Subversion Repositories oidplus

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Regard whitespace Rev 1266 → Rev 1267

0,0 → 1,14
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83,28 → 110,28
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118,12 → 145,6
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130,14 → 151,18
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File deleted
Property changes:
Deleted: svn:executable
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,90
#!/usr/bin/env php
* OIDplus 2.0
* Copyright 2019 - 2023 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
$dir = __DIR__ . '/../../';
require_once $dir.'includes/classes/OIDplusBaseClass.class.php';
require_once $dir.'includes/classes/OIDplusLogger.class.php';
use ViaThinkSoft\OIDplus\OIDplusLogger;
// ---
$cntfiles = 0;
$cntcodes = 0;
$it = new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($dir);
$it->setFlags(FilesystemIterator::SKIP_DOTS); // DOES NOT WORK! Folders with . prefix still get evaluated!
foreach(new RecursiveIteratorIterator($it) as $file) {
if ((strpos(str_replace('\\','/',realpath($file)),'/vendor/') !== false) && (strpos(str_replace('\\','/',realpath($file)),'/vendor/danielmarschall/') === false)) continue; // ignore third-party-code
if (strpos(str_replace('\\','/',realpath($file)),'/dev/') !== false) continue; // ignore development utilities
if (preg_match('@[/\\\\]\\.[^\\.]@',$file,$m)) continue; // Alternative to SKIP_DOTS
if ($file->getExtension() == 'php') {
$cont = file_get_contents($file);
$cont = phpRemoveComments($cont);
preg_match_all('@OIDplus::logger\(\)\->log\(\s*(["\'])([^"\']+)(["\'])@', $cont, $m);
foreach ($m[2] as $str) {
if (OIDplusLogger::parse_maskcode($str) === false) {
$file = substr($file, strlen($dir));
echo "Invalid maskcode '$str' in file '$file'\n";
} else {
//echo 'Valid: '.$str."\n";
echo "Done. Checked $cntcodes mask codes in $cntfiles files.\n";
# ---
* @param string $fileStr
* @return string
function phpRemoveComments(string $fileStr): string {
$newStr = '';
$commentTokens = array(T_COMMENT);
if (defined('T_DOC_COMMENT')) $commentTokens[] = T_DOC_COMMENT; // PHP 5
if (defined('T_ML_COMMENT')) $commentTokens[] = T_ML_COMMENT; // PHP 4
$tokens = token_get_all($fileStr);
foreach ($tokens as $token) {
if (is_array($token)) {
if (in_array($token[0], $commentTokens)) continue;
$token = $token[1];
$newStr .= $token;
return $newStr;
1,9 → 1,8
OIDplus Logger Maskcodes
OIDplus Logger Mask Codes
What is a mask code?
## What is a mask code?
A "mask code" gives information about the log event.
It contains:
23,20 → 22,33
Instead of logging into 3 logbooks separately, you would create a mask code that tells the system to put the message
into the logbooks of person X, house A, and house B.
Syntax rules
## Syntax rules
In the code, mask codes would look like this:
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $oid, $old_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $oid, $old_ra, $new_ra);
As you can see, the maskcode and message can be parameterized like `sprintf()` does,
but with the difference that `%1`, `%2`, `%3`, ..., is used instead of `%s`.
Please note that the event message is not enclosed in `_L(...)`, because log-messages are always written in English,
Please note that the event message is not enclosed in `_L(...)`,
because log messages are always written in English,
and not in the front-end language of the user.
### Version
A mask code begins with `V2:`
### Components
A mask code can have multiple components which are split into single codes using `+` or `/`, e.g. `OID(x)+RA(x)` would
be split to `OID(x)` and `RA(x)` which would result in the message being placed in the logbook of OID x,
and the logbook of the RA owning OID x.
### Severity
At the beginning of each mask code, you must define a severity, which is written in square brackets.
Valid severities:
- `[OK]`: Rule of thumb: YOU have done something and it was successful.
- `[INFO]`: Rule of thumb: Someone else has done something (that affects you) and it was successful.
44,42 → 56,80
- `[ERR]`: Rule of thumb: Something failed (probably someone did something) and it affects you.
- `[CRIT]`: Rule of thumb: Something happened (probably someone did something) which is not an error, but some critical situation (e.g. hardware failure), and it affects you.
A mask code can have multiple components which are split into single codes using `+` or `/`, e.g. `OID(x)+RA(x)` would
be split to `OID(x)` and `RA(x)` which would result in the message being placed in the logbook of OID x,
and the logbook of the RA owning OID x.
If you have a mask code with multiple components, you don't have to place the severity for each component.
You can just leave it at the beginning. For example, `[WARN]OID(x)+RA(x)` is equal to `[WARN]OID(x)+[WARN]RA(x)`.
You can also put different severities for the components, e.g. `[INFO]OID(x)+[WARN]RA(x)` would be a info for the OID,
but a warning for the RA.
You can also put different severities for the components, e.g. `[INFO]OID(x)+[WARN]RA(x)`
would be an informative message (`INFO`) for the OID, but a warning (`WARN`) for the RA.
If you want to make the severity dependent on wheather the user is logged in or not,
prepend `?` or `!` and use `/` as delimiter
Example: `[?WARN/!OK]RA(x)` means: If RA "x" is not logged in, it is a warning; if it is logged in, it is an success.
With this technique you can achive that the RA gets warned if an admin changed some of their OIDs,
but receives an OK-Event if they did the change.
### Online/Offline dependency
`OID(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: Object "x".
If you want to make the logging event dependent on whether
the target (`A`, `RA`, `OIDRA`, `SUPOIDRA`) matches the currently
logged-in user or not, write `[S1/S2]` where `S1` is the severity
when the logged-in user is the target
and `S2` is the severity when the user is not logged in or
logged in as a user not matching the target.
`SUPOID(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: Parent of object "x".
With this technique, you can achieve that the RA gets warned if an admin or superior RA
changed some of their OIDs without their knowledge,
but receives a success message if they did the change themselves.
`OIDRA(x)!` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: RA of object "x".
Example: `[OK/WARN]RA(x)+[OK/INFO]A` means that there are two log messages generated:
- Message 1: If the currently logged-in user (performing the action)
is RA "x", then it is a success message (`OK`) for them,
otherwise it is a warning (`WARN`) for them,
i.e. they get warned that someone else (admin or superior RA)
has changed something without their knowledge.
- Message 2: If the currently logged-in user (performing the action)
is the administrator of the system, then it is a success message (`OK`)
for them, otherwise it is an informative message (`INFO`) for them,
i.e. the admin gets informed that a RA has done something.
`OIDRA(x)?` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA of object "x". If it is not logged in, nothing will be logged.
You can use the special severity `NONE` to achieve that an event is
not logged, so `NONE/...` means that the event is not logged
if the currently logged-in user matches the target,
and `.../NONE` means that the event is not logged if the user
is not logged in or logged in as a user not matching the target.
`SUPOIDRA(x)!` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: RA that owns the superior object of "x".
Example: `[OK/NONE]RA(x)+[OK/NONE]A` could be used
to give the RA or the admin a success message (`OK`)
for their action, but the admin won't be notified if the
RA has changed it, and the RA won't be notified if the
admin changed it. An Exception is if the user is logged in
with both accounts (RA and admin) at the same time (which is
possible with OIDplus), then two log messages would be generated.
`SUPOIDRA(x)?` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA that owns the superior object of "x". If it is not logged in, nothing will be logged.
The severities `[NONE]` and `[NONE/NONE]` are invalid, because they are meaningless.
`RA(x)!` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: RA "x".
The online/offline dependency is only possible for the types `OIDRA`, `SUPOIDRA`, `RA`, and `A`,
but not for `OID` or `SUPOID`.
`RA(x)?` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA "x". If it is not logged in, nothing will be logged.
### Valid types
`A!` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: The admin.
Besides the severity, the component has a payload in the form `Type(Value)`.
`A?` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of: The logged in admin. If it is not logged in, nothing will be logged.
`OID(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of object "x".
`SUPOID(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of the parent of object "x".
`OIDRA(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of the RA of object "x".
`SUPOIDRA(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of the RA that owns the superior object of "x".
`RA(x)` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of the RA "x".
`A` means: Save the log entry into the logbook of the administrator of the system.
### Escaping
Inside a severity block, you can escape []/\ with \
Inside the value, you can escape ()+\ with \
## Implementation
You can find the implementation in **includes/classes/OIDplusLogger.class.php**.
## Tests
To check if your mask codes have the correct syntax, run the tool **dev/logger/verify_maskcodes.phps**.
1796,7 → 1796,7
$pubKey = OIDplus::getSystemPublicKey();
if (!verify_private_public_key($privKey, $pubKey)) {
if ($pubKey) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "The private/public key-pair is broken. A new key-pair will now be generated for your system. Your System-ID will change.");
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "The private/public key-pair is broken. A new key-pair will now be generated for your system. Your System-ID will change.");
$pkey_config = array(
1833,7 → 1833,7
OIDplus::config()->setValue('oidplus_public_key', $pubKey);
// Log the new system ID
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]A!", "A new private/public key-pair for your system had been generated. Your SystemID is now %1", $system_id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]A", "A new private/public key-pair for your system had been generated. Your SystemID is now %1", $system_id);
} else {
$passphrase = self::getPrivKeyPassphrase();
1844,7 → 1844,7
$passphrase = self::getPrivKeyPassphrase();
if ($passphrase !== false) {
$privKey = encrypt_private_key($privKey, $passphrase);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]A!", "The private/public key-pair has been upgraded to an encrypted key-pair. The key is saved in %1", self::getPrivKeyPassphraseFilename());
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]A", "The private/public key-pair has been upgraded to an encrypted key-pair. The key is saved in %1", self::getPrivKeyPassphraseFilename());
OIDplus::config()->setValue('oidplus_private_key', $privKey);
1904,7 → 1904,7
if (($ver_prev) && ($ver_now != $ver_prev)) {
// TODO: Problem: When the system was updated using SVN or GIT in the console, then the IP address of the next random visitor of the website is logged!
// Idea: Maybe we should extend the mask code with some kind of magic constant "[NO_IP]", so that no IP is logged for that event?
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]A!", "Detected system version change from '%1' to '%2'", $ver_prev, $ver_now);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]A", "Detected system version change from '%1' to '%2'", $ver_prev, $ver_now);
// Just to be sure, recanonize objects (we don't do it at every page visit due to performance reasons)
2468,7 → 2468,7
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###asn1id set oid = ? where oid = ?", array($idb, $ida));
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###iri set oid = ? where oid = ?", array($idb, $ida));
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###log_object set object = ? where object = ?", array($idb, $ida));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]A!", "Object name '%1' has been changed to '%2' during re-canonization", $ida, $idb);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]A", "Object name '%1' has been changed to '%2' during re-canonization", $ida, $idb);
if (OIDplus::db()->transaction_supported()) OIDplus::db()->transaction_commit();
} catch (\Exception $e) {
if (OIDplus::db()->transaction_supported()) OIDplus::db()->transaction_rollback();
179,11 → 179,12
* @param string $email
* @param string|OIDplusRA $ra
* @return bool
* @throws OIDplusException
public function isRaLoggedIn(string $email): bool {
public function isRaLoggedIn($ra): bool {
$email = $ra instanceof OIDplusRA ? $ra->raEmail() : $ra;
$acs = $this->getAuthContentStore();
if (is_null($acs)) return false;
return $acs->isRaLoggedIn($email);
224,7 → 225,7
$logmsg = "RA '$email' logged in";
if ($origin != '') $logmsg .= " via $origin";
if ($loginfo != '') $logmsg .= " ($loginfo)";
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]RA(%1)!", "%2", $email, $logmsg);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]RA(%1)", "%2", $email, $logmsg);
239,7 → 240,7
if (is_null($acs)) return;
$acs->raLogoutEx($email, $loginfo);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' logged out (%2)", $email, $loginfo);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' logged out (%2)", $email, $loginfo);
if (($this->raNumLoggedIn() == 0) && (!$this->isAdminLoggedIn())) {
// Nobody logged in anymore. Destroy session cookie to make GDPR people happy
354,7 → 355,7
$logmsg = "Admin logged in";
if ($origin != '') $logmsg .= " via $origin";
if ($loginfo != '') $logmsg .= " ($loginfo)";
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]A!", "%1", $logmsg);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]A", "%1", $logmsg);
376,7 → 377,7
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]A!", "Admin logged out (%1)", $loginfo);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]A", "Admin logged out (%1)", $loginfo);
// Authentication keys for validating arguments (e.g. sent by mail)
26,15 → 26,30
class OIDplusLogger extends OIDplusBaseClass {
* This function splits a mask code containing multiple components
* (delimited by '+' or '/') in single components
* It takes care that '+' and '/' inside brackets won't be used to split the codes
* This method splits a mask code containing multiple components (delimited by '+') into single components
* It takes care that '+' inside brackets isn't be used to split the codes
* Also, brackets can be escaped.
* The severity block (optional, must be standing in front of a component)
* is handled too. Inside the severity block, you may only use '/' to split components.
* The severity block will be implicitly repeated from the previous components if a component
* does not feature one.
* @param string $maskcode A maskcode, e.g. [INFO]OID(2.999)
* @return array|false An array of [$severity,$target],
* where $severity is 'INFO' or [$online,$offline] like ['INFO','INFO']
* and $target is like ['A'], ['OID', '2.999'], etc.
public static function parse_maskcode(string $maskcode) {
$out = array();
$sevs = array(); // Note: The severity block will repeat for the next components if not changed explicitly
if (!str_starts_with($maskcode,'V2:')) {
return false;
} else {
$maskcode = substr($maskcode, 3);
// Step 1: Split severities from the rest of the maskcodes
* "[ERR]AAA(BBB)+CCC(DDD)" ==> array(
* array(array("ERR"),"AAA(BBB)"),
* array(array("ERR"),"CCC(DDD)")
43,28 → 58,22
* array(array("INFO"),"AAA(B+BB)"),
* array(array("WARN"),"CCC(DDD)")
* )
* "[?WARN/!OK] AAA(B\)BB)+CCC(DDD)" ==> array(
* array(array("?WARN", "!OK"),"AAA(B\)BB)"),
* array(array("?WARN", "!OK"),"CCC(DDD)")
* "[OK/WARN] AAA(B\)BB)+CCC(DDD)" ==> array(
* array(array("OK", "WARN"),"AAA(B\)BB)"),
* array(array("OK", "WARN"),"CCC(DDD)")
* )
* @param string $maskcodes
* @return array|false
private function split_maskcodes(string $maskcodes) {
$out = array();
$sevs = array(); // Note: The severity block will repeat for the next components if not changed explicitly
$code = '';
$sev = '';
$bracket_level = 0;
$is_escaping = false;
$inside_severity_block = false;
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($maskcodes); $i++) {
$char = $maskcodes[$i];
for ($i=0; $i<strlen($maskcode); $i++) {
$char = $maskcode[$i];
if ($inside_severity_block) {
// Severity block (optional)
// e.g. [?WARN/!OK] ==> $sevs = array("?WARN", "!OK")
// e.g. [OK/WARN] ==> $sevs = array("OK", "WARN")
if ($char == '\\') {
if ($is_escaping) {
$is_escaping = false;
146,7 → 155,7
$code .= $char;
else if ((($char == '+') || ($char == '/')) && ($bracket_level == 0)) {
else if (($char == '+') && ($bracket_level == 0)) {
if ($is_escaping) {
$is_escaping = false;
$code .= $char;
167,7 → 176,59
if ($code != '') $out[] = array($sevs,$code);
if ($inside_severity_block) return false;
// Step 2: Process severities (split to online/offline)
// Allowed: ['INFO'] or ['INFO', 'INFO']
// Disallow: ['NONE'] and ['NONE', 'NONE']
foreach ($out as &$component) {
$sev_fixed = null;
$sevs = $component[0];
if (count($sevs) == 1) {
if ($sevs[0] == 'NONE') return false; // meaningless component
try { self::convertSeverity($sevs[0]); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } // just checking for valid value
$sev_fixed = $sevs[0];
} else if (count($sevs) == 2) {
$sev_online = $sevs[0];
$sev_offline = $sevs[1];
if (($sev_online == 'NONE') && ($sev_offline == 'NONE')) return false; // meaningless component
try { self::convertSeverity($sev_online); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } // just checking for valid value
try { self::convertSeverity($sev_offline); } catch (\Exception $e) { return false; } // just checking for valid value
$sev_fixed = [$sev_online, $sev_offline];
} else {
return false;
$component[0] = $sev_fixed;
// Step 3: Process target (split to type and value)
// 'OID(2.999)' becomes ['OID', '2.999']
// 'A' becomes ['A']
foreach ($out as &$component) {
$m = array();
if (preg_match('@^([^()]+)\((.+)\)$@ismU', $component[1], $m)) {
$type = $m[1];
$value = $m[2];
$component[1] = [$type, $value];
} else {
$component[1] = [$component[1]];
// Some other checks (it makes it easier to validate the maskcodes with dev tools)
foreach ($out as list($severity,$target)) {
if (($target[0] == 'OID') || ($target[0] == 'SUPOID')) {
if (is_array($severity)) return false; // OID and SUPOID logger mask cannot have online/offline severity
if (empty($target[1])) return false; /** @phpstan-ignore-line */
} else if (($target[0] == 'OIDRA') || ($target[0] == 'SUPOIDRA') || ($target[0] == 'RA')) {
if (empty($target[1])) return false;
} else if ($target[0] == 'A') {
if (!empty($target[1])) return false;
} else {
return false;
return $out;
187,238 → 248,232
* @param string $maskcodes A description of the mask-codes can be found in doc/developer_notes/
* @param string $maskcode A description of the mask-codes can be found in doc/developer_notes/
* @param string $message The message of the event
* @param mixed ...$sprintfArgs If used, %1..%n in $maskcodes and $message will be replaced, like _L() does.
* @param mixed ...$sprintfArgs If used, %1..%n in $maskcode and $message will be replaced, like _L() does.
* @return bool
* @throws OIDplusException
public function log(string $maskcodes, string $message, ...$sprintfArgs): bool {
public function log(string $maskcode, string $message, ...$sprintfArgs): bool {
$this->reLogMissing(); // try to re-log failed requests
$maskcodes = my_vsprintf($maskcodes, $sprintfArgs);
$sprintfArgs_Escaped = array();
foreach ($sprintfArgs as $arg) {
// Inside an severity block, e.g. INFO of [INFO], we would need to escape []/\
// In the value, e.g. 2.999 of OID(2.999), we would need to escape ()+\
// Since there seems to be no meaningful use-case for parametrized severities, we only escape the value
$sprintfArgs_Escaped[] = str_replace(array('(',')','+','\\'), array('\\(', '\\)', '\\+', '\\\\'), $arg);
$maskcode = my_vsprintf($maskcode, $sprintfArgs_Escaped);
$message = my_vsprintf($message, $sprintfArgs);
if (strpos(str_replace('%%','',$maskcodes),'%') !== false) {
if (strpos(str_replace('%%','',$maskcode),'%') !== false) {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Unresolved wildcards in logging maskcode'));
return $this->log_internal($maskcodes, $message, true);
return $this->log_internal($maskcode, $message, true);
* @param string $maskcodes
* @param string $message
* @param bool $allow_delayed_log
* @return bool
* @param string $sev_name
* @return int
* @throws OIDplusConfigInitializationException
* @throws OIDplusException
private function log_internal(string $maskcodes, string $message, bool $allow_delayed_log): bool {
$loggerPlugins = OIDplus::getLoggerPlugins();
if (count($loggerPlugins) == 0) {
// The plugin might not be initialized in OIDplus::init()
// yet. Remember the log entries for later submission during
// OIDplus::init();
if ($allow_delayed_log) $this->missing_plugin_queue[] = array($maskcodes, $message);
return false;
private static function convertSeverity(string $sev_name): int {
//$sev_name = strtoupper($sev_name);
// What is a mask code?
// A mask code gives information about the log event:
// 1. The severity (info, warning, error)
// 2. In which logbook(s) the event shall be placed
// Example:
// The event would be:
// "Person 'X' moves from house 'A' to house 'B'"
// This event would affect the person X and the two houses,
// so, instead of logging into 3 logbooks separately,
// you would create a mask code that tells the system
// to put the message into the logbooks of person X,
// house A, and house B.
switch ($sev_name) {
case 'NONE':
// Do not log anything. Used for online/offline severity pairs
return -1;
$logEvent = new OIDplusLogEvent($message);
// A mask code with multiple components is split into single codes
// using '+' or '/', e.g. "OID(x)+RA(x)" would be split to "OID(x)" and "RA(x)"
// which would result in the message being placed in the logbook of OID x,
// and the logbook of the RA owning OID x.
$maskcodes_ary = $this->split_maskcodes($maskcodes);
if ($maskcodes_ary === false) {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Invalid maskcode "%1" (failed to split)',$maskcodes));
foreach ($maskcodes_ary as list($sevs,$maskcode)) {
// At the beginning of each mask code, you must define a severity.
// If you have a mask code with multiple components, you don't have to place the
// severity for each component. You can just leave it at the beginning.
// e.g. "[WARN]OID(x)+RA(x)" is equal to "[WARN]OID(x)+[WARN]RA(x)"
// You can also put different severities for the components:
// e.g. "[INFO]OID(x)+[WARN]RA(x)" would be a info for the OID, but a warning for the RA.
// If you want to make the severity dependent on wheather the user is logged in or not,
// prepend "?" or "!" and use '/' as delimiter
// Example: "[?WARN/!OK]RA(x)" means: If RA is not logged in, it is a warning; if it is logged in, it is an success
$severity = 0; // default severity = none
$severity_online = 0;
foreach ($sevs as $sev) {
switch (strtoupper($sev)) {
// [OK] = Success
// Numeric value: 1
// Rule of thumb: YOU have done something and it was successful
case '?OK':
$severity_online = 1;
case '!OK':
case 'OK':
$severity = 1;
return 1;
// [INFO] = Informational
// Numeric value: 2
// Rule of thumb: Someone else has done something (that affects you) and it was successful
case '?INFO':
$severity_online = 2;
case '!INFO':
case 'INFO':
$severity = 2;
return 2;
// [WARN] = Warning
// Numeric value: 3
// Rule of thumb: Something happened (probably someone did something) and it affects you
case '?WARN':
$severity_online = 3;
case '!WARN':
case 'WARN':
$severity = 3;
return 3;
// [ERR] = Error
// Numeric value: 4
// Rule of thumb: Something failed (probably someone did something) and it affects you
case '?ERR':
$severity_online = 4;
case '!ERR':
case 'ERR':
$severity = 4;
return 4;
// [CRIT] = Critical
// Numeric value: 5
// Rule of thumb: Something happened (probably someone did something) which is not an error,
// but some critical situation (e.g. hardware failure), and it affects you
case '?CRIT':
$severity_online = 5;
case '!CRIT':
case 'CRIT':
$severity = 5;
return 5;
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Invalid maskcode "%1" (Unknown severity "%2")',$maskcodes,$sev));
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Unknown severity "%1" in logger maskcode',$sev_name));
* @param string $maskcode
* @param string $message
* @param bool $allow_delayed_log
* @return bool
* @throws OIDplusException
private function log_internal(string $maskcode, string $message, bool $allow_delayed_log): bool {
$loggerPlugins = OIDplus::getLoggerPlugins();
if (count($loggerPlugins) == 0) {
// The plugin might not be initialized in OIDplus::init()
// yet. Remember the log entries for later submission during
// OIDplus::init();
if ($allow_delayed_log) $this->missing_plugin_queue[] = array($maskcode, $message);
return false;
$logEvent = new OIDplusLogEvent($message);
$maskcode_ary = self::parse_maskcode($maskcode);
if ($maskcode_ary === false) {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Invalid maskcode "%1" (failed to parse or has invalid data)',$maskcode));
foreach ($maskcode_ary as list($severity,$target)) {
if ($target[0] == 'OID') {
// OID(x) Save log entry into the logbook of: Object "x"
$m = array();
if (preg_match('@^OID\((.+)\)$@ismU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$object_id = $m[1];
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetObject($severity, $object_id));
if ($object_id == '') throw new OIDplusException(_L('OID logger mask requires OID'));
$object_id = $target[1];
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($object_id);
if (!$obj) throw new OIDplusException(_L('OID logger mask: Invalid object %1',$object_id));
if (($severity_int = self::convertSeverity($severity)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetObject($severity_int, $object_id));
else if ($target[0] == 'SUPOID') {
// SUPOID(x) Save log entry into the logbook of: Parent of object "x"
else if (preg_match('@^SUPOID\((.+)\)$@ismU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$object_id = $m[1];
if ($object_id == '') throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOID logger mask requires OID'));
$object_id = $target[1];
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($object_id);
if ($obj) {
if (!$obj) throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOID logger mask: Invalid object %1',$object_id));
if ($objParent = $obj->getParent()) {
$parent = $objParent->nodeId();
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetObject($severity, $parent));
if (($severity_int = self::convertSeverity($severity)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetObject($severity_int, $parent));
} else {
//throw new OIDplusException(_L('%1 has no parent',$object_id));
} else {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOID logger mask: Invalid object %1',$object_id));
// OIDRA(x)? Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA of object "x"
// Remove or replace "?" by "!" if the entity does not need to be logged in
else if (preg_match('@^OIDRA\((.+)\)([\?\!])$@ismU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$object_id = $m[1];
$ra_need_login = $m[2] == '?';
if ($object_id == '') throw new OIDplusException(_L('OIDRA logger mask requires OID'));
else if ($target[0] == 'OIDRA') {
// OIDRA(x) Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA of object "x"
$object_id = $target[1];
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($object_id);
if ($obj) {
if ($ra_need_login) {
foreach (OIDplus::authUtils()->loggedInRaList() as $ra) {
if ($obj->userHasWriteRights($ra)) $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online, $ra->raEmail()));
if (!$obj) throw new OIDplusException(_L('OIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"', $object_id));
if (!is_array($severity)) {
$severity_online = $severity;
$severity_offline = $severity;
} else {
$severity_online = $severity[0];
$severity_offline = $severity[1];
} else {
// $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, $obj->getRa()->raEmail()));
foreach (OIDplusRA::getAllRAs() as $ra) {
if ($obj->userHasWriteRights($ra)) $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, $ra->raEmail()));
if ($obj->userHasWriteRights($ra)) {
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isRaLoggedIn($ra)) {
if (($severity_online_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_online)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online_int, $ra->raEmail()));
} else {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('OIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"',$object_id));
if (($severity_offline_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_offline)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_offline_int, $ra->raEmail()));
// SUPOIDRA(x)? Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA that owns the superior object of "x"
// Remove or replace "?" by "!" if the entity does not need to be logged in
else if (preg_match('@^SUPOIDRA\((.+)\)([\?\!])$@ismU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$object_id = $m[1];
$ra_need_login = $m[2] == '?';
if ($object_id == '') throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOIDRA logger mask requires OID'));
else if ($target[0] == 'SUPOIDRA') {
// SUPOIDRA(x) Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA that owns the superior object of "x"
$object_id = $target[1];
$obj = OIDplusObject::parse($object_id);
if ($obj) {
if ($ra_need_login) {
foreach (OIDplus::authUtils()->loggedInRaList() as $ra) {
if ($obj->userHasParentalWriteRights($ra)) $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online, $ra->raEmail()));
if (!$obj) throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"',$object_id));
if (!is_array($severity)) {
$severity_online = $severity;
$severity_offline = $severity;
} else {
$severity_online = $severity[0];
$severity_offline = $severity[1];
} else {
if ($objParent = $obj->getParent()) {
// $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, $objParent->getRa()->raEmail()));
foreach (OIDplusRA::getAllRAs() as $ra) {
if ($obj->userHasParentalWriteRights($ra)) $logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, $ra->raEmail()));
if ($obj->userHasParentalWriteRights($ra)) {
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isRaLoggedIn($ra)) {
if (($severity_online_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_online)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online_int, $ra->raEmail()));
} else {
//throw new OIDplusException(_L('%1 has no parent, therefore also no parent RA',$object_id));
if (($severity_offline_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_offline)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_offline_int, $ra->raEmail()));
} else {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('SUPOIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"',$object_id));
// RA(x)? Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA "x"
// Remove or replace "?" by "!" if the entity does not need to be logged in
else if (preg_match('@^RA\((.*)\)([\?\!])$@ismU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$ra_email = $m[1];
$ra_need_login = $m[2] == '?';
if (!empty($ra_email)) {
if ($ra_need_login && OIDplus::authUtils()->isRaLoggedIn($ra_email)) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online, $ra_email));
} else if (!$ra_need_login) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, $ra_email));
else if ($target[0] == 'RA') {
// RA(x) Save log entry into the logbook of: Logged in RA "x"
$ra_email = $target[1];
if (!is_array($severity)) {
$severity_online = $severity;
$severity_offline = $severity;
} else {
$severity_online = $severity[0];
$severity_offline = $severity[1];
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isRaLoggedIn($ra_email)) {
if (($severity_online_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_online)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online_int, $ra_email));
} else {
if (($severity_offline_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_offline)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_offline_int, $ra_email));
// A? Save log entry into the logbook of: A logged in admin
// Remove or replace "?" by "!" if the entity does not need to be logged in
else if (preg_match('@^A([\?\!])$@imU', $maskcode, $m)) {
$admin_need_login = $m[1] == '?';
if ($admin_need_login && OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online, 'admin'));
} else if (!$admin_need_login) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity, 'admin'));
else if ($target[0] == 'A') {
// A Save log entry into the logbook of: A logged in admin
if (!is_array($severity)) {
$severity_online = $severity;
$severity_offline = $severity;
} else {
$severity_online = $severity[0];
$severity_offline = $severity[1];
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
if (($severity_online_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_online)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_online_int, 'admin'));
} else {
if (($severity_offline_int = self::convertSeverity($severity_offline)) >= 0) {
$logEvent->addTarget(new OIDplusLogTargetUser($severity_offline_int, 'admin'));
// Unexpected
else {
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Unexpected logger component "%1" in mask code "%2"',$maskcode,$maskcodes));
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Unexpected logger component type "%1" in mask code "%2"',$target[0],$maskcode));
54,7 → 54,9
$old_value = OIDplus::config()->getValue($name, '');
OIDplus::config()->setValue($name, $value);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]A?", "Changed system config setting '%1' from '%2' to '%3'", $name, $old_value, $value);
if ($old_value != $value) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/INFO]A", "Changed system config setting '%1' from '%2' to '%3'", $name, $old_value, $value);
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
425,7 → 425,7
return false; // throw new OIDplusException(_L('Received error status code: %1',$json['status']));
} else if ($json['status'] == 99/*Hash conflict*/) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "Removing SystemID and key pair because there is a hash conflict with another OIDplus system!");
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "Removing SystemID and key pair because there is a hash conflict with another OIDplus system!");
// Delete the system ID since we have a conflict with the 31-bit hash!
OIDplus::config()->setValue('oidplus_private_key', '');
510,7 → 510,7
} catch (\Exception $e) {
// Don't do anything, because we don't want that a failed registration query blocks the system
OIDplus::logger()->log('[WARN]A!', 'System registration query crashed: %1', $e->getMessage());
OIDplus::logger()->log('V2:[WARN]A', 'System registration query crashed: %1', $e->getMessage());
63,7 → 63,7
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Password is too short. Need at least %1 characters',$minlen));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!/A?", "RA '%1' was created by the admin, without email address verification or invitation", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "RA '%1' was created by the admin, without email address verification or invitation", $email);
$ra = new OIDplusRA($email);
1133,7 → 1133,7
// We do the logging at the end, otherwise SUPOIDRA() might not work correctly if the OIDs were not imported in order or if there were orphans
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+[INFO]SUPOID(%1)+[INFO]SUPOIDRA(%1)!/[INFO]A!", "Object '%1' was automatically created by the XML import tool", $id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+[INFO]SUPOID(%1)+[INFO]SUPOIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Object '%1' was automatically created by the XML import tool", $id);
$count_imported_oids = count($ok_oids);
88,7 → 88,7
OIDplus::config()->setValue('color_invert', $params['invcolors']);
OIDplus::config()->setValue('design', $params['theme']);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]A?", "Changed system color theme");
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/INFO]A", "Changed system color theme");
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
3462,22 → 3462,14
Invalid maskcode "%1" (Unknown severity "%2")
Invalid maskcode "%1" (failed to parse or has invalid data)
Ungültiger Mask-Code "%1" (Unbekannter Schweregrad "%2")
Ungültiger Logging-Maskcode "%1" (Fehler beim Parsen oder ungültige Inhalte)
Invalid maskcode "%1" (failed to split)
Ungültiger Mask-Code "%1" (Splitten fehlgeschlagen)
Invalid object "%1"
4446,10 → 4438,10
OID logger mask requires OID
OID logger mask: Invalid object %1
OID-Log-Maske benötigt OID
OID Logger Mask: Ungültiges Objekt %1
4510,14 → 4502,6
OIDRA logger mask requires OID
OIDRA-Log-Maske benötigt OID
OIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"
6342,14 → 6326,6
SUPOID logger mask requires OID
SUPOID-Log-Maske benötigt OID
SUPOID logger mask: Invalid object %1
6358,14 → 6334,6
SUPOIDRA logger mask requires OID
SUPOIDRA-Log-Maske benötigt OID
SUPOIDRA logger mask: Invalid object "%1"
7838,10 → 7806,10
Unexpected logger component "%1" in mask code "%2"
Unexpected logger component type "%1" in mask code "%2"
Unerwartete Logbuch-Komponente "%1" in Mask-Code "%2"
Unerwarteter Logger-Komponententyp "%1" in Maskcode "%2"
7886,6 → 7854,14
Unknown severity "%1" in logger maskcode
Unbekannter Schweregrad "%1" in Logger-Maskcode
Unknown update version
155,12 → 155,12
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]OID(%1)+[?WARN/!OK]SUPOIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Object '%1' (recursively) deleted", $id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[CRIT]OIDRA(%1)!", "Lost ownership of object '%1' because it was deleted", $id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]OID(%1)+[OK/WARN]SUPOIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Object '%1' (recursively) deleted", $id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[CRIT]OIDRA(%1)", "Lost ownership of object '%1' because it was deleted", $id);
if ($parentObj = $obj->getParent()) {
$parent_oid = $parentObj->nodeId();
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]OID(%2)", "Object '%1' (recursively) deleted", $id, $parent_oid);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]OID(%2)", "Object '%1' (recursively) deleted", $id, $parent_oid);
// Delete object
177,7 → 177,7
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
$id_to_delete = $row['id'];
OIDplus::logger()->log("[CRIT]OIDRA(%2)!", "Lost ownership of object '%2' because one of the superior objects ('%1') was recursively deleted", $id, $id_to_delete);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[CRIT]OIDRA(%2)", "Lost ownership of object '%2' because one of the superior objects ('%1') was recursively deleted", $id, $id_to_delete);
OIDplus::db()->query("delete from ###objects where id = ?", array($id_to_delete));
256,12 → 256,12
// Change RA recursively
$current_ra = $obj->getRaMail() ?? '';
if ($new_ra != $current_ra) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]SUPOIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]RA(%2)!", "Lost ownership of object '%1' due to RA transfer of superior RA / admin.", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%3)!", "Gained ownership of object '%1' due to RA transfer of superior RA / admin.", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]SUPOIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]RA(%2)", "Lost ownership of object '%1' due to RA transfer of superior RA / admin.", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%3)", "Gained ownership of object '%1' due to RA transfer of superior RA / admin.", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra);
if ($parentObj = $obj->getParent()) {
$parent_oid = $parentObj->nodeId();
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%4)", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra, $parent_oid);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%4)", "RA of object '%1' changed from '%2' to '%3'", $id, $current_ra, $new_ra, $parent_oid);
$this->ra_change_rec($id, $current_ra, $new_ra); // Recursively change inherited RAs
268,10 → 268,10
// Log if confidentially flag was changed
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]SUPOIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Identifiers/Confidential flag of object '%1' updated", $id); // TODO: Check if they were ACTUALLY updated!
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]SUPOIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Identifiers/Confidential flag of object '%1' updated", $id); // TODO: Check if they were ACTUALLY updated!
if ($parentObj = $obj->getParent()) {
$parent_oid = $parentObj->nodeId();
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%2)", "Identifiers/Confidential flag of object '%1' updated", $id, $parent_oid); // TODO: Check if they were ACTUALLY updated!
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%2)", "Identifiers/Confidential flag of object '%1' updated", $id, $parent_oid); // TODO: Check if they were ACTUALLY updated!
// Replace ASN.1 IDs und IRIs
357,7 → 357,7
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]OIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Title/Description of object '%1' updated", $id);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]OIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Title/Description of object '%1' updated", $id);
if (isset($params['title'])) {
$title = $params['title'];
485,12 → 485,12
if (empty($ra_email)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%2)+[INFO]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]OIDRA(%2)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Object '%1' created, without defined RA, superior object is '%2'", $id, $parent);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%2)+[INFO]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]OIDRA(%2)+[OK/INFO]A", "Object '%1' created, without defined RA, superior object is '%2'", $id, $parent);
} else {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%2)+[INFO]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]OIDRA(%2)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Object '%1' created, given to RA '%3', superior object is '%2'", $id, $parent, $ra_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%2)+[INFO]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]OIDRA(%2)+[OK/INFO]A", "Object '%1' created, given to RA '%3', superior object is '%2'", $id, $parent, $ra_email);
if (!empty($ra_email)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%2)!", "Gained ownership of newly created object '%1'", $id, $ra_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%2)", "Gained ownership of newly created object '%1'", $id, $ra_email);
$confidential = isset($params['confidential']) && $params['confidential'] == 'true';
58,7 → 58,7
$ra = null;
OIDplus::logger()->log("[?WARN/!OK]RA(%1)!/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "RA '%1' deleted", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/WARN]RA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "RA '%1' deleted", $email);
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
65,9 → 65,9
} else {
if (OIDplus::config()->getValue('log_failed_ra_logins', false)) {
if ($ra->existing()) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "Failed login to RA account '%1' (wrong password)", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "Failed login to RA account '%1' (wrong password)", $email);
} else {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "Failed login to RA account '%1' (RA not existing)", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "Failed login to RA account '%1' (RA not existing)", $email);
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Wrong password or user not registered'));
99,7 → 99,7
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
if (OIDplus::config()->getValue('log_failed_admin_logins', false)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "Failed login to admin account");
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "Failed login to admin account");
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Wrong password'));
43,7 → 43,7
OIDplus::getActiveCaptchaPlugin()->captchaVerify($params, 'captcha');
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]RA(%1)!", "A new password for '%1' was requested (forgot password)", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]RA(%1)", "A new password for '%1' was requested (forgot password)", $email);
$timestamp = time();
$activate_url = OIDplus::webpath(null,OIDplus::PATH_ABSOLUTE_CANONICAL) . '?goto='.urlencode('oidplus:reset_password$'.$email.'$'.$timestamp.'$'.OIDplus::authUtils()->makeAuthKey('reset_password;'.$email.';'.$timestamp));
86,7 → 86,7
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Password is too short. Need at least %1 characters',$minlen));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' has reset his password (forgot passwort)", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' has reset his password (forgot passwort)", $email);
$ra = new OIDplusRA($email);
206,7 → 206,7
if (!file_exists($uploadfile)) throw new OIDplusException(_L('File does not exist'));
if (file_exists($uploadfile)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A!", "Attachment file '%2' could not be deleted from object '%1' (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile));
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A", "Attachment file '%2' could not be deleted from object '%1' (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile));
$msg = _L('Attachment file "%1" could not be deleted from object "%2" (problem with permissions?)',basename($uploadfile),$id);
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
throw new OIDplusException($msg);
219,7 → 219,7
if (is_array($ary) && (count($ary) == 0)) @rmdir($uploaddir);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]OIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Deleted attachment '%2' from object '%1'", $id, basename($uploadfile));
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]OIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Deleted attachment '%2' from object '%1'", $id, basename($uploadfile));
return array("status" => 0);
285,7 → 285,7
if (!is_dir($uploaddir)) {
@mkdir($uploaddir, 0777, true);
if (!is_dir($uploaddir)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A!", "Upload attachment '%2' to object '%1' failed: Cannot create directory '%3' (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile), basename($uploaddir));
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A", "Upload attachment '%2' to object '%1' failed: Cannot create directory '%3' (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile), basename($uploaddir));
$msg = _L('Upload attachment "%1" to object "%2" failed',basename($uploadfile),$id).': '._L('Cannot create directory "%1" (problem with permissions?)',basename($uploaddir));
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
throw new OIDplusException($msg);
296,7 → 296,7
if (!@move_uploaded_file($_FILES['userfile']['tmp_name'], $uploadfile)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A!", "Upload attachment '%2' to object '%1' failed: Cannot move uploaded file into directory (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile));
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[ERR]OID(%1)+[ERR]A", "Upload attachment '%2' to object '%1' failed: Cannot move uploaded file into directory (problem with permissions?)", $id, basename($uploadfile));
$msg = _L('Upload attachment "%1" to object "%2" failed',basename($uploadfile),$id).': '._L('Cannot move uploaded file into directory (problem with permissions?)');
if (OIDplus::authUtils()->isAdminLoggedIn()) {
throw new OIDplusException($msg);
305,7 → 305,7
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]OID(%1)+[?INFO/!OK]OIDRA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Uploaded attachment '%2' to object '%1'", $id, basename($uploadfile));
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]OID(%1)+[OK/INFO]OIDRA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Uploaded attachment '%2' to object '%1'", $id, basename($uploadfile));
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
514,7 → 514,7
if ($ary) foreach ($ary as $a) @unlink($a);
if (is_dir($uploaddir)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]OID(%1)+[WARN]A!", "Attachment directory '%2' could not be deleted during the deletion of the OID", $id, $uploaddir);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]OID(%1)+[WARN]A", "Attachment directory '%2' could not be deleted during the deletion of the OID", $id, $uploaddir);
79,7 → 79,7
OIDplus::getActiveCaptchaPlugin()->captchaVerify($params, 'captcha');
$root_oid = self::getFreeRootOid(false);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(oid:%1)+RA(%2)!", "Requested a free OID for email '%2' to be placed into root '%1'", $root_oid, $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(oid:%1)+RA(%2)", "Requested a free OID for email '%2' to be placed into root '%1'", $root_oid, $email);
$timestamp = time();
$activate_url = OIDplus::webpath(null,OIDplus::PATH_ABSOLUTE_CANONICAL) . '?goto='.urlencode('oidplus:com.viathinksoft.freeoid.activate_freeoid$'.$email.'$'.$timestamp.'$'.OIDplus::authUtils()->makeAuthKey('com.viathinksoft.freeoid.activate_freeoid;'.$email.';'.$timestamp));
151,8 → 151,8
$root_oid = self::getFreeRootOid(false);
$new_oid = OIDplusOid::parse('oid:'.$root_oid)->appendArcs($this->freeoid_max_id()+1)->nodeId(false);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(oid:%2)+OIDRA(oid:%2)!", "Child OID '%1' added automatically by '%3' (RA Name: '%4')", $new_oid, $root_oid, $email, $ra_name);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(oid:%1)+[OK]RA(%3)!", "Free OID '%1' activated (RA Name: '%4')", $new_oid, $root_oid, $email, $ra_name);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(oid:%2)+OIDRA(oid:%2)", "Child OID '%1' added automatically by '%3' (RA Name: '%4')", $new_oid, $root_oid, $email, $ra_name);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(oid:%1)+[OK]RA(%3)", "Free OID '%1' activated (RA Name: '%4')", $new_oid, $root_oid, $email, $ra_name);
if ((!empty($url)) && (substr($url, 0, 4) != 'http')) $url = 'http://'.$url;
230,7 → 230,7
$file = str_replace(chr(0), '[NUL]', $file);
// This will not be logged anymore, because people could spam the log files otherwise
//OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "LFI/RFI attack blocked (requested file '%1')", $file);
//OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "LFI/RFI attack blocked (requested file '%1')", $file);
throw new OIDplusException(_L('This request is invalid'), _L('Access denied'));
93,7 → 93,7
$ra = new OIDplusRA($email);
if (!$ra->existing()) {
$this->registerRA($ra, $ldap_userinfo);
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' was created because of successful LDAP login", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' was created because of successful LDAP login", $email);
OIDplus::authUtils()->raLoginEx($email, $remember_me, 'LDAP');
162,7 → 162,7
if (!$ldap->login($upn, $password)) {
if (OIDplus::config()->getValue('log_failed_ra_logins', false)) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]A!", "Failed login to RA account '%1' using LDAP", $upn);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]A", "Failed login to RA account '%1' using LDAP", $upn);
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Wrong password or user not registered'));
122,7 → 122,7
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###ra set ra_name = ?, personal_name = ? where email = ?", array($personal_name, $personal_name, $email));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' was created because of successful Google OAuth2 login", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' was created because of successful Google OAuth2 login", $email);
OIDplus::authUtils()->raLoginEx($email, $remember_me=false, 'Google-OAuth2');
100,7 → 100,7
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###ra set ra_name = ?, personal_name = ? where email = ?", array($personal_name, $personal_name, $email));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' was created because of successful Facebook OAuth2 login", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' was created because of successful Facebook OAuth2 login", $email);
OIDplus::authUtils()->raLoginEx($email, $remember_me=false, 'Facebook-OAuth2');
44,7 → 44,7
// TODO: should we also log who has invited?
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' has been invited", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' has been invited", $email);
$timestamp = time();
$activate_url = OIDplus::webpath(null,OIDplus::PATH_ABSOLUTE_CANONICAL) . '?goto='.urlencode('oidplus:activate_ra$'.$email.'$'.$timestamp.'$'.OIDplus::authUtils()->makeAuthKey('activate_ra;'.$email.';'.$timestamp));
87,7 → 87,7
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Password is too short. Need at least %1 characters',$minlen));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' has been registered due to invitation", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]RA(%1)", "RA '%1' has been registered due to invitation", $email);
$ra = new OIDplusRA($email);
46,7 → 46,7
throw new OIDplusException(_L('RA does not exist'));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[?WARN/!OK]RA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Changed RA '%1' contact data/details", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/WARN]RA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Changed RA '%1' contact data/details", $email);
if (isset($params['ra_name']))
OIDplus::db()->query("UPDATE ###ra SET ra_name = ? WHERE email = ?", array($params['ra_name'], $email));
75,9 → 75,9
throw new OIDplusException(_L('Old password incorrect'));
OIDplus::logger()->log("[?WARN/!OK]RA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Password of RA '%1' changed", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/WARN]RA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Password of RA '%1' changed", $email);
} else {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[?WARN/!OK]RA(%1)?/[?INFO/!OK]A?", "Password of RA '%1' created", $email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK/WARN]RA(%1)+[OK/INFO]A", "Password of RA '%1' created", $email);
74,12 → 74,12
// Change RA email
OIDplus::logger()->log("[WARN]RA(%1)!+[INFO]RA(%2)!+[OK]A!", "Admin changed email address '%1' to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[WARN]RA(%1)+[INFO]RA(%2)+[OK]A", "Admin changed email address '%1' to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
// Change objects
$res = OIDplus::db()->query("select id from ###objects where ra_email = ?", array($old_email));
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+SUPOID(%1)", "Admin changed email address of RA '%2' (owner of %1) to '%3'", $row['id'], $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+SUPOID(%1)", "Admin changed email address of RA '%2' (owner of %1) to '%3'", $row['id'], $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###objects set ra_email = ? where ra_email = ?", array($new_email, $old_email));
92,7 → 92,7
return array("status" => 0);
} else {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]RA(%1)!+RA(%2)!", "Requested email address change from '%1' to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]RA(%1)+RA(%2)", "Requested email address change from '%1' to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
$timestamp = time();
$activate_url = OIDplus::webpath(null,OIDplus::PATH_ABSOLUTE_CANONICAL) . '?goto='.urlencode('oidplus:activate_new_ra_email$'.$old_email.'$'.$new_email.'$'.$timestamp.'$'.OIDplus::authUtils()->makeAuthKey('activate_new_ra_email;'.$old_email.';'.$new_email.';'.$timestamp));
162,12 → 162,12
// Change address of RA
OIDplus::logger()->log("[OK]RA(%2)!+RA(%1)!", "RA '%1' has changed their email address to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[OK]RA(%2)+RA(%1)", "RA '%1' has changed their email address to '%2'", $old_email, $new_email);
// Change objects
$res = OIDplus::db()->query("select id from ###objects where ra_email = ?", array($old_email));
while ($row = $res->fetch_array()) {
OIDplus::logger()->log("[INFO]OID(%1)+SUPOID(%1)", "RA '%2' (owner of %1) has changed their email address to '%3'", $row['id'], $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::logger()->log("V2:[INFO]OID(%1)+SUPOID(%1)", "RA '%2' (owner of %1) has changed their email address to '%3'", $row['id'], $old_email, $new_email);
OIDplus::db()->query("update ###objects set ra_email = ? where ra_email = ?", array($new_email, $old_email));