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0,0 → 1,26
#constant DLL_DBProImageDebug 1
#constant FN_DLL_DBProImageDebug "DBProImageDebug.dll"
function resizeImage(image as dword, width as dword, height as dword)
rem , modified
rem ATTENTION! Will crash when you try to increase the size (resize small picture into large picture)!
if DLL EXIST(DLL_DBProImageDebug) = 0
load dll FN_DLL_DBProImageDebug, DLL_DBProImageDebug
call dll DLL_DBProImageDebug, "?Stretch@@YAXHHH@Z", image, width, height // This function won't reset the size
pWidth = make memory(4)
pHeight = make memory(4)
pDepth = make memory(4)
ppData = make memory(4)
pSize = make memory(4)
call dll DLL_DBProImageDebug, "?GetImageData@@YAXHPAK00PAPAD0_N@Z", image, pWidth, pHeight, pDepth, ppData, pSize, 1
call dll DLL_DBProImageDebug, "?SetImageData@@YAXHKKKPADK@Z", image, width, height, *pDepth, *ppData, *pSize
delete memory pWidth
delete memory pHeight
delete memory pDepth
delete memory ppData
delete memory pSize
0,0 → 1,28
#constant DLL_Resize 12
#constant MEM_ResizeSrc 13
#constant MEM_ResizeDest 14
#constant DLL_FN_Resize "Resize32.dll"
function resizeImage(image as dword, width as dword, height as dword)
if DLL EXIST(DLL_Resize) = 0
load dll DLL_FN_Resize, DLL_Resize
make memblock from image MEM_ResizeSrc, image
size = call dll(DLL_Resize, "DestSize", get memblock ptr(MEM_ResizeSrc), width, height)
make memblock MEM_ResizeDest, size
call dll DLL_Resize, "Resize", get memblock ptr(MEM_ResizeSrc), get memblock ptr(MEM_ResizeDest), width, height
make image from memblock image, MEM_ResizeDest
delete memblock MEM_ResizeSrc
delete memblock MEM_ResizeDest
REM delete dll DLL_Resize
0,0 → 1,175
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0,0 → 1,2
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
0,0 → 1,38
-LE"C:\Users\DELL User\Documents\Borland Studio-Projekte\Bpl"
-LN"C:\Users\DELL User\Documents\Borland Studio-Projekte\Bpl"
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
0,0 → 1,256
library Resize32;
{$R *.res}
TImgMemBlockHeader = packed record
width: cardinal;
height: cardinal;
colordepth: cardinal;
PImgMemBlockHeader = ^TImgMemBlockHeader;
function _Resize24(srcMemblock, dstMemblock: PImgMemBlockHeader; newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal): integer;
// --- Based on ---
TBGRATriple = packed record
B: byte;
G: byte;
R: byte;
PBGRATriple = ^TBGRATriple;
psStep,pdStep: integer;
ps0,pd0 : Pointer; //scanline[0], row steps
sx1,sy1,sx2,sy2 : single; //source field positions
x,y,i,j: word; //source,dest field pixels
destR,destG,destB : single; //destination colors
src: TBGRATriple; //source colors
fx,fy,fix,fiy,dyf : single; //factors
fxstep,fystep, dx,dy : single;
psi,psj : Pointer;
AP : single;
istart,iend,jstart,jend : word;
devX1,devX2,devY1,devY2 : single;
dstMemblock.width := newWidth;
dstMemblock.height := newHeight;
dstMemblock.colordepth := sizeof(TBGRATriple) * 8;
if srcMemblock.colordepth <> dstMemblock.colordepth then
result := -1;
result := 0;
ps0 := Pointer(srcMemblock); Inc(pbyte(ps0), SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader));
psstep := -srcMemblock.width * sizeof(TBGRATriple);
pd0 := Pointer(dstMemblock); Inc(pbyte(pd0), SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader));
pdstep := -dstMemblock.width * sizeof(TBGRATriple);
fx := srcMemblock.width/ newWidth;
fy := srcMemblock.height/newHeight;
fix := 1/fx;
fiy := 1/fy;
fxstep := 0.9999 * fx;
fystep := 0.9999 * fy;
DSTPIX := PBGRATriple(pd0);
for y := 0 to newHeight-1 do //vertical destination pixels
sy1 := fy * y;
sy2 := sy1 + fystep;
jstart := trunc(sy1);
jend := trunc(sy2);
devY1 := 1-sy1+jstart;
devY2 := jend+1-sy2;
for x := 0 to newWidth-1 do //horizontal destination pixels
sx1 := fx * x; //x related values are repeated
sx2 := sx1 + fxstep; //for each y and may be placed in
istart := trunc(sx1); //lookup table
iend := trunc(sx2); //...
if istart >= srcMemblock.width then istart := srcMemblock.width-1;
if iend >= srcMemblock.width then iend := srcMemblock.width-1;
devX1 := 1-sx1+istart; //...
devX2 := iend+1-sx2; //...
destR := 0; destG := 0; destB := 0; //clear destination colors
if jstart >= srcMemblock.height then jstart := srcMemblock.height-1;
if jend >= srcMemblock.height then jend := srcMemblock.height-1;
psj := ps0; dec(pbyte(psj), jstart*psStep);
dy := devY1;
for j := jstart to jend do //vertical source pixels
if j = jend then dy := dy - devY2;
dyf := dy*fiy;
psi := psj; Inc(pbyte(psi), istart*SizeOf(TBGRATriple));
dx := devX1;
for i := istart to iend do //horizontal source pixels
if i = iend then dx := dx - devX2;
AP := dx*dyf*fix;
src := PBGRATriple(psi)^;
destB := destB + src.B*AP;
destG := destG + src.G*AP;
destR := destR + src.R*AP;
inc(pbyte(psi), sizeof(TBGRATriple));
dx := 1;
end;//for i
dy := 1;
end;//for j
src.B := round(destB);
src.G := round(destG);
src.R := round(destR);
DSTPIX^ := src;
inc(DSTPIX, 1{element});
inc(result, SizeOf(TBGRATriple));
end;//for x
end;//for y
function _Resize32(srcMemblock, dstMemblock: PImgMemBlockHeader; newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal): integer;
// --- Based on ---
TBGRATriple = packed record
B: byte;
G: byte;
R: byte;
A: byte;
PBGRATriple = ^TBGRATriple;
psStep,pdStep: integer;
ps0,pd0 : Pointer; //scanline[0], row steps
sx1,sy1,sx2,sy2 : single; //source field positions
x,y,i,j: word; //source,dest field pixels
destA,destR,destG,destB : single; //destination colors
src: TBGRATriple; //source colors
fx,fy,fix,fiy,dyf : single; //factors
fxstep,fystep, dx,dy : single;
psi,psj : Pointer;
AP : single;
istart,iend,jstart,jend : word;
devX1,devX2,devY1,devY2 : single;
dstMemblock.width := newWidth;
dstMemblock.height := newHeight;
dstMemblock.colordepth := sizeof(TBGRATriple) * 8;
if srcMemblock.colordepth <> dstMemblock.colordepth then
result := -1;
result := 0;
ps0 := Pointer(srcMemblock); Inc(pbyte(ps0), SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader));
psstep := -srcMemblock.width * sizeof(TBGRATriple);
pd0 := Pointer(dstMemblock); Inc(pbyte(pd0), SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader));
pdstep := -dstMemblock.width * sizeof(TBGRATriple);
fx := srcMemblock.width/ newWidth;
fy := srcMemblock.height/newHeight;
fix := 1/fx;
fiy := 1/fy;
fxstep := 0.9999 * fx;
fystep := 0.9999 * fy;
DSTPIX := PBGRATriple(pd0);
for y := 0 to newHeight-1 do //vertical destination pixels
sy1 := fy * y;
sy2 := sy1 + fystep;
jstart := trunc(sy1);
jend := trunc(sy2);
devY1 := 1-sy1+jstart;
devY2 := jend+1-sy2;
for x := 0 to newWidth-1 do //horizontal destination pixels
sx1 := fx * x; //x related values are repeated
sx2 := sx1 + fxstep; //for each y and may be placed in
istart := trunc(sx1); //lookup table
iend := trunc(sx2); //...
if istart >= srcMemblock.width then istart := srcMemblock.width-1;
if iend >= srcMemblock.width then iend := srcMemblock.width-1;
devX1 := 1-sx1+istart; //...
devX2 := iend+1-sx2; //...
destR := 0; destG := 0; destB := 0; destA := 0; //clear destination colors
if jstart >= srcMemblock.height then jstart := srcMemblock.height-1;
if jend >= srcMemblock.height then jend := srcMemblock.height-1;
psj := ps0; dec(pbyte(psj), jstart*psStep);
dy := devY1;
for j := jstart to jend do //vertical source pixels
if j = jend then dy := dy - devY2;
dyf := dy*fiy;
psi := psj; Inc(pbyte(psi), istart*SizeOf(TBGRATriple));
dx := devX1;
for i := istart to iend do //horizontal source pixels
if i = iend then dx := dx - devX2;
AP := dx*dyf*fix;
src := PBGRATriple(psi)^;
destB := destB + src.B*AP;
destG := destG + src.G*AP;
destR := destR + src.R*AP;
destA := destA + src.A*AP;
inc(pbyte(psi), sizeof(TBGRATriple));
dx := 1;
end;//for i
dy := 1;
end;//for j
src.B := round(destB);
src.G := round(destG);
src.R := round(destR);
src.A := round(destA);
DSTPIX^ := src;
inc(DSTPIX, 1{element});
inc(result, SizeOf(TBGRATriple));
end;//for x
end;//for y
function DestSize(memblock: PImgMemBlockHeader; newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal): integer; cdecl;
if memblock.colordepth = 32 then
result := SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader) + newWidth * newHeight * 4
else if memblock.colordepth = 24 then
result := SizeOf(TImgMemBlockHeader) + newWidth * newHeight * 3
result := -1;
function Resize(srcMemblock, dstMemblock: PImgMemBlockHeader; newWidth, newHeight: Cardinal): integer; cdecl;
if srcMemblock.colordepth = 32 then
result := _Resize32(srcMemblock, dstMemblock, newWidth, newHeight)
else if srcMemblock.colordepth = 24 then
result := _Resize24(srcMemblock, dstMemblock, newWidth, newHeight)
result := -1;
Resize name 'Resize',
DestSize name 'DestSize';
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type.
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream
Property changes:
Added: svn:mime-type
\ No newline at end of property