program Extractor; { Warning: Extractor must be small, otherwise WinRAR will not recognize the ZIP which is appended to this file. So we MUST use UPX in PostBuild! } uses Forms, ExtractorMain in 'ExtractorMain.pas' {MainForm}, ExtractorPassword in 'ExtractorPassword.pas' {PasswordDlg}, ExtractorError in 'ExtractorError.pas' {ErrorForm}, ExtractorComment in 'ExtractorComment.pas' {CommentForm}, Functions in 'Functions.pas', SFXAutoRun in 'SFXAutoRun.pas', SFXBehavior in 'SFXBehavior.pas', BrowseFolder in 'BrowseFolder.pas'; {$R *.res} begin Application.Initialize; Application.Title := 'ViaThinkSoft AutoSFX Extractor'; Application.CreateForm(TMainForm, MainForm); Application.CreateForm(TPasswordDlg, PasswordDlg); Application.CreateForm(TErrorForm, ErrorForm); Application.CreateForm(TCommentForm, CommentForm); Application.Run; end.