/Icon.ico |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
Property changes: |
Deleted: svn:mime-type |
-application/octet-stream |
\ No newline at end of property |
/ExtractorMain.pas |
1,10 → 1,8 |
unit ExtractorMain; |
// TODO: Implement ExtractionTarget switch |
// todo: compilerswitch, der auch selectdirectory() anzeigt (ohne foldercreate) |
interface |
11,7 → 9,7 |
uses |
Windows, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, Forms, Dialogs, StdCtrls, ShellAPI, |
ExtCtrls, ComCtrls, ZipMstr19, ZMMsgStr19, ZMMsg19, ZMDelZip19, |
ZMCompat19, SFXBehavior; |
ZMCompat19, SFXBehavior, ShlObj; |
type |
TOverwriteDecision = (odUndefined, odOverwriteAll, odOverwriteNothing); |
150,11 → 148,13 |
s: string; |
ec: Integer; |
ar: TExecuteSFXAutoRunResult; |
GeneralBaseDir: string; |
resourcestring |
Lng_Aborted = 'Der laufende Prozess wurde abgebrochen. Das extrahierten Dateien sind somit unvollständig.'; |
Lng_Zip_Error = 'ZIP-Master Fehler "%s" (%d)'; |
Lng_AutoRunFailed = 'SFX-AutoRun fehlgeschlagen. Die entpackten Inhalte werden nun angezeigt.'; |
Lng_Unknown_Error = 'Unbekannter Fehler: Dateien sind nicht aufzufinden!'; |
Lng_SelectDir = 'Bitte wählen Sie ein Verzeichnis zum Extrahieren aus. Es wird maximal 1 Datei bzw. Ordner erstellt!'; |
begin |
AZipfile := ExpandUNCFileName(AZipfile); |
RenamingOldPrefix := ''; |
184,10 → 184,34 |
uz.OnCheckTerminate := ArcCheckTerminate; |
uz.OnPasswordError := ArcPassword; |
uz.PasswordReqCount := MaxTries; |
// TODO: Mehr events? |
uz.OnSkipped := SkipEvent; |
uz.OnSetExtName := ArcExtFNChange; |
// TODO: Mehr events? |
// Find out base dirtory |
GeneralBaseDir := ''; |
case zb.ExtractionTarget of |
etExtractHere: |
begin |
GeneralBaseDir := ExtractFilePath(AZipfile); // Default |
end; |
etDesktop: |
begin |
GeneralBaseDir := GetSpecialFolderPath(CSIDL_DESKTOP); |
end; |
etAsk: |
begin |
if not AdvSelectDirectory(Lng_SelectDir, '', GeneralBaseDir, False, False, True) then |
begin |
Exit; |
end; |
end; |
end; |
GeneralBaseDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(GeneralBaseDir); |
// Semantic scanning of ZIP to determinate the final extraction directory |
l := TStringList.Create; |
try |
// Count the root objects (files OR dirs) in the ZIP |
202,23 → 226,25 |
else if l.Count = 1 then |
begin |
// 1 Object = Extract it right here! |
s := ExtractFilePath(AZipfile) + l.Strings[0]; |
BaseDir := ExtractFilePath(AZipfile); |
RenamingOldPrefix := StripBaseDir(S); |
BaseDir := GeneralBaseDir; |
s := BaseDir + l.Strings[0]; |
RenamingOldPrefix := l.Strings[0]; // = StripBaseDir(S); |
if zb.ConflictBehavior = cbAvoid then |
begin |
s := SearchNextFreeName(s); |
s := SearchNextFreeName(s, LooksLikeDir(s)); |
end; |
// TODO: helloworld.exe schlägt fehl! |
RenamingNewPrefix := StripBaseDir(S); // We need to change the name! |
RenamingNewPrefix := StripBaseDir(s); |
end |
else |
begin |
// 2+ Objects = Extract them in a separate folder |
s := ChangeFileExt(AZipfile, ''); |
s := GeneralBaseDir + ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(AZipfile) + PathDelim; |
if zb.ConflictBehavior = cbAvoid then |
begin |
s := SearchNextFreeName(s); |
s := SearchNextFreeName(s, true); |
MkDir(s); |
end |
else |
229,7 → 255,7 |
end; |
BaseDir := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(BaseDir); |
uz.ExtrBaseDir := BaseDir; // TODO: andere ordner erlauben |
uz.ExtrBaseDir := BaseDir; |
// Pre-Extract-Dialog |
329,8 → 355,7 |
var FileName: TZMString; const BaseDir: TZMString; |
var IsChanged: Boolean); |
begin |
if RenamingOldPrefix = RenamingOldPrefix then Exit; |
if RenamingOldPrefix = RenamingNewPrefix then Exit; |
FileName := RenamingNewPrefix + Copy(FileName, 1+Length(RenamingOldPrefix), Length(FileName)-Length(RenamingOldPrefix)); |
IsChanged := true; |
end; |
451,9 → 476,6 |
resourcestring |
Lng_Extracting = 'Extrahiere Dateien. Bitte warten...'; |
begin |
Caption := Caption + ' (Debug)'; |
{$ENDIF} |
WaitLabel.Caption := Lng_Extracting; |
WaitLabel.Left := progressBar.Width div 2 - WaitLabel.Width div 2; |
CurrentFileLabel.Caption := ''; |
500,6 → 522,10 |
{$ENDIF} |
procedure TMainForm.AutoTimerTimer(Sender: TObject); |
resourcestring |
Lng_NakedSFX = 'Das selbstentpackende Archiv (SFX) beschädigt oder ungültig. Wenn Sie diese Datei aus dem Internet bezogen haben, laden Sie sie bitte erneut herunter.'; |
Lng_FileNotFound = 'Die durch Parameter angegebene Datei "%s" kann nicht gefunden werden!'; |
Lng_TooManyArguments = 'Zu viele Argumente!'; |
begin |
AutoTimer.Enabled := false; |
508,7 → 534,21 |
{$ENDIF} |
try |
if IsExtractable(ParamStr(0)) then |
begin |
ExtractZipHere(ParamStr(0)); |
end |
else |
begin |
// Der Extractor ist "nackt" oder das SFX beschädigt |
if ParamCount = 0 then |
begin |
MessageDlg(Lng_NakedSFX, mtError, [mbOk], 0); |
end |
else if ParamCount = 1 then |
begin |
// In diesem Zustand erlauben wir, fremde SFX zu entpacken (auch für Debugging-Zwecke) |
if FileExists(ParamStr(1)) then |
begin |
ExtractZipHere(ParamStr(1)); |
515,15 → 555,17 |
end |
else |
begin |
{$ENDIF} |
ExtractZipHere(ParamStr(0)); |
MessageDlg(Lng_FileNotFound, mtError, [mbOk], 0); |
end; |
{$ENDIF} |
end |
else if ParamCount = 2 then |
begin |
// Future: Mehr als nur 1 Parameter erlauben? |
MessageDlg(Lng_TooManyArguments, mtError, [mbOk], 0); |
end; |
end; |
finally |
AbortUnzip := true; // Damit es zu keiner Abfrage kommt |
AbortUnzip := true; // Damit es zu keiner Abfrage in OnCloseQuery kommt |
Close; |
end; |
end; |
/SFXBehavior.pas |
41,7 → 41,7 |
C_ASFX_ET_DES = 'AutoSFX Extraction Target: Extract to Desktop'; |
C_ASFX_ET_ASK = 'AutoSFX Extraction Target: Choose directory'; |
EINRUECK = '> '; // Optional |
EINRUECK = '> '; // Optional to all C_ASFX |
const |
CB_DEFAULT = cbAvoid; |
109,12 → 109,15 |
function StripBehavior(c: string): string; |
procedure StripIt(s: string); |
procedure StripIt(s: string; allowEinrueck: boolean); |
begin |
if allowEinrueck then |
begin |
c := StringReplace(c, EINRUECK + s+#13#10, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
c := StringReplace(c, EINRUECK + s+#13, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
c := StringReplace(c, EINRUECK + s+#10, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
c := StringReplace(c, EINRUECK + s, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
end; |
c := StringReplace(c, s+#13#10, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
c := StringReplace(c, s+#13, '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); |
123,20 → 126,20 |
end; |
begin |
StripIt(C_SIGNATURE, false); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_AVO); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_OVR); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_NEW); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_ASK); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_AVO, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_OVR, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_NEW, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CB_ASK, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_NON); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_BEF); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_AFT); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_NON, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_BEF, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_CP_AFT, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_HER); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_DES); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_ASK); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_HER, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_DES, true); |
StripIt(C_ASFX_ET_ASK, true); |
result := c; |
end; |
/MakeSFX.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/td.txt |
1,3 → 1,9 |
- ein besseres win7 highres icon machen? |
- spanned sfx possible? |
test 2files, 1file, 1folder |
righttrim on commentwindow |
Delphi 6: Projekteinstellungen prüfen. Debugging bei Extractor aus |
Versioninfo für alle Projekte |
MakeSFX.ico auch in 16x16 (ref: cdfview.dll) |
/Functions.pas |
3,7 → 3,8 |
interface |
uses |
Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ShellAPI; |
Forms, Windows, Classes, SysUtils, ShellAPI, ShlObj, ActiveX, |
ZipMstr19, ZmUtils19; |
type |
TLineBreak = (lbWindows, lbLinux, lbMac); |
15,7 → 16,12 |
function GetTempDirectory: String; |
function NormalizeLineBreaks(s: string; mode: TLineBreak): string; |
function ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(const fil: string): string; |
function SearchNextFreeName(s: string): string; |
function SearchNextFreeName(s: string; wantDir: boolean): string; |
function AdvSelectDirectory(const Caption: string; const Root: WideString; |
var Directory: string; EditBox: Boolean = False; ShowFiles: Boolean = False; |
AllowCreateDirs: Boolean = True): Boolean; |
function GetSpecialFolderPath(const Folder: integer): string; |
function IsExtractable(AFilename: string): boolean; |
implementation |
150,7 → 156,7 |
result := Copy(ExtractFileName(fil), 1, Length(ExtractFileName(fil))-Length(ExtractFileExt(fil))); |
end; |
function SearchNextFreeName(s: string): string; |
function SearchNextFreeName(s: string; wantDir: boolean): string; |
var |
i: integer; |
begin |
157,27 → 163,172 |
if not FileExists(s) and not DirectoryExists(s) then |
begin |
result := s; |
if wantDir then result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(result); |
Exit; |
end; |
i := 2; |
if FileExists(s) then |
if wantDir then |
begin |
s := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(s); |
repeat |
result := Format('%s (%d)%s', [ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(s), i, ExtractFileExt(s)]); |
result := Format('%s (%d)', [s, i]); |
inc(i); |
until not DirectoryExists(result); |
until not DirectoryExists(result) and not FileExists(result); |
result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(result); |
end |
else if DirectoryExists(s) then |
else |
begin |
s := ExcludeTrailingPathDelimiter(s); |
repeat |
result := Format('%s (%d)', [s, i]); |
result := Format('%s (%d)%s', [ExtractFilePath(s)+ExtractFileNameWithoutExt(s), i, ExtractFileExt(s)]); |
inc(i); |
until not DirectoryExists(result); // Todo: Legt man sich hier nun auf einen ordnernamen fest??? |
result := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(result); |
until not DirectoryExists(result) and not FileExists(result); |
end; |
end; |
{ |
This code shows the SelectDirectory dialog with additional expansions: |
- an edit box, where the user can type the path name, |
- also files can appear in the list, |
- a button to create new directories. |
Dieser Code zeigt den SelectDirectory-Dialog mit zusätzlichen Erweiterungen: |
- eine Edit-Box, wo der Benutzer den Verzeichnisnamen eingeben kann, |
- auch Dateien können in der Liste angezeigt werden, |
- eine Schaltfläche zum Erstellen neuer Verzeichnisse. |
Ref: http://www.swissdelphicenter.ch/de/showcode.php?id=1802 |
} |
function AdvSelectDirectory(const Caption: string; const Root: WideString; |
var Directory: string; EditBox: Boolean = False; ShowFiles: Boolean = False; |
AllowCreateDirs: Boolean = True): Boolean; |
// callback function that is called when the dialog has been initialized |
//or a new directory has been selected |
// Callback-Funktion, die aufgerufen wird, wenn der Dialog initialisiert oder |
//ein neues Verzeichnis selektiert wurde |
function SelectDirCB(Wnd: HWND; uMsg: UINT; lParam, lpData: lParam): Integer; |
stdcall; |
// var |
// PathName: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; |
begin |
case uMsg of |
BFFM_INITIALIZED: SendMessage(Wnd, BFFM_SETSELECTION, Ord(True), Integer(lpData)); |
// include the following comment into your code if you want to react on the |
//event that is called when a new directory has been selected |
// binde den folgenden Kommentar in deinen Code ein, wenn du auf das Ereignis |
//reagieren willst, das aufgerufen wird, wenn ein neues Verzeichnis selektiert wurde |
begin |
SHGetPathFromIDList(PItemIDList(lParam), @PathName); |
// the directory "PathName" has been selected |
// das Verzeichnis "PathName" wurde selektiert |
end;} |
end; |
Result := 0; |
end; |
var |
WindowList: Pointer; |
BrowseInfo: TBrowseInfo; |
Buffer: PChar; |
RootItemIDList, ItemIDList: PItemIDList; |
ShellMalloc: IMalloc; |
IDesktopFolder: IShellFolder; |
Eaten, Flags: LongWord; |
const |
// necessary for some of the additional expansions |
// notwendig für einige der zusätzlichen Erweiterungen |
BIF_USENEWUI = $0040; |
begin |
Result := False; |
if not DirectoryExists(Directory) then |
Directory := ''; |
FillChar(BrowseInfo, SizeOf(BrowseInfo), 0); |
if (ShGetMalloc(ShellMalloc) = S_OK) and (ShellMalloc <> nil) then |
begin |
Buffer := ShellMalloc.Alloc(MAX_PATH); |
try |
RootItemIDList := nil; |
if Root <> '' then |
begin |
SHGetDesktopFolder(IDesktopFolder); |
IDesktopFolder.ParseDisplayName(Application.Handle, nil, |
POleStr(Root), Eaten, RootItemIDList, Flags); |
end; |
OleInitialize(nil); |
with BrowseInfo do |
begin |
hwndOwner := Application.Handle; |
pidlRoot := RootItemIDList; |
pszDisplayName := Buffer; |
lpszTitle := PChar(Caption); |
// defines how the dialog will appear: |
// legt fest, wie der Dialog erscheint: |
BIF_EDITBOX * Ord(EditBox) or BIF_BROWSEINCLUDEFILES * Ord(ShowFiles) or |
BIF_NOCREATEDIRS * Ord(not AllowCreateDirs); |
lpfn := @SelectDirCB; |
if Directory <> '' then |
lParam := Integer(PChar(Directory)); |
end; |
WindowList := DisableTaskWindows(0); |
try |
ItemIDList := ShBrowseForFolder(BrowseInfo); |
finally |
EnableTaskWindows(WindowList); |
end; |
Result := ItemIDList <> nil; |
if Result then |
begin |
ShGetPathFromIDList(ItemIDList, Buffer); |
ShellMalloc.Free(ItemIDList); |
Directory := Buffer; |
end; |
finally |
ShellMalloc.Free(Buffer); |
end; |
end; |
end; |
function GetSpecialFolderPath(const Folder: integer): string; |
var |
PIDL: PItemIDList; |
Path: array[0..MAX_PATH] of char; |
Malloc: IMalloc; |
begin |
Path := ''; |
if Succeeded((SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, Folder, PIDL))) then |
if (SHGetPathFromIDList(PIDL, Path)) then |
if Succeeded(ShGetMalloc(Malloc)) then |
begin |
Malloc.Free(PIDL); |
Malloc := nil; |
end; |
Result := Path; |
end; |
function IsExtractable(AFilename: string): boolean; |
var |
q: integer; |
uz: TZipMaster19; |
begin |
// TODO: Ist die Funktion gut? Fraglich, ob EOC64 ein Teil von EOC ist. |
uz := TZipMaster19.Create(nil); |
try |
q := uz.QueryZip(AFilename); |
result := true; |
if (q and zqbHasLocal) <> zqbHasLocal then result := false; |
if (q and zqbHasCentral) <> zqbHasCentral then result := false; |
if ((q and zqbHasEOC) <> zqbHasEOC) and |
((q and zqbHasEOC64) <> zqbHasEOC) then result := false; |
finally |
uz.Free; |
end; |
end; |
end. |
/Extractor.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/Tools/RemoveSignature.exe |
Cannot display: file marked as a binary type. |
svn:mime-type = application/octet-stream |
/ExtractorPassword.dfm |
7,7 → 7,11 |
ClientHeight = 140 |
ClientWidth = 290 |
Color = clBtnFace |
ParentFont = True |
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
OldCreateOrder = True |
Position = poMainFormCenter |
OnShow = FormShow |
16,7 → 20,7 |
object PwEnterLabel: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 56 |
Width = 120 |
Width = 117 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = 'Bitte Passwort eingeben.' |
end |
23,7 → 27,7 |
object FileLabel: TLabel |
Left = 8 |
Top = 6 |
Width = 29 |
Width = 28 |
Height = 13 |
Caption = 'Datei:' |
end |
/ExtractorComment.dfm |
5,10 → 5,10 |
ClientHeight = 499 |
ClientWidth = 521 |
Color = clBtnFace |
Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET |
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'Tahoma' |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
OldCreateOrder = False |
Position = poMainFormCenter |
38,7 → 38,13 |
Height = 25 |
Caption = 'OK' |
Default = True |
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
ModalResult = 1 |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 0 |
end |
object CancelBtn: TButton |
48,7 → 54,13 |
Height = 25 |
Cancel = True |
Caption = 'Abbrechen' |
Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET |
Font.Color = clWindowText |
Font.Height = -11 |
Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif' |
Font.Style = [] |
ModalResult = 2 |
ParentFont = False |
TabOrder = 1 |
end |
end |
/Extractor.bdsproj |
130,7 → 130,7 |
<Directories Name="UsePackages">False</Directories> |
</Directories> |
<Parameters> |
<Parameters Name="RunParams">helloworld.exe</Parameters> |
<Parameters Name="RunParams">single_file.zip</Parameters> |
<Parameters Name="HostApplication"></Parameters> |
<Parameters Name="Launcher"></Parameters> |
<Parameters Name="UseLauncher">False</Parameters> |
173,7 → 173,6 |
<VersionInfoKeys Name="Webseite">www.viathinksoft.de</VersionInfoKeys> |
<VersionInfoKeys Name="Projektleiter">Daniel Marschall - www.daniel-marschall.de</VersionInfoKeys> |
</VersionInfoKeys> |
<Excluded_Packages> |
<Excluded_Packages Name="c:\programme\borland\bds\4.0\Bin\dclib100.bpl">Borland InterBase Express Components</Excluded_Packages> |
<Excluded_Packages Name="c:\programme\borland\bds\4.0\Bin\dclIntraweb_80_100.bpl">Intraweb 8.0 Design Package for Borland Development Studio 2006</Excluded_Packages> |