0,0 → 1,690 |
unit Main; |
interface |
uses |
Windows, Messages, Forms, SysUtils, StdCtrls, IniFiles, MPlayer, |
Gauges, ComCtrls, ImgList, Controls, Classes, ExtCtrls, |
WaveControl, registry, Dialogs, math; |
type |
TStringDynArray = array of string; |
TMainForm = class(TForm) |
lblOrdner: TLabel; |
lstSongs: TListBox; |
lblSongs: TLabel; |
sbrCopyright: TStatusBar; |
btnStart: TButton; |
BtnStopp: TButton; |
btnPause: TButton; |
btnOrdner: TButton; |
lstOrdner: TTreeView; |
ImgList: TImageList; |
MediaPlayer: TMediaPlayer; |
plyTimer: TTimer; |
grpPlayMode: TGroupBox; |
chkRepeatSong: TCheckBox; |
radPlayMode1: TRadioButton; |
radPlayMode2: TRadioButton; |
radPlayMode3: TRadioButton; |
grpRunMode: TGroupBox; |
radRunMode1: TRadioButton; |
radRunMode2: TRadioButton; |
radRunMode3: TRadioButton; |
grpVolume: TGroupBox; |
lblVolume: TLabel; |
pgrVolume: TProgressBar; |
btnBeenden: TButton; |
ggeProgress: TProgressBar; |
Status1: TLabel; |
Status2: TLabel; |
VolProc: TLabel; |
procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
procedure lstSongsClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure plyTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnPauseClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure BtnStoppClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnStartClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure pgrVolumeDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, Y: Integer; |
State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); |
procedure lstOrdnerChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); |
procedure chkRepeatSongClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure sbrCopyrightClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnBeendenClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure btnOrdnerClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormResize(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, NewHeight: Integer; |
var Resize: Boolean); |
procedure ggeProgressMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
public |
// VCL-Ersatz start |
volWave: TWaveVolumeSetting; |
// VCL-Ersatz ende |
ini: TIniFile; |
MusikArray, FormatArray: TStringDynArray; |
ExtentionsArray: array of string; |
ActualPath: string; |
Playing: boolean; |
ActualVolume: integer; |
procedure ListeOrdner(ArrayElement: integer; zusatz: string; node: TTreeNode); |
procedure InitDirectories(); |
procedure SchreibeEinstellung(); |
procedure NextSong(); |
function MCIExtensions(): string; |
end; |
var |
MainForm: TMainForm; |
implementation |
uses Info, Config; |
{$R *.dfm} |
{$R windowsxp.res} |
// http://www.delphipraxis.net/post592358.html |
function IsFileDRMProtected(AFileName: String): Boolean; |
var lCheckProc: function(const AFileName: PWideChar; var AIsProtected: Bool): HRESULT; stdcall; |
lLibHandle: Cardinal; |
lWideChar : PWideChar; |
lRes : HRESULT; |
lIsProtected: Bool; |
begin |
lLibHandle := LoadLibrary('wmvcore.dll'); |
if (lLibHandle > 0) then |
begin |
lCheckProc := GetProcAddress(lLibHandle, 'WMIsContentProtected'); |
if Assigned(lCheckProc) then |
begin |
GetMem(lWideChar, MAX_PATH * SizeOf(WideChar)); |
StringToWideChar(AFileName, lWideChar, MAX_PATH); |
lRes := lCheckProc(lWideChar, lIsProtected); |
case lRes of |
S_OK: result := lIsProtected |
else result := False; |
end; |
end |
else |
result := False; |
end |
else |
result := False; |
end; |
// http://www.luckie-online.de/Delphi/Sonstiges/Explode.html |
function Explode(const Separator, S: string; Limit: Integer = 0): |
TStringDynArray; |
var |
SepLen : Integer; |
F, P : PChar; |
ALen, Index : Integer; |
begin |
SetLength(Result, 0); |
if (S = '') or (Limit < 0) then |
Exit; |
if Separator = '' then |
begin |
SetLength(Result, 1); |
Result[0] := S; |
Exit; |
end; |
SepLen := Length(Separator); |
ALen := Limit; |
SetLength(Result, ALen); |
Index := 0; |
P := PChar(S); |
while P^ <> #0 do |
begin |
F := P; |
P := StrPos(P, PChar(Separator)); |
if (P = nil) or ((Limit > 0) and (Index = Limit - 1)) then |
P := StrEnd(F); |
if Index >= ALen then |
begin |
Inc(ALen, 5); // mehrere auf einmal um schneller arbeiten zu können |
SetLength(Result, ALen); |
end; |
SetString(Result[Index], F, P - F); |
Inc(Index); |
if P^ <> #0 then |
Inc(P, SepLen); |
end; |
if Index < ALen then |
SetLength(Result, Index); // wirkliche Länge festlegen |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.InitDirectories(); |
var |
i: integer; |
mnod: TTreeNode; |
begin |
if btnStopp.Enabled then btnStopp.Click; |
btnStart.Enabled := false; |
mediaplayer.FileName := ''; |
lstSongs.Items.Clear; |
lblSongs.Caption := 'Songs'; |
ActualPath := ''; |
lstOrdner.Items.Clear; |
for i := 0 to length(MusikArray)-1 do |
begin |
if DirectoryExists(MusikArray[i]) then |
begin |
mnod := lstOrdner.Items.Add(nil, MusikArray[i]); |
ListeOrdner(i, '', mnod); |
mnod.ImageIndex := 0; |
mnod.Expand(false); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function TMainForm.MCIExtensions(): string; |
var |
Reg: TRegistry; |
inifile: TIniFile; |
sl: TStringList; |
WindowsDir: string; |
WinDir: String; |
WinLen: DWord; |
i: integer; |
begin |
sl := TStringList.Create(); |
// Registry prüfen (ab Windows NT) |
Reg := TRegistry.Create; |
if Reg.OpenKeyReadOnly('\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\MCI Extensions\') then |
Reg.GetValueNames(sl) |
else |
begin |
// Win.ini, wenn Registry fehlschlägt (ab Windows 95) |
SetLength(WinDir, MAX_PATH); |
WinLen := GetWindowsDirectory(PChar(WinDir), MAX_PATH); |
if WinLen > 0 then |
begin |
SetLength(WinDir, WinLen); |
WindowsDir := WinDir; |
end |
else |
RaiseLastOSError; |
if fileexists(WindowsDir+'\win.ini') then |
begin |
inifile := TIniFile.Create(WindowsDir+'\win.ini'); |
try |
if inifile.SectionExists('mci extensions') then |
inifile.ReadSection('mci extensions', sl) |
else |
if inifile.SectionExists('MCI Extensions.BAK') then |
inifile.ReadSection('MCI Extensions.BAK', sl); |
finally |
inifile.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
Reg.CloseKey; |
Reg.Free; |
if sl.count = 0 then |
begin |
showmessage('Warnung! Es konnten keine MCI-Erweiterungen gefunden werden. Das Programm wird beendet.'); |
close; |
end |
else |
begin |
result := ''; |
for i := 0 to sl.count-1 do |
result := result + lowercase(sl.strings[i]) + '|'; |
result := copy(result, 0, length(result)-1); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormShow(Sender: TObject); |
var |
MusicPath, Formats: string; |
PlayMode, RunMode: integer; |
RepeatPlay: boolean; |
begin |
// Lese INI-Einstellungen |
ini := TIniFile.Create(extractfilepath(application.ExeName)+'Settings.ini'); |
try |
MusicPath := ini.ReadString('Configuration', 'Path', ''); |
PlayMode := ini.ReadInteger('Configuration', 'PlayMode', 1); |
RunMode := ini.ReadInteger('Configuration', 'RunMode', 1); |
RepeatPlay := ini.ReadBool('Configuration', 'RepeatPlay', false); |
ClientWidth := ini.ReadInteger('Configuration', 'ClientWidth', ClientWidth); |
ClientHeight := ini.ReadInteger('Configuration', 'ClientHeight', ClientHeight); |
finally |
ini.Free; |
end; |
// MCI-Erweiterungen lesen |
Formats := MCIExtensions(); |
// Anwenden von Einstellungen |
if PlayMode = 1 then radPlayMode1.Checked := true; |
if PlayMode = 2 then radPlayMode2.Checked := true; |
if PlayMode = 3 then radPlayMode3.Checked := true; |
if RunMode = 1 then radRunMode1.Checked := true; |
if RunMode = 2 then radRunMode2.Checked := true; |
if RunMode = 3 then radRunMode3.Checked := true; |
chkRepeatSong.Checked := RepeatPlay; |
chkRepeatSongClick(self); |
// Zerteile Verzeichnisliste |
MusikArray := Explode('|', MusicPath); |
FormatArray := Explode('|', Formats); |
InitDirectories(); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.ggeProgressMouseDown(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
begin |
if (mediaplayer.FileName <> '') and (not IsFileDRMProtected(mediaplayer.filename)) then |
begin |
btnstart.Click; |
mediaplayer.Position := round(x / ggeProgress.Width * mediaplayer.length); |
mediaplayer.play; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.ListeOrdner(ArrayElement: integer; zusatz: string; node: TTreeNode); |
var |
SR: TSearchRec; |
RootFolder: string; |
mnod: TTreeNode; |
begin |
RootFolder := MusikArray[ArrayElement]+'\'+zusatz; |
if AnsiLastChar(RootFolder)^ <> '\' then |
RootFolder := RootFolder + '\'; |
if FindFirst(RootFolder + '*.*', faDirectory, SR) = 0 then |
try |
repeat |
if ((SR.Attr and faDirectory) = faDirectory) and |
(SR.Name <> '.') and (SR.Name <> '..') then |
begin |
mnod := lstOrdner.Items.AddChild(node, SR.Name); |
ListeOrdner(ArrayElement, zusatz+SR.Name+'\', mnod); |
mnod.ImageIndex := 1; |
mnod.SelectedIndex := 1; |
mnod.Expand(false); |
end; |
until FindNext(SR) <> 0; |
finally |
FindClose(SR); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.lstSongsClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if mediaplayer.filename <> ActualPath+lstsongs.Items.Strings[lstSongs.ItemIndex]+ExtentionsArray[lstSongs.ItemIndex] then |
begin |
mediaplayer.filename := ActualPath+lstsongs.Items.Strings[lstSongs.ItemIndex]+ExtentionsArray[lstSongs.ItemIndex]; |
if BtnStopp.Enabled then BtnStopp.Click; |
btnStart.Enabled := true; |
if radRunMode2.Checked or radRunMode1.Checked then |
BtnStart.Click; |
end; |
end; |
function zweinull(inp: integer): string; |
begin |
if inp >= 10 then |
result := inttostr(inp) |
else |
result := '0' + inttostr(inp); |
end; |
// Millisekunden zu hh:mm:ss |
function mstotimestr(inp: integer): string; |
var |
h, m, s: integer; |
begin |
result := ''; |
m := (inp div 1000) div 60; |
h := 0; |
while m >= 60 do |
begin |
inc(h); |
m := m - 60; |
end; |
s := (inp div 1000) - m * 60; |
result := zweinull(h)+':'+zweinull(m)+':'+zweinull(s); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.plyTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
pgrVolume.Position := 1000 - volWave.Position; |
VolProc.Caption := inttostr(100 - round(volWave.Position / 1000 * 100))+'%'; |
if Playing then |
begin |
ggeProgress.Max := mediaplayer.Length; |
ggeProgress.Position := mediaplayer.Position; |
Status1.caption := mstotimestr(mediaplayer.Position) + ' / ' + mstotimestr(mediaplayer.Length); |
Status2.caption := inttostr(floor(ggeprogress.Position / ggeprogress.Max * 100)) + '%'; |
if mediaplayer.Position >= mediaplayer.Length then |
begin |
mediaplayer.Rewind; |
nextsong; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.btnPauseClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
mediaplayer.Pause; |
btnStart.Enabled := true; |
btnPause.Enabled := false; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.BtnStoppClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
Playing := false; |
mediaplayer.Stop; |
mediaplayer.close; |
ggeProgress.Position := 0; |
ggeProgress.Max := 0; |
Status1.Caption := '00:00:00'; |
Status2.Caption := '0%'; |
BtnStopp.Enabled := false; |
BtnPause.Enabled := false; |
BtnStart.Enabled := true; |
end; |
// http://www.wer-weiss-was.de/theme159/article1483880.html |
procedure delay(nDelay: Integer); |
var |
nStart : Integer; |
begin |
nStart := GetTickCount; |
while Integer(GetTickCount)-nStart < nDelay do |
begin |
Application.ProcessMessages; |
Sleep(0); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.btnStartClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if IsFileDRMProtected(mediaplayer.filename) then |
begin |
delay(250); |
NextSong; |
end |
else |
begin |
if btnStopp.Enabled then |
mediaplayer.Play |
else |
begin |
mediaplayer.Open; |
mediaplayer.Play; |
playing := true; |
end; |
BtnStart.Enabled := false; |
BtnPause.Enabled := true; |
BtnStopp.Enabled := true; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.pgrVolumeDragOver(Sender, Source: TObject; X, |
Y: Integer; State: TDragState; var Accept: Boolean); |
begin |
pgrVolume.Position := round(pgrVolume.Max * (abs(x)/pgrVolume.Width)); |
ActualVolume := round(1000 * (abs(x)/pgrVolume.Width)); |
volWave.Position := 1000-ActualVolume; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.lstOrdnerChange(Sender: TObject; Node: TTreeNode); |
var |
Path, ext: string; |
Aktuell: TTreeNode; |
sr: TSearchRec; |
res, i: integer; |
FCheck: boolean; |
begin |
if BtnStopp.Enabled then BtnStopp.Click; |
if BtnStart.Enabled then BtnStart.Enabled := false; |
// Pfad finden |
Aktuell := lstOrdner.Selected; |
lblSongs.caption := Aktuell.Text; |
Path := Aktuell.Text+'\'; |
repeat |
try |
if Aktuell.Parent <> nil then |
begin |
Aktuell := Aktuell.Parent; |
Path := Aktuell.Text+'\'+Path; |
end |
else |
Break; |
except end; |
until false; |
if ActualPath <> Path then |
begin |
// Liste leeren |
lstSongs.Items.Clear; |
setlength(ExtentionsArray, 0); |
// Dateien auflisten |
res := FindFirst(Path+'*.*', faAnyFile, sr); |
try |
while (res = 0) do |
begin |
if (sr.name <> '.') and (sr.name <> '..') then |
begin |
try |
ext := lowercase(ExtractFileExt(sr.FindData.cFileName)); |
FCheck := false; |
for i := 0 to length(FormatArray)-1 do |
if ext = '.'+FormatArray[i] then |
FCheck := true; |
if FCheck then |
begin |
setlength(ExtentionsArray, length(ExtentionsArray)+1); |
ExtentionsArray[length(ExtentionsArray)-1] := ext; |
lstSongs.items.Add(copy(sr.Name, 0, length(sr.name)-4)); |
end; |
except |
end; |
end; |
res := FindNext(sr); |
end; |
finally |
FindClose(sr); |
end; |
ActualPath := Path; |
end; |
if (lstSongs.Items.Count > 0) and radRunMode1.Checked then |
begin |
lstSongs.ItemIndex := 0; |
lstSongs.Selected[0] := true; |
lstSongsClick(self); |
if radRunMode1.Checked then |
btnStart.Click; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.chkRepeatSongClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
radPlayMode1.Enabled := not chkRepeatSong.Checked; |
radPlayMode2.Enabled := not chkRepeatSong.Checked; |
radPlayMode3.Enabled := not chkRepeatSong.Checked; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.SchreibeEinstellung(); |
var |
PlayMode, RunMode, i: integer; |
RepeatPlay: boolean; |
MusicPath: string; |
begin |
// Erkenne Eigenschaften |
RepeatPlay := chkRepeatSong.Checked; |
PlayMode := 1; |
if radPlayMode1.Checked then PlayMode := 1; |
if radPlayMode2.Checked then PlayMode := 2; |
if radPlayMode3.Checked then PlayMode := 3; |
RunMode := 1; |
if radRunMode1.Checked then RunMode := 1; |
if radRunMode2.Checked then RunMode := 2; |
if radRunMode3.Checked then RunMode := 3; |
// Arrays zusammenfassen |
MusicPath := ''; |
for i := 0 to length(MusikArray)-1 do |
MusicPath := MusicPath + '|' + MusikArray[i]; |
MusicPath := copy(MusicPath, 2, length(MusicPath)-1); |
// Schreibe INI-Einstellungen |
ini := TIniFile.Create(extractfilepath(application.ExeName)+'Settings.ini'); |
try |
ini.WriteString('Configuration', 'Path', MusicPath); |
ini.WriteInteger('Configuration', 'PlayMode', PlayMode); |
ini.WriteInteger('Configuration', 'RunMode', RunMode); |
ini.WriteBool('Configuration', 'RepeatPlay', RepeatPlay); |
ini.WriteInteger('Configuration', 'ClientWidth', ClientWidth); |
ini.WriteInteger('Configuration', 'ClientHeight', ClientHeight); |
finally |
ini.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormCanResize(Sender: TObject; var NewWidth, |
NewHeight: Integer; var Resize: Boolean); |
begin |
if NewHeight < (grpVolume.Top + grpVolume.Height + 8 + btnStart.height + 8 + sbrcopyright.height + GetSystemMetrics(sm_cYsize) + 8) then |
NewHeight := (grpVolume.Top + grpVolume.Height + 8 + btnStart.height + 8 + sbrcopyright.height + GetSystemMetrics(sm_cYsize) + 8); |
if NewWidth <= 720 then NewWidth := 720; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
volWave := TWaveVolumeSetting.Create(self); |
volWave.Parent := self; |
volWave.Max := 1000; |
volWave.Visible := false; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
volWave.Free; |
ggeProgress.free; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.sbrCopyrightClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
InfoForm.PopupParent := Screen.ActiveForm; // http://www.delphipraxis.net/topic75743,0,asc,0.html |
InfoForm.showmodal(); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.btnBeendenClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
close; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.btnOrdnerClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
ConfigForm.PopupParent := Screen.ActiveForm; // http://www.delphipraxis.net/topic75743,0,asc,0.html |
ConfigForm.showmodal(); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormResize(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
// Höhenverwaltung |
lstOrdner.Height := MainForm.ClientHeight - lstOrdner.Top - 2 * lstOrdner.Left - sbrCopyright.Height - btnBeenden.Height; |
lstSongs.Height := lstOrdner.Height; |
btnBeenden.Top := lstOrdner.Top + lstOrdner.Height + lstOrdner.Left; |
btnOrdner.Top := btnBeenden.Top; |
ggeProgress.Top := lstSongs.Top + lstSongs.Height + lstOrdner.Left; |
btnStart.Top := ggeProgress.Top; |
btnPause.Top := btnStart.Top; |
btnStopp.Top := btnPause.Top; |
status1.top := ggeProgress.Top + ggeProgress.Height + 2; |
status2.top := status1.top; |
// Breitenverwaltung |
lstSongs.Width := round((MainForm.ClientWidth - 4 * lstOrdner.Left - grpPlayMode.Width) / 2); |
lstOrdner.Width := lstSongs.Width; |
lstSongs.Left := 2 * lstOrdner.Left + lstOrdner.Width; |
grpPlayMode.Left := lstOrdner.Left + lstSongs.Left + lstSongs.Width; |
grpRunMode.Left := grpPlayMode.Left; |
grpVolume.Left := grpPlayMode.Left; |
lblSongs.Left := lstSongs.Left; |
lblOrdner.Left := lstOrdner.Left; |
btnBeenden.Width := round((lstOrdner.Width - btnBeenden.Left) / 2); |
btnOrdner.Width := btnBeenden.Width; |
btnOrdner.Left := 2 * btnBeenden.Left + btnBeenden.Width; |
ggeProgress.Width := lstSongs.Width; |
ggeProgress.Left := lstSongs.Left; |
status1.left := ggeProgress.Left; |
status2.left := ggeProgress.left + ggeProgress.Width - status2.width; |
btnStart.Left := grpPlayMode.Left; |
btnStart.Width := round((grpPlayMode.Width - 2 * lstOrdner.Left) / 100 * 50); |
btnPause.Width := round((grpPlayMode.Width - 2 * lstOrdner.Left) / 100 * 25); |
btnStopp.Width := round((grpPlayMode.Width - 2 * lstOrdner.Left) / 100 * 25); |
btnPause.Left := btnBeenden.Left + btnStart.Left + btnStart.Width; |
btnStopp.Left := btnBeenden.Left + btnPause.Left + btnPause.Width; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.NextSong(); |
var |
actrand: integer; |
begin |
if chkRepeatSong.Checked then |
mediaplayer.Play |
else |
begin |
if radPlayMode2.Checked then |
begin |
randomize(); |
repeat |
actrand := random(lstSongs.Items.Count); |
until actrand <> lstSongs.ItemIndex; |
lstSongs.ItemIndex := actrand; |
lstSongs.Selected[lstSongs.ItemIndex] := true; |
lstSongsClick(self); |
btnStart.Click; |
end; |
if radPlayMode1.Checked then |
begin |
if lstSongs.ItemIndex+1 = lstSongs.Items.Count then |
lstSongs.ItemIndex := 0 |
else |
lstSongs.ItemIndex := lstSongs.ItemIndex+1; |
lstSongs.Selected[lstSongs.ItemIndex] := true; |
lstSongsClick(self); |
btnStart.Click; |
end; |
if radPlayMode3.Checked then |
begin |
ggeProgress.Position := ggeProgress.Min; |
BtnStart.Enabled := true; |
BtnStopp.Enabled := false; |
btnPause.Enabled := false; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end. |