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<li><a href="oidinfo_example.phps">oidinfo_example.phps</a> (optional)</li>
<li><a href=""></a> (dependent unit)</li>
<li><a href=""></a> (dependent unit)</li>
<li><a href=""></a> (dependent unit)</li>
<li><a href=""></a> (dependent unit)</li>
<li>Example for a simple ping provider (<a href="#part6">see part 6</a>): <a href="csv_lookup_server_example/">CSV Lookup Server</a></li>
0,0 → 1,1066
* MAC (EUI-48 and EUI-64) utils for PHP
* Copyright 2017 - 2023 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* Version 2023-07-13
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
// Very good resources for information about OUI, EUI, MAC, ...
// -
// -
// -
const IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY = __DIR__ . '/../web-data';
if (!function_exists('_random_int')) {
function _random_int($min, $max) {
// This function tries a CSRNG and falls back to a RNG if no CSRNG is available
try {
return random_int($min, $max);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return mt_rand($min, $max);
* Generates a random new AAI.
* @param int $bits Must be 48 or 64
* @param bool $multicast Should it be multicast?
function gen_aai(int $bits, bool $multicast): string {
if (($bits != 48) && ($bits != 64)) throw new Exception("Invalid bits for gen_aai(). Must be 48 or 64.");
$bytes = [];
for ($i=0; $i<($bits==48?6:8); $i++) {
$val = _random_int(0x00, 0xFF);
if ($i == 0) {
// Make it an AAI
$val = $val & 0xF0 | ($multicast ? 0x03 : 0x02);
$bytes[] = sprintf('%02x',$val);
return strtoupper(implode('-',$bytes));
* Checks if a MAC, EUI, ELI, AAI, SAI, or IPv6-Link-Local address is valid
* @param string $mac MAC, EUI, or IPv6-Link-Local Address
* @return bool True if it is valid
function mac_valid(string $mac): bool {
$tmp = ipv6linklocal_to_mac48($mac);
if ($tmp !== false) $mac = $tmp;
$mac = str_replace(array('-', ':'), '', $mac);
$mac = strtoupper($mac);
if ((strlen($mac) != 12) && (strlen($mac) != 16)) return false;
$mac = preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@', '', $mac);
return ($mac === '');
* Returns the amount of bits of a MAC, EUI, ELI, AAI, or SAI
* @param string $mac
* @return false|int
function eui_bits(string $mac) {
if (!mac_valid($mac)) return false;
$mac = mac_canonize($mac, '');
return (int)(strlen($mac)*4);
* Canonizes a MAC, EUI, ELI, AAI, SAI, or IPv6-Link-Local address
* @param string $mac MAC, EUI, ELI, or IPv6-Link-Local Address
* @param string $delimiter Desired delimiter for inserting between each octet
* @return string|false The canonized address (Note: IPv6-Link-Local becomes EUI-64)
function mac_canonize(string $mac, string $delimiter="-") {
if (!mac_valid($mac)) return false;
$tmp = ipv6linklocal_to_mac48($mac);
if ($tmp !== false) $mac = $tmp;
$mac = strtoupper($mac);
$mac = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@', '', $mac);
if ((strlen($mac) != 12) && (strlen($mac) != 16)) return false;
$mac = preg_replace('@^(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)$@', '\\1'.$delimiter.'\\2'.$delimiter.'\\3'.$delimiter.'\\4'.$delimiter.'\\5'.$delimiter.'\\6'.$delimiter.'\\7'.$delimiter.'\\8', $mac);
return preg_replace('@^(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)(..)$@', '\\1'.$delimiter.'\\2'.$delimiter.'\\3'.$delimiter.'\\4'.$delimiter.'\\5'.$delimiter.'\\6', $mac);
* @param string $file
* @param string $registry_name
* @param string $mac
* @return false|string
function _lookup_ieee_registry(string $file, string $registry_name, string $mac) {
$mac = mac_canonize($mac, '');
if ($mac === false) return false;
$begin = substr($mac, 0, 2).'-'.substr($mac, 2, 2).'-'.substr($mac, 4, 2);
$f = file_get_contents($file);
$f = str_replace("\r", '', $f);
# We are using a positive-lookahead because entries like the MA-M references have a blank line between organization and address
preg_match_all('@^\s*'.preg_quote($begin, '@').'\s+\(hex\)\s+(\S+)\s+(.*)\n\n\s*(?=[0-9A-F])@ismU', "$f\n\nA", $m, PREG_SET_ORDER);
foreach ($m as $n) {
preg_match('@(\S+)\s+\(base 16\)(.*)$@ism', $n[2], $m);
if (preg_match('@(.+)-(.+)@ism', $m[1], $o)) {
$z = hexdec(substr($mac, 6, 6));
$beg = hexdec($o[1]);
$end = hexdec($o[2]);
if (($z < $beg) || ($z > $end)) continue;
} else {
$beg = 0x000000;
$end = 0xFFFFFF;
$x = trim(preg_replace('@^\s+@im', '', $m[2]));
# "PRIVATE" entries are only marked at the "(hex)" line, but not at the "(base16)" line
if ($x == '') $x = trim($n[1]);
$x = explode("\n", $x);
// The 12 is hardcoded and is valid for MAC-48 and MAC-64!
// Reason: The length of the prefix is calculated from MAC-48. MAC-64 just extends the vendor-specific part
// end-beg (= range) OUI24 0xFFFFFF len=6 12-6 = 6 nibbles prefix
// OUI28 0xFFFFF len=5 12-5 = 7 nibbles prefix
// OUI36 0xFFF len=3 12-3 = 9 nibbles prefix
$prefix_len = 12-strlen(dechex($end-$beg));
$out = sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "IEEE $registry_name:", substr($mac, 0, $prefix_len));
$out .= sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "Vendor-specific part:", substr($mac, $prefix_len));
$out .= sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Registrant:", $x[0]);
foreach ($x as $n => $y) {
if ($n == 0) continue;
else if ($n == 1) $out .= sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Address of registrant:", $y);
else if ($n >= 2) $out .= sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", $y);
return $out;
return false;
* Try to Decapsulate EUI-64 into MAC-48 or EUI-48
* @param string $eui64
* @return false|string If EUI-64 can be converted into EUI-48, returns EUI-48, otherwise returns EUI-64. On invalid input, return false.
function eui64_to_eui48(string $eui64) {
if (!mac_valid($eui64)) return false;
$eui64 = mac_canonize($eui64, '');
if (eui_bits($eui64) == 48) return mac_canonize($eui64);
if (($eui64[1] != '0') && ($eui64[1] != '4') && ($eui64[1] != '8') && ($eui64[1] != 'C')) return false; // only allow EUI
if (substr($eui64, 6, 4) == 'FFFF') {
// EUI-64 to MAC-48
return mac_canonize(substr($eui64, 0, 6).substr($eui64, 10, 6));
} else if (substr($eui64, 6, 4) == 'FFFE') {
if ((hexdec($eui64[1])&2) == 2) {
// Modified EUI-64 to MAC/EUI-48
$eui64[1] = dechex(hexdec($eui64[1])&253); // remove bit
return mac_canonize(substr($eui64, 0, 6).substr($eui64, 10, 6));
} else {
// EUI-64 to EUI-48
return mac_canonize(substr($eui64, 0, 6).substr($eui64, 10, 6));
} else {
return mac_canonize($eui64);
* MAC-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation
* @param string $mac48 MAC-48 address
* @return false|string EUI-64 address
function mac48_to_eui64(string $mac48) {
// Note: MAC-48 is used for network hardware; EUI-48 is used to identify other devices and software.
// MAC48-to-EUI64 Encapsulation uses 0xFFFF middle part
if (!mac_valid($mac48)) return false;
$mac48 = mac_canonize($mac48, '');
if (eui_bits($mac48) == 64) return mac_canonize($mac48);
if (($mac48[1] != '0') && ($mac48[1] != '4') && ($mac48[1] != '8') && ($mac48[1] != 'C')) return false; // only allow EUI
$eui64 = substr($mac48, 0, 6).'FFFF'.substr($mac48, 6, 6);
return mac_canonize($eui64);
* EUI-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation
* @param string $eui48 EUI-48 address
* @return false|string EUI-64 address
function eui48_to_eui64(string $eui48) {
// Note: MAC-48 is used for network hardware; EUI-48 is used to identify other devices and software.
// EUI48-to-EUI64 Encapsulation uses 0xFFFF middle part
if (!mac_valid($eui48)) return false;
$eui48 = mac_canonize($eui48, '');
if (eui_bits($eui48) == 64) return mac_canonize($eui48);
if (($eui48[1] != '0') && ($eui48[1] != '4') && ($eui48[1] != '8') && ($eui48[1] != 'C')) return false; // only allow EUI
$eui64 = substr($eui48, 0, 6).'FFFE'.substr($eui48, 6, 6);
return mac_canonize($eui64);
* MAC/EUI-48 to Modified EUI-64 Encapsulation
* @param string $eui48 MAC-48 or EUI-48 address
* @return false|string Modified EUI-64 address
function maceui48_to_modeui64(string $eui48) {
// Note: MAC-48 is used for network hardware; EUI-48 is used to identify other devices and software.
// EUI48-to-ModifiedEUI64 Encapsulation uses 0xFFFE middle part (SIC! This was a mistake by IETF, since it should actually be 0xFFFF!)
if (!mac_valid($eui48)) return false;
$eui48 = mac_canonize($eui48, '');
if (eui_bits($eui48) == 64) return mac_canonize($eui48);
if (($eui48[1] != '0') && ($eui48[1] != '4') && ($eui48[1] != '8') && ($eui48[1] != 'C')) return false; // only allow EUI
$eui64 = substr($eui48, 0, 6).'FFFE'.substr($eui48, 6, 6);
$eui64[1] = dechex(hexdec($eui64[1]) | 2); // flip seventh bit
return mac_canonize($eui64);
* Try to convert IPv6-Link-Local address to MAC-48
* @param string $ipv6 IPv6-Link-Local address
* @return false|string MAC-48 (or IPv6 if it was no LinkLocal address, or Modified EUI-64 if it decapsulation failed)
function ipv6linklocal_to_mac48(string $ipv6) {
// (modified)
$tmp = @inet_pton($ipv6);
if ($tmp === false) return false;
$hex = unpack("H*hex", $tmp);
$ipv6 = substr(preg_replace("/([A-f0-9]{4})/", "$1:", $hex['hex']), 0, -1);
// Remove "fe80::" to convert IPv6-Link-Local address back to EUI-64
// see
$cnt = 0;
$mac = preg_replace('@^fe80:0000:0000:0000:@i', '', $ipv6, -1, $cnt);
if ($cnt == 0) return false;
// Set LAA to UAA again
$mac_uaa_64 = $mac;
$mac_uaa_64[1] = dechex(hexdec($mac_uaa_64[1]) & 253);
$mac_uaa_48 = eui64_to_eui48($mac_uaa_64);
if (eui_bits($mac_uaa_48) == 48) {
return $mac_uaa_48; // Output MAC-48 (UAA)
} else {
return $mac; // Failed decapsulation; output Modified EUI-64 instead
* Converts MAC-48 or EUI-48 to IPv6-Link-Local (based on Modified EUI-64)
* @param string $mac
* @return false|string
function maceui_to_ipv6linklocal(string $mac) {
if (!mac_valid($mac)) return false;
if (eui_bits($mac) == 48) {
$mac = maceui48_to_modeui64($mac);
$mac = mac_canonize($mac, '');
$mac = str_pad($mac, 16, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
return strtolower('fe80::'.substr($mac,0, 4).':'.substr($mac,4, 4).':'.substr($mac,8, 4).':'.substr($mac,12, 4));
* @param string $mac
* @return string
* @throws Exception
function mac_type(string $mac): string {
// Format MAC for machine readability
$mac = mac_canonize($mac, '');
* 0 0000 EUI (OUI)
* 1 0001 [Multicast]
* 2 0010 AAI
* 3 0011 [Multicast]
* 4 0100 EUI (OUI)
* 5 0101 [Multicast]
* 6 0110 Reserved
* 7 0111 [Multicast]
* 8 1000 EUI (OUI)
* 9 1001 [Multicast]
* A 1010 ELI (CID)
* B 1011 [Multicast]
* C 1100 EUI (OUI)
* D 1101 [Multicast]
* E 1110 SAI
* F 1111 [Multicast]
$type = '';
$tmp = ipv6linklocal_to_mac48($mac);
if ($tmp !== false) {
$mac = $tmp;
$type = 'IPv6-Link-Local';
if (!mac_valid($mac)) throw new Exception("Invalid MAC address");
if ($tmp === false) {
if (($mac[1] == '2') || ($mac[1] == '3')) {
* AAI: Administratively Assigned Identifier
* Administrators who wish to assign local MAC addresses in an
* arbitrary fashion (for example, randomly) and yet maintain
* compatibility with other assignment protocols operating under the
* SLAP on the same LAN may assign a local MAC address as AAI.
$type = 'AAI-' . eui_bits($mac).' (Administratively Assigned Identifier)';
} else if (($mac[1] == '6') || ($mac[1] == '7')) {
* Reserved
* may be administratively used and assigned in accordance with the
* considerations specified for AAI usage, without effect on SLAP
* assignments. However, administrators should be cognizant of
* possible future specifications… that would render administrative
* assignment incompatible with the SLAP.
$type = 'Reserved-' . eui_bits($mac);
} else if (($mac[1] == 'A') || ($mac[1] == 'B')) {
* ELI: Extended Local Identifier
* An ELI is based on a 24 bit CID
* A CID has ZYXM bits set to 1010 (0b1010 = 0xA)
* Since X=1 (U/L=1), the CID cannot be used to form a universal UAA MAC (only a local LAA MAC)
$type = 'ELI-' . eui_bits($mac).' (Extended Local Identifier)';
} else if (($mac[1] == 'E') || ($mac[1] == 'F')) {
* SAI: Standard Assigned Identifier
* Specification of the use of the SAI quadrant for SLAP address
* assignments is reserved for the standard forthcoming from IEEE
* P802.1CQ.
* An SAI is assigned by a protocol specified in an IEEE 802 standard.
* Multiple protocols for assigning SAI may be specified within various
* IEEE 802 standards. Coexistence of such protocols may be supported
* by restricting each to assignments within a subspace of SAI space.
* In some cases, an SAI assignment protocol may assign the SAI to convey
* specific information. Such information may be interpreted by receivers
* and bridges that recognize the specific SAI assignment protocol, as
* identified by the subspace of the SAI. The functionality of receivers
* and bridges that do not recognize the protocol is not affected.
$type = 'SAI-' . eui_bits($mac).' (Standard Assigned Identifier)';
} else {
* Extended Unique Identifier
* Based on an OUI-24, OUI-28, or OUI-36
if (eui_bits($mac) == 48) {
// The name "MAC-48" has been deprecated by IEEE
//$type = 'MAC-48 (network hardware) or EUI-48 (other devices and software)';
$type = 'EUI-48 (Extended Unique Identifier)';
} else if (eui_bits($mac) == 64) {
if (substr($mac, 6, 4) == 'FFFE') {
if ((hexdec($mac[1]) & 2) == 2) {
$type = 'EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier, MAC/EUI-48 to Modified EUI-64 Encapsulation)';
} else {
$type = 'EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier, EUI-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)';
} else if (substr($mac, 6, 4) == 'FFFF') {
$type = 'EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier, MAC-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)';
} else {
$type = 'EUI-64 (Extended Unique Identifier)';
} else {
assert(false); /** @phpstan-ignore-line */
if ((hexdec($mac[1])&1) == 1) {
// see also
/* writes:
* - The assignee of an OUI or OUI-36 is exclusively authorized to assign group
* MAC addresses, with I/G=1, by extending a modified version of the assigned
* OUI or OUI-36 in which the M bit is set to 1. Such addresses are not EUIs and
* do not globally identify hardware instances, even though U/L=0.
* - The assignee of a CID may assign local group MAC addresses by extending a modified version of
* the assigned CID by setting the M bit to 1 (so that I/G=1). The resulting
* extended identifier is an ELI.
// TODO: If "Multicast EUI" is not an EUI (as tutorials/eui.pdf states), how should we name it instead?!
$type = "Multicast $type";
return $type;
* Prints information about an IPv6-Link-Local address, MAC, EUI, ELI, AAI, or SAI.
* @param string $mac IPv6-Link-Local address, MAC, EUI, ELI, AAI, or SAI
* @return void
* @throws Exception
function decode_mac(string $mac) {
// TODO: Should we decode Multicast MAC to its IP (see
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Input:", $mac);
// Format MAC for machine readability
$mac = mac_canonize($mac, '');
$type = mac_type($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Type:", $type);
echo "\n";
$is_eli_unicast = (hexdec($mac[1]) & 0xF) == 0xA; // ELI = 1010 (unicast)
$is_eli = (hexdec($mac[1]) & 0xE) == 0xA; // ELI = 101x (unicast and multicast)
$is_eui_unicast = (hexdec($mac[1]) & 0x3) == 0x0; // EUI = xx00 (unicast)
$is_eui = (hexdec($mac[1]) & 0x2) == 0x0; // EUI = xx0x (unicast and multicast)
// Show various representations
if ($is_eli) {
// Note: There does not seem to exist an algorithm for encapsulating/converting ELI-48 <=> ELI-64
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "ELI-".eui_bits($mac).":", mac_canonize($mac));
$mac48 = eui64_to_eui48($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "MAC-48 (Local):", (eui_bits($mac48) != 48) ? 'Not available' : $mac48);
} else if ($is_eui) {
$eui48 = eui64_to_eui48($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "EUI-48 or MAC-48:", (eui_bits($eui48) != 48) ? 'Not available' : $eui48);
if (eui_bits($mac) == 48) {
$eui64 = mac48_to_eui64($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "EUI-64:", ((eui_bits($eui64) != 64) ? 'Not available' : $eui64).' (MAC-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)');
$eui64 = eui48_to_eui64($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", ((eui_bits($eui64) != 64) ? 'Not available' : $eui64).' (EUI-48 to EUI-64 Encapsulation)');
$eui64 = maceui48_to_modeui64($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", ((eui_bits($eui64) != 64) ? 'Not available' : $eui64).' (MAC/EUI-48 to Modified EUI-64 Encapsulation)');
$ipv6 = maceui_to_ipv6linklocal($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "IPv6-Link-Local address:", $ipv6);
} else {
$eui64 = mac_canonize($mac);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "EUI-64:", $eui64);
// Vergabestelle
$ul = hexdec($mac[1]) & 2; // Bit #LSB+1 of Byte 1
$ul_ = ($ul == 0) ? '[0] Universally Administered Address (UAA)' : '[1] Locally Administered Address (LAA)';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Administration type (U/L flag):", $ul_);
// Empfaengergruppe
$ig = hexdec($mac[1]) & 1; // Bit #LSB+0 of Byte 1
$ig_ = ($ig == 0) ? '[0] Unicast (Individual)' : '[1] Multicast (Group)';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Transmission type (I/G flag):", $ig_);
// Query IEEE registries
if (count(glob(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR.'*.txt')) > 0) {
$alt_mac = $mac;
$alt_mac[1] = dechex(hexdec($alt_mac[1])^1); // switch Unicast<=>Multicast in order to find the vendor
if (is_dir(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY)) {
if ($is_eli) {
// Query the CID registry
if (
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cid.txt', 'CID', $mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cid.txt', 'CID', $alt_mac))
) {
echo "\n";
echo $x;
} else {
$registry_name = 'CID';
echo "\n";
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "IEEE $registry_name:", substr($mac, 0, 6));
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "Vendor-specific part:", substr($mac, 6));
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Registrant:", "$registry_name not found in database");
} else if ($is_eui) {
// Query the OUI registries
if (
# The IEEE Registration Authority distinguishes between IABs and OUI-36 values. Both are 36-bit values which may be used to generate EUI-48 values, but IABs may not be used to generate EUI-64 values.[6]
# Note: The Individual Address Block (IAB) is an inactive registry activity, which has been replaced by the MA-S registry product as of January 1, 2014.
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'iab.txt', 'IAB', $mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'oui36.txt', 'OUI-36 (MA-S)', $mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mam.txt', '28 bit identifier (MA-M)', $mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'oui.txt', 'OUI (MA-L)', $mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'iab.txt', 'IAB', $alt_mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'oui36.txt', 'OUI-36 (MA-S)', $alt_mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'mam.txt', '28 bit identifier (MA-M)', $alt_mac)) ||
($x = _lookup_ieee_registry(IEEE_MAC_REGISTRY . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'oui.txt', 'OUI (MA-L)', $alt_mac))
) {
echo "\n";
echo $x;
} else {
$registry_name = 'OUI (MA-L)?';
echo "\n";
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "IEEE $registry_name:", substr($mac, 0, 6));
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "Vendor-specific part:", substr($mac, 6));
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Registrant:", "$registry_name not found in database");
$registry_name = '28 bit identifier (MA-M)?';
echo "\n";
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "IEEE $registry_name:", substr($mac, 0, 7));
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "Vendor-specific part:", substr($mac, 7));
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Registrant:", "$registry_name not found in database");
$registry_name = 'OUI-36 (MA-S)?';
echo "\n";
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "IEEE $registry_name:", substr($mac, 0, 9));
echo sprintf("%-32s 0x%s\n", "Vendor-specific part:", substr($mac, 9));
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Registrant:", "$registry_name not found in database");
$vm = '';
// === FAQ "Detection rules which don't have their dedicated page yet" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:16:3E:00:00:00', '00:16:3E:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Red Hat Xen, XenSource, Novell Xen";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:1D:D8:B7:1C:00', '00:1D:D8:F4:1F:FF')) $vm = "Microsoft SCVMM (System Center Virtual Machine Manager)";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:03:FF:00:00:00', '00:03:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Microsoft Virtual PC / Virtual Server";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:18:51:00:00:00', '00:18:51:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "SWsoft";
if (mac_between($mac, '58:9C:FC:00:00:00', '58:9C:FC:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "bhyve by FreebsdF";
if (mac_between($mac, '50:6B:8D:00:00:00', '50:6B:8D:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Nutanix AHV";
if (mac_between($mac, '54:52:00:00:00:00', '54:52:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "KVM (proxmox)";
// Self tested (
if (mac_between($mac, '96:00:00:00:00:00', '96:00:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Hetzner vServer (based on KVM and libvirt)";
// === FAQ "How to recognise a VMware's virtual machine by its MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:50:56:00:00:00', '00:50:56:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "VMware vSphere, VMware Workstation, VMware ESX Server";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:50:56:80:00:00', '00:50:56:BF:FF:FF')) $vm = "VMware vSphere managed by vCenter Server";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:0C:29:00:00:00', '00:0C:29:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "VMWare Standalone VMware vSphere, VMware Workstation, VMware Horizon";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:05:69:00:00:00', '00:05:69:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "VMware ESX, VMware GSX Server";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:1C:14:00:00:00', '00:1C:14:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "VMWare";
// === FAQ "machine by its MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:1C:42:00:00:00', '00:1C:42:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Parallels Virtual Machine";
// === FAQ "How to recognise a Docker container by its MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '02:42:00:00:00:00', '02:42:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Docker container";
// === FAQ =How to recognise a Microsoft Hyper-V's virtual machine by its MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:15:5D:00:00:00', '00:15:5D:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Microsoft Hyper-V";
// === FAQ "How to recognise an Oracle Virtual machine by its MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '08:00:27:00:00:00', '08:00:27:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Oracle VirtualBox 5.2"; // Pcs Systemtechnik GmbH
if (mac_between($mac, '52:54:00:00:00:00', '52:54:00:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Oracle VirtualBox 5.2 + Vagrant"; // 52:54:00 (Exact MAC: 52:54:00:C9:C7:04)
if (mac_between($mac, '00:21:F6:00:00:00', '00:21:F6:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Oracle VirtualBox 3.3";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:14:4F:00:00:00', '00:14:4F:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Oracle VM Server for SPARC";
if (mac_between($mac, '00:0F:4B:00:00:00', '00:0F:4B:FF:FF:FF')) $vm = "Oracle Virtual Iron 4";
if ($vm) {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special use:", "Virtual machine $vm");
$app = '';
// === FAQ "Other MAC address applications"
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:00:01:00:00', '03:00:40:00:00:00')) $app = 'User-defined (per 802 spec), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:1D:00:00:00')) $app = 'Cabletron PC-OV PC discover (on demand), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:1D:42:00:00')) $app = 'Cabletron PC-OV Bridge discover (on demand), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:1D:52:00:00')) $app = 'Cabletron PC-OV MMAC discover (on demand), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:3C:00:00:00' , '01:00:3C:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Auspex Systems (Serverguard)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:10:00:00:20')) $app = 'Hughes Lan Systems Terminal Server S/W download, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:10:FF:FF:20')) $app = 'Hughes Lan Systems Terminal Server S/W request, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:81:00:00:00')) $app = 'Synoptics Network Management';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:81:00:00:02')) $app = 'Synoptics Network Management';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:81:00:01:00')) $app = 'Bay Networks (Synoptics) autodiscovery, EtherType is 0x0802 SNAP type is 0x01A2';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:81:00:01:01')) $app = 'Bay Networks (Synoptics) autodiscovery, EtherType is 0x0802 SNAP type is 0x01A1';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:20:25:00:00:00', '01:20:25:7F:FF:FF')) $app = 'Control Technology Inc\'s Industrial Ctrl Proto., EtherType is 0x873A';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:24:00:00:00')) $app = 'Kalpana Etherswitch every 60 seconds, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:DD:00:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Ungermann-Bass boot-me requests, EtherType is 0x7002';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:DD:01:00:00:00')) $app = 'Ungermann-Bass Spanning Tree, EtherType is 0x7005';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:10')) $app = 'OS/2 1.3 EE + Communications Manager, EtherType is 0x80D5';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:40')) $app = 'OS/2 1.3 EE + Communications Manager, EtherType is 0x80D5';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:01:00')) $app = 'OSI All-IS Multicast, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:02:00')) $app = 'OSI All-ES Multicast, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:80:00:00')) $app = 'Discovery Client, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'All Stations address, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:0D:00:00:00', '09:00:0D:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Multicast, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:02:00:00')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover only on boot';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:02:0A:3C')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover only on boot';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:02:0A:38')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover only on boot';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:02:0A:39')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover only on boot';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:02:FF:FF')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover only on boot';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:0D:09:00:00')) $app = 'ICL Oslan Service discover as required';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:1E:00:00:00')) $app = 'Apollo DOMAIN, EtherType is 0x8019';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:02:04:00:01')) $app = 'Vitalink printer messages, EtherType is 0x8080';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:02:04:00:02')) $app = 'Vitalink bridge management, EtherType is 0x8080';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4C:00:00:0F')) $app = 'BICC Remote bridge adaptive routing (e.g. to Retix), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4E:00:00:02')) $app = 'Novell IPX, EtherType is 0x8137';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:6A:00:01:00')) $app = 'TOP NetBIOS';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:01:00:01')) $app = 'Vitalink DLS Multicast';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:01:00:03')) $app = 'Vitalink DLS Inlink';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:01:00:04')) $app = 'Vitalink DLS and non DLS Multicast';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:02:00:05')) $app = 'Vitalink diagnostics, EtherType is 0x8080';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:05:00:01')) $app = 'Vitalink gateway, EtherType is 0x8080';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:7C:05:00:02')) $app = 'Vitalink Network Validation Message';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:09:00:00:01')) $app = 'HP Probe, EtherType is 0x8005 or 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:09:00:00:04')) $app = 'HP DTC, EtherType is 0x8005';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:26:01:00:01')) $app = 'Vitalink TransLAN bridge management, EtherType is 0x8038';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:39:00:70:00')) $app = 'Spider Systems Bridge';
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:56:00:00:00', '09:00:56:FE:FF:FF')) $app = 'Stanford reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:56:FF:00:00', '09:00:56:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Stanford V Kernel, version 6.0, EtherType is 0x805C';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:77:00:00:00')) $app = 'Retix Bridge Local Management System, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:77:00:00:01')) $app = 'Retix spanning tree bridges, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:77:00:00:02')) $app = 'Retix Bridge Adaptive routing, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:87:80:FF:FF')) $app = 'Xyplex Terminal Servers, EtherType is 0x0889';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:87:90:FF:FF')) $app = 'Xyplex Terminal Servers, EtherType is 0x0889';
if (mac_between($mac, '44:38:39:FF:00:00', '44:38:39:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Multi-Chassis Link Aggregation (Cumulus Linux)';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'FF:FF:00:40:00:01')) $app = 'LANtastic, EtherType is 0x81D6';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'FF:FF:00:60:00:04')) $app = 'LANtastic, EtherType is 0x81D6';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'FF:FF:01:E0:00:04')) $app = 'LANtastic';
// === FAQ "The "CF" series MAC addresses" ===
if (mac_between($mac, 'CF:00:00:00:00:00', 'CF:00:00:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'CF:00:00:00:00:00')) $app = 'Used for Ethernet loopback tests';
// === FAQ "How to recognise a Broadcast MAC address application?" ===
// According to FFFFFFFFFFFF can be used as NULL EUI
if (mac_equals($mac, 'FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')) echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special use:", "Broadcast messaging or Null-EUI");
// === FAQ "How to recognise a Virtual Router ID by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:01:00', '00:00:5E:00:01:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:02:00', '00:00:5E:00:02:FF')) $app = 'IPv6 Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an IP frame by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:00:00:00', '01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 Multicast (EtherType is 0x0800)';
if (mac_between($mac, '33:33:00:00:00:00', '33:33:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv6 Multicast. IPv6 neighbor discovery (EtherType is 0x86DD)'; // TODO: Dabei werden die untersten 32 Bit der IPv6-Multicast-Adresse in die MAC-Adresse eingebettet.
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:52:13', '00:00:5E:00:52:13')) $app = 'Proxy Mobile IPv6';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:C0:00:02:00', '00:00:5E:FE:C0:00:02:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:C6:33:64:00', '00:00:5E:FE:C6:33:64:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:CB:00:71:00', '00:00:5E:FE:CB:00:71:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:EA:C0:00:02')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:EA:C6:33:64')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '00:00:5E:FE:EA:CB:00:71')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:C0:00:02:00', '01:00:5E:FE:C0:00:02:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:C6:33:64:00', '01:00:5E:FE:C6:33:64:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:CB:00:71:00', '01:00:5E:FE:CB:00:71:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:EA:C0:00:02')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:EA:C6:33:64')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:FE:EA:CB:00:71')) $app = 'IPv4 multicast derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:20', '01:80:C2:00:00:2F')) $app = 'Reserved for use by Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) applications';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:FE:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FE:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 Addr Holders';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:20:00:00')) $app = 'IP multicast address';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'C0:00:00:04:00:00')) $app = 'IP multicast address';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:FE:00:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:FE:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 Addr Holders';
// === FAQ "How to recognise a MPLS multicast frame by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:80:00:00', '01:00:5E:8F:FF:FF')) $app = 'MPLS multicast (EtherType is 0x8847 or 0x8848)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:90:00:00')) $app = 'MPLS-TP p2p';
// === FAQ "How to recognise a Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on Link Aggregation Group (LAG) interfaces by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:90:00:01')) $app = 'Bidirectional Forwarding Detection (BFD) on Link Aggregation Group (LAG) interfaces';
// === FAQ "How to recognise Token Ring specific functions by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:01')) $app = 'NetBIOS (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:02')) $app = 'Locate - Directory Server (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:04')) $app = 'Synchronous Bandwidth Manager (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:08')) $app = 'Configuration Report Server (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:10')) $app = 'Ring Error Monitor (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:20')) $app = 'Network Server Heartbeat (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:40')) $app = 'Ring Parameter Monitor (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:80')) $app = 'Active Monitor (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:04:00')) $app = 'LAN Manager (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:08:00')) $app = 'Ring Wiring Concentrator (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:10:00')) $app = 'LAN Gateway (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:20:00')) $app = 'Ring Authorization Server (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:40:00')) $app = 'IMPL Server (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:80:00')) $app = 'Bridge (Token Ring)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:20:00:00')) $app = 'Single Token-Ring functional address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:08')) $app = 'Configuration Report Server (CRS) MAC Group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:10')) $app = 'Ring Error Monitor (REM) MAC Group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:00:40')) $app = 'Ring Parameter Server (RPS) MAC group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:01:00')) $app = 'All Intermediate System Network Entities address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:02:00')) $app = 'All End System Network Entities address, and Lobe Media Test (LMT) MAC group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:04:00')) $app = 'Generic address for all Manager Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:08:00')) $app = 'All CONs SNARES address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:10:00')) $app = 'All CONs End System address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:20:00')) $app = 'Loadable Device Generic address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:00:40:00')) $app = 'Load Server Generic address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:40:00:00')) $app = 'Generic address for all Agent Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'C0:00:00:04:00:00')) $app = 'Single Token-Ring functional address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:80:00:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: all-Nodes (FF01::1 and FF02::1) and solicited node (FF02:0:0:0:0:1:FFXX:XXXX) addresses';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:40:00:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: all-Routers addresses (FF0X::2)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:80:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 000';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:40:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 001';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:20:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 010';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:10:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 011';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:08:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 100';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:04:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 101';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:02:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 110';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03:00:00:01:00:00')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast over Token Ring: any other multicast address with three least significant bits = 111';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an AppleTalk protocols by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:07:00:00:00', '09:00:07:00:00:FC')) $app = 'AppleTalk zone multicast addresses (EtherType is 0x0802)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:07:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'AppleTalk broadcast address (EtherType is 0x0802)';
// === FAQ "How to recognise a TRILL protocols by MAC address?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:90:01:00', '00:00:5E:90:01:00')) $app = 'TRILL OAM';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:90:01:00')) $app = 'TRILL OAM';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:40', '01:80:C2:00:00:4F')) $app = 'Group MAC addresses used by the TRILL protocols';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an IEEE 802.1X MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '01:0C:CD:01:00:00', '01:0C:CD:01:01:FF')) $app = 'IEC 61850-8-1 GOOSE Type 1/1A, EtherType is 0x88B8';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:0C:CD:02:00:00', '01:0C:CD:02:01:FF')) $app = 'GSSE (IEC 61850 8-1), EtherType is 0x88B9';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:0C:CD:04:00:00', '01:0C:CD:04:01:FF')) $app = 'Multicast sampled values (IEC 61850 8-1), EtherType is 0x88BA';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:1B:19:00:00:00')) $app = 'General group address - An 802.1Q VLAN Bridge would forward the frame unchanged.';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:1B:19:00:00:00')) $app = 'Precision Time Protocol (PTP) version 2 over Ethernet, EtherType is 0x88F7';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00')) $app = 'Bridge Group address Nearest Customer Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00')) $app = 'Spanning Tree Protocol (for bridges) IEEE 802.1D, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00')) $app = 'Link Layer Discovery Protocol, EtherType is 0x88CC';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00', '01:80:C2:00:00:0F')) $app = 'The initial bridging/link protocols block';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00', '01:80:C2:00:00:0F')) $app = 'IEEE 802.1D MAC Bridge Filtered MAC Group Addresses';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:00', '01:80:C2:00:00:0F')) $app = 'IEEE Pause, 802.3x';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0A')) $app = 'Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0B')) $app = 'EDE-SS PEP Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0C')) $app = 'Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0D')) $app = 'Provider Bridge MVRP address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0E')) $app = 'Individual LAN Scope group address, It is intended that no IEEE 802.1 relay device will be defined that will forward frames that carry this destination address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0E')) $app = 'Nearest Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0E')) $app = 'Link Layer Discovery Protocol, EtherType is 0x88CC';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:0E')) $app = 'Precision Time Protocol (PTP) version 2 over Ethernet, EtherType is 0x88F7';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:01')) $app = 'IEEE MAC-specific Control Protocols group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:01')) $app = 'Ethernet flow control (Pause frame) IEEE 802.3x, EtherType is 0x8808';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1A')) $app = 'Generic Address for All Agent Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1B')) $app = 'All Multicast Capable End Systems address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1C')) $app = 'All Multicast Announcements address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1D')) $app = 'All Multicast Capable Intermediate Systems address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1E')) $app = 'All DTR Concentrators MAC group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:1F')) $app = 'EDE-CC PEP Address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:01', '01:80:C2:00:00:0F')) $app = '802.1 alternate Spanning multicast, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:02')) $app = 'Ethernet OAM Protocol IEEE 802.3ah (also known as "slow protocols"), EtherType is 0x8809';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:03')) $app = 'Nearest non-TPMR Bridge group address IEEE Std 802.1X PAE address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:03')) $app = 'Link Layer Discovery Protocol, EtherType is 0x88CC';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:04')) $app = 'IEEE MAC-specific Control Protocols group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:05')) $app = 'Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:06')) $app = 'Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:07')) $app = 'MEF Forum ELMI protocol group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:08')) $app = 'Provider Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:08')) $app = 'Spanning Tree Protocol (for provider bridges) IEEE 802.1ad, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:09')) $app = 'Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:10')) $app = 'All LANs Bridge Management group address (deprecated)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:10')) $app = 'Bridge Management, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:11')) $app = 'Load Server generic address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:11')) $app = 'Load Server, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:12')) $app = 'Loadable Device generic address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:12')) $app = 'Loadable Device, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:13')) $app = 'Transmission of IEEE 1905.1 control packets';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:14')) $app = 'All Level 1 Intermediate Systems address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:14')) $app = 'OSI Route level 1 (within area), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:15')) $app = 'All Level 2 Intermediate Systems address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:15')) $app = 'OSI Route level 2 (between area), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:16')) $app = 'All CONS End Systems address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:17')) $app = 'All CONS SNARES address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:18')) $app = 'Generic address for All Manager Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:19')) $app = 'Groupcast with retries (GCR) MAC group address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:20', '01:80:C2:00:00:2F')) $app = 'Reserved for use by Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) applications';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:21')) $app = 'GARP VLAN Registration Protocol (also known as IEEE 802.1q GVRP), EtherType is 0x88f5';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:30', '01:80:C2:00:00:3F')) $app = 'Destination group MAC addresses for CCM and Linktrace messages';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:30', '01:80:C2:00:00:3F')) $app = 'Ethernet CFM Protocol IEEE 802.1ag, EtherType is 0x8902';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:00:50', '01:80:C2:00:00:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned standard group MAC address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:00')) $app = 'Ring Management Directed Beacon multicast address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:00')) $app = 'FDDI RMT Directed Beacon, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:01', '01:80:C2:00:01:0F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:10')) $app = 'Status Report Frame Status Report Protocol multicast address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:10')) $app = 'FDDI status report frame, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:11', '01:80:C2:00:01:1F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:20')) $app = 'All FDDI Concentrator MACs';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:21', '01:80:C2:00:01:2F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:30')) $app = 'Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:01:31', '01:80:C2:00:01:FF')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:02:00', '01:80:C2:00:02:FF')) $app = 'Assigned to ETSI for future use';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:80:C2:00:03:00', '01:80:C2:FF-FF-FF')) $app = 'Unassigned standard group MAC address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4C:00:00:00')) $app = 'BICC 802.1 management, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4C:00:00:0C')) $app = 'BICC Remote bridge STA 802.1(D) Rev8, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4C:00:00:02')) $app = 'BICC 802.1 management, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:4C:00:00:06')) $app = 'BICC Local bridge STA 802.1(D) Rev6, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_between($mac, '33:33:00:00:00:00', '33:33:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv6 multicast, EtherType is 0x86DD';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an ISO 9542 ES-IS protocol's MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:04')) $app = 'All End System Network Entities address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:05')) $app = 'All Intermediate System Network Entities address';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an IANA MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00-52:14', '00:00:5E:00:52:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned (small allocations)';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:00:00', '00:00:5E:00:00:FF')) $app = 'Reserved and require IESG Ratification for assignment';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:03:00', '00:00:5E:00:51:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:52:00', '00:00:5E:00:52:FF')) $app = 'Is used for very small assignments. Currently, 3 out of these 256 values have been assigned.';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:52:00', '00:00:5E:00:52:00')) $app = 'PacketPWEthA';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:52:01', '00:00:5E:00:52:01')) $app = 'PacketPWEthB';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:52:02', '00:00:5E:00:52:12')) $app = 'Unassigned (small allocations)';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:53:00', '00:00:5E:00:53:FF')) $app = 'Assigned for use in documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:00:54:00', '00:00:5E:90:00:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:90:01:01', '00:00:5E:90:01:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned (small allocations requiring both unicast and multicast)';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:EF:10:00:00:00', '00:00:5E:EF:10:00:00:FF')) $app = 'General documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '00:00:5E:FF:FE:00:53:00', '00:00:5E:FF:FE:00:53:FF')) $app = 'EUI-48 derived documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:00:00:00', '01:00:5E:7F:FF:FF')) $app = 'DoD Internet Multicast (EtherType is 0x0800)'; // TODO: IPv4-Multicast (Dabei werden dann die unteren 23 Bit der IP-Multicast-Adresse direkt auf die untersten 23 Bit der MAC-Adresse abgebildet. Der IP-Multicast-Adresse ist somit die Multicast-MAC-Adresse 01-00-5e-00-00-01 fest zugeordnet.)
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:80:00:00', '01:00:5E:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'DoD Internet';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:90:00:02')) $app = 'AllL1MI-ISs';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:5E:90:00:03')) $app = 'AllL2MI-ISs';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:00:04', '01:00:5E:90:00:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned (small allocations)';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:01:01', '01:00:5E:90:01:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned (small allocations requiring both unicast and multicast)';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:02:00', '01:00:5E:90:0F:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:02:00', '00:00:5E:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:10:00', '01:00:5E:90:10:FF')) $app = 'Documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:90:11:00', '01:00:5E:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:00:5E:EF:10:00:00:00', '01:00:5E:EF:10:00:00:FF')) $app = 'General documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:00:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:0F:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:10:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:10:00:00:00:FF')) $app = 'Documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:10:00:00:01:00', '02:00:5E:EF:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:F0:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FD:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:FE:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FE:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IPv4 Addr Holders';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:FF:00:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FF:FD:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:FF:FE:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FF:FE:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IANA EUI-48 Holders';
if (mac_between($mac, '02:00:5E:FF:FF:00:00:00', '02:00:5E:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:00:00:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:0F:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:10:00:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:10:00:00:00:FF')) $app = 'Documentation';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:10:00:00:01:00', '03:00:5E:EF:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Unassigned';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:F0:00:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:FD:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:FF:00:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:FF:FD:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:FF:FE:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:FF:FE:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'IANA EUI-48 Holders';
if (mac_between($mac, '03:00:5E:FF:FF:00:00:00', '03:00:5E:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved';
// === FAQ "How to recognise a Cisco's MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:00:00:00')) $app = 'Inter Switch Link (ISL)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC')) $app = 'CDP (Cisco Discovery Protocol), VTP (VLAN Trunking Protocol), EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC')) $app = 'Port Aggregation Protocol (PAgP), SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x0104';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC')) $app = 'Unidirectional Link Detection (UDLD), SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x0111';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC')) $app = 'Dynamic Trunking (DTP), SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x2004';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CC')) $app = 'VLAN Trunking (VTP), SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x2003';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CD')) $app = 'Cisco Shared Spanning Tree Protocol address, EtherType is 0x0802';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CC:CC:CD')) $app = 'Spanning Tree PVSTP+, SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x010B';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CD:CD:CD')) $app = 'STP Uplink Fast, SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x200A';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:CD:CD:CE')) $app = 'VLAN Bridge, SNAP HDLC Protocol Type is 0x010C';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01:00:0C:DD:DD:DD')) $app = 'CGMP (Cisco Group Management Protocol)';
// === FAQ "How to recognise an ITU-T's MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_between($mac, '01:19:A7:00:00:00', '01:19:A7:00:00:FF')) $app = 'R-APS per G.8032';
if (mac_between($mac, '01:19:A7:52:76:90', '01:19:A7:52:76:9F')) $app = 'Multicast per G.9961';
// === FAQ "How to recognise Digital Equipment Corporation's MAC address application?" ===
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:00')) $app = 'DEC MUMPS, EtherType is 0x6009';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:0F')) $app = 'DEC Local Area Transport (LAT), EtherType is 0x6004';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:01')) $app = 'DEC DSM/DDP, EtherType is 0x8039';
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:10', '09:00:2B:00:00:1F')) $app = 'DEC Experimental';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:02')) $app = 'DEC VAXELN, EtherType is 0x803B';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:03')) $app = 'DEC Lanbridge Traffic Monitor (LTM), EtherType is 0x8038';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:04')) $app = 'DEC MAP End System';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:05')) $app = 'DEC MAP Intermediate System';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:06')) $app = 'DEC CSMA/CD Encryption, EtherType is 0x803D';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:00:00:07')) $app = 'DEC NetBios Emulator, EtherType is 0x8040';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:01:00:00')) $app = 'DEC LanBridge, EtherType is 0x8038';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:01:00:01')) $app = 'DEC LanBridge, EtherType is 0x8038';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:02:00:00')) $app = 'DEC DNA Level 2 Routing';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:02:01:00')) $app = 'DEC DNA Naming Service Advertisement, EtherType is 0x803C';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:02:01:01')) $app = 'DEC DNA Naming Service Solicitation, EtherType is 0x803C';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:02:01:02')) $app = 'DEC Distributed Time Service, EtherType is 0x803E';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:02:01:09')) $app = 'DEC Availability Manager for Distributed Systems DECamds, EtherType is 0x8048';
if (mac_between($mac, '09:00:2B:03:00:00', '09:00:2B:03:FF:FF')) $app = 'DEC default filtering by bridges';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:04:00:00')) $app = 'DEC Local Area System Transport (LAST), EtherType is 0x8041';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09:00:2B:23:00:00')) $app = 'DEC Argonaut Console, EtherType is 0x803A';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'AB:00:00:01:00:00')) $app = 'DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP) Dump/Load Assistance, EtherType is 0x6001';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'AB:00:00:02:00:00')) $app = 'DEC Maintenance Operation Protocol (MOP), EtherType is 0x6002';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'AB:00:00:03:00:00')) $app = 'DECNET Phase IV end node, EtherType is 0x6003';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'AB:00:00:04:00:00')) $app = 'DECNET Phase IV Router, EtherType is 0x6003';
if (mac_between($mac, 'AB:00:00:05:00:00', 'AB:00:03:FF:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved DEC';
if (mac_equals($mac, 'AB:00:03:00:00:00')) $app = 'DEC Local Area Transport (LAT) - old, EtherType is 0x6004';
if (mac_between($mac, 'AB:00:04:00:00:00', 'AB:00:04:00:FF:FF')) $app = 'Reserved DEC customer private use';
if (mac_between($mac, 'AB:00:04:01:00:00', 'AB:00:04:01:FF:FF')) $app = 'DEC Local Area VAX Cluster groups System Communication Architecture (SCA), EtherType is 0x6007';
// TODO: Check for duplicates between these and the ones at the top
// IEEE Std 802.1D and IEEE Std 802.1Q Reserved Addresses
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-00')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Bridge Group address, Nearest Customer Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-01')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / IEEE MAC-specific Control Protocols group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-02')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / IEEE 802.3 Slow_Protocols_Multicast address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-03')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Nearest non-TPMR Bridge group address, IEEE Std 802.1X PAE address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-04')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / IEEE MAC-specific Control Protocols group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-05')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-06')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-07')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / MEF Forum ELMI protocol group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-08')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Provider Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-09')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0A')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0B')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / EDE-SS PEP Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0C')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0D')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Provider Bridge MVRP address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0E')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Individual LAN Scope group address, Nearest Bridge group address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-0F')) $app = 'IEEE Std 802.1Q / Reserved for future standardization';
// Standard Group MAC Addresses
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-10')) $app = 'All LANs Bridge Management Group Address (deprecated)';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-11')) $app = 'Load Server Generic Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-12')) $app = 'Loadable Device Generic Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-13')) $app = 'Transmission of IEEE 1905.1 control packets';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-14')) $app = 'All Level 1 Intermediate Systems Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-15')) $app = 'All Level 2 Intermediate Systems Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-16')) $app = 'All CONS End Systems Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-17')) $app = 'All CONS SNARES Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-18')) $app = 'Generic Address for All Manager Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-19')) $app = 'Groupcast with retries (GCR) MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1A')) $app = 'Generic Address for All Agent Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1B')) $app = 'All Multicast Capable End Systems Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1C')) $app = 'All Multicast Announcements Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1D')) $app = 'All Multicast Capable Intermediate Systems Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1E')) $app = 'All DTR Concentrators MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-1F')) $app = 'EDE-CC PEP Address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-20','01-80-C2-00-00-2F')) $app = 'Reserved for use by Multiple Registration Protocol (MRP) applications';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-30','01-80-C2-00-00-3F')) $app = 'Destination group MAC addresses for CCM and Linktrace messages';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-40','01-80-C2-00-00-4F')) $app = 'Group MAC addresses used by the TRILL protocols';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-00-50','01-80-C2-00-00-FF')) $app = 'unassigned';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-00')) $app = 'Ring Management Directed Beacon Multicast Address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-01','01-80-C2-00-01-0F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-10')) $app = 'Status Report Frame Status Report Protocol Multicast Address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-11','01-80-C2-00-01-1F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-20')) $app = 'ISO/IEC 9314-2 All FDDI Concentrator MACs';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-21','01-80-C2-00-01-2F')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_equals($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-30')) $app = 'ISO/IEC 9314-6 Synchronous Bandwidth Allocation Address';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-01-31','01-80-C2-00-01-FF')) $app = 'Assigned to ISO/IEC JTC1/SC25 for future use';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-02-00','01-80-C2-00-02-FF')) $app = 'Assigned to ETSI for future use';
if (mac_between($mac, '01-80-C2-00-03-00', '01-80-C2-FF-FF-FF')) $app = 'unassigned';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09-00-2B-00-00-04')) $app = 'ISO 9542 All End System Network Entities Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09-00-2B-00-00-05')) $app = 'ISO 9542 All Intermediate System Network Entities Address';
// Group MAC Addresses Used in ISO 9542 ES-IS Protocol
if (mac_equals($mac, '09-00-2B-00-00-04')) $app = 'ISO 9542 All End System Network Entities Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '09-00-2B-00-00-05')) $app = 'ISO 9542 All Intermediate System Network Entities Address';
// Locally Administered Group MAC Addresses Used by IEEE Std 802.5 (IEEE Std 802.5 Functional Addresses)
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-00-08')) $app = 'Configuration Report Server (CRS) MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-00-10')) $app = 'Ring Error Monitor (REM) MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-00-40')) $app = 'Ring Parameter Server (RPS) MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-01-00')) $app = 'All Intermediate System Network Entities Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-02-00')) $app = 'All End System Network Entities Address, and Lobe Media Test (LMT) MAC Group Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-04-00')) $app = 'Generic Address for all Manager Stations';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-08-00')) $app = 'All CONs SNARES Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-10-00')) $app = 'All CONs End System Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-20-00')) $app = 'Loadable Device Generic Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-00-40-00')) $app = 'Load Server Generic Address';
if (mac_equals($mac, '03-00-00-40-00-00')) $app = 'Generic Address for all Agent Stations';
if ($app) {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special use:", $app);
* @param string $mac1
* @param string $mac2
* @return bool
function mac_equals(string $mac1, string $mac2): bool {
$mac1test = eui64_to_eui48($mac1);
if ($mac1test === false) return false;
$mac2test = eui64_to_eui48($mac2);
if ($mac2test === false) return false;
if (eui_bits($mac1test) != eui_bits($mac2test)) {
$mac1test = eui48_to_eui64($mac1);
$mac2test = eui48_to_eui64($mac2);
return mac_canonize($mac1test) == mac_canonize($mac2test);
* @param string $mac
* @param string $low
* @param string $high
* @return bool
function mac_between(string $mac, string $low, string $high): bool {
$mactest = eui64_to_eui48($mac);
if ($mactest === false) return false;
$lowtest = eui64_to_eui48($low);
if ($lowtest === false) return false;
$hightest = eui64_to_eui48($high);
if ($hightest === false) return false;
if ((eui_bits($mactest) != eui_bits($lowtest)) || (eui_bits($lowtest) != eui_bits($hightest))) {
$mactest = eui48_to_eui64($mac);
if ($mactest === false) return false; // e.g. trying ELI-48 to ELI-64
$lowtest = eui48_to_eui64($low);
if ($lowtest === false) return false; // e.g. trying ELI-48 to ELI-64
$hightest = eui48_to_eui64($high);
if ($hightest === false) return false; // e.g. trying ELI-48 to ELI-64
$mactest = strtoupper(preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@', '', $mactest));
$lowtest = strtoupper(preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@', '', $lowtest));
$hightest = strtoupper(preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@', '', $hightest));
$mactest = gmp_init($mactest, 16);
$lowtest = gmp_init($lowtest, 16);
$hightest = gmp_init($hightest, 16);
return (gmp_cmp($mactest, $lowtest) >= 0) && (gmp_cmp($mactest, $hightest) <= 0);
3,7 → 3,7
* UUID utils for PHP
* Copyright 2011 - 2023 Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* Version 2023-04-29
* Version 2023-07-13
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
19,15 → 19,28
# This library requires either the GMP extension (or BCMath if is present)
// TODO: If we are on 64 bit PHP (PHP_INT_SIZE > 4), then replace GMP with normal PHP operations
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) include_once __DIR__ . '/'; // optionally used for uuid_info()
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) include_once __DIR__ . '/'; // optionally used for uuid_info()
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) include_once __DIR__ . '/';
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_DNS', '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8');
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_URL', '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8');
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID', '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8');
define('UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_X500_DN', '6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8');
const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_DNS = '6ba7b810-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; // FQDN
const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_URL = '6ba7b811-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_OID = '6ba7b812-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8';
const UUID_NAMEBASED_NS_X500_DN = '6ba7b814-9dad-11d1-80b4-00c04fd430c8'; // "DER or text encoding" according to RFC4122bis
if (!function_exists('_random_int')) {
function _random_int($min, $max) {
// This function tries a CSRNG and falls back to a RNG if no CSRNG is available
try {
return random_int($min, $max);
} catch (Exception $e) {
return mt_rand($min, $max);
function uuid_valid($uuid) {
$uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid);
$uuid = strtoupper($uuid);
35,30 → 48,40
if (strlen($uuid) != 32) return false;
$uuid = preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@', '', $uuid);
$uuid = preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $uuid);
return ($uuid == '');
# TODO: Don't echo
function uuid_info($uuid) {
function uuid_info($uuid, $echo=true) {
if (!uuid_valid($uuid)) return false;
if (!$echo) ob_start();
#$uuid = trim($uuid);
# $uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid);
$uuid = strtoupper($uuid);
$uuid = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@', '', $uuid);
$uuid = strtolower($uuid);
$uuid = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $uuid);
$x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 1));
if ($x >= 14 /* 1110 */) $variant = 3;
else if ($x >= 12 /* 1100 */) $variant = 2;
else if ($x >= 8 /* 1000 */) $variant = 1;
else if ($x >= 0 /* 0000 */) $variant = 0;
if ($x >= 14 /* 0b1110 */) $variant = 3;
else if ($x >= 12 /* 0b110_ */) $variant = 2;
else if ($x >= 8 /* 0b10__ */) $variant = 1;
else if ($x >= 0 /* 0b0___ */) $variant = 0;
else $variant = -1; // should not happen
if ($uuid == '00000000000000000000000000000000') {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special Use:", "Nil UUID");
echo "\n";
else if ($uuid == 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff') {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Special Use:", "Max UUID");
echo "\n";
switch ($variant) {
case 0:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0xx] NCS (reserved for backward compatibility)");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b0__] Network Computing System (NCS)");
* Internal structure of variant #0 UUIDs
72,25 → 95,34
* of as being able to hold values in the range [0..255], only [0..13]
* were ever used. Thus, the 2 MSB of this field are always 0 and are
* used to distinguish old and current UUID forms.
* +--------------------------------------------------------------+
* | high 32 bits of time | 0-3 .time_high
* +-------------------------------+-------------------------------
* | low 16 bits of time | 4-5 .time_low
* +-------+-----------------------+
* | reserved | 6-7 .reserved
* +---------------+---------------+
* | family | 8 .family
* +---------------+----------...-----+
* | node ID | 9-16 .node
* +--------------------------...-----+
Variant 0 UUID
- 32 bit High Time
- 16 bit Low Time
- 16 bit Reserved
- 1 bit Variant (fix 0b0)
- 7 bit Family
- 56 bit Node
// Example of an UUID: 333a2276-0000-0000-0d00-00809c000000
# TODO: See
// TODO: also show legacy format, e.g. 458487b55160.02.c0.
# see also some notes at See
NOTE: A generator is not possible, because there are no timestamps left!
The last possible timestamp was:
[0xFFFFFFFFFFFF] 2015-09-05 05:58:26'210655 GMT
That is in the following UUID:
Current timestamp generator:
echo dechex(round((microtime(true)+315532800)*250000));
# Timestamp: Count of 4us intervals since 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT
# 1/0,000004 = 250000
# Seconds between 1970 and 1980 : 315532800
97,193 → 129,532
# 250000*315532800=78883200000000
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 0, 12);
$ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16);
$ts = gmp_add($ts, gmp_init("78883200000000"));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("250000"));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("250000"));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms);
$ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts");
$ts = gmp_add($ts, gmp_init("78883200000000", 10));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("250000", 10));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("250000", 10));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10);
$ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 6/*us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts");
$reserved = substr($uuid, 12, 4);
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Reserved:", "0x$reserved");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Reserved:", "[0x$reserved]");
# Family 13 (dds) looks like node is 00 | nnnnnn 000000.
# Family 2 is presumably (ip).
# Not sure if anything else was used.
$family_hex = substr($uuid, 16, 2);
$family_dec = hexdec($family_hex);
if ($family_dec == 2) {
$family_ = 'IP';
} else if ($family_dec == 13) {
$family_ = 'DDS (Data Link)';
$nodeid_hex = substr($uuid, 18, 14);
$nodeid_dec = hexdec($nodeid_hex);
// Sources:
// -
// - (For comparison)
// - (For comparison) [numbers 0..13 are mostly identical]
if ($family_dec == 0) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Unspecified 0 Unspecified address family.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 0 unspec = Unspecified
$family_name = 'socket_$unspec (Unspecified)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 1) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Unix 1 Unix local to host address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 1 unix = Local to host (pipes, portals)
$family_name = 'socket_$unix (Local to host, e.g. pipes, portals)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 2) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: InterNetwork 2 Address for IP version 4.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 2 ip = Internet Protocols
$family_name = 'socket_$internet (Internet Protocols, e.g. IPv4)';
// (AIX 7.1) shows the following example output for /etc/ncs/uuid_gen -P
// := [
// time_high := 16#458487df,
// time_low := 16#9fb2,
// reserved := 16#000,
// family := chr(16#02),
// host := [chr(16#c0), chr(16#64), chr(16#02), chr(16#03),
// chr(16#00), chr(16#00), chr(16#00)]
// ]
// This means that the IP address is 32 bits hex, and 32 bits are unused
$nodeid_desc = hexdec(substr($nodeid_hex,0,2)).'.'.
$rest = substr($nodeid_hex,8,6);
if ($rest != '000000') $nodeid_desc .= " + unexpected rest 0x$rest";
else if ($family_dec == 3) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: ImpLink 3 ARPANET IMP address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 3 implink = ARPANET imp addresses
$family_name = 'socket_$implink (ARPANET imp addresses)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 4) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Pup 4 Address for PUP protocols.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 4 pup = Pup protocols (for example, BSP)
$family_name = 'socket_$pup (Pup protocols, e.g. BSP)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 5) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Chaos 5 Address for MIT CHAOS protocols.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 5 chaos = MIT CHAOS protocols
$family_name = 'socket_$chaos (MIT CHAOS protocols)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 6) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: NS 6 Address for Xerox NS protocols.
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ipx 6 IPX or SPX address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 6 ns = XEROX NS protocols
$family_name = 'socket_$ns (XEROX NS protocols)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 7) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Osi 7 Address for OSI protocols.
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Iso 7 Address for ISO protocols.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 7 nbs = NBS protocols
$family_name = 'socket_$nbs (NBS protocols)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 8) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ecma 8 European Computer Manufacturers Association (ECMA) address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 8 ecma = European computer manufacturers
$family_name = 'socket_$ecma (European computer manufacturers protocols)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 9) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: DataKit 9 Address for Datakit protocols.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: 9 datakit = Datakit protocols
$family_name = 'socket_$datakit (Datakit protocols)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 10) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Ccitt 10 Addresses for CCITT protocols, such as X.25.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: A ccitt = CCITT protocols (for example, X.25)
$family_name = 'socket_$ccitt (CCITT protocols, e.g. X.25)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 11) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: Sna 11 IBM SNA address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: B sna = IBM SNA
$family_name = 'socket_$sna (IBM SNA)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 12) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: DecNet 12 DECnet address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: C unspec2 = Unspecified
$family_name = 'socket_$unspec2 (Unspecified)';
$nodeid_desc = ''; // TODO: how to interprete the Node-ID of that family?
else if ($family_dec == 13) {
# Microsoft's AdressFamily: DataLink 13 Direct data-link interface address.
# AIX 3.0 Manual: D dds = Domain DDS protocol
# Some also call this "Data Link" ... Is that correct?
$family_name = 'socket_$dds (Domain DDS protocol)';
// (AIX 7.1) shows the following example output for /etc/ncs/uuid_gen -C
// = { 0x34dc23af,
// 0xf000,
// 0x0000,
// 0x0d,
// {0x00, 0x00, 0x7c, 0x5f, 0x00, 0x00, 0x00} };
// writes:
// "Family 13 (dds) looks like node is 00 | nnnnnn 000000."
$nodeid_desc = '';
$start = substr($nodeid_hex,0,2);
if ($start != '00') $nodeid_desc .= "unexpected start 0x$start + ";
$nodeid_desc .= ($nodeid_dec >> 24) & 0xFFFFFF;
$rest = substr($nodeid_hex,8,6);
if ($rest != '000000') $nodeid_desc .= " + unexpected rest 0x$rest";
} else {
$family_ = "Unknown ($family_dec)"; # There are probably no more families
$family_name = "Unknown (Family $family_dec)"; # There are probably no more families
$nodeid_desc = "Unknown";
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Family:", "[0x$family_hex = $family_dec] $family_");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Family:", "[0x$family_hex] $family_name");
$nodeid = substr($uuid, 18, 14);
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Node ID:", "0x$nodeid");
# TODO: interprete node id (the family specifies it)
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$nodeid_hex] $nodeid_desc");
case 1:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Variant:", "[10x] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz)");
// TODO: Show byte order: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff => 00 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
$version = hexdec(substr($uuid, 12, 1));
if ($version <= 2) {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz) / DCE 1.1");
} else if (($version >= 3) && ($version <= 5)) {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122 (Leach-Mealling-Salz)");
} else if (($version >= 6) && ($version <= 8)) {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122bis (Leach-Mealling-Peabody-Davis)");
} else {
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b10_] RFC 4122 ?");
switch ($version) {
case 6:
Variant 1, Version 6 UUID
- 48 bit High Time
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x6)
- 12 bit Low Time
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 6 bit Clock Sequence High
- 8 bit Clock Sequence Low
- 48 bit MAC Address
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[6] Reordered Time");
$uuid = substr($uuid, 0, 8).'-'.
substr($uuid, 8, 4).'-'.
substr($uuid, 12, 4).'-'.
substr($uuid, 16, 4).'-'.
substr($uuid, 20, 12);
$uuid = uuid6_to_uuid1($uuid);
$uuid = str_replace('-', '', $uuid);
/* fallthrough */
case 1:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[1] Time-based with unique random host identifier");
Variant 1, Version 1 UUID
- 32 bit Low Time
- 16 bit Mid Time
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x1)
- 12 bit High Time
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 6 bit Clock Sequence High
- 8 bit Clock Sequence Low
- 48 bit MAC Address
if ($version == 1) echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[1] Time-based with unique host identifier");
# Timestamp: Count of 100ns intervals since 15 Oct 1582 00:00:00
# 1/0,0000001 = 10000000
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).substr($uuid, 0, 8);
$ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16);
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000"));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms);
$ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts");
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10);
$ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts");
$x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 4));
$dec = $x & 0x3FFF; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10x)
$hex = substr($uuid, 16, 4);
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec");
$x = substr($uuid, 20, 12);
$nodeid = '';
for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) {
$nodeid .= substr($x, $i*2, 2);
if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= ':';
if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= '-';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Node ID:", "$nodeid");
$nodeid = strtoupper($nodeid);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$x] $nodeid");
if (function_exists('decode_mac')) {
echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n";
echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n\n";
case 2:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[2] DCE Security version");
Variant 1, Version 2 UUID
- 32 bit Local Domain Number
- 16 bit Mid Time
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x2)
- 12 bit High Time
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 6 bit Clock Sequence
- 8 bit Local Domain
- 48 bit MAC Address
# The time_low field (which represents an integer in the range [0, 232-1]) is interpreted as a local-ID; that is, an identifier (within the domain specified by clock_seq_low) meaningful to the local host. In the particular case of a POSIX host, when combined with a POSIX UID or POSIX GID domain in the clock_seq_low field (above), the time_low field represents a POSIX UID or POSIX GID, respectively.
$x = substr($uuid, 0, 8);
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Local ID:", "0x$x");
// see also
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[2] DCE Security version");
# The clock_seq_low field (which represents an integer in the range [0, 28-1]) is interpreted as a local domain (as represented by sec_rgy_domain_t; see sec_rgy_domain_t ); that is, an identifier domain meaningful to the local host. (Note that the data type sec_rgy_domain_t can potentially hold values outside the range [0, 28-1]; however, the only values currently registered are in the range [0, 2], so this type mismatch is not significant.) In the particular case of a POSIX host, the value sec_rgy_domain_person is to be interpreted as the "POSIX UID domain", and the value sec_rgy_domain_group is to be interpreted as the "POSIX GID domain".
$x = substr($uuid, 18, 2);
if ($x == '00') $domain_info = 'POSIX: User-ID / Non-POSIX: site-defined';
else if ($x == '01') $domain_info = 'POSIX: Group-ID / Non-POSIX: site-defined';
else $domain_info = 'site-defined';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Local Domain:", "0x$x ($domain_info)");
if ($x == '00') $domain_info = 'Person (POSIX: User-ID)';
else if ($x == '01') $domain_info = 'Group (POSIX: Group-ID)';
else if ($x == '02') $domain_info = 'Organization';
else $domain_info = 'site-defined (Domain '.hexdec($x).')';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Local Domain:", "[0x$x] $domain_info");
# The time_low field (which represents an integer in the range [0, 232-1]) is interpreted as a local-ID; that is, an identifier (within the domain specified by clock_seq_low) meaningful to the local host. In the particular case of a POSIX host, when combined with a POSIX UID or POSIX GID domain in the clock_seq_low field (above), the time_low field represents a POSIX UID or POSIX GID, respectively.
$x = substr($uuid, 0, 8);
$dec = hexdec($x);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Local Domain Number:", "[0x$x] $dec");
# Timestamp: Count of 100ns intervals since 15 Oct 1582 00:00:00
# 1/0,0000001 = 10000000
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).'00000000';
$ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16);
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000"));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms);
$ts_min = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10);
$ts_min = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).'FFFFFFFF';
$ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16);
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000"));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000"));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms);
$ts_max = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
$ts = gmp_sub($ts, gmp_init("122192928000000000", 10));
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("10000000", 10));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10);
$ts_max = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 7/*0.1us*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4).'xxxxxxxx';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts_min - $ts_max");
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 13, 3).substr($uuid, 8, 4)/*.'xxxxxxxx'*/;
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts_min - $ts_max");
$x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 2).'00');
$dec_min = $x & 0x3FFF; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10x)
$x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 2).'FF');
$dec_max = $x & 0x3FFF; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10x)
$hex = substr($uuid, 16, 2).'xx';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec_min - $dec_max");
$x = hexdec(substr($uuid, 16, 2));
$dec = $x & 0x3F; // The highest 2 bits are used by "variant" (10xx)
$hex = substr($uuid, 16, 2);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Clock ID:", "[0x$hex] $dec");
$x = substr($uuid, 20, 12);
$nodeid = '';
for ($i=0; $i<6; $i++) {
$nodeid .= substr($x, $i*2, 2);
if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= ':';
if ($i != 5) $nodeid .= '-';
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Node ID:", "$nodeid");
$nodeid = strtoupper($nodeid);
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Node ID:", "[0x$x] $nodeid");
if (function_exists('decode_mac')) {
echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n";
echo "\nIn case that this Node ID is a MAC address, here is the interpretation of that MAC address:\n\n";
case 3:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[3] Name-based (MD5 hash)");
Variant 1, Version 3 UUID
- 48 bit Hash High
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x3)
- 12 bit Hash Mid
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 62 bit Hash Low
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[3] Name-based (MD5 hash)");
$hash = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid));
$hash[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version
$var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000));
$var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100));
$var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000));
$var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100));
$hash[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "MD5(Namespace+Subject):", "$hash");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "MD5(Namespace+Subject):", "[0x$hash]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " ^");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " $var16a, $var16b, $var16c, or $var16d");
case 4:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[4] Random");
Variant 1, Version 4 UUID
- 48 bit Random High
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x4)
- 12 bit Random Mid
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 62 bit Random Low
$rand = '';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[4] Random");
$rand_line1 = '';
$rand_line2 = '';
for ($i=0; $i<16; $i++) {
$bin = base_convert(substr($uuid, $i*2, 2), 16, 2);
$bin = str_pad($bin, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($i == 6) {
$bin[0] = 'x';
$bin[1] = 'x';
// was overwritten by version
$bin[0] = '?';
$bin[1] = '?';
$bin[2] = '?';
$bin[3] = '?';
} else if ($i == 8) {
$bin[0] = 'x';
$bin[1] = 'x';
$bin[2] = 'x';
$bin[3] = 'x';
// was partially overwritten by variant
$bin[0] = '?';
$bin[1] = '?';
$rand .= "$bin ";
if ($i<8) $rand_line1 .= "$bin ";
if ($i>=8) $rand_line2 .= "$bin ";
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bits:", trim($rand_line1));
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", trim($rand_line2));
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Random bits:", trim($rand));
$rand_bytes = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid));
$rand_bytes[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version
$var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000));
$var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100));
$var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000));
$var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100));
$rand_bytes[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bytes:", "[0x$rand_bytes]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " ^");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " $var16a, $var16b, $var16c, or $var16d");
case 5:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[5] Name-based (SHA-1 hash)");
Variant 1, Version 5 UUID
- 48 bit Hash High
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x5)
- 12 bit Hash Mid
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 62 bit Hash Low
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[5] Name-based (SHA-1 hash)");
$hash = str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid));
$hash[12] = '?'; // was overwritten by version
$var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000));
$var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100));
$var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000));
$var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100));
$hash[16] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant
$hash .= '????????'; // was cut off
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "SHA1(Namespace+Subject):", "$hash");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "SHA1(Namespace+Subject):", "[0x$hash]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " ^");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " $var16a, $var16b, $var16c, or $var16d");
case 7:
Variant 1, Version 7 UUID
- 48 bit Unix Time in milliseconds
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x7)
- 12 bit Random
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 62 bit Random
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[7] Unix Epoch Time");
$timestamp = substr($uuid, 0, 12);
// Timestamp: Split into seconds and milliseconds
$ts = gmp_init($timestamp, 16);
$ms = gmp_mod($ts, gmp_init("1000", 10));
$ts = gmp_div($ts, gmp_init("1000", 10));
$ts = gmp_strval($ts, 10);
$ms = gmp_strval($ms, 10);
$ts = gmdate('Y-m-d H:i:s', intval($ts))."'".str_pad($ms, 3/*ms*/, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT).' GMT';
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Timestamp:", "[0x$timestamp] $ts");
$rand = '';
for ($i=6; $i<16; $i++) {
$bin = base_convert(substr($uuid, $i*2, 2), 16, 2);
$bin = str_pad($bin, 8, "0", STR_PAD_LEFT);
if ($i == 6) {
// was overwritten by version
$bin[0] = '?';
$bin[1] = '?';
$bin[2] = '?';
$bin[3] = '?';
} else if ($i == 8) {
// was partially overwritten by variant
$bin[0] = '?';
$bin[1] = '?';
$rand .= "$bin ";
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bits:", trim($rand));
$rand_bytes = substr(str_replace('-', '', strtolower($uuid)),13);
$var16a = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b0000));
$var16b = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b0100));
$var16c = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000));
$var16d = strtoupper(dechex(hexdec($rand_bytes[3]) & 0b0011 | 0b1100));
$rand_bytes[3] = '?'; // was partially overwritten by variant
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Random bytes:", "[0x$rand_bytes]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " ^");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "", " $var16a, $var16b, $var16c, or $var16d");
// TODO: convert to and from Base32 CROCKFORD ULID (make 2 methods in
// "Be aware that all version 7 UUIDs may be converted to ULIDs but not all ULIDs may be converted to UUIDs."
case 8:
Variant 1, Version 8 UUID
- 48 bit Custom data
- 4 bit Version (fix 0x8)
- 12 bit Custom data
- 2 bit Variant (fix 0b10)
- 62 bit Custom data
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[8] Custom implementation");
$custom_data = substr($uuid,0,12).substr($uuid,13); // exclude version nibble
$custom_data[15] = dechex(hexdec($custom_data[15]) & 0b0011); // nibble was partially overwritten by variant
$custom_data = strtolower($custom_data);
$custom_block1 = substr($uuid, 0, 8);
$custom_block2 = substr($uuid, 8, 4);
$custom_block3 = substr($uuid, 12, 4);
$custom_block4 = substr($uuid, 16, 4);
$custom_block5 = substr($uuid, 20);
$custom_block3 = substr($custom_block3, 1); // remove version
$custom_block4[0] = dechex(hexdec($custom_block4[0]) & 0b0011); // remove variant
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom data:", "[0x$custom_data]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom block1 (32 bit):", "[0x$custom_block1]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom block2 (16 bit):", "[0x$custom_block2]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom block3 (12 bit):", "[0x$custom_block3]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom block4 (14 bit):", "[0x$custom_block4]");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Custom block5 (48 bit):", "[0x$custom_block5]");
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Version:", "[$version] Unknown");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Version:", "[$version] Unknown");
case 2:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Variant:", "[110] Reserved for Microsoft Corporation");
// TODO: Show byte order: 00112233-4455-6677-8899-aabbccddeeff => 33 22 11 00 55 44 77 66 88 99 aa bb cc dd ee ff
// TODO: Is there any scheme in that legacy Microsoft GUIDs?
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b110] Reserved for Microsoft Corporation");
case 3:
echo sprintf("%-24s %s\n", "Variant:", "[111] Reserved for future use");
echo sprintf("%-32s %s\n", "Variant:", "[0b111] Reserved for future use");
if (!$echo) {
$out = ob_get_contents();
return $out;
} else {
return true;
function uuid_canonize($uuid) {
if (!uuid_valid($uuid)) return false;
344,20 → 715,47
$uuid = str_replace(array('-', '{', '}'), '', $uuid);
$x = gmp_init($uuid, 16);
return '2.25.'.gmp_strval($x, 10); # TODO: parameter with or without leading dot
return '2.25.'.gmp_strval($x, 10);
function gen_uuid($prefer_timebased = true) {
$uuid = $prefer_timebased ? gen_uuid_timebased() : false;
if ($uuid === false) $uuid = gen_uuid_random();
function uuid_numeric_value($uuid) {
$oid = uuid_to_oid($uuid);
if (!$oid) return false;
return substr($oid, strlen('2.25.'));
function uuid_c_syntax($uuid) {
$uuid = str_replace('{', '', $uuid);
return '{ 0x' . substr($uuid, 0, 8) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 9, 4) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 14, 4) .
', { 0x' . substr($uuid, 19, 2).
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 21, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 24, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 26, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 28, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 30, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 32, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 34, 2) . ' } }';
function gen_uuid($prefer_mac_address_based = true) {
$uuid = $prefer_mac_address_based ? gen_uuid_reordered()/*UUIDv6*/ : false;
if ($uuid === false) $uuid = gen_uuid_unix_epoch()/*UUIDv7*/;
return $uuid;
// Version 1 (Time based) UUID
function gen_uuid_timebased() {
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 1 (Time based) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v1() {
return gen_uuid_timebased();
function gen_uuid_timebased($force_php_implementation=false) {
# On Debian: apt-get install php-uuid
# extension_loaded('uuid')
if (function_exists('uuid_create')) {
if (!$force_php_implementation && function_exists('uuid_create')) {
# OSSP uuid extension like seen in php5-uuid at Debian 8
$x = uuid_create($context);
371,7 → 769,7
# On Debian: apt-get install uuid-runtime
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') {
if (!$force_php_implementation && strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') {
$out = array();
$ec = -1;
exec('uuidgen -t 2>/dev/null', $out, $ec);
395,21 → 793,31
* is the offset between UNIX epoch and the UUID UTC
* time base October 15, 1582.
if (time_nanosleep(0,100) !== true) usleep(1); // Wait 100ns, to make sure that the time part changes if multiple UUIDs are generated
$tp = gettimeofday();
if (PHP_INT_SIZE == 4) {
$tp['sec'] = gmp_init($tp['sec'],10);
$tp['usec'] = gmp_init($tp['usec'],10);
$time = gmp_add(gmp_add(gmp_mul($tp['sec'], gmp_init('10000000',10)),gmp_mul($tp['usec'], gmp_init('10',10))),gmp_init('01B21DD213814000',16));
$uuid['time_low'] = gmp_and($time, gmp_init('ffffffff',16));
$high = gmp_shiftr($time,32);
$uuid['time_mid'] = gmp_and($high, gmp_init('ffff',16));
$uuid['time_hi'] = intval(gmp_and(gmp_shiftr($high,16),gmp_init('fff',16)),10) | (1/*TimeBased*/ << 12);
} else {
$time = ($tp['sec'] * 10000000) + ($tp['usec'] * 10) + 0x01B21DD213814000;
$uuid['time_low'] = $time & 0xffffffff;
/* Work around PHP 32-bit bit-operation limits */
$high = intval($time / 0xffffffff);
$uuid['time_mid'] = $high & 0xffff;
$uuid['time_hi'] = (($high >> 16) & 0xfff) | (1/*TimeBased*/ << 12);
* We don't support saved state information and generate
* a random clock sequence each time.
$uuid['clock_seq_hi'] = 0x80 | mt_rand(0, 64);
$uuid['clock_seq_low'] = mt_rand(0, 255);
$uuid['clock_seq_hi'] = _random_int(0, 255) & 0b00111111 | 0b10000000; // set variant to 0b10__ (RFC 4122)
$uuid['clock_seq_low'] = _random_int(0, 255);
* Node should be set to the 48-bit IEEE node identifier
416,10 → 824,15
$mac = get_mac_address();
if ($mac) {
$node = str_replace(':','',$mac);
$node = str_replace('-','',str_replace(':','',$mac));
for ($i = 0; $i < 6; $i++) {
$uuid['node'][$i] = hexdec(substr($node, $i*2, 2));
} else {
// If we cannot get a MAC address, then generate a random AAI
$uuid['node'] = explode('-', gen_aai(48, false));
$uuid['node'] = array_map('hexdec', $uuid['node']);
* Now output the UUID
431,11 → 844,6
$uuid['node'][0], $uuid['node'][1], $uuid['node'][2],
$uuid['node'][3], $uuid['node'][4], $uuid['node'][5]);
# We cannot generate the timebased UUID!
return false;
function get_mac_address() {
static $detected_mac = false;
443,7 → 851,7
return $detected_mac;
// TODO: This should actually be part of, but we need it
// TODO: This method get_mac_address() should actually be part of, but we need it
// here, and shall only be optional. What to do?
if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) === 'WIN') {
// Windows
458,8 → 866,8
if ($ec == 0) {
$out = implode("\n",$out);
$m = array();
if (preg_match("/([0-9a-f]{2}\\-[0-9a-f]{2}\\-[0-9a-f]{2}\\-[0-9a-f]{2}\\-[0-9a-f]{2}\\-[0-9a-f]{2})/ismU", $out, $m)) {
$detected_mac = str_replace('-', ':', strtolower($m[1]));
if (preg_match("/([0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2}-[0-9a-f]{2})/ismU", $out, $m)) {
$detected_mac = strtolower($m[1]);
return $detected_mac;
489,9 → 897,11
foreach ($addresses as $x) {
if (!strstr($x,'/lo/')) {
$detected_mac = trim(file_get_contents($x));
if (substr(mac_type($detected_mac),0,6) == 'EUI-48') {
return $detected_mac;
$cmds = array(
"netstat -ie 2>/dev/null",
"ifconfig 2>/dev/null" // only available for root (because it is in sbin)
515,15 → 925,32
return $detected_mac;
// Version 2 (DCE Security) UUID
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 2 (DCE Security) UUID
# --------------------------------------
define('DCE_DOMAIN_PERSON', 0);
define('DCE_DOMAIN_GROUP', 1);
define('DCE_DOMAIN_ORG', 2);
function gen_uuid_v2($domain, $id) {
return gen_uuid_dce($domain, $id);
function gen_uuid_dce($domain, $id) {
if (($domain ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Domain ID missing");
if (!is_numeric($domain)) throw new Exception("Invalid Domain ID");
if (($domain < 0) || ($domain > 255)) throw new Exception("Domain ID must be in range 0..255");
if (($id ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("ID value missing");
if (!is_numeric($id)) throw new Exception("Invalid ID value");
if (($id < 0) || ($id > 4294967295)) throw new Exception("ID value must be in range 0..4294967295");
# Start with a version 1 UUID
$uuid = gen_uuid_timebased();
# Add ID
# Add Domain Number
$uuid = str_pad(dechex($id), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($uuid, 8);
# Add domain
# Add Domain (this overwrites part of the clock sequence)
$uuid = substr($uuid,0,21) . str_pad(dechex($domain), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . substr($uuid, 23);
# Change version to 2
532,9 → 959,17
return $uuid;
// Version 3 (MD5 name based) UUID
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 3 (MD5 name based) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v3($namespace_uuid, $name) {
return gen_uuid_md5_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name);
function gen_uuid_md5_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name) {
if (!uuid_valid($namespace_uuid)) return false;
if (($namespace_uuid ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Namespace UUID missing");
if (!uuid_valid($namespace_uuid)) throw new Exception("Invalid namespace UUID '$namespace_uuid'");
$namespace_uuid = uuid_canonize($namespace_uuid);
$namespace_uuid = str_replace('-', '', $namespace_uuid);
$namespace_uuid = hex2bin($namespace_uuid);
541,7 → 976,7
$hash = md5($namespace_uuid.$name);
$hash[12] = '3'; // Set version: 3 = MD5
$hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0x3 | 0x8); // Set variant to "10xx" (RFC4122)
$hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000); // Set variant to "10xx" (RFC4122)
return substr($hash, 0, 8).'-'.
substr($hash, 8, 4).'-'.
550,14 → 985,23
substr($hash, 20, 12);
// Version 4 (Random) UUID
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 4 (Random) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v4() {
return gen_uuid_random();
function gen_uuid_random() {
# On Windows: Requires
# extension_dir = "C:\php-8.0.3-nts-Win32-vs16-x64\ext"
# extension=com_dotnet
// TODO: can we trust that com_create_guid() always outputs UUIDv4?
if (function_exists('com_create_guid')) {
return strtolower(trim(com_create_guid(), '{}'));
# On Debian: apt-get install php-uuid
# extension_loaded('uuid')
590,22 → 1034,31
# Make the UUID by ourselves
# Source:
return sprintf( '%04x%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x-%04x%04x%04x',
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ),
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ),
mt_rand( 0, 0x0fff ) | 0x4000,
mt_rand( 0, 0x3fff ) | 0x8000,
mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff ), mt_rand( 0, 0xffff )
_random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ),
_random_int( 0, 0xffff ),
_random_int( 0, 0x0fff ) | 0x4000,
_random_int( 0, 0x3fff ) | 0x8000,
_random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff ), _random_int( 0, 0xffff )
// Version 5 (SHA1 name based) UUID
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 5 (SHA1 name based) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v5($namespace_uuid, $name) {
return gen_uuid_sha1_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name);
function gen_uuid_sha1_namebased($namespace_uuid, $name) {
if (($namespace_uuid ?? '') === '') throw new Exception("Namespace UUID missing");
if (!uuid_valid($namespace_uuid)) throw new Exception("Invalid namespace UUID '$namespace_uuid'");
$namespace_uuid = str_replace('-', '', $namespace_uuid);
$namespace_uuid = hex2bin($namespace_uuid);
$hash = sha1($namespace_uuid.$name);
$hash[12] = '5'; // Set version: 5 = SHA1
$hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0x3 | 0x8); // Set variant to "10xx" (RFC4122)
$hash[16] = dechex(hexdec($hash[16]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000); // Set variant to "0b10__" (RFC4122/DCE1.1)
return substr($hash, 0, 8).'-'.
substr($hash, 8, 4).'-'.
614,29 → 1067,110
substr($hash, 20, 12);
function uuid_numeric_value($uuid) {
$oid = uuid_to_oid($uuid);
if (!$oid) return false;
return substr($oid, strlen('2.25.'));
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 6 (Reordered) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v6() {
return gen_uuid_reordered();
function gen_uuid_reordered() {
// Start with a UUIDv1
$uuid = gen_uuid_timebased();
function uuid_c_syntax($uuid) {
$uuid = str_replace('{', '', $uuid);
return '{ 0x' . substr($uuid, 0, 8) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 9, 4) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 14, 4) .
', { 0x' . substr($uuid, 19, 2).
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 21, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 24, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 26, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 28, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 30, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 32, 2) .
', 0x' . substr($uuid, 34, 2) . ' } }';
// Convert to UUIDv6
return uuid1_to_uuid6($uuid);
function uuid6_to_uuid1($hex) {
$hex = uuid_canonize($hex);
if ($hex === false) return false;
$hex = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $hex);
$hex = substr($hex, 7, 5).
substr($hex, 13, 3).
substr($hex, 3, 4).
'1' . substr($hex, 0, 3).
substr($hex, 16);
return substr($hex, 0, 8).'-'.
substr($hex, 8, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 12, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 16, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 20, 12);
function uuid1_to_uuid6($hex) {
$hex = uuid_canonize($hex);
if ($hex === false) return false;
$hex = preg_replace('@[^0-9A-F]@i', '', $hex);
$hex = substr($hex, 13, 3).
substr($hex, 8, 4).
substr($hex, 0, 5).
'6' . substr($hex, 5, 3).
substr($hex, 16);
return substr($hex, 0, 8).'-'.
substr($hex, 8, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 12, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 16, 4).'-'.
substr($hex, 20, 12);
# ---
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 7 (Unix Epoch) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v7() {
return gen_uuid_unix_epoch();
function gen_uuid_unix_epoch() {
// Start with an UUIDv4
$uuid = gen_uuid_random();
// Add the timestamp
usleep(1000); // Wait 1ms, to make sure that the time part changes if multiple UUIDs are generated
if (function_exists('gmp_init')) {
list($ms,$sec) = explode(' ', microtime(false));
$sec = gmp_init($sec, 10);
$ms = gmp_init(substr($ms,2,3), 10);
$unix_ts = gmp_strval(gmp_add(gmp_mul($sec, '1000'), $ms),16);
} else {
$unix_ts = dechex((int)round(microtime(true)*1000));
$unix_ts = str_pad($unix_ts, 12, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
for ($i=0;$i<8;$i++) $uuid[$i] = substr($unix_ts, $i, 1);
for ($i=0;$i<4;$i++) $uuid[9+$i] = substr($unix_ts, 8+$i, 1);
// set version
$uuid[14] = '7';
return $uuid;
# --------------------------------------
// Variant 1, Version 8 (Custom) UUID
# --------------------------------------
function gen_uuid_v8($block1_32bit, $block2_16bit, $block3_12bit, $block4_14bit, $block5_48bit) {
return gen_uuid_custom($block1_32bit, $block2_16bit, $block3_12bit, $block4_14bit, $block5_48bit);
function gen_uuid_custom($block1_32bit, $block2_16bit, $block3_12bit, $block4_14bit, $block5_48bit) {
if (preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $block1_32bit) != '') throw new Exception("Invalid data for block 1. Must be hex input");
if (preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $block2_16bit) != '') throw new Exception("Invalid data for block 2. Must be hex input");
if (preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $block3_12bit) != '') throw new Exception("Invalid data for block 3. Must be hex input");
if (preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $block4_14bit) != '') throw new Exception("Invalid data for block 4. Must be hex input");
if (preg_replace('@[0-9A-F]@i', '', $block5_48bit) != '') throw new Exception("Invalid data for block 5. Must be hex input");
$block1 = str_pad(substr($block1_32bit, -8), 8, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block2 = str_pad(substr($block2_16bit, -4), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block3 = str_pad(substr($block3_12bit, -4), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block4 = str_pad(substr($block4_14bit, -4), 4, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block5 = str_pad(substr($block5_48bit,-12), 12, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT);
$block3[0] = '8'; // Version 8 = Custom
$block4[0] = dechex(hexdec($block4[0]) & 0b0011 | 0b1000); // Variant 0b10__ = RFC4122
return strtolower($block1.'-'.$block2.'-'.$block3.'-'.$block4.'-'.$block5);
# --------------------------------------
if ( !function_exists( 'hex2bin' ) ) {
function hex2bin( $str ) {
645,7 → 1179,19
for ( $i = 0; $i < $len; $i += 2 ) {
$sbin .= pack( "H*", substr( $str, $i, 2 ) );
return $sbin;
if (!function_exists('gmp_shiftl')) {
function gmp_shiftl($x,$n) { // shift left
if (!function_exists('gmp_shiftr')) {
function gmp_shiftr($x,$n) { // shift right