Subversion Repositories oidplus


Rev 448 | Rev 451 | Go to most recent revision | Details | Compare with Previous | Last modification | View Log | RSS feed

Rev Author Line No. Line
2 daniel-mar 1
239 daniel-mar 2
412 daniel-mar 3
- At a lot of forms, if you press "enter", the "form" will not be submitted (e.g. "create ra" plugin), cannot reproduce?
355 daniel-mar 4
- Create a possibility to invoke cronjobs (VTS registration / automatic publishing) via crontab?
412 daniel-mar 5
- Publish RFC!
239 daniel-mar 6
448 daniel-mar 7
- Create a "Theme" plugin that combines "Colors" and "Design".
- Make a feature-interface to manipulate the CSS URL?
	Attention: JS function test_color_theme() has an hardcoded set of parameters and does not follow the arguments set in index.php!
374 daniel-mar 12
318 daniel-mar 13
- Admin plugin "Attachments" with following functionalities:
	* Show every object and its attachments, so that the admin knows what's going on
	  (Alternatively they can just look in the userdata directory using FTP)
	* Give the ability to enable/disable RA uploading/deleting
	  (Alternatively they need to do it in the configuration module and enter '0' and '1' by hand)
374 daniel-mar 18
- Make a plugin that shows warning from plugins (via "feature-interface"), e.g. the registration plugin could warn that CURL is not working correctly etc.
	But it should also have JavaScript components, e.g. check if dev/ and other confidential folders can be accessed (see code in setup/)
331 daniel-mar 20
- Excel/CSV import tool for bulk data import (as alternative to XML import. Maybe previous Excel->XML import tool?)
318 daniel-mar 21
432 daniel-mar 22
- Implement other OAuth providers?
- When someone is logged in using OAuth or LDAP, we must prohibit that the user changes their email address,
  because this would make him lose his account and OIDs, since the account is *NOT* linked to the OAuth/LDAP uid, but to the email address!!!
308 daniel-mar 27
399 daniel-mar 28
- mce dirty flag: call performCloseQueryCB()/performCloseCB(), if ...
	OK:   The page (browser tab) is about to be closed or the page is reloaded
	      => TinyMCE uses the window.onbeforeunload event
	TODO: The browser navigation buttons are clicked
	      => This only works PARTIALLY. Preventing popstate() works and no data is lost,
	         but the browser will think that it was successful!!
	OK:   When a node at the jsTree is clicked (conditional select)
	OK:   In the openOidInPanel() function, i.e. when you enter something into the goto-bar.
- critical bug: open page, edit tiny mce, click save. Then F5 reload (not Ctrl+F5): then the old content is there again. Except if you press Ctrl+F5
	(cannot be reproduced anymore? tested with firefox and chrome)
402 daniel-mar 38
- TinyMCE "isDirty" does not correctly work on Internet Explorer: It always reports "dirty"
404 daniel-mar 39
	see bug
399 daniel-mar 40
- The "is dirty" check should also include the "Title" input box
308 daniel-mar 41
239 daniel-mar 42
201 daniel-mar 43
- webwhois: beside TXT/XML/JSON more output modi?  CSV, S/MIME  (and add the S/MIME keypurpose to the X.509 certificates)
239 daniel-mar 44
- whois query 'oid:' should show all root entries (subordinate entries), but there is only the message "not found"
43 daniel-mar 45
292 daniel-mar 46
157 daniel-mar 47
- There should be a "test database connection" button
314 daniel-mar 49
- implement support for external repos!!!
327 daniel-mar 52
- XML import: Let the user decide if existing OIDs shall be overwritten
- XML import: Let the user decide if RAs should be created
- XML import: Let the user decide if "created=now" should be set
- XML import: Waiting animation
- XML import: If output (errors) is too long, show them in a page rather than an alert() box
25 daniel-mar 59
446 daniel-mar 60
- Should plugins be able to change the "Content-Security-Policy" header (i.e. to include external JavaScripts frameworks)
366 daniel-mar 61
- Copyright notice:
	* Currently, we have "2019", "2020" and "2019-2020". Change them all to "2019 - 2020"
	* Copyright <BY> Daniel Marschall ("by" is missing)
267 daniel-mar 64
- RA address data: Country selection box like in OIDInfo
407 daniel-mar 65
	Possible data source:
183 daniel-mar 66
- offer signature checker tool to verify WHOIS responses
351 daniel-mar 67
- minimum menu expansion level: make it configurable for all objects and plugins, e.g. so that when you open OIDplus, all OIDs till level 2 are expanded
183 daniel-mar 68
- Revive the idea of "information objects" = OIDs that contain content
153 daniel-mar 69
- API : Make a function that checks if a RA exists, and use it everywhere where needed
256 daniel-mar 70
- Object type plugins : take care that "treeicon.png" and "icon_big.png" exist everywhere (become standard)
122 daniel-mar 71
- freeoid: gmail app does not hyperlink the activation URL. why?
- how to avoid invite spamming?
382 daniel-mar 73
- when a PHP error happens (i.e. the AJAX script did not manage to output a JSON), the AJAX script outputs "Error: SyntaxError: Unexpected token < in JSON at position 0" ... better show the user the actual message, or something more user-friendly at least
109 daniel-mar 74
- when login expired, remove entries in the treeview
256 daniel-mar 75
- disable specific functions (e.g. invite, login, rainfo, forgot password) if the plugins are not installed (check if class type is registered using class_exists())
351 daniel-mar 76
- <abbr> in <code> is double underlined; that's not good
- if you have multiple identifiers, how do you tell the system which identifier should be the preferred one?
25 daniel-mar 78
- show whois links only if folder "whois/" exists
46 daniel-mar 79
- disable autocomplete on some forms
379 daniel-mar 80
- graphical improvements of forms (input edits aligned)
68 daniel-mar 81
- "Documents" section: Make documentation for usage of OIDplus (for members only)
74 daniel-mar 82
- admin config mehr user friendly, e.g. having the enable/disable object type stuff (like in registration wizard) also in the admin control panel
351 daniel-mar 83
- it would be good if after the login, the opened nodes in the tree would stay open
- html checkbox: make use of "label for"
88 daniel-mar 85
- when javascript fails, the form will be submitted to './' , that is not good! failed javascript must return false, so that the form does not get submitted
- admin: show privacy entries from RAs (but grey, so you know that it is private)
351 daniel-mar 87
- admin should be able to edit contact data of a foreign RA [XXX isn't that already implemented?]
- freeoid: hide asn.1 and iri columns, because the RA is not allocating these identifiers?
- .... maybe we should have a list of OIDs where the OID does not allocate ASN.1/IRI identifiers... then we can also make use of the OID-WHOIS attributes
379 daniel-mar 90
- Privacy flag of RAs: Should there be more privacy levels, e.g. that you don't show your personal name etc.?
351 daniel-mar 91
- You should be able to change the "created" date for an object! Or maybe hide it completely if you don't know the original creation date?
- In the CRUD table, you should be able to see the name of the OID? But on the other hand, the title is not in the control of the Superior RA, and the CRUD table is actually the allocation table of the Superior RA.
- natOrder() does only work for OID namespace!!! other sort mechanisms are necessary for other object types
88 daniel-mar 94
- jstree select: automatically scroll down
351 daniel-mar 95
- things like RA: show more things, address, email etc.
360 daniel-mar 96
- note that we (and the RFC) talk about Objects, but actually OIDs only reference objects, but they are not the objects
379 daniel-mar 97
- Should,, oidinfo_api, etc. all be put into 3p/ (especially if they have an own ViaThinkSoft repository)?
	Note that external SVN repos need to be "hard coded" into includes/ and update/index.php
- Multilang
	* Not yet translated:
		- includes\classes\http_class.class.php [Problem: This is a third-party code!]
		- includes\classes\phpsvnclient.class.php [Problem: This is a third-party code!]
		- plugins\publicPages\100_whois\whois\index.php [Problem: This page is kinda standalone and does not include the OIDplus code]
		- 3p\vts_fileformats\fileformats.conf [Problem: This is a third-party code!]
		- includes\classes\VtsBrowserDownload.class.php [Problem: This is a third-party code!]
	* Is there some useful German translation of the Apache 2.0 license?
382 daniel-mar 107
- WEID UUID: das UUID 2.25/GUID pendant zeigen als alternative id
412 daniel-mar 108
- When an OID is edited/added/deleted, don't reload the whole tree. Instead, just change the tree! This looks much more fluid.
2 daniel-mar 109
239 daniel-mar 110
264 daniel-mar 111
- SQLite3: Implement Natural OID sorting (natSort)
382 daniel-mar 112
- make usage of Foreign Keys
	PROBLEM: we need foreign keys with no check, because
	a) we want to keep log entries even if an object/user is deleted
	b) log_user.username can also be 'admin' (and therefore not be a foreign key to table 'ra')
	c) not every object should have a registered RA. There should be "unknown" RAs where only the email address is known
239 daniel-mar 117
25 daniel-mar 118
112 daniel-mar 119
- make use of Composer. Problems:
  * What if composer installs a version of a component, which is incompatible?
  * We need a new publishing script, because simply checking out SVN is not enough anymore. The user needs to execute composer. But what is if the user don't have composer (or dont have shell access at all?)
104 daniel-mar 122
- implement sitemaps xml
88 daniel-mar 123
- admin should be able to change wellknown oids?
2 daniel-mar 124
- move oid to different arc
351 daniel-mar 125
- for very large arcs (e.g. PEN): maybe you should not show everything in the tree select?
- support for ORS?
- "Cutting Edge Technologie": AJAX, JSON, completely UTF-8, CRUD frameworks, PDO, HTML5, Mobile Design, Pure CSS, Autoloading, Object Oriented (maybe not MVC, though), Testing, ...
64 daniel-mar 128
- "Search" plugin: Feature to search inside documentation (doc/ directory)
104 daniel-mar 129
- "Search" plugin: I want to search in all object types and RAs. Not first select the type.
88 daniel-mar 130
- How can we make sure that example objects are not exported using export?
- Administrator-Interface: enable and disable object types
161 daniel-mar 132
- detailled change-history of each oid
2 daniel-mar 133
115 daniel-mar 134
382 daniel-mar 135
- BUG! Ra ist logged in, dann wird sie gelöscht => die RA kann trotzdem die OIDs bearbeiten!
144 daniel-mar 136
- OIDplus does not work in Safari Mobile!
	1. You cannot scroll the OID grid, as the scrolling affects the whole page, not the grid.
	2. JQueryUI sliders cannot be dragged
115 daniel-mar 139
104 daniel-mar 140
351 daniel-mar 141
- should there be more than one admin?
410 daniel-mar 142
- should there more than one person be able to manage an OID? (multiple emails per "RA" ?)
88 daniel-mar 143
- record first RA and current RA => X.660 does not have this requirement
- markers DRAFT, LEAF and FROZEN etc. => use "Protected" if you want to make it invisible
320 daniel-mar 145
- Giving the "goto" argument OIDs instead of names, so that there are no conflict
  with plugin vendors (like it was done with the "plugin" argument at ajax.php)
	Rejected due to following reasons:
	a) The "goto" parameter should usually be human readable (especially since it is shown at the right top)...
	   Having a ViaThinkSoft OID there might get the user confused because they could think that the
	   page is a OID page request for that OID instead of a plugin page.
	b) Vendors should use something like "?goto=oidplus:com.example...."
2 daniel-mar 152
433 daniel-mar 153
- prune logs entries? automatically prune things like "logged in" but not prune OID changes, etc?
- admin logs: don't show all logs. load more log entries as soon as the page is scrolled down
- is it possible that LFI/RFI attacks fill the log files? This is not good!
- when user changed email from "A" => "B", then all previous log events for "A" are not visible for "B" anymore!
	=> should we also change the log entry email address references when the user changes their email address?
4 daniel-mar 160
426 daniel-mar 161
- Should object types be able to add additional sub-nodes/pages into the tree,
  which are not "real" objects?
  => currently OIDplusMenuUtils::tree_populate() handles the object tree loading
     ... but shouldn't this task do the plugin publicPages/000_objects ?
     ... then we could establish an API which can give object type plugins the possibility to add additional children
407 daniel-mar 166
- Host/Domain ObjectType?
- Hide/Proxy RA E-Mails from public requests
382 daniel-mar 168
- let users choose their own creation arc
- system guid (name based pubkey)?
368 daniel-mar 170
- In regards multilinguality: Allow "oidplus_base$dede.css", so that languages can have their own CSS (e.g. wider "Go" button)
	But this means that a language change also need to reload the style sheet (like the color-plugin does when you click "Test")
211 daniel-mar 172
- when a new oid is created, should we redirect to the newly created OID, so that the user can begin entering the description etc?
184 daniel-mar 173
- when an object was not found, the error message could show the next possible known object (like WebWHOIS does)
183 daniel-mar 174
- the "goto" quickbar (at the top right) could also be used to search something ...
- ... alternatively, the "object not found" error page could link to the search plugin
142 daniel-mar 176
- make color plugin available for everyone. Admin may permanently save the colors, but users should be able to set their own theme, saved via cookies
4 daniel-mar 177
- there should be a form where an RA can request an invitation, even if the superior RA did not invite them.
  the fact that a RA exists in the Object Table should permit the RA to invite theirself.
13 daniel-mar 179
- make a list of OIDs that do not assign ASN1/IRI identifiers (e.g. IANA PEN or ViaThinkSoft FreeOID), then reject any identifier the user provides
26 daniel-mar 180
- sanitize IPv4, IPv6, GUID during creation
	bei IPv4 und IPv6: - if it is a single host address, don't put /32 or /128 suffix
	                   - strike unnecessary bits that are not defined in the netmask (also at the whois output)
144 daniel-mar 183
- let the sysadmin decide if they want the title be "systemtitle - object title" or "object title - systemtitle"
- should a RA be able to mark their own oid as confidential, instead of asking the superior RA?
351 daniel-mar 185
- should there be an OIDplus project page at instead of a "naked" system?
165 daniel-mar 186
- vendor signature to plugins + viathinksoft signatures + "check" program if all signatures match
181 daniel-mar 187
- have a menu item (plugin) "latest updates" which lists OIDs that have been changed or added recently?
204 daniel-mar 188
- (unsure:) would it be good if the superior RA comment is shown in the object page itself?
385 daniel-mar 189
- Protect attachments with a password? (Information objects?)
397 daniel-mar 190
- IPv4/IPv6 plugin: Should we allow that private IPs are put into categories (e.g. phyical locations?)
4 daniel-mar 191
104 daniel-mar 192
4 daniel-mar 193
- should the collation be case sensitive or case insensitive? For Java package names, it should be case senstivie
351 daniel-mar 194
- use word "guid" or "uuid"?
61 daniel-mar 195
- should "OID updated" be split into two categories "updated by superior" (e.g. identifiers) and "updated by owner" (description etc)?
351 daniel-mar 196
- Don't renew "updated" field if you just click "Update" but didn't change anything (e.g. because you just wanted to send an invitation again)
63 daniel-mar 197
- "Documents" section: Can base of URLs/images inside the HTML be changed automatically?
4 daniel-mar 198
214 daniel-mar 199
215 daniel-mar 200
- bring back "3p/cookiecontent"? DM 28 May 2019: Removed CookieConsent temporarily, because it is placed at the beginning of the page and therefore ruins the Google index ...
	=> We might not need it, because cookies are only set during login, and at the login page itself, we already warn about cookies, in addition to the Privacy documentation
379 daniel-mar 202
- Cookie law:
	Download CookieConsent code into _3p folder, do not hotlink it
	we need to log all consents
	do we need an explicit consent at the login form?
	do we need a consent for the cookie SSL_CHECK?
214 daniel-mar 207
16 daniel-mar 208
GUID Management
- Leaf nodes (GUIDs) should show/edit the Title in the CRUD, so you dont have to click the GUID to see the title
351 daniel-mar 210
- weird bug: when i edit "guid:oidplus", then, after reload the treeview after the update, "guid:activedirectory" will be opened. somehow, the last opened node will be opened during the reload?!