($fieldname)-strlen('_cnid'), strlen('_cnid')) == '_cnid');
foreach ($tables_modules as $n1 => $n2)
if (isset($tables_database[$n1]['user_cnid']))
$res = db_query("SELECT * FROM `$n1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_num($res) > 0)
$table = new XmlElement;
$table->name = 'table';
$table->attributes['name'] = substr(strtolower($n1), strlen($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()), strlen($n1)-strlen($WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix()));
while ($row = db_fetch($res))
$element = new XmlElement;
$element->name = 'element';
$i = 0;
foreach ($row as $m1 => $m2)
if ($i % 2 == 0)
if (strtolower($m1) != 'user_cnid')
$value = new XmlElement;
$value->name = 'value';
$value->attributes['name'] = strtolower($m1);
if ((($m1 == 'id') || (is_cnid($m1))) && ((strtolower($m1) != 'folder_cnid') || ($m2 != '0')))
// Datensatz-Wert (ID-Nummer) im Datensatz anpassen
// Bedingung: Feldname = "ID" oder Postfix "_CNID" vorhanden
// Ausnahme: Feld "FOLDER_CNID" hat den legalen Wert "0"
$value->content = $m2-$min+1;
if (binaere_daten($m2))
$value->content = base64_encode($m2);
$value->attributes['encode'] = 'base64';
$value->content = $m2;
$element->children[] = $value;
$table->children[] = $element;
$webbasedump->children[] = $table;
$xml = new xml();
$output = $xml->object_to_xml_code($webbasedump);
$buffersize = 1024*8;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($output); $i=$i+$buffersize)
if (strlen($output) < $i+$buffersize)
$tmp = substr($output, $i, strlen($output)-$i-1);
$tmp = substr($output, $i, $buffersize);
echo $tmp;
0,0 → 1,83
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.htmlentities($module_information->caption).'</h1>';
echo '<b>Datensicherung herunterladen</b><br><br>
Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie eine Datensicherung durchf&uuml;hren, um beispielsweise auf einen anderen Personal WebBase-Server umzuziehen.<br><br>
<input type="button" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" onclick="document.location.href=\''.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'?modul='.$modul.'&amp;seite=export\'" value="Datensicherung"><br><br>
<b>Datensicherung importieren</b><br><br>
Hier k&ouml;nnen Sie eine Personal WebBase-Datensicherung einf&uuml;gen.<br><br>
Achtung: Wenn die Personal WebBase-Schnittstelle, mit der Sie die Sicherung durchgef&uuml;hrt haben, mehr Module enthielt als diese Personal WebBase-Schnittstelle, so werden nur die Datens&auml;tze importiert, zu denen die Module gefunden wurden.<br><br>
Bitte Beachten Sie: Wenn Sie Datens&auml;tze hochladen, die die selbe ID-Nummer enthalten, wird Personal WebBase die ID-Nummern erh&ouml;hen, sodass das Einf&uuml;gen erfolgreich wird. Duplikate sind somit m&ouml;glich. Maximale Dateigr&ouml;&szlig;e: '.ini_get('post_max_size').'B<br><br>
<form enctype="multipart/form-data" action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="post">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="dump">
<input type="hidden" name="MAX_FILE_SIZE" value="'.return_bytes(ini_get('post_max_size')).'">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Aktuelles Passwort:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
if ($wb_user_type == 0)
echo 'Im Gastkonto wird kein Passwort ben&ouml;tigt.';
echo '<input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="pwd" value="">';
echo '</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input name="dfile" type="file"></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Hochladen">
<b>Alle Datens&auml;tze entfernen</b><br><br>
Mit dieser Funktion k&ouml;nnen Sie <i>alle Datens&auml;tze</i> aus Ihrer Personal WebBase-Datenbank entfernen! Bitte geben Sie das Wort &quot;OK&quot; in das Sicherheitsfeld ein. Dieser Vorgang kann nicht mehr r&uuml;ckg&auml;ngig gemacht werden.<br><br>
<form action="'.$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].'" method="POST">
<input type="hidden" name="seite" value="operate">
<input type="hidden" name="modul" value="'.$modul.'">
<input type="hidden" name="aktion" value="dest">
<table cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" border="0">
<td>Aktuelles Passwort:</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
if ($wb_user_type == 0)
echo 'Im Gastkonto wird kein Passwort ben&ouml;tigt.';
echo '<input type="password" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="pwd" value="">';
echo '</td>
<td><img src="designs/spacer.gif" alt="" width="5" height="1"></td>
<td><input type="text" class="normal" onmouseover="this.className=\'highlight\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'normal\';" name="sic" value=""></td>
<input type="submit" class="button" onmouseover="this.className=\'button_act\';" onmouseout="this.className=\'button\';" value="Datens&auml;tze entfernen">
echo $footer;
0,0 → 1,11
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
--- modules/data_transfer/page/user/.htaccess (nonexistent)
+++ modules/data_transfer/page/user/.htaccess (revision 3)
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
+Order Deny,Allow
+Deny from all
0,0 → 1,249
if (!defined('WBLEGAL')) die('Kann nicht ohne Personal WebBase ausgef&uuml;hrt werden.');
if ($aktion == 'dest')
if (isset($pwd) && ($pwd != $wb_user_password) && ($wb_user_type == 1))
die($header.'<h1>'.$module_information->caption.'</h1>Es wurde ein falsches Passwort eingegeben.'.$footer);
if (strtoupper($sic) != 'OK')
die($header.'<h1>'.$module_information->caption.'</h1>Sie m&uuml;ssen das Sicherheitsfeld ausf&uuml;llen!'.$footer);
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
if (isset($tables_modules[$m1]['user_cnid']))
db_query("DELETE FROM `$m1` WHERE `user_cnid` = '".$benutzer['id']."'");
if (db_affected_rows() > 0)
db_query("OPTIMIZE TABLE `$m1`");
echo $header.'<h1>'.$module_information->caption.'</h1>Es wurden alle Datens&auml;tze entfernt.'.$footer;
if ($aktion == 'dump')
// Datenbank vor Cleaner-Funktion schützen (beim Hochladen können ungültige Ordner- oder sonstige Bezüge entstehen)
if (isset($configuration[$modul]['lock_cleaner_hours']))
$hours = $configuration[$modul]['lock_cleaner_hours'];
$hours = '';
if (($hours != '') && (is_numeric($hours)))
$res = db_query("SELECT DATE_ADD(NOW(), INTERVAL $hours HOUR)");
$row = db_fetch($res);
wb_change_config('lock_cleaner_until', $row[0], 'common_cleaner');
// Problem: Wenn man ZUR SELBEN SEKUNDE wie der Cleaner im Cronjob das Hochladen startet, hat man ggf. gelitten
// Nun beginnen
if (isset($pwd) && ($pwd != $wb_user_password) && ($wb_user_type == 1))
echo $header.'<h1>'.$module_information->caption.'</h1>Es wurde ein falsches Passwort eingegeben.'.$footer;
$queries = array();
$m = '';
// Größten Datensatz finden, um Dateiduplikate zu verhindern
$max = 0;
foreach ($tables_modules as $m1 => $m2)
$rs = db_query("SELECT MAX(`id`) AS `ma` FROM `$m1`");
$rw = db_fetch($rs);
if ($rw['ma'] > $max)
$max = $rw['ma'];
$xml = new xml();
$array = $xml->xml_file_to_object($_FILES['dfile']['tmp_name']);
// Anmerkung: XML-Datei wird nur oberflächlich auf Malformation untersucht. Zusätzliche Attribute oder zusätzliche Knotenpunkte werden ignoriert
function is_cnid($fieldname)
if (strlen($fieldname) < strlen('_cnid'))
return false;
return (substr(strtolower($fieldname), strlen($fieldname)-strlen('_cnid'), strlen('_cnid')) == '_cnid');
if (($array->name != 'webbasedump') || ($array->attributes['version'] != '1.0'))
echo '<b>Fehler</b><br><br>Dies ist keine g&uuml;ltige Personal WebBase-Datensicherung oder sie ist veraltet.';
foreach ($array->children as $x1 => $x2)
$table = $array->children[$x1];
if ($table->name == 'table')
if (!isset($table->attributes['name']))
// Fehlermeldung: Malformatierte XML-Struktur
else if (!isset($tables_modules[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$table->attributes['name']]))
// Fehlermeldung: Tabelle ist nicht vorhanden
else if (!isset($tables_modules[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$table->attributes['name']]['user_cnid']))
// Fehlermeldung: Tabelle hat kein Benutzerfeld
foreach ($table->children as $y1 => $y2)
$element = $table->children[$y1];
if ($element->name == 'element')
$s_namen = '`user_cnid`, ';
$s_werte = "'".$benutzer['id']."', ";
foreach ($element->children as $z1 => $z2)
$value = $element->children[$z1];
if ($value->name == 'value')
$name = $value->attributes['name'];
if (strtolower($name) == 'user_cnid')
// Fehlermeldung: Versuch, Benutzer zu setzen
else if ((strtolower($name) == 'folder_cnid') && ($value->content < 0))
// Fehlermeldung: Ordner-ID im negativen Bereich
else if ((is_cnid($name)) && ($value->content < 1))
// Fehlermeldung: Connected-ID kleiner gleich 0.
else if ((strtolower($name) == 'id') && ($value->content < 1))
// Fehlermeldung: ID kleiner gleich 0.
else if (!isset($tables_modules[$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().$table->attributes['name']][$name]))
// Fehlermeldung: Feld nicht vorhanden in Tabelle
$s_namen .= '`'.$name.'`, ';
if (isset($value->content))
if (isset($value->attributes['encode']) && (strtolower($value->attributes['encode']) == 'base64'))
if ((strtolower($name) == 'id') || (is_cnid($name)))
$s_werte .= '0x'.string2hex(base64_decode($value->content+$max)).', ';
if ((strtolower($name) == 'folder_cnid') && ($value->content != '0'))
$s_werte .= '0x'.string2hex(base64_decode($value->content+$max)).', ';
$s_werte .= '0x'.string2hex(base64_decode($value->content)).', ';
if ((strtolower($name) == 'id') || (is_cnid($name)))
$s_werte .= "'".db_escape($value->content+$max)."', ";
if ((strtolower($name) == 'folder_cnid') && ($value->content != '0'))
$s_werte .= "'".db_escape($value->content+$max)."', ";
$aesc = $value->content;
$s_werte .= "'".db_escape($aesc)."', ";
$s_werte .= "'', ";
$s_namen = substr($s_namen, 0, strlen($s_namen)-2);
$s_werte = substr($s_werte, 0, strlen($s_werte)-2);
$queries[] = "INSERT INTO `".$WBConfig->getMySQLPrefix().db_escape($table->attributes['name'])."` ($s_namen) VALUES ($s_werte)";
echo $header;
echo '<h1>'.$module_information->caption.'</h1>';
if ($m != '')
echo '<b>Bei der Daten&uuml;bertragung sind einige Fehler aufgetreten. Sie sind hier aufgelistet.</b><br><br>'.$m;
foreach ($queries as $q1 => $q2)
//echo $q2.'<br>';
echo '<b>Die Daten&uuml;bertragung wurde erfolgreich beendet!</b>';
echo $footer;
echo "$headerBitte geben Sie eine Datei an!$footer";
// Cleaner wieder aktivieren
wb_change_config('lock_cleaner_until', '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'common_cleaner');
0,0 → 1,25
require 'includes/';
require 'includes/';
if (!headers_sent()) header('Content-Type: text/css');
$content = '';
if (!file_exists('designs/'.$configuration['admin_designs']['design'].'/style.css'))
$handle = @fopen('designs/'.$configuration['admin_designs']['design'].'/style.css', 'r');
while (!@feof($handle))
$buffer = @fgets($handle, 4096);
$content .= $buffer;
@fclose ($handle);
$content = str_replace('###', 'designs/'.$configuration['admin_designs']['design'].'/', $content);
echo $content;