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0,0 → 1,17 |
program ColorManager; |
{$Description 'ColorManager 2.0'} |
uses |
Forms, |
Unit1 in 'Unit1.pas' {MainForm}; |
{$R *.RES} |
begin |
Application.Initialize; |
Application.Title := 'ColorManager 2.0'; |
Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm); |
Application.Run; |
end. |
/trunk/ColorManager.dproj |
0,0 → 1,85 |
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/trunk/Features.txt |
0,0 → 1,12 |
* Multilingual (Deutsch + Englisch) |
* RGB und HSV Farbraum |
* Color-Picker mit variabler Averange-Funktion |
* Speicherung von Einstellungen |
* Farbcodes: Web, Delphi, C++, VB, Java, Photoshop, LongInt |
* Farbmischer mit variablen Mischverhältnissen |
* Zufallsfarbe |
* Komplementärfarben |
* Graustufen |
* Vordefinierte Farbpaletten: QuickBasic, Delphi, Webfarben, PaintShop Pro, Windows |
* Systemfarben |
* 20 Benutzerdefinierte, abspeicherbare Farben |
/trunk/Info 1.url |
0,0 → 1,3 |
[InternetShortcut] |
URL=http://www.delphi3000.com/articles/article_306.asp?SK= |
Modified=F05020F3F9BBC601CE |
/trunk/Info 2.url |
0,0 → 1,3 |
[InternetShortcut] |
URL=http://web.forret.com/tools/color.asp?R=85&G=85&B=68 |
Modified=70AAD26A57BAC6012E |
/trunk/Language-Eng.ini |
0,0 → 1,71 |
[MainForm] |
per=% |
rgb=RGB-Color space |
hsv=HSV-Color space |
dec=Dec |
hex=Hex |
gra=Degree |
red=Red |
green=Green |
blue=Blue |
greyscale=Grey scale |
invert=Invert color |
websafe=Websafe |
random=Random color |
hue=Hue |
sat=Saturation |
val=Value |
codes=Color codes |
html=HTML / CSS |
delphi=Delphi |
cpp=C++ |
visualbasic=Visual Basic |
java=Java |
photoshop=Photoshop |
long=RGB-LongInt |
current=Current color |
websafelbl=Websafe color |
invcolor=Inverted color |
invwebsafe=Websafe inverted color |
tab1=RGB / HSV / Codes |
tab2=Palette / Mixer |
tab3=Color picker |
tab4=About |
colormixer=Colormixer |
color=Color |
mixedcolor=Mixed color |
colors=Colors |
availablepals=Available palettes |
delphipal=Delphi palette |
css3=CSS3-Webcolors |
zutr=Applicable to color |
vgapal=VGA-Colors (QBasic / QuickBasic) |
windialog=Open dialogbox |
favorites=Favorites |
windows=Windows |
jasc=PaintShop Pro |
colorpicker=Colorpicker |
coords=Coordinates |
capture=Capture |
createdwith=Created with Borland Delphi 2005 Personal |
leader=Projectleader: Daniel Marschall |
email=E-Mail |
website=Website |
icq=ICQ |
webportal=Daniel Marschalls Webportal |
viathinksoft=ViaThinkSoft |
projektseite=Projektsite on ViaThinkSoft |
contact=Contact information |
links=Weblinks |
thiscolor=Select this color |
averagepix=Average |
PopupA=Get color |
PopupA1=Current color |
PopupA2=Complementary color |
PopupA3=Websafe color |
PopupA4=Websafe complementary color |
PopupA5=Mixed color |
PopupB=Put color |
PopupB1=Current color |
PopupB2=Complementary color |
PopupC=Invert color |
/trunk/Language.ini |
0,0 → 1,71 |
[MainForm] |
per=% |
rgb=RGB-Farbkreis |
hsv=HSV-Farbkreis |
dec=Dez |
hex=Hex |
gra=Grad |
red=Rot |
green=Grün |
blue=Blau |
greyscale=Graustufen |
invert=Farbe umkehren |
websafe=Websafe |
random=Zufallsfarbe |
hue=Farbton |
sat=Sättigung |
val=Helligkeit |
codes=Farbcodes |
html=HTML / CSS |
delphi=Delphi |
cpp=C++ |
visualbasic=Visual Basic |
java=Java |
photoshop=Photoshop |
long=RGB-LongInt |
current=Aktuelle Farbe |
websafelbl=Websichere Farbe |
invcolor=Komplementärfarbe |
invwebsafe=Websichere Komplementärfarbe |
tab1=RGB / HSV / Codes |
tab2=Palette / Mixer |
tab3=Color picker |
tab4=Informationen |
colormixer=Farbmischer |
color=Farbe |
mixedcolor=Gemischte Farbe |
colors=Farben |
availablepals=Verfügbare Paletten |
delphipal=Delphi Farbpalette |
css3=CSS3-Webfarben |
zutr=Auf Farbe zutreffend |
vgapal=VGA-Farben (QBasic / QuickBasic) |
windialog=Dialogbox öffnen |
favorites=Favoriten |
windows=Windows |
jasc=PaintShop Pro |
colorpicker=Farbwähler |
coords=Koordinaten |
capture=Erfassen |
createdwith=Erstellt mit Borland Delphi 2005 Personal |
leader=Projektleiter: Daniel Marschall |
email=E-Mail |
website=Webseite |
icq=ICQ |
webportal=Daniel Marschalls Webportal |
viathinksoft=ViaThinkSoft |
projektseite=Projektseite auf ViaThinkSoft |
contact=Kontaktinformationen |
links=Weblinks |
thiscolor=Wähle diese Farbe aus |
averagepix=Durchschnitt |
PopupA=Farbe nehmen |
PopupA1=Aktuelle Farbe |
PopupA2=Komplementärfarbe |
PopupA3=Websichere Farbe |
PopupA4=Websichere Komplementärfarbe |
PopupA5=Mischfarbe |
PopupB=Farbe geben |
PopupB1=Aktuelle Farbe |
PopupB2=Komplementärfarbe |
PopupC=Farbe umkehren |
/trunk/MainIcon.ico |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
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Property changes: |
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/trunk/Output/ColorManagerSetup.exe |
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Property changes: |
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/trunk/Setup.iss |
0,0 → 1,65 |
; ColorManager Setup Script for InnoSetup 5.1.6 |
; Fehler, wenn Programm noch läuft |
[Setup] |
AppName=ColorManager |
AppVerName=ColorManager 2.0 |
AppVersion=2.0 |
AppCopyright=© Copyright 2001 - 2006 ViaThinkSoft. |
AppPublisher=ViaThinkSoft |
AppPublisherURL=http://www.viathinksoft.de/ |
AppSupportURL=http://www.daniel-marschall.de/ |
AppUpdatesURL=http://www.viathinksoft.de/ |
DefaultDirName={pf}\ColorManager 2.0 |
DefaultGroupName=ColorManager 2.0 |
UninstallDisplayIcon={app}\ColorManager.exe |
VersionInfoCompany=ViaThinkSoft |
VersionInfoCopyright=© Copyright 2001 - 2006 ViaThinkSoft. |
VersionInfoDescription=ColorManager 2.0 Setup |
VersionInfoTextVersion= |
VersionInfoVersion=2.0 |
OutputBaseFilename=ColorManagerSetup |
Compression=zip/9 |
[Languages] |
Name: de; MessagesFile: "compiler:Languages\German.isl" |
Name: en; MessagesFile: "compiler:Default.isl" |
;[Tasks] |
;Name: "desktopicon"; Description: "Erstelle eine Verknüpfung auf dem &Desktop"; GroupDescription: "Programmverknüpfungen:"; MinVersion: 4,4 |
[Files] |
Source: "ColorManager.exe"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion |
Source: "Language.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; Flags: ignoreversion; Languages: de |
Source: "Language-Eng.ini"; DestDir: "{app}"; DestName: "Language.ini"; Languages: en |
; [Folders] |
; Name: "{group}\Webseiten" |
[Icons] |
Name: "{group}\ColorManager"; Filename: "{app}\ColorManager.exe" |
Name: "{group}\ColorManager deinstallieren"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; Languages: de |
Name: "{group}\Uninstall ColorManager"; Filename: "{uninstallexe}"; Languages: en |
; Name: "{group}\Webseiten\Daniel Marschalls Webportal"; Filename: "http://www.daniel-marschall.de/" |
; Name: "{group}\Webseiten\ViaThinkSoft"; Filename: "http://www.viathinksoft.de/" |
; Name: "{group}\Webseiten\Projektseite auf ViaThinkSoft"; Filename: "http://www.viathinksoft.de/index.php?page=projektanzeige&seite=projekt-20" |
;Name: "{userdesktop}\ColorManager"; Filename: "{app}\ColorManager.exe"; MinVersion: 4,4; Tasks: desktopicon |
[Run] |
Filename: "{app}\ColorManager.exe"; Description: "ColorManager starten"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent; Languages: de |
Filename: "{app}\ColorManager.exe"; Description: "Run ColorManager"; Flags: nowait postinstall skipifsilent; Languages: en |
[Code] |
function InitializeSetup(): Boolean; |
begin |
if CheckForMutexes('Color20Setup')=false then |
begin |
Createmutex('Color20Setup'); |
Result := true; |
end |
else |
begin |
Result := False; |
end; |
end; |
/trunk/Unit1.dfm |
0,0 → 1,3635 |
object MainForm: TMainForm |
Left = 240 |
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'#' |
'#' |
'#' |
'#') |
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object Panel2: TPanel |
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TabOrder = 1 |
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object ColorMixerBox: TGroupBox |
Left = 8 |
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TabOrder = 0 |
object Color1Per: TLabel |
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object Color2Per: TLabel |
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Caption = '%' |
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ParentFont = False |
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object EqualLbl: TLabel |
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Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
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object Color2: TPanel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 153 |
Height = 33 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object Color1: TPanel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 153 |
Height = 33 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object MixedColor: TPanel |
Left = 504 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 193 |
Height = 81 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object Color1Edt: TEdit |
Left = 176 |
Top = 30 |
Width = 65 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Color1Upd: TUpDown |
Left = 241 |
Top = 30 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object Color2Edt: TEdit |
Left = 176 |
Top = 78 |
Width = 65 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Color2Upd: TUpDown |
Left = 241 |
Top = 78 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
end |
object ColorBox: TGroupBox |
Left = 8 |
Top = 125 |
Width = 713 |
Height = 316 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 1 |
object DelphiBoxLbl: TLabel |
Left = 368 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
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Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object WebcolorLbl: TLabel |
Left = 552 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object PalLbl: TLabel |
Left = 232 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object DelphiZutreffendLbl: TLabel |
Left = 368 |
Top = 240 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object WebZutreffendLbl: TLabel |
Left = 552 |
Top = 240 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object DelphiBox: TColorListBox |
Left = 368 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 177 |
Height = 193 |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
ItemHeight = 16 |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = DelphiBoxClick |
end |
object WebcolorBox: TListBox |
Left = 552 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 145 |
Height = 193 |
ItemHeight = 13 |
Items.Strings = ( |
'AliceBlue' |
'AntiqueWhite' |
'Aqua' |
'Aquamarine' |
'Azure' |
'Beige' |
'Bisque' |
'Black' |
'BlanchedAlmond' |
'Blue' |
'BlueViolet' |
'Brown' |
'BurlyWood' |
'CadetBlue' |
'Chartreuse' |
'Chocolate' |
'Coral' |
'CornflowerBlue' |
'Cornsilk' |
'Crimson' |
'Cyan' |
'DarkBlue' |
'DarkCyan' |
'DarkGoldenrod' |
'DarkGray' |
'DarkGreen' |
'DarkKhaki' |
'DarkMagenta' |
'DarkOliveGreen' |
'DarkOrange' |
'DarkOrchid' |
'DarkRed' |
'DarkSalmon' |
'DarkSeaGreen' |
'DarkSlateBlue' |
'DarkSlateGray' |
'DarkTurquoise' |
'DarkViolet' |
'DeepPink' |
'DeepSkyBlue' |
'DimGray' |
'DodgerBlue' |
'FireBrick' |
'FloralWhite' |
'ForestGreen' |
'Fuchsia' |
'Gainsboro' |
'GhostWhite' |
'Gold' |
'Goldenrod' |
'Gray' |
'Green' |
'GreenYellow' |
'Grey' |
'Honeydew' |
'HotPink' |
'IndianRed' |
'Indigo' |
'Ivory' |
'Khaki' |
'Lavender' |
'LavenderBlush' |
'LawnGreen' |
'LemonChiffon' |
'LightBlue' |
'LightCoral' |
'LightCyan' |
'LightGoldenrodYellow' |
'LightGreen' |
'LightGray' |
'LightPink' |
'LightSalmon' |
'LightSeaGreen' |
'LightSkyBlue' |
'LightSlateGray' |
'LightSteelBlue' |
'LightYellow' |
'Lime' |
'LimeGreen' |
'Linen' |
'Magenta' |
'Maroon' |
'MediumAquamarine' |
'MediumBlue' |
'MediumOrchid' |
'MediumPurple' |
'MediumSeaGreen' |
'MediumSlateBlue' |
'MediumSpringGreen' |
'MediumTurquoise' |
'MediumVioletRed' |
'MidnightBlue' |
'MintCream' |
'MistyRose' |
'Moccasin' |
'NavajoWhite' |
'Navy' |
'OldLace' |
'Olive' |
'OliveDrab' |
'Orange' |
'OrangeRed' |
'Orchid' |
'PaleGoldenrod' |
'PaleGreen' |
'PaleTurquoise' |
'PaleVioletRed' |
'PapayaWhip' |
'PeachPuff' |
'Peru' |
'Pink' |
'Plum' |
'PowderBlue' |
'Purple' |
'Red' |
'RosyBrown' |
'RoyalBlue' |
'SaddleBrown' |
'Salmon' |
'SandyBrown' |
'SeaGreen' |
'Seashell' |
'Sienna' |
'Silver' |
'SkyBlue' |
'SlateBlue' |
'SlateGray' |
'Snow' |
'SpringGreen' |
'SteelBlue' |
'Tan' |
'Teal' |
'Thistle' |
'Tomato' |
'Turquoise' |
'Violet' |
'Wheat' |
'White' |
'WhiteSmoke' |
'Yellow' |
'YellowGreen') |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnClick = WebcolorBoxClick |
end |
object DelphiZutreffend: TListBox |
Left = 368 |
Top = 256 |
Width = 177 |
Height = 49 |
ItemHeight = 13 |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = DelphiZutreffendClick |
end |
object FavoPnl: TPanel |
Left = 224 |
Top = 176 |
Width = 137 |
Height = 129 |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 3 |
object FavoritenLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object favo14: TPanel |
Left = 80 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo13: TPanel |
Left = 56 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo12: TPanel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo11: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo10: TPanel |
Left = 104 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo9: TPanel |
Left = 80 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo8: TPanel |
Left = 56 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo7: TPanel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo6: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo5: TPanel |
Left = 104 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo4: TPanel |
Left = 80 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 10 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo3: TPanel |
Left = 56 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo2: TPanel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 12 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo1: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo15: TPanel |
Left = 104 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo16: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 15 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo17: TPanel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 16 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo18: TPanel |
Left = 56 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 17 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo19: TPanel |
Left = 80 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 18 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
object favo20: TPanel |
Left = 104 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 19 |
OnMouseUp = ColorClick |
end |
end |
object BasicPanel: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 224 |
Width = 217 |
Height = 81 |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 4 |
object QBLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object cpa1: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '0' |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa16: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '15' |
Color = clWhite |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa15: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '14' |
Color = clYellow |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa14: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '13' |
Color = clFuchsia |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa13: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '12' |
Color = clRed |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa12: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '11' |
Color = clAqua |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa11: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '10' |
Color = clLime |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa10: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '9' |
Color = clBlue |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa9: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '8' |
Color = clGray |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa8: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '7' |
Color = clSilver |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa7: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '6' |
Color = clOlive |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 10 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa6: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '5' |
Color = clPurple |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa5: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '4' |
Color = clMaroon |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 12 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa4: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '3' |
Color = clTeal |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa3: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '2' |
Color = clGreen |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpa2: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '1' |
Color = clNavy |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 15 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
end |
object PalPanel: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 16 |
Width = 217 |
Height = 209 |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 5 |
object JskPanel: TPanel |
Left = 0 |
Top = 0 |
Width = 217 |
Height = 209 |
Align = alClient |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 1 |
Visible = False |
object PaintshopProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object cpc47: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16761087 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc46: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16744703 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc45: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16728319 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc44: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12583104 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc43: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clPurple |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc42: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194368 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc39: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16761024 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc38: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16744576 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc37: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16728128 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc36: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12582912 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc35: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clNavy |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 10 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc34: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194304 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc31: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16777152 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 12 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc30: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16777088 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc29: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16777024 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc28: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12632064 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 15 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc27: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clTeal |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 16 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc26: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4210688 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 17 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc23: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12648384 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 18 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc22: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8454016 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 19 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc21: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4259648 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 20 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc20: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 49152 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 21 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc19: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clGreen |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 22 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc18: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16384 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 23 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc40: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clSilver |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 24 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc32: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clGray |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 25 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc24: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4210752 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 26 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc16: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 2105376 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 27 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc15: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12648447 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 28 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc14: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8454143 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 29 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc13: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4259839 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 30 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc12: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 49344 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 31 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc11: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clOlive |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 32 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc10: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16448 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 33 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc7: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12632319 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 34 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc6: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8421631 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 35 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc5: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4210943 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 36 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc4: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 192 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 37 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc3: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clMaroon |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 38 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc2: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 64 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 39 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc8: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 40 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc48: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clWhite |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 41 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc41: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clFuchsia |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 42 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc33: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clBlue |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 43 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc25: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clAqua |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 44 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc17: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clLime |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 45 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc9: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clYellow |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 46 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpc1: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clRed |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 47 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
end |
object WinPanel: TPanel |
Left = 0 |
Top = 0 |
Width = 217 |
Height = 209 |
Align = alClient |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 0 |
object WindowsLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object WinDialog: TLabel |
Left = 201 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BiDiMode = bdRightToLeft |
Caption = '#' |
ParentBiDiMode = False |
OnClick = WinDialogClick |
end |
object cpb48: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clWhite |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb47: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194368 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb46: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clSilver |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb45: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8421440 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb44: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clGray |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb43: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4227200 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb42: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clOlive |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb41: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 149 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clBlack |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb40: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8388672 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb39: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194368 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb38: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194304 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 10 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb37: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clNavy |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb36: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4210688 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 12 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb35: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16384 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb34: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16512 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb33: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 124 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 64 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 15 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb32: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16711808 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 16 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb31: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clPurple |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 17 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb24: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8388863 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 18 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb23: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4194432 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 19 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb30: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 10485760 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 20 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb22: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16744576 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 21 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb29: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clBlue |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 22 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb21: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8404992 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 23 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb28: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4227072 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 24 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb20: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clTeal |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 25 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb27: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clGreen |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 26 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb19: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clLime |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 27 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb25: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clMaroon |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 28 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb26: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 99 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 33023 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 29 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb18: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4227327 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 30 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb17: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 74 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4210816 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 31 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb16: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clFuchsia |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 32 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb15: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12615808 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 33 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb14: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12615680 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 34 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb13: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clAqua |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 35 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb12: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 4259584 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 36 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb11: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 65408 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 37 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb10: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clYellow |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 38 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb9: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 49 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = clRed |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 39 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb8: TPanel |
Left = 183 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16744703 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 40 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb7: TPanel |
Left = 158 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 12615935 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 41 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb6: TPanel |
Left = 133 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16744448 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 42 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb5: TPanel |
Left = 108 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 16777088 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 43 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb4: TPanel |
Left = 83 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8453888 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 44 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb3: TPanel |
Left = 58 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8454016 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 45 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb2: TPanel |
Left = 33 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8454143 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 46 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
object cpb1: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 25 |
Height = 25 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Color = 8421631 |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 47 |
OnClick = DefColorClick |
end |
end |
end |
object Pal: TListBox |
Left = 232 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 121 |
Height = 129 |
ItemHeight = 13 |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = PalClick |
end |
object WebZutreffend: TListBox |
Left = 552 |
Top = 256 |
Width = 145 |
Height = 49 |
ItemHeight = 13 |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnClick = WebZutreffendClick |
end |
end |
end |
object Panel3: TPanel |
Left = 4 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 728 |
Height = 444 |
Align = alClient |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 2 |
Visible = False |
object ColorPicker: TGroupBox |
Tag = 120 |
Left = 8 |
Top = 11 |
Width = 713 |
Height = 422 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 0 |
object AverageLbl: TLabel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object AverageMidLbl: TLabel |
Left = 64 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 5 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = 'x' |
end |
object CoordsLbl: TLabel |
Left = 152 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 47 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = 'CoordsLbl' |
end |
object CoordsLbl2: TLabel |
Left = 152 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object PickBtn: TButton |
Left = 16 |
Top = 80 |
Width = 115 |
Height = 25 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = PickBtnClick |
end |
object AverageX: TEdit |
Left = 16 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 41 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 1 |
Text = '3' |
OnChange = SaveEditChange |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object AverageY: TEdit |
Left = 80 |
Top = 40 |
Width = 41 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 2 |
Text = '3' |
OnChange = SaveEditChange |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object MagPnl: TPanel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 120 |
Width = 273 |
Height = 273 |
TabOrder = 3 |
object MagBox: TPaintBox |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 271 |
Height = 271 |
Align = alClient |
end |
end |
end |
end |
object Panel4: TPanel |
Left = 4 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 728 |
Height = 444 |
Align = alClient |
TabOrder = 3 |
Visible = False |
object Info1: TLabel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 16 |
Width = 192 |
Height = 29 |
Caption = 'ColorManager 2.0' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -24 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object Info2: TLabel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 56 |
Width = 183 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = #169' Copyright 2001 - 2006 ViaThinkSoft.' |
end |
object Info4: TLabel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 96 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object Info6: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 144 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object Info7: TLabel |
Left = 112 |
Top = 144 |
Width = 118 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = 'info@daniel-marschall.de' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info8: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 160 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object Info9: TLabel |
Left = 112 |
Top = 160 |
Width = 153 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = 'http://www.daniel-marschall.de/' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info12: TLabel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 200 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object Info5: TLabel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 120 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object Info10: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 176 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
object Info11: TLabel |
Left = 112 |
Top = 176 |
Width = 60 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '160-106-169' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info14: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 240 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info15: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 256 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info13: TLabel |
Left = 48 |
Top = 224 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clBlue |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsUnderline] |
ParentFont = False |
OnClick = LinkClick |
end |
object Info3: TLabel |
Left = 32 |
Top = 80 |
Width = 7 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
end |
end |
object Panel1: TPanel |
Left = 4 |
Top = 24 |
Width = 728 |
Height = 444 |
Align = alClient |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
TabOrder = 0 |
object RGBBox: TGroupBox |
Left = 8 |
Top = 0 |
Width = 713 |
Height = 153 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 0 |
object RLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object GLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object BLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object RDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object GDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object BDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object RHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object GHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object BHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object RProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object GProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object BProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object BDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 12 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object GDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 7 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object RDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object RHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object GHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object BHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object RDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object RHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object GDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object GHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object BDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object BHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object R: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 32 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 0 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object G: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 5 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object B: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 112 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 10 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object PanelR: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 15 |
object RedBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 1 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object PanelG: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 88 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 16 |
object GreenBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 2 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object PanelB: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 128 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 17 |
object BlueBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 3 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object BPro: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 18 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object GPro: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 19 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object RPro: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 20 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object RProC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Min = -1 |
TabOrder = 21 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object GProC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Min = -1 |
TabOrder = 22 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object BProC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Min = -1 |
TabOrder = 23 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
end |
object HSVBox: TGroupBox |
Left = 8 |
Top = 160 |
Width = 713 |
Height = 153 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 1 |
object HLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object SLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VLbl: TLabel |
Left = 24 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object HDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object SDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VDecLbl: TLabel |
Left = 536 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object HHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object SHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VHexLbl: TLabel |
Left = 592 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object HGraLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object SProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 60 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VProLbl: TLabel |
Left = 648 |
Top = 100 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object HDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object HDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object SDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 8 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object SDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 9 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object VDec: TEdit |
Left = 536 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 13 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object VDecC: TUpDown |
Left = 569 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 14 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object H: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 32 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 359 |
TabOrder = 0 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object S: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 72 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 7 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object V: TTrackBar |
Left = 24 |
Top = 112 |
Width = 497 |
Height = 20 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 12 |
ThumbLength = 15 |
TickMarks = tmBoth |
TickStyle = tsNone |
OnChange = Change |
end |
object HHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object HHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object SHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 10 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object SHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 11 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object VHex: TEdit |
Left = 592 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 2 |
TabOrder = 15 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object VHexC: TUpDown |
Left = 625 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Max = 255 |
TabOrder = 16 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object PanelH: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 48 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 17 |
object HueBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 4 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object PanelS: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 88 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 18 |
object SatBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 5 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object PanelV: TPanel |
Left = 30 |
Top = 128 |
Width = 485 |
Height = 9 |
BevelOuter = bvLowered |
Color = clBlack |
FullRepaint = False |
TabOrder = 19 |
object ValBox: TPaintBox |
Tag = 6 |
Left = 1 |
Top = 1 |
Width = 483 |
Height = 7 |
Align = alClient |
OnPaint = OutboxPaint |
end |
end |
object HGra: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object HGraC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
Min = -1 |
Max = 360 |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object SPro: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 20 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object VPro: TEdit |
Left = 648 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 33 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 3 |
TabOrder = 21 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object SProC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 76 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 22 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
object VProC: TUpDown |
Left = 681 |
Top = 116 |
Width = 16 |
Height = 21 |
TabOrder = 23 |
OnClick = UpDownClick |
end |
end |
object ColorcodeBox: TGroupBox |
Left = 8 |
Top = 320 |
Width = 713 |
Height = 78 |
Caption = '#' |
TabOrder = 2 |
object HTMLLbl: TLabel |
Left = 16 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object DelphiLbl: TLabel |
Left = 114 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VisualCLbl: TLabel |
Left = 212 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object VisualBasicLbl: TLabel |
Left = 310 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object JavaLbl: TLabel |
Left = 408 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object PhotoshopLbl: TLabel |
Left = 506 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object LongLbl: TLabel |
Left = 604 |
Top = 20 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
end |
object HTML: TEdit |
Left = 16 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 7 |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Delphi: TEdit |
Left = 114 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 9 |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object VisualC: TEdit |
Left = 212 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 10 |
TabOrder = 2 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object VisualBasic: TEdit |
Left = 310 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 10 |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Java: TEdit |
Left = 408 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 8 |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Photoshop: TEdit |
Left = 506 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 6 |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
object Long: TEdit |
Left = 604 |
Top = 36 |
Width = 90 |
Height = 21 |
MaxLength = 8 |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress |
end |
end |
object GreyscaleBtn: TPanel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 408 |
Width = 172 |
Height = 28 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -16 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 3 |
OnClick = GreyscaleBtnClick |
end |
object InvertBtn: TPanel |
Left = 188 |
Top = 408 |
Width = 172 |
Height = 28 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -16 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 4 |
OnClick = InvertBtnClick |
end |
object RandomBtn: TPanel |
Left = 548 |
Top = 408 |
Width = 172 |
Height = 28 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -16 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 5 |
OnClick = RandomBtnClick |
end |
object WebSafeBtn: TPanel |
Left = 368 |
Top = 408 |
Width = 172 |
Height = 28 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -16 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 6 |
OnClick = WebsafeLblClick |
end |
end |
end |
object ColorPanel: TPanel |
Left = 0 |
Top = 472 |
Width = 736 |
Height = 40 |
Align = alBottom |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
ParentBackground = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
object CurrentLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 8 |
Width = 11 |
Height = 20 |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -16 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
Transparent = True |
end |
object KomplementaerColor: TPanel |
Left = 516 |
Top = 0 |
Width = 220 |
Height = 40 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Align = alRight |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '#' |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentShowHint = False |
ShowHint = True |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = TakeClick |
end |
end |
object WebSafe1: TPanel |
Left = 0 |
Top = 512 |
Width = 736 |
Height = 24 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Align = alBottom |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -13 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
ParentShowHint = False |
ShowHint = True |
TabOrder = 1 |
OnClick = TakeClick |
object WebsafeLbl: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 4 |
Width = 9 |
Height = 16 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -13 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [fsBold] |
ParentFont = False |
ParentShowHint = False |
ShowHint = False |
Transparent = True |
OnClick = WebsafeLblClick |
end |
object WebSafe2: TPanel |
Left = 516 |
Top = 0 |
Width = 220 |
Height = 24 |
Cursor = crHandPoint |
Align = alRight |
BevelOuter = bvNone |
Caption = '#' |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
ParentBackground = False |
ParentFont = False |
ParentShowHint = False |
ShowHint = True |
TabOrder = 0 |
OnClick = TakeClick |
end |
end |
object PickTimer: TTimer |
Interval = 50 |
OnTimer = PickTimerTimer |
Left = 8 |
Top = 504 |
end |
object PopupMenu: TPopupMenu |
Left = 40 |
Top = 504 |
object mGetColor: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
object mAktuell: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
object mKomplementaer: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
object mWebsafe: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
object mWebsafeInv: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
object mMixColor: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
end |
object mPutColor: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
object mAktuell2: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = Menu2Click |
end |
object mKomplementaer2: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = Menu2Click |
end |
end |
object mUmkehren: TMenuItem |
Caption = '#' |
OnClick = MenuClick |
end |
end |
object WinColorDialog: TColorDialog |
Ctl3D = False |
Options = [cdFullOpen] |
Left = 72 |
Top = 504 |
end |
object ColorTmr: TTimer |
Interval = 50 |
OnTimer = ColorTmrTimer |
Left = 104 |
Top = 504 |
end |
end |
/trunk/Unit1.pas |
0,0 → 1,1798 |
unit Unit1; |
interface |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Forms, StdCtrls, ExtCtrls, |
Buttons, Spin, math, ComCtrls, Messages, Menus, Registry, IniFiles, |
ShellApi, Dialogs; |
// Graphutils |
// ColorRGBToHLS |
type |
TLanguageEntry = record |
name: string; |
text: string; |
end; |
TMainForm = class(TForm) |
ColorPanel: TPanel; |
KomplementaerColor: TPanel; |
PickTimer: TTimer; |
PopupMenu: TPopupMenu; |
mGetColor: TMenuItem; |
mPutColor: TMenuItem; |
mAktuell: TMenuItem; |
mKomplementaer: TMenuItem; |
mMixColor: TMenuItem; |
mUmkehren: TMenuItem; |
mAktuell2: TMenuItem; |
mKomplementaer2: TMenuItem; |
WebSafe1: TPanel; |
WebSafe2: TPanel; |
CurrentLbl: TLabel; |
mWebsafe: TMenuItem; |
mWebsafeInv: TMenuItem; |
TabControl: TTabControl; |
Panel1: TPanel; |
RGBBox: TGroupBox; |
RLbl: TLabel; |
GLbl: TLabel; |
BLbl: TLabel; |
RDecLbl: TLabel; |
GDecLbl: TLabel; |
BDecLbl: TLabel; |
RHexLbl: TLabel; |
GHexLbl: TLabel; |
BHexLbl: TLabel; |
BDecC: TUpDown; |
GDecC: TUpDown; |
RDecC: TUpDown; |
RHexC: TUpDown; |
GHexC: TUpDown; |
BHexC: TUpDown; |
RDec: TEdit; |
RHex: TEdit; |
GDec: TEdit; |
GHex: TEdit; |
BDec: TEdit; |
BHex: TEdit; |
R: TTrackBar; |
G: TTrackBar; |
B: TTrackBar; |
HSVBox: TGroupBox; |
HLbl: TLabel; |
SLbl: TLabel; |
VLbl: TLabel; |
HDecLbl: TLabel; |
SDecLbl: TLabel; |
VDecLbl: TLabel; |
HHexLbl: TLabel; |
SHexLbl: TLabel; |
VHexLbl: TLabel; |
HDec: TEdit; |
HDecC: TUpDown; |
SDec: TEdit; |
SDecC: TUpDown; |
VDec: TEdit; |
VDecC: TUpDown; |
H: TTrackBar; |
S: TTrackBar; |
V: TTrackBar; |
HHex: TEdit; |
HHexC: TUpDown; |
SHex: TEdit; |
SHexC: TUpDown; |
VHex: TEdit; |
VHexC: TUpDown; |
ColorcodeBox: TGroupBox; |
HTMLLbl: TLabel; |
DelphiLbl: TLabel; |
VisualCLbl: TLabel; |
VisualBasicLbl: TLabel; |
JavaLbl: TLabel; |
PhotoshopLbl: TLabel; |
LongLbl: TLabel; |
HTML: TEdit; |
Delphi: TEdit; |
VisualC: TEdit; |
VisualBasic: TEdit; |
Java: TEdit; |
Photoshop: TEdit; |
Long: TEdit; |
Panel2: TPanel; |
ColorMixerBox: TGroupBox; |
Color1Per: TLabel; |
Color2Per: TLabel; |
Color2: TPanel; |
Color1: TPanel; |
MixedColor: TPanel; |
Color1Edt: TEdit; |
Color1Upd: TUpDown; |
Color2Edt: TEdit; |
Color2Upd: TUpDown; |
ColorBox: TGroupBox; |
DelphiBoxLbl: TLabel; |
DelphiBox: TColorListBox; |
Panel3: TPanel; |
ColorPicker: TGroupBox; |
AverageLbl: TLabel; |
PickBtn: TButton; |
EqualLbl: TLabel; |
GreyscaleBtn: TPanel; |
InvertBtn: TPanel; |
RandomBtn: TPanel; |
WebsafeLbl: TLabel; |
WebSafeBtn: TPanel; |
PanelR: TPanel; |
RedBox: TPaintBox; |
PanelG: TPanel; |
GreenBox: TPaintBox; |
PanelB: TPanel; |
BlueBox: TPaintBox; |
PanelH: TPanel; |
HueBox: TPaintBox; |
PanelS: TPanel; |
SatBox: TPaintBox; |
PanelV: TPanel; |
ValBox: TPaintBox; |
HGra: TEdit; |
HGraC: TUpDown; |
HGraLbl: TLabel; |
WebcolorBox: TListBox; |
WebcolorLbl: TLabel; |
PalLbl: TLabel; |
WinColorDialog: TColorDialog; |
DelphiZutreffend: TListBox; |
DelphiZutreffendLbl: TLabel; |
FavoPnl: TPanel; |
favo14: TPanel; |
favo13: TPanel; |
favo12: TPanel; |
favo11: TPanel; |
favo10: TPanel; |
favo9: TPanel; |
favo8: TPanel; |
favo7: TPanel; |
favo6: TPanel; |
favo5: TPanel; |
favo4: TPanel; |
favo3: TPanel; |
favo2: TPanel; |
favo1: TPanel; |
FavoritenLbl: TLabel; |
BasicPanel: TPanel; |
QBLbl: TLabel; |
cpa1: TPanel; |
cpa16: TPanel; |
cpa15: TPanel; |
cpa14: TPanel; |
cpa13: TPanel; |
cpa12: TPanel; |
cpa11: TPanel; |
cpa10: TPanel; |
cpa9: TPanel; |
cpa8: TPanel; |
cpa7: TPanel; |
cpa6: TPanel; |
cpa5: TPanel; |
cpa4: TPanel; |
cpa3: TPanel; |
cpa2: TPanel; |
PalPanel: TPanel; |
WinPanel: TPanel; |
WindowsLbl: TLabel; |
WinDialog: TLabel; |
cpb48: TPanel; |
cpb47: TPanel; |
cpb46: TPanel; |
cpb45: TPanel; |
cpb44: TPanel; |
cpb43: TPanel; |
cpb42: TPanel; |
cpb41: TPanel; |
cpb40: TPanel; |
cpb39: TPanel; |
cpb38: TPanel; |
cpb37: TPanel; |
cpb36: TPanel; |
cpb35: TPanel; |
cpb34: TPanel; |
cpb33: TPanel; |
cpb32: TPanel; |
cpb31: TPanel; |
cpb24: TPanel; |
cpb23: TPanel; |
cpb30: TPanel; |
cpb22: TPanel; |
cpb29: TPanel; |
cpb21: TPanel; |
cpb28: TPanel; |
cpb20: TPanel; |
cpb27: TPanel; |
cpb19: TPanel; |
cpb25: TPanel; |
cpb26: TPanel; |
cpb18: TPanel; |
cpb17: TPanel; |
cpb16: TPanel; |
cpb15: TPanel; |
cpb14: TPanel; |
cpb13: TPanel; |
cpb12: TPanel; |
cpb11: TPanel; |
cpb10: TPanel; |
cpb9: TPanel; |
cpb8: TPanel; |
cpb7: TPanel; |
cpb6: TPanel; |
cpb5: TPanel; |
cpb4: TPanel; |
cpb3: TPanel; |
cpb2: TPanel; |
cpb1: TPanel; |
JskPanel: TPanel; |
PaintshopProLbl: TLabel; |
cpc47: TPanel; |
cpc46: TPanel; |
cpc45: TPanel; |
cpc44: TPanel; |
cpc43: TPanel; |
cpc42: TPanel; |
cpc39: TPanel; |
cpc38: TPanel; |
cpc37: TPanel; |
cpc36: TPanel; |
cpc35: TPanel; |
cpc34: TPanel; |
cpc31: TPanel; |
cpc30: TPanel; |
cpc29: TPanel; |
cpc28: TPanel; |
cpc27: TPanel; |
cpc26: TPanel; |
cpc23: TPanel; |
cpc22: TPanel; |
cpc21: TPanel; |
cpc20: TPanel; |
cpc19: TPanel; |
cpc18: TPanel; |
cpc40: TPanel; |
cpc32: TPanel; |
cpc24: TPanel; |
cpc16: TPanel; |
cpc15: TPanel; |
cpc14: TPanel; |
cpc13: TPanel; |
cpc12: TPanel; |
cpc11: TPanel; |
cpc10: TPanel; |
cpc7: TPanel; |
cpc6: TPanel; |
cpc5: TPanel; |
cpc4: TPanel; |
cpc3: TPanel; |
cpc2: TPanel; |
cpc8: TPanel; |
cpc48: TPanel; |
cpc41: TPanel; |
cpc33: TPanel; |
cpc25: TPanel; |
cpc17: TPanel; |
cpc9: TPanel; |
cpc1: TPanel; |
favo15: TPanel; |
favo16: TPanel; |
Pal: TListBox; |
WebZutreffendLbl: TLabel; |
WebZutreffend: TListBox; |
Panel4: TPanel; |
Info1: TLabel; |
Info2: TLabel; |
Info4: TLabel; |
Info6: TLabel; |
Info7: TLabel; |
Info8: TLabel; |
Info9: TLabel; |
Info12: TLabel; |
Info5: TLabel; |
Info10: TLabel; |
Info11: TLabel; |
Info14: TLabel; |
Info15: TLabel; |
Info13: TLabel; |
ColorTmr: TTimer; |
Info3: TLabel; |
AverageX: TEdit; |
AverageMidLbl: TLabel; |
AverageY: TEdit; |
MagPnl: TPanel; |
MagBox: TPaintBox; |
favo17: TPanel; |
favo18: TPanel; |
favo19: TPanel; |
favo20: TPanel; |
CoordsLbl: TLabel; |
CoordsLbl2: TLabel; |
SPro: TEdit; |
SProLbl: TLabel; |
VProLbl: TLabel; |
VPro: TEdit; |
SProC: TUpDown; |
VProC: TUpDown; |
BPro: TEdit; |
GPro: TEdit; |
RPro: TEdit; |
RProC: TUpDown; |
GProC: TUpDown; |
BProC: TUpDown; |
RProLbl: TLabel; |
GProLbl: TLabel; |
BProLbl: TLabel; |
procedure ColorClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
procedure SaveEditChange(Sender: TObject); |
procedure ColorTmrTimer(Sender: TObject); |
procedure LinkClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure WebZutreffendClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure DelphiZutreffendClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure WebcolorBoxClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure WinDialogClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure PalClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure OutboxPaint(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
procedure WebsafeLblClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure TabControlChange(Sender: TObject); |
procedure InvertBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure TakeClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure DelphiBoxClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure DefColorClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure GreyscaleBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Menu2Click(Sender: TObject); |
procedure MenuClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure RandomBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure PickTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); |
procedure PickBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
procedure EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); |
procedure UpDownClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType); |
procedure Change(Sender: TObject); |
private |
LangArray: Array of TLanguageEntry; |
function GetLangEntry(name: string): string; |
public |
SampleMethod, NewMethod: byte; |
MemPix: TBitmap; |
BoxBuf, Box2Buf: TBitmap; |
ScreenDC: HDC; |
PopupmenuSender: tobject; |
procedure WMLButtonDown(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_LBUTTONDOWN; |
procedure WMRButtonDown(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_RBUTTONDOWN; |
procedure AppDeactivate(Sender: TObject); |
procedure DrawGrad(BoxNum: integer); |
procedure AktualisiereFarben(RGBAlsQuelle: boolean; ignore: integer = 0); |
procedure AktualisiereWert(Sender: TObject); |
procedure Ladefarbe(col: tcolor); |
procedure BerechneMixColor; |
procedure CheckWebfarben; |
procedure CheckDelphiFarben; |
procedure ZeigeRichtigePalette; |
procedure SchreibeInt(name: string; wert: integer); |
function LeseInt(name: string): integer; |
end; |
var |
MainForm: TMainForm; |
implementation |
{$R *.DFM} |
{$R WindowsXP.res} |
const |
webfarben: array[0..140] of string = ('#F0F8FF', '#FAEBD7', '#00FFFF', '#7FFFD4', |
'#F0FFFF', '#F5F5DC', '#FFE4C4', '#000000', '#FFEBCD', '#0000FF', '#8A2BE2', |
'#A52A2A', '#DEB887', '#5F9EA0', '#7FFF00', '#D2691E', '#FF7F50', '#6495ED', |
'#FFF8DC', '#DC143C', '#00FFFF', '#00008B', '#008B8B', '#B8860B', '#A9A9A9', |
'#006400', '#BDB76B', '#8B008B', '#556B2F', '#FF8C00', '#9932CC', '#8B0000', |
'#E9967A', '#8FBC8F', '#483D8B', '#2F4F4F', '#00CED1', '#9400D3', '#FF1493', |
'#00BFFF', '#696969', '#1E90FF', '#B22222', '#FFFAF0', '#228B22', '#FF00FF', |
'#DCDCDC', '#F8F8FF', '#FFD700', '#DAA520', '#808080', '#008000', '#ADFF2F', |
'#808080', '#F0FFF0', '#FF69B4', '#CD5C5C', '#4B0082', '#FFFFF0', '#F0E68C', |
'#E6E6FA', '#FFF0F5', '#7CFC00', '#FFFACD', '#ADD8E6', '#F08080', '#E0FFFF', |
'#FAFAD2', '#90EE90', '#D3D3D3', '#FFB6C1', '#FFA07A', '#20B2AA', '#87CEFA', |
'#778899', '#B0C4DE', '#FFFFE0', '#00FF00', '#32CD32', '#FAF0E6', '#FF00FF', |
'#800000', '#66CDAA', '#0000CD', '#BA55D3', '#9370DB', '#3CB371', '#7B68EE', |
'#00FA9A', '#48D1CC', '#C71585', '#191970', '#F5FFFA', '#FFE4E1', '#FFE4B5', |
'#FFDEAD', '#000080', '#FDF5E6', '#808000', '#6B8E23', '#FFA500', '#FF4500', |
'#DA70D6', '#EEE8AA', '#98FB98', '#AFEEEE', '#DB7093', '#FFEFD5', '#FFDAB9', |
'#CD853F', '#FFC0CB', '#DDA0DD', '#B0E0E6', '#800080', '#FF0000', '#BC8F8F', |
'#4169E1', '#8B4513', '#FA8072', '#F4A460', '#2E8B57', '#FFF5EE', '#A0522D', |
'#C0C0C0', '#87CEEB', '#6A5ACD', '#708090', '#FFFAFA', '#00FF7F', '#4682B4', |
'#D2B48C', '#008080', '#D8BFD8', '#FF6347', '#40E0D0', '#EE82EE', '#F5DEB3', |
'#FFFFFF', '#F5F5F5', '#FFFF00', '#9ACD32'); |
function TMainForm.GetLangEntry(name: string): string; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
for i := 0 to high(LangArray) do |
begin |
if LangArray[i].name = name then |
begin |
result := LangArray[i].text; |
break; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
// http://www.delphipraxis.net/topic49179_rgb+hsv+und+hsv+rgb.html |
// mit 360° |
function HSVtoRGB(H:Integer; S, V: Byte): TColor; |
var |
ht, d, t1, t2, t3:Integer; |
R,G,B:Word; |
begin |
if S = 0 then |
begin |
R := V; G := V; B := V; |
end |
else |
begin |
ht := H * 6; |
d := ht mod 360; |
t1 := round(V * (255 - S) / 255); |
t2 := round(V * (255 - S * d / 360) / 255); |
t3 := round(V * (255 - S * (360 - d) / 360) / 255); |
case ht div 360 of |
0: |
begin |
R := V; G := t3; B := t1; |
end; |
1: |
begin |
R := t2; G := V; B := t1; |
end; |
2: |
begin |
R := t1; G := V; B := t3; |
end; |
3: |
begin |
R := t1; G := t2; B := V; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
R := t3; G := t1; B := V; |
end; |
else |
begin |
R := V; G := t1; B := t2; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
Result:=RGB(R,G,B); |
end; |
// http://www.delphipraxis.net/topic49179_rgb+hsv+und+hsv+rgb.html |
// mit 360° |
procedure RGBtoHSV(Red, Green, Blue: Byte; var Hue: Integer; var Saturation, Value: Byte); |
var |
Maximum, Minimum: Byte; |
Rc, Gc, Bc: Single; |
H: Single; |
begin |
Maximum := Max(Red, Max(Green, Blue)); |
Minimum := Min(Red, Min(Green, Blue)); |
Value := Maximum; |
if Maximum <> 0 then |
Saturation := MulDiv(Maximum - Minimum, 255, Maximum) |
else |
Saturation := 0; |
if Saturation = 0 then |
Hue := 0 // arbitrary value |
else |
begin |
Assert(Maximum <> Minimum); |
Rc := (Maximum - Red) / (Maximum - Minimum); |
Gc := (Maximum - Green) / (Maximum - Minimum); |
Bc := (Maximum - Blue) / (Maximum - Minimum); |
if Red = Maximum then |
H := Bc - Gc |
else if Green = Maximum then |
H := 2 + Rc - Bc |
else |
begin |
Assert(Blue = Maximum); |
H := 4 + Gc - Rc; |
end; |
H := H * 60; |
if H < 0 then |
H := H + 360; |
Hue := Round(H); |
end; |
end; |
// http://www.delphipraxis.net/topic35695_kontrastfarbe+ermitteln.html |
function BlackWhiteContrastColor(value: TColor): TColor; |
var |
intensity : Integer; |
begin |
value := ColorToRGB(value); |
intensity := GetBValue(value) * 21 // Blue |
+ GetGValue(value) * 174 // Green |
+ GetRValue(value) * 61; // Red |
// intensity = 0 -> dark |
// intensity = 255*256 -> bright |
if intensity >= (128*256) then |
Result := clBlack |
else |
Result := clWhite; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WMLButtonDown(var Msg: TMessage); |
begin |
inherited; |
if not PickBtn.Enabled then begin |
ReleaseCapture; |
PickBtn.Enabled := true; |
Caption := Application.Title; |
PostMessage(MainForm.Handle, WM_ACTIVATE, word(true), 0); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WMRButtonDown(var Msg: TMessage); |
begin |
inherited; |
WMLButtonDown(Msg); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.AppDeactivate(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if not PickBtn.Enabled then |
SetCapture(MainForm.Handle); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.DrawGrad(BoxNum: integer); |
var |
R, G, B, S, V: byte; |
H: integer; |
begin |
case BoxNum of |
1: |
begin |
G := Mainform.G.Position; |
B := Mainform.B.Position; |
with BoxBuf.Canvas do |
begin |
for R := 0 to 255 do |
Pixels[R, 0] := rgb(R, G, B); |
StretchBlt(RedBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, RedBox.Width, RedBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
256, 1, |
end; |
end; |
2: |
begin |
R := Mainform.R.Position; |
B := Mainform.B.Position; |
with BoxBuf.Canvas do |
begin |
for G := 0 to 255 do |
Pixels[G, 0] := rgb(R, G, B); |
StretchBlt(GreenBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, GreenBox.Width, GreenBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
256, 1, |
end; |
end; |
3: |
begin |
R := Mainform.R.Position; |
G := Mainform.G.Position; |
with BoxBuf.Canvas do |
begin |
for B := 0 to 255 do |
Pixels[B, 0] := rgb(R, G, B); |
StretchBlt(BlueBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, BlueBox.Width, BlueBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
256, 1, |
end; |
end; |
4: |
begin |
S := Mainform.S.Position; |
V := MainForm.V.Position; |
with Box2Buf.Canvas do |
begin |
for H := 0 to 359 do |
Pixels[H, 0] := HSVtoRGB(H, S, V); |
StretchBlt(HueBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, HueBox.Width, HueBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
360, 1, |
end; |
end; |
5: |
begin |
H := Mainform.H.Position; |
V := MainForm.V.Position; |
with BoxBuf.Canvas do |
begin |
for S := 0 to 255 do |
Pixels[S, 0] := HSVtoRGB(H, S, V); |
StretchBlt(SatBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, SatBox.Width, SatBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
256, 1, |
end; |
end; |
6: |
begin |
H := Mainform.H.Position; |
S := MainForm.S.Position; |
with BoxBuf.Canvas do |
begin |
for V := 0 to 255 do |
Pixels[V, 0] := HSVtoRGB(H, S, V); |
StretchBlt(ValBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, ValBox.Width, ValBox.Height, |
Handle, |
0, 0, |
256, 1, |
end; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); |
var |
i: integer; |
ini: tinifile; |
str: TStringList; |
begin |
Application.OnDeactivate := AppDeactivate; |
Randomize; |
ScreenDC := GetDC(0); |
MemPix := TBitmap.Create; |
MemPix.Width := MagBox.Width; |
MemPix.Height := MagBox.Height; |
MemPix.Canvas.Pixels[0, 0] := clBlack; |
SampleMethod := NewMethod; |
BoxBuf := TBitmap.Create; |
BoxBuf.Width := 256; |
BoxBuf.Height := 1; |
Box2Buf := TBitmap.Create; |
Box2Buf.Width := 360; |
Box2Buf.Height := 1; |
Caption := Application.title; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
delphibox.ItemIndex := -1; |
color1upd.position := 50; |
UpDownClick(color1upd, btPrev); |
color1.Color := clBlack; |
PopupmenuSender := color1; |
MenuClick(popupmenu); |
color2.Color := clBlack; |
PopupmenuSender := color2; |
MenuClick(popupmenu); |
cpa1.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa1.Color); |
cpa2.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa2.Color); |
cpa3.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa3.Color); |
cpa4.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa4.Color); |
cpa5.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa5.Color); |
cpa6.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa6.Color); |
cpa7.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa7.Color); |
cpa8.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa8.Color); |
cpa9.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa9.Color); |
cpa10.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa10.Color); |
cpa11.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa11.Color); |
cpa12.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa12.Color); |
cpa13.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa13.Color); |
cpa14.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa14.Color); |
cpa15.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa15.Color); |
cpa16.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(cpa16.Color); |
// Sprachdatei auslesen |
if fileexists(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'Language.ini') then |
begin |
ini := TIniFile.Create(ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName)+'Language.ini'); |
str := TStringList.Create(); |
try |
ini.ReadSection(Name, str); |
for i := 0 to str.count-1 do |
begin |
setlength(LangArray, length(LangArray)+1); |
LangArray[length(LangArray)-1].name := str.strings[i]; |
LangArray[length(LangArray)-1].text := ini.ReadString(name, str.strings[i], ''); |
LangArray[length(LangArray)-1].text := StringReplace(LangArray[length(LangArray)-1].text, '###', #13#10, [rfReplaceAll]); |
end; |
finally |
ini.free; |
str.Free; |
end; |
end; |
// Elemente mit Sprache versehen |
rgbbox.Caption := GetLangEntry('rgb'); |
hsvbox.Caption := GetLangEntry('hsv'); |
rdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
gdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
bdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
hdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
sdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
vdeclbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('dec'); |
rhexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
ghexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
bhexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
hhexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
shexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
vhexlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('hex'); |
hgralbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('gra'); |
rlbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('red'); |
glbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('green'); |
blbl.Caption := GetLangEntry('blue'); |
GreyscaleBtn.caption := GetLangEntry('greyscale'); |
InvertBtn.caption := GetLangEntry('invert'); |
WebSafeBtn.caption := GetLangEntry('websafe'); |
RandomBtn.caption := GetLangEntry('random'); |
HLbl.caption := GetLangEntry('hue'); |
SLbl.caption := GetLangEntry('sat'); |
VLbl.caption := GetLangEntry('val'); |
ColorcodeBox.caption := GetLangEntry('codes'); |
htmllbl.caption := GetLangEntry('html'); |
delphilbl.caption := GetLangEntry('delphi'); |
VisualClbl.caption := GetLangEntry('cpp'); |
visualbasiclbl.caption := GetLangEntry('visualbasic'); |
javalbl.caption := GetLangEntry('java'); |
photoshoplbl.caption := GetLangEntry('photoshop'); |
longlbl.caption := GetLangEntry('long'); |
currentlbl.caption := GetLangEntry('current'); |
websafelbl.caption := GetLangEntry('websafelbl'); |
komplementaercolor.Caption := GetLangEntry('invcolor'); |
websafe2.Caption := GetLangEntry('invwebsafe'); |
tabcontrol.tabs.clear; |
tabcontrol.Tabs.add(GetLangEntry('tab1')); |
tabcontrol.Tabs.add(GetLangEntry('tab2')); |
tabcontrol.Tabs.add(GetLangEntry('tab3')); |
tabcontrol.Tabs.add(GetLangEntry('tab4')); |
colormixerbox.Caption := getlangentry('colormixer'); |
color1.Caption := getlangentry('color') + ' 1'; |
color2.Caption := getlangentry('color') + ' 2'; |
mixedcolor.caption := getlangentry('mixedcolor'); |
colorbox.caption := getlangentry('colors'); |
pallbl.Caption := getlangentry('availablepals'); |
delphiboxlbl.Caption := getlangentry('delphipal'); |
webcolorlbl.Caption := getlangentry('css3'); |
delphizutreffendlbl.Caption := getlangentry('zutr'); |
webzutreffendlbl.Caption := getlangentry('zutr'); |
qblbl.Caption := getlangentry('vgapal'); |
windialog.Caption := getlangentry('windialog'); |
favoritenlbl.Caption := getlangentry('favorites'); |
pal.Items.add(getlangentry('windows')); |
pal.Items.add(getlangentry('jasc')); |
windowslbl.Caption := getlangentry('windows'); |
PaintshopProlbl.Caption := getlangentry('jasc'); |
colorpicker.Caption := getlangentry('colorpicker'); |
averagelbl.Caption := getlangentry('averagepix'); |
CoordsLbl2.Caption := getlangentry('coords'); |
pickbtn.Caption := getlangentry('capture'); |
info3.Caption := getlangentry('createdwith'); |
info4.Caption := getlangentry('leader'); |
info6.Caption := getlangentry('email'); |
info8.Caption := getlangentry('website'); |
info10.Caption := getlangentry('icq'); |
info13.Caption := getlangentry('webportal'); |
info14.Caption := getlangentry('viathinksoft'); |
info15.Caption := getlangentry('projektseite'); |
info5.Caption := getlangentry('contact'); |
info12.Caption := getlangentry('links'); |
komplementaercolor.Hint := getlangentry('thiscolor'); |
websafe2.Hint := getlangentry('thiscolor'); |
websafe1.Hint := getlangentry('thiscolor'); |
websafelbl.Hint := getlangentry('thiscolor'); |
sprolbl.Caption := getlangentry('per'); |
vprolbl.Caption := getlangentry('per'); |
rprolbl.Caption := getlangentry('per'); |
gprolbl.Caption := getlangentry('per'); |
bprolbl.Caption := getlangentry('per'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Items[0].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA1'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Items[1].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA2'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Items[2].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA3'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Items[3].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA4'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Items[4].Caption := getlangentry('PopupA5'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[1].Caption := getlangentry('PopupB'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[1].Items[0].Caption := getlangentry('PopupB1'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[1].Items[1].Caption := getlangentry('PopupB2'); |
popupmenu.Items.Items[2].Caption := getlangentry('PopupC'); |
// Favoriten-Farben und Einstellungen aus Registry holen |
pal.ItemIndex := 0; |
for i := 1 to 20 do |
tpanel(mainform.FindComponent('favo'+inttostr(i))).Color := LeseInt('favo'+inttostr(i)); |
pal.ItemIndex := LeseInt('Palette'); |
AverageX.Text := inttostr(LeseInt('AverageX')); |
AverageY.Text := inttostr(LeseInt('AverageY')); |
ZeigeRichtigePalette; |
end; |
function WebSafeColor(inp: TColor): TColor; |
function WebSafeVal(int: Byte): Byte; |
begin |
case int of |
0..26: Result := 0; |
27..76: Result := 51; |
77..127: Result := 102; |
128..178: Result := 153; |
179..229: Result := 209; |
else Result := 255; |
end; |
end; |
begin |
result := rgb(WebSafeVal(GetRValue(inp)), WebSafeVal(GetGValue(inp)), WebSafeVal(GetBValue(inp))); |
end; |
function InvertString(inp: string): string; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
result := ''; |
for i := length(inp) downto 1 do |
result := result + inp[i]; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.AktualisiereFarben(RGBAlsQuelle: boolean; Ignore: integer = 0); |
var |
hc: integer; |
sc, lc: byte; |
begin |
if RGBAlsQuelle then |
begin |
RGBtoHSV(R.position, G.position, B.Position, hc, sc, lc); |
ColorPanel.color := rgb(R.position, G.position, B.Position); |
h.OnChange := nil; |
h.position := hc; |
AktualisiereWert(h); |
h.OnChange := Change; |
s.OnChange := nil; |
s.position := sc; |
AktualisiereWert(s); |
s.OnChange := Change; |
v.OnChange := nil; |
v.position := lc; |
AktualisiereWert(v); |
v.OnChange := Change; |
end |
else |
begin |
ColorPanel.color := HSVtoRGB(h.Position, s.Position, v.Position); |
// Die OnChange-Ereignisse werden kurzzeitig entfernt, |
// um eine unendliche Rückkopplung durch AktualisiereFarben() zu verhindern |
r.OnChange := nil; |
g.OnChange := nil; |
b.OnChange := nil; |
Ladefarbe(colorpanel.Color); |
AktualisiereWert(r); |
AktualisiereWert(g); |
AktualisiereWert(b); |
r.OnChange := Change; |
g.OnChange := Change; |
b.OnChange := Change; |
end; |
VisualC.text := '0x00' + inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + |
inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2); |
HTML.text := '#' + inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + |
inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2); |
Delphi.text := '$00' + inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + |
inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2); |
VisualBasic.text := '&00' + inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + |
inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2) + '&'; |
Java.text := '0x' + InvertString(inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)) + InvertString(inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)) + |
InvertString(inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)); |
Photoshop.text := InvertString(inttohex(GetBValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)) + InvertString(inttohex(GetGValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)) + |
InvertString(inttohex(GetRValue(ColorPanel.color), 2)); |
Long.Text := inttostr(ColorToRGB(ColorPanel.color)); |
if Ignore <> 1 then |
CheckDelphiFarben; // Akzeptiert keine Systemfarben: DelphiBox.Selected := ColorPanel.color; |
if Ignore <> 2 then |
CheckWebfarben; |
KomplementaerColor.Color := ColorPanel.Color xor $FFFFFF; |
KomplementaerColor.Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(KomplementaerColor.Color); |
websafe1.Color := WebSafeColor(colorpanel.color); |
websafe1.Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(websafe1.Color); |
websafe2.Color := websafe1.color xor $FFFFFF; |
websafe2.Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(websafe2.Color); |
CurrentLbl.Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(ColorPanel.Color); |
WebsafeLbl.Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(websafe1.Color); |
end; |
function DeleteFirstSeros(str: string): string; |
var |
ende: boolean; |
begin |
ende := false; |
while not ende do |
if (copy(str, 0, 1) = '0') and (length(str) > 1) then |
str := copy(str, 2, length(str)-1) |
else |
ende := true; |
result := str; |
end; |
function HexToInt(hex: string; sender: tobject): integer; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
hex := DeleteFirstSeros(hex); |
result := -1; |
for i := $00 to $FF do |
if uppercase(hex) = inttohex(i, 0) then |
begin |
result := i; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.EditKeyPress(Sender: TObject; var Key: Char); |
begin |
if (sender = HTML) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', '#', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = Delphi) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', '$', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = VisualC) or (sender = Java) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', 'x', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = VisualBasic) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', '&', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = Photoshop) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = Long) or (sender = AverageX) or (sender = AverageY) or |
(sender = SPro) or (sender = VPro) or (sender = RPro) or (sender = GPro) or |
(sender = BPro) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else if (sender = RHex) or (sender = GHex) or (sender = BHex) or |
(sender = HHex) or (sender = SHex) or (sender = VHex) then |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9', 'a'..'f', 'A'..'F']) then Key := #0; |
end |
else |
begin |
if not (Key in [#13, #08, '0'..'9']) then Key := #0; |
end; |
if key = #13 then |
begin |
Key := #0; |
if sender = RHex then |
begin |
R.Position := hextoint(RHex.text, r); |
Change(r); |
end; |
if sender = RPro then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 100 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(100); |
R.Position := round(strtoint(RPro.text) / rproc.max * 255); |
Change(r); |
end; |
if sender = GHex then |
begin |
G.Position := hextoint(GHex.text, g); |
Change(g); |
end; |
if sender = GPro then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 100 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(100); |
G.Position := round(strtoint(GPro.text) / gproc.max * 255); |
Change(g); |
end; |
if sender = BHex then |
begin |
B.Position := hextoint(BHex.text, b); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = BPro then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 100 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(100); |
B.Position := round(strtoint(BPro.text) / bproc.max * 255); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = HHex then |
begin |
H.Position := ceil(hextoint(HHex.text, h) / 255 * 359); |
Change(h); |
end; |
if sender = HGra then |
begin |
H.Position := strtoint(HGra.text); |
Change(h); |
end; |
if sender = SHex then |
begin |
S.Position := hextoint(SHex.text, s); |
Change(s); |
end; |
if sender = SPro then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 100 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(100); |
S.Position := round(strtoint(SPro.text) / sproc.max * 255); |
Change(h); |
end; |
if sender = VHex then |
begin |
v.Position := hextoint(VHex.text, v); |
Change(v); |
end; |
if sender = VPro then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 100 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(100); |
V.Position := round(strtoint(VPro.text) / vproc.max * 255); |
Change(h); |
end; |
if sender = RDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(RDec.Text) > RDecC.Max then RDec.Text := inttostr(RDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(RDec.Text) < RDecC.Min then RDec.Text := inttostr(RDecC.Min); |
R.Position := strtoint(RDec.text); |
Change(r); |
end; |
if sender = GDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(GDec.Text) > GDecC.Max then GDec.Text := inttostr(GDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(GDec.Text) < GDecC.Min then GDec.Text := inttostr(GDecC.Min); |
G.Position := strtoint(GDec.text); |
Change(g); |
end; |
if sender = BDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(BDec.Text) > BDecC.Max then BDec.Text := inttostr(BDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(BDec.Text) < BDecC.Min then BDec.Text := inttostr(BDecC.Min); |
B.Position := strtoint(BDec.text); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = HDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(HDec.Text) > HDecC.Max then HDec.Text := inttostr(HDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(HDec.Text) < HDecC.Min then HDec.Text := inttostr(HDecC.Min); |
H.Position := ceil(strtoint(HDec.text) / 255 * 359); |
Change(H); |
end; |
if sender = SDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(SDec.Text) > SDecC.Max then SDec.Text := inttostr(SDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(SDec.Text) < SDecC.Min then SDec.Text := inttostr(SDecC.Min); |
S.Position := strtoint(SDec.text); |
Change(S); |
end; |
if sender = VDec then |
begin |
if strtoint(VDec.Text) > VDecC.Max then VDec.Text := inttostr(VDecC.Max); |
if strtoint(VDec.Text) < VDecC.Min then VDec.Text := inttostr(VDecC.Min); |
V.Position := strtoint(VDec.text); |
Change(V); |
end; |
if sender = Long then |
begin |
if strtoint(tedit(sender).text) > 16777215 then |
tedit(sender).Text := inttostr(16777215); |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := getrvalue(strtoint(long.text)); |
G.Position := getgvalue(strtoint(long.text)); |
B.Position := getbvalue(strtoint(long.text)); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = Photoshop then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Photoshop.text, 5, 2)), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Photoshop.text, 3, 2)), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Photoshop.text, 1, 2)), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = Java then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Java.text, 7, 2)), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Java.text, 5, 2)), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(invertstring(copy(Java.text, 3, 2)), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = VisualBasic then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualBasic.text, 8, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualBasic.text, 6, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualBasic.text, 4, 2), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = VisualC then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualC.text, 9, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualC.text, 7, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(VisualC.text, 5, 2), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = Delphi then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(Delphi.text, 8, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(Delphi.text, 6, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(Delphi.text, 4, 2), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
if sender = HTML then |
begin |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 2, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 4, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 6, 2), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
Change(r); |
Change(g); |
Change(b); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.UpDownClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TUDBtnType); |
begin |
if hgrac.Position = hgrac.Min then |
hgrac.Position := hgrac.Max-1; |
if hgrac.Position = hgrac.Max then |
hgrac.Position := hgrac.Min+1; |
if (sender = RHexC) or (sender = RDecC) then |
R.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if (sender = RProC) then |
R.Position := round(RProC.Position / 100 * 255); |
if (sender = GHexC) or (sender = GDecC) then |
G.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if (sender = GProC) then |
G.Position := round(GProC.Position / 100 * 255); |
if (sender = BHexC) or (sender = BDecC) then |
B.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if (sender = BProC) then |
B.Position := round(BProC.Position / 100 * 255); |
if (sender = HHexC) or (sender = HDecC) then |
H.Position := ceil(TUpDown(sender).Position / 255 * 359); |
if (sender = HGraC) then |
H.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if (sender = SHexC) or (sender = SDecC) then |
S.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if (sender = SProC) then |
S.Position := round(SProC.Position / 100 * 255); |
if (sender = VHexC) or (sender = VDecC) then |
V.Position := TUpDown(sender).Position; |
if sender = VProC then |
V.Position := round(VProC.Position / 100 * 255); |
if (sender = Color1Upd) then |
begin |
Color1Edt.Text := inttostr(Color1Upd.Position); |
Color2Upd.Position := Color1Upd.Max - Color1Upd.Position; |
Color2Edt.Text := inttostr(Color2Upd.Position); |
BerechneMixColor; |
end; |
if (sender = Color2Upd) then |
begin |
Color2Edt.Text := inttostr(Color2Upd.Position); |
Color1Upd.Position := Color2Upd.Max - Color2Upd.Position; |
Color1Edt.Text := inttostr(Color1Upd.Position); |
BerechneMixColor; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.AktualisiereWert(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if sender = R then |
begin |
RHex.text := inttohex(R.position, 0); |
RHexC.Position := R.Position; |
RDec.text := inttostr(R.position); |
RDecC.Position := R.Position; |
RPro.Text := inttostr(round(R.position / 255 * 100)); |
RProC.Position := round(R.position / 255 * 100); |
end; |
if sender = G then |
begin |
GHex.text := inttohex(G.position, 0); |
GHexC.Position := G.Position; |
GDec.text := inttostr(G.position); |
GDecC.Position := G.Position; |
GPro.Text := inttostr(round(G.position / 255 * 100)); |
GProC.Position := round(G.position / 255 * 100); |
end; |
if sender = B then |
begin |
BHex.text := inttohex(B.position, 0); |
BHexC.Position := B.position; |
BDec.text := inttostr(B.position); |
BDecC.Position := B.position; |
BPro.Text := inttostr(round(B.position / 255 * 100)); |
BProC.Position := round(B.position / 255 * 100); |
end; |
if sender = H then |
begin |
HHex.text := inttohex(ceil(H.position / 359 * 255), 0); |
HHexC.Position := ceil(H.position / 359 * 255); |
HDec.text := inttostr(ceil(H.position / 359 * 255)); |
HDecC.Position := ceil(H.position / 359 * 255); |
HGra.text := inttostr(H.position); |
HGraC.Position := H.position; |
end; |
if sender = S then |
begin |
SHex.text := inttohex(S.position, 0); |
SHexC.Position := S.position; |
SDec.text := inttostr(S.position); |
SDecC.Position := S.position; |
SPro.Text := inttostr(round(S.position / 255 * 100)); |
SProC.Position := round(S.position / 255 * 100); |
end; |
if sender = V then |
begin |
VHex.text := inttohex(V.position, 0); |
VHexC.Position := V.position; |
VDec.text := inttostr(V.position); |
VDecC.Position := V.position; |
VPro.Text := inttostr(round(V.position / 255 * 100)); |
VProC.Position := round(V.position / 255 * 100); |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.Ladefarbe(col: tcolor); |
begin |
r.Position := GetRValue(col); |
g.Position := GetGValue(col); |
b.Position := GetBValue(col); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.Change(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if (sender = r) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(5); |
DrawGrad(6); |
end; |
if (sender = g) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(5); |
DrawGrad(6); |
end; |
if (sender = b) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(5); |
DrawGrad(6); |
end; |
if (sender = h) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(5); |
DrawGrad(6); |
end; |
if (sender = s) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(6); |
end; |
if (sender = v) then |
begin |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(5); |
end; |
AktualisiereWert(sender); |
AktualisiereFarben((sender = R) or (sender = G) or (sender = B)); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.PickBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
SetCapture(MainForm.Handle); |
PickBtn.Enabled := false; |
//PickTimer.Enabled := true; |
Caption := Application.Title + ' ['+getlangentry('capture')+']'; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.PickTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); |
var |
CursorPos: TPoint; |
PixelCol: TColor; |
AverageR, AverageG, AverageB: integer; |
x, y: shortint; |
begin |
GetCursorPos(CursorPos); |
CoordsLbl.Caption := Format('%d,' + #13 + '%d', [CursorPos.x, CursorPos.y]); |
AverageR := 0; |
AverageG := 0; |
Averageb := 0; |
for y := -floor((strtoint(AverageY.text)-1)/2) to ceil((strtoint(AverageY.text)-1)/2) do |
for x := -floor((strtoint(AverageX.text)-1)/2) to ceil((strtoint(AverageX.text)-1)/2) do |
begin |
PixelCol := GetPixel(ScreenDC, CursorPos.x + x, CursorPos.y + y); |
AverageR := AverageR + GetRValue(PixelCol); |
AverageG := AverageG + GetGValue(PixelCol); |
AverageB := AverageB + GetBValue(PixelCol); |
end; |
if strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text) > 0 then |
AverageR := AverageR div (strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text)); |
if strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text) > 0 then |
AverageG := AverageG div (strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text)); |
if strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text) > 0 then |
AverageB := AverageB div (strtoint(AverageX.text)*strtoint(AverageY.text)); |
PixelCol := RGB(Lo(AverageR), Lo(AverageG), Lo(AverageB)); |
BitBlt(MemPix.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, |
strtoint(AverageX.text), strtoint(AverageY.text), |
ScreenDC, |
CursorPos.x - floor(strtoint(AverageX.text)/2), CursorPos.y - floor(strtoint(AverageY.text)/2), |
StretchBlt(MagBox.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, |
MagBox.Width, MagBox.Height, |
MemPix.Canvas.Handle, |
0, 0, |
strtoint(AverageX.text), strtoint(AverageY.text), |
if not PickBtn.Enabled then |
Ladefarbe(PixelCol); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.RandomBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
R.Position := Random(255); |
G.Position := Random(255); |
B.Position := Random(255); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.BerechneMixColor(); |
var |
r, g, b: integer; |
begin |
r := round(Color1Upd.Position / 100 * getrvalue(color1.Color) + Color2Upd.Position / 100 * getrvalue(color2.Color)); |
g := round(Color1Upd.Position / 100 * getgvalue(color1.Color) + Color2Upd.Position / 100 * getgvalue(color2.Color)); |
b := round(Color1Upd.Position / 100 * getbvalue(color1.Color) + Color2Upd.Position / 100 * getbvalue(color2.Color)); |
mixedcolor.Color := rgb(r, g, b); |
mixedcolor.font.color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(mixedcolor.color); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.MenuClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if sender = mAktuell then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := colorpanel.Color; |
if sender = mKomplementaer then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := komplementaercolor.Color; |
if sender = mWebsafe then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := websafe1.Color; |
if sender = mWebsafeInv then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := websafe2.Color; |
if sender = mMixColor then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := mixedcolor.Color; |
if sender = mUmkehren then |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color := tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color xor $FFFFFF; |
tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Font.Color := BlackWhiteContrastColor(tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color); |
BerechneMixColor; |
if (PopupmenuSender = favo1) or (PopupmenuSender = favo2) or (PopupmenuSender = favo3) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo4) or (PopupmenuSender = favo5) or (PopupmenuSender = favo6) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo7) or (PopupmenuSender = favo8) or (PopupmenuSender = favo9) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo10) or (PopupmenuSender = favo11) or (PopupmenuSender = favo12) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo13) or (PopupmenuSender = favo14) or (PopupmenuSender = favo15) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo16) or (PopupmenuSender = favo17) or (PopupmenuSender = favo18) or |
(PopupmenuSender = favo19) or (PopupmenuSender = favo20) then |
SchreibeInt(tpanel(PopupmenuSender).GetNamePath, colortorgb(tpanel(PopupmenuSender).color)); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.Menu2Click(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if sender = mAktuell2 then |
Ladefarbe(tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color); |
if sender = mKomplementaer2 then |
Ladefarbe(tpanel(PopupmenuSender).Color xor $FFFFFF); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.GreyscaleBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
S.Position := 0; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.DefColorClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
LadeFarbe(tpanel(sender).Color); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.DelphiBoxClick(Sender: TObject); |
var |
tmp: string; |
begin |
tmp := inttohex(colortorgb(delphibox.Selected), 6); // Systemfarben umwandeln |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(tmp, 5, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(tmp, 3, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(tmp, 1, 2), b); |
AktualisiereWert(r); |
AktualisiereWert(g); |
AktualisiereWert(b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
// DelphiBox muss nicht mehr ignoriert werden, da wir nun "DelphiZustimmend" |
// verwenden und nichts mehr in der DelphiBox markieren |
// AktualisiereFarben(true, 1); |
AktualisiereFarben(true); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.TakeClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
Ladefarbe(tpanel(sender).color); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.InvertBtnClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
TakeClick(KomplementaerColor); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.TabControlChange(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
panel1.Visible := tabcontrol.TabIndex = 0; |
panel2.Visible := tabcontrol.TabIndex = 1; |
panel3.Visible := tabcontrol.TabIndex = 2; |
panel4.Visible := tabcontrol.TabIndex = 3; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WebsafeLblClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
TakeClick(websafe1); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.FormClose(Sender: TObject; var Action: TCloseAction); |
begin |
ReleaseDC(0, ScreenDC); |
MemPix.Free; |
BoxBuf.Free; |
Box2Buf.Free; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.OutboxPaint(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
DrawGrad(TPaintbox(Sender).Tag); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.ZeigeRichtigePalette; |
begin |
WinPanel.Visible := Pal.ItemIndex = 0; |
JskPanel.Visible := Pal.ItemIndex = 1; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.PalClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
ZeigeRichtigePalette; |
SchreibeInt('Palette', Pal.ItemIndex); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WinDialogClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
WinColorDialog.Color := ColorPanel.Color; |
if WinColorDialog.Execute then |
LadeFarbe(WinColorDialog.Color); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WebcolorBoxClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
html.Text := webfarben[webcolorbox.ItemIndex]; |
R.OnChange := nil; |
G.OnChange := nil; |
B.OnChange := nil; |
R.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 2, 2), r); |
G.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 4, 2), g); |
B.Position := hextoint(copy(html.text, 6, 2), b); |
R.OnChange := Change; |
G.OnChange := Change; |
B.OnChange := Change; |
DrawGrad(1); |
DrawGrad(2); |
DrawGrad(3); |
DrawGrad(4); |
DrawGrad(5); |
DrawGrad(6); |
AktualisiereWert(r); |
AktualisiereWert(g); |
AktualisiereWert(b); |
// WebcolorBox muss nicht mehr ignoriert werden, da wir nun "WebZustimmend" |
// verwenden und nichts mehr in der WebcolorBox markieren |
// AktualisiereFarben(true, 2); |
AktualisiereFarben(true); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.CheckWebfarben; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
WebZutreffend.Clear; |
if webcolorbox.itemindex <> -1 then |
if html.text <> webfarben[webcolorbox.itemindex] then |
webcolorbox.itemindex := -1; |
for i := 0 to high(webfarben) do |
begin |
if html.text = webfarben[i] then |
WebZutreffend.Items.add(webcolorbox.Items.Strings[i]); // Geht nicht mit mehreren Übereinstimmungen: webcolorbox.ItemIndex := i; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.CheckDelphiFarben; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
DelphiZutreffend.Clear; |
if colortorgb(delphibox.selected) <> colortorgb(colorpanel.Color) then |
delphibox.ItemIndex := -1; |
for i := 0 to delphibox.Items.Count - 1 do |
begin |
if colortorgb(delphibox.Colors[i]) = colortorgb(colorpanel.Color) then |
DelphiZutreffend.Items.add(delphibox.ColorNames[i]); // Geht nicht mit mehreren Übereinstimmungen: delphibox.ItemIndex := i; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.DelphiZutreffendClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if delphizutreffend.ItemIndex <> -1 then |
delphibox.ItemIndex := delphibox.Items.IndexOf(delphizutreffend.Items.Strings[delphizutreffend.ItemIndex]); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.WebZutreffendClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if webzutreffend.ItemIndex <> -1 then |
webcolorbox.ItemIndex := webcolorbox.Items.IndexOf(webzutreffend.Items.Strings[webzutreffend.ItemIndex]); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.LinkClick(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
if sender = info7 then |
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', pchar('mailto:'+tlabel(sender).caption+'?subject=ColorManager 2.0'), nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
if (sender = Info9) or (sender = Info13) then |
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', pchar(Info9.caption), nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
if (sender = Info11) then |
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', 'http://www.icq.com/people/about_me.php?uin=160106169', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
if (sender = Info14) then |
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', 'http://www.viathinksoft.de/', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
if (sender = Info15) then |
ShellExecute(Application.Handle, 'open', 'http://www.viathinksoft.de/index.php?page=projektanzeige&seite=projekt-20', nil, nil, SW_SHOW); |
end; |
var |
ColorTmrDurchlauf: integer; |
procedure TMainForm.ColorTmrTimer(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
ColorTmrDurchlauf :=ColorTmrDurchlauf + 10; |
if ColorTmrDurchlauf >= 360 then |
ColorTmrDurchlauf := ColorTmrDurchlauf - 360; |
if panel4.Visible then |
Info1.Font.Color := hsvtorgb(ColorTmrDurchlauf, 255, 200); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.SchreibeInt(name: string; wert: integer); |
var |
reg: TRegistry; |
begin |
reg := tregistry.Create; |
try |
Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\ViaThinkSoft\ColorManager\', true); |
Reg.WriteInteger(name, wert); |
Reg.CloseKey; |
finally |
Reg.Free; |
end; |
end; |
function TMainForm.LeseInt(name: string): integer; |
var |
reg: TRegistry; |
begin |
result := 0; |
reg := tregistry.Create; |
try |
Reg.OpenKey('SOFTWARE\ViaThinkSoft\ColorManager\', true); |
if Reg.ValueExists(name) then |
result := Reg.ReadInteger(name); |
Reg.CloseKey; |
finally |
Reg.Free; |
end; |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.SaveEditChange(Sender: TObject); |
begin |
SchreibeInt(tedit(sender).GetNamePath, strtoint(tedit(sender).text)); |
end; |
procedure TMainForm.ColorClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton; |
Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); |
var |
MausPos: TPoint; |
begin |
PopupMenuSender := sender; |
GetCursorPos(MausPos); |
Popupmenu.Items.Items[0].Enabled := sender <> MixedColor; |
Popupmenu.Items.Items[2].Enabled := sender <> MixedColor; |
popupmenu.Popup(MausPos.x, MausPos.y); |
end; |
end. |