needs_download(1*60*60)) $x->download_exchange_rates(); // refresh data every hour $val = $x->convert_cur(100, 'EUR', 'RUB'); echo "100 EUR are $val RUB.\n"; */ # --- class CurCalcException extends Exception {} class CurrencyLayerException extends CurCalcException {} class CurCalc { protected $jsonfile = null; protected $apikey = null; protected $use_https = null; function __construct($jsonfile, $apikey, $use_https=true) { $this->jsonfile = $jsonfile; $this->apikey = $apikey; $this->use_https = $use_https; } public function exchange_rates_age() { $this->check_json_file_exists(); // return time() - filemtime($this->jsonfile); $cont = file_get_contents($this->jsonfile); $data = json_decode($cont, true); $this->check_data_ok($data); return time() - $data['timestamp']; } public function needs_download($max_age=-1) { if (!$this->check_json_file_exists(false)) { return true; } else if (!$this->check_data_ok(null, false)) { return true; } else if ($max_age == -1) { return false; } else { return $this->exchange_rates_age() > $max_age; } } private function check_json_file_exists($raise_exception=true) { if (!file_exists($this->jsonfile)) { if ($raise_exception) { throw new CurCalcException('JSON file '.$this->jsonfile.' not found. Please download it first.'); } else { return false; } } else { return true; } } private function check_data_ok($data, $raise_exception=true) { if (is_null($data)) { $ret = $this->check_json_file_exists($raise_exception); if ((!$raise_exception) && (!$ret)) return $ret; $cont = file_get_contents($this->jsonfile); $data = json_decode($cont, true); } if ((!isset($data['success'])) || ($data['success'] !== true)) { if ($raise_exception) { if (isset($data['error'])) throw new CurrencyLayerException($data['error']['code'] . ' : ' . $data['error']['info']); throw new CurCalcException('JSON file '.$this->jsonfile.' does not contain valid request data. Please download it again.'); } else { return false; } } return true; } public function download_exchange_rates() { // 1. Download $protocol = $this->use_https ? 'https' : 'http'; $cont = file_get_contents($protocol.'://'.$this->apikey); if (!$cont) throw new CurCalcException('Failed to download from CurrencyLayer.'); // 2. Test result $test_data = json_decode($cont, true); $this->check_data_ok($test_data); // 3. Save if (!file_put_contents($this->jsonfile, $cont)) throw new CurCalcException('Saving to '.$this->jsonfile.' failed.'); // 4. OK $this->cache_exchange_rates_ary = null; return 0; } private $cache_exchange_rates_ary = null; private function get_exchange_rates_ary() { if (!is_null($this->cache_exchange_rates_ary)) return $this->cache_exchange_rates_ary; $this->check_json_file_exists(); $data = json_decode(file_get_contents($this->jsonfile), true); $this->check_data_ok($data); $exchange_rates_ary = array(); $source = $data['source']; $quotes = $data['quotes']; $quotes[$source.$source] = 1; // "USDUSD" missing 06 Aug 2022. A bug?? Reported foreach ($quotes as $n => $v) { if ($source == substr($n, 0, 3)) { $exchange_rates_ary[substr($n, 3, 3)] = $v; // key: USDxxx=12.345 } } unset($quotes); asort($exchange_rates_ary); $this->cache_exchange_rates_ary = $exchange_rates_ary; return $exchange_rates_ary; } public function get_supported_currencies() { return array_keys($this->get_exchange_rates_ary()); } public function convert_cur($value, $from_cur, $to_cur) { $from_cur = strtoupper(trim($from_cur)); $to_cur = strtoupper(trim($to_cur)); if ($from_cur == $to_cur) return $value; $exchange_rates_ary = $this->get_exchange_rates_ary(); if (!isset($exchange_rates_ary[$from_cur])) throw new CurCalcException("Source curreny $from_cur not found in exchange data."); if (!isset($exchange_rates_ary[$to_cur])) throw new CurCalcException("Destination curreny $to_cur not found in exchange data."); return $value * $exchange_rates_ary[$to_cur]/$exchange_rates_ary[$from_cur]; } }