Subversion Repositories oidplus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 225 → Rev 226

0,0 → 1,3
Order Deny,Allow
Deny From All
0,0 → 1,35
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthFalse implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'false', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
return false;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthFalse());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthFalse();
assert(!$x->checkAuth('', ''));
0,0 → 1,44
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthIP implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'ip', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
$ip = get_real_ip();
if (strpos($candidate, ':') !== false) {
return ipv6_in_cidr($candidate, $ip);
} else {
return ipv4_in_cidr($candidate, $ip);
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthIP());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthIP();
assert( $x->checkAuth('217/8', ''));
assert( $x->checkAuth('::1/128', ''));
0,0 → 1,37
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthMD5 implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'md5', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
return md5($token) === $candidate; // TODO salt
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthMD5());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthMD5();
assert( $x->checkAuth('d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e', ''));
assert( $x->checkAuth('098f6bcd4621d373cade4e832627b4f6', 'test'));
assert(!$x->checkAuth('987bcab01b929eb2c07877b224215c92', 'xyz'));
0,0 → 1,37
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthPlain implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'plain', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
return $token === $candidate; // TODO case?
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthPlain());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthPlain();
assert( $x->checkAuth('', ''));
assert( $x->checkAuth('test', 'test'));
assert(!$x->checkAuth('beta', 'xyz'));
0,0 → 1,37
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthSHA1 implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'sha1', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
return sha1($token) === $candidate; // TODO salt
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthSHA1());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthSHA1();
assert( $x->checkAuth('da39a3ee5e6b4b0d3255bfef95601890afd80709', ''));
assert( $x->checkAuth('a94a8fe5ccb19ba61c4c0873d391e987982fbbd3', 'test'));
assert(!$x->checkAuth('a295e0bdde1938d1fbfd343e5a3e569e868e1465', 'xyz'));
0,0 → 1,35
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoAuthProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoAuthProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoAuthProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoAuthTrue implements VolcanoAuthProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'true', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function checkAuth($candidate, $token) {
return true;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerAuthProvider(new VolcanoAuthTrue());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoAuthTrue();
assert($x->checkAuth('', ''));
0,0 → 1,22
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
class OIDDepthFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$out[] = 'oid-depth:'.self::oid_depth($oid);
protected static function oid_depth($oid) {
# TODO: in oid_utils hinzufügen
if ($oid == '.') return 0;
if ($oid[0] != '.') $oid = ".$oid";
return substr_count($oid, '.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new OIDDepthFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,16
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/OidDerConverter.class.phps';
class DEREncodingFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$out[] = 'der-encoding:'.OidDerConverter::hexarrayToStr(OidDerConverter::oidToDER($oid));
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new DEREncodingFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,39
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class UUIDFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$r = oid_to_uuid($oid);
if ($r === false) {
$uuid_level = 0;
} else {
if (oid_depth($oid) == 2) {
$uuid_level = 1;
} else {
$uuid_level = 2;
# TODO: more configuration values, e.g. to hide namebased UUIDs
if (($uuid_level == 0) || ($uuid_level == 2) || ($oidplusobj->getConfigValue('namebased_uuids_for_pure_uuids') == '1')) {
$out[] = 'namebased-uuid-sha1:'.gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID, $oid);
$out[] = 'namebased-uuid-md5:'.gen_uuid_md5_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID, $oid);
if ($uuid_level == 1) {
$out[] = 'uuid:'.$r;
if ($uuid_level == 2) {
$out[] = 'origin-uuid:'.$r;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new UUIDFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,73
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
// TODO: use oidinfo api phps
// TODO: output warning if OID is illegal!
class OIDInfoFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
public static function getURL($oid) {
if ($oid[0] == '.') {
$oid = substr($oid, 1);
return ''.$oid;
// currently not used
public static function oidMayBeCreated($oid) {
if ($oid[0] == '.') {
$oid = substr($oid, 1);
# Ping API
$v = @file_get_contents(''.$oid);
$v = substr($v, 1, 1);
if (trim($v) === '1') return true;
if (trim($v) === '0') return false;
// TODO: exception
return null;
public static function oidAvailable($oid) {
if ($oid[0] == '.') {
$oid = substr($oid, 1);
# Ping API
$v = @file_get_contents(''.$oid);
$v = substr($v, 0, 1);
if (trim($v) === '2') return true; // existing and approved
if (trim($v) === '1') return false; // not approved
if (trim($v) === '0') return false; // not existing
# Fallback
$url = self::getURL($oid);
$responsecode = get_http_response_code($url);
return ($responsecode == 200);
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
if (self::oidAvailable($oid)) {
$url = self::getURL($oid);
$out[] = "cross-ref:$url";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new OIDInfoFieldExtender());
# ---
# TODO: ->
function get_http_response_code($theURL) {
$headers = get_headers($theURL);
return substr($headers[0], 9, 3);
0,0 → 1,81
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class ASN1SearchFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
private static function detectDirectAsn1Notation($x, &$xx, $oidplusobj) {
# At your root, you can define your own asn1-notation
# FUT: as alternative, we could have "invisible" OIDs (cannot be queried) which give information about non-root OIDs
$asn1path = $oidplusobj->getValuesOf($x, 'asn1-notation', true);
if (count($asn1path) > 0) {
$oidplusobj->stripAttribs($x, 'asn1-notation');
$asn1path = trim($asn1path[0]);
if (!asn1_path_valid($asn1path)) {
throw new VolcanoException("ASN.1 notation '$asn1path' is invalid"); # TODO: source?
$asn1path = preg_replace('@^\\s*\\{(.+)\\}\\s*$@', '\\1', $asn1path);
$asn1path_neu = '';
$asn1path = str_replace("\t", ' ', $asn1path);
$z = explode(' ', $asn1path);
foreach ($z as $za) {
$za = trim($za);
if ($za == '') continue;
$asn1path_neu .= "$za ";
$asn1path_neu = trim($asn1path_neu);
$xx[] = $asn1path_neu;
return true;
return false;
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$xx = array();
$x = $oid;
do {
$toparc = oid_toparc($x);
if (self::detectDirectAsn1Notation($x, $xx, $oidplusobj)) break;
$ids = $oidplusobj->getIdentifiers($x);
$id = null;
foreach ($ids as $m) {
if (oid_id_is_valid($m)) {
$id = $m;
if (is_null($id)) {
$xx[] = $toparc;
} else {
$xx[] = "$id($toparc)";
} while (($x = oid_up($x)) != '.');
$xx = array_reverse($xx);
if (count($xx) > 0) {
$asn1path = '{ '.implode(' ', $xx).' }';
if (!asn1_path_valid($asn1path)) {
throw new VolcanoException("ASN.1 notation '$asn1path' is invalid"); # TODO: source?
$out[] = "asn1-notation: $asn1path";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new ASN1SearchFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,78
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class IRISearchFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
private static function detectDirectIRINotation($x, &$xx, $oidplusobj) {
# At your root, you can define your own iri-notation
# FUT: as alternative, we could have "invisible" OIDs (cannot be queried) which give information about non-root OIDs
$iripath = $oidplusobj->getValuesOf($x, 'iri-notation', true);
if (count($iripath) > 0) {
$oidplusobj->stripAttribs($x, 'iri-notation');
$iripath = trim($iripath[0]);
if (!iri_valid($iripath)) {
throw new VolcanoException("IRI notation '$iripath' is invalid"); # TODO: source?
$iripath = trim($iripath);
assert(substr($iripath, 0, 1) == '/');
$iripath = substr($iripath, 1);
$xx[] = $iripath;
return true;
return false;
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$xx = array();
$x = $oid;
do {
$toparc = oid_toparc($x);
if (self::detectDirectIRINotation($x, $xx, $oidplusobj)) break;
$ids = $oidplusobj->getUnicodeLabels($x);
$id = null;
foreach ($ids as $m) {
if (iri_arc_valid($m)) {
$id = $m;
if (is_null($id)) {
$xx[] = $toparc;
} else {
$xx[] = $id;
} while (($x = oid_up($x)) != '.');
$xx = array_reverse($xx);
if (count($xx) > 0) {
$iripath = '/'.implode('/', $xx);
if (!iri_valid($iripath)) {
throw new VolcanoException("IRI notation '$iripath' is invalid"); # TODO: source?
# TODO: soll das auch für die existierenden "iri-notation" felder angewandt werden?
$iripath = iri_add_longarcs($iripath);
$out[] = "iri-notation: $iripath";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new IRISearchFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,43
# if (!interface_exists('OIDPlusFieldExtenders')) throw new Exception('Required interface "OIDPlusFieldExtenders" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('OIDPlus')) throw new Exception('Required class "OIDPlus" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/OIDPlusFieldExtenders.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class DOILinkFieldExtender implements OIDPlusFieldExtenders {
public static function findDOI($oid, &$oidplusobj) {
$indexes = $oidplusobj->getDatasets($oid, 'index');
$found_doi = null;
foreach ($indexes as $index) {
$params = $index['attrib_params'];
$is_doi = false;
foreach ($params as $param) {
if (strtolower(trim($param)) == 'doi') {
$is_doi = true;
if ($is_doi) {
$found_doi = trim($index['value']);
return $found_doi;
public static function processOID($oid, &$out, &$oidplusobj) {
$doi = self::findDOI($oid, $oidplusobj);
if (!is_null($doi)) {
$out[] = "doi-resolve:$doi";
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/2_OIDPlus.class.php';
OIDPlus::registerFieldExtender(new DOILinkFieldExtender());
0,0 → 1,54
# TODO: das kann ohne suffix auskommen:
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoSearchDOI implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'doi', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
$y = explode('/', $searchterm);
$x = explode('/', $candidate);
$dist = count($y)-count($x);
for ($i=0; $i<min(count($x),count($y)); $i++) {
if ($x[$i] != $y[$i]) return false;
return $dist;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchDOI());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchDOI();
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000', '10.1000/1') == 1);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1', '10.1000') == -1);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000', '10.1000') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1001', '10.1000') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/3', '10.1000/1/2/3/4/5') == 2);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/3', '10.1000/1/2/3') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/3/4/5', '10.1000/1/2/3') == -2);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/x', '10.1000/1/2/3/4/5') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/x', '10.1000/1/2/3') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('10.1000/1/2/x/4/5', '10.1000/1/2/3') === false);
0,0 → 1,67
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoSearchDomain implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'domain', true); // is always case insensitive
protected static function tryNormalize($term) {
// TODO: also validate syntax
$ary = explode(':', $term);
$term = $ary[0];
if (substr($term, -1, 1) != '.') $term .= '.';
return $term;
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
// TODO: punycode?
$candidate = self::tryNormalize($candidate);
$searchterm = self::tryNormalize($searchterm);
if (strlen($candidate) <= strlen($searchterm)) {
$cmp = substr($searchterm, strlen($searchterm)-strlen($candidate));
if (!self::strEqual($cmp, $candidate, true)) return false;
$subdoms = substr($searchterm, 0, strlen($searchterm)-strlen($candidate));
return substr_count($subdoms, '.');
} else {
$cmp = substr($candidate, strlen($candidate)-strlen($searchterm));
if (!self::strEqual($cmp, $searchterm, true)) return false;
$too_specific = substr($candidate, 0, strlen($candidate)-strlen($searchterm));
return -substr_count($too_specific, '.');
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchDomain());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchDomain();
assert($x->calcDistance('de.', 'viathinksoft.DE.') == 1);
assert($x->calcDistance('de.', '') == 1);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('viathinksoft.DE.', '') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') == -1);
assert($x->calcDistance('de.', 'viathinksoft.xx.') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('', 'viathinksoft.xx.') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('', 'viathinksoft.xx.') === false);
0,0 → 1,45
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class VolcanoSearchIPv4 implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'ipv4', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
return ipv4_distance($searchterm, $candidate); // TODO: richtig rum?
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchIPv4());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchIPv4();
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === 2);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === -2);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('', '') === 0);
0,0 → 1,42
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../includes/';
class VolcanoSearchIPv6 implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'ipv6', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
return ipv6_distance($searchterm, $candidate); // TODO: richtig rum?
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchIPv6());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchIPv6();
assert($x->calcDistance('2001:1ae0::/27', '2001:1af8::/29') == 2);
assert($x->calcDistance('2001:1af8::/29', '2001:1af8::/29') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('2001:1af8::/31', '2001:1af8::/29') == -2);
assert($x->calcDistance('2002:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1335/127', '2001:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1336/127') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('2001:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1337/128', '2001:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1336/128') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('2001:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1337', '2001:1af8:4100:a061:0001::1336') === false);
0,0 → 1,37
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoSearchStr implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'str', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
return (self::strEqual($candidate, $searchterm, false)) ? 0 : -1;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchStr());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchStr();
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'a') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'A') == -1);
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'b') == -1);
0,0 → 1,37
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoSearchStrI implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'stri', true); // is always case insensitive
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
return (self::strEqual($candidate, $searchterm, true)) ? 0 : -1;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchStrI());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchStrI();
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'a') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'A') == 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('a', 'b') == -1);
0,0 → 1,54
# if (!interface_exists('VolcanoSearchProvider')) throw new Exception('Required interface "VolcanoSearchProvider" not found.');
# if (!class_exists('VolcanoDB')) throw new Exception('Required class "VolcanoDB" not found.');
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/VolcanoSearchProvider.class.php';
class VolcanoSearchUUID implements VolcanoSearchProvider {
public static function checkId($id) {
return self::strEqual($id, 'guid', true) || self::strEqual($id, 'uuid', true); // is always case insensitive
protected static function tryNormalize($term) {
// TODO: also validate syntax
$term = str_replace('{', '', $term);
$term = str_replace('}', '', $term);
$term = strtolower($term);
return $term;
public static function calcDistance($candidate, $searchterm) {
$candidate = self::tryNormalize($candidate);
$searchterm = self::tryNormalize($searchterm);
if ($candidate == $searchterm) {
return 0;
} else {
return false;
protected static function strEqual($str1, $str2, $caseInsensitive = false) {
if ($caseInsensitive) {
return strtolower($str1) == strtolower($str2);
} else {
return $str1 == $str2;
require_once __DIR__ . '/../../core/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
VolcanoDB::registerSearchProvider(new VolcanoSearchUUID());
# --- TEST
$x = new VolcanoSearchUUID();
assert($x->calcDistance('fd3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97', '8338af1c-61ea-41c1-aded-c836846ae22d') === false);
assert($x->calcDistance('fd3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97', 'fd3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97') === 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('fd3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97', '{FD3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442C97}') === 0);
assert($x->calcDistance('{fd3C657C-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97}', 'fd3c657c-0728-4769-b608-db5ece442c97') === 0);