Subversion Repositories oidinfo_api

Compare Revisions

Ignore whitespace Rev 1 → Rev 2

0,0 → 1,1008
* API by Daniel Marschall, ViaThinkSoft
* License terms: Apache 2.0
* Revision: 2019-04-01
error_reporting(E_ALL | E_NOTICE | E_STRICT | E_DEPRECATED);
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) require_once __DIR__ . '/';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) require_once __DIR__ . '/';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) require_once __DIR__ . '/';
if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/')) require_once __DIR__ . '/';
class OIDInfoException extends Exception {
class OIDInfoAPI {
# --- PART 0: Constants
// First digit of the ping result
// "-" = error
// "0" = OID does not exist
// "1" = OID does exist, but is not approved yet
// "2" = OID does exist and is accessible
/*private*/ const PING_IDX_EXISTS = 0;
// Second digit of the ping result
// "-" = error
// "0" = The OID may not be created
// "1" = OID is not an illegal OID, and none of its ascendant is a leaf and its parent OID is not frozen
/*private*/ const PING_IDX_MAY_CREATE = 1;
/*private*/ const SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_NONE = 0;
/*public*/ const DEFAULT_ILLEGALITY_RULE_FILE = __DIR__ . '/oid_illegality_rules';
# --- Part 1: "Ping API" for checking if OIDs are available or allowed to create
public $verbosePingProviders = array('{OID}');
private $pingCache = array();
public $pingCacheMaxAge = 3600;
public function clearPingCache() {
$this->pingCache = array();
public function checkOnlineExists($oid) {
if (!self::strictCheckSyntax($oid)) return false;
$pingResult = $this->pingOID($oid);
$ret = $pingResult[self::PING_IDX_EXISTS] >= 1;
return $ret;
public function checkOnlineAvailable($oid) {
if (!self::strictCheckSyntax($oid)) return false;
$pingResult = $this->pingOID($oid);
$ret = $pingResult[self::PING_IDX_EXISTS] == 2;
return $ret;
public function checkOnlineAllowed($oid) {
if (!self::strictCheckSyntax($oid)) return false;
$pingResult = $this->pingOID($oid);
return $pingResult[self::PING_IDX_MAY_CREATE] == 1;
public function checkOnlineMayCreate($oid) {
if (!self::strictCheckSyntax($oid)) return false;
$pingResult = $this->pingOID($oid);
// OID is either illegal, or one of their parents are leaf or frozen
# if (!checkOnlineAllowed($oid)) return false;
if ($pingResult[self::PING_IDX_MAY_CREATE] == 0) return false;
// The OID exists already, so we don't need to create it again
# if ($this->checkOnlineExists($oid)) return false;
if ($pingResult[self::PING_IDX_EXISTS] >= 1) return false;
return true;
protected function pingOID($oid) {
if (isset($this->pingCache[$oid])) {
$cacheAge = $this->pingCache[$oid][0] - time();
if ($cacheAge <= $this->pingCacheMaxAge) {
return $this->pingCache[$oid][1];
if (count($this->verbosePingProviders) == 0) {
throw new OIDInfoException("No verbose ping provider available!");
$res = false;
foreach ($this->verbosePingProviders as $url) {
$url = str_replace('{OID}', $oid, $url);
$cn = @file_get_contents($url);
if ($cn === false) continue;
$loc_res = trim($cn);
if (strpos($loc_res, '-') === false) {
$res = $loc_res;
if ($res === false) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Could not ping OID $oid status!");
// if ($this->pingCacheMaxAge >= 0) {
$this->pingCache[$oid] = array(time(), $res);
return $res;
# --- PART 2: Syntax checking
public static function strictCheckSyntax($oid) {
return oid_valid_dotnotation($oid, false, false, 1);
// Returns false if $oid has wrong syntax
// Return an OID without leading dot or zeroes, if the syntax is acceptable
public static function trySanitizeOID($oid) {
// Allow leading dots and leading zeroes, but remove then afterwards
$ok = oid_valid_dotnotation($oid, true, true, 1);
if ($ok === false) return false;
return sanitizeOID($oid, $oid[0] == '.');
# --- PART 3: XML file creation
protected static function eMailValid($email) {
# TODO: use isemail project
if (empty($email)) return false;
if (strpos($email, '@') === false) return false;
$ary = explode('@', $email, 2);
if (!isset($ary[1])) return false;
if (strpos($ary[1], '.') === false) return false;
return true;
public function softCorrectEMail($email, $params) {
$email = str_replace(' ', '', $email);
$email = str_replace('&', '@', $email);
$email = str_replace('(at)', '@', $email);
$email = str_replace('[at]', '@', $email);
$email = str_replace('(dot)', '.', $email);
$email = str_replace('[dot]', '.', $email);
$email = trim($email);
if (!$params['allow_illegal_email'] && !self::eMailValid($email)) {
return '';
return $email;
public function softCorrectPhone($phone, $params) {
// TODO: if no "+", add "+1" , but only if address is in USA
// TODO: or use param to fixate country if it is not known
NOTE: with german phone numbers, this will cause trouble, even if we assume "+49"
06223 / 1234
shall be
+49 6223 1234
and not
+49 06223 1234
$phone = str_replace('-', ' ', $phone);
$phone = str_replace('.', ' ', $phone);
$phone = str_replace('/', ' ', $phone);
$phone = str_replace('(', ' ', $phone);
$phone = str_replace(')', ' ', $phone);
// HL7 registry has included this accidently
$phone = str_replace('&quot;', '', $phone);
$phone = trim($phone);
return $phone;
private static function strip_to_xhtml_light($str){
$str = str_ireplace('<b>', '<strong>', $str);
$str = str_ireplace('</b>', '</strong>', $str);
$str = preg_replace('@<\s*script.+<\s*/script.*>@isU', '', $str);
$str = preg_replace('@<\s*style.+<\s*/style.*>@isU', '', $str);
$str = preg_replace_callback(
function ($treffer) {
// see
$whitelist = array('a', 'br', 'code', 'em', 'font', 'img', 'li', 'strong', 'sub', 'sup', 'ul');
$pre = $treffer[1];
$tag = $treffer[2];
$attrib = $treffer[3];
if (in_array($tag, $whitelist)) {
return '<'.$pre.$tag.$attrib.'>';
} else {
return '';
}, $str);
return $str;
public function correctDesc($desc, $params, $ending_dot_policy=self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_OPTIONAL_ENDING_DOT, $enforce_xhtml_light=false) {
$desc = trim($desc);
$desc = preg_replace('@<!\\[CDATA\\[(.+)\\]\\]>@ismU', '\\1', $desc);
if (substr_count($desc, '>') != substr_count($desc, '<')) {
$params['allow_html'] = false;
$desc = str_replace("\r", '', $desc);
if (!$params['allow_html']) {
// htmlentities_numeric() does this for us
$desc = str_replace('&', '&amp;', $desc);
$desc = str_replace('<', '&lt;', $desc);
$desc = str_replace('>', '&gt;', $desc);
$desc = str_replace('"', '&quot;', $desc);
$desc = str_replace("'", '&#39;', $desc); // &apos; is not HTML. It is XML
$desc = str_replace("\n", '<br />', $desc);
} else {
// Some problems we had with HL7 registry
$desc = preg_replace('@&lt;(/{0,1}(p|i|b|u|ul|li))&gt;@ismU', '<\\1>', $desc);
# preg_match_all('@&lt;[^ :\\@]+&gt;@ismU', $desc, $m);
# if (count($m[0]) > 0) print_r($m);
$desc = preg_replace('@<i>(.+)&lt;i/&gt;@ismU', '<i>\\1</i>', $desc);
$desc = str_replace('<p><p>', '</p><p>', $desc);
// <p> are not supported by
$desc = str_replace('<p>', '<br /><br />', $desc);
$desc = str_replace('</p>', '', $desc);
// Escape unicode characters as numeric &#...;
// The XML 1.0 standard does only has a few entities, but nothing like e.g. &euro; , so we prefer numeric
//$desc = htmlentities_numeric($desc, $params['allow_html']);
if (!$params['allow_html']) $desc = htmlentities($desc);
$desc = html_named_to_numeric_entities($desc);
// Remove HTML tags which are not allowed
if ($params['allow_html'] && (!$params['ignore_xhtml_light']) && $enforce_xhtml_light) {
// does only allow a few HTML tags
// see
$desc = self::strip_to_xhtml_light($desc);
// Solve some XML problems...
$desc = preg_replace('@<\s*br\s*>@ismU', '<br/>', $desc); // auto close <br>
$desc = preg_replace('@(href\s*=\s*)(["\'])(.*)&([^#].*)(\2)@ismU', '\1\2\3&amp;\4\5', $desc); // fix "&" inside href-URLs to &amp;
// TODO: what do we do if there are more XHTML errors (e.g. additional open tags) which would make the XML invalid?
// "Trim" <br/>
do { $desc = preg_replace('@^\s*<\s*br\s*/{0,1}\s*>@isU', '', $desc, -1, $count); } while ($count > 0); // left trim
do { $desc = preg_replace('@<\s*br\s*/{0,1}\s*>\s*$@isU', '', $desc, -1, $count); } while ($count > 0); // right trim
// Correct double-encoded stuff
if (!isset($params['tolerant_htmlentities']) || $params['tolerant_htmlentities']) {
do {
$old_desc = $desc;
# Full list of entities:
# Max: 8 chars ( &thetasym; )
# Min: 2 chars ( lt,gt,ni,or,ne,le,ge,Mu,Nu,Xi,Pi,mu,nu,xi,pi )
$desc = preg_replace('@(&|&amp;)(#|&#35;)(\d+);@ismU', '&#\3;', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace('@(&|&amp;)([a-zA-Z0-9]{2,8});@ismU', '&\2;', $desc);
} while ($old_desc != $desc);
// TODO: use the complete list of
// TODO: Make this step optional using $params
[0] => Root OID for
[1] => OID for
[2] => OID identifying
[3] => Top arc for
[4] => Arc for
[5] => arc root
[6] => Node for
[7] => Leaf node for
[8] => This OID describes
[9] => [tT]his oid
[10] => This arc describes
[11] => This identifies
[12] => Identifies a
[13] => [Oo]bject [Ii]dentifier
[14] => Identifier for
[15] => This [Ii]dentifier is for
[16] => Identifiers used by
[17] => identifier$
[18] => This branch
[19] => Branch for
[20] => Child tree for
[21] => Child for
[22] => Subtree for
[23] => Sub-OID
[24] => Tree for
[25] => Child object
[26] => Parent OID
[27] => root for
[28] => Assigned for
[29] => Used to identify
[30] => Used in
[31] => Used for
[32] => For use by
[33] => Entry for
[34] => This is for
[35] => ["]?OID["]?
[36] => ^OID
[37] => OID$
[38] => oid
[39] => oid$
[40] => OIDs
$x = 'Root OID for ; OID for ; OID identifying ; Top arc for ; Arc for ; arc root; Node for ; Leaf node for ; This OID describes ; [tT]his oid ; This arc describes ; This identifies ; Identifies a ; [Oo]bject [Ii]dentifier; Identifier for ; This [Ii]dentifier is for ; Identifiers used by ; identifier$; This branch ; Branch for ; Child tree for ; Child for ; Subtree for ; Sub-OID; Tree for ; Child object; Parent OID; root for ; Assigned for ; Used to identify ; Used in ; Used for ; For use by ; Entry for ; This is for ; ["]?OID["]? ; ^OID ; OID$; oid ; oid$; OIDs';
$ary = explode('; ', $x);
$desc = preg_replace("@^Root OID for the @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^Root OID for @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^OID root for the @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^OID root for @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^This OID will be used for @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^This will be a generic OID for the @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^OID for @i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@ Root OID$@i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@ OID$@i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@ OID Namespace$@i", '', $desc);
$desc = preg_replace("@^OID for @i", '', $desc);
$desc = rtrim($desc);
if ($ending_dot_policy == self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_ENFORCE_ENDING_DOT) {
if (($desc != '') && (substr($desc, -1)) != '.') $desc .= '.';
} else if ($ending_dot_policy == self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_DISALLOW_ENDING_DOT) {
$desc = preg_replace('@\\.$@', '', $desc);
return $desc;
public function xmlAddHeader($firstName, $lastName, $email) {
// TODO: encode
$firstName = htmlentities_numeric($firstName);
if (empty($firstName)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Please supply a first name");
$lastName = htmlentities_numeric($lastName);
if (empty($lastName)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Please supply a last name");
$email = htmlentities_numeric($email);
if (empty($email)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Please supply an email address");
// $out = "<!DOCTYPE oid-database>\n\n";
$out = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>'."\n";
$out .= '<oid-database xmlns=""'."\n";
$out .= ' xmlns:xsi=""'."\n";
$out .= ' xsi:schemaLocation=" '."\n";
$out .= '">'."\n";
$out .= "\t<submitter>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<first-name>$firstName</first-name>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<last-name>$lastName</last-name>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<email>$email</email>\n";
$out .= "\t</submitter>\n";
if (!self::eMailValid($email)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("eMail address '$email' is invalid");
return $out;
public function xmlAddFooter() {
return "</oid-database>\n";
$params['allow_html'] = false; // Allow HTML in <description> and <information>
$params['allow_illegal_email'] = true; // We should allow it, because we don't know if the user has some kind of human-readable anti-spam technique
$params['soft_correct_behavior'] = OIDInfoAPI::SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_NONE;
$params['do_online_check'] = false; // Flag to disable this online check, because it generates a lot of traffic and runtime.
$params['do_illegality_check'] = true;
$params['do_simpleping_check'] = true;
$params['auto_extract_name'] = '';
$params['auto_extract_url'] = '';
$params['always_output_comment'] = false; // Also output comment if there was an error (e.g. OID already existing)
$params['creation_allowed_check'] = true;
$params['tolerant_htmlentities'] = true;
$params['ignore_xhtml_light'] = false;
$elements['synonymous-identifier'] = ''; // string or array
$elements['description'] = '';
$elements['information'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['first-name'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['last-name'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['address'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['email'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['phone'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['fax'] = '';
$elements['first-registrant']['creation-date'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['first-name'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['last-name'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['address'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['email'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['phone'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['fax'] = '';
$elements['current-registrant']['modification-date'] = '';
$oid = '1.2.3';
$comment = 'test';
echo $oa->createXMLEntry($oid, $elements, $params, $comment);
public function createXMLEntry($oid, $elements, $params, $comment='') {
// Backward compatibility
if (!isset($params['do_csv_check'])) $params['do_simpleping_check'] = true;
// Set default behavior
if (!isset($params['allow_html'])) $params['allow_html'] = false; // Allow HTML in <description> and <information>
if (!isset($params['allow_illegal_email'])) $params['allow_illegal_email'] = true; // We should allow it, because we don't know if the user has some kind of human-readable anti-spam technique
if (!isset($params['soft_correct_behavior'])) $params['soft_correct_behavior'] = self::SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_NONE;
if (!isset($params['do_online_check'])) $params['do_online_check'] = false; // Flag to disable this online check, because it generates a lot of traffic and runtime.
if (!isset($params['do_illegality_check'])) $params['do_illegality_check'] = true;
if (!isset($params['do_simpleping_check'])) $params['do_simpleping_check'] = true;
if (!isset($params['auto_extract_name'])) $params['auto_extract_name'] = '';
if (!isset($params['auto_extract_url'])) $params['auto_extract_url'] = '';
if (!isset($params['always_output_comment'])) $params['always_output_comment'] = false; // Also output comment if there was an error (e.g. OID already existing)
if (!isset($params['creation_allowed_check'])) $params['creation_allowed_check'] = true;
if (!isset($params['tolerant_htmlentities'])) $params['tolerant_htmlentities'] = true;
if (!isset($params['ignore_xhtml_light'])) $params['ignore_xhtml_light'] = false;
$out = '';
if (!empty($comment)) $out .= "\t\t<!-- $comment -->\n";
if ($params['always_output_comment']) {
$err = $out;
} else {
$err = false;
if (isset($elements['dotted_oid'])) {
throw new OIDInfoException("'dotted_oid' in the \$elements array is not supported. Please use the \$oid argument.");
if (isset($elements['value'])) {
throw new OIDInfoException("'value' in the \$elements array is currently not supported.");
$bak_oid = $oid;
$oid = self::trySanitizeOID($oid);
if ($oid === false) {
$out .= "\t\t<!-- Ignored '$bak_oid', because it is not a valid OID -->\n";
return false;
if ($params['creation_allowed_check']) {
if (!$this->oidMayCreate($oid, $params['do_online_check'], $params['do_simpleping_check'], $params['do_illegality_check'])) return $err;
$elements['description'] = $this->correctDesc($elements['description'], $params, self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_DISALLOW_ENDING_DOT, true);
$elements['information'] = $this->correctDesc($elements['information'], $params, self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_ENFORCE_ENDING_DOT, true);
if ($params['auto_extract_name'] || $params['auto_extract_url']) {
if (!empty($elements['information'])) $elements['information'] .= '<br /><br />';
if ($params['auto_extract_name'] || $params['auto_extract_url']) {
$elements['information'] .= 'Automatically extracted from <a href="'.$params['auto_extract_url'].'">'.$params['auto_extract_name'].'</a>.';
} else if ($params['auto_extract_name']) {
$elements['information'] .= 'Automatically extracted from '.$params['auto_extract_name'];
} else if ($params['auto_extract_url']) {
$hr_url = $params['auto_extract_url'];
// $hr_url = preg_replace('@^https{0,1}://@ismU', '', $hr_url);
$hr_url = preg_replace('@^http://@ismU', '', $hr_url);
$elements['information'] .= 'Automatically extracted from <a href="'.$params['auto_extract_url'].'">'.$hr_url.'</a>.';
// Validate ASN.1 ID
if (isset($elements['synonymous-identifier'])) {
if (!is_array($elements['synonymous-identifier'])) {
$elements['synonymous-identifier'] = array($elements['synonymous-identifier']);
foreach ($elements['synonymous-identifier'] as &$synid) {
if ($synid == '') {
$synid = null;
$behavior = $params['soft_correct_behavior'];
if ($behavior == self::SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_NONE) {
if (!oid_id_is_valid($synid)) $synid = null;
} else if ($behavior == self::SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_LOWERCASE_BEGINNING) {
$synid[0] = strtolower($synid[0]);
if (!oid_id_is_valid($synid)) $synid = null;
} else if ($behavior == self::SOFT_CORRECT_BEHAVIOR_ALL_POSSIBLE) {
$synid = oid_soft_correct_id($synid);
// if (!oid_id_is_valid($synid)) $synid = null;
} else {
throw new OIDInfoException("Unexpected soft-correction behavior for ASN.1 IDs");
// ATTENTION: the XML-generator will always add <dotted-oid> , but what will happen if additionally an
// asn1-path (<value>) is given? (the resulting OIDs might be inconsistent/mismatch)
if (isset($elements['value']) && (!asn1_path_valid($elements['value']))) {
// Validate IRI (currently not supported by, but the tag name is reserved)
if (isset($elements['iri'])) {
if (!is_array($elements['iri'])) {
$elements['iri'] = array($elements['iri']);
foreach ($elements['iri'] as &$iri) {
// Numeric-only nicht erlauben. Das wäre ja nur in einem IRI-Pfad gültig, aber nicht als einzelner Identifier
if (!iri_arc_valid($iri, false)) $iri = null;
if (isset($elements['first-registrant']['phone']))
$elements['first-registrant']['phone'] = $this->softCorrectPhone($elements['first-registrant']['phone'], $params);
if (isset($elements['current-registrant']['phone']))
$elements['current-registrant']['phone'] = $this->softCorrectPhone($elements['current-registrant']['phone'], $params);
if (isset($elements['first-registrant']['fax']))
$elements['first-registrant']['fax'] = $this->softCorrectPhone($elements['first-registrant']['fax'], $params);
if (isset($elements['current-registrant']['fax']))
$elements['current-registrant']['fax'] = $this->softCorrectPhone($elements['current-registrant']['fax'], $params);
if (isset($elements['first-registrant']['email']))
$elements['first-registrant']['email'] = $this->softCorrectEMail($elements['first-registrant']['email'], $params);
if (isset($elements['current-registrant']['email']))
$elements['current-registrant']['email'] = $this->softCorrectEMail($elements['current-registrant']['email'], $params);
// TODO: if name is empty, but address has 1 line, take it as firstname (but remove hyperlink)
$out_loc = '';
foreach ($elements as $name => $val) {
if (($name == 'first-registrant') || ($name == 'current-registrant')) {
$out_loc2 = '';
foreach ($val as $name2 => $val2) {
if (is_null($val2)) continue;
if (empty($val2)) continue;
if (!is_array($val2)) $val2 = array($val2);
foreach ($val2 as $val3) {
// if (is_null($val3)) continue;
if (empty($val3)) continue;
if ($name2 == 'address') {
// $val3 = htmlentities_numeric($val3);
$val3 = $this->correctDesc($val3, $params, self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_DISALLOW_ENDING_DOT, true);
} else {
// $val3 = htmlentities_numeric($val3);
$val3 = $this->correctDesc($val3, $params, self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_DISALLOW_ENDING_DOT, false);
$out_loc2 .= "\t\t\t<$name2>".$val3."</$name2>\n";
if (!empty($out_loc2)) {
$out_loc .= "\t\t<$name>\n";
$out_loc .= $out_loc2;
$out_loc .= "\t\t</$name>\n";
} else {
// if (is_null($val)) continue;
if (empty($val) && ($name != 'description')) continue; // description is mandatory, according to
if (!is_array($val)) $val = array($val);
foreach ($val as $val2) {
// if (is_null($val2)) continue;
if (empty($val2) && ($name != 'description')) continue; // description is mandatory, according to
if (($name != 'description') && ($name != 'information')) { // don't correctDesc description/information, because we already did it above.
// $val2 = htmlentities_numeric($val2);
$val2 = $this->correctDesc($val2, $params, self::OIDINFO_CORRECT_DESC_OPTIONAL_ENDING_DOT, false);
$out_loc .= "\t\t<$name>".$val2."</$name>\n";
if (!empty($out)) {
$out = "\t<oid>\n"."\t\t".trim($out)."\n";
} else {
$out = "\t<oid>\n";
$out .= "\t\t<dot-notation>$oid</dot-notation>\n";
$out .= $out_loc;
$out .= "\t</oid>\n";
return $out;
# --- PART 4: Offline check if OIDs are illegal
protected $illegality_rules = array();
public function clearIllegalityRules() {
$this->illegality_rules = array();
public function loadIllegalityRuleFile($file) {
if (!file_exists($file)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Error: File '$file' does not exist");
$lines = file($file);
if ($lines === false) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Error: Could not load '$file'");
$signature = trim(array_shift($lines));
if (($signature != '[]') && ($signature != '[]')) {
throw new OIDInfoException("'$file' does not seem to a valid illegality rule file (file format OID does not match. Signature $signature unexpected)");
foreach ($lines as $line) {
// Remove comments
$ary = explode('--', $line);
$rule = trim($ary[0]);
if ($rule !== '') $this->addIllegalityRule($rule);
public function addIllegalityRule($rule) {
$test = $rule;
$test = preg_replace('@\\.\\(!\\d+\\)@ismU', '.0', $test); // added in ver 2
$test = preg_replace('@\\.\\(\\d+\\+\\)@ismU', '.0', $test);
$test = preg_replace('@\\.\\(\\d+\\-\\)@ismU', '.0', $test);
$test = preg_replace('@\\.\\(\\d+\\-\\d+\\)@ismU', '.0', $test);
$test = preg_replace('@\\.\\*@ismU', '.0', $test);
if (!oid_valid_dotnotation($test, false, false, 1)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("Illegal illegality rule '$rule'.");
$this->illegality_rules[] = $rule;
public function illegalOID($oid, &$illegal_root='') {
$bak = $oid;
$oid = self::trySanitizeOID($oid);
if ($oid === false) {
$illegal_root = $bak;
return true; // is illegal
$rules = $this->illegality_rules;
foreach ($rules as $rule) {
$rule = str_replace(array('(', ')'), '', $rule);
$oarr = explode('.', $oid);
$rarr = explode('.', $rule);
if (count($oarr) < count($rarr)) continue;
$rulefit = true;
$illrootary = array();
$vararcs = 0;
$varsfit = 0;
for ($i=0; $i<count($rarr); $i++) {
$oelem = $oarr[$i];
$relem = $rarr[$i];
$illrootary[] = $oelem;
if ($relem == '*') $relem = '0+';
$startchar = substr($relem, 0, 1);
$endchar = substr($relem, -1, 1);
if ($startchar == '!') { // added in ver 2
$relem = substr($relem, 1, strlen($relem)-1); // cut away first char
if ($oelem != $relem) $varsfit++;
} else if ($endchar == '+') {
$relem = substr($relem, 0, strlen($relem)-1); // cut away last char
if ($oelem >= $relem) $varsfit++;
} else if ($endchar == '-') {
$relem = substr($relem, 0, strlen($relem)-1); // cut away last char
if ($oelem <= $relem) $varsfit++;
} else if (strpos($relem, '-') !== false) {
$limarr = explode('-', $relem);
$limmin = $limarr[0];
$limmax = $limarr[1];
if (($oelem >= $limmin) && ($oelem <= $limmax)) $varsfit++;
} else {
if ($relem != $oelem) {
$rulefit = false;
if ($rulefit && ($vararcs == $varsfit)) {
$illegal_root = implode('.', $illrootary);
return true; // is illegal
$illegal_root = '';
return false; // not illegal
# --- PART 5: Misc functions
function __construct() {
if (file_exists(self::DEFAULT_ILLEGALITY_RULE_FILE)) {
public static function getPublicURL($oid) {
return "$oid";
public function oidExisting($oid, $onlineCheck=true, $useSimplePingProvider=true) {
$bak_oid = $oid;
$oid = self::trySanitizeOID($oid);
if ($oid === false) {
throw new OIDInfoException("'$bak_oid' is not a valid OID");
$canuseSimplePingProvider = $useSimplePingProvider && $this->simplePingProviderAvailable();
if ($canuseSimplePingProvider) {
if ($this->simplePingProviderCheckOID($oid)) return true;
if ($onlineCheck) {
return $this->checkOnlineExists($oid);
if ((!$canuseSimplePingProvider) && (!$onlineCheck)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("No simple or verbose checking method chosen/available");
return false;
public function oidMayCreate($oid, $onlineCheck=true, $useSimplePingProvider=true, $illegalityCheck=true) {
$bak_oid = $oid;
$oid = self::trySanitizeOID($oid);
if ($oid === false) {
throw new OIDInfoException("'$bak_oid' is not a valid OID");
if ($illegalityCheck && $this->illegalOID($oid)) return false;
$canuseSimplePingProvider = $useSimplePingProvider && $this->simplePingProviderAvailable();
if ($canuseSimplePingProvider) {
if ($this->simplePingProviderCheckOID($oid)) return false;
if ($onlineCheck) {
return $this->checkOnlineMayCreate($oid);
if ((!$canuseSimplePingProvider) && (!$onlineCheck)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("No simple or verbose checking method chosen/available");
return true;
# --- PART 6: Simple Ping Providers
# TODO: Question ... can't these provider concepts (SPP and VPP) not somehow be combined?
protected $simplePingProviders = array();
public function addSimplePingProvider($addr) {
if (!isset($this->simplePingProviders[$addr])) {
if (strtolower(substr($addr, -4, 4)) == '.csv') {
$this->simplePingProviders[$addr] = new CSVSimplePingProvider($addr);
} else {
$this->simplePingProviders[$addr] = new OIDSimplePingProvider($addr);
// $this->simplePingProviders[$addr]->connect();
return $this->simplePingProviders[$addr];
public function removeSimplePingProvider($addr) {
public function removeAllSimplePingProviders() {
foreach ($this->simplePingProviders as $addr => $obj) {
public function listSimplePingProviders() {
$out = array();
foreach ($this->simplePingProviders as $addr => $obj) {
$out[] = $addr;
return $out;
public function simplePingProviderCheckOID($oid) {
if (!$this->simplePingProviderAvailable()) {
throw new OIDInfoException("No simple ping providers available.");
$one_null = false;
foreach ($this->simplePingProviders as $addr => $obj) {
$res = $obj->queryOID($oid);
if ($res) return true;
if ($res !== false) $one_null = true;
return $one_null ? null : false;
public function simplePingProviderAvailable() {
return count($this->simplePingProviders) >= 1;
interface IOIDSimplePingProvider {
public function queryOID($oid);
public function disconnect();
public function connect();
class CSVSimplePingProvider implements IOIDSimplePingProvider {
protected $csvfile = '';
protected $lines = array();
protected $filemtime = 0;
public function queryOID($oid) {
return in_array($oid, $this->lines);
public function disconnect() {
// Nothing
public function connect() {
// Nothing
// TODO: This cannot handle big CSVs. We need to introduce the old code of "" here.
protected function reloadCSV() {
if (!file_exists($this->csvfile)) {
throw new OIDInfoException("File '".$this->csvfile."' does not exist");
$filemtime = filemtime($this->csvfile);
if ($filemtime != $this->filemtime) {
$this->lines = file($csvfile);
$this->filemtime = $filemtime;
function __construct($csvfile) {
$this->csvfile = $csvfile;
class OIDSimplePingProvider implements IOIDSimplePingProvider {
protected $addr = '';
protected $connected = false;
protected $socket = null;
const SPP_MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS = 3; // TODO: Auslagern in OIDInfoAPI Klasse...?
const DEFAULT_PORT = 49500;
protected function spp_reader_init() {
$ary = explode(':', $this->addr);
$host = $ary[0];
$service_port = isset($ary[1]) ? $ary[1] : self::DEFAULT_PORT;
$address = @gethostbyname($host);
if ($address === false) {
echo "gethostbyname() failed.\n"; // TODO: exceptions? (Auch alle "echos" darunter)
return false;
$this->socket = @socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, SOL_TCP);
if ($this->socket === false) {
echo "socket_create() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error()) . "\n";
return false;
$result = @socket_connect($this->socket, $address, $service_port);
if ($result === false) {
echo "socket_connect() failed: " . socket_strerror(socket_last_error($this->socket)) . "\n";
return false;
$this->connected = true;
protected function spp_reader_avail($oid, $failcount=0) {
$in = "${oid}\n\0"; // PHP's socket_send() does not send a trailing \n . There needs to be something after the \n ... :(
if ($failcount >= self::SPP_MAX_CONNECTION_ATTEMPTS) {
echo "Query $oid: CONNECTION FAILED!\n";
return null;
if (!$this->connected) {
$s = @socket_send($this->socket, $in, strlen($in), 0);
if ($s != strlen($in)) {
// echo "Query $oid: Sending failed\n";
if (!$this->socket) return null;
return $this->spp_reader_avail($oid, $failcount+1);
$out = @socket_read($this->socket, 2048);
if (trim($out) == '1') {
return true;
} else if (trim($out) == '0') {
return false;
} else {
// echo "Query $oid: Receiving failed\n";
if (!$this->socket) return null;
return $this->spp_reader_avail($oid, $failcount+1);
protected function spp_reader_uninit() {
if (!$this->connected) return;
$this->connected = false;
public function queryOID($oid) {
if (trim($oid) === 'bye') return null;
return $this->spp_reader_avail($oid);
public function disconnect() {
return $this->spp_reader_uninit();
public function connect() {
return $this->spp_reader_init();
function __construct($addr='localhost:49500') {
$this->addr = $addr;