Subversion Repositories oidplus

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Regard whitespace Rev 447 → Rev 448

0,0 → 1,543
* OIDplus 2.0
* Copyright 2019 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
/*jshint esversion: 6 */
// $('#html').jstree();
var current_node = "";
var popstate_running = false;
// DEFAULT_LANGUAGE will be set by oidplus.min.js.php
// language_messages will be set by oidplus.min.js.php
// language_tblprefix will be set by oidplus.min.js.php
// csrf_token will be set by oidplus.min.js.php
var pageChangeCallbacks = [];
var pageChangeRequestCallbacks = [];
function isInternetExplorer() {
var ua = window.navigator.userAgent;
return ((ua.indexOf("MSIE ") > 0) || (ua.indexOf("Trident/") > 0));
String.prototype.explode = function (separator, limit) {
const array = this.split(separator);
if (limit !== undefined && array.length >= limit) {
array.push(array.splice(limit - 1).join(separator));
return array;
String.prototype.htmlentities = function () {
return this.replace(/&/g, '&amp;').replace(/</g, '&lt;').replace(/>/g, '&gt;').replace(/"/g, '&quot;');//"
String.prototype.html_entity_decode = function () {
return $('<textarea />').html(this).text();
function getMeta(metaName) {
const metas = document.getElementsByTagName('meta');
for (let i = 0; i < metas.length; i++) {
if (metas[i].getAttribute('name') === metaName) {
return metas[i].getAttribute('content');
return '';
function getOidPlusSystemTitle() {
return getMeta('OIDplus-SystemTitle'); // do not translate
function combine_systemtitle_and_pagetitle(systemtitle, pagetitle) {
// Please also change the function in index.php
if (systemtitle == pagetitle) {
return systemtitle;
} else {
return pagetitle + ' - ' + systemtitle;
function getSystemUrl(relative) {
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
if (relative) {
return url.pathname;
} else {
return url.href.substr(0,;
function getTreeLoadURL() {
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var goto = url.searchParams.get("goto");
return (goto != null) ? "ajax.php?csrf_token="+csrf_token+"&action=tree_load&goto="+encodeURIComponent(goto)
: "ajax.php?csrf_token="+csrf_token+"&action=tree_load";
function reloadContent() {
// window.location.href = "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(current_node);
if (openOidInPanel(current_node, false)) {
function x_rec(x_data, i) {
$('#oidtree').jstree('open_node', x_data[i], function(e, data) {
if (i+1 < x_data.length) {
x_rec(x_data, i+1);
} else {
popstate_running = true; // don't call openOidInPanel again
try {
$('#oidtree').jstree('select_node', x_data[i]);
} catch (err) {
popstate_running = false;
} finally {
popstate_running = false;
function performCloseQueryCB() {
for (var i=0; i<pageChangeRequestCallbacks.length; i++) {
if (!pageChangeRequestCallbacks[i][0](pageChangeRequestCallbacks[i][1])) return false;
pageChangeRequestCallbacks = [];
return true; // may close
function performCloseCB() {
for (var i=0; i<pageChangeCallbacks.length; i++) {
pageChangeCallbacks = [];
function openOidInPanel(id, reselect/*=false*/, anchor/*=''*/, force/*=false*/) {
reselect = (typeof reselect === 'undefined') ? false : reselect;
anchor = (typeof anchor === 'undefined') ? '' : anchor;
force = (typeof force === 'undefined') ? false : force;
var mayClose = performCloseQueryCB();
if (!force && !mayClose) return false;
if (reselect) {
popstate_running = true; // don't call openOidInPanel during tree selection
try {
// If the node is already loaded in the tree, select it
if (!$('#oidtree').jstree('select_node', id)) {
// If the node is not loaded, then we try to search it.
// If it can be found, then open all parent nodes and select the node
error:function(jqXHR, textStatus, errorThrown) {
console.error(_L("Error: %1",errorThrown));
success:function(data) {
if ("error" in data) {
} else if ((data instanceof Array) && (data.length > 0)) {
x_rec(data, 0);
} else {
} catch (err) {
popstate_running = false;
} finally {
popstate_running = false;
// This loads the actual content
// document.title = ""; // <-- we may not do this, otherwise Firefox won't
// show titles in the browser history (right-click
// on back-button), although document.title() is
// set inside the AJAX-callback [FirefoxBug?!]
$('#static_link').attr("href", "index.php?goto="+encodeURIComponent(id));
// Normal opening of a description
.then(function(response) {
.then(function(data) {
if ("error" in data) {
alert(_L("Failed to load content: %1",data.error));
} = id;
var state = {
"titleHTML":(data.icon ? '<img src="'+data.icon+'" width="48" height="48" alt="'+data.title.htmlentities()+'"> ' : '') + data.title.htmlentities(),
if (current_node != id) {
window.history.pushState(state, data.title, "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(id));
} else {
window.history.replaceState(state, data.title, "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(id));
document.title = combine_systemtitle_and_pagetitle(getOidPlusSystemTitle(), data.title);
if (data.icon) {
$('#real_title').html('<img src="'+data.icon+'" width="48" height="48" alt="'+data.title.htmlentities()+'"> ' + data.title.htmlentities());
} else {
document.title = combine_systemtitle_and_pagetitle(getOidPlusSystemTitle(), data.title);
current_node = id;
if (anchor != '') {
.catch(function(error) {
alert(_L("Failed to load content: %1",error));
.catch(function(error) {
alert(_L("Failed to load content: %1",error));
return true;
// This function opens the "parentID" node, and then selects the "childID" node (which should be beneath the parent node)
function openAndSelectNode(childID, parentID) {
if ($('#oidtree').jstree(true).get_node(parentID)) {
$('#oidtree').jstree('open_node', parentID, function(e, data) { // open parent node
if ($('#oidtree').jstree(true).get_node(childID)) { // is the child there?
$('#oidtree').jstree('deselect_all').jstree('select_node', childID); // select it
} else {
// This can happen if the content page contains brand new items which are not in the treeview yet
window.location.href = "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(childID);
}, true);
} else {
// This should usually not happen
window.location.href = "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(childID);
$(window).on("popstate", function(e) {
if (!performCloseQueryCB()) {
// TODO: does not work!!! The "back/forward" action will be cancelled, but the browser still thinks it was successful,
// so if you do it again, you will then jump 2 pages back, etc!
// This does also not help:
//window.history.pushState(e.originalEvent.state, e.originalEvent.title, e.originalEvent.url);
popstate_running = true;
try {
var data = e.originalEvent.state;
current_node = data.node_id;
$('#oidtree').jstree('deselect_all').jstree('select_node', data.node_id);
$('#static_link').attr("href", data.staticlinkHREF);
document.title = combine_systemtitle_and_pagetitle(getOidPlusSystemTitle(), data.titleHTML.html_entity_decode());
} catch (err) {
popstate_running = false;
} finally {
popstate_running = false;
$(document).ready(function () {
window.onbeforeunload = function(e) {
// TODO: This won't be called because TinyMCE overrides it??
// TODO: when the user accepted the query in performCloseQueryCB(), then the message will be shown again by the browser!
if (!performCloseQueryCB()) {
// Cancel the event
e.preventDefault(); // If you prevent default behavior in Mozilla Firefox prompt will always be shown
// Chrome requires returnValue to be set
e.returnValue = '';
} else {
// the absence of a returnValue property on the event will guarantee the browser unload happens
delete e['returnValue'];
// --- JsTree
plugins: ['massload','search','conditionalselect'],
'core' : {
'data' : {
"url" : getTreeLoadURL(),
"data" : function (node) {
return { "id" : };
"multiple": false
'conditionalselect' : function (node) {
if (node.original.conditionalselect !== undefined) {
return eval(node.original.conditionalselect);
} else {
return performCloseQueryCB();
.on('ready.jstree', function (e, data) {
var url = new URL(window.location.href);
var goto = url.searchParams.get("goto");
if (goto == null) goto = "oidplus:system"; // the page was not called with ?goto=...
// By setting current_node, select_node() will not cause ajax.php?action=get_description to load (since we already loaded the first static content via PHP, for search engines mainly)
// But then we need to set the history state manually
current_node = goto;
}, $('#real_title').html(), "?goto="+encodeURIComponent(goto));
if (goto != null) data.instance.select_node([goto]);
setTimeout(glayoutWorkaroundA, 100);
setTimeout(glayoutWorkaroundB, 100);
.on('select_node.jstree', function (node, selected, event) {
var id =;
if ((!popstate_running) && (current_node != id)) {
// 4th argument: we force the reload (because in the
// conditional select above, we already asked if
// tinyMCE needs to be saved)
openOidInPanel(id, false, '', true);
// --- Layout
document.getElementById('system_title_menu').style.display = "block";
var tmpObjectTree = _L("OBJECT TREE").replace(/(.{1})/g,"$1<br>");
tmpObjectTree = tmpObjectTree.substring(0, tmpObjectTree.length-"<br>".length);
glayout = $('#frames').layout({
north__size: 40,
north__slidable: false,
north__closable: false,
north__resizable: false,
west__size: 450,
west__spacing_closed: 20,
west__togglerLength_closed: 230,
west__togglerAlign_closed: "top",
west__togglerContent_closed: tmpObjectTree,
west__togglerTip_closed: _L("Open & Pin Menu"),
west__sliderTip: _L("Slide Open Menu"),
west__slideTrigger_open: "mouseover",
center__maskContents: true // IMPORTANT - enable iframe masking
document.getElementById('gotobox').style.display = "block";
$('#gotoedit').keypress(function(event) {
var keycode = (event.keyCode ? event.keyCode : event.which);
if (keycode == '13') {
function glayoutWorkaroundA() {
// "Bug A": Sometimes, the design is completely destroyed after reloading the page. It does not help when glayout.resizeAll()
// is called at the beginning (e.g. during the ready function), and it does not help if we wait 500ms.
// So we do it all the time. It has probably something to do with slow loading times, since the error
// does only appear when the page is "blank" for a short while while it is loading.
setTimeout(glayoutWorkaroundA, 100);
// "Bug C": With Firefox (And sometimes with Chrome), there is a gap between the content-window (including scroll bars)
// and the right corner of the screen. Removing the explicit width solves this problem.
function glayoutWorkaroundB() {
// "Bug B": Sometimes, after reload, weird space between oidtree and content window, because oidtree has size of 438px
document.getElementById("oidtree").style.width = "450px";
function mobileNavClose() {
if ($("#system_title_menu").is(":hidden")) {
$("#oidtree").slideUp("medium").promise().done(function() {
// $("#gotobox").hide();
// $("#languageBox").hide();
function mobileNavOpen() {
// $("#gotobox").show();
// $("#languageBox").show();
function mobileNavButtonClick(sender) {
if ($("#oidtree").hasClass("ui-layout-west")) {
} else {
function mobileNavButtonHover(sender) {
function gotoButtonClicked() {
openOidInPanel($("#gotoedit").val(), 1);
function jumpToAnchor(anchor) {
window.location.href = "#" + anchor;
function getCookie(cname) {
// Source:
var name = cname + "=";
var decodedCookie = decodeURIComponent(document.cookie);
var ca = decodedCookie.split(';');
for(var i = 0; i <ca.length; i++) {
var c = ca[i];
while (c.charAt(0) == ' ') {
c = c.substring(1);
if (c.indexOf(name) == 0) {
return c.substring(name.length, c.length);
return undefined;
function setCookie(cname, cvalue, exdays, path) {
var d = new Date();
d.setTime(d.getTime() + (exdays*24*60*60*1000));
var expires = exdays == 0 ? "" : "; expires="+d.toUTCString();
document.cookie = cname + "=" + cvalue + expires + ";path=" + path;
function setLanguage(lngid) {
setCookie('LANGUAGE', lngid, 0/*Until browser closes*/, location.pathname);
if (isInternetExplorer()) {
// Internet Explorer has problems with sending new cookies to new AJAX requests, so we reload the page completely
} else {
function getCurrentLang() {
// Note: If the argument "?lang=" is used, PHP will automatically set a Cookie, so it is OK when we only check for the cookie
var lang = getCookie('LANGUAGE');
return (typeof lang != "undefined") ? lang : DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
function _L() {
var args =;
var str = args.shift();
var tmp = "";
if (typeof language_messages[getCurrentLang()] == "undefined") {
tmp = str;
} else {
var msg = language_messages[getCurrentLang()][str];
if (typeof msg != "undefined") {
tmp = msg;
} else {
tmp = str;
tmp = tmp.replace('###', language_tblprefix);
var n = 1;
while (args.length > 0) {
var val = args.shift();
tmp = tmp.replace("%"+n, val);
tmp = tmp.replace("%%", "%");
return tmp;
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property