0,0 → 1,307 |
unit AsciiTable; |
(* |
* ASCII Table and CSV Generator Delphi Unit |
* Revision 2022-07-09 |
* |
* (C) 2022 Daniel Marschall, HickelSOFT, ViaThinkSoft |
* Licensed under the terms of Apache 2.0 |
*) |
{ |
Example usage: |
uses |
AsciiTable, ContNrs; |
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); |
var |
VirtTable: TVtsAsciiTable; |
objLine: TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
begin |
VirtTable := TVtsAsciiTable.Create(true); |
VirtTable.Clear; |
// Create Test data |
objLine := TVtsAsciiTableLine.Create; |
objLine.SetVal(0, 'Fruit', taCenter); |
objLine.SetVal(1, 'Amount', taCenter); |
VirtTable.Add(objLine); |
VirtTable.AddSeparator; |
objLine := TVtsAsciiTableLine.Create; |
objLine.SetVal(0, 'Apple', taLeftJustify); |
objLine.SetVal(1, '123', taRightJustify); |
VirtTable.Add(objLine); |
objLine := TVtsAsciiTableLine.Create; |
objLine.SetVal(0, 'Kiwi', taLeftJustify); |
objLine.SetVal(1, '1', taRightJustify); |
VirtTable.Add(objLine); |
objLine := TVtsAsciiTableLine.Create; |
objLine.SetVal(0, 'Asparagus (green)', taLeftJustify); |
objLine.SetVal(1, '9999', taRightJustify); |
VirtTable.Add(objLine); |
objLine := TVtsAsciiTableLine.Create; |
objLine.SetVal(0, 'Asparagus (white)', taLeftJustify); |
objLine.SetVal(1, '999', taRightJustify); |
VirtTable.Add(objLine); |
// Create ASCII Table |
Memo1.Clear; |
VirtTable.GetASCIITable(Memo1.Lines); |
// Create CSV |
Memo2.Clear; |
VirtTable.GetCSV(Memo2.Lines); |
Memo2.Lines.SaveToFile('Order.csv'); |
VirtTable.Free; |
end; |
} |
interface |
uses |
ContNrs, Classes, SysUtils; |
const |
type |
TVtsAsciiTableLine = class(TObject) |
public |
Cont: array[0..VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1] of string; |
Align: array[0..VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1] of TAlignment; |
PadChar: array[0..VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1] of char; |
procedure Clear; |
procedure SetVal(index: integer; ACont: string; AAlign: TAlignment=taLeftJustify; APadChar: char=' '); |
end; |
TVtsAsciiTableAnalysis = record |
MaxLen: array[0..VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1] of integer; |
Used: array[0..VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1] of boolean; |
Width: integer; |
end; |
TVtsAsciiTable = class(TObjectList{<TVtsAsciiTableLine>}) |
private |
function GetItem(Index: Integer): TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TVtsAsciiTableLine); |
public |
function GetAnalysis: TVtsAsciiTableAnalysis; |
procedure GetASCIITable(sl: TStrings; spaceBetween: integer=3); |
procedure GetCSV(sl: TStrings); |
procedure AddSeparator; |
// Just a little bit type-safe... The rest stays TObject for now |
function Add(AObject: TVtsAsciiTableLine): Integer; reintroduce; |
property Items[Index: Integer]: TVtsAsciiTableLine read GetItem write SetItem; |
procedure Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TVtsAsciiTableLine); reintroduce; |
end; |
implementation |
{ TVtsAsciiTable } |
function TVtsAsciiTable.Add(AObject: TVtsAsciiTableLine): Integer; |
begin |
result := Inherited Add(AObject); |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTable.AddSeparator; |
begin |
Inherited Add(nil); |
end; |
function TVtsAsciiTable.GetAnalysis: TVtsAsciiTableAnalysis; |
var |
j: Integer; |
i: Integer; |
objLine: TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
len: Integer; |
begin |
for j := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
result.MaxLen[j] := 0; |
result.Used[j] := false; |
end; |
for i := 0 to Self.Count-1 do |
begin |
objLine := Self.items[i] as TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
if objLine <> nil then |
begin |
for j := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
len := Length(objLine.Cont[j]); |
if len > result.MaxLen[j] then |
result.MaxLen[j] := len; |
if len > 0 then |
result.Used[j] := true; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTable.GetASCIITable(sl: TStrings; spaceBetween: integer=3); |
var |
analysis: TVtsAsciiTableAnalysis; |
objLine: TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
i: Integer; |
sLine: string; |
j: Integer; |
itmp: Integer; |
padchar: Char; |
firstcol: boolean; |
width: Integer; |
begin |
analysis := GetAnalysis; |
//sl.Clear; |
for i := 0 to Self.Count-1 do |
begin |
objLine := Self.items[i] as TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
sLine := ''; |
if objLine <> nil then |
begin |
firstcol := true; |
for j := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
if not analysis.Used[j] then continue; |
padchar := objLine.PadChar[j]; |
if padchar = #0 then padchar := ' '; |
if firstcol then |
firstcol := false |
else |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar(' ', spaceBetween); |
if objLine.Align[j] = taRightJustify then |
begin |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar(padchar, analysis.MaxLen[j]-Length(objLine.Cont[j])); |
sLine := sLine + objLine.Cont[j]; |
end |
else if objLine.Align[j] = taLeftJustify then |
begin |
sLine := sLine + objLine.Cont[j]; |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar(padchar, analysis.MaxLen[j]-Length(objLine.Cont[j])); |
end |
else if objLine.Align[j] = taCenter then |
begin |
if Odd(analysis.MaxLen[j]-Length(objLine.Cont[j])) then itmp := 1 else itmp := 0; |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar(padchar, (analysis.MaxLen[j]-Length(objLine.Cont[j])) div 2); |
sLine := sLine + objLine.Cont[j]; |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar(padchar, (analysis.MaxLen[j]-Length(objLine.Cont[j])) div 2 + itmp); |
end |
else |
Assert(false); |
end; |
end |
else |
begin |
firstcol := true; |
width := 0; |
for j := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
if not analysis.Used[j] then continue; |
if firstcol then |
firstcol := false |
else |
width := width + spaceBetween; |
width := width + analysis.MaxLen[j]; |
end; |
sLine := sLine + StringOfChar('-', Width); |
end; |
sl.Add(sLine); |
end; |
end; |
function CsvQuoteStr(s: string): string; |
begin |
s := StringReplace(s, #13#10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); |
s := StringReplace(s, #13, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); |
s := StringReplace(s, #10, ' ', [rfReplaceAll]); |
if s = '' then |
result := '' |
else if (AnsiPos('"', s)>0) or (AnsiPos('''', s)>0) or (AnsiPos(';', s)>0) or |
(AnsiPos(#9, s)>0) or (AnsiPos(' ', s)>0) then |
result := '"' + StringReplace(s, '"', '""', [rfReplaceAll]) + '"' |
else |
result := s; |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTable.GetCSV(sl: TStrings); |
var |
analysis: TVtsAsciiTableAnalysis; |
objLine: TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
i: Integer; |
sLine: string; |
j: Integer; |
firstcol: boolean; |
begin |
analysis := GetAnalysis; |
//sl.Clear; |
for i := 0 to Self.Count-1 do |
begin |
objLine := Self.items[i] as TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
if objLine = nil then continue; |
sLine := ''; |
firstcol := true; |
for j := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
if not analysis.Used[j] then continue; |
if firstcol then |
firstcol := false |
else |
sLine := sLine + ';'; |
sLine := sLine + CsvQuoteStr(objLine.Cont[j]); |
end; |
sl.Add(sLine); |
end; |
end; |
function TVtsAsciiTable.GetItem(Index: Integer): TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
begin |
result := (Inherited Items[Index]) as TVtsAsciiTableLine; |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTable.Insert(Index: Integer; AObject: TVtsAsciiTableLine); |
begin |
Inherited Insert(Index, AObject); |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTable.SetItem(Index: Integer; const Value: TVtsAsciiTableLine); |
begin |
Inherited Items[Index] := Value; |
end; |
{ TVtsAsciiTableLine } |
procedure TVtsAsciiTableLine.Clear; |
var |
i: Integer; |
begin |
for i := 0 to VTS_ASCII_TABLE_COLS-1 do |
begin |
PadChar[i] := #0; |
Align[i] := taLeftJustify; |
Cont[i] := ''; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TVtsAsciiTableLine.SetVal(index: integer; ACont: string; |
AAlign: TAlignment=taLeftJustify; APadChar: char=' '); |
begin |
Self.Cont[index] := ACont; |
Self.Align[index] := AAlign; |
Self.PadChar[index] := APadChar; |
end; |
end. |