Subversion Repositories oidplus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 225 → Rev 226

0,0 → 1,1106
# todo: "recursive" functions private machen, damit params nicht manipuliert werden können...
# todo: return false -> exception
# TODO false vs null ausgaben
# TODO signed openssl output
# TODO: oid definieren für name based
# QUE: geht extention von macros?
# TODO: "server time" am ende von Âquery() anzeigen?
require_once __DIR__ . '/../includes/';
require_once __DIR__ . '/../includes/';
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusMisc', 'ad1654e6-7e15-11e4-9ef6-78e3b5fc7f22');
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusNSOnly', '0943e3ce-4b79-11e5-b742-78e3b5fc7f22');
class VolcanoDB {
protected $macro_data = array(); // TODO: use with caution!
protected $oid_data = array(); // TODO: use with caution!
protected $authTokens = array();
protected $configuration = array();
protected $configuration_file = null;
protected $configuration_may_create = false;
protected $redactedMessage = '# Information redacted. Please append a correct auth token with your request.';
# protected $redactedMessage = null;
public function filterRedactedEntries($output) {
$out = '';
$lines = explode("\n", $output);
foreach ($lines as $line) {
$line = trim($line);
if ($line == '') continue;
$name_val = explode(':', $line, 2);
if (count($name_val) != 2) continue;
if (trim($name_val[1]) != trim($this->redactedMessage)) {
$out .= $line."\n";
return $out;
public function getOIDData() {
return $this->oid_data;
public function getMacroData() {
return $this->macro_data;
public function __construct($conf_file, $may_create) {
$this->configuration_file = $conf_file;
$this->configuration_may_create = $may_create;
public function getConfigValue($name) {
if (!isset($this->configuration[$name])) return false;
return $this->configuration[$name];
public function setConfigValue($name, $value) {
$this->configuration[$name] = $value;
protected function readConfiguration() {
if (is_null($this->configuration_file)) return;
$this->configuration = array();
if (!file_exists($this->configuration_file)) {
if (!$this->configuration_may_create) {
$metadata = array();
throw new VolcanoException("Configuration file '$conf_file' not found", $metadata);
} else {
$lines = file($this->configuration_file);
foreach ($lines as &$line) {
$line = trim($line);
if (empty($line)) continue;
if ($line[0] == '#') continue;
$ary = explode('=', $line, 2);
if (count($ary) < 2) continue;
$this->configuration[$ary[0]] = $ary[1];
if ($this->getConfigValue('system_unique_id') === false) {
$this->setConfigValue('system_unique_id', gen_uuid());
public function getSystemID() {
return $this->getConfigValue('system_unique_id');
public function getSystemIDInteger() {
$val = uuid_numeric_value($this->getSystemID());
if (!$val) {
$metadata = array();
throw new VolcanoException("system_unique_id is not a valid UUID. Please check db/local.conf", $metadata);
return $val;
protected function saveConfiguration() {
if (is_null($this->configuration_file)) return;
file_put_contents($this->configuration_file, '');
foreach ($this->configuration as $name => $val) {
file_put_contents($this->configuration_file, $name.'='.$val."\n", FILE_APPEND);
public function setRedactedMessage($msg) {
$this->redactedMessage = $msg;
public function getRedactedMessage() {
return $this->redactedMessage;
public function disableRedactedMessage() {
$this->redactedMessage = null;
public function isRedactedMessageEnabled() {
return !is_null($this->redactedMessage);
public function addAuthToken($token) {
if (!in_array($token, $this->authTokens)) {
$this->authTokens[] = $token;
public function clearAuthTokens() {
$this->authTokens = array();
public function addDir($dir, $recursive=true) {
if (!is_dir($dir)) {
throw new VolcanoException("Directory not found: $dir");
$ary = glob($dir . '/*');
if (count($ary) == 0) return;
if ($ary === false) return;
foreach ($ary as &$a) {
if ($a[0] == '.') continue; // e.g. '.', '..', or '.htaccess'
if (self::endsWith($a, '~')) continue; // recycled files
if (($recursive) && (is_dir($a))) {
$this->addDir($a, $recursive);
if (!is_file($a)) continue;
if (!self::endsWith($a, '.db')) continue;
#echo '<!--';
#echo '-->';
public function addFile($file) {
$h = fopen($file, 'r');
$lineno = 1;
$header = fgets($h);
if (trim($header) != '['.$this->getFileformatIdentifier().']') {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = "$file:0";
throw new VolcanoException("Header of file is invalid", $metadata);
while (!feof($h)) { // TODO OK?
$line = fgets($h);
$this->addLine($line, $file.':'.$lineno);
# todo: wie das problem bzgl allowed field-override lösen? (superior RA verbietet "identifier" change)
protected function isSpecialInvisibleField($data) {
$field_name = $data['attrib_name'];
if (empty($field_name)) return false;
if ($field_name == '*read-auth') return true;
# if ($field_name == '*write-auth') return true;
if ($field_name == '*invisible') return true;
if ($field_name[0] == '*') {
throw new VolcanoException("Invalid system command '$field_name'", $data);
return false;
public function isAuthentificated($oid) {
$readAuths = $this->getDatasets($oid, '*read-auth', false); # todo: [co] erzwingen?
foreach ($readAuths as &$ra) {
$nid = isset($ra['attrib_params'][0]) ? $ra['attrib_params'][0] : '';
$found_valid_authprovider = false;
foreach (self::$authProvs as &$ap) {
if ($ap->checkId($nid)) {
$found_valid_authprovider = true;
if ($ap->checkAuth($ra['value'], null)) return true; // first, check with empty/null authToken, e.g. for IP-Authentification
foreach ($this->authTokens as &$token) {
if ($ap->checkAuth($ra['value'], $token)) return true;
if (!$found_valid_authprovider) {
# return false;
throw new VolcanoException("No authentification provider found", $ra);
return false;
protected static function showSource($source) {
if (strpos($source, ':') === false) return $source;
preg_match('@^(.+):(\\d+)$@', $source, $m);
$file = $m[1];
$line = $m[2];
return "$file at line $line";
protected function clearCaches() { # TODO: aufsplitten in caches, die die auth betreffen und die, die es nicht tun?
$this->all_cache = null;
$this->cache_recdatasets = array();
$this->cache_listOIDs = array();
protected function getIndexGenerationRoot() {
$val = $this->getConfigValue('local_index_generation_root');
if (!$val) {
$this->setConfigValue('local_index_generation_root', $val);
return $this->extendOID($val, true);
public function extendOID($identifier, $no_gen_root_replacement=false) {
$identifier = str_replace('<SYSID>', $this->getSystemIDInteger(), $identifier);
if (!$no_gen_root_replacement) {
// Avoids an endless recursion with getIndexGenerationRoot
$identifier = str_replace('<GENROOT>', $this->getIndexGenerationRoot(), $identifier);
$identifier = sanitizeOID($identifier, true);
return $identifier;
public function addLine($line, $source='(Direct Input):0') {
$line = trim($line);
$line = str_replace("\t", ' ', $line);
$line = str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), '', $line);
$line_expl = explode(' ', $line, 2);
if (empty($line) || ($line[0] == '#')) {
} else if (strpos($line_expl[0], ':') !== false) {
$expl2 = explode(':', $line_expl[0], 2);
$namespace = trim(strtolower($expl2[0]));
$identifier = trim($expl2[1]);
if (empty($namespace)) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("The namespace may not be empty", $metadata);
if (empty($identifier)) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("The identifier may not be empty", $metadata);
$is_oid = $namespace == 'oid';
$is_macro = $namespace == '*macro';
$is_external = $namespace == '*external';
$is_other = (!$is_oid) && (!$is_macro) && (!$is_external);
# TODO: isSpecialNamespace($namespace, $source) ?
if (($namespace[0] == '*') && (!$is_macro) && (!$is_external)) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Invalid system namespace '$namepsace'", $metadata);
if ($is_external) {
# TODO: wenn lokal und mit .php endend, dann eval()
$url = $identifier;
if ($is_macro) {
$identifier = strtoupper($identifier);
if ($is_other) {
# TODO!!! diese handlers als plugins auslagern!
# QUE: sollte sowas nicht OID+ und nicht Volcano sein?
$flags = '';
if (strpos($identifier, '[co]') !== false) {
$identifier = str_replace('[co]', '', $identifier);
$flags .= '[co]';
$original_identifier = $identifier;
# TODO: check for unknown attrib flags
if (($namespace == 'guid') || ($namespace == 'uuid')) {
$guid = $identifier;
} else {
$guid = gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusMisc, $namespace.':'.$identifier);
$identifier = '.'.uuid_to_oid($guid); # TODO: parameter, ob mit leading dot oder nicht
$is_guid_ns = ($namespace == 'guid') || ($namespace == 'uuid');
if ($is_guid_ns && (!$this->getConfigValue('uuid_indexes_in_genroot'))) {
# uuid_indexes_in_genroot wird verwendet, sonst würde bei einer sammlung von MS COM clsids würde sonst die root zone platzen
$guid = $identifier;
$identifier = '.'.uuid_to_oid($guid); # TODO: parameter, ob mit leading dot oder nicht
} else {
# Es wird ein weltweit einzigartiger Root angelegt, anstelle 2.25 für jeden einzelnen index zu verwenden.
# Grund: Indexes sollen (alleine schon aus Performancegründen bei der Root-Anzeige im Webinterface)
# in einer Wurzel zusammengefasst werden. Diese Wurzel sollte aber unter der legalen Kontrolle des
# Eigentümers stehen. "2.25" kann nicht als Wurzel definiert werden, da der Benutzer kein Recht hat,
# "2.25" sein Eigen zu nennen.
# PROBLEM: aber dann kann man von den einzelnen items nicht das "uuid" feld ablesen, um an die
# per UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusMisc erstellte UUID ranzukommen, da das "uuid" feld nur kindsknoten von 2.25
# konvertiert.
$gen_root = $this->getIndexGenerationRoot();
if ($namespace == 'doi') {
if (!self::beginswith($identifier, '10.')) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Invalid DOI '$identifier'. Must start with '10.'", $metadata);
$x = substr($identifier, 3/* strlen('10.') */);
$orgid = explode('/', $x, 2)[0];
# doi(10) <orgid> <doi:identifier>
$identifier_ns = $gen_root.'.10.'.$orgid;
if (!$this->oidDescribed($identifier_ns, false)) {
$this->addLine("oid:$identifier_ns description: Organisation $orgid", $source);
$guid_item = gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusMisc, 'doi:'.$identifier);
} else if ($is_guid_ns) {
# uuid(25) <numeric_uuid>
$identifier_ns = $gen_root.'.25';
# TODO: im web frontend trotzdem die originale index uuid zum klicken abieten (action=uuid_info, nicht nur action=show_index!)
$guid_item = $identifier;
} else {
$guid_ns = gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusNSOnly, $namespace);
# ns(0) <ns> <ns:identifier>
$identifier_ns = $gen_root.'.0.'.uuid_numeric_value($guid_ns);
if (!$this->oidDescribed($identifier_ns, false)) {
$this->addLine("oid:$identifier_ns description: Automatically generated arc for namespace \"$namespace\"", $source);
if (oid_id_is_valid($namespace)) {
$this->addLine("oid:$identifier_ns identifier:$namespace", $source);
$guid_item = gen_uuid_sha1_namebased(UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OidPlusMisc, $namespace.':'.$identifier);
$identifier = $identifier_ns.'.'.uuid_numeric_value($guid_item);
if (!$this->oidDescribed($identifier, false)) { # TODO: WARUM? man kann den index doch auch so anlegen??? !!
$this->addLine('oid:'.$identifier." ${flags}index($namespace):$original_identifier", $source);
$is_other = false;
$is_oid = true;
# Muss als letztes stehen, da $is_other zu $is_oid konvertiert werden kann
if ($is_oid) {
$bak_oid = $identifier;
$identifier = $this->extendOID($identifier);
if ($identifier === false) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
$metadata['oid'] = $bak_oid;
throw new VolcanoException("Illegal OID or dot notation with leading dot not recognized", $metadata);
if (!isset($line_expl[1])) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Syntax error in DB: line contains no data", $metadata);
$data = isset($line_expl[1]) ? $line_expl[1] : '';
$bry = explode(':', $data, 2);
$attrib_name = (isset($bry[0])) ? $bry[0] : '';
$value = (isset($bry[1])) ? $bry[1] : '';
// <attrib_name>(<attrib_params>)
if (preg_match("@^(.*)\((.+)\)(.*)$@isU", $attrib_name, $m)) {
$attrib_name = $m[1].$m[3];
$attrib_params = explode(',', $m[2]);
} else {
$attrib_params = array();
// Process params
// [co]<attrib_name> marks the line as confidential (read-auth necessary)
$attrib_name = str_replace('[co]', '', $attrib_name, $cnt);
$flag_confidential = $cnt > 0;
$attrib_name = str_replace('[xt]', '', $attrib_name, $cnt);
$flag_extend = $cnt > 0;
$attrib_name = str_replace('[add]', '', $attrib_name, $cnt);
$flag_add = $cnt > 0;
$attrib_name = str_replace('[del]', '', $attrib_name, $cnt);
$flag_del = $cnt > 0;
$attrib_name = str_replace('[in]', '', $attrib_name, $cnt);
## $flag_inherit = $cnt > 0;
# Wir speichern hier keinen boolean, sondern den $attrib_name .
# Dadurch wird sichergestellt, dass ein [xt]-Block im ganzen überschrieben wird, und nicht jede Zeile einzeln.
# Jede Zeile enthält also im flag_inherit den Namen ihres [xt]-Blocks.
$flag_inherit = ($cnt > 0) ? $attrib_name : false; // attrib_name muss ohne restliche flags sein, deswegen [in] zuletzt parsen
# No! We just leave inherited so we can use it later
if (($flag_inherit) && ($is_macro)) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Macro attributes cannot be inherited", $metadata);
if (preg_match('@\[(.*)\]@isU', $attrib_name, $m)) {
$metadata = array();
$unkn_flag = $m[1];
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Flag [$unkn_flag] unknown", $metadata);
$attrib_name = trim($attrib_name);
// Add data
if ($flag_extend) {
$value = trim($value);
// Allow multiple whitespaces as separator for macro params
$value = preg_replace('@(\s+)@', ' ', $value);
# $macro_params = explode(' ', $value); // <macroname> <macroparam_1> <...>
$macro_params = str_getcsv($value, ' '); // requires PHP 5.3, see for alternatives
$macroname = $macro_params[0];
if (!isset($this->macro_data[strtoupper($macroname)])) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
# TODO: zuerst alle anderen *.db files durchprobieren ob es auftaucht?
throw new VolcanoException("Macro '$macroname' not found", $metadata);
$x = $this->macro_data[strtoupper($macroname)];
foreach ($x as $y) { // no &$y
# $y['source'] bleibt erhalten
// Replace macro params in value, attrib_name and attrib_params
foreach ($macro_params as $mp_n => &$mp_x) {
$y['value'] = str_replace('__'.$mp_n.'__', $mp_x, $y['value']);
$y['attrib_name'] = str_replace('__'.$mp_n.'__', $mp_x, $y['attrib_name']);
foreach ($y['attrib_params'] as &$ap_val) {
$ap_val = str_replace('__'.$mp_n.'__', $mp_x, $ap_val);
// Remove unused macro param place holders
// NO! Otherwise we cannot use parametrized macros which are using parametrized macros itself
$y['value'] = preg_replace('@__(\\d+)__@sU', '', $y['value']);
$y['attrib_name'] = preg_replace('@__(\\d+)__@sU', '', $y['attrib_name']);
foreach ($y['attrib_params'] as &$ap_val) {
$ap_val = preg_replace('@__(\\d+)__@sU', '', $ap_val);
// $y['attrib_params'] = $attrib_params;
// Nein, attrib_params lieber direkt nach ?? einfügen:
if (count($attrib_params) > 0) {
$attr_ext = '('.implode(',', $attrib_params).')';
} else {
$attr_ext = '';
# NG: '??' auch ersetzen in attrib_param, value ?
$y['attrib_name'] = str_replace('??', $attrib_name.$attr_ext, $y['attrib_name']);
// QUE: wie verhalten sich die params im falle einer vererbung? kann man params missbrauchen um z.B. ra(1), ra(2) etc zu kennzeichnen?
$y['flag_confidential'] = $flag_confidential || $y['flag_confidential'];
# todo: read-auth im macro-bereich?
# $y['flag_extend'] = true; // TODO?
$y['flag_inherit'] = trim($flag_inherit); # dieser flag_inherit geht von der ursprungs-oid über alle stufen der macros und submacros hinweg
$y['flag_add'] = $flag_add;
if ($is_macro) {
$y['macro'] = $identifier;
} else {
$y['oid'] = $identifier;
// Check if the identifier is valid to the ASN.1 standards
$flag_extend = strpos($y['attrib_name'], '[xt]') !== false;
if ((!$flag_extend) && (!$is_macro) && (strtolower($y['attrib_name']) == 'identifier') && (!oid_id_is_valid($y['value']))) {
throw new VolcanoException("Identifier '".$y['value']."' is not a valid ASN.1 identifier", $y);
if ((!$flag_extend) && (!$is_macro) && (strtolower($y['attrib_name']) == 'iri') && (!iri_valid($y['value']))) {
throw new VolcanoException("Identifier '".$y['value']."' is not a valid IRI identifier", $y);
if ($is_macro) {
$this->macro_data[$identifier][] = $y;
} else {
$this->oid_data[$identifier][] = $y;
} else {
// $value = trim($value); // TODO: oder doch lieber? z.b. descriptions einrücken?
# NG: '??' auch ersetzen in attrib_param, value ?
if ((!$is_macro) && (strpos($attrib_name, '??') !== false)) {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("'??' is only allowed inside a macro", $metadata);
$y = array(
'source' => $source,
'attrib_name' => $attrib_name,
'attrib_params' => $attrib_params,
'value' => $value,
'flag_confidential' => $flag_confidential,
# 'flag_extend' => $flag_extend,
'flag_inherit' => trim($flag_inherit),
'flag_add' => $flag_add,
'flag_del' => $flag_del
if ($is_macro) {
$y['macro'] = $identifier;
} else {
$y['oid'] = $identifier;
// Check if the identifier is valid to the ASN.1 standards
if ((!$flag_extend) && (!$is_macro) && (strtolower($y['attrib_name']) == 'identifier') && (!oid_id_is_valid($y['value']))) {
throw new VolcanoException("Identifier '".$y['value']."' is not a valid ASN.1 identifier", $y);
if ($is_macro) {
$this->macro_data[$identifier][] = $y;
} else {
$this->oid_data[$identifier][] = $y;
} else {
$metadata = array();
$metadata['source'] = $source;
throw new VolcanoException("Syntax error in database (not beginning with 'oid:' or '*macro:' or a valid identifier like 'guid:<uuid>')", $metadata);
private $all_cache = array();
# TODO: auch $parent_oid parameter
public function getAllOIDs($check_auth=true) {
$vvv = $check_auth;
if (isset($this->all_cache[$vvv])) return $this->all_cache[$vvv];
// TODO: $with_macros per default false. ausblenden. xxx
$ary = array();
foreach ($this->oid_data as $b => &$data) {
if ($check_auth) {
if ($this->oidDescribed($b, $check_auth)) $ary[] = $b;
} else {
$ary[] = $b;
$this->all_cache[$vvv] = $ary;
return $ary;
// TODO: ->
protected static function getShortestString(&$ary) {
$minlen = PHP_INT_MAX;
$out = false;
foreach ($ary as &$a) {
if ($a === null) continue;
$len = strlen($a);
if ($len < $minlen) {
$out = $a;
$minlen = $len;
return $out;
// TODO: -> ?
protected static function strikeRoot(&$ary, $oid) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) return false;
$dotstop = self::appendDot($oid);
foreach ($ary as &$a) {
if (($a == $oid) || (self::beginsWith($a, $dotstop))) {
$a = null;
public function findRoots($check_auth=true) {
$out = array();
$ary = $this->getAllOIDs($check_auth);
while (($oid = $this->getShortestString($ary)) !== false) {
$out[] = $oid;
$this->strikeRoot($ary, $oid);
return $out;
public static function findSearchProvider($nid) {
$found_prov = null;
foreach (self::$searchProvs as &$searchprov) {
if ($searchprov->checkId($nid)) {
$found_prov = $searchprov;
return $found_prov;
public function findOID(&$indexname, $check_auth=true) {
$lowest_oid = null;
$lowest_dist = PHP_INT_MAX;
$lowest_nid = null;
$oids = $this->getAllOIDs($check_auth);
$ary = explode(':', $indexname, 2);
if (count($ary) == 2) {
$suggested_nid = $ary[0]; // This does not neccessarily be a searchprovider NID, since it could also be a part of an IPv6 address
$found_prov = self::findSearchProvider($suggested_nid);
if (!is_null($found_prov)) {
$indexname = $ary[1];
} else {
// No search provider was found. We don't strip the text before ':', because it
// could be actually a part of the index name, e.g. for an IPv6
# $indexname = $ary[1];
} else {
$suggested_nid = '';
$found_prov = null;
$has_preferred_prov = !is_null($found_prov);
foreach ($oids as &$oid) {
$search_data = $this->getDatasets($oid, 'index'); # todo: wird [co] beachtet?
foreach ($search_data as &$data) {
$nid = $data['attrib_params'][0];
$value = $data['value'];
if (!$has_preferred_prov) $found_prov = self::findSearchProvider($nid);
if (!is_null($found_prov)) {
$cur_distance = $found_prov->calcDistance($value, $indexname);
if ($cur_distance === false) continue;
if ($cur_distance < 0) continue; // item is too specific for the request
// else if ($cur_distance == 0) return array($oid, 0, $nid);
else if ($cur_distance < $lowest_dist) {
$lowest_dist = $cur_distance;
$lowest_oid = $oid;
$lowest_nid = $nid;
if ($cur_distance == 0) break 2;
} else {
// We don't have a Searchprovider, but we can look for an index which matches exactly
if ($suggested_nid == $nid) {
$indexname = isset($ary[1]) ? $ary[1] : '';
if ($value == $indexname) {
$lowest_dist = 0;
$lowest_oid = $oid;
$lowest_nid = $nid;
break 2;
if (is_null($lowest_oid)) return null;
return array($lowest_oid, $lowest_dist, $lowest_nid);
private $cache_listOIDs = array();
public function listOIDs($parent_oid, $absolute=true, $depth=-1, $check_auth=true) {
$parent_oid = sanitizeOID($parent_oid, substr($parent_oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($parent_oid === false) return false;
$vvv = ($absolute ? 'T' : 'F').($check_auth ? 'T' : 'F').$depth.'/'.$parent_oid;
if (isset($this->cache_listOIDs[$vvv])) return $this->cache_listOIDs[$vvv];
$dotstop = self::appendDot($parent_oid);
$oids = $this->getAllOIDs($check_auth);
$out = array();
foreach ($oids as &$oid) {
if (self::beginsWith($oid, $dotstop)) {
if ($depth >= 0) {
if (substr_count($oid, '.')-substr_count($dotstop, '.') > $depth-1) continue;
if ($absolute) {
$out[] = $oid;
} else {
$out[] = substr($oid, strlen($dotstop));
$this->cache_listOIDs[$vvv] = $out;
return $out;
public function listChildren($parent_oid, $levels=-1, $check_auth=true) {
if ($levels == 0) return false;
$parent_oid = sanitizeOID($parent_oid, substr($parent_oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($parent_oid === false) return false;
$deepChildrenSearch = $this->listOIDs($parent_oid, false, -1, $check_auth);
if (count($deepChildrenSearch) == 0) return array();
$firstarcs = array();
foreach ($deepChildrenSearch as &$child) {
$ary = explode('.', $child, 2);
$firstarc = $ary[0];
if ($firstarc == '') continue; # Achtung: Darf nicht empty() sein, da empty(0)===true
# if (!in_array($firstarc, $firstarcs)) $firstarcs[] = $firstarc; # slow
if (!isset($firstarcs[$firstarc])) $firstarcs[$firstarc] = true;
# sort($firstarcs);
$dotstop = self::appendDot($parent_oid);
$out = array();
# foreach ($firstarcs as &$firstarc) {
foreach ($firstarcs as $firstarc => &$dummy) {
/* This doesn't work with orphan OIDs
$firstarcs = $this->listOIDs($parent_oid, false, 1, $check_auth);
if (count($firstarcs) == 0) return array();
$dotstop = self::appendDot($parent_oid);
$out = array();
foreach ($firstarcs as &$firstarc) {
$cur_oid = $dotstop.$firstarc;
$out[$firstarc] = array(
'children' => $this->listChildren($cur_oid, $levels-1, $check_auth),
'described' => $this->oidDescribed($cur_oid, $check_auth),
'identifiers' => $this->getIdentifiers($cur_oid, $check_auth),
'unicodelabels' => $this->getUnicodeLabels($cur_oid, $check_auth),
'attributes' => $this->getOIDAttribs($cur_oid, $check_auth)
return $out;
/* protected */ public function getIdentifiers($oid, $check_auth=true) {
// TODO: value sanity check
return $this->getValuesOf($oid, 'identifier', $check_auth);
/* protected */ public function getUnicodeLabels($oid, $check_auth=true) {
// TODO: value sanity check
return $this->getValuesOf($oid, 'unicodelabel', $check_auth);
/* protected */ public function getOIDAttribs($oid, $check_auth=true) {
return $this->getValuesOf($oid, 'attribute', $check_auth, 1);
// case 0 = preserve TODO: als konstanten auslagern
// case 1 = upper case
// case 2 = lower case
/* protected */ public function getValuesOf($oid, $attrib_name, $unique=true, $case=0) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) return false;
$identifiers = array();
$identifiers_raw = $this->getDatasets($oid, $attrib_name);
foreach ($identifiers_raw as &$idd) {
$val = $idd['value'];
if ($case == 1) $val = strtoupper($val);
elseif ($case == 2) $val = strtolower($val);
$identifiers[] = $val;
if ($unique) $identifiers = array_unique($identifiers);
return $identifiers;
/* protected */ public function getValues($oid, $attribute_name) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) return false;
$values = array();
$values_raw = $this->getDatasets($oid, $attribute_name);
foreach ($values_raw as &$idd) {
$values[] = $idd['value'];
return $values;
public function oidDescribed($oid, $check_auth=true) {
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) return false;
if ($check_auth) {
$m = $this->getDatasets($oid, '', $check_auth);
$c = 0;
foreach ($m as &$data) {
if ($this->isSpecialInvisibleField($data)) continue;
if ($c == 0) return false; // secret OID or not available OID
return isset($this->oid_data[$oid]); # TODO: was ist wenn OID secret?
public function getDatasets($oid, $attrib_name='', $check_auth=true) { // TODO filter nach params, value?
$out = array();
$ary = $this->rec_getDatasets($oid, $attrib_name, $check_auth);
foreach ($ary as &$d) {
if ((!empty($attrib_name)) && ($d['attrib_name'] != $attrib_name)) continue;
$out[] = $d;
return $out;
public function stripAttribs($oid, $attrib_name, $limit=-1) {
$count = 0;
foreach ($this->oid_data[$oid] as $n => $data) { // no &$data
if (empty($attrib_name) || ($data['attrib_name'] == $attrib_name)) {
if (($limit >= 0) && ($count > $limit)) break;
private $cache_recdatasets = array();
# FUT QUE: return by reference?
protected function rec_getDatasets($oid, $attrib_name='', $check_auth=true) { // TODO filter nach params, value?
$oid = sanitizeOID($oid, substr($oid,0,1) == '.');
if ($oid === false) {
throw new VolcanoException("'$oid' is not a valid OID."); # TODO: exception source ("stacktrace") metadata -- idee: global $source variable?
$vvv = $oid.'/'.$attrib_name.'/'.($check_auth ? 'T' : 'F');
if (isset($this->cache_recdatasets[$vvv])) return $this->cache_recdatasets[$vvv];
if (!$this->oidDescribed($oid, false)) return array();
$out = array();
foreach ($this->oid_data[$oid] as $data) { // no &$data
if ($check_auth) {
# Anstelle *invisible lieber ein "attribute:" ? ist leider schwieriger zu bedienen , z.b. wenn man es wieder weghaben möchte
if (($data['attrib_name'] == '*invisible') && ($data['value'] == '1')) {
if ($this->isAuthentificated($oid)) { # TODO: parameter, für was man sich authentifizieren möchte (read,write, etc).
$dd = $data; // TODO: OK?
$dd['attrib_name'] = 'attribute';
$dd['value'] = 'INVISIBLE';
$dd['flag_inherit'] = $data['flag_inherit'];
$dd['flag_add'] = $data['flag_add']; # TODO: ok?
$dd['attrib_params'] = array();
$dd['source'] = $data['source'];
# TODO: weitere dinge in $dd notwendig?
$out[] = $dd;
} else {
$this->cache_recdatasets[$vvv] = array($data);
return array($data);
if (($data['flag_confidential']) && (!$this->isAuthentificated($oid))) {
if (!$this->isRedactedMessageEnabled()) {
continue; // hide complete line
} else {
$data['value'] = $this->redactedMessage;
if ((!empty($attrib_name)) && ($data['attrib_name'] != $attrib_name)) continue;
// Add it to output
if (!$data['flag_del']) $out[] = $data;
// Get the inherited fields
if ($oid != '.') {
$ori_oid = $oid;
while ($oid != '.') {
$oid = oid_up($oid);
if ($this->oidDescribed($oid, false)) break;
$ds = $this->rec_getDatasets($oid, $attrib_name, $check_auth);
foreach ($ds as &$d) {
if ($d['flag_inherit']) {
// Only inherit if it isn't overwritten
$is_overwritten = false;
foreach ($this->oid_data[$ori_oid] as &$x) { // $d = diese oid ; $x = vater oid
// compare single fields to each other (may also include fields that were extended from a macro)
if ($x['attrib_name'] == $d['attrib_name']) { # todo: case sensitive?
$is_overwritten = true;
if ($x['attrib_name'] == $d['flag_inherit']) { # todo: case sensitive?
$is_overwritten = true;
// ein ganzer [xt] block wird inherited, z.B. "ra". nicht die einzelnen felder einzeln behandeln.
if ($x['flag_inherit'] == $d['flag_inherit']) { # todo: case sensitive?
$is_overwritten = true;
if ($x['flag_add']) {
$is_overwritten = false;
if ($is_overwritten) continue;
if ($check_auth) {
if (($d['attrib_name'] == '*invisible') && ($d['value'] == '1')) {
if ($this->isAuthentificated($oid)) {
$dd['attrib_name'] = 'attribute';
$dd['value'] = 'INVISIBLE';
$dd['flag_inherit'] = $d['flag_inherit'];
$dd['flag_add'] = $d['flag_add']; # TODO: ok?
$dd['attrib_params'] = array();
# $out[] = $dd;
} else {
$this->cache_recdatasets[$vvv] = array($d);
return array($d);
// Add to output
if (!$d['flag_del']) $out[] = $d;
$this->cache_recdatasets[$vvv] = $out;
return $out;
// TODO: auch aufloesen und standardized
public function resolveIdentifiers($term) {
$ary = explode('.', $term);
$cd = $this->listChildren('.');
foreach ($ary as $n => &$a) {
if ($n == 0) continue;
if (!is_numeric($a[0])) {
if (is_null($cd)) return false; // TODO FUT: loessen durch referenzierende whois server (forward)?
$found = false;
foreach ($cd as $arc => &$data) {
foreach ($data['identifiers'] as &$idc) {
if ($idc == $a) {
$a = $arc;
$found = true;
break 2;
if (!$found) return false;
$cd = (!isset($cd[$a]['children'])) ? null : $cd[$a]['children'];
return implode('.', $ary);
// --------- STATIC
protected static $searchProvs = array();
protected static $authProvs = array();
public static function getFileformatIdentifier() {
return '';
public static function registerSearchProvider($prov) {
self::$searchProvs[] = $prov;
public static function registerAuthProvider($prov) {
self::$authProvs[] = $prov;
protected static function appendDot($oid) {
return ($oid == '.') ? '.' : $oid . '.';
// TODO:
protected static function beginsWith($haystack, $needle) {
return strpos($haystack, $needle) === 0;
// TODO:
protected static function endsWith($haystack, $needle) {
# $length = strlen($needle);
# if ($length == 0) return true;
# return (substr($haystack, -$length) === $needle);
return substr($haystack, -strlen($needle)) === $needle;