program MakeSFX; {$APPTYPE CONSOLE} {.$DEFINE BREAK_ON_CERT_FAILURE} {$DEFINE DELAY_ON_ERROR} uses SysUtils, Windows, Classes, ZipMstr19, Dialogs, Functions in 'Functions.pas', SFXBehavior in 'SFXBehavior.pas'; const Extractor_EXE = 'Extractor.exe'; SIGN_BAT = 'Tools\VTSSign.bat'; ZIP_EXE = 'Tools\zip.exe'; RemoveSignature_EXE = 'Tools\RemoveSignature.exe'; procedure DoMakeSFX(AFilename: string); var Dst: string; s1, s2: TFileStream; x: TZipMaster19; resourcestring LngErrorWhileCopy = 'Error: Could not copy "%s" to "%s".'; LngErrorWhileExecuting = 'Error while executing "%s".'; SourceFileNotFound = 'Source file "%s" not found.'; Lng_In = 'Input:'; Lng_Out = 'Output:'; Lng_RemoveSig = 'Remove signature of Extractor template...'; Lng_Append = 'Append ZIP to Extractor template...'; Lng_Adjust = 'Adjust the ZIP offset of the SFX...'; Lng_ModifyZIPComment = 'Modify ZIP Comment...'; Lng_SignSfx = 'Sign the SFX...'; Lng_Finished = 'Finished! :-)'; begin if not FileExists(AFilename) then begin WriteLn(Format(SourceFileNotFound, [AFilename])); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 1; Exit; end; Dst := ChangeFileExt(AFilename, '.exe'); WriteLn(Format(Lng_In+#9+'%s', [AFilename])); WriteLn(Format(Lng_Out+#9+'%s', [Dst])); WriteLn(''); if not RawFileCopy(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Extractor_EXE, Dst) then begin WriteLn(Format(LngErrorWhileCopy, [Extractor_EXE, Dst])); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 1; Exit; end; // Remove the signature of Extractor first (otherwise signing will fail later) WriteLn(#9 + Lng_RemoveSig); if not ShellExecuteAndWait(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + RemoveSignature_EXE, PChar('"' + ExpandUNCFileName(Dst) + '"')) then begin WriteLn(Format(LngErrorWhileExecuting, [RemoveSignature_EXE])); {$IFDEF BREAK_ON_CERT_FAILURE} DeleteFile(PChar(Dst)); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 1; Exit; {$ENDIF} end; WriteLn(#9 + Lng_Append); s1 := TFileStream.Create(Dst, fmOpenWrite); try s1.Seek(0, soEnd); s2 := TFileStream.Create(AFilename, fmOpenRead or fmShareDenyWrite); try s1.CopyFrom(s2, s2.Size); finally s2.Free; end; finally s1.Free; end; WriteLn(#9 + Lng_Adjust); if not ShellExecuteAndWait(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + ZIP_EXE, PChar('-A "' + ExpandUNCFileName(Dst) + '"')) then begin DeleteFile(PChar(Dst)); WriteLn(Format(LngErrorWhileExecuting, [ZIP_EXE])); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 1; Exit; end; WriteLn(#9 + Lng_ModifyZIPComment); x := TZipMaster19.Create(nil); try x.ZipFileName := Dst; // Correct CRLFs x.ZipComment := NormalizeLineBreaks(x.ZipComment, lbWindows); // Ensure we have 2 CRLF before old comment x.ZipComment := TrimRight(x.ZipComment); if x.ZipComment <> '' then begin x.ZipComment := x.ZipComment + #13#10 + #13#10; end; // Read, strip and re-add behavior (inclusive signature) x.ZipComment := RelocateBehaviorStringsToEnd(x.ZipComment); finally x.Free; end; // Read filesize + zip-comment length // (So we can later extend the zip-comment to include the certificate // => The archive is then not corrupt because of 'garbage' at the end) WriteLn(#9 + Lng_SignSfx); if not ShellExecuteAndWait(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + SIGN_BAT, PChar('"' + ExpandUNCFileName(Dst) + '"')) then begin WriteLn(Format(LngErrorWhileExecuting, [SIGN_BAT])); {$IFDEF BREAK_ON_CERT_FAILURE} DeleteFile(PChar(Dst)); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 1; Exit; {$ENDIF} end; WriteLn(#9 + Lng_Finished); WriteLn(''); end; {$R *.res} var i: integer; od: TOpenDialog; resourcestring Lng_Title = 'ViaThinkSoft AutoSFX'; Lng_Usage1 = 'Usage:'; Lng_Usage2 = 'MakeSFX [ []]'; ImportantFileNotFound = 'Error: Important file "%s" not found!'; begin WriteLn(Lng_Title); WriteLn(''); WriteLn(Lng_Usage1); WriteLn(Lng_Usage2); WriteLn(''); if not FileExists(ExtractFilePath(ParamStr(0)) + Extractor_EXE) then begin WriteLn(Format(ImportantFileNotFound, [Extractor_EXE])); {$IFDEF DELAY_ON_ERROR} Sleep(2000); {$ENDIF} ExitCode := 2; Exit; end; if ParamCount = 0 then begin od := TOpenDialog.Create(nil); try od.DefaultExt := '.zip'; od.Filter := 'ZIP-Archiv (*.zip)|*.zip|Alle Dateien (*.*)|*.*'; od.Options := [ofAllowMultiSelect, ofFileMustExist, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofEnableSizing]; if od.Execute then begin for i := 0 to od.Files.Count - 1 do begin DoMakeSFX(od.Files.Strings[i]); end; end; finally od.Free; end; end else begin for i := 1 to ParamCount do begin DoMakeSFX(ParamStr(i)); end; end; // TODO: Es gibt bei Win2000 außerhalb des debuggers eine AV... end.