Subversion Repositories oidplus

Compare Revisions

Regard whitespace Rev 1462 → Rev 1463

3,6 → 3,14
"dummy": "<?php die('For security reasons, this file can only be accessed locally (without PHP).'.base64_decode('IgogICAgfQpdCg==')); /* @phpstan-ignore-line */ ?>"
"version": "",
"date": "2024-02-10 20:00:00 +0100",
"author": "Daniel Marschall (ViaThinkSoft)",
"changes": [
"Release of Alt-Id-Plugin 1.0.8"
"version": "",
"date": "2024-01-25 22:15:00 +0100",
"author": "Daniel Marschall (ViaThinkSoft)",
2,7 → 2,7
* OIDplus 2.0
* Copyright 2022 - 2023 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft / Till Wehowski, Frdlweb
* Copyright 2022 - 2024 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft / Till Wehowski, Frdlweb
* Licensed under the MIT License.
9,11 → 9,14
namespace Frdlweb\OIDplus;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_4;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_7;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_8;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplus;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusObject;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusPagePluginPublic;
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusNotification;
// phpcs:disable PSR1.Files.SideEffects
\defined('INSIDE_OIDPLUS') or die;
21,205 → 24,287
class OIDplusPagePublicAltIds extends OIDplusPagePluginPublic
implements INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_4, /* whois*Attributes */
INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_7 /* getAlternativesForQuery */
INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_7, /* getAlternativesForQuery */
INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_8, /* getNotifications */
INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3 /* *objects* */
* @param string $actionID
* @param array $params
* @return array
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusException
* @var bool
public function action(string $actionID, array $params): array {
return parent::action($actionID, $params);
private $db_table_exists;
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @return void
public function beforeObjectDelete(string $id){
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $out
* @param bool $handled
* @return void
public function gui(string $id, array &$out, bool &$handled) {
public function afterObjectDelete(string $id){
if (!$this->db_table_exists) return;
OIDplus::db()->query("DELETE FROM ###altids WHERE origin = ?", [$id]);
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function beforeObjectUpdateSuperior(string $id, array &$params){
* @param array $out
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function publicSitemap(array &$out) {
public function afterObjectUpdateSuperior(string $id, array &$params){
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function beforeObjectUpdateSelf(string $id, array &$params){
* @param array $json
* @param string|null $ra_email
* @param bool $nonjs
* @param string $req_goto
* @return bool
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function tree(array &$json, string $ra_email=null, bool $nonjs=false, string $req_goto=''): bool {
return false;
public function afterObjectUpdateSelf(string $id, array &$params){
* @return string|null
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusException
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
private function cache_id() {
static $cache_id = null;
if (!is_null($cache_id)) return $cache_id;
$cache_id = 'Create='.OIDplus::db()->getScalar("select max(created) as ts from ###objects where created is not null;");
$cache_id .= '/Update='.OIDplus::db()->getScalar("select max(updated) as ts from ###objects where updated is not null;");
$cache_id .= '/Count='.OIDplus::db()->getScalar("select count(id) as cnt from ###objects;");
$plugin_versions = array();
foreach (OIDplus::getObjectTypePluginsEnabled() as $otp) {
$plugin_versions[] = '/'.$otp->getManifest()->getOid().'='.$otp->getManifest()->getVersion();
public function beforeObjectInsert(string $id, array &$params){
$cache_id .= implode('',$plugin_versions);
return $cache_id;
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_3
* @param string $id
* @param array $params
* @return void
public function afterObjectInsert(string $id, array &$params){
* @param bool $noCache
* @return array[]|mixed|null
* Adds the required database table if DBMS is known
* @param bool $html
* @return void
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusConfigInitializationException
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusException
public function readAll(bool $noCache = false) {
static $local_cache = null;
public function init(bool $html=true) {
if (!OIDplus::db()->tableExists("###altids")) {
if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'mysql') {
OIDplus::db()->query("CREATE TABLE ###altids ( `origin` varchar(255) NOT NULL, `alternative` varchar(255) NOT NULL, UNIQUE KEY (`origin`, `alternative`) )");
$this->db_table_exists = true;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'mssql') {
// We use nvarchar(225) instead of varchar(255), see
// Unfortunately, we cannot use nvarchar(255), because we need two of them for the primary key, and an index must not be greater than 900 bytes in SQL Server.
// Therefore we can only use 225 Unicode characters instead of 255.
// It is very unlikely that someone has such giant identifiers. But if they do, then saveAltIdsForQuery() will reject the INSERT commands to avoid that an SQL Exception is thrown.
OIDplus::db()->query("CREATE TABLE ###altids ( [origin] nvarchar(225) NOT NULL, [alternative] nvarchar(225) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_###altids] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED( [origin] ASC, [alternative] ASC ) )");
$this->db_table_exists = true;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'oracle') {
// TODO: Implement Table Creation for this DBMS (see CREATE TABLE syntax at plugins/viathinksoft/sqlSlang/oracle/sql/*.sql)
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'pgsql') {
// TODO: Implement Table Creation for this DBMS (see CREATE TABLE syntax at plugins/viathinksoft/sqlSlang/pgsql/sql/*.sql)
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'access') {
// TODO: Implement Table Creation for this DBMS (see CREATE TABLE syntax at plugins/viathinksoft/sqlSlang/access/sql/*.sql)
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'sqlite') {
// TODO: Implement Table Creation for this DBMS (see CREATE TABLE syntax at plugins/viathinksoft/sqlSlang/sqlite/sql/*.sql)
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'firebird') {
// TODO: Implement Table Creation for this DBMS (see CREATE TABLE syntax at plugins/viathinksoft/sqlSlang/firebird/sql/*.sql)
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else {
// DBMS not supported
$this->db_table_exists = false;
} else {
$this->db_table_exists = true;
$cache_file = OIDplus::localpath().'/userdata/cache/frdl_alt_id.ser';
if ($noCache === false) {
// Local cache (to save time for multiple calls during the same HTTP request)
if (!is_null($local_cache)) return $local_cache;
// Whenever a user visits a page, we need to update our cache, so that reverse-lookups are possible later
// TODO! Dirty hack. We need a cleaner solution...
if (isset($_REQUEST['goto'])) $this->saveAltIdsForQuery($_REQUEST['goto']); // => solve using implementing gui()?
if (isset($_REQUEST['query'])) $this->saveAltIdsForQuery($_REQUEST['query']); // for webwhois.php?query=... and rdap.php?query=...
if (isset($_REQUEST['id'])) $this->saveAltIdsForQuery($_REQUEST['id']); // => solve using implementing action()?
// File cache (to save time between HTTP requests)
if (file_exists($cache_file)) {
$cache_data = unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
$cache_id = $cache_data[0];
if ($cache_id == $this->cache_id()) {
return $cache_data[1];
// TODO: call this via cronjob
public function renewAll() {
if (!$this->db_table_exists) return;
OIDplus::db()->query("DELETE FROM ###altids");
$resQ = OIDplus::db()->query("SELECT * FROM ###objects");
while ($row = $resQ->fetch_array()) {
$alt_ids = array();
$rev_lookup = array();
protected function saveAltIdsForQuery(string $id){
if (!$this->db_table_exists) return;
$res = OIDplus::db()->query("select id from ###objects ".
"where parent <> 'oid:'"); // TODO FIXME! readAll() is TOOOOO slow if a system has more than 50.000 OIDs!!! DEADLOCK!!!
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($row['id']);
if (!$obj) continue; // e.g. if plugin is disabled
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($id);
if (!$obj) return; // e.g. if plugin is disabled
$ary = $obj->getAltIds();
foreach ($ary as $a) {
$origin = $obj->nodeId(true);
$alternative = $a->getNamespace() . ':' . $a->getId();
if (!isset($alt_ids[$origin])) $alt_ids[$origin] = array();
$alt_ids[$origin][] = $alternative;
OIDplus::db()->query("DELETE FROM ###altids WHERE origin = ?", [$id]);
if (!isset($rev_lookup[$alternative])) $rev_lookup[$alternative] = array();
$rev_lookup[$alternative][] = $origin;
// Why prefiltering? Consider the following testcase:
// "oid:" defines alt ID "mac:63-CF-E4-AE-C5-66" which is NOT canonized (otherwise it would not look good)!
// You must be able to enter "mac:63-CF-E4-AE-C5-66" in the search box, which gets canonized
// to mac:63CFE4AEC566 and must be resolved to "oid:" by this plugin.
// Therefore we use self::special_in_array().
// However, it is mandatory, that previously saveAltIdsForQuery("oid:") was called once!
// Please also note that the "weid:" to "oid:" converting is handled by prefilterQuery(), but only if the OID plugin is installed.
$origin_prefiltered = OIDplus::prefilterQuery($origin, false);
if($origin_prefiltered !== $origin){
$ok = true;
if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'mssql') {
// Explanation: See comment in the init() method.
if ((strlen($origin) > 225) || (strlen($origin_prefiltered) > 225)) $ok = false;
if ($ok) {
try {
OIDplus::db()->query("INSERT INTO ###altids (origin, alternative) VALUES (?,?);", [$origin, $origin_prefiltered]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// There could be a Primary Key collission if this method is called simultaneously at the same moment
// Ignore it. The last caller will eventually execute all INSERTs after its call to DELETE.
$data = array($alt_ids, $rev_lookup);
// File cache (to save time between HTTP requests)
$cache_data = array($this->cache_id(), $data);
@file_put_contents($cache_file, serialize($cache_data));
// Local cache (to save time for multiple calls during the same HTTP request)
$local_cache = $data;
return $data;
foreach ($ary as $a) {
$alternative = $a->getNamespace() . ':' . $a->getId();
$ok = true;
if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'mssql') {
// Explanation: See comment in the init() method.
if ((strlen($origin) > 225) || (strlen($alternative) > 225)) $ok = false;
if ($ok) {
try {
OIDplus::db()->query("INSERT INTO ###altids (origin, alternative) VALUES (?,?);", [$origin, $alternative]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// There could be a Primary Key collission if this method is called simultaneously at the same moment
// Ignore it. The last caller will eventually execute all INSERTs after its call to DELETE.
* Acts like in_array(), but allows includes prefilterQuery, e.g. `mac:AA-BB-CC-DD-EE-FF` can be found in an array containing `mac:AABBCCDDEEFF`.
* @param string $needle
* @param array $haystack
* @return bool
private static function special_in_array(string $needle, array $haystack) {
$needle_prefiltered = OIDplus::prefilterQuery($needle,false);
foreach ($haystack as $straw) {
$straw_prefiltered = OIDplus::prefilterQuery($straw, false);
if ($needle == $straw) return true;
else if ($needle == $straw_prefiltered) return true;
else if ($needle_prefiltered == $straw) return true;
else if ($needle_prefiltered == $straw_prefiltered) return true;
$alternative_prefiltered = OIDplus::prefilterQuery($alternative, false);
if($alternative_prefiltered !== $alternative){
$ok = true;
if (OIDplus::db()->getSlang()->id() == 'mssql') {
// Explanation: See comment in the init() method.
if ((strlen($origin) > 225) || (strlen($alternative_prefiltered) > 225)) $ok = false;
return false;
if ($ok) {
try {
OIDplus::db()->query("INSERT INTO ###altids (origin, alternative) VALUES (?,?);", [$origin, $alternative_prefiltered]);
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// There could be a Primary Key collission if this method is called simultaneously at the same moment
// Ignore it. The last caller will eventually execute all INSERTs after its call to DELETE.
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_7
* @param string $id
* @return string[]
* @return array|string[]
* @throws \ReflectionException
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusConfigInitializationException
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusException
public function getAlternativesForQuery(string $id/* INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_7 signature takes just 1 param!? , $noCache = false*/): array {
public function getAlternativesForQuery(string $id): array {
if (!$this->db_table_exists) return [];
static $caches = array();
$id_prefiltered = OIDplus::prefilterQuery($id, false);
if(/*$noCache === false && */isset($caches[$id]) ){
return $caches[$id];
if (strpos($id,':') !== false) {
list($ns, $altIdRaw) = explode(':', $id, 2);
if($ns === 'weid'){
list($alt_ids, $rev_lookup) = $this->readAll(false);
$res = [
$res = array_merge($res, $rev_lookup[$id]);
$resQ = OIDplus::db()->query("SELECT origin, alternative FROM ###altids WHERE origin = ? OR alternative = ? OR origin = ? OR alternative = ?", [$res[0],$res[0],$res[1],$res[1]]);
while ($row = $resQ->fetch_array()) {
if(!in_array($row['origin'], $res)){
foreach($alt_ids as $original => $altIds){
// Why self::special_in_array() instead of in_array()? Consider the following testcase:
// "oid:" defines alt ID "mac:63-CF-E4-AE-C5-66" which is NOT canonized!
// You must be able to enter "mac:63-CF-E4-AE-C5-66" in the search box, which gets canonized
// to mac:63CFE4AEC566 and must be solved to "oid:" by this plugin.
// Therefore we use self::special_in_array().
// However, it is mandatory, that previously saveAltIdsForQuery("oid:") was called once!
// Please also note that the "weid:" to "oid:" converting is handled by prefilterQuery(), but only if the OID plugin is installed.
if($id === $original || self::special_in_array($id, $altIds) ){
$res = array_merge($res, $altIds);
$res = array_merge($res, [$original]);
if(!in_array($row['alternative'], $res)){
$weid = false;
foreach($res as $alt){
if (strpos($alt,':') !== false) {
list($ns, $altIdRaw) = explode(':', $alt, 2);
if($ns === 'oid'){
return array_unique($res);
if ($weid !== false) {
* @param string $id
* @param array $out
* @param bool $handled
* @return void
public function gui(string $id, array &$out, bool &$handled) {
// $this->saveAltIdsForQuery($id);
$res = array_unique($res);
$caches[$id] = $res;
* @param array $out
* @return void
public function publicSitemap(array &$out) {
return $res;
* @param array $json
* @param string|null $ra_email
* @param bool $nonjs
* @param string $req_goto
* @return bool
public function tree(array &$json, string $ra_email=null, bool $nonjs=false, string $req_goto=''): bool {
return false;
* @param string $request
* @return array|false
241,7 → 326,6
return false;
263,9 → 347,16
$out1 = array();
$out2 = array();
$tmp = $this->getAlternativesForQuery($id);
//$tmp = $this->getAlternativesForQuery($id);
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($id);
$tmp = [
foreach ($obj->getAltIds() as $altId) {
$tmp[] = $altId->getNamespace().':'.$altId->getId();
sort($tmp); // DM 26.03.2023 : Added sorting (intended to sort "alternate-identifier")
foreach($tmp as $alt) {
if (strpos($alt,':') === false) continue;
325,4 → 416,21
* Implements interface INTF_OID_1_3_6_1_4_1_37476_2_5_2_3_8
* @param string|null $user
* @return array
* @throws \ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusException
public function getNotifications(string $user=null): array {
$notifications = array();
if ((!$user || ($user == 'admin')) && OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
if (!$this->db_table_exists) {
$title = _L('Alt ID Plugin');
$notifications[] = new OIDplusNotification('ERR', _L('OIDplus plugin "%1" is enabled, but it does not know how to create its database tables to this DBMS. Therefore the plugin does not work.', htmlentities($title)));
return $notifications;
10,7 → 10,7
<name>AltIds Tracking and Reverse Lookup</name>
<a href="" target="_blank">AltIds Tracking and Reverse Lookup</a><br/>
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/json
558,6 → 558,14
Alt ID Plugin
Alt ID Plugin
Alternative Identifiers
5078,6 → 5086,14
OIDplus plugin "%1" is enabled, but it does not know how to create its database tables to this DBMS. Therefore the plugin does not work.
OIDplus-Plugin "%1" ist aktiviert, aber es weiß nicht, wie es seine Datenbank-Tabellen in diesem DBMS erzeugen soll. Das Plugin ist daher nicht funktionsfähig.
OIDplus plugin "%1" is enabled, but the required PHP extension "%2" is not installed.
177,7 → 177,7
$tmp = _L('WEID notation');
$tmp = str_replace(explode(' ', $tmp, 2)[0], '<a href="" target="_blank">'.explode(' ', $tmp, 2)[0].'</a>', $tmp);
$tech_info[$tmp] = $this->getWeidNotation();
$tech_info[$tmp] = $this->getWeidNotation(true);
$tmp = _L('DER encoding');
$tmp = str_replace(explode(' ', $tmp, 2)[0], '<a href="" target="_blank">'.explode(' ', $tmp, 2)[0].'</a>', $tmp);
628,6 → 628,8
if ($this->isRoot()) return array();
$ids = parent::getAltIds();
$ids[] = new OIDplusAltId('weid', explode(':',$this->getWeidNotation(false),2)[1], _L('WEID notation'), '', '');
// R74n "Multiplane", see
// Vendor space:
// [0x2aabb] =[0x2aa00].[0xbb]
837,12 → 837,12
"source": {
"type": "git",
"url": "",
"reference": "6a6c22234a5b1502b1c0bb90917d31478a2b7f3e"
"reference": "8f3a66547a020c799cd4d2a5ea1933f055eb3b90"
"dist": {
"type": "zip",
"url": "",
"reference": "6a6c22234a5b1502b1c0bb90917d31478a2b7f3e",
"url": "",
"reference": "8f3a66547a020c799cd4d2a5ea1933f055eb3b90",
"shasum": ""
"require": {
860,7 → 860,7
"ext-mcrypt": "Install the Mcrypt extension in order to speed up a few other cryptographic operations.",
"ext-openssl": "Install the OpenSSL extension in order to speed up a wide variety of cryptographic operations."
"time": "2024-01-24T13:42:28+00:00",
"time": "2024-02-08T04:43:03+00:00",
"type": "library",
"installation-source": "dist",
"autoload": {
189,7 → 189,7
'phpseclib/phpseclib' => array(
'pretty_version' => '3.0.x-dev',
'version' => '3.0.9999999.9999999-dev',
'reference' => '6a6c22234a5b1502b1c0bb90917d31478a2b7f3e',
'reference' => '8f3a66547a020c799cd4d2a5ea1933f055eb3b90',
'type' => 'library',
'install_path' => __DIR__ . '/../phpseclib/phpseclib',
'aliases' => array(),
28,7 → 28,7
matthiasmullie/path-converter 1.1.3 MIT
paragonie/constant_time_encoding v2.6.3 MIT
paragonie/random_compat v9.99.100 MIT
phpseclib/phpseclib 3.0.x-dev 6a6c222 MIT
phpseclib/phpseclib 3.0.x-dev 8f3a665 MIT
script47/bs5-utils master master MIT
spamspan/spamspan master GPL-2.0-only
spomky-labs/php-punycode 9999999-dev d12fe5c MIT
3446,7 → 3446,7
* Returns all errors
* Returns all errors on the SFTP layer
* @return array
3456,7 → 3456,7
* Returns the last error
* Returns the last error on the SFTP layer
* @return string
1116,6 → 1116,8
* Default Constructor.
* $host can either be a string, representing the host, or a stream resource.
* If $host is a stream resource then $port doesn't do anything, altho $timeout
* still will be used
* @param mixed $host
* @param int $port
1214,6 → 1216,8
? \WeakReference::create($this)
: $this;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
if (is_resource($host)) {
$this->fsock = $host;
1222,7 → 1226,6
if (Strings::is_stringable($host)) {
$this->host = $host;
$this->port = $port;
$this->timeout = $timeout;
3531,6 → 3534,9
$start = microtime(true);
$sec = (int) floor($this->curTimeout);
$usec = (int) (1000000 * ($this->curTimeout - $sec));
stream_set_timeout($this->fsock, $sec, $usec);
$raw = stream_get_contents($this->fsock, $this->decrypt_block_size);
if (!strlen($raw)) {
4724,8 → 4730,10
* Returns all errors
* Returns all errors / debug messages on the SSH layer
* If you are looking for messages from the SFTP layer, please see SFTP::getSFTPErrors()
* @return string[]
public function getErrors()
4734,8 → 4742,10
* Returns the last error
* Returns the last error received on the SSH layer
* If you are looking for messages from the SFTP layer, please see SFTP::getLastSFTPError()
* @return string
public function getLastError()