Subversion Repositories oidplus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 225 → Rev 226

0,0 → 1,612
# <oid1>
# ...
# <orphan>
// TODO: {...} = ein link zu einer whois query
// TODO !list auch ohne oidplus:
# todo: auch "oid:" erlauben (ohne beginning dot)
# TODO is_numeric() nicht verwenden bei oidutils... stattdessen [0-9]+
// TODO: suchen nach eigenschaften, z.b. created:2012-...
# todo: exceptions im frontent oder false results?
# todo: was ist private, was protected?
# todo: ismU ohne m etc
# todo: headless camel notation
# todo: distance funktion: (a,b) und (b,a) syntax nicht eindeutig... mal so mal so. (plugins/*.php und ipv?_functions.php)
# todo: extends ok oder ist es keine oop-erweiterung?
require_once __DIR__ . '/1_VolcanoDB.class.php';
class OIDPlus extends VolcanoDB {
protected function displayLine($oid) {
$described = $this->oidDescribed($oid);
$identifiers = $this->getIdentifiers($oid);
$oid_attribs = $this->getOIDAttribs($oid);
$out = $oid;
$oidary = explode('.', $oid);
$lastarc = $oidary[count($oidary)-1];
if (count($identifiers) == 0) {
$out .= " $lastarc";
} else {
foreach ($identifiers as $n => $i) {
if ($n != 0) $out .= " |";
$out .= " $i($lastarc)";
if (count($oid_attribs) > 0) {
$out .= " [".implode(',',$oid_attribs)."]";
if (!$described) $out .= " [not described]";
# TODO: '...' anzeigen zwischen einer OID und einer orphan OID?
return $out;
protected function rec_show($oid, &$out, $desc='', $levels=-1) {
$x = $this->listAllOIDs($oid, $levels);
foreach ($x as $oid) {
$out .= $desc . $this->displayLine($oid) . "\n";
protected function rec_listAllOIDs($oid, &$out, $levels=-1) {
$children = $this->listChildren($oid, $levels);
if ($children === false) {
#echo "...\n"; # TODO problem, es ist ungewiss ob noch was untergeordnet ist!
foreach ($children as $num => &$data) {
$dotstop = self::appendDot($oid);
$cur_oid = $dotstop.$num;
$out[] = $cur_oid;
$this->rec_listAllOIDs($cur_oid, $out, $levels-1);
public function listAllOIDs($oid, $levels=-1) {
$out = array();
$this->rec_listAllOIDs($oid, $out, $levels);
return $out;
/* TODO: das wäre einfacherer, aber das geht nicht mit orphan OIDS !!!
public function listAllOIDs($parent_oid, $depth=-1, $check_auth=true) {
return $this->listOIDs($parent_oid, true, $depth=-1, $check_auth=true);
public function count_roots() {
return count($this->findRoots());
public function count_oids() {
$oids = $this->getAllOIDs();
return count($oids);
public function count_indexes() {
$cnt = 0;
$oids = $this->getAllOIDs();
foreach ($oids as &$oid) {
$arys = $this->getDatasets($oid, 'index');
if (count($arys) > 0) $cnt++;
return $cnt;
protected function sc_listIndexes() {
$out = '';
# TODO: + oid anzeigen?
$oids = $this->getAllOIDs();
foreach ($oids as &$oid) {
$arys = $this->getDatasets($oid, 'index');
foreach ($arys as &$ary) {
if (!isset($ary['attrib_params'][0])) {
throw new VolcanoException('index() field without any param', $ary);
$nid = $ary['attrib_params'][0];
$val = $ary['value'];
# TODO: domain mit puny-decoding?
$out .= "index($nid):$val\n";
return $out;
protected function sc_listRoots() {
$out = '';
$roots = $this->findRoots();
foreach ($roots as &$root) {
$out .= "oid:" . $this->displayLine($root) . "\n"; # todo "oid:" mittels maketabs alignen
return $out;
protected function sc_list($show_complete_tree = false) {
$out = '';
if ($show_complete_tree) {
$roots = array('.');
} else {
$roots = $this->findRoots();
$first = true;
foreach ($roots as &$root) {
// Auskommentiert: Abstand zwischen den OIDs von 2 Roots lassen
// if (!$first) echo "\n";
$first = false;
$out .= "oid:" . $this->displayLine($root) . "\n";
$this->rec_show($root, $out, "oid:");
$out2 = array();
$max_len_oid = 0;
$max_dep_oid = 0;
$min_dep_oid = PHP_INT_MAX;
$lines = explode("\n", trim($out));
foreach ($lines as &$x) {
$m = explode(' ', $x, 2);
$oid = substr($m[0], 4);
$len = strlen($oid);
$dep = oid_len($oid);
$entry = isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '';
$out2[] = array($len, $dep, $oid, $entry);
if ($len > $max_len_oid) $max_len_oid = $len;
if ($dep > $max_dep_oid) $max_dep_oid = $dep;
if ($dep < $min_dep_oid) $min_dep_oid = $dep;
$out = '';
foreach ($out2 as &$data) {
$len = $data[0];
$dep = $data[1];
$oid = $data[2];
$entry = $data[3];
if (empty($entry)) $entry = '<no identifier>';
$oid = str_pad($oid, $max_len_oid);
$entry = str_repeat('. ', $dep-$min_dep_oid).$entry;
$out .= "oid:$oid | $entry\n";
return $out;
protected static function help() {
// TODO syntax for searching
echo "System commands:\n";
echo "\thelp\n";
echo "\toidplus:!list [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
echo "\toidplus:!listRoots [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
echo "\toidplus:!listIndexes [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
# todo: listAll
echo "\toidplus:!help\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Seaching for indexed items (index attribute):\n";
echo "\toidplus:<index> [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
echo "\n";
echo "Lookup a single OID:\n";
echo "\toidplus:.2.999 [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
echo "\toidplus:.2.example [#<authtoken>[,<authtoken>[,...]]]\n";
# todo: kein echo sondern string return?
public function query($q) {
$q = trim($q);
# echo "Process query '$q'\n\n";
if ($q == 'help') {
return self::help();
if (!preg_match('@^oidplus:([^#]+)(#([^#]*)){0,1}$@ismU', $q, $m)) {
# return false;
# TODO: eigentlich sollte die syntax nicht willkürlich sein
# lieber "oid:(non-dotted-oid without authToken and no indexes)
# $q = preg_replace('@^oidplus:@isU', '', $q);
# $q = preg_replace('@^(urn:){0,1}oid:@isU', '.', $q);
$q = preg_replace('@^(urn:){0,1}oid:@isU', '', $q);
if (oid_valid_dotnotation($q, true, false) && ($q[0] != '.')) $q = ".$q";
$q = "oidplus:$q";
return $this->query($q);
} else {
$q = trim($m[1]);
$pins = (isset($m[3])) ? trim($m[3]) : null;
if (oid_valid_dotnotation($q, true, false) && ($q[0] != '.')) $q = ".$q";
if (!is_null($pins)) {
$pins = explode(',', $pins);
foreach ($pins as &$pin) {
if ($q[0] == '!') {
$syscommand = trim(substr($q, 1));
if ($syscommand == 'help') {
return self::help();
} else if ($syscommand == 'list') {
$out = self::sc_list();
echo self::make_tabs($out);
} else if ($syscommand == 'listRoots') {
$out = self::sc_listRoots();
echo self::make_tabs($out);
} else if ($syscommand == 'listIndexes') {
$out = self::sc_listIndexes();
echo self::make_tabs($out);
} else {
// TODO error
return false;
} else if ($q[0] == '.') {
// Single OID
// TODO auch ohne leading dot?
echo self::make_tabs($this->showSingleOID($q));
} else {
// Indexed name (string, ipv4, ipv6, domain, doi, guid, ...)
$prefix = '';
$ary = $this->findOID($q);
if ($ary) {
$oid = $ary[0];
$dist = $ary[1];
$nid = $ary[2];
if ($dist > 0) {
$prefix .= "searchterm:$q\n";
$prefix .= "search-result:Did not find an exact match for the given searchterm, but found a superior node\n";
$prefix .= "distance($nid):$dist\n";
$prefix .= "\n";
echo self::make_tabs($this->showSingleOID($oid, $prefix));
} else {
$prefix .= "searchterm:$q\n";
# $prefix .= "search-result:Not found\n";
$prefix .= "search-result:No exact match and no superior node was found\n";
echo self::make_tabs($prefix);
public static function filterOutput($output, $name, $preg=false, $including_name=true) {
$out = '';
$lines = explode("\n", $output);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if ($line == '') continue;
$name_val = explode(':', $line, 2);
if (count($name_val) != 2) continue;
if ($preg) {
$ok = preg_match($name, $name_val[0], $m);
} else {
$ok = $name == trim($name_val[0]);
if ($ok) {
if ($including_name) {
$out .= $line."\n";
} else {
$out .= $name_val[1]."\n";
return $out;
const SEG_OIDINFO = 2;
const SEG_OIDDATA = 4;
const SEG_IDX_BROWSER = 8;
const SEG_OID_BROWSER = 16;
/*protected*/ public function showSingleOID($oid, $prefix='', $segments = self::SEG_OIDINFO+self::SEG_OIDDATA+self::SEG_IDX_BROWSER+self::SEG_OID_BROWSER, $make_tabs=true) {
if (!oid_valid_dotnotation($oid, true, substr($oid,0,1) == '.')) {
throw new VolcanoException("OID '$oid' is invalid");
$out_segs = array();
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) return false;
// --- Segment 1 ---
if (($segments & self::SEG_OIDINFO) == self::SEG_OIDINFO) {
$out = "oid:$oid\n"; # TODO: soll das "searchterm" heißen, wenn nur superior node gefunden wurde?
# TODO: nach search-result: verschieben?
foreach (self::$fieldExtenders as $fe) {
$x = array();
$fe->processOID($oid, $x, $this);
if (count($x) > 0) {
$out .= implode("\n", $x)."\n";
if ($this->oidDescribed($oid)) {
$out .= "search-result:Found\n";
} else {
# TODO: wenn der user eine ungültige oid eingibt, dann keinen "internal error" werfen
$out .= "search-result:Not found\n";
$out_segs[] = $out;
// --- Segment 2 ---
if (($segments & self::SEG_OIDDATA) == self::SEG_OIDDATA) {
$out = '';
$x = $this->getDatasets($oid);
foreach ($x as &$y) {
if ($this->isSpecialInvisibleField($y)) continue; // system fields, like '*read-auth' are invisible
$out .= $y['attrib_name'];
if (count($y['attrib_params']) > 0) $out .= '('.implode(',', $y['attrib_params']).')';
$out .= ':'.$y['value']."\n"; # todo: +params? TEST.
$out_segs[] = $out;
# --- Segment 3: Index-Navigation ---
if (($segments & self::SEG_IDX_BROWSER) == self::SEG_IDX_BROWSER) {
$index_browser_ns = '';
$index_browser_val = '';
$index_browser_found = false;
if (isset($this->oid_data[$oid])) {
foreach ($this->oid_data[$oid] as $tmp) {
if ($tmp['attrib_name'] == 'index') {
if (!isset($tmp['attrib_params'][0])) continue; # TODO: exception?
$index_browser_ns = $tmp['attrib_params'][0];
# $index_browser_val = $tmp['value'];
if (($tmp['flag_confidential']) && (!$this->isAuthentificated($oid))) {
if (!$this->isRedactedMessageEnabled()) {
continue; // hide complete line
} else {
$index_browser_val = $this->redactedMessage;
} else {
$index_browser_val = $tmp['value'];
$index_browser_found = true;
if (($index_browser_found) && ($found_prov = self::findSearchProvider($index_browser_ns))) {
$out = '';
$nearest_father = array(false, PHP_INT_MAX, '');
$subs = array();
$index_ns_root = oid_up($oid);
$cry = $this->listChildren($index_ns_root, 1);
foreach ($cry as $num => $c) {
$oid_2 = $index_ns_root.'.'.$num;
$index_browser_ns_2 = '';
$index_browser_val_2 = '';
$index_browser_found_2 = false;
foreach ($this->oid_data[$oid_2] as $tmp_2) {
if ($tmp_2['attrib_name'] == 'index') {
if (!isset($tmp_2['attrib_params'][0])) continue; # TODO: exception?
$index_browser_ns_2 = $tmp_2['attrib_params'][0];
# $index_browser_val_2 = $tmp_2['value'];
if (($tmp_2['flag_confidential']) && (!$this->isAuthentificated($oid_2))) {
if (!$this->isRedactedMessageEnabled()) {
continue; // hide complete line
} else {
$index_browser_val_2 = $this->redactedMessage;
} else {
$index_browser_val_2 = $tmp_2['value'];
$index_browser_found_2 = true;
if ($index_browser_found_2) {
$cur_distance = $found_prov->calcDistance($index_browser_val, $index_browser_val_2);
if ($index_browser_val == $index_browser_val_2) continue;
if ($cur_distance === false) continue;
if ($cur_distance < 0) {
if (abs($cur_distance) < $nearest_father[1]) {
$nearest_father[0] = true;
$nearest_father[1] = abs($cur_distance);
$nearest_father[2] = array($index_browser_val_2);
} else if (abs($cur_distance) == $nearest_father[1]) {
$nearest_father[2][] = $index_browser_val_2;
} else if ($cur_distance > 0) {
$subs[] = $index_browser_val_2;
# TODO FUT: brothers (selbe dist zum vater)
// Nur die untergeordneten Knoten anzeigen, zwischen denen kein weiterer Knoten zu unserem Knoten besteht.
// K <-- a <-- a' <-- a''
// <-- b <-- b'
// <-- c
// => Wähle a, b, c
foreach ($subs as &$sub1) {
foreach ($subs as &$sub2) {
if ($sub1 == $sub2) continue;
$dist = ($found_prov->calcDistance($sub1, $sub2));
if ($dist === false) continue;
if ($dist > 0) $sub2 = null;
if ($nearest_father[0]) {
foreach ($nearest_father[2] as $tmp) {
$out .= "father-index($index_browser_ns):$tmp\n";
$out .= "self-index($index_browser_ns):$index_browser_val\n";
foreach ($subs as $tmp) {
if (is_null($tmp)) continue;
$out .= "son-index($index_browser_ns):$tmp\n";
$out_segs[] = $out;
# --- Segment 4: OID Navigation ---
if (($segments & self::SEG_OID_BROWSER) == self::SEG_OID_BROWSER) {
$out = '';
// Show father
if ($oid != '.') {
// $out .= "father:" . $this->displayLine(oid_up($oid)) . "\n";
$cur_oid = $oid;
$father_out = '';
$tmp_table = array();
while ($cur_oid != '.') {
$cur_oid = oid_up($cur_oid);
$tmp_table[] = array($this->oidDescribed($cur_oid), "superior-node($i):" . $this->displayLine($cur_oid));
$described_once = false;
for ($i=count($tmp_table)-1; $i>=0; $i--) {
$t = $tmp_table[$i];
$is_desc = $t[0];
$line = $t[1];
if ($is_desc) $described_once = true;
if ($is_desc || $described_once ) {
$father_out .= "$line\n";
$out .= $father_out;
// Show current OID
$out .= "current-node:" . $this->displayLine($oid) . "\n";
// Show first level children (also undescribed ones)
$x = $this->listChildren($oid, 1);
foreach ($x as $num => &$data) {
$dotstop = self::appendDot($oid);
$cur_oid = $dotstop.$num;
$out .= "child-node:" . $this->displayLine($cur_oid) . "\n";
$out_segs[] = $out;
// Brothers
$out = '';
$x = $this->listChildren(oid_up($oid), 1);
foreach ($x as $num => &$data) {
$dotstop = self::appendDot(oid_up($oid));
$cur_oid = $dotstop.$num;
if ($cur_oid != $oid) $out .= "brother:" . $this->displayLine($cur_oid) . "\n";
$out_segs[] = $out;
// --- Output ---
$out = $prefix;
$first = true;
foreach ($out_segs as $seg) {
if (!$first) {
$out .= ":----------------------\n"; # TODO: max len of output
$out .= $seg;
$first = false;
if ($make_tabs) {
$out = self::make_tabs($out);
return $out;
# Changed: $abstand default 4->2, oop, +$mindestbreite
protected static function make_tabs($text, $abstand = 2, $mindestbreite = 0) {
$ary = explode("\n", $text);
$longest = 0;
foreach ($ary as &$a) {
$bry = explode(':', $a, 2);
if (count($bry) < 2) continue;
$c = strlen($bry[0]);
if ($c > $longest) $longest = $c;
if ($longest < $mindestbreite) $longest = $mindestbreite;
foreach ($ary as $n => &$a) {
$bry = explode(':', $a, 2);
if (count($bry) < 2) continue;
$rep = $longest-strlen($bry[0]) + $abstand;
if ($rep < 1) {
$wh = '';
} else {
$wh = str_repeat(' ', $rep);
$ary[$n] = ($bry[0] != '' ? $bry[0].':' : ' ').$wh.trim($bry[1]);
$x = implode("\n", $ary);
return $x;
protected static $fieldExtenders = array();
public static function registerFieldExtender($prov) {
self::$fieldExtenders[] = $prov;